NRES 1 Course Guide
NRES 1 Course Guide
NRES 1 Course Guide
1|P age
Central Philippine Adventist College
NCM 111
Course Number
Descriptive Title
Prepared by:
2|P age
Table of Contents
Learning Outcomes
MODULE 1: Overview of Nursing Research and its Role in Evidence-Based Practice ............................................................................................................................11
Lesson 7: Use of Search Engines, Software’s in Research and Copyright and Publication
MODULE 4: Phases of Nursing Research Process: Designing and Planning Phase ..................................................................................................................................26
3|P age
Republic of the Philippines
Alegria, Murcia, Negros Occidental
School: School of Nursing Program: Nursing
Course Number: NCM 111 Course Title: NURSING RESEARCH 1
No. of Hours/Week: 5 hrs/week Academic Year: 2020 - 2021 No. of Weeks/Semester: 18
God is the creator and Source of all knowledge, revealed in the Bible, and conveyed in full through His Son, Jesus Christ, whose plan of
salvation is the aim of true education.
Changing Lives – to be globally competent, service-oriented and winsome ambassadors of Christ.
To be a holistic institution of international academic excellence exceptionally responsive to dynamic global demands.
We seek to develop competent and compassionate Christian nurses to serve the worldwide community by promoting healthful living,
caring for the sick and sharing the good news of the loving God.
C – Competence H – Humility R – Respect I – Integrity S – Self-sacrifice T – Teamwork
Demonstrate SDA Christian values in their personal and professional undertakings as CPACians in the service of the CPAC mission. Expected CPACIAN
Graduate Attributes (ECGA) are:
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2 Conduct nursing research in accordance with existing ethico-legal and moral principles and engage 2/3 1
in lifelong learning with a passion to keep with national and global developments in general, and
nursing research in particular
Lesson 7: Use of Search Engines, Software’s in Research and Copyright and Publication
5|P age
4 Apply guidelines and principles of techno-intelligent care systems and processes in nursing research 4/6 2
1. Grove, S. & Gray, J. (2020). Understanding nursing research: building an evidence-based practice.7th Ed. Philippines: Elsevier
2. Polit, D. & Beck. C. (2019). Essentials of nursing research: appraising evidence for nursing practice. 11th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins
3. Wood, G & Haber, J. (2014). Nursing research: methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice.8th Ed. Missouri: Mosby
4. Almeida, A, Gaerlan, A & Manly, N. (2016). Research fundamentals: from concept. Philippines: Adriana Publishing Co.,Inc.
Below is the recommended study schedule for this course. I believe as an adult learner you already know your capacity when it comes to reading
the content of the learning materials. This schedule is only a guide to help you organize and focus on your learning activities.
Week 2 Module 1: Overview of Lesson 1: Introduction to Lecture and Discussion Model Analysis
Nursing Research and its Role Nursing Research in an
in Evidence-Based Practice Evidence-Based Practice Discussion Forums
Learning Tasks
Lesson 2: Evidence-Based
Nursing Practice:
Week 3 MODULE 2: Examining Ethics Lesson 3: Unethical Research Lecture and Discussion Ethical Issue Paper
in Nursing Research and Ethical Standards for
Research Discussion Forums
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Week 4 MODULE 3: Phases of Nursing Lesson 5: Research Problems, Lecture and Discussion
Research Process: Conceptual Research Questions and Evidence: Title Defense
Phase Hypothesis Discussion Forums Proposal and Chapter 1
Learning Tasks
Week 5-7 Lesson 6: Literature Reviews: Lecture and Discussion Evidence: Chapter 2
Finding and Reviewing
Research Evidence Discussion Forums
Lesson 7: Use of Search Engines,
Learning Tasks
Software’s in Research and
Copyright and Publication
Week 8-10 Lesson 8: Understanding Theory Lecture and Discussion Evidence: Theoretical &
