2021 UPS Rate and Service Guide: Daily Rates
2021 UPS Rate and Service Guide: Daily Rates
2021 UPS Rate and Service Guide: Daily Rates
• Extensive knowledge and experience from the All of this helps make the best delivery of all possible —
world’s largest package delivery company to keep your satisfaction and, most importantly, your customers’
you competitive in a rapidly expanding international satisfaction. When that’s delivered, we know we’ve done
marketplace. our job.
• Customised solutions and reliable services for shipping, To learn more about what we can deliver for your business,
tracking and billing from a global leader in technology visit ups.com/solutions/vn.
to drive greater efficiency, helping to save you time and
reduce costs.
UPS International
Shipping Services
Service Delivered By Destinations Other Information
1-3 DAYS
UPS Worldwide Express Plus Guaranteed morning delivery by: To major cities in the U.S., • Ideal for urgent shipments
• 8:00 am/ 8:30 am to major cities in the U.S. Europe and Asia • Priority handling
• 8:30 am to Canada • UPS 10 KG Box® and UPS 25 KG Box®
• 9:00 am to major Asian cities, over 4,000 U.S. are available for this service
cities, and major business centres in Europe
• 9:00 am or 11:00 am from worldwide to
selected destinations in your country
UPS Worldwide Express Guaranteed time-definite delivery by: To the U.S., major cities in • UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box
• 10:30 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm or 3:00 pm Canada, Europe and Asia, and are available for this service
to most parts of the U.S., Europe and Asia selected areas in the Americas
Pacific, selected areas in the Americas and
major cities in Canada
• 12:00 noon or 2:00 pm to most areas in your
UPS Worldwide Express Freight • Guaranteed time-definite delivery by 12:00 To more than 30 countries and • Door-to-door and non door-to-door
Midday noon or 2:00 pm, within 1-3 business days, territories worldwide options are available
depending on destinations • For palletised shipments of more
than 70 kg
UPS Worldwide Express Freight • Guaranteed delivery by end-of-day, To more than 60 countries and • Door-to-door and non door-to-door
within 1-3 business days, depending on territories worldwide options are available
destinations • For palletised shipments of more
than 70 kg
UPS Worldwide Express • Guaranteed delivery by end-of-day, to over To over 220 countries and • An economical alternative to UPS
Saver® 220 countries and territories worldwide territories worldwide Express for speedy and reliable
• UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box
are available for this service
3-5 DAYS
UPS Worldwide Expedited • Delivery in as little as three business days Within Asia, and from Asia • An economical option for less time-
within Asia, and from Asia to major business to major business centres in critical shipments
centres in Europe, and North and South Europe, and North and South • Day-definite, time-in-transit lets you
America America. Refer to Worldwide plan delivery schedule
Zone Charts for the full list • Supported by a money-back
of countries/territories in guarantee for selected countries/
Asia where this service is territories
guaranteed for import/export
Service Delivered By Destinations Other Infomation
1-3 DAYS
UPS Air Freight Direct® • Day-specific scheduling airport-to-airport Covers nearly every location • Ideal for shipments over 70 kg
service, with delivery within 1-3 days worldwide • Convenient and easy shipment
processing for palletised and non-
palletised freight
• Optional services include
collection, delivery and customs
3-5 DAYS
UPS Air Freight Consolidated® • Day-specific scheduling airport-to-airport Worldwide • Ideal for shipments over 70 kg
service, with delivery within 3-5 days • Convenient and easy shipment
processing for palletised and non- Conditions and restrictions,
palletised freight including the UPS Terms
• Optional services include and Conditions of Service,
collection, delivery and customs apply. For details, please
contact our Customer
clearance Service Representatives
or refer to ups.com®.
Dimensional weight
applies to all international
shipments except
shipments using UPS
h Express Envelope, UPS 10
Wi KG Box® and
UPS 25 KG Box®.
** Multiple-piece shipment
refers to a shipment
consisting of packages
and/or documents
sent via a single
waybill number.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services
are subject to change without
prior notice.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services
are subject to change
without prior notice.
Conditions and restrictions,
including the UPS Terms
and Conditions of Service,
apply. For details, please
contact our Customer
Service Representatives
or refer to ups.com®.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services are
subject to change without
prior notice.
Additional Charges
Services with
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service
explanation, and services
are subject to change without
prior notice.
UPS Packaging
UPS Packaging
UPS Express Envelope
Designed for urgent correspondence and documents not exceeding 0.5 kg. Export
documentation is not required for shipments to other countries.
Dimension : 34 cm x 25 cm
Express Tube
Dimensions: 15.2 cm x 15.2 cm x 15.2 cm x 96.5 cm
Future Changes – Rates, charges,
service explanation, and services
are subject to change without prior
Country/Territory Export Zones Import Zones Country/Territory Export Zones Import Zones
Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express
Express Expedited Express Expedited Express Expedited Express Expedited
Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver
Afghanistan - - 9 9 10 10 10 - Brunei* - 2 2 2 4 4 4 -
Albania 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 - Bulgaria 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10
Andorra - 7 7 7 - - - - Cambodia* - 3 3 3 4 4 4 -
Angola - - 8 8 10 10 10 - Cameroon - - 9 9 10 10 10 -
Azerbaijan - - 7 7 10 10 10 - Chad - - 9 9 10 10 10 -
Barbados - 8 8 8 9 9 9 - Colombia* - 8 8 8 9 9 9 9
Bolivia - 8 8 8 9 9 9 - Croatia* - 7 7 7 10 10 10 10
Brazil* 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Denmark* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Country/Territory Export Zones Import Zones Country/Territory Export Zones Import Zones
Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express
Express Expedited Express Expedited Express Expedited Express Expedited
Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver
Dominica - - 8 8 9 9 9 - Guyana* - - 8 8 9 9 9 -
Egypt - 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 Honduras* - 8 8 8 7 7 7 7
Eritrea - - 9 9 10 10 10 - India* 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2
Estonia - 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 Indonesia*# - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ethiopia - - 9 9 10 10 10 - Iraq - - 7 7 - - - -
Fiji - 7 7 7 4 4 4 - Israel - 9 9 9 10 10 10 10
Finland* - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Italy* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
France* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Jamaica* - 8 8 8 9 9 9 -
Gabon - - 9 9 10 10 10 - Jordan - 9 9 9 10 10 10 -
Gambia - 9 9 9 10 10 10 - Kazakhstan* - 7 7 7 10 10 10 10
Georgia* 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 - Kenya - 9 9 9 10 10 10 10
Ghana - - 9 9 10 10 10 - Kiribati - - 7 7 - - - -
Greece* - 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 Kosovo 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 -
Grenada - - 8 8 9 9 9 - Kuwait 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10
Guadeloupe* - 8 8 8 9 9 9 - Laos - 3 3 3 4 4 4 -
Guam - 7 7 7 4 4 4 - Latvia - 7 7 7 10 10 10 10
Guatemala* - 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 Lebanon - 9 9 9 10 10 10 -
Guinea - - 9 9 10 10 10 - Liberia - - 9 9 10 10 10 -
Country/Territory Export Zones Import Zones Country/Territory Export Zones Import Zones
Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express
Express Expedited Express Expedited Express Expedited Express Expedited
Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver
Liechtenstein* - 6 6 6 6 6 6 - Netherlands (Holland)* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Luxembourg 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Nicaragua - - 8 8 9 9 9 9
Malaysia*# - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Norway* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Maldives - 4 4 4 - - 10 10 Oman - 7 7 7 10 10 10 10
Mali - - 9 9 10 10 10 - Pakistan* - 4 4 4 10 10 10 10
Malta - 7 7 7 10 10 10 - Palau - - 7 7 - - - -
Mauritania - 9 9 9 10 10 10 - Paraguay - - 8 8 9 9 9 -
Mauritius - 9 9 9 10 10 10 - Peru* - - 8 8 9 9 9 9
Mayotte - - 9 9 10 10 10 - Philippines*# - - 2 2 2 2 2 2
Montenegro 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 - Romania 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10
Morocco - 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 Russia* 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10
Myanmar - 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Samoa - 7 7 7 4 4 4 -
Country/Territory Export Zones Import Zones Country/Territory Export Zones Import Zones
Express Express Express Express Express Express Express Express
Express Expedited Express Expedited Express Expedited Express Expedited
Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver Plus Saver
Scotland (United Kingdom)* - 6 6 6 6 6 6 - Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands)* - - 7 7 4 4 4 -
Senegal - 9 9 9 10 10 10 - Togo - - 9 9 10 10 10 -
Serbia 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 - Tonga - - 7 7 - - - -
Slovakia 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 Tunisia - 9 9 9 10 10 10 -
Slovenia 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 Turkey 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6
Spain* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Tuvalu - - 7 7 - - - -
St. Croix (U.S. Virgin Islands) - - 8 8 9 9 9 - Union Islands (St. Vincent & the Grenadines) - - 8 8 9 9 9 -
Swaziland - - 9 9 9 9 9 - Venezuela* - - 8 8 9 9 9 9
Thailand*# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Zambia - - 9 9 10 10 10 -
Timor-Leste - - 7 7 - - - - Zimbabwe - - 9 9 10 10 10 -
Argentina* 8 - 9 - Liechtenstein* 6 - 6 -
Australia* 3 3 3 - Luxembourg 6 - 6 -
Austria* 6 6 6 - Malaysia* 2 2 2 -
Bahrain 7 - 10 - Malta 7 - 10 -
Bangladesh 4 - 4 - Mexico* 5 5 5 -
Belgium 6 6 6 - Morocco 9 - 10 -
Brazil* 8 - 8 - Netherlands (Holland)* 6 6 6 -
Bulgaria - - 10 - New Zealand* 3 - 3 -
Canada* 5 5 5 - Nicaragua 8 - 9 -
Chile* 8 8 8 - Nigeria* 9 9 10 -
China Mainland (Excluding Norway* 6 - 6 -
3 - 3 -
Southern China Mainland)*
Oman 7 7 10 -
Southern China Mainland+* 10 - 11 -
Pakistan 4 - 10 -
Colombia* 8 - 9 -
Panama* 8 - 9 -
Costa Rica* 8 8 6 -
Philippines* 2 - 2 -
Croatia - - 10 -
Poland* 7 7 10 -
Czech Republic* 7 7 8 -
Portugal* 7 7 8 -
Denmark* 6 6 6 -
Puerto Rico* 5 5 9 -
Dominican Republic* 8 - 9 -
Qatar 7 - 10 -
Ecuador* 8 - 9 -
Romania - - 10 -
El Salvador* 8 - 9 -
Saudi Arabia 7 - 10 -
Finland* 6 6 6 -
Serbia - - 10 -
France* 6 6 6 -
Singapore 1 - 2 - + Southern China Mainland
Germany* 6 6 6 - refers to Fujian, Hainan,
Slovakia 7 - 10 -
Hunan, Yunnan, Jiangxi,
Greece* 7 7 6 - Guangxi, Guangdong
Slovenia 7 7 - -
Provinces and Chongqing
Guatemala* 8 - 9 - City only.
South Africa 9 - 7 -
Honduras* 8 - 7 - * Extended Area Surcharge or
Spain* 6 6 6 -
Remote Area Surcharge may
Hong Kong SAR, China 1 1 2 - be applicable to specific
Sri Lanka 4 - 3 -
points within this country.
Hungary* 7 7 8 - For more details, please
Sweden* 6 6 6 -
visit ups.com® or contact
India* 4 4 2 -
Switzerland* 6 6 6 - our Customer Service
Representatives at
Indonesia* 2 - 2 -
Taiwan, China* 3 3 1 - 1800 588 877.
Ireland, Republic of 6 6 6 -
Thailand* 1 1 1 - Note:
Future Changes –
Israel 9 9 10 -
Tunisia 9 - 10 - Rates, charges, service
Italy* 6 6 6 - explanation, and services
Turkey 7 7 6 - are subject to change
Japan* 3 3 3 - without prior notice.
