The Determinants of Indonesia's Business Cycle: Berry A. Harahap, Pakasa Bary Anggita Cinditya M. Kusuma
The Determinants of Indonesia's Business Cycle: Berry A. Harahap, Pakasa Bary Anggita Cinditya M. Kusuma
The Determinants of Indonesia's Business Cycle: Berry A. Harahap, Pakasa Bary Anggita Cinditya M. Kusuma
UDK: 336.7:005.44(594)
DOI: 10.2478/jcbtp-2020-0029
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, 2020, special issue, pp. 215-235
1. Introduction
This paper assesses the determinants of Indonesia’s business cycle. Business cycle
can be very helpful for policy makers as well as the private sector, as it provides a
tool for estimating short-term economic behavior, for evaluating the outcomes of
certain policy decisions in different markets, or for assessing the implementation of
policies in accordance with the cycle phase (Jimenez, 2001). Moreover, the awareness
of current state of the economy is undeniably important, for instance Tarsidin, Id-
ham, and Rakhman (2018) suggested that by knowing the state of the economy and
projections of upcoming conditions, the policy maker can determine the appropriate
policy response to adopt. Hence, a comprehensive understanding of business cycle
determinants enables policy makers to design effective policy programs. Apart from
this, it enables private sector to develop effective strategies for their businesses.
Shocks originating from major trading and financial partners are usually distrib-
uted to small open economies through two transmission mechanisms, trade and fi-
nancial channels. The trade channel is mainly related to changes in the small open
country’s exports (demand factors), while the financial channel relates to variations
in domestic interest rates (cost factors) because of changes in world interest rates
(Schmitt-Grohe, 1998). These transmission mechanisms are consistent with the in-
tuition that a small open country’s business and financial cycle determinants are
closely related to its economic conditions, as well as to global economic conditions
(Jimenez, 2001). Garratt, Lee, and Shields (2013) find support for this intuition by
showing that economic performances across countries are linked through inter-
Impulses coming from trading/financial partners are typically propagated in the small country
through commercial and financial channel and it is more regularly occur rather than random
events such as oil crisis (Jimenez, 2001).
The Determinants of Indonesia’s Business Cycle 217
national trade and capital markets such that business cycle fluctuations in a given
country is usually transmitted to others. Dufrénot and Keddad (2014) in their study
with a Markov-switching approach also provide evidence that the signals contained
in some regional and global leading business cycles can impact business cycle in
some ASEAN countries, furthermore their finding suggests that ASEAN economies
are characterized by a strong dependence on external demand. In the Indonesian
context, Silalahi, Wibowo, and Nurliana (2012) show that international shocks affect
the bank lending.
In view of the preceding, our aim is to identify determinants of the business cycle
in Indonesia, a small open economy. Prior studies (Alamsyah, Adamanti, Yumanita,
and Astuti, 2004; Wimanda and Djuranovik, 2014a; 2014b; Andaiyani and Falianty,
2017) consider aspects on the country’s business or financial cycles. Some other stud-
ies, for instance Kim, Kose, and Plummer (2003), examined the similarities and dif-
ferences of business cycle characteristics of the Asian countries and compares the
cyclical regularities in this region with those of G7 countries. Narayan (2011) study
the role of permanent and transitory shocks in determining Indonesia’s business cy-
cle through using a simple real business cycle model and found that at business cycle
horizons permanent shocks explain the bulk of variations in income, consumption
and investment for Indonesia. Moreover, Moneta and Rüffer (2006) examined the
extent and nature of synchronisation of business cycle in ten East Asian countries.
They found that cross-country spill-over effects explain only a small part of the co-
movement in the region and economic linkages with Europe and North America
may have contributed to the observed synchronisation. However, none of those stud-
ies closely examines the determinants of the business cycle in certain economy. Dutu
(2016) comes close, by showing that a decelerating trend of Indonesia’s economic
growth is reinforced by slower world growth.3 In spite of this, a number of questions
including which countries play the key role in Indonesia’s slow economic growth,
what is the contribution of domestic factors relative to external factors in the slow
growth, among others, remain unanswered. Our study attempts to provide answers
to these questions.
