Case Study Group Support Systems in Hong Kong:: An Action Research Project
Case Study Group Support Systems in Hong Kong:: An Action Research Project
Case Study Group Support Systems in Hong Kong:: An Action Research Project
The last dozen years have seen a considerable investment of resources into the research and
development of Group Support Systems (GSS) technology. This paper describes how a GSS
was used to support a process improvement project in a Hong Kong accounting firm.
Although the project encountered many difficulties, the application of action research
facilitated the adaptation of the GSS to the shifting circumstances and the project was
successfully completed. A variety of lessons concerning the use of GSS are presented while
increased use of action research in complex organisational contexts is recommended.
Action Research, Group Support Systems, Process Interventions, Participation, Motivation
The last dozen years have seen a considerable investment of resources into the research and
development of Group Support Systems (GSS) technology in organisations. GSS have been
applied to a wide variety of circumstances, including: requirements engineering (Liou and
Chen, 1993); strategic management (Tyran et al., 1992); software inspections (Mashayekhi et
al., 1993); capacity building (Jones et al., 1998); and international diplomacy (Lyytinen et al.,
1993). This literature paints a somewhat mixed picture of GSS, with the general conclusion
that GSS, when appropriately applied, can benefit adopters.
This paper describes how a GSS1 was employed in support of a process improvement project
in an accounting firm in Hong Kong. The task, its setting and its actors are described,
followed by a justification for the use of action research as a guiding methodology. Two
sample cycles of activities are presented, while key problems encountered and the measures
taken are described. The lessons learned, and their implications for researcher and
methodology alike, are discussed.
GroupSystems for Windows v.1.1d, distributed by Ventana Corp., USA.
Background and Project Objectives
This paper describes how a GSS was used by a small project team in Zeta2 – a medium-sized,
international accounting firm - to improve the firm's client billing process. Zeta maintains
offices around the world, employing around two hundred people in Hong Kong. Shortly
before this study was initiated, a Chief Information Officer (CIO) was appointed with the
remit of bringing Zeta into the IT age, while also revamping business processes within the
firm so as to improve its competitiveness.
The objectives of the project, as defined by the CIO, were a) to re-engineer3 the billing
process, and b) to learn about the appropriateness of GSS technology in support of such a re-
engineering process. The first objective involved examining the existing billing process and
re-engineering its requirements. The new billing process, and a plan for its implementation,
would be submitted to Zeta’s Strategy Review Group (SRG). Table 1 charts the CIO’s
proposed meeting schedule.
Table 1
Proposed Schedule of Billing Process Meetings
Week # Proposed Activity
1 Identify problems with the existing Billing Process.
2 Identify goals for the new Billing Process.
3-4 Understand the existing Billing Process.
5-6 Devise an ideal Billing Process.
7-8 Develop a practical new Billing Process, together with an implementation plan, for submission to
the SRG.
9 Review what had been learned about the appropriateness of the various process review tools and
techniques applied.
10 Develop an action plan for the new Billing Process on the basis of feedback received from the
The project team was headed by the CIO and had six other members – see Table 2 for details.
All team members, including the CIO, were in their late 20s or early 30s, and used a variety
of information systems in the course of their regular work. An executive sponsor was
identified for the project, but contact with him was conducted entirely through the CIO, as he
never attended meetings.
Educated in the UK, I had lived in Hong Kong for six years, was working as a lecturer at the
City University of Hong Kong and had considerable experience in the facilitation of meetings
using GSS. I introduced the principles of GSS at a seminar organised jointly by the Hong
Kong Management Association and the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, which
Zeta is a pseudonym – at the firm’s request.
The CIO's use of terminology was sometimes potentially misleading. He referred to Business
Process Re-engineering on a number of occasions, but did not communicate this effectively to the
other team members, i.e. they did not feel empowered to introduce radical changes in the billing
process. Despite the CIO's misuse of some terms, his discourse has generally been preserved since
it provides important indicators of his style of interaction and control.
Throughout this paper, the action researcher is referred to in the first person singular. To clarify, this
is the paper’s first author.
the CIO attended. My motivation to work with Zeta stemmed largely from my appreciation of
the potential value of applying GSS to complex organisational circumstances - an application
that is often called for in the research literature, but relatively infrequently encountered in
Table 2
Team Membership
Title Background & Education Experience
CIO He recently arrived in Hong Kong from Recently appointed at
the UK with degrees in Information Zeta, with little work
Systems and Statistics. Current MBA experience in Hong
student Kong.
Manager - Tax He was born in Hong Kong, but worked Recently appointed in
and studied in Australia for many years. Zeta.
Manager - Insolvency He was born and educated in the UK, is Recently appointed in
a chartered accountant, but has low Zeta.
computer literacy
Manager- Audit He was born in Malaysia, educated in Several years working
the UK and is computer literate. experience in Zeta.