United Arab Emirates 7 7 7 -
Korea, South 3 3 1 - For additional information
United Kingdom* 6 6 6 - and services, call our
Kuwait 7 - - - Customer Service
United States* 5 5 5 - Representatives at
Lebanon 9 9 10 - 1800 588 877.
Export – UPS Worldwide Express
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong and apply to UPS Express Envelope and Documents
shipments originating from Vietnam. Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
UPS Express
1,193,800 1,301,900 1,325,400 1,433,500 1,800,100 1,720,200 1,927,000 2,082,100 2,298,300 1,090,400
0.5 1,193,800 1,301,900 1,325,400 1,433,500 1,800,100 1,720,200 1,927,000 2,082,100 2,298,300 1,090,400
1.0 1,339,500 1,442,900 1,569,800 1,663,800 2,194,900 2,096,200 2,411,100 2,547,400 2,777,700 1,264,300
1.5 1,475,800 1,588,600 1,818,900 1,908,200 2,594,400 2,476,900 2,885,800 2,993,900 3,266,500 1,400,600
2.0 1,626,200 1,729,600 2,063,300 2,124,400 2,998,600 2,852,900 3,360,500 3,449,800 3,755,300 1,513,400
2.5 1,762,500 1,884,700 2,307,700 2,373,500 3,398,100 3,228,900 3,844,600 3,905,700 4,244,100 1,645,000
UPS Worldwide Express 3.0 1,912,900 2,044,500 2,632,000 2,711,900 3,811,700 3,642,500 4,258,200 4,328,700 4,732,900 1,771,900
For all your urgent shipments, 3.5 2,058,600 2,209,000 2,867,000 2,989,200 4,215,900 4,051,400 4,671,800 4,765,800 5,221,700 1,922,300
UPS Worldwide Express guarantees delivery by 4.0 2,194,900 2,378,200 3,092,600 3,233,600 4,620,100 4,465,000 5,080,700 5,207,600 5,710,500 2,063,300
10:30 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm or 3:00 pm to 4.5 2,345,300 2,542,700 3,327,600 3,482,700 5,019,600 4,878,600 5,494,300 5,640,000 6,199,300 2,209,000
most parts of the U.S., Europe and Asia Pacific, 5.0 2,491,000 2,632,000 3,548,500 3,736,500 5,428,500 5,287,500 5,922,000 6,063,000 6,674,000 2,350,000
selected areas in the Americas and major cities in
Canada.* Non-Documents
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.5 1,306,600 1,433,500 1,569,800 1,654,400 1,912,900 1,856,500 2,058,600 2,171,400 2,415,800 1,292,500
UPS Worldwide Express Plus 1.0 1,447,600 1,583,900 1,814,200 1,884,700 2,321,800 2,274,800 2,538,000 2,650,800 2,965,700 1,433,500
For time-definite delivery of your extremely 1.5 1,593,300 1,729,600 2,058,600 2,110,300 2,726,000 2,711,900 3,008,000 3,134,900 3,515,600 1,612,100
urgent shipments, UPS Worldwide Express Plus
2.0 1,734,300 1,884,700 2,303,000 2,340,600 3,125,500 3,130,200 3,492,100 3,623,700 4,074,900 1,762,500
guarantees delivery by 8:00 am/8:30 am to
2.5 1,889,400 2,025,700 2,552,100 2,570,900 3,534,400 3,543,800 3,971,500 4,103,100 4,624,800 1,922,300
major cities in the U.S.; 8:30 am to Canada; 9:00
3.0 2,002,200 2,157,300 2,801,200 2,810,600 3,919,800 3,901,000 4,446,200 4,582,500 5,108,900 2,072,700
am to major Asian cities, over 4,000 U.S. cities
3.5 2,143,200 2,288,900 3,040,900 3,050,300 4,305,200 4,230,000 4,925,600 5,066,600 5,588,300 2,223,100
and major business centres in Europe.*
4.0 2,260,700 2,420,500 3,275,900 3,285,300 4,695,300 4,587,200 5,405,000 5,555,400 6,072,400 2,373,500
4.5 2,387,600 2,547,400 3,525,000 3,548,500 5,080,700 4,949,100 5,884,400 6,034,800 6,561,200 2,523,900
Add VND 940,000 to the appropriate 5.0 2,509,800 2,679,000 3,769,400 3,774,100 5,470,800 5,311,000 6,368,500 6,514,200 7,035,900 2,669,600
UPS Worldwide Express rate for each 5.5 2,617,900 2,768,300 3,995,000 4,004,400 5,804,500 5,658,800 6,782,100 6,923,100 7,487,100 2,796,500
UPS Worldwide Express Plus shipment. 6.0 2,716,600 2,871,700 4,225,300 4,248,800 6,133,500 5,997,200 7,200,400 7,346,100 7,943,000 2,914,000
6.5 2,810,600 2,975,100 4,450,900 4,497,900 6,467,200 6,340,300 7,609,300 7,755,000 8,394,200 3,040,900
7.0 2,904,600 3,069,100 4,676,500 4,747,000 6,796,200 6,692,800 8,022,900 8,173,300 8,836,000 3,153,700
For document shipments weighing over 7.5 3,003,300 3,163,100 4,906,800 4,991,400 7,129,900 7,031,200 8,431,800 8,586,900 9,291,900 3,275,900
5.0 kg, refer to the UPS Worldwide Express
8.0 3,083,200 3,266,500 5,141,800 5,221,700 7,435,400 7,322,600 8,807,800 9,005,200 9,743,100 3,398,100
Non-Document rates.
8.5 3,158,400 3,360,500 5,362,700 5,452,000 7,731,500 7,571,700 9,188,500 9,418,800 10,194,300 3,515,600
9.0 3,238,300 3,463,900 5,588,300 5,682,300 7,933,600 7,910,100 9,569,200 9,832,400 10,640,800 3,633,100
9.5 3,308,800 3,557,900 5,818,600 5,917,300 8,140,400 8,168,600 9,945,200 10,246,000 11,101,400 3,755,300
10.0 3,374,600 3,656,600 6,048,900 6,142,900 8,347,200 8,431,800 10,325,900 10,664,300 11,547,900 3,872,800
10.5 3,426,300 3,760,000 6,161,700 6,312,100 8,474,100 8,666,800 10,716,000 11,087,300 11,956,800 4,018,500
11.0 3,487,400 3,863,400 6,288,600 6,476,600 8,619,800 8,859,500 11,059,100 11,491,500 12,379,800 4,093,700
11.5 3,539,100 3,962,100 6,392,000 6,641,100 8,756,100 9,061,600 11,402,200 11,909,800 12,788,700 4,164,200
12.0 3,595,500 4,056,100 6,509,500 6,815,000 8,892,400 9,254,300 11,754,700 12,332,800 13,202,300 4,244,100
12.5 3,647,200 4,154,800 6,627,000 6,974,800 9,033,400 9,451,700 12,008,500 12,737,000 13,620,600 4,314,600
13.0 3,698,900 4,248,800 6,725,700 7,129,900 9,099,200 9,616,200 12,271,700 13,080,100 13,963,700 4,389,800
13.5 3,741,200 4,352,200 6,829,100 7,270,900 9,165,000 9,776,000 12,525,500 13,423,200 14,306,800 4,465,000
14.0 3,792,900 4,446,200 6,923,100 7,416,600 9,235,500 9,945,200 12,779,300 13,756,900 14,659,300 4,544,900
14.5 3,835,200 4,530,800 7,026,500 7,538,800 9,301,300 10,105,000 13,037,800 14,100,000 15,002,400 4,620,100
* Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms
and Conditions of Service, apply. For details, please 15.0 3,882,200 4,615,400 7,129,900 7,651,600 9,371,800 10,269,500 13,296,300 14,433,700 15,336,100 4,685,900
contact our Customer Service Representatives or 15.5 3,924,500 4,681,200 7,200,400 7,712,700 9,437,600 10,372,900 13,456,100 14,753,300 15,688,600 4,765,800
refer to ups.com®.
16.0 3,976,200 4,761,100 7,275,600 7,773,800 9,503,400 10,462,200 13,615,900 15,077,600 16,031,700 4,836,300
+ There is a weight limit of 0.5 kg for documents 16.5 4,013,800 4,836,300 7,360,200 7,830,200 9,573,900 10,560,900 13,775,700 15,397,200 16,374,800 4,916,200
enclosed in an Express Envelope. Document or Non-
17.0 4,065,500 4,916,200 7,426,000 7,896,000 9,644,400 10,659,600 13,940,200 15,716,800 16,713,200 4,986,700
Document rates will apply for envelopes weighing
over 0.5 kg. 17.5 4,112,500 4,996,100 7,505,900 7,957,100 9,714,900 10,758,300 14,104,700 16,036,400 17,065,700 5,066,600
18.0 4,145,400 5,052,500 7,567,000 8,022,900 9,785,400 10,824,100 14,198,700 16,332,500 17,286,600 5,085,400
Note: 18.5 4,173,600 5,123,000 7,637,500 8,074,600 9,855,900 10,885,200 14,288,000 16,619,200 17,512,200 5,170,000
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are 19.0 4,201,800 5,179,400 7,693,900 8,145,100 9,926,400 10,955,700 14,386,700 16,915,300 17,747,200 5,245,200
subject to change without prior notice. 19.5 4,234,700 5,235,800 7,750,300 8,206,200 9,982,800 11,021,500 14,485,400 17,197,300 17,963,400 5,329,800
20.0 4,253,500 5,311,000 7,825,500 8,272,000 10,058,000 11,092,000 14,593,500 17,484,000 18,189,000 5,405,000
Export – UPS Worldwide Express
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong and apply Non-Documents (Continued)
to shipments originating from Vietnam. Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
21-44 192,700 244,400 347,800 361,900 493,500 507,600 690,900 836,600 860,100 225,600
45-70 183,300 239,700 329,000 343,100 488,800 498,200 676,800 831,900 846,000 216,200
71-99 169,200 225,600 310,200 310,200 474,700 470,000 648,600 803,700 817,800 178,600
100-299 169,200 220,900 305,500 305,500 470,000 465,300 643,900 794,300 808,400 178,600
300 and above 164,500 216,200 296,100 300,800 446,500 460,600 634,500 775,500 784,900 173,900
Shipment Flat Rate Add on For shipment Shipment Flat Rate Add on For shipment
Weight per kg weight above Weight per kg weight above
(kg) up to 15 kg 15 kg (kg) up to 30 kg 30 kg
Zone 1 2,166,700 230,300 Zone 1 3,962,100 235,000
Zone 2 2,528,600 253,800 Zone 2 4,845,700 258,500
Zone 3 3,440,400 352,500 Apply Zone 3 6,363,800 361,900 Apply
Zone 4 3,506,200 352,500 the UPS Zone 4 6,523,600 361,900 the UPS
Worldwide Worldwide
Zone 5 5,541,300 423,000 Zone 5 8,967,600 455,900
Express Express
Zone 6 5,311,000 399,500 25 KG Zone 6 8,492,900 404,200 Non-Document
Zone 7 8,535,200 498,200 Box Rates Zone 7 12,769,900 507,600 Rates
For UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box, the shipping charges will be billed to shipper, duty and tax will be
billed to receiver. Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms and Conditions of Service, apply.
For details, please contact our Customer Service Representatives or refer to ups.com®.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are
subject to change without prior notice.