Indonesia is a small open economy. Hence, its business cycle is arguably influenced
by both domestic and global factors. We take this into account by employing the
GVAR approach and sample covering 33 countries that account for about 90% world
Studies, such as Simorangkir (2012), and Anwar and Ali (2018), developed early warning sys-
tems to detect downturns. For a survey of these studies, see Padhan and Prabheesh (2019).
Others such as Juhro and Iyke (2019a, b) developed financial condition indexes to track the
direction of the financial system and the economy as a whole or demonstrated that consumer
confidence is an important driver of consumption expenditure, which determines business cy-
cle fluctuations in Indonesia.
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice · Special Issue Proceedings from 13th BMEB International Conference in Bali:
218 Maintaining Stability, Strengthening Momentum of Growth Amidst High Uncertainties
GDP and over a period of 1979Q2 to 2016Q44. We show the contribution of these
determinants by generating forecast error variance decompositions (FEVDs) via
2000 bootstrap replications. The estimates suggest that the Indonesian business cy-
cle is indeed influenced by domestic and global factors. Apart from the exogenous
shock from output (productivity shock), the dominant domestic factors are mon-
etary policy and price competitiveness. With regards to the global factors, we find
global economic activity and liquidity conditions, particularly those origining from
China, to be influential. This is consistent with Sznajderska (2019) who states that
since China plays an important role in traditional global trade and the global supply
chain, a slow down in its economy may have indirect effects on the rest of the world,
especially through neighboring countries. We also find shocks originating from a
number of relatively remote economies play a sizeable role in Indonesia’s business
cycle fluctuations. From a more general perspective, this suggest that spillover effects
and indirect relations via a third country are important to measure, as they provide
a clearer picture of the fluctuations in an economy. We provide some counterfactual
analysis to ‘normalize’ the effect of China’s rebalancing.
GVAR approach contains 33 countries, covering about 90% of world output as stated in the
GVAR Handbook (Mauro & Pesaran, 2013). List of the countries is displayed in Table 1.
The Determinants of Indonesia’s Business Cycle 219
Our paper is most comparable to Boschi and Girardi (2011) and Boschi, Marzo, and
Salotti (2015), since they explore the determinants of business cycles using GVAR as
well. Our paper differs from theirs in at least three ways. First, it focuses on Indone-
sia, whereas they focus on Latin America and the Euro Area. By focusing on Indone-
sia, we add an important developing country to the existing sample in the literature.
Second, this paper is not classifying countries from a certain region into one group,
particularly to analyze the origin of the shocks. This is due to one objective of this
paper is to determine countries which have a major role to economic fluctuation in
Indonesia. Third, our paper extends the sample period in Boschi, Marzo, and Salotti
(2015) by 10 years. Hence, our estimates, are perhaps more precised.
The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 discusses our data and methodology. We
discuss our main findings in Section 3. Section 4 sets forth our conclusions and pol-
icy recommendations.
The seemless interaction of foreign with domestic variables within the GVAR model
makes it popular in many applications including macro stress testing (Al-Haschimi,
Dées, Mauro, and Jancokova, 2014), analysing the growing importance of China in
the world economy (Cesa-Bianchi, Pesaran, Rebucci, and Xu, 2012; Cashin, Mohad-
des, and Raissi, 2017a), analysing the global macroeconomic transmission of weather
shocks (Cashin, Mohaddes, and Raissi 2017b), assessing the impact of commodity
price shocks (Mohaddes and Pesaran, 2016, 2017; Cashin, Mohaddes, Raissi, and
Raissi, 2014; Mohaddes and Raissi, 2019), assessing the impact of US monetary poli-
cy shocks (Harahap, Bary, Panjaitan, and Satyanugroho, 2019), analyzing other real
and financial sector shocks (Chudik and Fratzscher, 2011; Eickmeier and Ng, 2015),
and forecasting macroeconomic indicators (Favero, 2013).
