Understanding Culture, Society and Politics-: 1st Quarter Summative Test

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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Schools Division Office of Kabankalan City
District of Kabankalan II



-Understanding Culture, Society and Politics-

1st Quarter Summative Test

Name: ___________________________________________ Strand & Year Level _____________Score:

I. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided .
_______1. Society and culture is a complex whole.
_______2. Cultural relativism mitigates ethnocentrism.
_______3. There are risks to culture heritage.
_______4. Man’s behavior is greatly shaped by the society and culture where he belongs.
_______5. People live together always in a large-scale grouping.
_______6. Tribe is an example of culture.
_______7. Religion is an example of culture.
_______8. Every person shares his or her culture to others.
_______9. Culture is an organized body of conventional understanding manifested on art only.
_______10. Tylor’s theory was attacked primarily because it did not attribute the origin of religion to the
interference of supernatural powers.

II. Sentence Completion. Complete the statement to give meaning and sense to such by choosing the
appropriate word enclosed inside the parenthesis. Underline the correct answer.
1. Sociology is specifically significant because it regulates and controls people’s (life, behavior, religion).
2. Politics can (enhance, destroy, obstruct) personal happiness.
3. Politics affects human (biology, lives, commentary).
4. Anthropology is (stereotype, relevant, commentary).
5. Political Science trains students to develop (symbiotic, critical, simple) skills.
6. Studying Sociology is a (confirmative, supportive, transformative) experience.
7. (Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science) increases our understanding of ourselves and our society.
8. Sociology tells us that health is a (political, social, human) right.
9. Sociology is produced because of (personal, social, real) change.
10. Culture is the (visible, invisible, discernible) bond.

III. Read each paragraph carefully and choose the letter of your best choice.
1. It is the study of relationship among people.

A. AnthropologyB. Sociology C. Archaeology D. Etymology

Believe me, the reward is not so great
without the struggle.
-Wilma Rudolph

Prepared by:
Ma’am Grazel Anne S. Tibayde

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