POB P1 JUN 2013 - Answers PDF
POB P1 JUN 2013 - Answers PDF
POB P1 JUN 2013 - Answers PDF
1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them.
3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item
you are about to answer and decide which choice is best.
4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space
having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.
Sample Item
0® II@
(C) income
(D) resources
The best answer to this item is "income", so answer space (C) has been shaded.
5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice.
6. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can.
If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to this item later. Your
score will be the total number of correct answers.
All rights reserved.
01240010/F 2013
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3. Which of the following features is NOT a 7. Selecting the objectives and the procedures
function of money?
for achieving goals is referred to as
10. Which ofthe following activities carried out 15. The condensation of the business plan is
in a firm will NOT be under the supervision contained in the
of the marketing manager?
(A) feasibility plan
(A) Packaging (B) marketing plan
(B) Purchasing (C) keynote summary
(C) Advertising (D) executive summary
(D) Distributing
12. JB Auto Company decided to export 17. Kiki sustained bums while at work at a
car engines from Barbados to Trinidad. local fast food restaurant. Under which
Which of the following modes is BEST for of the following insurance policies is she
transporting the engines? LIKELY to be compensated?
13. An entrepreneur may reduce his risk ofloss 18. A 'purchase order' is a
(A) request for additional goods
(A) planning ahead (B) notification of goods received
(B) securing bank loans (C) statement of debts outstanding
(C) sponsoring community projec!s (D) statement offering to buy goods
(D) purchasing additional fixed assets
20. The monthly payments collected by an 24. The price of an article is usually high when
insurance company on behalf of its policy there is a
holders are known as
(A) small quantity for sale and few
(A) deposits people wanting to buy
(B) premmms (B) small quantity for sale and many
(C) instalments people wanting to buy
(D) endowments (C) large quantity for sale and few people
wanting to buy
(D) large quantity for sale and many
21. The term 'human resources' refers to people wanting to buy
22. Which of the following results is LEAST 26. Producing, pricing, promotion and place are
likely to occur from growth in an components of
(A) market study
(A) Greater productivity (B) marketing mix
(B) More division of labour (C) market research
(C) Increased communication (D) sales promotion
(D) Increased capital investment
28. Which of the following activities is NOT 32. Which ofthe following property rights gives
a function of the retailer? identity to a specific producer's goods?
30. Which of the following operations is an 34. Which of the following factors is LEAST
example of sales promotion? likely to influence consumer behaviour?
31. Which of the following characteristics 35. Which of the following entities can have
BEST describes a perfectly competitive their shares traded on the stock exchange?
(A) Partnerships
(A) Few sellers and many buyers (B) Public companies
(B) Difficult entry to new markets (C) Private companies
(C) Production of almost identical (D) Co-operative societies
(D) Imperfect consumer knowledge of
pnces 36. Tom invests his savings by buying shares
in a company. From this investment, Tom
expects to receive
(A) profits
(B) interest
(C) revenue
(D) dividends
37. Mr Jones has several bills of fixed amounts 41. Governments ccim influence business activity
to pay each month. His bank manager positively by reducing
agreed topaythemmonthlyfromMr Jones'
account. This service, provided by the bank, (A) taxes
is referred to as (B) grants
(C) spending
(A) overdraft (D) subsidies
(B) fixed deposit
(C) standing order
(D) letter of credit 42. A 'price control' may be defined as a
39. The MAJOR role of the central bank is to (A) II and III only
(B) III and IV only
(A) issue notes and coins (C) I, III and IV only
(B) issue stocks and shares (D) II, III and IV only
(C) accept deposits accounts
(D) make loans and advances
44. Which of the following types of taxes is
paid on wages and salaries?
40. Investment can be defined as
(A) Income
(A) the stock of goods of a country (B) Corporation
(B) additions to the capital stock of a (C) Value added
country (D) Consumption
(C) the amount of money available at
a given time
(D) the amount of capital owned by the 45. Which of the following measures can be
government considered as incentives to industries?
Which of the following forms of taxation 51. Which of the following actions of
can be classified as 'direct'? government is MOST likely to lead to an
improvement in the standard of living?
(A) Income tax
(B) Excise duty (A) Printing more money
(C) Purchase tax (B) Increasing the income tax rate
(D) Customs duty (C) Abolishing taxes on low incomes
(D) Giving tax incentives to business
(A) it sells more than it buys 54. Which of the following will NOT form part
(B) it buys more than it sells of a country's balance of trade?
(C) imported goods are cheaper
(D) there are no restrictions to trade (A) Remittances from abroad
(B) Earnings from the exportation of
50. Which ofthe following practices would NOT (C) Payments for the importation of
contribute to the economic development and tobacco
growth of a country? (D) Payments for the purchase of over-
seas equipment
(A) Increased importation of consumer
(B) Increased use of the country's 55. Which of the following methods can a
natural resources government use to reduce unemployment?
(C) Provision of more infrastructure
within the country (A) Increases in income tax
(D) Provision of loans and technical (B) Deflation of the economy
assistance for establishing local (C) Employment levy on firms
businesses (D) Increasedinterestrates on borrowing
56. Which of the following trading agreements 59. Which ofthe following economic problems
is Barbados promoting when it sells are prevalent in the Caribbean?
furniture to Jamaica?
I. High levels of unemployment
(A) OECS Ii. Adverse balance of payments
(B) GATT III. Lack of capital for investment
(C) NAFTA IV. Low productivity in manufacturing
(A) I and II only
(B) II and III only
57. To correct an adverse balance of payments (C) I, II and IV only
position, a government may (D) I, II, III and IV