Structural Report Block 2
Structural Report Block 2
Structural Report Block 2
Block 2
Submitted to:
Bhageshwor Rural Municipality
1. Project Detail
Name of the Project : DPR for Design of Rupal Swasthya Chauki (10 Bedded)
Type of Building: The Building covers a total plinth area of 1260.13 sqm.
The building has been separated in to three blocks. Major
building has been separated in to two blocks whereas
ramp unit have been analyzed separately. Seismic gaps of
100 mm have been provided between two blocks. The
buildings have been named as Block 1, Block 2 and Ramp.
This report has been prepared as a part of the structural engineering analysis and
design of buildings.
For the design of the building, the Indian Standard criteria for earthquake resistant IS
1893:2002 have been referred to. According to the IS 1893 –2002 Code, Kailali lies in
seismic Zone V which is the most severe seismic zone. All other factors related with the
seismic design were also adopted as for zone V of IS 1893 –2002.
1.3 Materials
Following loads have been considered for the analysis and design of the building based on
the relevant Indian Standards.
1.3.1 Concrete
Concrete is to conform to IS 456: Structural use of concrete. Unless noted otherwise
concrete is to be normal-weight, with a typical dry density of 2400 kg/m3. Concrete is
to achieve the 28-day cube strength as 20 N/mm2and 25 N/mm2.
1.3.2 Reinforcement
Reinforcement bars are to be in accordance with IS 456:2000 specification for
carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete is to be in accordance with IS
1786: specification for high deformed steel bars for the reinforcement of
The following design strengths are to be used for the design of concrete and
Grade of Concrete : M25 for all Footing, columns, Beam and Slab of Block
1 and 2 and M20 for Ramp.
Grade of steel : High Yield Fe 500 N/mm2
VB = Ah * W
All symbols and notations in the above equation are as IS 1893: 2002.
ETABS utilizes the following procedure to generate the lateral seismic loads.
User provides seismic zone co-efficient and desired seismic load command.
The structural period (T) is calculated manually and input in the software.
W is obtained from the weight data provided by the user.
The total lateral seismic load (base shear) is then distributed by the program
among different levels of the structure
Load parameter
a. Dead Load :- as per IS 875
Load Pattern Ecc User T Z Soil Type I R Coeff Used Weight Used Base Shear
% sec kN kN
EQX 5 0.335 0.36 II 1.5 5 0.135 13385.7481 1807.076
EQY 5 0.344 0.36 II 1.5 5 0.135 13385.7481 1807.076
1.5 (DL + LL )
DL +1.3 LL ±1.25 EQ
0.9DL ± 1.25EQ
DL ±1.25 EQ
Design Assumptions
Concrete Grade, M25 fck = 25 MPa for column, beam and footing
Concrete Grade, M20 fck = 20 MPa for slab
Steel Grade, Fe 500 fy = 500 MPa for all members
The concrete has been designed using limit state method based on IS 456 –2000. The
detailing of reinforcement has been based on IS 13920 –1993 and where required Uniform
Building Code of USA has been also referred to for detailing of reinforcement.
The design has been based on the most critical load combination mentioned above.
For the above loads and load combinations, the design of beams and columns is carried out
by the ETABS.
Response Spectrum Method of Analysis was performed using IS 1893:2002 code. The
design base shear was compared with base shear computed using fundamental period.
Mass Source
Load Multiplier
Dead Load 1
Live Load 0.5
Wall Load 1
Floor Finish 1
Partition Load 1
Railing Load 1
2. Structural Analysis
The analysis and design have been carried out using software called ETABS v16.2.1, which
is a special purpose computer program developed specifically for building structures. It
provides the Structural Engineer with all the tools necessary to create, modify, analyze,
design, and optimize the structural elements in a building model. The building geometry
based on architectural drawings been generated using above named software. The dead load,
live load and lateral loads were supplied to the digital models as per standard code of
practices. Several analysis run were performed to achieve the best result to meet the design
and service requirements.
3. Design of Elements:
The design of all structural elements is done using ‘Limit State Method’. All relevant Limit
State is considered in design to ensure adequate safety and serviceability.
The design includes design for durability, construction and use in service should be
considered as a whole. The realization of design objectives requires compliance with clearly
defined standards for materials, production, workmanship, and also maintenance and use of
structure in service.
This section includes all the design process of sample calculation for a single element as
column, beam, slab and foundation.
Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
500 500 62.5 30
Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) f y (MPa) f ys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 415
Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design for Pu, Mu2, Mu3
Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
487.9258 -40.1295 267.2976 10.7669 10.7669 2931 1.17
N/A: Not Applicable
N/C: Not Calculated
N/N: Not Needed
Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
400 600 400 0 30 30
Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) f y (MPa) f ys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 415
Adopted size=
L= 2.500 m
B= 2.500 m
Actual area of footing = 6.25 m²
Net Pressure acting upwads = 216.15 KN/m²
B. M. at the face of column about an axis = 270.19 KN-m
d= 179.61 mm
Adop. d= 450 mm
D= 500 mm
Check for one-way Shear action
The critical section is taken at distance d away from the face of column
0.15% Tc = 0.29 N/ (From IS 456: 2000, table 19)
Hence, OK
Tc should be equal to or greater than Tv
mm bar
Provide Steel as = 12 @ 150 mm c/c distance.
Provided steel = 753.98 mm²
Landing A
Landing B
3 Load on landing A
Self weight of slab= 5.625 kN/m2
Finish= 0 kN/m2
Live Load= 4 kN/m2
Super Imposed Dead Load= 1 kN/m2
Total Load= 10.625 kN/m2
Factored Load= 15.9375 kN/m2
Taking Width 1685mm of Slab= 26.85469 kN/m
4 Load on landing B
Self weight of slab= 5.625 kN/m2
Finish= 0 kN/m2
Live Load= 4 kN/m2
Super Imposed Dead Load= 1 kN/m2
Total Load= 10.625 kN/m2
Factored Load= 15.9375 kN/m2
Taking Width 1685mm of Slab= 26.85469 kN/m
5 Design of Staircase:
26.8546875 26.8546875
7 Temperature Reinforcement
Ast Required= 454.95 mm2
Bar Dia= 10 mm
Spacing= 150 mm
Ast Provided=
523.5988 mm2
4. Design Summary
Th-Bar Total
Beam Beam
Location Rebar Bar Ast Shear
Span Size
No. Rein. Spacing
no Φ
Clear Cover: 25 mm
Clear Cover: 25 mm
Typical Slab Reinforcement (Cranked: Double Net at edges and Single Net at Mid Span)