The GVAR model is developed as follows. For each country, the conventional VAR
model is expanded to capture foreign variables. These foreign variables are con-
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice · Special Issue Proceedings from 13th BMEB International Conference in Bali:
220 Maintaining Stability, Strengthening Momentum of Growth Amidst High Uncertainties
where xit is a vector of domestic variables (i.e. GDP, CPI, interest rates and real ex-
change rate) of size ki × 1, is the vector of foreign variables with size li × 1, and εit is
a serially uncorrelated and cross-sectionally weakly dependent process. The foreign
variables are computed as weighted averages of the corresponding domestic vari-
ables of all countries, with the weights also being country-specific; that is
The value of ωij for country i is built based on the flow portion of country j to the total
flow received by country i. This represents the trade relationship between country i
and j. Country-specific foreign variables are considered as weakly exogenous, and
“long-run forcing” in the model (Dees, di Mauro, Pesaran, and Smith, 2007). This
means the coefficient of the error correction term is set to zero in the foreign variable
equation. Thus, the dynamics of the foreign variables are not affected by long-equi-
librium paths, unlike those of domestic variables. For each country, the parameters
are estimated using reduced-rank regressions and ordinary least squares (OLS).
The estimation of the GVAR model is completed using the country-level parameter
estimates to indicate the global parameters. Although the estimation is carried out
separately for each country, the GVAR model is solved simultaneously, because of
sampe-period dependence between domestic variables xit and foreign variables .
The estimates of the GVAR model can be used to obtain impulse responses.
where Ai = (Iki – ˄i0 ), Bis = (Φis ˄is). ai0 and ai1 are parameters.
From equation (2), zit = Wi xt where Wi is quality matrix with size (ki + li) × k defined
from specific qualities of countries, ωij . Therefore, equation (3) can be expressed as:
For more comprehensive explanation about GVAR model, please refer to Mauro and Pesaran
The Determinants of Indonesia’s Business Cycle 221
and individual state models are grouped together to become a global model xt, which
Specifications (5) can be solved recursively to obtain future values and to obtain im-
pulse responses. Equation (6) can also be solved recursively and the variance gener-
ated and decomposed. This is the so-called FEVD, which we use to assess the contri-
bution of each business cycle determinant to overall fluctuations. Boschi and Girardi
(2011) use FEVD to analyze the determinants of business cycles.
Data used in the GVAR model are de-trended, while the noise components are nor-
mally captured as residuals. Hence, technically, the estimated relationships among
the variables are actually the relationships between their cyclical components. There-
fore, determinants of business cycle are always examined as determinants of aggre-
gate macroeconomic variables. For example, Kose, Otrok, and Whiteman (2003) use
three alternative variables, which are gross domestic product (GDP), investment and
consumption. Holland and Scott (1998) use alternative variables, which are GDP,
investment, consumption, real wages, and total working hours. It is known that one
indicator, GDP, includes both investment and consumption. Therefore, we follow
Claessens, Kose and Terrones (2012) and Boschi and Girardi (2011) to use GDP as
our measure of economic activity, and hence discussing determinants of GDP as the
determinants of business cycle.6
The GVAR data set covers economic and quarterly financial variables for 33 econo-
mies during the period 1979Q2-2016Q4 (Table 1). These 33 countries cover more
than 90% of world GDP (Mauro and Pesaran, 2013). The dataset is obtained from
As it includes consumption and investment, GDP represents other alternative variables as well.
In addition, Claessens, Kose and Terrones (2012) argues that output or GDP is the best indicator
available to measure economic activity. Moreover, Luthfiana and Nasrudin (2018) also stated
that GDP is considered as the best measure of economic performance.
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice · Special Issue Proceedings from 13th BMEB International Conference in Bali:
222 Maintaining Stability, Strengthening Momentum of Growth Amidst High Uncertainties
Mohaddes and Raissi (2018). Structural break unit root test was done using the
Narayan and Popp (2010, 2013) test and results are available upon request.