Manager – Business She was born in Hong Kong, is Many years working
Services educated to A-level (Grade 13/ Form 7) experience in Zeta.
standard and is computer literate.
Manager – Secretarial She was born in Hong Kong, has a Many years working
Services bachelor’s degree from a local experience in Zeta.
university, and is computer literate.
Admin Officer (EDP) She was born in Hong Kong, is About four years
educated to O-level (Grade 11/ Form 5) working experience in
standard and is computer literate. Zeta.
The CIO described the proposed project and I agreed that it had potential for GSS support.
No formal protocol governing my involvement was specified, though senior partners at Zeta
were informed of my presence. The CIO initially nominated me as a technical facilitator,
though later this was extended to include process facilitation. Ventana Corp. authorised me to
install the GSS software at Zeta for the duration of the project at no charge, provided that I
supervised the use of the software and subsequently shared research findings with Ventana.
I was the sole facilitator at Zeta, but I was neither bound by any formal contract nor
remunerated for my work, which was restricted to this one project; furthermore, I was never
requested to deliver a solution that would support any particular viewpoint. The key ethical
dilemma I faced related to the dominance of the CIO. This I addressed by attempting to bring
the other team members into discussions, and successfully persuading the CIO to relinquish
some of his responsibilities. At all times, I attempted to ensure that the techniques I used in
team interactions did not conflict with local cultural sensitivities – style of communication for
instance. My formal involvement with Zeta lasted from January to July 1997, during which
time I visited Zeta's offices primarily to facilitate meetings (see Table 3), though on two
occasions I visited solely to fix software-related problems.
The CIO reported project progress to the executive sponsor on a regular basis. When the
project was completed, I wrote up a report describing the discussions and the agreements
reached, distributing this to all team members. The CIO was given access to an early version
of the report from which this paper has been drawn. He responded critically and assertively to
many instances of his described behaviour, vigorously defending himself, rejecting some
arguments and demanding that the text be toned down. In this paper, the CIO’s legitimate
concerns are addressed, but the accuracy of the descriptions is maintained.
The CIO realised that participation in the process review was essential to the subsequent
implementation of the new billing process in Zeta. He further recognised that the participants
were too busy to commit much of their time to face-to-face interactions, thus requiring a
process that permitted them to work remotely. The CIO believed that a GSS could support
this process, facilitating productive group discussions and enabling all team members to
benefit from their shared interaction. While the GSS was continuously available for ‘remote’
activities, it was not always used during face-to-face meetings. On some occasions, a
whiteboard was used to draw team members’ attention to system details. At other times,
verbal discussion was found to be more effective than text input. Overall, the GSS was used
for approximately 50% of meeting time, though the over-riding concern was to ensure that
usage was appropriate to the context.
Improving the client billing process was a complex task involving actors from different
departments with differing vested interests. Consequently, the gathering and analysis of
substantial rich information and the asking of probing 'why', 'how' and 'how to' questions was
mandated. At the same time, it was desirable that the team members should play as active a
role in the project as possible, since their insights, and those of their colleagues, should be
relevant to the re-engineering process. Furthermore, it was believed that this participation
would increase the likelihood that the new client billing process would be implemented
effectively in all departments.
Given the task context, both the CIO and I agreed that action research would be the most
suitable methodology to employ. Not only would action research mandate my active
intervention and empower the team members, but its cyclic structure would provide a
framework for ensuring that the problem would be reconsidered continuously throughout the
project. Furthermore, given action research's emphasis on reflection, the opportunity to glean
lessons - both about the problem and its solution, and about how GSS can be applied in
organisations - would be provided, thus linking theory and practice.
Elden and Chisholm (1993) explain that action research is a change oriented research
methodology that seeks to introduce changes with positive social values, the key focus being
on a problem and its solution. Baskerville and Wood-Harper (1996, p.239) point out that "the
ideal domain of the action research method" is one where: "the researcher is actively
involved, with expected benefit for both researcher and organisation; the knowledge obtained
can be immediately applied…; the research is a cyclical process linking theory and practice".
Furthermore, problems for which previous research has provided a validated theory are
particularly appropriate for the application of action research, since the researcher can
intervene in the problem situation, before applying and subsequently evaluating the value and
usefulness of the theory. Such practice enables the researcher both to validate or improve
upon existing theories and to introduce practical improvements in the problem situation
investigated (Checkland, 1981; Heller, 1993). However, Eden and Huxham (1996) note that
such an intervention may result in changes within the organisation and so threaten the status
quo. They also emphasise (ibid., p.84) that action research must have implications "beyond
those required for action … in the domain of the project. It must be possible to envisage
talking about the theories developed in relation to other situations".
The practice of action research is cyclical. A researcher starts with planning what action to
take, continues to intervention with the action, observes the effects of that intervention and
finally reflects upon the observations in order to attempt to learn how better to plan and
execute the next cycle. The reflections also inform the assessment of theory that must take
place subsequently.
