Understanding Culture, Society and Politics-: 1st Quarter Summative Test
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics-: 1st Quarter Summative Test
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics-: 1st Quarter Summative Test
II. Sentence Completion. Complete the statement to give meaning and sense to such by choosing the
appropriate word enclosed inside the parenthesis. Underline the correct answer.
1. Sociology is specifically significant because it regulates and controls people’s (life, behavior, religion).
2. Politics can (enhance, destroy, obstruct) personal happiness.
3. Politics affects human (biology, lives, commentary).
4. Anthropology is (stereotype, relevant, commentary).
5. Political Science trains students to develop (symbiotic, critical, simple) skills.
6. Studying Sociology is a (confirmative, supportive, transformative) experience.
7. (Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science) increases our understanding of ourselves and our society.
8. Sociology tells us that health is a (political, social, human) right.
9. Sociology is produced because of (personal, social, real) change.
10. Culture is the (visible, invisible, discernible) bond.
III. Read each paragraph carefully and choose the letter of your best choice.
1. It is the study of relationship among people.
Prepared by:
Ma’am Grazel Anne S. Tibayde