Table 1. Variables in GVAR
Country-specific variables
Variable name Period
Real GDP 1979Q2 – 2016Q4
Inflation 1979Q2 – 2016Q4
Real equity prices 1979Q2 – 2016Q4
Real exchange rate 1979Q2 – 2016Q4
Nominal short-term interest rate 1979Q2 – 2016Q4
Nominal long-term interest rate 1979Q2 – 2016Q4
Global variables
Variable name Period
Oil price 1979Q2 – 2016Q4
Raw material price 1979Q2 – 2016Q4
Metal price 1979Q2 – 2016Q4
3. Results
The preliminary analysis entails certain features on the GVAR model. Table A2 and
A3 reports tests of the model’s soundness. Overall, the statistical tests show that the
estimated GVAR model is stable, and hence can for analyzing the business cycle de-
terminants. For instance, the weak exogeneity test shows that the external variables
are weakly exogenous in most cases. Contemporaneous effects on domestic variables
are generally in line with the presence of shocks on the same external variables. In
addition, the persistence profile of system-wide shocks in all Indonesian cointegra-
tion equations falls to zero exponentially.
Another indication that the GVAR model is sound can be verified through the mag-
nitude of residual correlation (Dees, di Mauro, Pesaran, and Smith, 2007). The resid-
ual correlation in each vector error correction model augmented with foreign vari-
ables (VECMX), reported in Table A3, looks quite small (i.e. they are in the range of 0
to 0.3). This shows that the estimated GVAR model is quite sound in accommodating
factors that influence the endogenous variables. In addition, the low residual cor-
relation indicates that the model is quite effective in explaining reciprocal relations
between countries (Sun, Heinz, and Ho, 2013).
The estimation results are then used primarily for variance decomposition analysis.
Following Boschi and Girardi (2011), we interprete the variance decomposition anal-
The Determinants of Indonesia’s Business Cycle 223
ysis on GDP as the business cycle determinants. Table 2 reports the variance decom-
position of Indonesia’s output. The results indicate that the Indonesian business cycle
is influenced by domestic and global factors. In addition to output, the dominant
domestic factors are short-term interest rates and Real Exchange Rate (RER)—con-
tributes around 15% to the business cycle fluctuations. An alternative interpretation
is that the monetary policy stance and international competitiveness are important
determinants of Indonesia’s business cycle.
Given that the variables used in GVAR are demand side variables, then when refer-
ring to business cycle theory, the result implies the business cycle is explained more
by preference shocks (Holland and Scott, 1998). Productivity shocks are represented
by the output variable, GDP, itself. Hence, in the short term, the business cycle is
more influenced by productivity shocks, while, in the medium term, it is more influ-
enced by shift in preferences or preference shocks. Our findings are consistent with
Holland and Scott (1998), who find that correlations of productivity with macroeco-
nomic aggregate variables tend to decrease over time, while correlations of prefer-
ence shift with macroeconomic aggregate variables tend to increase over time.
The table reports the decomposed variances of the GDP equation. It shows the contribution
of each variable to GDP. The domestic variables and the foreign variables are GDP, inflation,
RER, and interest rate. The sample is made up of 33 countries over the period of 1979Q1 to
The dominant global factors affecting the Indonesian business cycle are the global
short-term interest rates and the output of rest of the world, each contributing around
16% and 13% to the business cycle fluctuations. The implication is that Indonesia’s
business cycle is influenced by global liquidity, monetary policies, and economic ac-
tivity. The estimates further suggest that macroeconomic spillovers, especially pro-
ductivity shocks, from China are the most important for Indonesia’s business cycle.
This is consistent with data. The slowing down phase of Indonesia’s economic growth
since the global financial crisis is strongly related to China’s economic growth that
experienced rebalancing. Figure 1 shows that, in general, China’s economic growth
precedes Indonesia’s.
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice · Special Issue Proceedings from 13th BMEB International Conference in Bali:
224 Maintaining Stability, Strengthening Momentum of Growth Amidst High Uncertainties
The figure shows GDP growth in Indonesia vis-à-vis China and the United States’ growth. GDP
growth is defined as the annual percentage change of real GDP in each country for the period
2004 - 2018.
The figures show impulse response of China’s GDP (left) and Japan’s GDP (right) on Indonesia’s
GDP. The range is derived from bootstrap replications. The solid line represents median, while
dotted lines represent lower and upper bounds.