GSS (Nunamaker et al., 1991) are networked, computer based systems designed to facilitate
structured, interactive discussion in a group of people communicating face-to-face or
remotely, synchronously or asynchronously. Group members type their contributions into the
system which immediately makes each contribution available to all other participants. Thus,
nobody forgets what they want to say while waiting for a turn to speak. It is also possible for
a group to enter ideas anonymously if that is thought appropriate, e.g. if members feel
unwilling to submit ideas that are considered abnormal, unusual or unpopular.
In conjunction with the CIO, I initiated planning for the project. This helped me understand
the CIO's objectives and the project’s limitations as imposed by organisational structures. The
CIO demonstrated that he had a clear idea of what he wanted to achieve, his forceful style of
interaction dominating discussions. It was agreed that each meeting would be planned in
advance and its progress discussed afterwards – often these discussions took place through
email. It was also planned that the GSS would be used for idea generation/categorisation and
for forging consensus. The literature (e.g. Nunamaker et al., 1997) suggests that GSS should
work well for these two activities. Team members were informed in advance of forthcoming
activities to give them preparation time; they were also reminded to meet task deadlines.
The CIO suggested that the project team should first unravel the details of the existing billing
process, before considering the requirements for and design of the new process. This would
involve looking at the various actors involved (clients, managers of the various departments,
secretaries, partners) and analysing dataflows and decision making policies. Finally, the
project team would review the effectiveness of the techniques employed in the process
review and analyse their suitability for other process reviews in the firm.
The CIO intended that the team members would meet face-to-face once a week. After these
meetings, he would prescribe ‘homework’ for the team members to work on during the week,
i.e. asynchronously and in a distributed fashion since their offices were located in two
buildings a mile apart in Hong Kong’s central business district. This ‘timetable’ was
frequently interrupted, with up to six weeks separating some meetings – see Table 3 for the
actual timeline of meetings.
Table 3
Timeline of Meetings (January 26th – June 17th, 1997)
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Date 26/1 2/2 16/2 23/2 2/3 16/3 30/3 6/4 13/4 26/5 17/6
Through the eleven cycles of meetings and other project activities, I collected data from a
variety of sources. These included:
• my own subjective observations of, and discussions with, team members before, during
and after meetings about project progress and problems;
• unstructured telephone and email interviews/discussions, initiated by me, with:
• individual team members conducted regularly throughout the project – typical
questions covered: team member comfort with the technology, satisfaction with the
project process, and belief that the project was managed in an appropriate manner;
• the CIO two to three times per week to consider completed and current activities, as
well as future plans;
• company and project documentation;
• an instrument (see Appendix) developed by Davison (1997, 1998), used to collect data
concerning team members’ perceptions regarding the following meeting processes: ease
and effectiveness of communication; discussion quality; status effects experienced; team
work; efficiency.
While the CIO agreed that the questionnaire should be completed after each meeting,
this was confounded by team members who refused to do so on a number of occasions, with
data collected only in the first, second, fourth, fifth and seventh cycles.
Cycle One
The CIO and I agreed in advance that the first meeting should be primarily introductory,
lasting about one hour, familiarising the team members with the task and explaining my role,
while also describing the GSS software and how it had been used by other organisations. An
initial application of the GSS to explore relevant issues would follow, with the team members
asked to complete the meeting process questionnaire. Subsequent analysis of this data would
determine how the second meeting should be organised.
Following the CIO's introductions, team members vigorously challenged the anonymity of
the GSS, observing that the process review would threaten the status quo in Zeta and would
therefore be controversial. Consequently, their participation would be conditional upon the
confidentiality of their input. The CIO reassured them with respect to confidentiality,
clarifying that he would take personal responsibility for the project.
Familiarisation with the GSS was achieved by asking the team members to brainstorm issues
relevant to the billing process, new features of the GSS interface being progressively
introduced. This illustrated how the GSS could be used to handle various aspects of the
billing process. After some twenty minutes, twenty ideas and fifteen comments had been
entered into the GSS5. At this point, the CIO wrapped up the meeting, requesting members to
continue to input ideas remotely during the week: a total of thirty ideas and seventy
comments were generated in this first week. However, the meeting process instrument was
not completed immediately, members pleading fresh meetings to attend.
I noted the team members' healthy level of initial interest in the GSS and the task, as well as
their perception that the issues involved would be controversial. They did not appear to
experience task or GSS related difficulties, contributing many sensible and thoughtful ideas.
The CIO privately confided that immediate completion of the questionnaire would be better,
yet professed himself unable to require compliance.
Subsequent data analysis revealed few problems, team members disagreeing that the
language used (English) prevented their participation, though they only weakly disagreed that
they were reluctant to contribute ideas. Discussions were seen to be reasonably meaningful,
open and appropriate. Importantly, members evinced comfort with the technology itself,
sensing that it did facilitate their work. Finally, although the first meeting ran smoothly
enough, it was apparent that the CIO's positional power was limited.
