ESIC Service Delivery in Uttar Pradesh
ESIC Service Delivery in Uttar Pradesh
ESIC Service Delivery in Uttar Pradesh
This is to certify that Miss Mahima Jaiswal has completed her
Mahima Jaiswal
Table Of Content
Chapter 1
a)Meaning of Insurance
Chapter 2
a) Infrastructure
Chapter 3
i) Medical Benefit
ii) Sickness Benefit
iii)Maternity Benefit
iv)Disablement Benefit
v)Dependents Benefits
vi)Other Benefits
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
a) ESIC : 2
b) Project Panchdeep
Chapter 6
a) Special features of ESIC Uttar Pradesh
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
a) Level of Satisfaction
b)Bed occupancy
c) Availability of Beds
d) Shortage of Beds
Chapter 12
Social Security has now become a fact of life for millions of people
(1942) defines social security as “the security that the society furnishes,
which the individual of small means and meagre resources cannot effec-
tively provide by his own ability .These risks being sickness, maternity,
cies that they imperil the ability of the working man to support himself
After the independence of India, the health care system has been ex-
health care facilities and better training of medical personnel (Ellis, et al,
2000). At the same time, one of the arguments is that the health care
sector in India still mainly focused in urban areas only, even though
The International Labour Organization, Approaches to Social Security, 1942, pg 1.
majority of the people are living in rural areas.
this was the first social insurance measures introduced in India and is
surance program that has over the last seven decades emerged with its
Despite all the endeavors made by the Corporation for the effective func-
tioning of the ESI Scheme in the country, public discernment of the Cor-
poration has not been very positive. The insured persons often allege
that the Corporation has not given any regard for the quality of services
There is a feeling among public that government health facilities are not
functioning well and of poor quality. Majority of people when they are
ill seek care from private sector rather than public providers for out-
patient care.
very important. “In the case any form of health insurance coverage in
In India where majority of the curative health care spending is met from
households only. Some studies revealed that around 69% of health spend-
tion and privatization of health care system, the health care expenses
also increased since 1994–95, health expenditures have grown at 14% and
this growth is higher for in-patient care (Govt. of India, 2005). These
financial burdens arise because the consumers are either not insured or
coverage also not that satisfactory. But some evidences show that
the high health care cost, entering of the private players in insurance
when the first Insurance Act was passed (Devadasan, 2004). The current
version of the Insurance Act was introduced in 1938. Since then there
was little change till 1972 when the insurance industry was nationalized
and 107 private insurance companies were brought under the umbrella
insurance companies entered the insurance industry. But only few com-
panies are working in the field of health insurance and most of them are
working in the life insurance sector only. May be the main reasons
behind the less coverage of health insurance in India are lack of aware-
ness of health insurance among the people and the high cost of the pri-
vate health insurance premium which majority of the people couldn’t af-
ford. Before the IRDA Act, government insurance companies like LIC
and GIC were major players in the health insurance sector. The
‘Mediclaim Policy’ in 1986 from GIC is the first intervention of the health
ty, although their capacities to pay insurance premiums are very low.
surance (ESI) Scheme is more relevant because this was the first social
tion for the loss or damage caused by event(s) beyond the control of the
The ESI Act of 1948 was the first social insurance measures introduced in
The ESI scheme was inaugurated in Kanpur on 24th February 1952 (ESIC
Day) by then Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. The venue was
Chief Minister Uttar Pradesh, Babu Jagjivan Ram, Union Labour Minis-
Gupt, Union Food Minister and Dr. C.L. Katial , the first Director
General of ESIC.
ESIC scheme was simultaneously launched at Delhi as well and the ini-
tial coverage for both the centers was 1,20,000 employees. Our first
Prime Minister was the first honorary insured person of the Scheme.
the Parliament was the first major legislation on social Security for
workers in independent India. It was a time when the industry was still
power. The ESI Act applies to Non-seasonal factories using power and
and to provide medical care to insured persons and their families. The
ments, drawing wages upto Rs.15,000/- a month, are entitled to social se-
curity cover under the ESI Act. ESI Corporation has also decided to en-
hance wage ceiling for coverage of employees under the ESI Act from
Rs.15,000/- to Rs.21,000/-.
