Learning Journal - Tsabita Aura A
Learning Journal - Tsabita Aura A
Learning Journal - Tsabita Aura A
Npm : 2013025026
The history of computer begins with the birth of abacus which is believed to be the first
computer. It is said that Chinese invented Abacus around 4,000 years ago. It was a wooden rack
which has metal rods with beads mounted on them. The beads were moved by the abacus
operator according to some rules to perform arithmetic calculations. Abacus is still used in some
countries like China, Russia and Japan. The development of computers began with the
development of calculating tools. After the discovery of the electronic system, calculating tools
develop very rapidly, starting with Charles Babbage (1933) creating a calculating machine called
the difference engine, which was further developed into an analytical engine that can run simple
programs so that this machine is called a general purpose digital computer which is the
forerunner of computers modern.
1. PC : The term personal computer (PC) has been used as a term to describe
a computer that operates a Windows operating system. This is not an accurate use of the
word because a Mac computer is also a PC. The true definition of the
words personal computer is any computer that has been designed for any type of use by
one person.Desknote
2. Laptop : A laptop has the keyboard, display monitor, hard drive, processor, mouse, or
trackball, all in one component. It has a battery in it, and the top of the laptop folds down
so you cannot see the screen or the keyboard. Over the next decade, computer
manufacturers worked to create a better version of the laptop. Since then, many different
types and brands of laptops have been constructed, including the notebook. A notebook
computer is the lightest laptop you can buy.
3. Notebook : A notebook computer is a battery- or AC-powered personal computer
generally smaller than a briefcase that can easily be transported and conveniently used in
temporary spaces such as on airplanes, in libraries, temporary offices, and at meetings.
4. Netbook : A netbook is similar in many ways to a laptop computer, but it is much
smaller. They are incredibly affordable and much less expensive than a traditional
laptop. They tend to be less powerful than a traditional laptop. While they are compact,
they are a bit stripped down. Their original intent was to provide a way to use
applications that are web-based, surf the internet, listen to music, check email, and watch
movies.Sub Notebook
5. Palmtop : A Palmtop PC was an approximately pocket calculator-sized, battery-powered
computer compatible with the IBM Personal Computer in a horizontal clamshell design
with integrated keyboard and display. It could be used like a subnotebook, but was light
enough to be comfortably used handheld as well.
6. Table PC : Tablets have replaced netbooks for the most part. They are thin and flat and
are a larger version than a smartphone. At least for now, anyway. If smartphones keep
getting bigger and tablets to keep getting smaller, they will be the same size soon.
Tablets first made an appearance around 2000, but it was not until 2010 that Apple
released the iPad, and it took the world by storm.
7. Rugged Laptop : Wearable technology usually targets a specific type of user. Those who
are into fitness and outdoor activities tend to prefer wearable technology.
Many computer applications like email, calendars, phones, and multimedia, are available
in wearable technology. This technology gives information about the calories you burn,
steps, speed, and location. One of the most popular wearables is the Apple Watch.
8. All in One PC : Wearable technology usually targets a specific type of user. Those who
are into fitness and outdoor activities tend to prefer wearable technology.
Many computer applications like email, calendars, phones, and multimedia, are available
in wearable technology. This technology gives information about the calories you burn,
steps, speed, and location. One of the most popular wearables is the Apple Watch.
9. Computer Server : A server is a computer that has been created to provides services to
other computers and peripheral devices, like a printer, options that are hooked up to it.
They do not have to be attached by cords. A server typically has a significant amount of
memory, a fast processor, and incredibly hard drive space. A server can hold onto
information or applications that you may not need all the time on your computer, so you
do not want them to take up space.
10. Mainframe : The term mainframe was once used to refer to a central
and powerful computer linked to a series of smaller and less powerful computers. Today,
individual computers are powerful on their own, and servers are used that the concept of
the mainframe computer is not needed much. Today they are used by large corporations
that process transactions while meeting the needs of thousands of users.
11. Super Computer : A supercomputer is typically a group of computers that are high
performing and all work in the same system. These types of computers are expensive,
and quickly get up into the high thousands. They have a good amount of power to
compute some of the most robust calculations and crunch data. These computers are
different from mainframes in that they are intended to be fast.
12. Wearable Computer : Wearable technology usually targets a specific type of user. Those
who are into fitness and outdoor activities tend to prefer wearable technology.
Many computer applications like email, calendars, phones, and multimedia, are available
in wearable technology. This technology gives information about the calories you burn,
steps, speed, and location. One of the most popular wearables is the Apple Watch.