Cycle Two
The CIO and I held a ninety-minute reflecting and planning session before the second
meeting. It was noted that the ideas generated in the first cycle were wide-ranging, but lacked
focus. To remedy this, the CIO proposed that the second meeting should focus on the scope
and objectives of the new billing process, with the GSS being used to support the necessary
idea generation.
Two team members were unable to attend this meeting, and were substituted by colleagues
unfamiliar with the software. After reacquainting themselves with the material, the CIO
initiated a verbal discussion of the issues. This lasted some thirty minutes, but was little more
than a conversation between the CIO and the Insolvency Manager. At my suggestion, all
team members verbally discussed and categorised each of the thirty ideas as lying inside or
outside the scope of the billing process. The discussion was initially dominated by the CIO,
but I intervened to ensure that all team members had the opportunity to participate.
The GSS functioned in this meeting as a form of team 'memory'. All members had access to
the thirty ideas and seventy comments, using them to inform their discussion. I 'moved' ideas
in real time from the main list to one of two new 'categories' - 'inside scope' and 'outside
After this meeting, I discussed project issues with the CIO and the Insolvency Manager, both
of whom felt that the other team members were very unwilling to get involved in discussions,
not appreciating either the purpose of the project or their involvement. This attitude stemmed
About 2-3 pages of single-spaced A4 paper.
in part from Zeta’s organisational culture which did not encourage, let alone reward,
innovation or working outside one’s immediate task environment. The CIO explained that he
wanted to encourage participation, with all team members having a fair go at contributing to
the processes, yet he also felt the occasional need to be autocratic to ensure that things did get
Clear problems emerged in this meeting that related to the interaction between the CIO and
the team members. Although the team members were competent to perform the work
required, their willingness to take responsibility appeared to be low. Indeed, they appeared to
have little vested interest in, or motivation for, the problem they had been assigned to tackle.
Instrument data corroborates this, revealing a general apathy towards the meeting processes,
with a lack of team spirit and diminished discussion quality. This lack of interest was
augmented by the CIO's failure either to communicate why the review process was important
or to allocate a sufficiently high priority to the task himself.
Chargeable Time
It became apparent that a key demotivator for the team’s participation was that they could not
charge the time so spent to any account. As in many similar firms, Zeta employs a system of
'chargeable time', but the time team members spent on the project was not chargeable. A
senior partner in the firm was confronted with this inconsistency, but he merely replied that
the firm did value the time and effort committed by the team members. The lack of
substantive evidence to support this assertion made it very difficult to believe that the firm
was sincere in its intent.
The CIO clearly identified the need to empower the team members and entrust them with the
responsibility for re-engineering the billing process. However, he did not explicitly
communicate his rationale to them, nor could he appreciate their lack of interest in solving
the task. Instead, he supplied them with weighty texts on re-engineering, which remained
unread. Privately, some team members expressed the view that the new system might
improve some aspects of the billing process, but if they found that it obstructed their work
they would simply ignore it and create work-arounds. Indeed, they had little interest in being
empowered (none of them having volunteered to work on the project), believing that the task
of re-engineering was more properly the CIO’s. None of the team members commented on or
contributed to the final project report. Indeed, their unwillingness to undertake any more
work than absolutely necessary meant that they could not be considered as co-researchers in
the project.
Misappropriation of Anonymity
The CIO misappropriated the anonymity of the GSS, projecting large numbers of his own
ideas without their authorship being positively attributable. He freely admitted to me that he
sometimes submitted wild or provocative ideas so as to see what he could get away with.
Team members noted, individually, to me that they would prefer that the communications
using the GSS be identified since this might improve the value and sincerity of the
discussions. The CIO, however, vetoed this proposal.
Conflict between the CIO and the Researcher
Initially, the CIO identified my responsibility as being primarily technical, advising him on
how to apply the GSS most effectively in order to achieve his objectives in running the
project. This became an increasingly untenable role to play as the CIO's dominance of
meetings increased. On one occasion, for example, I intervened in a heated debate between
the CIO and team members to suggest that some cultural confusion might underlie the
discussion and its lack of progress. The CIO took grave offence at this intervention and
subsequently reprimanded me. I was careful not to align myself with either the CIO or the
other participants, in order not to be accused of bias. However, my dissonant stance had
clearly aggravated the CIO.
Data Quality
The instrument employed was designed to collect perceptions of the participants concerning
five key meeting processes, viz.: discussion quality, communication, efficiency, teamwork
and status effects. While useful, the instrument only measured perceptions within a single
meeting. After the third meeting, the CIO criticised the instrument design, arguing that it
would be more useful to make comparative measurements from week to week. In
consequence it was redesigned.
The team members recognised that the CIO was frustrated by the tortuous progress of the
project, but also suggested that his own preference for open and rigorous debate contrasted
sharply with their reticence to express opinions publicly and preference for private
discussions. They further recognised there was a need for a neutral moderator who could
draw out the views of the team members, while neutralising the excesses of the CIO.
