Greek Gods Infographic in Colorful Illustrative Style
Greek Gods Infographic in Colorful Illustrative Style
Greek Gods Infographic in Colorful Illustrative Style
Zeus Hera
King of the gods and ruler Hera is the queen of the gods
of Mount Olympus. He and goddesses, as well as the
wields thunderbolts and is goddess of marriage, childbirth,
associated with the sky, and family.
thunder, and lightning.
Poseidon Athena
Poseidon is a god who is Athena is the goddess of
associated with the sea, wisdom, courage and crafts. She
earthquakes, and horses. is often shown wearing a helmet
and carrying a shield, spear, and
Poseidon is often shown
an owl, which is a symbol of
holding a trident. wisdom.
Apollo Aphrodite
Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of
Apollo is the god of music, poetry,
love, beauty, pleasure, and
prophecy, and medicine, as well as
procreation. She was believed to
the protector of young men and the
have been born from the foam of
sun. He is often shown with a lye or
the sea and was often depicted as
bow and arrow.
a beautiful woman.
Hermes Artemis
Hermes is known for his speed and
agility, and he is often seen as a Artemis is the goddess of the
messenger between the gods and hunt, wilderness and childbirth.
mortals. He is often shown as a she is often shown carrying a
youthful god with wings sandals bow and arrows.
and a winged hat.
Ares Dionysus
Dionysus also known as Hestia
Ares is the Greek god of war
is the Greek goddess of the
and violence. He is often
hearth, home, and architecture.
depicted as a fierce warrior with
Hestia is often associated with
a helmet and armor, carrying a
spear and shield. warmth, hospitality, and the
family unit.
Hephaestus Demeter
Demeter is the goddess of
Hephaestus is a god of
fertility, agriculture, and the
metalworking, craftsmanship,
harvest. She is associated with
and fire. He created beautiful
the changing of the seasons,
and intricate objects, such as
particularly the transition from
weapons, armor, and jewelry. summer to autumn.
Norse Gods
Odin’s wife, Frigg, was a paragon
The supreme deity of Norse
of beauty, love, fertility and fate.
mythology and the greatest among
She was the mighty queen of
the Norse gods. Odin was the awe-
Asgard, a venerable Norse
inspiring ruler of Asgard. He was
the god of war. Borr is his father. goddess of the sky, who was
gifted with the power of divination
Frigg and Odin were the parents of The eloquent bard of Valhalla,
Balder, who was described as living Bragi is sometimes thought to be
between heaven and earth. Balder one of Odin's sons, although this
was the epitome of radiance, isn't a universally-endorsed claim.
beauty, kindness and fairness, and His name comes from the word
was the god of light and purity "bragr", which means "poetry"
Known as the Father of Monsters, Loki
was a mischievous god who could
Another disputed son of Odin, shape-shift and take up animalistic
Hermod was fastest of all the forms. He conceived a scheme to cause
gods and goddesses in Asgard, the death of Balder. Loki wasn’t actually
and was therefore their chosen the son of Odin and half-brother of Thor,
but was instead seen as a “blood
brother” to Odin.
Thor was Odin’s most widely-known
Freyr was the god of fertility and
son and the husband of the one of the most respected gods
goddess Sif.He was the protector of
of the Vanir clan. Freyr was a
humanity and the powerful god of
symbol of prosperity and
thunder, who wielded a dwarf-
pleasant weather conditions.
forged hammer named Mjöllnir.
The original God of war, and the
Heimdall, known as the ‘shiniest’ of all
bravest of all the gods. So brave was
gods due to him having the ‘whitest
Tyr, that he placed his hand into the
skin’, was a son of Odin. Heimdall’s
mouth of the great wolf, Fenrir, to horn, the Gjallarhorn, was blown to
ensure that the other gods had the warn the other gods and goddesses
distraction they needed to chain the of impending danger.
beast to a rock
Hel was the goddess and ruler of the Vale (pronounced rather like the word
Norse underworld of the same name “valley”) was the son of Odin who avenged
(also known as Helheim). The daughter Balder’s death by killing Hod, the god who
of Loki, she had pale skin and appeared pierced Balder with mistletoe. An archer,
to be death-like, with only half of her Vale’s arrows echoed the sunbeams that
body being flesh and blood, and the grow in strength as winter turns into spring.
other half consisting of bones. He was another survivor of Ragnarok.
Egyptian Gods
Ra is one of the most important deities in
God of death. Osiris was murdered by
ancient Egyptian mythology and is his jealous brother, Set, who
considered the god of the sun, creation, dismembered his body and scattered the
and life. He was worshiped as the king of all pieces throughout the land. However,
the gods and was often depicted as a man Osiris’ wife, Isis, could locate and
with a falcon head, wearing a sun disk on reassemble the parts, and Osiris was
his head. restored to life.
God of Goodness. Horus was
considered the son of Osiris and Isis
God of Death. He was associated
He was believed to have the power to
with the dead and the afterlife and
control the sun and was often
associated with the pharaohs of Egypt,
was considered the god of
who were believed to be the mummification and embalming.
embodiment of Horus on Earth.
God Sun. Aton was a sun god
God of Air. He was the god of the worshiped in ancient Egypt during the
air and the wind and was often reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten in the
depicted as a man with a tall, 18th Dynasty. He was depicted as a
plumed headdress or ram-headed sun disk with rays ending in hands,
figure. representing his life-giving power.
Hapi was a god of fertility in ancient
Bes was a small but essential god in
Egyptian mythology, associated with
ancient Egyptian mythology. He was
the Nile River and its life-giving
a god of entertainment, dance,
properties. He was often depicted as
and music and was often depicted
a man with large breasts and a
as a short, plump, and bearded
figure with a lion’s mane and tail.
prominent belly, symbolizing the
abundance and fertility of the land.
Khonsu was a god of the lunar or Khnum was a god of potters and
moon in ancient Egyptian mythology. craftsmen in ancient Egyptian
He was often depicted as a falcon- mythology. He was often depicted
headed man wearing a lunar disk and as a ram-headed man, wearing a
crescent on his head. crown of horns and a solar disk.
Min was a god of fertility and Ptah was a creator god and the maker
harvest in ancient Egyptian of things. He was often depicted as a
mythology. He was often depicted mummified man wearing a skullcap and
as a man with an erect phallus, holding a staff and an ankh.
symbolizing his association with As a creator god, Ptah created the world
fertility and procreation. and all living things.