Export – UPS Worldwide Express Saver®
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong and apply to UPS Express Envelope and Documents
shipments originating from Vietnam. Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
UPS Express
1,128,000 1,226,700 1,250,200 1,353,600 1,696,700 1,621,500 1,818,900 1,964,600 2,166,700 1,029,300
0.5 1,128,000 1,226,700 1,250,200 1,353,600 1,696,700 1,621,500 1,818,900 1,964,600 2,166,700 1,029,300
1.0 1,264,300 1,363,000 1,480,500 1,569,800 2,072,700 1,978,700 2,274,800 2,401,700 2,622,600 1,193,800
1.5 1,391,200 1,499,300 1,715,500 1,800,100 2,448,700 2,335,900 2,721,300 2,824,700 3,083,200 1,320,700
2.0 1,532,200 1,630,900 1,945,800 2,002,200 2,829,400 2,693,100 3,172,500 3,252,400 3,543,800 1,428,800
UPS Worldwide Express Saver 2.5 1,663,800 1,776,600 2,176,100 2,237,200 3,205,400 3,045,600 3,628,400 3,684,800 4,004,400 1,551,000
For an economical alternative to 3.0 1,804,800 1,927,000 2,481,600 2,556,800 3,595,500 3,435,700 4,018,500 4,084,300 4,465,000 1,673,200
UPS Worldwide Express, 3.5 1,941,100 2,082,100 2,702,500 2,820,000 3,976,200 3,821,100 4,408,600 4,497,900 4,925,600 1,814,200
UPS Worldwide Express Saver provides 4.0 2,072,700 2,241,900 2,918,700 3,050,300 4,356,900 4,211,200 4,794,000 4,911,500 5,386,200 1,945,800
money-back guaranteed* delivery by end- 4.5 2,213,700 2,397,000 3,139,600 3,285,300 4,737,600 4,601,300 5,184,100 5,320,400 5,846,800 2,082,100
of-day, to over 220 countries and territories 5.0 2,345,300 2,491,000 3,351,100 3,515,600 5,118,300 4,991,400 5,583,600 5,729,300 6,302,700 2,218,400
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
For document shipments weighing over 5.0 kg, Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
refer to the UPS Worldwide Express Saver
0.5 1,231,400 1,353,600 1,480,500 1,560,400 1,804,800 1,753,100 1,941,100 2,049,200 2,279,500 1,217,300
Non-Document rates.
1.0 1,367,700 1,494,600 1,710,800 1,776,600 2,190,200 2,147,900 2,392,300 2,500,400 2,796,500 1,353,600
1.5 1,504,000 1,630,900 1,941,100 1,992,800 2,570,900 2,556,800 2,838,800 2,956,300 3,318,200 1,522,800
2.0 1,635,600 1,776,600 2,171,400 2,209,000 2,946,900 2,951,600 3,294,700 3,416,900 3,844,600 1,663,800
2.5 1,781,300 1,912,900 2,406,400 2,425,200 3,332,300 3,341,700 3,745,900 3,872,800 4,361,600 1,814,200
3.0 1,889,400 2,035,100 2,641,400 2,650,800 3,698,900 3,680,100 4,192,400 4,324,000 4,817,500 1,955,200
3.5 2,021,000 2,157,300 2,867,000 2,876,400 4,060,800 3,990,300 4,648,300 4,779,900 5,273,400 2,096,200
4.0 2,133,800 2,284,200 3,092,600 3,097,300 4,427,400 4,328,700 5,099,500 5,240,500 5,729,300 2,237,200
4.5 2,251,300 2,401,700 3,327,600 3,346,400 4,794,000 4,667,100 5,550,700 5,691,700 6,189,900 2,382,900
5.0 2,368,800 2,528,600 3,557,900 3,562,600 5,160,600 5,010,200 6,006,600 6,147,600 6,636,400 2,519,200
5.5 2,467,500 2,613,200 3,769,400 3,778,800 5,475,500 5,339,200 6,396,700 6,533,000 7,064,100 2,636,700
6.0 2,561,500 2,707,200 3,985,600 4,009,100 5,785,700 5,658,800 6,791,500 6,932,500 7,491,800 2,749,500
6.5 2,650,800 2,805,900 4,197,100 4,244,100 6,100,600 5,983,100 7,176,900 7,317,900 7,919,500 2,867,000
7.0 2,740,100 2,895,200 4,413,300 4,479,100 6,410,800 6,312,100 7,567,000 7,712,700 8,337,800 2,975,100
7.5 2,834,100 2,984,500 4,629,500 4,709,400 6,725,700 6,631,700 7,952,400 8,102,800 8,765,500 3,092,600
8.0 2,909,300 3,083,200 4,850,400 4,925,600 7,012,400 6,909,000 8,309,600 8,497,600 9,193,200 3,205,400
8.5 2,979,800 3,172,500 5,057,200 5,141,800 7,294,400 7,144,000 8,666,800 8,887,700 9,616,200 3,318,200
9.0 3,055,000 3,266,500 5,273,400 5,362,700 7,482,400 7,463,600 9,028,700 9,277,800 10,039,200 3,426,300
9.5 3,120,800 3,355,800 5,489,600 5,583,600 7,679,800 7,708,000 9,381,200 9,667,900 10,471,600 3,543,800
10.0 3,181,900 3,449,800 5,705,800 5,795,100 7,872,500 7,952,400 9,743,100 10,062,700 10,894,600 3,651,900
10.5 3,233,600 3,548,500 5,813,900 5,954,900 7,994,700 8,178,000 10,109,700 10,457,500 11,280,000 3,792,900
11.0 3,290,000 3,642,500 5,931,400 6,110,000 8,131,000 8,356,600 10,434,000 10,842,900 11,679,500 3,863,400
11.5 3,337,000 3,736,500 6,030,100 6,265,100 8,262,600 8,549,300 10,758,300 11,237,700 12,064,900 3,929,200
12.0 3,393,400 3,825,800 6,142,900 6,429,600 8,389,500 8,732,600 11,087,300 11,632,500 12,455,000 4,004,400
12.5 3,440,400 3,919,800 6,251,000 6,580,000 8,521,100 8,915,900 11,327,000 12,017,900 12,849,800 4,070,200
13.0 3,487,400 4,009,100 6,345,000 6,725,700 8,582,200 9,071,000 11,576,100 12,337,500 13,174,100 4,140,700
13.5 3,529,700 4,107,800 6,443,700 6,857,300 8,648,000 9,221,400 11,815,800 12,661,800 13,498,400 4,211,200
14.0 3,576,700 4,192,400 6,533,000 6,998,300 8,713,800 9,381,200 12,055,500 12,976,700 13,827,400 4,286,400
14.5 3,619,000 4,272,300 6,627,000 7,111,100 8,774,900 9,531,600 12,299,900 13,301,000 14,151,700 4,356,900
* Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms 15.0 3,661,300 4,352,200 6,725,700 7,219,200 8,840,700 9,686,700 12,544,300 13,615,900 14,466,600 4,422,700
and Conditions of Service, apply. For details, please
contact our Customer Service Representatives or refer 15.5 3,703,600 4,418,000 6,791,500 7,275,600 8,901,800 9,785,400 12,694,700 13,916,700 14,800,300 4,497,900
to ups.com®. 16.0 3,750,600 4,493,200 6,862,000 7,332,000 8,967,600 9,870,000 12,845,100 14,222,200 15,124,600 4,563,700
+ There is a weight limit of 0.5 kg for documents 16.5 3,788,200 4,563,700 6,941,900 7,388,400 9,033,400 9,964,000 12,995,500 14,527,700 15,448,900 4,638,900
enclosed in an Express Envelope. Document or Non- 17.0 3,835,200 4,638,900 7,007,700 7,449,500 9,099,200 10,058,000 13,150,600 14,828,500 15,768,500 4,704,700
Document rates will apply for envelopes weighing 17.5 3,877,500 4,714,100 7,082,900 7,505,900 9,165,000 10,147,300 13,305,700 15,129,300 16,097,500 4,779,900
over 0.5 kg.
18.0 3,910,400 4,765,800 7,139,300 7,567,000 9,230,800 10,213,100 13,395,000 15,406,600 16,309,000 4,798,700
Note: 18.5 3,938,600 4,831,600 7,205,100 7,618,700 9,296,600 10,269,500 13,479,600 15,679,200 16,520,500 4,878,600
Future Changes – 19.0 3,962,100 4,888,000 7,256,800 7,684,500 9,362,400 10,335,300 13,573,600 15,956,500 16,741,400 4,949,100
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are
subject to change without prior notice. 19.5 3,995,000 4,939,700 7,313,200 7,740,900 9,418,800 10,396,400 13,667,600 16,224,400 16,948,200 5,029,000
20.0 4,023,200 5,000,800 7,374,300 7,802,000 9,489,300 10,457,500 13,756,900 16,501,700 17,159,700 5,099,500
Export – UPS Worldwide Express Saver®
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong and apply to Non-Documents (Continued)
shipments originating from Vietnam. Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
21-44 183,300 230,300 329,000 343,100 465,300 479,400 653,300 789,600 813,100 211,500
45-70 173,900 225,600 310,200 324,300 460,600 470,000 639,200 784,900 799,000 202,100
71-99 159,800 211,500 291,400 291,400 446,500 441,800 611,000 756,700 770,800 169,200
100-299 159,800 206,800 286,700 286,700 441,800 437,100 606,300 747,300 761,400 169,200
300 and above 155,100 202,100 277,300 282,000 423,000 432,400 596,900 733,200 742,600 164,500
Shipment Flat Rate Add on For shipment Shipment Flat Rate Add on For shipment
Weight per kg weight above Weight per kg weight above
(kg) up to 15 kg 15 kg (kg) up to 30 kg 30 kg
Zone 1 2,044,500 220,900 Zone 1 3,741,200 220,900
Zone 2 2,382,900 239,700 Zone 2 4,573,100 244,400
Zone 3 3,243,000 333,700 Apply Zone 3 6,001,900 343,100 Apply
Zone 4 3,308,800 333,700 the UPS Zone 4 6,152,300 343,100 the UPS
Worldwide Worldwide
Zone 5 5,226,400 399,500 Zone 5 8,464,700 423,000
Express Saver Express Saver
Zone 6 5,014,900 376,000 25 KG Zone 6 8,013,500 385,400 Non-Document
Zone 7 8,060,500 470,000 Box Rates Zone 7 12,050,800 479,400 Rates
For UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box, the shipping charges will be billed to shipper, duty and tax will be
billed to receiver. Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms and Conditions of Service, apply. For details, please
contact our Customer Service Representatives or refer to ups.com®.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are
subject to change without prior notice.
Export – UPS Worldwide Expedited
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong and apply Non-Documents
to shipments originating from Vietnam. Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.0 1,231,400 1,348,900 1,541,600 1,555,700 1,861,200 1,837,700 2,091,500 2,237,200 2,547,400 1,005,800
2.0 1,466,400 1,593,300 1,917,600 1,945,800 2,364,100 2,401,700 2,763,600 2,918,700 3,435,700 1,250,200
3.0 1,677,900 1,818,900 2,288,900 2,331,200 2,834,100 2,923,400 3,351,100 3,623,700 4,277,000 1,475,800
4.0 1,880,000 2,039,800 2,660,200 2,721,300 3,304,100 3,449,800 3,938,600 4,483,800 5,123,000 1,710,800
5.0 2,091,500 2,256,000 3,036,200 3,102,000 3,774,100 3,976,200 4,526,100 5,165,300 5,969,000 1,950,500
6.0 2,270,100 2,425,200 3,426,300 3,496,800 4,244,100 4,559,000 4,916,200 5,846,800 6,603,500 2,100,900
7.0 2,444,000 2,585,000 3,811,700 3,882,200 4,714,100 4,935,000 5,311,000 6,533,000 7,238,000 2,246,600
UPS Worldwide Expedited 8.0 2,608,500 2,754,200 4,173,600 4,272,300 5,038,400 5,325,100 5,701,100 7,209,800 7,877,200 2,387,600
For your important shipments that do not require
9.0 2,730,700 2,918,700 4,450,900 4,559,000 5,367,400 5,710,500 6,274,500 7,891,300 8,685,600 2,538,000
urgent express delivery, UPS Worldwide Expedited
10.0 2,881,100 3,064,400 4,742,300 4,972,600 5,696,400 6,091,200 6,697,500 8,572,800 9,334,200 2,688,400
delivers in as little as three business days within
11.0 2,942,200 3,228,900 4,967,900 5,202,900 5,983,100 6,312,100 7,172,200 9,141,500 10,006,300 2,890,500
Asia and from Asia to major business centres in
12.0 3,045,600 3,313,500 5,202,900 5,433,200 6,265,100 6,500,100 7,656,300 9,714,900 10,692,500 3,050,300
Europe and North and South America.