Ironically, the GSS offered the opportunity to communicate ideas anonymously, but a culture
of cautiousness hampered the situation: the manager from the Tax Department commented
that the female members in particular would typically not contribute ideas if they were unsure
of their accuracy. I observed such behaviour on a number of occasions.
The CIO was not at all reticent about making his views known. Although he recognised from
the outset that participation might turn out to be a problem, his apparent lack of awareness of
the importance of chargeable time for the team members was an unexpected revelation. His
comments, however, are most insightful, if a little beguiling: "For me personally, chargeable
hours are not of importance as I do not do client work. Although I knew that chargeability is
used as a measure of performance for client service providers, I did not fully appreciate the
influence that it has".
With the approval of the CIO, I took a leading role in meetings from cycle seven onwards.
Having observed the negative effects of the CIO's style of leadership, as well as the fact that
the GSS was used effectively for discussion of billing process problems, but ineffectively for
consensus development, I consciously attempted to:
• imbue meetings with a more friendly style of communication;
• ensure that tasks were rich in opportunities for idea generation and discussion;
• reduce the normative influence of the CIO by increasing the involvement of team
members in specific tasks;
• identify learning opportunities that the project presented for team members.
The original instrument for collecting data on participants’ perceptions of meeting processes
did not incorporate any element of comparison with previous meetings, hindered analysis of
processes in longitudinal meetings. During the third cycle, it was agreed that some of the
instrument items should be realigned to reflect changes from meeting to meeting. Thus, team
members were asked whether a process (e.g. discussion openness) had improved, deteriorated
or remained the same when compared with the previous meeting. This instrument revision is
seen as a critical element of the action research, in that tools and techniques should only be
used for as long as they are useful. Realigning the focus of the instrument was a joint solution
that helped to ensure useful data collection.
The comparative data collected proved very useful for future planning of meetings. It also
enabled me to observe, for example, that while the level of conformance pressure fluctuated
through the project, the levels of intimidation and influence dropped as I took a more active
role in meeting processes. Despite these fluctuations, the extent to which team members
actually felt inhibited from participating was initially low and remained unchanged
throughout the project. Certainly participation was problematic, but data collected appears to
confirm the earlier finding that notional willingness to participate was high.
The organisational circumstances and group dynamics encountered in this research setting
were taxing. The fact that the CIO lacked the positional power to enforce any of his requests
contributed considerably both to the length of the project and his own frustration with the
meeting process. However, the CIO failed either to increase his own prioritisation of the task
or to seek direct power from the executive partner, so as to complete project tasks more
Senior partners ostensibly approved the initiation of the project, yet failed to give the team
members any overt recognition of the value of their work, and it is certain that the system of
chargeable time mitigated against their involvement; that the firm, and the CIO, failed to take
account of this when the project was approved was short-sighted at best. At the end of the
project, the project's executive sponsor expressed some appreciation for the work that the
team had accomplished, but did not indicate that changes in Zeta’s policy concerning
chargeable time would be forthcoming. Although the GSS literature pays little attention to the
issue of participant motivation, the facilitation literature is more forthcoming with the
suggestion that the motivation of a group to accomplish its task, and the need to keep it
focused on its outcomes, are critical (Clawson et al., 1993; Niederman et al., 1996).
In the following discussion section, the roles of the two key aspects of this research, viz.: the
action research methodology and the GSS technology are evaluated. This evaluation will lead
to the identification of key lessons that can be applied in similar contexts.
Motivation to participate was always low, features of the organisational setting and reward
mechanisms playing a contributory role. The direction of the project was sometimes unclear,
and the CIO might have abandoned the notion of involving the team members at all,
attempting to re-engineer the processes himself; equally, the team members might have
totally ignored the CIO and ceased attending meetings or contributing. The fact that these did
not happen, despite the CIO's wry comment that the team members probably autodeleted his
email, testifies to the robustness of a methodology that supports flexibility, continuous
intervention and appropriate change.
A central tenet of action research is that a researcher should act to introduce changes with
positive social values, even if these conflict with the status quo, while considering the needs
of the clients. The team members were consulted as to their views on the progress of the
project, the appropriateness of the goals and the suitability of the CIO as a project leader.
Feedback from these consultations was usefully incorporated into the way that the project
was run, with the result that changes were made, and, most critically, the project continued to
run. However, these actions that I took should be seen as essential modifications to what was
an intentionally tenuous initial plan. When the project was initiated, there was no long term
plan about how to proceed, nor indeed should there have been one. Checkland (1981, p.153)
notes that action research "cannot be wholly planned and directed down particular paths".
Lévi-Strauss has made similar comments about field research, observing that one should "go
along with the lie of the land" rather than expecting to stick to pre-determined techniques and
styles of enquiry (cited in Descola, 1996, p.40).
