3 D7 QC Physical and Chemical Tests Ok For Email
3 D7 QC Physical and Chemical Tests Ok For Email
3 D7 QC Physical and Chemical Tests Ok For Email
• Hardness can affect the disintegration. So if the tablet is too hard, it may not disintegrate in the required period
of time & ultimately bioavailability is affected. And if the tablet is too soft, it will not withstand the handling during
subsequent processing like coating, packaging & shipping/ transportation.
Hardness Variation:
It depends on:
o force of compression,
o If the tablet initially is too hard, it may not disintegrate in the requisite period of time.
o If it is too soft, it may not withstand the necessary multiple shocks occurring during handling, shipping, and
o If a tablet is too hard, first check the disintegration. If it is in limits then the batch or lot is passed
I Newton =0.102 Kg
2. Tablet
Thickness and diameter
Checking of thickness and diameter is usually an in-process control during production
i. Packaging requirements
ii. Patient compliance
iii. Thickness is often related to tablet hardness
iv. Directly affect the dissolution and assay results
Instruments used
i. Micrometer
ii. Vernier caliper
iii. Now a days digital micrometers are available
3. Friability
Friction and shock during tableting can cause tablets to chip, cap or break.
Roche Friability tester
Note: Effervescent tablets and chewable tablets may have different specifications as far as friability is concerned. In the
case of hygroscopic tablets, a humidity-controlled environment is required for testing.
USP Specification
Average weight of tablet Percentage Percentage
deviation deviation
Permissible Unacceptable
± 10.0 % ± 20 %
130 mg or less than 130 mg
(90-110) % (80-120) %
± 7.5 % ± 15 %
More than 130 mg and less than 324 mg
(92.5-107.5)% (85-115)%
± 5.0 % ± 10 %
More than 324 mg
(95-105)% (90-110)%
Not an individual unit should exceed twice of the permissible limit ***** *****
BP Specification
Average weight of tablet Percentage Percentage
deviation deviation
Permissible Unacceptable
± 10.0 % ± 20 %
80 mg or less than 80 mg
(90-110) % (80-120) %
± 7.5 % ± 15 %
More than 80 mg but less than 250 mg
(92.5-107.5)% (85-115)%
± 5.0 % ± 10 %
250 mg or more than 250 mg
(95-105)% (90-110)%
Not an individual unit should exceed twice of the permissible limit ***** *****
take 20 tablets and calculate the weight if an individual tablet
Total weight of 20 tablets directly and by summing up the individual weight already determined to avoid the
performance error.
calculate average weight the tablet (Avg. weight=weight of 20 tablets/20)
apply the factor of weight variation according to the actual weight of the individual tablet
not more than two of the individual weights deviate from the average weight by more than percentage shown
in the table and none of deviates more than twice that percentage.
If the active drug forms greater part of the tablet more than ≥25 mg and ≥25% of the total weight of an
individual unit weight variation can be applied.
Conversely content of uniformity is necessarily applied.
5. Disintegration Test:
a. Types of tablets for oral use which are subjected disintegration/dissolution test according to
monograph of International Pharmacopoeia; European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur) ; British
Pharmacopoeia (B.P). or United States Pharmacopoeia (U.S.P.)/National Formulary (NF)
b. uncoated tablets;
c. coated tablets;
d. effervescent tablets;
e. soluble tablets;
f. dispersible tablets;
g. orodispersible tablets;
h. gastro-resistant tablets;
i. modified-release tablets;
j. Tablets for use in the mouth.
6. Disintegration is the time required for a dosage form to break up in to granules of specified size
(or smaller) under carefully specified conditions of the monograph of that unit dosage form. In
disintegrated state any residue of the unit tablet/capsule, except fragments of insoluble coating or
capsule shell, remaining on the screen of the test apparatus is a soft mass having no palpably firm core.
Basket-rack assembly
The basket-rack assembly consists of 6 open-ended transparent tubes, each 77.5 ± 2.5 mm long and having an inside
diameter of 21.85 ± 1.15 mm and a wall 1.9 ± 0.9 mm thick;
the tubes are held in a vertical position by 2 plates, each 90 ± 2 mm in diameter and 6.75 ± 1.75 mm in thickness,
Plates have 6 holes, each 24 ± 2 mm in diameter, equidistant from the centre of the plate and equally spaced from one
Attached to the under surface of the lower plate is a woven stainless-steel wire cloth, which has a plain square weave with
2.0 ± 0.2 mm mesh apertures and with a wire diameter of 0.615 ± 0.045 mm.
The parts of the apparatus are assembled and rigidly held by means of 3 bolts passing through the 2 plates.
A suitable means is provided to suspend the basket-rack assembly from the raising and lowering device using a point on its
The design of the basket-rack assembly may be varied somewhat provided the specifications for the glass tubes and the screen
mesh size are maintained.
The basket-rack assembly conforms to the dimensions shown in Figure 2.9.1.-1. British pharmacopoeia
Temperature 37 ± 2o C.
Movement: Upward and downward
On upward movement tablets should remain 2.5cm below the surface of liquid and on downward movement
tablets should remain 2.5 cm above the bottom of fluid containing vessel
Distance 5-6cm
Speed… 28-32 cycles per minute
Uncoated tablets
Place one tablet in each tube, add a disc to each tube
Water as immersion fluid unless specified
At the end of time specified, lift the basket, observe the tablets
All tablets should disintegrate
If one or 2 fail to disintegrate, repeat with 12 more tablets. 16 out of 18 tablets should disintegrate completely.
USP------ less than 30 minutes
BP------ less than 15 minutes
The tablets comply with the test if each of the 6 tablets used disintegrates in the manner prescribed within 5 min,
unless otherwise justified and authorized.
B) Chemical Tests:
1) Content uniformity test
• The content uniformity test is to ensure that every dosage form contains equal amount of drug substance i.e.
active pharmaceutical ingredient within a batch.
Randomly select 30 tablets.
All 10 tablets must contain not less than 85% and not more than 115% (±15 %) of the labeled drug content
If one but not more than one falls out of ±15 % range but within ±25 %, then assay remaining 20 tablets.
The requirements are met if not more than 1 of the 30 tablets results is outside the limits of 85-115%
Take an aliquot (sample) equivalent to fundamental molecule (Base Value), representing a certain amount of
drug normally in a single unit.
Results obtained are expressed in percentages of the active pharmaceutical ingredient as claimed in the label of
the product and compared with the limits specified in monograph
3) Dissolution Test
Solubility is a property of a solute which decides how far the solute would dissolve in a solvent to form a
particular solution under specified conditions.
The effectiveness relies on the drug dissolving in the fluids of the gastrointestinal tract prior to
absorption into the systemic circulation
Tablet Dissolution is a standardized method for measuring the rate of drug release from a dosage form.
Drug dissolution testing is routinely used to provide critical in vitro drug release information.
for quality control purposes, i.e., to assess batch-to-batch consistency of solid oral dosage forms such
as tablets, capsules (solid/soft gelation), granules
For drug development, i.e., to predict in vivo drug release profiles.
For evaluation of bioavailability
Dissolution rate: It may be defined as the amount of drug substance that goes into solution per unit time under
standardized conditions depends upon
depends upon
liquid/solid interface,
temperature of medium
solvent composition
As drug absorption and physiological availability are largely dependent upon having a drug in dissolved state, so
suitable dissolution characteristics are important property of a satisfactory drug product.