Mini Riset Kelompok 8
Mini Riset Kelompok 8
Mini Riset Kelompok 8
SRI MULYANA (4213550033)
Development of Contextual Teaching Learning Model Based on Blended Learning
Zunidar - Sahat Siagian - Abdul Hamid K State University of Medan.
Abstract - The research objectives were to analyze: (1) the feasibility of a blended learning based
contextual learning model for the lesson planning course, and (2) the effectiveness of the blended
learning-based contextual learning model for the lesson planning course. The research method used is
development research. The resulting learning tools were validated by experts, then continued with
individual tests, small group tests and field groups. Testing the effectiveness of the learning model is
done by testing the t test statistic. The research findings show: (1) a contextual learning model based
on blended learning, the lesson planning course is developed starting from needs analysis, design,
evaluation and trial stages to produce a syntax for learning models and learning tools in the form of
model books, lecturer manuals, student manuals and textbooks that are expert validation and the
results show the level of feasibility for use in learning activities in the Learning Planning course, and
(2) the contextual learning model based on blended learning for the Learning Planning subject is
proven to be effective for use in learning, this can be seen from the results of statistical testing where
the calculated price is known (4.33) > t table (1.988), so it can be concluded that this learning model
is effective in improving student learning outcomes.
Mistakes: a blended = blended
Illocutionary Acts in Panggih Ceremonies in Tegal and Those in Tanjung Morawa
Ratika Astimawati Post Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Medan Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr. V
Medan Estate, North Sumatera Province - Indonesia 20221
Abstract - This research aim is to find out the types of illocutionary acts found in panggih ceremonies
in Tegal and those in Tanjung Morawa. The research will conduct by using descriptives qualitative
design. The data of this research are sentences, phrases, and words that consist of illocutionary acts in
panggih ceremonies in Tegal and those in Tanjung Morawa. The data sources are the wedding
ceremonies in Tegal and Tanjung Morawa. Two wedding ceremonies will be take in each city, which
will be the data sources of this research. Then, the data will analyze by using types of speech acts
based on (Searle 1979). The data will be collected by direct observation and video of a wedding
ceremony- such a sentence, phrase, and word of pranatacara will be the data of this research. The
results of this study were found that there were five types of illocutionary acts in panggih ceremonies.
Those were Directive, Assertive, Commissive, Expressive and Declarative
Mistakes: take = taken
Lexical Metaphor in Indonesian (the)Version of Surah Al-Kahfi
Mirwana Siska Post Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Medan. Jalan Willem Iskandar Psr. V
Medan Estate, Sumater Utara - Indonesia, 20144.
Abstract - This research deals with Lexical Metaphor in Indonesian Version of Surah Al-Kahfi. The
objectives of this research was : 1) to find out the types of lexical metaphor used in Surah Al-Kahfi.
This research design of this study descriptive qualitative research where the researcher explained the
result of the research by describing the data gained. The sources of the data were Indonesian
translation (s)of each verse in Surah Al-Kahfi. There were 42 lexical metaphors in Indonesian Version
of Surah Al-Kahfi namely 33.33% for noun-adjective, 26.19% for noun-verb, 16.6% for noun-
verb/adjective-circumstance, 7.14% for noun-noun, 4.76% for noun-noun-noun and noun-
circumstance, and 2.38% for noun-noun-adjective, adjectivecircumstance and verb-circumstance. The
dominant type of lexical metaphor in Indonesian Version of Surah Al-Kahfi was noun-adjective.
There are new findings- the new types lexical metaphor, there are noun-circumstance, verb-
circumstance, adjective-circumstance, nounnoun-noun and noun-noun-adjective
Mistakes: was = were
Metaphor = metaphors
This = the
Descriptive = is descriptive
Translation = translations
Students’ Readiness on Long Distance Learning by using Technology Platforms
Rahmat Huda - Khairul Amri - Lili Herawati Parapat Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan
Abstract - Covid-19 outbreak which has spread all over the world creates an impact for many sectors,
especially in educational context. The aim of this study is to describe the students^ Readiness on Long
Distance Learning by using Technology Platforms (WhatsApp, Google Classroom and Zoom). This
research uses (a)descriptive qualitative design. The data collection uses questionnaire of online self-
assessment survey regarding to the students^ readiness on Long Distance Learning and structured
interview to support the questionnaire data. The questionnaire is analyzed descriptively to gain
students^ category on readiness level and confirmed with the interviewed data. The results of the
study were the categories of students’ readiness, namely: 1) ready (excellent), 2) half-ready (okay),
difficult (not recommended).