The researcher's flexibility is an essential component of action research, and thus not a
weakness in the research design. If one instrument or technique proves inadequate, it should
be revised or discarded to be replaced by a better one. I refined the data collection instrument
mid-way through the project, redefined my own and the CIO's roles, and reallocated
responsibilities accordingly. It is conceivable that motivation-related questions could have
been included in the instrument, but in other meetings a different factor could contribute
negatively. While the instrument was valuable, therefore, in eliciting certain key problems
and supplementing the richer information obtained in interviews, it was not designed to
identify all potential problems; my own intervention was essential for this. None of these
experiences cause us to dispute the value of planning as a key element of the action research
cycle, but do lead us to caution that such plans should incorporate flexibility, an attribute of
facilitation identified as being important by Niederman et al. (1996). This flexibility
permitted me to intervene in a manner impossible with other, more structured,
methodologies. In consequence, the solution attained was probably better than would have
been the case had no intervention been performed.
Checkland (1981) notes that a researcher should not remain an observer outside the subject of
investigation, but become a participant in the action. Mid-way through the project,
participants suggested that I take a moderating role in the project discussions and so
neutralise some of the CIO's excesses. When I changed my role in response to this request,
attempting to increase the involvement of participants and decrease the normative influence
of the CIO, the private feedback from participants was positive and the levels of perceived
status influence diminished. It has been suggested (Gersick, 1991) that a radical change in
group organisation can disrupt dysfunctional behaviours and so improve a group’s
The CIO observed early on in the project that he could re-engineer the billing process
himself, but needed the participative co-operation of the whole team to ensure that the final
system would be acceptable to different departments. The history of GSS use elsewhere (e.g.
Grohowski et al., 1990) suggests that its application in complex organisational circumstances
could indeed be successful. Thus, there was reason to think that use of GSS was warranted
and would be received openly. Indeed, the literature (e.g. Nunamaker et al., 1997) suggests
that a GSS can enhance effectiveness and efficiency, resulting in higher levels of participant
satisfaction than might be attained in the absence of technological support.
If the CIO had tackled the project without either the GSS technology or my interventions, it is
unlikely that such a process would have produced results acceptable to Zeta's employees.
Therefore, it can be asserted that the GSS did exert a significant and positive influence on the
meeting process. What became apparent early in the project, however, was that the GSS
could not be used in the same way that the literature suggests. Although team members
appreciated being able to use the GSS for tasks that required substantial idea generation,
given that it markedly improved their productivity and enabled them to contribute ideas at
their own pace, it was definitely not appreciated for tasks requiring the development of
consensus or fine points of detail. These findings encouraged me to vary the application of
GSS to fit the characteristics of the team more effectively. Previous research in GSS seldom
mentions the importance of matching GSS tools with tasks, but evidence from meeting
facilitators does indicate its importance (Niederman et al., 1996).
Furthermore, anonymity was used in a manner not described in the literature, with the CIO
taking advantage of it to cloak his own many contributions with a quasi-team authorship.
Anonymity is often seen as a vital aspect of GSS research and practice, the usual rationale
being that it promotes unbiased and task focused discussions, while diminishing the negative
effects caused by domination and intimidation. Lyytinen et al. (1993), however, observe that
its use may not always be appropriate, citing the example of international diplomacy where it
is essential for all contributions to be identified for them to be meaningful. In this project, it is
certain that anonymity contributed negatively, team members commenting that discussions
would have been more frank and sincere had contributions been identifiable.
Action research enabled us to investigate the key issues underlying some of the
organisational problems. The combination of GSS and action research supported an
exploration and analysis of ideas that enabled the team to achieve some semblance of
success. The project was tentatively completed and a pilot system was running nine months
later in one department, although considerable angst was experienced during the review
process. The modest outcomes, while better than what could have realistically been attained
had neither GSS nor action research been used, could nonetheless have been achieved less
painfully and more efficiently in more ideal circumstances.
The results reported here have implications for future work with GSS in a number of respects.
GSS can be effectively used for longitudinal meeting contexts so long as the GSS
facilitator/researcher employs the technology flexibly when tackling problems. Participants in
this project, despite their lack of familiarity with GSS software expressed comfort with the
technology, believing that it facilitated their work.
For Zeta to make any significant, IT-related improvements in the future, significant changes
to its organisational culture would be necessary. Barriers to participation, concerning
chargeable time and the reward system must be addressed. Although I sought to introduce
positive social changes during this study, these were countered by Zeta’s organisational
culture, which did not appear to value motivational issues.
Research and practice that draws upon the synergy of GSS and action research is not
frequently encountered, yet as this paper demonstrates, has much potential. Researchers and
practitioners are encouraged to explore this domain further in different cultures and
organisational contexts.
