Capsule Weight

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Experiment 5

Uniformity Of Weight Of Capsules

Aim: To test the uniformity of weight of samples of hard gelatin capsules.

 Weighing balance
 Hard gelatin Capsules


1. 20 capsules were selected at random.

2. One capsule was weighed. The capsule was opened and the contents were
removed as completely as possible. The emptied shells were weighed.
3. The net weight of its contents was determined, that was by subtracting the
weight of the shells from the weight of the intact capsule.
4. The procedure was repeated with other 19 capsules.
5. The average net weight was determined from the sum of the individual net
6. The percentage deviation from the average net weight of each capsule
was determined. The deviation of individual net weight should not exceed the
limits given below:

Average Net Weight of

Capsule Deviation (%) Number Of Tablets

Minimum 18
Less than 300 mg ±10.0 ±20.0 Maximum 2

Minimum 18
300 mg or more ±7.5 ±15.0 Maximum 2
Record your results in the following table:

Wt. Of the
Caps. Wt. Of intact Wt. Of the
content % deviation
No. capsule empty shell (wt. of shell –wt. of
intact capsule)



Average weight of capsule = Total weight of twenty capsule / 20
Deviation % = Weight of each tablet – average weight of tablets * 100
Average weight of tablets
Test of uniformity of weight (mass) is carried out to capsules to ensure accurate and
consistent dosage form to be administered by patients. Since our average weight is …….
mg, the deviation of individual net weight should not exceed the limits mentioned above.
From the results, all our capsules are having a deviation of ± ……%, which means that
all capsules have uniform weights. So, all the capsules pass the test. This may indicate the
uniformity of the capsules production. The results of the test may not be accurate as there
is always substance left in the capsules when they are emptied from the shells. Thus, we
should take precaution by removing all the powder from the capsules during the test to
make sure the accuracy of the result.

From the experiment, all the capsules follow the standard of uniformity of the weight as
not more than two of the individual masses deviate from the average mass by more than
the percentage deviation stated. The capsules tested have passed the test of weight

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