Video Based Learning Approach For The de
Video Based Learning Approach For The de
Video Based Learning Approach For The de
addition to discussions on video use and need to realize new approaches and directions to
communicative teaching (Cummins, 1989; Ciccone, encourage students speak English fluently and to lift
1995) its role in intercultural communication their motivation and their educational action. These
(Phillips, 1995) has become prominent recently. The directions ought to be of prime quality to make sure
use of video as a source representing the target their improvement. Doubtfully, teenagers moreover
language and its culture has been found an effective as adults pay plenty of your time looking at TV
teaching tool. As cited by Coniam (2001), there are series speak shows and videos. Educators will flip
other reasons why video has gained attraction in victimization video to be a significance tool and a
language classroom in addition to communicative significant instrument to show English. Learning
and cultural sides. Finally, yet importantly the English by victimization video enhances students'
advantage of videos in classrooms is related with its ability to realize the maximum amount as
authenticity. For the past two decades, language vocabulary, to know what actors do within the
teachers are trying to find new ways to make scenes, so then, to enhance their comprehension and
language learning real classes-like Video in EFL conjointly, they will learn the way to talk English
environments where students have limited access to fluently and properly as native speakers do.
reliable materials and use of the target language. Moreover, Learning English by victimization video
Videos, considered as a shelter, are believed to suggests that learning with fun and ability that the
provide the learners with appropriate visual and new generation of teens and adults got to go
audio input which, help them gain new knowledge. together with the new millennium development
Katchen(2002) expresses similar ideas by saying goals in learning and information. lecturers
that video provides authentic language input in associate degreed educators believe that looking at
language classrooms. Although in literature, the real videos during a category and viewing videos
relationship between language and video use has reception raise students' understanding and allow
been investigated, the number of studies focusing on them to follow English whenever in an indirect
particularly vocabulary teaching and video is means.
limited. Thus, this study is aimed to shed light on the
question of which presentation mode (video) is
more effective for students who are learning English This research aims to figure out the effectiveness of
as a foreign language. learning English by using video and what genres of
using video that the university students enjoy
watching them. The study is also trying to find out
Learning a brand-new language may be a arduous whether previewing vocabulary before watching the
task. For periods of history, English educators in film helps university learners to feel more
Asian country have searched ways in which to comfortable and facilitates their learning. For such
facilitate this tough task. as an example, here in objectives, this study hopes to provide useful
Asian country, most students square measure information regarding to use more types of videos in
learning English categories publicly and personal English classes in the learning process among Saudi
faculties for a minimum of six years before they're university and to shows, also how this approach can
going to universities. However, still they face the make learning more interesting, enjoyable and
matter that aren't ready to expeditiously beneficial.
communicate in English this can be thanks to the
boring directions utilized in most English categories
that create students lose their motivation and
inspiration in learning. Therefore, English educators
aural word forms (Winke, Gass, &Sydorenko, atmosphere, designed for its entertaining price
2010). instead of instruction may be a wealthy and exciting
supply of video software package for instruction in
per W. Rivers, several media and plenty of kinds of
English as a second language (ESL) room.
visual presentation are helpful for the language
victimization the acceptable video materials in
learner. that's to mention ―all audiovisual materials
several things, in teaching a lesson is geared toward
have positive contributions to acquisition as long as
serving to EFL learners get headed each in language
they're used at the proper time, within the right
use and a few society interactions with native
place. In acquisition and teaching method, learners
speakers of English. Besides, the lesson and also the
use their eyes yet as their ears; however, their eyes
concomitant activities are supposed to boost EFL
are basic.
learners‘ communicative language skills (i.e.,
LumturieBajrami and Merita Ismaili / Procedia - listening, speaking, reading, and writing). By
Social and behavioural Sciences,( 2016 ). Besides victimization the videotaped segments, the most
additional typical exercises around vocabulary and focus is on developing the learners‘ fluency within
synchronic linguistics usage, students is also asked the method of language acquisition in an
to jot down, present, or discussion in English on exceedingly natural in progress daily interaction
topics, plot details, or perhaps characters. 2 minutes with native speakers. typically, the academics ought
of presenting video material being that a news to be centered on the language, content, and
unleash or an advertisement, will offer associate production thus on meet the objectives of the
degree hour of room work, or it are often wont to training method. as an example, some bound things
introduce a spread of activities and exercises. we all need a fabric wherever the medium is ―transferable
know that deficiencies in vocabulary will build even to world things, that students are possible to return
a straightforward task terribly tough for college across‖ (Stempleki, 1987 p. 12-14).
kids. Another vital issue for academics that creates
video materials additional fascinating and gratifying
is that they assist to market comprehension. Video
makes the that means clearer by illustrating This theory was studied in depth by
everything in an exceedingly means that's impossible Mayer and alternative psychological feature
with words, that proves the well-known speech ―an researchers WHO argued that transmission
image is price thousand words‖. supports the approach that the human`s brain
functions. In alternative words, the assertion of
According to Tomalin‘s (1981) analysis, language
the speculation is that folks learn higher or a lot of
academics like video as a result of it motivates
deeply once they are given each footage and
learners, brings the important world into the room,
words than with words alone. Mayer argues that
contextualizes language naturally and allows
meaty learning from words and footage happens
learners to expertise authentic language. Students
once the learner engages in 5 psychological
am passionate about it as a result of video displays
feature processes. These embraces choosing
are fascinating, difficult, and stimulating to
relevant words for process in verbal operating
memory also as relevant pictures for process in
Stempleski (1987 p.12-14) states, ―a wealthy and visual operating memory, organizing chosen
exciting supply of video software package for words into a verbal model as well as chosen
EFL/ESL categories is authentic material.‖ pictures into a pictorial model and finally
Authentic video material, particularly that that desegregation the verbal and pictorial
represents what goes on in an exceedingly non-ELT representations with one another and with previous
The data has been collected using a Figure 4. Video based Learning Impact for English
questionnaire of opinion as a tool; the questionnaire Language
contained a total number of 50 items having
questions of 20 open answers and 30 closed answers 5. CONCLUSION
to the students. The content of the 20 items of open 5.1 IMPLICATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
answers are in the following essential aspects: what FOR FURTHER RESEARCH
sentences and phrases impressed them after
watching the video and why using video; also, what
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video could facilitate the learning by improving
students‘ achievement in English not just only in
classes but in everyday life as well. According to [4] Coniam, D. (2001). The use of audio or video
many studies, video can become an essential part of comprehension as an assessment instrument in
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