13.0 3,106,700 3,459,200 5,343,900 5,578,900 6,556,500 6,706,900 7,980,600 10,283,600 11,209,500 3,205,400
Refer to Worldwide Zone Charts for the full list of 14.0 3,214,800 3,619,000 5,480,200 5,724,600 6,735,100 6,909,000 8,300,200 10,857,000 11,703,000 3,360,500
countries/territories in Asia where this service is 15.0 3,285,300 3,703,600 5,625,900 5,870,300 6,899,600 7,097,000 8,662,100 11,425,700 12,205,900 3,510,900
guaranteed for export. 16.0 3,346,400 3,792,900 5,766,900 6,016,000 7,073,500 7,252,100 8,864,200 11,909,800 12,704,100 3,675,400
17.0 3,421,600 3,882,200 5,907,900 6,157,000 7,242,700 7,411,900 9,061,600 12,393,900 13,202,300 3,825,800
18.0 3,496,800 3,966,800 6,053,600 6,302,700 7,416,600 7,571,700 9,174,400 12,873,300 13,705,200 3,985,600
19.0 3,534,400 4,117,200 6,175,800 6,565,900 7,585,800 7,731,500 9,376,500 13,348,000 14,208,100 4,140,700
20.0 3,703,600 4,309,900 6,467,200 6,749,200 7,618,700 7,863,100 9,752,500 13,883,800 14,823,800 4,168,900
For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price Per kg unless Deficit Weight applies)
21-44 169,200 197,400 300,800 310,200 333,700 357,200 460,600 634,500 695,600 183,300
45-70 155,100 192,700 277,300 277,300 319,600 333,700 441,800 611,000 686,200 173,900
71-99 131,600 178,600 244,400 244,400 296,100 319,600 423,000 601,600 634,500 150,400
100-299 131,600 173,900 239,700 239,700 291,400 314,900 423,000 596,900 620,400 145,700
300 and above 112,800 159,800 230,300 235,000 277,300 305,500 408,900 587,500 596,900 136,300
In some instances, shipments may be more
economically charged if rated at a higher billable
weight than the actual billable weight (“Deficit
Weight Billing”, or “DWB”). The UPS billing system will
compute both amounts using the gross shipping rates
and take the lower of the two before applying any
customized incentives to finalize the charges. DWB is
applied by default. If you encounter any billing issues
due to DWB and/or wish to opt out of DWB for actual
billable weight of the shipment to be charged in all
instances, please contact your sales representative.
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are
subject to change without prior notice.
Import – UPS Worldwide Express
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong and UPS Express Envelope and Documents
apply to shipments to Vietnam. Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
UPS Express
Envelope+ 1,165,600 1,264,300 1,292,500 1,400,600 1,753,100 1,814,200 1,974,000 2,166,700 2,293,600 2,523,900 1,066,900
0.5 1,165,600 1,264,300 1,461,700 1,579,200 1,978,700 1,903,500 2,129,100 2,265,400 2,303,000 2,542,700 1,198,500
1.0 1,306,600 1,410,000 1,729,600 1,828,300 2,425,200 2,317,100 2,650,800 2,801,200 2,815,300 3,078,500 1,391,200
1.5 1,438,200 1,546,300 2,002,200 2,096,200 2,871,700 2,740,100 3,186,600 3,294,700 3,308,800 3,619,000 1,541,600
2.0 1,579,200 1,851,800 2,265,400 2,335,900 3,313,500 3,153,700 3,703,600 3,792,900 3,811,700 4,154,800 1,663,800
2.5 1,720,200 2,072,700 2,538,000 2,608,500 3,760,000 3,572,000 4,230,000 4,295,800 4,319,300 4,695,300 1,809,500
3.0 1,861,200 2,246,600 2,895,200 2,979,800 4,215,900 4,023,200 4,681,200 4,761,100 4,794,000 5,231,100 1,955,200
3.5 2,006,900 2,425,200 3,153,700 3,290,000 4,657,700 4,479,100 5,047,800 5,245,200 5,245,200 5,776,300 2,119,700
UPS Worldwide Express
4.0 2,143,200 2,617,900 3,402,800 3,557,900 5,108,900 4,935,000 5,546,000 5,729,300 5,729,300 6,283,900 2,265,400
For all your urgent import shipments,
4.5 2,317,100 2,796,500 3,661,300 3,830,500 5,536,600 5,390,900 6,044,200 6,171,100 6,204,000 6,815,000 2,425,200
UPS Worldwide Express guarantees
5.0 2,500,400 2,904,600 3,905,700 4,098,400 5,997,200 5,846,800 6,509,500 6,589,400 6,678,700 7,346,100 2,585,000
delivery by 12:00 noon or 2:00 pm to
most areas in your country.* Non-Documents
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
UPS Worldwide Express Plus
0.5 1,269,000 1,400,600 1,696,700 1,790,700 2,100,900 2,058,600 2,270,100 2,392,300 2,401,700 2,669,600 1,363,000
For time-definite delivery of your
1.0 1,414,700 1,541,600 1,992,800 2,072,700 2,566,200 2,514,500 2,791,800 2,914,000 2,932,800 3,275,900 1,579,200
extremely urgent shipments, UPS
Worldwide Express Plus guarantees 1.5 1,551,000 1,682,600 2,260,700 2,321,800 3,012,700 2,993,900 3,308,800 3,449,800 3,463,900 3,891,600 1,771,900
delivery by 9:00 am or 11:00 am to 2.0 1,687,300 1,969,300 2,528,600 2,575,600 3,454,500 3,463,900 3,839,900 3,985,600 4,004,400 4,483,800 1,936,400
selected areas in your locations.* 2.5 1,842,400 2,232,500 2,805,900 2,829,400 3,905,700 3,915,100 4,371,000 4,512,000 4,540,200 5,085,400 2,119,700
3.0 1,955,200 2,373,500 3,078,500 3,087,900 4,333,400 4,314,600 4,888,000 5,043,100 5,071,300 5,621,200 2,279,500
3.5 2,086,800 2,514,500 3,341,700 3,351,100 4,761,100 4,676,500 5,372,100 5,574,200 5,574,200 6,147,600 2,444,000
Add VND 940,000 to the appropriate 4.0 2,204,300 2,664,900 3,604,900 3,614,300 5,179,400 5,076,000 5,795,100 5,997,200 6,114,700 6,678,700 2,608,500
UPS Worldwide Express rate for each 4.5 2,373,500 2,801,200 3,882,200 3,901,000 5,607,100 5,470,800 6,213,400 6,321,500 6,636,400 7,205,100 2,777,700
UPS Worldwide Express Plus shipment.
5.0 2,514,500 2,951,600 4,150,100 4,154,800 6,048,900 5,875,000 6,627,000 6,815,000 7,167,500 7,689,200 2,937,500
5.5 2,552,100 3,050,300 4,394,500 4,403,900 6,387,300 6,227,500 6,923,100 7,026,500 7,496,500 7,877,200 3,073,800
For document shipments weighing 6.0 2,650,800 3,158,400 4,648,300 4,671,800 6,753,900 6,594,100 7,261,500 7,402,500 7,698,600 8,084,000 3,210,100
over 5.0 kg, refer to the UPS 6.5 2,740,100 3,271,200 4,892,700 4,949,100 7,148,700 6,974,800 7,614,000 7,783,200 8,046,400 8,455,300 3,341,700
Worldwide Express Non-Document 7.0 2,829,400 3,379,300 5,146,500 5,221,700 7,473,000 7,360,200 7,952,400 8,159,200 8,389,500 8,812,500 3,468,600
rates. 7.5 2,928,100 3,482,700 5,400,300 5,489,600 7,839,600 7,731,500 8,295,500 8,530,500 8,742,000 9,188,500 3,604,900
8.0 3,003,300 3,595,500 5,654,100 5,743,400 8,173,300 8,055,800 8,633,900 8,915,900 9,085,100 9,555,100 3,736,500
8.5 3,083,200 3,703,600 5,898,500 5,992,500 8,464,700 8,328,400 8,981,700 9,291,900 9,442,300 9,940,500 3,872,800
9.0 3,158,400 3,811,700 6,147,600 6,251,000 8,643,300 8,671,500 9,324,800 9,677,300 9,884,100 10,372,900 3,995,000
9.5 3,224,200 3,910,400 6,401,400 6,509,500 8,826,600 8,911,200 9,658,500 10,053,300 10,231,900 10,819,400 4,126,600
10.0 3,294,700 4,018,500 6,650,500 6,753,900 9,000,500 9,122,700 10,011,000 10,391,700 10,575,000 11,256,500 4,183,000
10.5 3,341,700 4,140,700 6,782,100 6,946,600 9,183,800 9,428,200 10,316,500 10,711,300 10,908,700 11,656,000 4,338,100
11.0 3,398,100 4,248,800 6,913,700 7,125,200 9,367,100 9,630,300 10,457,500 10,852,300 11,204,800 12,064,900 4,408,600
11.5 3,449,800 4,361,600 7,031,200 7,303,800 9,545,700 9,968,700 10,598,500 10,988,600 11,613,700 12,469,100 4,483,800
12.0 3,510,900 4,460,300 7,162,800 7,496,500 9,724,300 10,184,900 10,871,100 11,124,900 12,022,600 12,873,300 4,559,000
12.5 3,557,900 4,568,400 7,289,700 7,670,400 9,907,600 10,396,400 11,110,800 11,270,600 12,422,100 13,277,500 4,638,900
13.0 3,600,200 4,671,800 7,397,800 7,839,600 10,011,000 10,575,000 11,355,200 11,406,900 12,755,800 13,615,900 4,718,800
13.5 3,647,200 4,789,300 7,510,600 7,994,700 10,081,500 10,748,900 11,590,200 11,726,500 13,084,800 13,949,600 4,798,700
14.0 3,698,900 4,888,000 7,618,700 8,159,200 10,156,700 10,941,600 11,820,500 11,961,500 13,413,800 14,288,000 4,883,300
* Conditions and restrictions, including
the UPS Terms and Conditions of 14.5 3,741,200 4,982,000 7,726,800 8,290,800 10,231,900 11,115,500 12,060,200 12,201,200 13,747,500 14,621,700 4,967,900
Service, apply. For details, please contact 15.0 3,783,500 5,076,000 7,839,600 8,417,700 10,307,100 11,294,100 12,299,900 12,445,600 14,067,100 14,950,700 5,043,100
our Customer Service Representatives or
refer to ups.com®. 15.5 3,825,800 5,151,200 7,919,500 8,483,500 10,377,600 11,406,900 12,445,600 12,605,400 14,382,000 15,293,800 5,132,400
16.0 3,872,800 5,240,500 7,999,400 8,549,300 10,490,400 11,510,300 12,596,000 12,755,800 14,701,600 15,627,500 5,202,900
+ For correspondence and documents
only. There is a weight limit of 0.5 kg. 16.5 3,915,100 5,320,400 8,098,100 8,615,100 10,589,100 11,660,700 12,741,700 12,906,200 15,016,500 15,965,900 5,287,500
Document or Non-Document rates will 17.0 3,966,800 5,409,700 8,168,600 8,690,300 10,664,300 11,787,600 12,892,100 13,056,600 15,326,700 16,294,900 5,362,700
apply for envelopes weighing over 0.5
17.5 4,009,100 5,494,300 8,257,900 8,751,400 10,739,500 11,895,700 13,047,200 13,108,300 15,632,200 16,638,000 5,447,300
18.0 4,042,000 5,555,400 8,323,700 8,821,900 10,814,700 11,966,200 13,131,800 13,305,700 15,923,600 16,854,200 5,470,800
Note: 18.5 4,065,500 5,635,300 8,398,900 8,883,000 10,899,300 12,036,700 13,258,700 13,399,700 16,200,900 17,075,100 5,560,100
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and 19.0 4,093,700 5,701,100 8,460,000 8,962,900 10,974,500 12,111,900 13,484,300 13,634,700 16,492,300 17,300,700 5,640,000
services are subject to change without prior 19.5 4,131,300 5,757,500 8,530,500 9,028,700 11,040,300 12,187,100 13,714,600 13,728,700 16,769,600 17,516,900 5,729,300
notice. 20.0 4,159,500 5,828,000 8,601,000 9,099,200 11,120,200 12,257,600 13,775,700 13,879,100 17,051,600 17,737,800 5,813,900
Import – UPS Worldwide Express
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong Non-Documents (Continued)
and apply to shipments to Vietnam. Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
21-44 188,000 267,900 390,100 408,900 554,600 578,100 667,400 672,100 817,800 836,600 249,100
45-70 178,600 253,800 357,200 376,000 535,800 549,900 653,300 672,100 813,100 827,200 230,300
71-99 169,200 244,400 338,400 338,400 521,700 517,000 596,900 611,000 780,200 799,000 197,400
100-299 164,500 239,700 333,700 333,700 512,300 512,300 592,200 596,900 770,800 784,900 192,700
300 and above 159,800 235,000 324,300 329,000 498,200 507,600 587,500 592,200 761,400 770,800 188,000
In some instances, shipments may be
more economically charged if rated at
a higher billable weight than the actual
billable weight (“Deficit Weight Billing”,
or “DWB”). The UPS billing system will
compute both amounts using the gross
shipping rates and take the lower of the
two before applying any customized
incentives to finalize the charges. DWB is
applied by default. If you encounter any
billing issues due to DWB and/or wish
to opt out of DWB for actual billable
weight of the shipment to be charged in
all instances, please contact your sales
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and
services are subject to change without prior
Import – UPS Worldwide Express Saver®
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong and UPS Express Envelope and Documents
apply to shipments to Vietnam.
