Planning For Learning

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Goals for PSI


Inquiry Related TQS Strategies Resources/Support Evidence of Timeline
Question: #3 -Make note of Required Success -five
How can Demonstrates students who -Consistent -Multiple weeks
teacher a professional are more reflection on this instances of
intervention body of inclined to and other aspects of effective action
improve knowledge misbehave classroom taken against
student -Be mindful of management inappropriate
behaviour? expectations -Conference and behaviour
for student monitoring with -Successful
behaviour and teacher associate meeting of
Goal learn how to expectations
Respond properly on PS1
effectively and reinforce good assessment
appropriately behaviour. forms.
to student -Reflection and
misbehaviour action on the
learning goal.


Inquiry Related TQS Strategies Resources/Support Evidence of Timeline
Question: #3 -Careful Required Success -Five
What strategies Demonstrates outlining of -Observation and -Making it weeks
can teachers a professional student and conference with through an
practice for body of teacher Teacher associate entire lesson
creating knowledge expectations and University without
effective in lesson Consultant regarding student
learning plans this specific goal. interruption or
environments? -Consistent instance of
reflection on misbehaviour.
lessons - Successful
regarding this evaluation on
Goal: goal. PS1 assessment
Create an forms.
effective -Reflection and
learning action on the
environment for goal
student trust,
respect, and
Goals for PSI
Goals for PSI

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