The Determinants of Indonesia’s Business Cycle 225
Figure 3 shows spillovers from other countries to Indonesia. The spillovers from the
US continue to gain importance in the Indonesian business cycle, especially in the
medium term. In addition, spillovers from ASEAN countries, especially those origi-
nating from Malaysia, have a large influence on the Indonesian business cycle fluc-
tuations. The important role played by spillovers from other developing countries to
the business cycle fluctuations of a developing country is consistent with Boschi and
Girardi (2011), who find this to hold true for Latin America. We find that spillovers
from developing countries contribute greatly to Indonesia’s business cycle fluctua-
tions, when compared with spillovers from developed countries (Table 3).
The figure shows variance decomposition of Indonesia’s GDP overtime (quarters) after the
shock. The factors shown are the ones which come from several countries’ macroeconomic
variables that include GDP, inflation, interest rate, and real exchange rate.
The table shows comparison of variance decomposition of Indonesia’s GDP which originates
from other countries.
tions. A number of Asian and non-Asian countries are also significant contributors
to Indonesia’s business cycle. Contributions from countries such as Malaysia, Brazil
and Mexico are unexpected. Such a new finding can be explained by the superiority
of the analytical methods that pay attention to the impact of indirect spillovers. The
GVAR considers all the spillover effects—directly and indirectly—from global trade
relations, which, so far, is difficult to interpret using descriptive data, which only
shows direct relations. A closer look at the trade matrix suggests that Mexico–China
and Brazil–China trades are very high, and for Brazil it is even higher than Brazil’s
trade with the US and Canada (Table A4). This fact, combined with Indonesia–China
trade relations, which is also dominant, can cause changes in Mexico and Brazil’s
output to have a significant impact on Indonesia’s output.
The table shows countries that contributes the most on variance decomposition of Indonesia’s
Table 5 shows how other countries respond to spillovers from China. As can be seen,
two ASEAN countries, namely Singapore and Thailand, are even more sensitive to
spillovers from China, than Indonesia.
The table shows comparison of impulse responses due to 1 sd shock to China’s GDP.
The Determinants of Indonesia’s Business Cycle 227
The figure shows actual and counterfactual GDP growth of Indonesia. The counterfactual
GDP growth is computed using GVAR estimates by assuming that China’s GDP growth has not
4. Concluding Remarks
This study analyzed the determinants of the Indonesian business cycle within a
GVAR model. Using a sample of 33 countries over a period of 1979Q2 to 2016Q4 and
2000 bootstrap replications, it generated FEVDs for GDP. It finds that the Indone-
sian business cycle is influenced by domestic and global factors. With regards to the
domestic factors, monetary policy and price competitiveness are most influential in
Indonesia’s business cycle fluctuations. For the global factors, global liquidity, mon-
etary policy, and economic activity contributed largely to the business cycle.
Among the external sources of fluctuations, those from China are dominant. A
shocks originating from number of countries, Asian and non-Asian, are also im-
portant in Indonesia’s business cycle. The main countries are Malaysia, Brazil and
Mexico, whose impacts are rather surprising. This may be attributed to the fact that
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice · Special Issue Proceedings from 13th BMEB International Conference in Bali:
228 Maintaining Stability, Strengthening Momentum of Growth Amidst High Uncertainties
the GVAR model considers direct and indirect global spillovers from trade relations,
which are not evident in descriptive data.
These findings are meaningful in the real business cycle theory. Since the model
captures demand-side variables, Indonesia’s main business cycle determinants in the
short term are productivity shocks, whereas, in the medium term (starting at 1 year),
the fluctuations are driven by demand-side or preference shocks. Holland and Scott
(1998) associate the demand side with a preference shift between work and leisure.
This indicates that policies that affect the demand side will have a lagging impact,
while policies that directly affect productivity, such as the application of new tech-
nologies, will have relatively instant effects.
Because China’s rebalancing is permanent with the changing phase of its economic
development, Indonesia needs to look for new sources of external growth.
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Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice · Special Issue Proceedings from 13th BMEB International Conference in Bali:
232 Maintaining Stability, Strengthening Momentum of Growth Amidst High Uncertainties
The table reports F-statistics that indicate weak exogeneity of foreign variables.
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice · Special Issue Proceedings from 13th BMEB International Conference in Bali:
234 Maintaining Stability, Strengthening Momentum of Growth Amidst High Uncertainties
The table shows a portion of trade weight matrix used in GVAR estimation. The number
represents trade portion of country in each column with partner country in rows.