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The instrument developed by Davison (1997, 1998) includes five constructs measuring:
communication in meetings (C), discussion quality in a meeting (D), status effects
experienced in meetings (S), team work in a meeting (T) and efficiency of meeting processes
(E). Two versions of the instrument were developed. The first, referred to as the absolute
version, is designed for one-off meetings, or initial meetings in a series. The second, referred
to as the relative version, is designed to be used when it is necessary for respondents to
compare their perceptions with those made in previous meetings. Each item within a
construct is followed by a code, e.g. C1. The letter refers to the construct, i.e.
C=Communication in Meetings. The digit refers to the nominal order of the item within the
With regard to your own participation in the meeting, please indicate to what extent you
agree with the following statements:
You found it hard to understand other group members when they talked. (C2)
Strongly Agree [] [] [] [] [] Strongly Disagree
With regard to all meeting members as a whole, how would you rate the discussions in the
meeting in terms of the following scales?
Meaningful [] [] [] [] [] Meaningless (D1)
Appropriate [] [] [] [] [] Inappropriate (D2)
Open [] [] [] [] [] Closed (D3)
Imaginative [] [] [] [] [] Unimaginative (D4)
Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements:
Members had sufficient access to the information they needed so as to participate actively in
and fully understand the meeting. (T3)
Strongly Agree [] [] [] [] [] Strongly Disagree
Some group members tried to intimidate others, e.g. by talking loudly, using aggressive
gestures, making threats, etc. (S1)
Strongly Agree [] [] [] [] [] Strongly Disagree
Some group members tried to use their influence, status or power so as to force issues on the
other group members. (S2)
Strongly Agree [] [] [] [] [] Strongly Disagree
You felt inhibited from participating in the discussion because of the behaviour of other
meeting members. (S3)
Strongly Agree [] [] [] [] [] Strongly Disagree
What percentage of meeting time do you think was spent on serious discussion?
___ % (E4)
To what extent would you say that this meeting was result oriented? (E1)
Strongly Result Oriented [] [] [] [] [] Weakly Result Oriented
Your understanding of the typed comments from other group members (C2)
Improved []; Stayed about the same []; Deteriorated []
The pressure you experienced, either to conform to a particular viewpoint or not to contradict
others (S4)
Increased []; Stayed about the same []; Decreased []
Compared to previous meetings of this team, do you feel the discussions improved, stayed the
same or deteriorated on the following scales:
Meaningful (D1) Improved []; Stayed about the same []; Deteriorated []
Appropriate (D2) Improved []; Stayed about the same []; Deteriorated []
Openness (D3) Improved []; Stayed about the same []; Deteriorated []
Imaginative (D4) Improved []; Stayed about the same []; Deteriorated []
The extent to which members had sufficient access to the information they needed so as to
participate actively in and fully understand the meeting (T3)
Increased []; Stayed about the same []; Decreased []
The extent to which some group members tried to intimidate others, e.g. by talking loudly,
using aggressive gestures, making threats, etc. (S1)
Increased []; Stayed about the same []; Decreased []
The extent to which some group members tried to use their influence, status or power so as to
force issues on the other group members (S2)
Increased []; Stayed about the same []; Decreased []
The extent to which you felt inhibited from participating in the discussion because of the
behaviour of other meeting members (S3)
Increased []; Stayed about the same []; Decreased []
What percentage of this meeting's time do you think was spent on serious discussion? ____%
To what extent would you say that this meeting was result oriented? (E1)
Strongly Result Oriented [] [] [] [] [] Weakly Result Oriented
1. To what extent was the re-engineering process that the CIO initiated a successful one?
Further, how important was the researcher's role in the case? What might have to change
in Zeta for future re-engineering work to be successful?
Although changes to the billing process were achieved, these changes owed little to
genuine re-engineering, since consultation with stakeholders was fraught with
complications. The CIO had a clear idea of the particular form of re-engineering that he
wished to achieve, but this was not effectively communicated to the other team members.
Considering the problems that the CIO experienced with the other team members, in
terms of persuading them to participate and contribute, the researcher in the case found
that his role became increasingly important.
Many aspects of Zeta's current organisational culture and general working environment
might need to be changed to improve the chances of success for future re-engineering
work. First of all, there would need to be better "up-front" work to explain the value of
the re-engineering task to team members, thus motivating their participation. This
motivation could be strengthened by ensuring that the time that they spent (both in
meetings and in preparation) would be chargeable and at the same rate as if they were
performing client-related work. The organisational culture itself might need to adapt to
this re-engineering style of work, encouraging and supporting team members in the
expression of their opinions, public discussion of problems, promotion of creativity, and
rewarding of innovation. At the same time, there would be a need to avoid the problems
of dominance that emerged between the CIO and other team members, with their
different cultural backgrounds. This might entail the employment of an external
facilitator who has no vested interest in any of the systems being developed, and who can
ride above the internal firm business and various rivalries.
2. The GSS literature makes various claims as to its suitability for accomplishing certain
activities - brainstorming, consensus formation, etc. Some of these are borne out by this
case and others are not. Why do you think this happened?