Mistakes: educational = an educational
On = for
Descriptive = a descriptive
Questionnaire = a questionnaire
To = delete
The Influence of Learning Models and Students’ Initial Ability on Science Process Skills and Critical
Thinking Ability in Light Matter and Its Characteristics for Class IV Students of SDN 094099
Junanshe Nando Sinaga – Hasruddin - Ramlan Silaban Universitas Negeri Medan
Abstract - The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) The differences in science process skills of
students who were taught using the guided inquiry learning model using the discovery learning model,
(2) the differences in the critical thinking abilities of students who were taught using the guided
inquiry learning model using the discovery learning model, (3) ) The interaction between learning
models and students ^initial abilities in influencing students^ science process skills, (4) The
interaction between learning models and students ^initial abilities in influencing students’ critical
thinking skills. This research is a quasi-experiment. The study population was all fourth-grade
students of SD Negeri 094099 Siruberube which consisted of 2 classes. From the two fourth grade
students, the experimental class was chosen to be treated with guided inquiry learning and the control
class was given discovery learning treatment. The instrument for measuring science processing skills
and critical thinking skills was used essay tests. The data analysis technique used ANOVA at the
significance level α- = 0.05. The results showed: (1) There were differences in the science process
skills of students using the guided ingkuiri learning model using the discovery learning model. The
science process skills of students using the guided inquiry learning model with an average score of
73.04, while the science process skills of students using the discovery learning model obtained an
average score of 60.67, (2) There are differences in students^ critical thinking abilities using the
guided inquiry learning model by using discovery learning model. The ability to think critically.
Mistakes: eassy = in eassy
Empowering Teachers through the Principals Transformational Leadership
Ade Amriani* - Benyamin Situmorang - Yasaratodo Wao Universitas Negeri Medan
Abstract- The use of technology and information in various fields of life is a sign that the world is
entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Educational transformation in the 4.0 era is a
challenge and provides great opportunities for teacher professional development. As the spearhead of
education, teachers must keep up with the times and be able to take advantage of technology in the
learning process every day by making learning innovations. And the role of the principal as a leader is
very large in determining the success of an educational institution to achieve its goals. Through this
article, it is hoped that it will provide an overview of the characteristics of the principals
transformational leadership and its role in empowering teachers, especially in the current era of
education transformation 4.0
Mistakes: principals = principal’s
Revitalizing the Role of Schools Principal
Mawardi* - Paningkat Siburian - Darwin Universitas Negeri Medan *
Abstract - The principal is not only a leader in educational institutions, he is also a teacher, because
the head is an additional task for a teacher. In order to carry out his role as a manager, the principal
must have an effective strategy to involve, command, and to role model to his subordinates, in
collaboration so that the quality of learning can be achieved and improved. Principals must have
managerial sensitivity, so that they can place teachers and education staffs in a work rhythm that is in
accordance with their qualifications and competencies. The greatness of the principal in managing the
school he leads will have implications for the smooth running of the institution in achieving its goals.
Some of the roles that can be played by the principal at the elementary level are the role of a planner,
implementer, and controller and as an evaluator to ensure that all activities related to the development
and growth of the values that have been agreed upon in the school concerned. This effort is believed
to be effective enough to provide capital for students, so that students are expected to have sufficient
competence to be competent wherever they are.
Mistakes: to = delete
Staffs = staff
The Flipped Classroom: Learning Revolution to Improve Students’ English-Speaking Skills Etika
Maeda Sohaya* - Julaga Situmorang - Hamonangan Tambunan Department of Educational
Technology, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan Jalan William Iskandar, Sumatera
Utara 20371, Indonesia *
Abstract - The flipped classroom is one of the revolutions in education that utilizes internet
technology in learning. Students are required to access and study material online at home before face-
to-face learning in the classroom. In class, the teacher focuses on the students to be directly involved
in their English-speaking skills. This study aims to develop learning media based on the flipped
classroom that was feasible and effectively used to improve students^ English speaking skills. The
research and development (R&D) was the type of this study. The procedure and design are from the
Gall, Gall & Borg, and Dick, Carey & Carey models. Based on the results of expert validation, trial
evaluations, and student achievement tests. Thus, the learning media based on the flipped classroom
was feasible and effectively used to improve students’ English-speaking skills.