and Research Frameworks Discussion Forums Conceptual Framework
Learning Tasks
Week 11-12 MODULE 4: Phases of Nursing Lesson 9: Quantitative Research Lecture and Discussion Evidence: Chapter 3
Research Process: Designing Design
and Planning Phase Discussion Forums
Lesson 10: Qualitative Research
Learning Tasks
Lesson 11: Examining Populations
and Samples
Week 13 - 14 MODULE 5: Data Collection Lesson 13: Data Collection Lecture and Discussion Evidence: Research Tool
Lesson 14: Measurement and Discussion Forums
Data Quality
Learning Tasks
Week 15 MODULE 6: Writing a Lesson 14: Writing Format Lecture and Discussion Evidence: Proposal
Research Proposal (Format Defense Manuscript
and Style) Discussion Forums
Lesson 15: APA Format
Learning Tasks
A. Grading Criteria: The grade will be based on the following:
• Learning Task - 50% (Based on Grading Rubrics)
• Assessment Task - 30% (Exams and Quizzes)
• Participation - 20% (Forum and Attendance)
Total 100%
Title Proposal: 30%(See Grading Rubrics)
Research Proposal work in progress: 20% (See Grading Rubrics)
Research Proposal Defense: 50%(See Grading Rubrics)
Total 100%
B. Grade Equivalents
Numerical Grade Letter Grade
98-100 A
95-97 A-
92-94 B+
89-91 B
86-88 B-
83-85 C+
80-82 C
7|P age
77-79 C-
75-76 D
74 and below F
In online learning, discussion forums are our other venue for conversation. Please post are your own thoughts expressed in
a conversational tone. Please do not copy paste here writings from external sources. You have to synthesize and do an analysis of
what you have read from various sources and when you post your thoughts here, the concepts have already been processed. You
are expected to post at least twice or thrice on each discussion board. Your first posting will be your comment or answer to the
guide question. The second one is your comment, response or reaction to the postings of your classmates. Please take note that in
posting your comments, you must be very careful with the tone of your posting and the choice of your words you use. You will
become future nurses and we should respect each other’s opinion no matter how odd or unusual they may be.
You are encouraged to contribute substantive post. Post like “I agree”, “great post”, “great perspective” do not display a substantive
post but you remember to always cultivate friendly environment among peers. Substantive post or reply includes one or more of the
B. Examinations
• Examinations are given during Midterm and Final term. Exams should be taken as scheduled. Should there be any concern
such that you may not be able to take the exams, notify me immediately and send a proof why you cannot take the exam.
You will only be given special examination if you have valid reason. Among these are:
o Sickness (parents should inform the teacher in writing sent via email)
o No exam permit (get a note from DSF)
o No Internet Connectivity (screenshot of wifi connection with date)
In any of the above cases, you will be given another set of exams or another type of exam or another means of examination
depending upon teacher’s discretion. Other than the above reasons, you can still take the examination but with 10% deduction from
the actual score.
a. Join the virtual meeting at least 15 minutes before the time.
b. Attendance will be checked during virtual meetings. Absence will mean deduction from attendance score. Students
are expected to have perfect and regular attendance to virtual meetings, which is the main responsibility of the
student. To miss instruction for any reason, excused or unexcused may jeopardize his/her course grade.
c. Absences due to sickness / illness is:
i. Excused – if with valid medical certificate verified/ issued by the attending physician or a letter
from the parent’s guardian or residence dean.
ii. Unexcused – if without certification from the physician or letter/certification from the residence dean or
a. Find a quiet place and appropriate place for learning, free from distraction (family, relatives, pets, television)
b. Always look your best during virtual meetings. Wear complete pre-clinical uniform.
