Job Risk Assessment Design and Installation of New Scada System
Job Risk Assessment Design and Installation of New Scada System
Job Risk Assessment Design and Installation of New Scada System
For information
For review/comment
For approval
Assessments. Safety
Shoes, Helmet, Goggles
and Reflective Vest is
mandatory to wear.
Know the weather
conditions and abort the
visit if there is any
extremity. Get
information from
Condition, Heat Stress, Not
3 4 12 Medium Ashghal regarding 1 3 3 Low
High Dust Required
weather conditions for
which operation to be
Wind Storm
aborted. Drink electrolyte
fluid if there is extreme
Leading to
Authorize Users (Security
Permission). Enter with
errors in
Unauthorize Site Buddy/ Client’s Not
system’s 2 5 10 Medium 1 3 3 Low
d Access Representative.Follow Required
the site safety rules and
and plant
Accessing Regulation
5 room for Ensure Site induction
visual before accessing the
Inspection. Not knowing control room
the Leading to Ensure to get the Not
3 4 12 Medium 1 3 3 Low
indigenous Injury information about Required
hazards hazards and risk rating of
control room and adhere
to the defined control
Q1808002_JRA Rev. R0 ©2018 Avanceon Page 5 of 17
Sharp Not
Injury/ pinch 3 1 3 Low Use working gloves. 3 1 3 Low
Corners Required
Ensure compliance to
PTW.Try for alternative
ways of assessment i.e.
engineering drawing or
Bump hazard available design
due to documents.Ensure usage
contact with Head Injury/ of area specific PPEs Not
4 2 8 Medium 3 1 3 Low
overhead Body Injury including helmet, Required
pipes or working gloves, goggles,
objects – safety shoes and
reflected vest. Make
assessment of the area
Accessing during visit and observe
the Panel if there are any overhead
having Contact with objects and power lines.
7 Electric
improper or high voltage Try maximum to avoid it.
Shock – Not
restricted cables 3 5 15 High Don’t conduct any work 2 1 2 Low
Burn/ Required
access nearby or at height activity and
above head manage by alternative
means i.e. take
Entanglemen photographs through Not
leading to 2 4 8 Medium 2 1 2 Low
t hazard Selfi stick. If work at Required
height is require, use fall
Improper protection measures
work at while working at height. Not
Body Injury 3 5 15 high
It includes but not 1 2 2 Low
height – Required
Leading to limited to, personal fall
Fall hazard arrest system (PFAS) as
Slip, Trip and per available clear fall Not
Body Injury 3 3 9 Medium distance, use A-type 3 1 3 Low
Fall hazard Required
may prevail
lighting – Not
Body Injury 4 4 16 High 2 1 2 Low
Leading to Required
slip, trip or ladder and make 3-point
fall contact, use approved
scaffold or moveable
Serious Not
Collapse of 3 5 15 high platform, if required. 2 1 2 Low
Injury Required
A- Ladder Alternatively, ask client to
8 Working provide
Take that of
plenty equipment
water if
inside the having long term
Pump Room exposure to heat.
Leading to
exhaustion, Not
Heat 3 3 9 Medium Ensure usage of Ear Plug/ 2 1 2 Low
sweating, Required
Ear muff. Take periodic
breaks if long term work
is required.
9 Accessing System Hack Do not connect any
the Data/ – device with plant’s
information Malfunctioni Failure of information or media
assets, ng of the system equipment, control
network, connected may lead to panels until you are sure
communicati equipment/ various there is no virus in your
on media motors – Bad incidents, device. Scan your
equipment reputation of safety systems prior to
company. contacting. Not
functions of 3 5 15 high 1 5 5 low
Safety Required
system may
bypassed/ collapse e.g.
failure of F&G system
safety failure if
devices, F&G there is any
system emergency
failure of
there is any
devices, F&G
leading to Ensure PTW Ensure TBT
respiratory prior to start.
issue that
Presence of may cause Conduct Gas Test and
obnoxious suffocation 4 5 20 High ensure H2Sand level of 3 1 3 Low
gases – or even any other gas is with in
death if the permissible limits. For
concentratio H2S, it should not exceed
n is high 10 PPM for 8 Hours
Slip, Trip & Exposure Not
Injury 3 3 9 High 2 2 4 Low
Fall Required
Entry to
chart for physiological
responses against values
10 Space for
of H2S gas is attached as
Appendix A.
Likelihood Severity
Likelihood Description Rating Severity Rating
Unlikely Occurrence close to zero 1 First-aid on site 1
Capable of taking place 2 MTC 2
Likely Tends or inclined to occur 3 Restricted Work Case 3
Very likely High inclination of occurrence 4 LTI - More than one day 4
Appendix A
Appendix B