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
UPS Express
1,099,800 1,193,800 1,217,300 1,320,700 1,654,400 1,710,800 1,861,200 2,044,500 2,162,000 2,382,900 1,005,800
0.5 1,099,800 1,193,800 1,377,100 1,489,900 1,865,900 1,795,400 2,006,900 2,138,500 2,171,400 2,397,000 1,132,700
1.0 1,231,400 1,330,100 1,630,900 1,724,900 2,288,900 2,185,500 2,500,400 2,641,400 2,655,500 2,904,600 1,311,300
1.5 1,358,300 1,457,000 1,889,400 1,978,700 2,707,200 2,585,000 3,008,000 3,106,700 3,120,800 3,412,200 1,452,300
2.0 1,489,900 1,748,400 2,138,500 2,204,300 3,125,500 2,975,100 3,492,100 3,576,700 3,595,500 3,919,800 1,569,800
2.5 1,621,500 1,955,200 2,392,300 2,462,800 3,548,500 3,369,900 3,990,300 4,051,400 4,074,900 4,427,400 1,706,100
3.0 1,757,800 2,119,700 2,730,700 2,810,600 3,976,200 3,797,600 4,418,000 4,493,200 4,521,400 4,935,000 1,842,400
UPS Worldwide Express Saver 3.5 1,894,100 2,288,900 2,975,100 3,102,000 4,394,500 4,225,300 4,761,100 4,949,100 4,949,100 5,447,300 1,997,500
For an economical alternative to 4.0 2,021,000 2,467,500 3,210,100 3,355,800 4,817,500 4,657,700 5,231,100 5,405,000 5,405,000 5,926,700 2,138,500
UPS Worldwide Express, 4.5 2,185,500 2,636,700 3,454,500 3,614,300 5,221,700 5,085,400 5,701,100 5,823,300 5,851,500 6,429,600 2,288,900
UPS Worldwide Express Saver provides 5.0 2,359,400 2,740,100 3,684,800 3,868,100 5,658,800 5,517,800 6,142,900 6,218,100 6,302,700 6,932,500 2,439,300
money-back guaranteed* delivery by
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
For document shipments weighing
0.5 1,198,500 1,320,700 1,602,700 1,687,300 1,983,400 1,941,100 2,143,200 2,256,000 2,265,400 2,519,200 1,287,800
over 5.0 kg, refer to the
UPS Worldwide Express Saver 1.0 1,334,800 1,452,300 1,880,000 1,955,200 2,420,500 2,373,500 2,632,000 2,749,500 2,768,300 3,092,600 1,489,900
Non-Document rates. 1.5 1,461,700 1,588,600 2,133,800 2,190,200 2,843,500 2,824,700 3,120,800 3,252,400 3,266,500 3,670,700 1,673,200
2.0 1,593,300 1,856,500 2,387,600 2,429,900 3,257,100 3,266,500 3,623,700 3,760,000 3,778,800 4,230,000 1,828,300
2.5 1,739,000 2,105,600 2,646,100 2,669,600 3,684,800 3,694,200 4,121,900 4,258,200 4,281,700 4,798,700 1,997,500
3.0 1,842,400 2,237,200 2,904,600 2,914,000 4,089,000 4,070,200 4,610,700 4,756,400 4,784,600 5,301,600 2,152,600
3.5 1,969,300 2,373,500 3,153,700 3,163,100 4,493,200 4,413,300 5,066,600 5,259,300 5,259,300 5,799,800 2,307,700
4.0 2,077,400 2,514,500 3,402,800 3,407,500 4,888,000 4,789,300 5,466,100 5,658,800 5,766,900 6,302,700 2,462,800
4.5 2,237,200 2,641,400 3,661,300 3,680,100 5,287,500 5,160,600 5,860,900 5,964,300 6,260,400 6,796,200 2,622,600
5.0 2,373,500 2,782,400 3,915,100 3,919,800 5,705,800 5,541,300 6,251,000 6,429,600 6,763,300 7,252,100 2,773,000
5.5 2,406,400 2,876,400 4,145,400 4,154,800 6,025,400 5,875,000 6,533,000 6,627,000 7,073,500 7,430,700 2,899,900
6.0 2,500,400 2,979,800 4,385,100 4,408,600 6,373,200 6,222,800 6,852,600 6,984,200 7,261,500 7,628,100 3,026,800
6.5 2,585,000 3,087,900 4,615,400 4,667,100 6,744,500 6,580,000 7,181,600 7,341,400 7,590,500 7,975,900 3,153,700
7.0 2,669,600 3,186,600 4,855,100 4,925,600 7,050,000 6,941,900 7,501,200 7,698,600 7,914,800 8,314,300 3,271,200
7.5 2,763,600 3,285,300 5,094,800 5,179,400 7,397,800 7,294,400 7,825,500 8,046,400 8,248,500 8,666,800 3,402,800
8.0 2,834,100 3,393,400 5,334,500 5,419,100 7,712,700 7,599,900 8,145,100 8,413,000 8,572,800 9,014,600 3,525,000
8.5 2,909,300 3,492,100 5,564,800 5,654,100 7,985,300 7,858,400 8,474,100 8,765,500 8,906,500 9,376,500 3,651,900
9.0 2,979,800 3,595,500 5,799,800 5,898,500 8,154,500 8,182,700 8,798,400 9,127,400 9,324,800 9,785,400 3,769,400
9.5 3,040,900 3,689,500 6,039,500 6,142,900 8,328,400 8,408,300 9,113,300 9,484,600 9,653,800 10,208,400 3,891,600
10.0 3,106,700 3,792,900 6,274,500 6,373,200 8,492,900 8,605,700 9,442,300 9,804,200 9,978,100 10,617,300 3,948,000
10.5 3,153,700 3,905,700 6,396,700 6,551,800 8,662,100 8,892,400 9,733,700 10,105,000 10,293,000 10,998,000 4,093,700
11.0 3,205,400 4,009,100 6,523,600 6,721,000 8,836,000 9,085,100 9,865,300 10,236,600 10,570,300 11,383,400 4,159,500
11.5 3,252,400 4,112,500 6,631,700 6,890,200 9,005,200 9,404,700 9,996,900 10,368,200 10,955,700 11,764,100 4,230,000
12.0 3,313,500 4,206,500 6,758,600 7,073,500 9,174,400 9,606,800 10,255,400 10,495,100 11,341,100 12,144,800 4,300,500
12.5 3,355,800 4,309,900 6,876,100 7,238,000 9,348,300 9,808,900 10,481,000 10,631,400 11,717,100 12,525,500 4,375,700
13.0 3,398,100 4,408,600 6,979,500 7,397,800 9,442,300 9,978,100 10,711,300 10,763,000 12,032,000 12,845,100 4,450,900
13.5 3,440,400 4,516,700 7,087,600 7,543,500 9,512,800 10,142,600 10,932,200 11,063,800 12,342,200 13,160,000 4,526,100
* Conditions and restrictions, including 14.0 3,487,400 4,610,700 7,186,300 7,698,600 9,583,300 10,321,200 11,153,100 11,284,700 12,652,400 13,479,600 4,606,000
the UPS Terms and Conditions of 14.5 3,529,700 4,700,000 7,289,700 7,820,800 9,653,800 10,485,700 11,378,700 11,510,300 12,967,300 13,794,500 4,685,900
Service, apply. For details, please contact
our Customer Service Representatives or 15.0 3,567,300 4,789,300 7,397,800 7,943,000 9,724,300 10,654,900 11,604,300 11,740,600 13,272,800 14,104,700 4,756,400
refer to ups.com®. 15.5 3,609,600 4,859,800 7,473,000 8,004,100 9,790,100 10,763,000 11,740,600 11,891,000 13,568,900 14,429,000 4,841,000
+ For correspondence and documents 16.0 3,651,900 4,944,400 7,548,200 8,065,200 9,898,200 10,857,000 11,881,600 12,032,000 13,869,700 14,743,900 4,906,800
only. There is a weight limit of 0.5 kg. 16.5 3,694,200 5,019,600 7,637,500 8,126,300 9,987,500 11,002,700 12,022,600 12,177,700 14,165,800 15,063,500 4,986,700
Document or Non-Document rates will 17.0 3,741,200 5,104,200 7,708,000 8,196,800 10,062,700 11,120,200 12,163,600 12,318,700 14,457,200 15,373,700 5,057,200
apply for envelopes weighing over 0.5
kg. 17.5 3,783,500 5,184,100 7,792,600 8,257,900 10,133,200 11,223,600 12,309,300 12,365,700 14,748,600 15,698,000 5,137,100
18.0 3,811,700 5,240,500 7,853,700 8,323,700 10,203,700 11,289,400 12,389,200 12,553,700 15,021,200 15,900,100 5,160,600
Note: 18.5 3,835,200 5,315,700 7,924,200 8,380,100 10,283,600 11,355,200 12,506,700 12,643,000 15,284,400 16,106,900 5,245,200
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and 19.0 3,863,400 5,376,800 7,980,600 8,455,300 10,354,100 11,425,700 12,722,900 12,863,900 15,557,000 16,323,100 5,320,400
services are subject to change without prior 19.5 3,896,300 5,433,200 8,046,400 8,516,400 10,415,200 11,496,200 12,939,100 12,953,200 15,820,200 16,525,200 5,405,000
20.0 3,924,500 5,499,000 8,112,200 8,582,200 10,490,400 11,562,000 12,995,500 13,094,200 16,088,100 16,732,000 5,484,900
Import – UPS Worldwide Express Saver®
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong and Non-Documents (Continued)
apply to shipments to Vietnam. Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)
21-44 178,600 253,800 366,600 385,400 521,700 545,200 629,800 634,500 770,800 789,600 235,000
45-70 169,200 239,700 338,400 352,500 507,600 517,000 615,700 634,500 766,100 780,200 216,200
71-99 159,800 230,300 319,600 319,600 493,500 488,800 564,000 578,100 737,900 752,000 188,000
100-299 155,100 225,600 314,900 314,900 484,100 484,100 559,300 564,000 728,500 742,600 183,300
300 and above 150,400 220,900 305,500 310,200 470,000 479,400 554,600 559,300 719,100 728,500 178,600
In some instances, shipments may be
more economically charged if rated at
a higher billable weight than the actual
billable weight (“Deficit Weight Billing”,
or “DWB”). The UPS billing system will
compute both amounts using the gross
shipping rates and take the lower of the
two before applying any customized
incentives to finalize the charges. DWB is
applied by default. If you encounter any
billing issues due to DWB and/or wish
to opt out of DWB for actual billable
weight of the shipment to be charged in
all instances, please contact your sales
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and
services are subject to change without prior
Import – UPS Worldwide Expedited
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong Non-Documents
and apply to shipments to Vietnam. Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1.0 1,203,200 1,311,300 1,692,000 1,710,800 2,058,600 2,035,100 2,303,000 2,458,100 2,476,900 2,843,500 1,109,200
2.0 1,428,800 1,663,800 2,110,300 2,138,500 2,613,200 2,660,200 3,040,900 3,210,100 3,228,900 3,778,800 1,372,400
3.0 1,635,600 1,997,500 2,519,200 2,561,500 3,134,900 3,233,600 3,684,800 3,985,600 4,009,100 4,704,700 1,626,200
4.0 1,828,300 2,246,600 2,928,100 2,993,900 3,647,200 3,816,400 4,220,600 4,653,000 4,935,000 5,635,300 1,884,700
5.0 2,096,200 2,481,600 3,341,700 3,412,200 4,173,600 4,399,200 4,709,400 5,170,000 5,682,300 6,523,600 2,147,900
6.0 2,213,700 2,669,600 3,769,400 3,844,600 4,676,500 5,014,900 4,958,500 5,452,000 6,124,100 6,725,700 2,312,400
7.0 2,382,900 2,843,500 4,192,400 4,267,600 5,184,100 5,428,500 5,264,000 5,875,000 6,702,200 7,219,200 2,472,200
UPS Worldwide Expedited
8.0 2,542,700 3,031,500 4,591,900 4,700,000 5,541,300 5,856,200 5,588,300 6,298,000 7,275,600 7,722,100 2,627,300
For your important shipments that do
not require urgent express delivery, 9.0 2,664,900 3,214,800 4,897,400 5,014,900 5,851,500 6,260,400 6,114,700 6,744,500 7,933,600 8,464,700 2,791,800
UPS Worldwide Expedited delivers in as 10.0 2,815,300 3,369,900 5,217,000 5,470,800 6,147,600 6,589,400 6,490,700 7,191,000 8,502,300 9,094,500 2,904,600
little as three business days. 11.0 2,867,000 3,553,200 5,466,100 5,724,600 6,500,100 6,862,000 6,782,100 7,520,000 8,911,200 9,752,500 3,111,400
12.0 2,975,100 3,642,500 5,724,600 5,978,400 6,852,600 7,148,700 7,082,900 7,849,000 9,470,500 10,424,600 3,275,900
Refer to Worldwide Zone Charts for 13.0 3,026,800 3,802,300 5,879,700 6,138,200 7,214,500 7,379,000 7,383,700 8,178,000 10,029,800 10,927,500 3,445,100
the full list of countries/territories in 14.0 3,134,900 3,980,900 6,030,100 6,298,000 7,407,200 7,599,900 7,679,800 8,507,000 10,584,400 11,406,900 3,609,600
