Deuterated Molecules
Deuterated Molecules
Deuterated Molecules
Accepted 2001 October 29. Received 2001 October 5; in original form 2001 February 12
q 2002 RAS
Deuterium chemistry in comets 661
of H2O and HDO followed by the conversion of OH to OD by the give a brief overview. In addition to calculating the chemistry, our
exchange reaction with atomic D, followed by the re-formation of model also follows the dynamical evolution of the gas after it
water, could also alter the HDO/H2O ratio. Again, if turbulent sublimates from the nuclear surface. This is done because previous
mixing were efficient, this process would affect the entire disc. An hydrodynamical models of the coma have shown that the gas
alternative approach was adopted by Aikawa & Herbst (1999, temperatures show strong variations with cometocentric distance
2001), who developed a chemical kinetic model of the deuterium (e.g. Marconi & Mendis 1983, 1986; Crovisier 1984; Huebner
chemistry occurring as matter moves through the disc toward the 1985; Körösmezey et al. 1987; Schmidt et al. 1988; Crifo 1991).
central protostar. They showed that the chemistry in the disc is very The initial expansion is adiabatic so the gas cools, but further out
similar to that in dark clouds, and that ion– molecule reactions in photodissociation and ionization reactions heat the gas. Eventually,
the outer disc may have modified the initial D/H ratios. the temperatures of the different components (ions, electrons and
It is also possible that the observed cometary D/H ratios may be neutrals) can decouple. The electron temperature, in particular, can
modified by gas-phase chemical reactions taking place in the coma. reach extremely high values, .104 K (Eberhardt & Krankowsky
Early models of coma chemistry showed that reactions can occur 1995).
rapidly in the inner coma, where the number densities can be as Many previous chemical models have ignored these effects, and
3 R E S U LT S
3.1 Hydrodynamics
Fig. 1 shows the temperature and velocity profiles produced by our
model for a Hyakutake-like comet at 1 au ðQ0 ¼ 1:7 £
1029 molecule s21 ; Mumma et al. 1996; R0 ¼ 2:2 km, Sarmecanic
et al. 1997; Lisse et al. 1999). The results are in excellent
agreement with previous models of the coma (Crifo 1991). We
reproduce the initial acceleration of the gas, and the temperature
drop in the inner coma. Beyond ,100 km solar photons deposit
large amounts of energy into the gas and the temperatures rise.
Fig. 2 shows the heating and cooling mechanisms in the coma,
also for a Hyakutake-like comet at 1 au. Except for the very inner
coma where the optical depth is greater than 1, the neutrals are
3.2 Chemistry
Fig. 3 shows the abundances of a number of important species.
Rather than plotting number densities, the graphs show the value
4pnvR 2, which corresponds to the total number of molecules per
second passing through a spherical shell at radius R. Such plots
make it easier to analyse the chemistry, since this removes the
effects of the R 22 geometric dilution, and any stretching or
compression arising from acceleration or deceleration of the gas.
Thus, if a curve in Fig. 3 is rising (falling), then that species must
be being created (destroyed) by chemical reactions.
The top panel shows the abundances of ‘parent’ species, present
initially in the nuclear ice mixture. Most such species survive for
more than 105 km, consistent with their photodestruction rates of
,1025 s21 and the outflow velocity of <1 km s21. The exception
is ammonia, which has a particularly rapid photodissociation rate.
The middle panel shows ‘daughter’ species, most of which are
produced via photodissociation reactions. The slight kinks in the
curves at ,10 km are due to the fact that within this radius the
coma is optically thick to UV radiation (cf. Huebner & Giguere
1980). Note that the abundance of HC3N flattens off after 1000 km.
This is because HC3N is created by the reaction between C2H2 and
CN, and beyond 1000 km the number densities become sufficiently
low to ensure that the time-scale for this reaction exceeds the
dynamical time-scale.
The bottom panel in Fig. 3 shows the abundances of ions in the
coma. The overall ionization level increases steadily throughout
the coma, and is roughly proportional to R [i.e. nðeÞ , 1/R (cf.
Wegmann et al. 1987; Körösmezey et al. 1987)], but different ions
Figure 3. Molecular fluxes, 4pnvR 2, versus cometocentric distance, R.
dominate in different regions of the coma. This is because the ion–
molecule chemistry in comets consists mainly of a ‘protonation
cascade’, whereby successive proton transfer reactions occur when
3.3 Deuterated molecules
an ion collides with a molecule with a higher proton affinity; a
similar chemistry occurs in interstellar hot cores (Rodgers & Because H2O ice is the largest reservoir of hydrogen atoms in the
Charnley 2001a). Thus in the inner coma NHþ 4 accounts for the nucleus, the D/H ratio in the coma as a whole is determined by the
bulk of the ionization, since ammonia has the largest proton affinity HDO/H2O ratio. Therefore we initially ran the model with a
of the parent species. As the coma density decreases, the time-scale HDO/H2O ratio equal to the observed value of 6 £ 1024 , and no
for proton transfer reactions to ammonia becomes longer than the deuterium in the rest of the ice, in order to see how effectively the
dynamical time-scale, so the abundance of NHþ 4 flattens off, and D in HDO could be transferred into other molecules in the coma.
protonated methanol becomes the major ion (CH3OH is twice as We find that, although a small amount of mixing does occur,
abundant as NH3). Eventually, H3O+ takes over as the dominant principally through deuteron transfer reactions, the D/H ratios in
ion, but by this point most of the chemistry in the coma has molecules other than water remain extremely low.
effectively ceased. Thereafter, we ran the model numerous times, in each case
The value of g for water has been measured over a wide range of Gi ¼ Gchem
i e ;
2 Gion ðA14Þ
temperatures (Keenan, Chao & Kaye 1983), and it is found to vary
Ge ¼ Gchem
e þ Gion
e 2 Ginel
e 2 Gen : ðA15Þ
from 1.333 for T # 100 K to 1.252 at T ¼ 1000 K. This variation is
sufficiently small that we assumed a constant value for gn of 1.3 The G terms are due to chemistry, and are found by
throughout the coma. An identical value for gi was used, based on summing Ĝx multiplied by the reaction rate R over all reactions, as
the fact that the dominant ions (H3O+, NHþ þ
4 and CH3 OH2 Þ are non- in equation (A10), where Ĝx represents the mean thermal energy
linear, and so like H2O will possess three rotational degrees of source term for fluid x in each reaction, and will depend on the type
freedom at low temperatures (i.e. g ¼ 4=3Þ, with successively more of the reaction, the masses of the reactants and products, the
vibrational degrees of freedom becoming available as the velocities and temperatures of the reactants, and the exo/endo-
temperature increases. The electrons were assumed to have the thermicity of the reaction. In general, calculating Ĝx for all but the
classical value of ge ¼ 5=3. simplest reactions is a non-trivial task. However, with certain
If the chemical and hydrodynamic source terms N, M, F and G simplifying assumptions general formulae can be derived; these are
can be calculated for every species and fluid, and the boundary discussed in detail in Section A3.2.