ESI Corporation has extended the benefits of the ESI Scheme to the
In the beginning, the ESI Scheme was implemented at just two industrial
centers in the country in 1952, namely Kanpur and Delhi. There was no
looking back since then in terms of its geographic reach and demograph-
Union Territories. The Act now applies to over 7.83 lakhs factories and
establishments across the country, benefiting about 2.13 crores IP/ family
a) Infrastructure
151 hospital and 42 hospital annexes for inpatient services. Primary and
The Corporation has also set up five Occupational Disease Centers, one
(T.N.) and Indore (M.P.) for early detection and treatment of occupa-
ESIC has set up a Sub-Committee of ESIC for working out the modalities
for setting up of a new structure at the State level in the form of a sub-
ESIC has decided to upgrade and take over ESIS Hospital, Pandu Nagar,
Kanpur. The Corporation has also approved the norms and standard for
3. Employees State Insurance Scheme In
Uttar Pradesh
the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948, was launched by the then
ries and to the employees whose monthly salary is maximum Rs. 15,000/-
cent from the salary of workers covered by the scheme and 4.75 per cent
Currently 13,57,146 insured persons are associated with this scheme, and
their families are being provided with medical facilities through15 Em-
The family members not residing with the Insured Person at the work
ed area in the State and separate family Identity Card is issued exclu-
a) Facilities
benefits are:
6.Ambulance facility
b) Benefits
medical benefits rests with the state government which the state
During the year under report, ESIC has disbursed `703.98 crores as
After joining with the insurable employment the insured and his/her de-
pendents get entitled to get the benefit of medical benefit. Primary, out-
door, indoor and expert services are made available through Employees
the country on referral basis. These services are made available in the
Eligibility Conditions
1. Full medical facilities for self and family from day one of entering
insurable employment.
2. No ceiling on expenditure.
3.Retired insured person who have been in insurable employment for at-
medical care for self and spouse only on payment of Rs.120/- as annual
had been absent from the work and his absence had been certified by the
rates and the rate of this benefit is not less than 50 per cent of daily
a) Sickness Benefit
c) Extended
ployees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, after consultation with the Employ-
ees’ State Insurance Corporation has amended the Employees’ State In-
surance (Central) Rules, 1950. The rules termed as the Employees’ State
clause (6), clause 6A which extended the concept of ‘insured woman’ and
payable under the Act and who is by reason thereof, entitled to any of
the benefits provided under the Act. An ‘insured women’ shall include a
may be called a welcome and progressive step, the Government has ex-
tended the benefit provided under the Act to women and has recognized
not more than six weeks”, the words “twenty-six weeks of which not
more than eight weeks” have been substituted and after the first proviso,
two fresh provisos have been inserted holding that the insured woman
shall be entitled to twelve weeks of maternity benefit from the date the
mother, as the case may be and that the insured woman having two or
benefits during a period of twelve weeks of which not more than six
Eligibility Conditions
a) Temporary Disablement
2. Rate: About 90% of the average daily wages depending upon loss of
earning capacity.
v)Dependents Benefit
deceased insured in such cases where the insured dies of employment in-
within three months of the death of the insured and after that is paid
regularly on monthly basis.
Eligibility Conditions
There are seven Different kinds of Benefits to Insured Person and they
a) Funeral Expenses
of insured is payable by the local office. From day one of entering insur-
able employment.
b) Confinement
c) Vocational
d) Physical
injury and the contribution in respect of him have been paid/payable for
injury and the contribution in respect of him have been paid/payable for
the State of Uttar Pradesh for giving secondary and Super Speciality
Uttar Pradesh coming under the ambit of ESI Scheme is 49002 and the
number of Insured Persons and Beneficiaries are 14.02 lakhs and 54.4
lakhs respectively.
reforms. The corporation has decided to take in its fold all construction
He added that the proposal is being discussed at the higher level of bu-
said ESIC now has its healthcare and hospital facilities around 300 dis-
tricts where workers avail medical and healthcare facilities. These will
be extended to all districts of India and the process will begin in March
4.Family Welfare Program
scheme, but the facilities provided to the insured person and his family
in the name of family welfare program are vital part of the ESI Scheme.