Asia where this service is guaranteed 15.0 3,200,700 4,074,900 6,189,900 6,457,800 7,590,500 7,806,700 8,013,500 8,836,000 11,139,000 11,900,400 3,774,100
for import. 16.0 3,257,100 4,173,600 6,345,000 6,617,600 7,806,700 7,975,900 8,201,500 9,141,500 11,613,700 12,384,500 3,952,700
17.0 3,337,000 4,272,300 6,500,100 6,772,700 8,008,800 8,196,800 8,380,100 9,447,000 12,083,700 12,873,300 4,112,500
18.0 3,407,500 4,361,600 6,659,900 6,932,500 8,201,500 8,370,700 8,483,500 9,729,000 12,549,000 13,362,100 4,286,400
19.0 3,445,100 4,530,800 6,791,500 7,223,900 8,389,500 8,549,300 8,789,000 10,034,500 13,014,300 13,850,900 4,450,900
20.0 3,614,300 4,737,600 7,115,800 7,426,000 8,427,100 8,695,000 9,212,000 10,434,000 13,536,000 14,452,500 4,483,800
For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight applies)
21-44 164,500 220,900 338,400 347,800 385,400 413,600 446,500 507,600 620,400 676,800 202,100
45-70 150,400 206,800 300,800 300,800 352,500 366,600 399,500 399,500 596,900 672,100 188,000
71-99 131,600 192,700 267,900 267,900 329,000 352,500 390,100 399,500 587,500 620,400 169,200
100-299 126,900 188,000 263,200 263,200 319,600 347,800 380,700 376,000 582,800 606,300 159,800
300 and above 108,100 173,900 253,800 258,500 310,200 338,400 380,700 376,000 578,100 587,500 145,700
In some instances, shipments may be
more economically charged if rated at
a higher billable weight than the actual
billable weight (“Deficit Weight Billing”,
or “DWB”). The UPS billing system will
compute both amounts using the gross
shipping rates and take the lower of the
two before applying any customized
incentives to finalize the charges. DWB
is applied by default. If you encounter
any billing issues due to DWB and/or
wish to opt out of DWB for actual billable
weight of the shipment to be charged in
all instances, please contact your sales
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and
services are subject to change without prior
UPS Worldwide Express Freight
Rates shown are in Vietnamese Dong Export (Door-to-Door, Drop-off, Hold at Location, and Drop-off & Hold at Location Rates)*
and apply to shipments to/from Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Vietnam. Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Import (Door-to-Door, Drop-off, Hold at Location, and Drop-off & Hold at Location Rates)*
UPS Worldwide Express Freight
Shipment Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Guaranteed end-of-day delivery for
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
palletised shipments over 70 kg
to more than 60 countries and Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies
territories worldwide. Delivery 71-99 159,800 230,300 319,600 319,600 493,500 488,800 564,000 578,100 737,900 752,000 188,000
is typically within one to three 100-299 155,100 225,600 314,900 314,900 484,100 484,100 559,300 564,000 728,500 742,600 183,300
business days, depending on
300 and above 150,400 220,900 305,500 310,200 470,000 479,400 554,600 559,300 719,100 728,500 178,600
Minimum Rate 11,345,800 16,351,300 22,691,600 22,691,600 35,038,500 34,704,800 40,044,000 41,045,100 52,390,900 53,392,000 13,348,000
of Service
Effective July 11, 2021
THE RULES RELATING TO LIABILITY ESTABLISHED BY THE WARSAW (i) Subject to the terms and conditions relevant to UPS Worldwide Express
CONVENTION AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO SHALL APPLY TO THE Freight Services below, no service shall be rendered in the transportation of
INTERNATIONAL CARRIAGE OF ANY SHIPMENT HEREUNDER INSOFAR AS THE any packages or articles with an actual weight of more than 70 kilograms (or
SAME IS GOVERNED THEREBY. 150 lbs) or exceed 274 centimetres (or 108 inches) in length or a total of 400
centimetres (or 157 inches) in length and girth combined. If found in the UPS
United Parcel Service, which for purposes of these Terms and Conditions shall system, they are subject to one or more of the following additional charges:
mean the United Parcel Service operating company in the country of departure Over Maximum Weight, Over Maximum Length, or Over Maximum Size. UPS
(“UPS”) is engaged in the international transportation of small shipments Worldwide Express Freight Services pallets that exceed maximum size and
(including “Express Envelopes”) and services incidental or additional thereto. All weight limits, as set forth (in the UPS Rate and Service Guide) at ups.com® will
shipments are subject to the terms and conditions contained in the UPS Rate and not be accepted for transportation and will be returned to sender if found in
Service Guide (stated at ups.com® and maintained at local UPS offices), the UPS the UPS system.
source document for each shipment, and those prescribed by the applicable law
of the jurisdiction where the shipment originates. (ii) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of any packages or articles
with an actual value in excess of VND 999,999,999 per package (or the local
“Shipper” refers to the party contracting with UPS for services. currency equivalent); or VND 999,999,999 per pallet for UPS Worldwide
Express Freight Services shipments (or the local currency equivalent).
Where carriage by air involves an ultimate destination or stop outside the
country of origin the Warsaw Convention may apply. The rules relating to liability (iii) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of packages or pallets
established by the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to containing any prohibited article listed on the UPS website (ups.com ®),
International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw, Poland, on October 12, 1929, and including, but not limited to, articles of unusual value (such as coins, currency,
any amendments thereto shall apply to the international carriage of any shipment postage stamps, negotiable instruments (except checks), money orders), and
insofar as the same is governed thereby. There are no stopping places agreed dangerous goods. Refer to UPS Rate and Service Guide for more information
upon at the time of tender of the shipment, and UPS reserves the right to route about dangerous goods. Under applicable law, certain goods may only be
the shipment in any way UPS deems appropriate. Notwithstanding any clause transported under prescribed conditions and certain goods are prohibited
to the contrary, international carriage by road may be subject to the provisions from transportation by air.
of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by
Road signed at Geneva on May 19, 1956 and any amendments thereto (“the CMR (iv) UPS does not provide a protective service for the transportation of
Convention”). perishable commodities or commodities requiring protection from heat
or cold. Such commodities will be accepted for transportation solely at the
UPS may engage subcontractors to perform services and contracts both on its shipper’s risk for any damage arising from the transportation.
own behalf and on behalf of its servants, agents and subcontractors each of
whom shall have the benefit of these terms. No such party has the authority to (v) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of any shipment which
waive or vary any of these terms. All packages covered under a single UPS Waybill/ is prohibited by applicable law or regulations in the origin or destination
consignment note (the “UPS Waybill”) shall be considered a single shipment. country, or which UPS may determine, in its sole discretion, to be so
A shipment may be carried via any intermediate stopping places that UPS prohibited. Prohibited articles found in the UPS network or restricted
deems appropriate. articles not properly prepared in accordance with presiding regulations are
subject to an additional prohibited item fee. UPS reserves the right in its
Unless otherwise agreed in writing prior to the tender of the shipment, the service sole and unlimited discretion to dispose, submit to authorities or return
to be provided by UPS is limited to the pickup, transportation, customs clearance such packages to the shipper at the shipper’s expense. Such charges apply in
where applicable and delivery of the shipment. The shipper acknowledges that addition to all other applicable charges including all disposal fees.
shipments will be consolidated with those of other shippers for transport and
that UPS may not monitor the inbound and outbound movement of individual The shipper shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the
shipments at all handling centres. particulars inserted in the Waybill and for ensuring that all shipments set out
adequate contact details for the shipper and receiver of the shipment and that they
Commodities Handled and Restrictions on Service are so packed, marked and labeled, their contents so described and classified and
UPS offers transportation of general commodities, as usually defined, subject to are accompanied by such documentation as may (in each case) be necessary to
the following restrictions: make them suitable for transportation and to comply with the requirements of the
effective Rate and Service Guide and applicable law.
of Service
Effective July 11, 2021
UPS Paperless Invoice Service The maximum actual or declared value for a UPS Import Control shipment is VND
UPS Paperless Invoice Service provides shippers with the option of having 1,175,000,000 per package and VND 2,350,000,000 per pallet; provided that for any
electronic commercial invoices, which reflect their sale transactions of UPS Import Control package or pallet with an actual or declared value in excess of
merchandise, prepared for them. This service would help shippers to expedite VND 23,500,000, the shipper must ensure that a UPS high value shipment summary is
customs clearance of their international shipments and it is available to shippers generated and signed by the UPS driver upon tender of the shipment to UPS. If no high
who register with UPS in advance of shipping. value shipment summary is obtained and signed, the maximum actual or declared
value of each such shipment is limited to VND 23,500,000.
