The Use of Video As An Audio-Visual Material in Foreign Language Teaching Classroom
The Use of Video As An Audio-Visual Material in Foreign Language Teaching Classroom
The Use of Video As An Audio-Visual Material in Foreign Language Teaching Classroom
In recent years, a great tendency towards the use of technology and its integration into the
curriculum has gained a great importance. Particularly, the use of video as an audio-visual material
in foreign language teaching classrooms has grown rapidly because of the increasing emphasis on
communicative techniques, and it is obvious that the use of video is a great help for foreign
language teachers in stimulating and facilitating the target language. Keeping all this in mind, the
purpose of this article was to provide the required information for foreign language teachers (FLT)
so that they can make use of video efficiently in the classroom. Reasons for video implication in
FLT classroom and teacher’s role in this process have been revealed along with some practical
techniques for video implication.
quite different things in language teaching. relationships in a way that is not possible with
For some, it means no more than replaying words, which proves a well-known saying that
television programmes on a video recorder a picture is worth thousand words. Two
for viewing in class or private study. For minutes of video can provide an hour of
others, it implies the use of a video camera in classroom work, or it can be used to introduce
class to record and play back to learners their a range of activity for five minutes. A ten-
activities and achievements in a foreign minute programme can be useful for more
language teaching. But our concern here is to advanced students. Less advanced students
present the use of video in language teaching may wish something much shorter because
most effectively as a visual aid presenting the their limited command of the language also
target language naturally. It is a fact that most limits their attention span. It is obvious that
students who have taken English courses non-native speakers of a language rely more
formally remain insufficient in the ability to heavily on visual clues to support their
use the language and to understand its use, in understanding and there is no doubt that video
normal communication, whether in the is an obvious medium for helping learners to
spoken or the written mode. The problem interpret the visual clues effectively.
arises not from the methodology itself but According to a research, language teachers like
from the misuse or incomplete use of it. That video because it motivates learners, brings the
is to say, teachers still evaluate student real world into the classroom, contextualizes
performance according to the sentence language naturally and enables learners to
structure and situational settings experience authentic language in a controlled
consideration their performances in terms of environment. Moreover, in this issue Arthur
communicative acts. But this not necessarily (1999) claims that video can give students
mean that teachers should pay full attention realistic models to imitate for role-play; can
to only communicative acts in the preparation increase awareness of other cultures by
and presentation of language teaching teaching appropriateness and suitability.
In recent years, the use of video in REASONS FOR VIDEO IMPLICATION
English classes has grown rapidly as a result of IN FLT CLASSROOM.
the increasing emphasis on communicative
techniques. Being a rich and valuable resource, A great advantage of video is that it provides
video is well-liked by both students and authentic language input. Movies and TV
teachers (Hemei, 1997:45). Students like it programmes are made for native speakers, so
because video presentations are interesting, in that sense video provides authentic
challenging, and stimulating to watch. Video language input (Katchen,2002). That is to
shows them how people behave in the culture say, it is obvious that the practical
whose language they are learning by bringing implications of video in the classroom in any
into the classroom a wide range of classroom environment it can easily beused;
communicative situations. Another important teacher can step in the process whenever he
factor for teachers that makes it more wishes; he can stop, start and rewind to repeat
interesting and enjoyable is that it helps to it for several times where necessary. Any
promote comprehension. We know that selected short sequence from the programme
deficiencies in vocabulary can make even a can be utilized for intensive study. To pay
simple task very difficult for our students. special attention to a particular point in the
Video makes meaning clearer by illustrating programme it is possible to run in slow
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motion or at half speed or without sound. The teacher should get use of the power of
Besides, the learner can concentrate on the video films. At his point, video should never
language in detail and interpret what has been be considered as a medium which rivals or
said, repeat it, predict the reply and so on. The overshadows the teacher, but it is a useful aid
learner can also concentrate in detail on for him. That is, it can not replace the teacher
visual clues to meaning such as facial because it can only teach things which are
expression, dress, gesture, posture and on recorded on, and this makes the learning
details of the environment. Even without foreign language attractive. Person who
hearing the language spoken clues to enables the learners to comprehend what they
meaning can be picked up from the vision watch and hear by using some of the
alone. Using visual clues to meaning in order communicative techniques. The teacher can
to enhance learning is an important part of be a controller, an assessor on organiser, a
video methodology. The other point that prompter and a participant as well. The
should be focused is that in foreign language teacher is a controller because he or she is the
to interpret attitude is very difficult owing to only person who controls not only what the
the fact that the listener concentrates himself learners do but when they speak as well while
