Greek God Fact Files
Greek God Fact Files
Greek God Fact Files
Greek Gods
Zeus was the most powerful of all the gods. He was god of the
sky and the king of Olympus. His temper affected the weather,
and he threw thunderbolts when he was unhappy. He was
married to Hera. Zeus had the power to transform his shape.
He was ruler of all other gods and was seen
as powerful, strong and unpredictable.
Poseidon Ares
Poseidon was the god of the sea. Ares was the god of war. He
He was the most powerful god except for was cruel and a coward. His symbols
his brother, Zeus. He lived in a beautiful include the vulture and the dog and
palace under the sea and caused he often carried a bloody spear.
earthquakes when he was angry.
Did You Know?
Did You Know…? Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera.
Sailors would pray to His parents did not like him.
Poseidon before a voyage for
calm seas and safe passage.
Greek Gods Greek Gods
Aphrodite Hermes
Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, Hermes was the messenger god,
and the protector of sailors. She may have a trickster. He was the speediest
been the daughter of Zeus or she may have of all and he wore winged
risen from the sea on a shell. shoes.
Hades Athena
Hades was the god of the Underworld. Athena was the goddess of wisdom.
Zeus and Poseidon were his brothers. Her symbol was an owl.
He wore a helmet that could make
Did You Know?
him invisible.
Athena didn’t have a mum.
Did You Know? Instead, she was born fully
Hades had a three-headed dog grown out of Zeus’ head
called Cerberus who guarded the wearing armour.
Greek Gods Greek Gods
Hera Demeter
Hera was queen of the gods and the wife of Zeus. Demeter was goddess of agriculture and the
She was the goddess of marriage, families and harvest. She controlled the seasons and how
birth, acting as the protector of married women. well crops grew. Demeter taught mortal
She was known to be vengeful and often became men how to grow corn and farmers would
jealous of other goddesses, regularly turning pray to her to ask for a bountiful harvest.
her anger on mortals.
Did You Know?
Did You Know? It was believed that the barrenness
The peacock was Hera’s sacred animal and of winter was caused by Demeter’s sadness
a pair of peacocks pulled her chariot. over her daughter Persephone having to
live in the underworld with Hades during
these months.
Apollo Artemis
Apollo was the god of many things, including Artemis was goddess of the hunt, wild
the sun, music, poetry and art. He was the son animals and young girls. She was the
of Zeus and had a twin sister, Artemis. Apollo twin sister of Apollo and the daughter
played music for the other gods on his golden of Zeus. She would hunt using her bow
lyre. Apollo taught humans the art of medicine and arrows and have a hunting dog
and is sometimes referred to as ‘The Healer’. as companion. She is also sometimes
associated with the Moon.
Did You Know?
Apollo had the ability to heal people of disease Did You Know?
but just as often spread infection and disease to Artemis would punish anyone who hurt any
those who angered him animals sacred to her, including bears and stags.
using arrows.
Greek Gods Greek Gods
Hephaestus Dionysus
Hephaestus was the god of fire, metal Dionysus was the god of wine and
working and sculpture. He was the theatre and was the son of Zeus. He
son of Zeus and Hera and married to taught humans how to grow vines and
Aphrodite. He was a blacksmith and make wine and was said to be happy only
made all the weapons for the gods on during the harvest time.
Did You Know…?
Did You Know? Unlike many of the other Olympian gods,
Hephaestus had a forge under a volcano. Dionysus was a kind god and very generous
When it erupted, it was believed Hephaestus to humans, only very rarely showing his
was working. ability to be cruel.
Greek Gods
Hestia was goddess of the hearth and home.
She is the sister of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades,
Hera and Demeter. She was a very gentle
goddess and did not get involved in any
conflicts. Newborn children were presented
to hearths to honour Hestia and to receive
her blessing.