By using UPS Paperless Invoice service, the shipper authorises UPS to use the
shipper’s letterhead and electronic signature to prepare true, correct, and Print Return Label; Electronic Return Label
paperless commercial invoices that reflect, in all material respects, the shipper’s Packages can be returned from an address using Print Return or Electronic Return.
sale transactions of merchandise to its buyers necessary to expedite in accordance
with law the export and customs clearance of international shipments. The maximum actual or declared value for each domestic Print Return Label or
Electronic Return Label is VND 23,500,000 per package or pallet.
All commercial invoice information must be provided by the shipper, to ensure
the accuracy and completeness of the Paperless Invoice. Timely upload of The maximum actual or declared value for each international Print Return Label or
Package Level Details (PLD) by shippers is also required for use of this service. Electronic Return Label is VND 1,175,000,000 per package or VND 2,350,000,000
PLD includes, but is not limited to the consignee’s full name, complete delivery per pallet; provided that for any such shipment with an actual or declared value
address, and shipment dimensions and weight. If timely upload of PLD is not in excess of VND 23,500,000, the shipper must ensure that a UPS high value
provided, certain UPS services are unavailable. Timely Upload of PLD as used in shipment summary is generated and signed by the UPS driver upon tender of the
these Terms refers to the electronic transmission of all applicable PLD information shipment to UPS. If no high value shipment summary is obtained and signed, the
to UPS at or before the time that Shipments are tendered to UPS. PLD includes, maximum actual or declared value for each such package or pallet is limited to
but is not limited to, Consignee’s full name, complete delivery address, and VND 23,500,000.
Shipment dimensions and weight.
Upon delivery, a shipment returned will be charged the rate calculated from the
UPS Import Control® pickup location to the destination via the service selected. An additional charge
UPS Import Control service allows a shipper to process an import shipment, for each Print Return Label and Electronic Return Label will be assessed when
including commercial invoice. Where available, the shipper can use UPS Import the service is requested. The applicable charges will be those set forth in the UPS
Control service to create a Print Import Label or Electronic Import Label to provide Rates in effect at the time the charge is applied.
to the sender of the shipment, or the shipper may also request UPS 1 Pickup
Attempt or UPS 3 Pickup Attempts, to request that UPS make pickup attempts UPS Returns Plus
to retrieve an import shipment from a sender’s address. UPS 3 Pickup Attempts (i) 1 UPS Pickup Attempt
Service is not available for UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services. UPS Import A shipper can request that UPS make one pickup attempt to retrieve a package or
Control is available only in countries where UPS pickup services are available. An pallet from an address.
additional charge for each UPS Import Control label as set forth in the UPS Rates in
effect at the time the charge is applied. The maximum actual or declared value for each domestic 1 UPS Pickup Attempt
service shipment is VND 23,500,000 per shipment. The maximum actual or
UPS Import Control is available for packages and pallets through WorldShip®, UPS declared value for each international 1 UPS Pickup Attempt shipment is VND
CampusShip, UPS Internet Shipping, or UPS Developer Kit and also for packages 1,175,000,000 per package or VND 2,350,000,000 per pallet; provided that for
that are processed through WorldShip or an UPS Ready® solution. any international 1 UPS Pickup Attempt shipment with an actual or declared
value in excess of VND 23,500,000 per package or pallet, the shipper must ensure
Shipments containing certain items are prohibited from being shipped and are not that a UPS high value shipment summary is generated and signed by the UPS
accepted by UPS for UPS Import Control service, including but not limited to shipments driver upon tender of the shipment to UPS. If no high value shipment summary
containing Hazardous Materials shipments requiring shipping papers, or firearms is obtained and signed, the maximum actual or declared value of each such
shipments requiring Confirmation of Delivery service (C.O.D). C.O.D service is not shipment is limited to VND 23,500,000 per package or pallet.
available for UPS Import Control shipments.
Upon delivery, a shipment returned using 1 UPS Pickup Attempt service will be instructions, including return. If the return of the shipment is refused by the
charged the rate calculated from the pickup location to the destination via the shipper, or the shipment cannot otherwise be returned to the shipper, UPS
service selected. An additional charge for each 1 UPS Pickup Attempt service will retain the shipment for a reasonable period of time, to be determined at
package will be assessed when 1 UPS Pickup Attempt service is requested. The its sole discretion (not to exceed thirty days), and upon exercising reasonable
applicable charges will be those set forth in the UPS Rates in effect at the time the commercial efforts at notifying the shipper, UPS reserves the right to deal with
charge is applied. the shipment thereafter in any manner at its sole discretion, including but not
limited to disposal of the package. The shipper will be responsible for payment
(ii) 3 UPS Pickup Attempts of all charges, including, but not limited to, forwarding, disposal, or return
A shipper can request that UPS make three pickup attempts to retrieve a shipment transportation charges, as well as any duty and tax, if applicable. UPS will not be
from an address. This service is not available for UPS Worldwide Express Freight liable for any claims for loss or damage to a shipment refused by the shipper on
Services. return.
The maximum actual or declared value for each domestic 3 UPS Pickup Attempts Refusal and Suspension of Service
service shipment is VND 1,175,000,000. The maximum actual or declared value for If it comes to the attention of UPS that any shipment does not meet any of
each international 3 UPS Pickup Attempts service shipment is VND 1,175,000,000; the above restrictions or conditions, UPS may refuse to transport the shipment
provided that for any 3 UPS Pickup Attempts shipment with an actual or declared and, if carriage is in progress, UPS may suspend carriage and hold the shipment.
value in excess of VND 23,500,000, the shipper must ensure that a UPS high value UPS further reserves the right to deal with such a shipment in any manner in its
shipment summary is generated and signed by the UPS driver upon tender of sole discretion and solely at the shipper’s risk and expense, including but not
the shipment to UPS. If no high value shipment summary is obtained and signed, limited to, returning the shipment to the shipper, submitting the shipment to
the maximum actual or declared value for each such shipment is limited to VND government authorities, or disposing of such shipment.
23,500,000 per shipment or pallet.
UPS also reserves the right to refuse to provide service, among other reasons,
Deliveries Attempted Three Times Without Extra Charge for any shipment which by reason of the character of its contents may, in the
Where applicable, if UPS is unable to complete delivery of a shipment, a notice sole judgment of UPS, soil, taint, or otherwise damage other package or UPS’s
will be left at the consignee’s address stating that delivery has been attempted. equipment, or which is improperly or insecurely packed or wrapped. In addition,
Thereafter, a second, and if necessary, a third attempt to deliver the packages will UPS reserves the right either to refuse to provide service for any shipment or to or
be made without additional charge. For UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services from any location, or to provide alternative service arrangements, when, among
shipments, only one delivery attempt will be made; subsequent delivery attempts other reasons, UPS, in its sole discretion, deems that it is unsafe or economically
are subject to additional charges which will be charged to the consignee. or operationally impracticable to provide service.
UPS may deliver a shipment to the consignee or the consignee’s actual or UPS may at its option suspend transportation of any shipment if goods are found
apparent agent or representative or pursuant to consignee’s instructions, to the not to be acceptable for transportation for any reason whatsoever, if UPS cannot
address or location specified in the UPS shipping system, to any person present effect delivery at the third attempt to do so, if the consignee refuses to accept
at the address or location specified in the UPS shipping system, to a reasonable delivery, or if it cannot collect amounts due from the receiver on delivery. The
alternate address or location, in accordance with trade custom or usage, pursuant shipper will be responsible for payment of all charges, calculated in accordance
to UPS’s driver release procedures or delivery pursuant to UPS’s Shipper Release with the then current UPS rates, caused by such suspension of transportation,
procedures. UPS does not limit delivery of a shipment to a person specified as including, but not limited to, forwarding, disposal, or return of transportation
the consignee. UPS may use an electronic device to obtain proof of delivery and charges as well as any duty or tax, if applicable.
the shipper agrees that it will not object to UPS relying on a printed copy of this as
evidence merely on the grounds that the information concerned is obtained and The shipper will be responsible for the reasonable costs and expenses of UPS
stored in electronic form. (including storage), for such losses, taxes and customs duties as UPS may suffer
and for all claims made against UPS because a package does not meet any of the
Special Handling of Undeliverable Shipments; Refused Shipment Returned restrictions or conditions in the Commodities Handled and Restrictions on Service
Shipments refused by the consignee, or which for any other reason cannot be clause above or because of any refusal or suspension of carriage or return of a
delivered, will be held, and UPS will attempt to contact the shipper for further package by UPS pursuant to these terms.
of Service
Effective July 11, 2021
UPS will not be liable or responsible for the loss of or damage to any shipment, When shipping certain electronic media containing sensitive personal
the contents of which UPS is not authorised to accept, which UPS states it will information, it is recommended that the shipper retain a copy of the data
not accept, or which UPS has a right to refuse. If UPS suspends service as set and secure the data on the electronic media through encryption or other
forth in these terms, the payer of any charges shall not be entitled to a refund. technological means. UPS is not liable or responsible for loss of, damage to, or
Acceptance for carriage of any package or shipment that UPS does not accept irretrievability of data stored on electronic media, or loss of information.
for transportation or which shippers are prohibited from shipping, does not
constitute a waiver of any provisions of these terms or the terms set forth in the UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services shipments must be palletised, stackable,
Rate and Service Guide, or on ups.com®. able to be lifted by forklift, and shrink-wrapped or banded to a skid. Shipper must
ensure that pallets and packaging comply with all applicable laws and regulations
Hold for Pickup and Hold at Location Services of the origin and destination country.
At the time a shipper tenders a shipment to UPS, the shipper may request that
UPS hold a domestic package at a designated UPS Customer Centre for pickup Right of Inspection
by the consignee. For each such shipment, the shipper will complete an address UPS reserves the right, but is not required, to open and inspect any package
label showing the words “Hold for Pickup,” the consignee’s name, telephone tendered to it for transportation.
number, the name of a contact person, and the full address of the designated UPS
Customer Centre. In addition, the shipper will apply a UPS Hold for Pickup label In addition, UPS is a registered shipping agent and is subjected to inspection
below the address label on the shipment. Hold for Pickup label is not available for procedures, security screening and clearing procedures by the local airport
international package shipments. police, local border customs, aviation security and the relevant authorities
in accordance with Vietnamese law, and that the civil and criminal penalties,
For UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services shipments, the shipper may request including forfeiture and sale may be imposed for false or fraudulent statements
that UPS hold a UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services shipment at a UPS or illegal transportation of an explosive or explosive device.
Worldwide Express Freight Centre location for pickup by the consignee. For each
such shipment, the shipper will complete an address label showing the words Provisions for Customs Clearance of International Shipments
“Hold for Pickup,” the consignee’s name, telephone number, the name of a The shipper must provide required documentation for customs clearance. By
contact person, and the full address of the consignee (designated UPS Worldwide providing required documentation, the shipper certifies that all statements
Express Freight Centre address not required). and information relating to exportation and importation are true and correct.
Furthermore, the shipper understands that UPS is a registered shipping agent
UPS will hold the shipment at the designated UPS Customer Centre or UPS operating under the law and is bound by inspection procedures, monitoring of
Worldwide Express Freight Centre and will attempt to contact the consignee at the international border customs, aviation security and the relevant authorities in
telephone number shown on the label. Shipments not picked up within five (5) accordance with Vietnamese law, and that the civil and criminal penalties, including
business days from the date of arrival will be considered undeliverable. forfeiture and sale, may be imposed for making false or fraudulent statements
or illegal transportation of an explosive or explosive device. When a shipment is
“UPS Worldwide Express Freight Centre” means a UPS facility where shippers may tendered to UPS, UPS is thereby appointed as the agent for performance of customs
tender UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services pallets to UPS for transportation, and clearance, where applicable. UPS is specified as the nominal consignee for the
a consignee or other recipient may receive pallets. UPS Worldwide Express Freight purpose of designating a customs broker to perform customs clearance.
