Appendix A 1111
Appendix A 1111
Appendix A 1111
Dear Respondent,
I am ____________________, Reg. No. ___________, a student at Mbarara University of
science and technology pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree of Procurement and supply chain
Management. I am carrying out research titled “INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AND
PERFORMANCE OF NUMA FEEDS.” You have been chosen to take part in this study
by giving responses to questions below. You are therefore kindly requested to assist in your
own capacity to answer the questions given below. Your responses will be kept with utmost
confidentiality and used for only for academic purposes.
Please tick/Circle ONE of the options you feel most apply to your situation or FILL in
1. Indicate your gender.
a). Male b). Female
Please tick the box that best describes your response on the Inventory Management
Techniques applied by NUM NUMA FEEDS.
NB: 5(Strongly Agree), 4(Agree), 3(Not Sure), 2(Disagree), 1(Strongly Disagree).
No Statement Level agreement/disagreement
5 4 3 2 1
The Inventory Management Techniques applied by NUMA FEEDS
a) Perpetual inventory management technique
1 Perpetual inventory management technique is a
conducive technique to improve company
2. Under perpetual inventory management technique,
ordering is automatic which saves time and labour.
3. Perpetual inventory management technique has a
better responsiveness to demand for company good.
b). Periodic review inventory management technique
4. The company uses periodic review to measure and
gauge the level of performance.
5. The company maintains greater chance of elimination
of absolute stock with periodic reviews.
6. In periodic review technique large quantity discounts
are negotiated when a range of stock items are ordered
from the same supplier at the same time.
c). Just in time inventory management technique
7. Just in time is taken into consideration in order to
retain high levels of company performance.
8. Just in time technique ensures that materials arrive
Just in time before the production starts.
9. Just in time eliminate the possibility of making
mistakes in production process
d). ABC Analysis inventory management technique.
10 ABC Analysis inventory management technique
provide mechanism for identifying inventory that will
have significant impact in overall inventory cost
11 ABC techniques is used to arrange goods according to
their level of importance spending priority and
12 ABC Analysis inventory management techniques
helps to save time fasten planning in an organization
which has impact on performance.
e). Economic order quality inventory management technique (EOQ)
13. EOQ minimize the total inventory holding cost and
ordering costs
14. EOQ is applied when the demand for the products is
constant for over the years
15. Economic order quantity time is fixed and ordering
cost is constant which has direct impact on
f). Material requirement planning (MRP)
16. MRP maintains the lowest level of inventory which
has an impact on performance.
17. MRP is computerized which aims at holding Zero
stock of an item unless its required for current
18. Ensures materials are available for production and
product are delivered to customers
Does the company face any challenges in managing its inventory?
a). Yes b). No c). I don’t know
Please tick the box that best describes your response on the challenges the company is facing
or faces in managing its inventory.
NB: 5(Strongly Agree), 4(Agree), 3(Not Sure), 2(Disagree), 1(Strongly Disagree).
10 10 100 80 280 162 800 260 2800 338
15 14 110 86 290 165 850 265 3000 341
20 19 120 92 300 169 900 269 3500 346
25 24 130 97 320 175 950 274 4000 351
30 28 140 103 340 181 1000 278 4500 354
35 32 150 108 360 186 1100 285 5000 357
40 36 160 113 380 191 1200 291 6000 361
45 40 170 118 400 196 1300 297 7000 364
50 44 180 123 420 201 1400 302 8000 367
55 48 190 127 440 205 1500 306 9000 368
60 52 200 132 460 210 1600 310 10000 370
65 56 210 136 480 214 1700 313 15000 375
70 59 220 140 500 217 1800 317 20000 377
75 63 230 144 550 226 1900 320 30000 379
80 66 240 148 600 234 2000 322 40000 380
85 70 250 152 650 242 2200 327 50000 381
90 73 260 155 700 248 2400 331 75000 382
95 76 270 159 750 254 2600 335 1000000 384
Appendix 111
Work plan
No Duration of the work
Jan - Mar April - May Jun - Jul Aug- Sept
1 Proposal Writing √
2 Literature reviews √
3 Data collection √
4 Data analysis √
5 Report writing √ √
6 Presentation √
Appendix 1V: Research Budget
No Item Quantity Cost
1 Supplies
Ream of paper 25000 75,000
Printing 200@ 100,000
4 Miscellaneous
a. Photocopying and computer 200@ 75,000
services 10000@ 30,000
b. Scanning 30,000@ 90,000
c. Hard cover books Sub total 195,000
5 Contingency 10,000
Grand Total 600,000