Mistakes: was = were
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Based Training Management Model to Improve
the Competence of Information and Communication Technology Teachers at SMK Negeri 12 Medan
Fatimasari Nasution – Irwandy - Arif Rahman - Achiruddin Siregar Medan State University
Abstract - Teacher professionalism is a very important factor in determining the success of education.
One of the characteristics of a professional teacher is mastering Information and Communication
Technology (ICT). Efforts to improve teacher ICT are very important to develop and maintain teacher
quality. Training is one of the programs that can be used to improve the knowledge and skills of
teachers. The Information and Communication Technology Training Management Model is a model
developed to improve the ICT skills of teachers at SMK Negeri 12 Medan. This study uses a Research
and Development approach. The test subjects were teachers of SMK Negeri 12 Medan and a team of
experts. Types of data in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. The tools to collect data were
Likert scale questionnaires, open questionnaires, interviews, pre-test and post-test and observation
sheets. The results showed that the ICT-based training management model could effectively improve
the ICT skills of teachers at SMK Negeri 12 Medan. The ICT based training management model
refers to the management functions, namely planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating and
monitoring as well as post-training follow-up.
School Leadership Strategies in the Digital Era
Tota Maria Nababan* - Zainuddin - Saut Purba - Godlif Sianipar Universitas Negeri Medan
Abstract - Leadership is one of the most important components in running an organization. Along
with the rapid development of technology, leaders must have a strategy in carrying out their
organization in order to achieve the expected goals, especially in the era of the industrial revolution
4.0. How the strategy that will be used will determine the fate of the school he leads. This study aims
to determine how the principal’s strategy in the digital era 4.0. This study used a qualitative approach
and then it was described in a narrative manner through critical analysis. The research respondents
consisted of several teachers and school principals. The results showed that the principal’s strategy to
improve the quality of human resources was to increase the information and communication
technology knowledge of teachers and all human resources in schools- be a role model for his
subordinates to be able to use technology in supporting work- adopt new useful information to be
implemented- dissemination of important information on the benefits of technology to the guardians
of students- work in a process and results oriented manner- master the 4C formula
Mistakes: that = delete
Implementation of Industrial Work Practice management
Uli Anto Hutagalung* - Zainuddin - Edidon Hutasuhut Universitas Negeri Medan
Abstract- Vocational High Schools aims to improve the ability of students to be able to develop
themselves in line with the development of science, technology, and prepare students to enter the
world of work, one way is through the implementation of industrial work practices (PRAKERIN).
This study aims to describe the management of industrial work practices at SMK Negeri 1
Manduamas which focuses on aspects of planning, implementing and evaluating. Data collection
technique are interviews and documentation. Data analysis procedures are data reduction, data
exposure and data analysis. The results showed that the Industrial Work Practice management at SMK
Negeri 1 Manduamas consisted of planning carried out in the new academic year, the implementation
was carried out into 2 periods for a year, and evaluation was carried out after the Prakerin ended to
find out the shortcomings and achievements of the Prakerin implementation.
Mistakes: technique = techniques
Teacher Development through Inquiry-Based Learning Workshops to Improve the Quality of
Learning at SMP Santa Lusia Sei Rotan
Listaran Sinurat - Arif Rahman - Zulkifli Matondang Medan State University
Abstract - Teacher development research through inquiry-based workshops to improve the quality of
learning in santa lucia sei rotan private junior high school aims to answer the problem of low quality.
