People vs. Butiong Gr. No. 168932: Facts
People vs. Butiong Gr. No. 168932: Facts
People vs. Butiong Gr. No. 168932: Facts
This case involves a man who had sexual intercourse with a woman who, although 29 years of
age, was a mental retardate with the mentality of a six- to seven-year old.
In the evening of October 7, 1998, AAA, then a 29-year-old mental retardate, was invited by
Butiong, her long-time neighbor, to go over to his house because he would give her
something. AAA obliged. He locked the door as soon as she had stepped inside his house, and
then took off his shorts and the shorts of AAA. He led her to the sofa, where he had carnal
knowledge of her.
Upon reaching home, AAA forthwith told her older sister what had happened. Her sister
brought AAA to the police station and later on to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).
AAA underwent a series of Psychological Test with result showed that she had a mild level of
mental retardation, and that her mental age was that of a child aged from six to seven years.
Yes. Rape is essentially a crime committed through force or intimidation, that is, against the
will of the female. It is also committed without force or intimidation when carnal knowledge
of a female is alleged and shown to be without her consent. This understanding of the
commission of rape has been prevalent in both the common law and the statutory law
There are four modes of committing the crime of rape as provided in paragraph 1, Article
266-A of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, applied in his case, namely:
d. When the offended party is under 12 years of age, or is demented, even though none of the
circumstances first mentioned is present.