Much of the GSS literature describes research that has been conducted in North America,
thus reflecting the biases and preferences of that cultural environment. The research
findings of that literature may have some validity for that environment, but rather less
validity for others, such as Hong Kong, where different cultural values operate. A natural
science model does not really apply here, since the differences in individual and group
behaviour, thought and culture will all modify the way a system such as a GSS is adopted
by a group of people.
3. Which were the key factors that lead the team to develop as it did?
The cross-cultural nature of the team's composition, especially the strong differences in
communication style between the CIO and the other team members, lead to considerable
dissonance. In addition, the organisational culture - which the team members probably
appreciated better than the CIO who had only been appointed recently. Chargeable time
was a key aspect of the organisational culture for team development, because the CIO
evinced little awareness of its importance in determining the way in which team members
spent their time. Furthermore, the tendency of the CIO to use the GSS to manipulate the
discussion, flooding the brainstorming sessions with his own ideas. Finally, the
interventions that the researcher performed so as to keep the group moving towards its
goal, and the changes that he introduced to his own role and that of the CIO so as to make
these interventions viable.
4. Two ‘cycles’ of activities are described in the case. What value is added to the case by
this operational description? Would it have been better to describe all eleven cycles in as
much detail?
By including two cycles, the reader can begin to position him/her-self in the scenario and
see the events that transpired from an internal perspective. This positioning is quite
important if the reader is to glean significant lessons from the case. Thus it adds to the
credibility of the case. Although it would be possible to include page-long descriptions of
all eleven cycles, this would probably be overkill. The value also lies in choosing two
cycles that have sufficient detail to provide the reader with necessary understanding of
what happened, without going into every last intricacy. Many of the events of the case
from other cycles will appear elsewhere in the description and analysis of the case,
notably the section that deals with the significant problems that were encountered.
5. Researcher flexibility emerged as a key contributor to the progress of the case. Why do
you think flexibility was so important?
The researcher found that the circumstances of the case shifted about a lot. The CIO was
responsible for some of this, particularly where the influence that he exerted was
concerned. The non-participation of the team members was also a factor. At the same
time, the focus of the discussions changed, even though the long term goal remained the
same. Where the use of the GSS was concerned, the team members were willing to use it
for brainstorming, but not for consensus generation. This is an example of where the
recommendations in the GSS literature were contradicted by Hong Kong reality, and so
the researcher need to react flexibly to ensure that consensus was reached through other
means. At the same time, the researcher needed to think carefully which tasks would be
more appropriate to GSS use. The advantage of using the GSS in meetings was that it
enabled more people to participate and more evenly. Face-to-face discussions tended to
be dominated by the CIO.
A detailed answer to this question would involve a lengthy description of the ontological
and epistemological assumptions that the researcher held. However, given the complexity
and importance of the task, the cross-functional nature of the team and the potentially
confounding culture of the organisation, as well as the opportunity to apply previously
developed (GSS and AR) theory, Action Research was believed by both the researcher
and the CIO to offer a suitable framework that would permit the researcher to intervene as
necessary, consciously adapt GSS and AR theory to the case - benefiting both client and
to lead to a successful outcome - and yet, paradoxically, flexible, so that if circumstances
change whilst a project is in progress, the same project does not flounder because the
methodology does not permit variations or changes. In an experimental setting, it may be
feasible to drop out one group if you have 10 or 20. In organisational settings, however,
this may not be possible as there may only be one group - you work with it and do your
utmost to ensure that the client group benefits from your interaction, because the
alternative is failure - not just for you, but for the people with whom you are working.
There are many lessons here, particularly for practitioners who employ interpretive
methodologies such as action research. The value of flexibility in their behaviour and
their adoption of an implementation strategy should by now be apparent. At the same
time, the value of an interventionalist approach has also been detailed, while the
awareness that a GSS may be received differently in different cultural environments is
also important. Finally, the study may offer some pointers towards what good action
research enabled GSS research looks like, not because of the details of the case, but
because of the way the case itself has been structured and presented.
The authors would like to thank Maris Martinsons, Choon-Ling Sia and Sabine Hirt for helpful comments and
suggestions made on earlier drafts of this paper. We particularly value the constructive reviews from the two
anonymous referees and the associate editor that have enabled us to make significant improvements to the paper.
Robert Davison is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems at the City University of
Hong Kong. His current research interests involve an examination of the impact of Information Systems on
group decision making, communication and learning, particularly in cross-cultural and developing country
settings. His work has been published by Information and Management, Communications of the ACM and
Decision Support Systems.
Douglas R. Vogel is Professor of Information Systems at City University of Hong Kong. He has been involved
with computers and computer systems in various capacities for over 30 years. His interests bridge the business
and academic communities in addressing questions of the impact of management information systems on
aspects of business process improvement, group problem solving, education and organizational productivity.
Professor Vogel is especially active in introducing group support technology into enterprises. His particular
focus emphasises integration of audio, video and data in interactive distributed group support.