This type of research is school action research, which is a series of activities related to data collection
methods through interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Research on teacher development
through inquiry-based learning model workshops shows that the quality of learning in schools is
largely determined by the absolute competencies that teachers must possess and the selection of
appropriate learning models. The role of educators becomes very vital because the progress of an
educational institution is determined by the quality and capacity of the educators. One of the
determining factors in improving the quality, especially the absorption of students as indicated by the
acquisition of grades, is the learning process in the classroom carried out by the teacher. And to
improve teacher professionalism which leads to improving the quality of learning in the classroom, it
must be carried out in a planned manner.Inquiry-based learning model workshop is one of the
learning models that has been developed for the purpose of teaching students how to think creatively
when facing problems or facing problems. Inquiry-based learning model workshops also stimulate
students to think critically and creatively and in turn easily understand and master teaching materials
well. In this regard, the process of fostering and developing educators becomes important and decisive
in achieving the goals of quality school education. Coaching for educators is a strategic factor for
improving the quality of education with various efforts in the context of developing integrated human
Mistakes: inquiry based = an inquiry based
The Influence of the Malay Culture Based Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Science Generic
Skills and Independence in High School Physics Students
Sofia Novita – Derlina - Sahyar Physics Education, Postgraduate School of Universitas Negeri Medan
Abstract - Sofia Novita, The Influence of the Malay Culture-Based Cooperative Learning Model to
Improve Science Generic Skills and Independence in High School Physics Students. This study aims
to analyze the integrated learning of physics in Malay culture and see the Generic Science Skills
(KGS) and Independence of students through a cooperative learning model based on Malay culture
with a Culturally Responsive Teaching approach. This research was conducted at MAPN Besitang
T.P 2020-2021. This type of research is a quasi-experimental which was carried out using two groups
of pretest-posttest design. The sample in this study was class X B MIA as the control class and class
X A MIA as the experimental class. The instrument used is a Generic Science skill test instrument
according to ten aspects of KGS and a student collaboration questionnaire of 30 questions that have
been validated by the original. The data in this study were analyzed using SPSS 17.0, t-test and gain
test. The results showed that in the class that was taught with the Malay culture-based cooperative
learning model, the students KGS obtained a gain value of 0.7 in the medium category and students’
independence was obtained with a gain value of 0.7 in the medium category. While in the
conventional class, students KGS obtained a gain value of 0.3 in the medium category and students
independence obtained a gain value of 0.3 in the medium category. These results indicate an increase
in the class that is taught with the Malay Culture-Based Cooperative learning model. This shows that
the Malay culture-based cooperative learning model is better than the conventional model.
Ethnophysics integrated physics learning can improve students KGS and independence: direct
observation, indirect observation, and scale awareness.
Teacher Quality Improvement Strategy in the Future
Hottua Samosira* - Benyamin Situmorangb - Eka Daryantob a) Universitas Prima Medan, North
Sumatera Indonesia b) Universitas Negeri Medan *
Abstract - Education is a conscious and planned effort to develop the potential of students to have
strong spirituality, good self-control, strong personality, intelligence, noble character, and have
adequate skills as their future capital. Efforts to improve the quality of education is influenced by
many factors. Where one factor affects others. But the most important factor is the teacher, because
(the) good and bad of the teaching and learning process in the classroom is strongly influenced by
(the) teacher’s quality. The teacher is known as the hidden curriculum, because attitudes and behavior,
professional appearance, each ability, and everything that is inherent in the teachers personality, will
be accepted by students as signs to be imitated or used as learning materials. For most parents,
educators or teachers are still seen as representatives of parents when their children are not in the
Mistakes: is = are
Teachers= teacher’s
As signs = assigned
Strategy Towards a Professional Principal
Hottua Samosir a* - Benyamin Situmorangb - Eka Daryantob a) Universitas Prima Indonesia Medan,
North Sumatera Indonesia b) Universitas Negeri Medan *
Abstract - The principal is the main key and is one of the most important strategic factors in
developing quality schools. The purpose of education in a school is largely based on the expertise of a
principal in leading, with good leadership all the potential possessed by the school will move and
develop according to the needs and developments of the times. The purpose of this study was to
determine the principal^s strategy to become a professional. The study was conducted in Batu Bara
Regency by training 67 junior high school principals. The results of the study shows a series of
strategies that can be done to become a professional school principal are: 1). Discipline. 2).
Proficiency in using technology, 3) Spending time. 3). Responsive and caring. 5). Academic
Assistance Skills. 6). Innovative Behavior.
Mistakes: shows = show