on the verbal message, not the visual clues to they are watching the video film. The teacher
meaning. Video gives the students practice in is also an assessor because he or she assesses
concluding attitudes. The rhythmic hand and the learner’s work in order to see how well
arm movements, head nods, head gestures are they are performing. The teacher should wait
related to the structure of the message. until the end of the activity and then he must
Moreover, the students have a general idea of evaluate the learner’s outputs. Furthermore,
the culture of the target language. It may be the teacher is an organizer because he needs
enjoyable for the learners to have something to be so. He should be a good organiser in
different for language learning apart from the teaching the foreign language through video,
course books and cassettes for listening. On and should know exactly what to lead to
the other hand, besides advantages, the success. He should not give useless
disadvantages of video should also be taken information or confusing instructions to the
into account. The main disadvantages are learners in order not to waste a lot of time. He
cost, inconvenience, maintenance and some should clearly explain what they are going to
cases, fear of technology. Additionally, the watch and what their task is. The other role
sound and vision, quality of the copies or that the teacher carries is being a prompter
home-produced materials may not be ideal. because he acts as a prompter. When there is
Another important issue in this case is that a silence viewing or what the learners are
the teacher should be well-trained on using confused about what to do next, he is
and exploiting the video. Otherwise, it expected to encourage learners participate.
becomes boring and purposeless for students. The teacher is a participant because he
participates in the activities while teaching a
TEACHER’S ROLE foreign language through video. He knows
the materials and all the details about them,
Just as in many English teaching situations, which help the learners feel comfort and
the teacher plays a key role in using the video facilitates learning. Considering these factors
as an aid for language teaching for s/he has in mind, the teacher should prepare to
the prime responsibility for creating a promote active viewing and facilitate
successful language learning environment. successful language learning. This requires
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being familiar with the video materials before sit down and draw up a list of different ways of
they are used in class. The teacher should using video in the classroom. There are many
develop a plan for each video unit and accounts where interesting video lessons are
encourage active viewing. To aid reported in the literature. Canning-Wilson
comprehension, he should prepare viewing (2000) suggests that as F/SL educators we
guides which are easy and related to the must not loose sight of the educational purpose
language level of the students. it has in the language classroom although it
may be a popular tool to use with students. To
SOME PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES get a successful result in language teaching
FOR VIDEO IMPLICATION using the video as an aid there are some
techniques that should be benefited by both
It is easy for a group of imaginative teacher and learner.
teachers experienced in using video in ELT to
saying or ask students what has happened up to that point. Finally, video
segment is replayed with the sound on so that learners can compare their
impressions with what actually happens in the video.
Sound On and This activity can be interesting and useful to play a section of a video unit
Vision Off and remove the visual element from the presentation by obscuring the picture
Activity so that students can hear only the dialogue but unable to see the action.
Through this activity the students predict or reconstruct what has happened
visually depending only what they hear.
Repetition and When there are some difficult language points in the video unit, closely
Role-Play repetition can be a necessary step to communicative production exercises. A
scene on video is replayed with certain pauses for repetition either
individually or in chorus. When students have a clear understanding of the
presentation, they are asked to act out the scene using as much of the original
version as they can remember. When students become confident with role
playing and are sure of vocabulary and language structures, more creative
activity can be introduced in which they are asked to improvise the scene to
fit their views of the situation and the characters they are playing. Role-play
involves students as active participants. As each student plays the assigned
role, s/he becomes more and more involved. This activity also helps students
to better understanding their own behaviour and to be more able torespond in
a positive way to various human relationships. In other words, role playing
is a good communicative activity and true preparation for real-life situations.
It gives a chance to students to apply what they are learning.
Reproduction After students have seen a section, students are asked to reproduce either what
Activity is being said, to describe what is happening, or to write or retell what has
happened. This activity encourages students to try out their knowledge.
Students will benefit from experimenting in English, even though it is
challenging and mistakes are made. As it seems a bit difficult to perform,
guidance, help and reassurance may be needed.
Dubbing Activity This activity can be done when students have the necessary language
competence. In this activity, students are asked to fill in the missing dialogues
after watching a sound-off video episode. It is interesting and enjoyable for
the students to complete a scene from the video by dubbing.
Follow-Up It is important that a video presentation should lead to follow-up activity as
Activity the basis for further extended oral practice. Discussion stimulates
communication among students, and it helps to achieve communicative
practice. With this activity students have an opportunity to develop sharing
and co-operative skills
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