Centres that are available in Asia-Pacific are listed at ups.com® under Global Locator
section. Customs penalties, storage charges, or other expenses incurred as a result of
an action by customs or failure by the shipper or consignee to provide proper
Packaging documentation or to obtain a required license or permit will be charged to the
It is the responsibility of the shipper to ensure that proper packaging is used and consignee along with any applicable duty or tax. The shipper shall be liable in the
that contents are adequately and securely packed, wrapped and cushioned for event of non-payment by the consignee. Where applicable, UPS provides brokerage
transportation. The use of UPS-provided packaging (including but not limited to service at no additional charge for routine customs clearance subject to any
materials, supplies and assistance) is not a guarantee that an item is sufficiently conditions stipulated in the effective UPS Rate and Service Guide. Additional charges
packaged for transportation. may be applied for the complex clearance procedures listed in the Rate Guide.
Rates when the account number is missing or it is not the correct account number for
The effective rates are the UPS Rates published in the effective UPS Rate and the bill-to party, or if it is the account number for a receiver or third party who
Service Guide for the service selected by the shipper, which apply to the shipper fails to pay the shipping charges. In the event of non-payment by the receiver or
and the shipment and are in effect at the time of shipping, plus any additional third party, the shipper will be billed a refusal fee plus the shipping charges.
charges or rates for nonstandard service, additional or nonstandard usage, and
any other additional charges referenced in the effective UPS Rate and Service Interruption of Service
Guide, or those applicable additional rates set out in any customised contracts. If UPS is unable to start or continue with carriage of the shipper’s shipment for a
To determine the amount of any charge for UPS service, consult the effective reason beyond its control, the shipper will not be able to claim that UPS is in breach
UPS Rates, available at ups.com ® and upon request at the local UPS office. of its agreement with the shipper but UPS will take all steps that are reasonably
UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services pallets that are processed as door-to- practicable in the circumstances to commence or continue the carriage.
door pallet prior to drop off at a UPS Worldwide Express Freight Centre for
transportation will be subject to additional fees. UPS shall not be liable for, and the UPS Service Guarantee shall not apply to,
any interruption of service due to causes beyond UPS’s control including, but
The display currency for UPS rates and fees was revised from United States Dollar not limited to: the unavailability or refusal of a person to accept delivery of the
(USD) to Vietnamese Dong (VND) on July 12, 2020. As a result of this revision, shipment, acts of God, natural disasters, war risks, acts of terrorism, acts of public
there may be a variance of ±0.5% between the discounted rates from the authorities acting with actual or apparent authority, acts or omissions of customs
published rate chart and the net charges invoiced. or similar authorities, authority of law, insufficient information provided by a
customer, the application of security regulations imposed by the government
Payment or otherwise applicable to the shipment, riots, a government agency hold,
Unless paid before shipment, all charges must be paid within 7 days of receipt of strikes or other labor disputes, civil unrest, disruptions of any kind in national or
invoice or within such other period as the shipper may have agreed in writing with local air or ground transportation networks (including, but not limited to, UPS’s
UPS. Unless proved otherwise, an invoice shall be considered for this purpose to transportation network), disruption or failure of communication and information
have been received three business days following the date of invoice. systems, and adverse weather conditions.
Any payments made by UPS, including but not limited to taxes, duties or other UPS Service Guarantee
levies, on behalf of the shipper, receiver or some other party, shall be due and UPS’s on-schedule delivery of shipments for certain services and destinations
payable by the shipper on demand. Notwithstanding any billing or payment is supported by a money-back guarantee, as set forth in the Rate and Service
option selected at the time of shipment, the shipper is ultimately liable for and Guide, Details of UPS’s Service Guarantee, including its applicability and
agrees to pay all charges, including where the receiver or third party fails to pay limitations, and the corresponding delivery and latest pick up time for the
any charges which they are due to pay. A late payment fee in the amount set relevant service and destination are as set out on the UPS website (ups.
out in UPS’s invoice may be charged on any sums outstanding as of the specified com®) current at the time the goods are accepted for carriage and can also be
payment due date. This is in addition to any legal rights and remedies available to confirmed by contacting the local UPS office. Where the Service Guarantee
UPS. operates, and the conditions for the Service Guarantee as set forth in the
Rate and Service Guide are fulfilled, if UPS fails to attempt delivery within
UPS shall have a general and continuing lien on any and all shipments for which the applicable time period, UPS will on request, at its option, either refund
services are being provided by UPS that come into UPS’s actual or constructive or credit the shipper (or any other person who paid for the carriage) with the
possession or control for monies owed to UPS with regard to the shipment on shipping charges (or, in the case that only some of the packages or pallet in a
which the lien is claimed and/or any and all prior shipment(s). multiple package or pallet shipment fail to meet the applicable time limit, the
proportionate part of the shipping charges relating to those packages or pallet),
Missing/Invalid Account Number or Refusal Fee net of any surcharges, Value Added Tax, duties or any taxes and levies. UPS must
A processing fee, set forth in the UPS Rates applicable to the shipment in effect also be notified in writing or by telephone within 15 calendar days after the
at the time of shipping, will be charged for a missing or invalid account number scheduled delivery for all Guaranteed Service Refund claims.
of Service
Effective July 11, 2021
The Service Guarantee does not apply where late delivery results from non- Shipper guarantees payment of all charges payable to UPS by the receiver or third
compliance with the restrictions or conditions in the Commodities Handled and party designated on the waybill. For all shipments where the shipper is not paying
Restrictions on Service clause, from the exercise of any lien by UPS in accordance the shipping charges, the shipper must notify the bill payer prior to shipping,
with these terms, where either the Refusal and Suspension of Service clause or and that option must be indicated on the UPS Waybill in the space provided. UPS
the Interruption of Service clause apply. The Service Guarantee does not apply reserves the right in its sole discretion to request advance payment of shipping
to (i) packages or pallets subject to a Large Package Surcharge, Oversize Pallet charges for any package or pallet sent to or from any international destination or
Handling Surcharge or Additional Handling Charge; (ii) shipments containing any origin.
package that exceed maximum size or weight limits (iii) shipments containing any
package or pallet subject to a Large Package Surcharge, Oversize Pallet Handling A Duty and Tax Forwarding Surcharge will be applied where the duties and taxes
Surcharge, Additional Handling Charge, or that exceed maximum size or weight are paid by a third-party outside of or within the destination country or by the
limits, (iv) any shipments containing International Dangerous Goods (IDG), or receiver.
(v) shipments without timely upload of PLD. For UPS Worldwide Express Freight
Services shipments, the Service Guarantee shall apply to a shipment in excess of Responsibility For Loss or Damage
2 tons or 4,400 pounds only if the shipper obtained confirmation of eligibility for Where Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International
the Service Guarantee, prior to the tender of the shipment to UPS for service. Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on October 12, 1929 (and any amendments
thereto, including the Additional Protocol No.4 signed at Montreal on September
For the avoidance of doubt, UPS’s liability under the Service Guarantee is limited 1975, or the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International
to the above and the Service Guarantee does not otherwise constitute any form of Carriage by Air (Montreal, May 28, 1999)) or CMR Conventions or any national
undertaking or representation that the shipment will arrive by any particular time. laws implementing or adopting these conventions apply (for convenience
collectively referred to as Convention Rules) or where (and to the extent that)
UPS may also cancel or suspend the UPS Service Guarantee for any service(s), and other mandatory national law applies, the liability of UPS is governed by and will
for any period of time, as determined by UPS in its sole discretion, and without prior be limited according to the applicable rules.
Under Vietnamese law, UPS will only be liable for failure to act with reasonable
Billing Options care and skill and its liability shall be exclusively governed by these terms and
The amount billed includes, but is not limited to, shipping charges, duties and (save in the case of personal injury or death) limited to 9 SDR per kg (calculated
taxes, if applicable. Unless otherwise restricted in the origin or destination per 500g and rounded up to the nearest 500g), provided that the amount of
country, UPS provides the following selection of payer options: compensation is not lower than 30 SDR per shipment, plus the charges paid for
the respective international mail delivery services.
Bill Shipping Charges to:
(a) Shipper – The shipper pays all shipping charges. The shipper may increase UPS’s liability limit up to the actual value of the
(b) Receiver – The receiver pays all shipping charges. shipment by declaring a higher value for carriage and paying an additional charge
(c) Third Party – The designated third party pays all shipping charges. This as stated in the Rate and Service Guide. The declared value for carriage shall not
option is subject to the third party having a UPS account. Shipper must exceed the actual value of the shipment or the actual value limits specified in the
indicate the third party’s name, account number, and country in the Commodities Handled and Restrictions on Service clause, whichever is lower.
appropriate section of the UPS Waybill.
Specifically for permitted shipments of jewelry, unset precious stones, and
Bill Duties and Taxes to: industrial diamonds, the declared value (and consequently UPS’s liability limit
(a) Shipper – The shipper pays all duties and taxes. for such shipments) shall not exceed the actual value of the shipment and is
(b) Receiver – The receiver pays all duties and taxes. subject to a further maximum limit of VND 23,500,000 per package or pallet (or
(c) Third Party – The designated third party pays all duties and taxes. This option the local currency equivalent) or VND 58,750,000 per package or per pallet (or the
is subject to the third party having a UPS account. Shipper must indicate the local currency equivalent) if such a shipment is tendered from eligible origins to
third party’s name, account number, and country in the appropriate section eligible destinations set forth at ups.com/jewelry.
of the UPS Waybill.
UPS does not offer shippers’ cargo insurance. Shippers desiring cargo insurance or
all risk insurance should purchase such insurance from third parties.
UPS shall not be liable or responsible for loss or damage due to acts of God, incorporated by reference into these terms). The shipper has certain rights under
natural disasters, war risks, acts of terrorism, nuclear damage, acts of public the law to have access to, rectify, object to the use for direct marketing of, or
authorities acting with actual or apparent authority, acts or omissions of customs delete personal data held by UPS about it.
or similar authorities, authority of law, the application of security regulations
imposed by the government or otherwise applicable to the shipment, riots, The shipper agrees that by including the e-mail address of the consignee in PLD
strikes or other labor disputes, civil unrest, disruptions in national or local for a shipment, (“PLD Email Address(es)”), the shipper acknowledges and agrees
air or ground transportation networks (including, but not limited to, UPS’s that UPS may send notifications related to the delivery of such shipment to
transportation network), disruption or failure of communication and information the shipment’s associated PLD Email Address(es) and may use such PLD Email
systems, or adverse weather conditions. Address(es) in accordance with the UPS Privacy Notice. The shipper warrants that
(i) informed and specific consent has been secured from the individual associated
Save where applicable Convention Rules or other applicable mandatory with each PLD Email Address(es) to receive notifications related to the delivery
national laws require otherwise, UPS shall not be liable for special, incidental, or of such shipments and for use by UPS of the PLD Email Address in accordance
consequential damages, including purely economic losses, such as the costs of with the UPS Privacy Notice and that (ii) the PLD Email Address(es) is accurate
any alternative means of transport, loss of profits, loss of business opportunities and is controlled by the consignee or associated addressee for the shipment. The
or loss of revenue resulting from loss of use, arising from any loss of or damage or shipper shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless UPS, its parent corporation,
delay to a shipment, whether or not a value has been declared as set forth above. and affiliated companies, their officers, directors, employees, agents, and their
successors and assigns, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages,
UPS shall not be liable for any damages arising from UPS’s inability, failure or costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) of any nature whatsoever
refusal to comply with a request to stop, return or re-route a shipment of a incurred or suffered in connection with damages arising out of or resulting from
package or pallet after tender to UPS. any breach of the warranties in the previous sentence.
UPS Vietnam
Hanoi Office HCMC Head Office
Sai Dong B Industrial Zone, Thach Ban Ward, 18A Cong Hoa Street
Long Bien District, Hanoi, Vietnam Tan Binh District
Tel: (84) 024 3514 2888 Ho Chi Minh City
Fax: (84) 024 3514 2727 Vietnam
Monday – Saturday: 07:30 – 19:00 Tel: (84) 028 3811 2888 / 3811 2999
Closed on Sundays and public holidays Fax: (84) 028 3811 3333
Monday – Saturday: 07:30 – 19:00
Closed on Sundays and public holidays
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