i. Male – standard white uniform with plain white undershirt, white underwear, white socks and clean,
polished black shoes (no tennis shoes allowed). Hair should be two inches (2”) above the hairline,
preferably the barbers cut, must have a clean and tidy look without mustache and beard
ii. Female - well-pressed white uniform, two inches below the knee line with half-slip, skin tone-colored
brassiere, white and clean pair of black shoes. Those with long hair should brush up, cover with hair net;
short hair should not touch the collar; big, colored and decorated clips or ribbons are not allowed; nails
neat and trimmed with no nail polish.
c. Change your name to your full name when you join the meeting and add CPAC-SN (Student Nurse). (Example: Julie
Joy R. Lacificar, CPAC-SN). You will not be accepted in the meeting unless you use your full name.
d. You are required to have your own notebook and ballpen (black and red) for notetaking purposes. Use of proper
writing style. Avoid acronyms and SMS-like messages.
e. In cases that there will be internet disconnection due to power interruption (brownout) on the side of TEACHERS,
you will be informed of the situation via FB Group Chat and wait for further announcement regarding the
resumption of virtual class.
f. In cases that there will be internet disconnection due to power interruption (brownout) on the side of STUDENTS,
inform your teacher immediately via text message or call using your mobile device and you will be given
instruction on how to proceed.
g. Reasons due to “NO LOAD” or no internet connectivity (unless otherwise announced officially by telecom
operators) that resulted to inability to attend classes for the entire period of class time is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Find
means to have stable internet connection as much as possible. If you have problem with internet connectivity at
home, you are encouraged to come to CPAC main campus.
a. Maintain eye contact during video conference sessions.
b. Listen when someone is speaking
c. Open your video during the meeting in wide angle. If you are putting your video off for more than 3 minutes, you
will be dismissed out of the meeting.
d. No multitasking during synchronous activities.
e. No eating while virtual class is going on.
a. Be aware of strong language, all caps, red font and exclamation points.
b. Minimize background noise by turning off the TV and radio
c. Mute the microphone unless you are asked to speak.
9|P age
d. Raise hand virtually for permission to speak. You can also use emoticons if available. One person talks at a time.
e. Clear the room of playful pets or noisy family members and relatives
f. Wearing of hats, headgear or other head paraphernalia is only allowed when told
g. Speak at the normal level.
a. Understand Data Privacy Act
b. Please do not forget to also follow the general NETIQUETTE. Netiquette is a combination of the words network
and etiquette and is defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behavior. Similarly, online ethics focuses on the
acceptable use of online resources in an online social environment. Open this link to read more about this
1. All assignments, requirements and assessment tasks are encouraged to be submitted ON TIME as required by your Clinical
2. Late submission will NOT have deduction provided it is submitted two weeks after closing of each phase to give teachers
due time to check your output.
3. Those who submitted on or before deadline will earn extra points. However, when the output is not of good quality and it is
returned to you for improvement, your extra points will be taken back.
4. If the requirement is submitted only days before closing of semester or after the semester, you will be given an
INCOMPLETE grade with corresponding 5% deductions per week.
5. You will NOT be provided with powerpoint presentation lectures. You are required to take down notes during virtual
meetings. An evidence of this will be submitted to your teacher via iLearn course site such that you will take picture of your
notes taken during the virtual meeting.
6. All requirements must be HANDWRITTEN unless specified by the Clinical Instructor as typewritten. Upon submission, take a
picture of the handwritten requirements and paste it in the activity output form.
7. Students must wear pre-clinical uniform or scrub suit in performing return demonstration procedures.
F. Additional Policy
1. The research adviser and panel members will be assigned to each research group by the research teacher. Students are not
allowed to get another adviser, methodologist or statistician not approved by the research teacher.
2. The persons directly involved during the thesis writing exercise, will be remunerated as follows:
a. Adviser: 1000
b. Panel Member: 500
The remuneration of an English Editor and statistician is not covered by these guidelines. This will be handled directly
by the students.
3. Students who cannot meet the defense schedule will pay the defense fee double and make arrangement on the next
defense schedule.
4. Students who fail to meet the new defense schedule will be advised to re-enroll the course.
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