1 Male Vasectomy - 37
3 Copper T 2089
4 M.T.P. 1132
6 Contraception 91551
these services in 180 centres besides reserving 330 beds in hospitals for
viz. 176197 vasectomies and 652779 tubectomies have been performed up-
to 31.3.1999. The ESI Corporation has also extended additional cash incen-
for vasectomy and 14 days for tubectomy. The period for which cash
1 Polio 14965
2 D.P.T 14955
3 T.T. 13634
4 B.C.G. 2723
5 Measles 3248
Source- Employees State Insurance Scheme , Labour Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh
preventive inoculation and vaccines are given against diseases like diph-
the Parliament was the first major legislation on social Security for
was limited to a few select industries such as jute, textile, chemicals etc.
statutory provisions.
that the workers are generally exposed to; such as sickness, maternity,
The administration of the ESI Scheme as per the ESI Act has been en-
24th February 1952, under the provision of the ESI Act, 1948 to adminis-
ter and execute the Scheme of Employees’ State Insurance. The ESI Act
State where the ESI Scheme is implemented and at the grass-root level,
ing of the Scheme. The Regional Boards and the Local Committees
tions and gifts from the Central Government or any State Government,
the purposes of the ESI Act. It is important to mention here that it blos-
somed as the first social security scheme in 1944, when the Govt. of the
day was still British .The first document on social insurance was "Re-
Dr. C.L.Katial, an eminent Indian doctor from London took over as the
1st Director General of ESIC and he steered the affairs of the fledgling
Since the red letter day of 24th February in the annals of social security
in India , there has been no looking back. A lighted lamp which is the
logo of ESIC truly symbolizes the spirit of the Scheme, lighting up lives of
the 65 years of its existence, ESIC has grown from strength to strength
and the Corporation owes it, most of all, to the commitment, dedication
wage limit to Rs 21,000, from the existing Rs 15,000, for coverage with
We should all now have knowledge about the figures and numbers
As we can see that there are only 151 ESIC hospitals in all over India ,
state in India and is home to 200 million people, 60 million of who are
poor. The pace of poverty reduction in the state has been slower than the
rest of the country. Poverty is widespread. The central and eastern dis-
tricts in particular have very high levels of poverty. The state is also
experiencing widening consumption inequality in urban areas. Growth
There are only 116 ESI Dispensaries in Uttar Pradesh which way less
tion (ESIC), a second generation reform agenda named ESIC 2.0 was
with Shailja Katyal Verma, talks about extending the social security
coverage and improving medical care under the ESI Scheme. Excerpts…
Before ESIC-2.0 Reforms Agenda was launched last year, ESIC had 1.97
crore insured persons on its list. ESIC’s presence was limited to revenue
target has been set to cover all the remaining areas of 393 districts of all
the states and union territories of the country as well as to expand this
also. Once ESIC coverage is expanded as per the plan, which we hope we
will achieve, the number of insured persons may become almost 4 times
i.e. 8 crore. When we count their family members who will also be get-
ting ESIC benefits the beneficiary number may become be over 30 crore.
Thus, the ESIC may be covering approximately 1/4th of India’s popula-
tion and providing them efficient health services and a good quality
social benefit cover. Our strategy for ESIC-2.0 Reforms and challenges we
foresee in the realization of this target are that the challenges are
providing health benefits and better management at the state level. The
system at present is that there are total of 151 ESI Hospitals, out of which
only 35 Hospitals are directly run by ESI Corporation. The state gov-
ernments run and maintain rest of the 116 hospitals and dispensaries;
some of them are managing it well, others are not. The efforts that has
worker groups are medical health benefits and also cash benefits that are
tailored to suit different worker groups. For the female workers there
are maternity benefits. If a worker dies, his minor dependents are paid
the benefits till they turn 18. If a person is temporarily disabled at work,
then during the disability period he continues to receive the same salary.
cal infrastructure under the ESI Scheme are that they have adopted a
They have got around 151 hospitals, including the ones being run by the
state governments. Out of these, 36 we ESI is handling and the rest are
new facilities. They have launched a special right for their betterment &
areas, whenever they are notified, we will provide the primary care
(OPD) within a month. Other benefits like cash benefit will start from
day one. In the first 2 years of this expansion they will be given the
secondary benefits and which are available in the hospitals. If secondary
care is not available, ESI will tie-up with private hospitals. After the sec-
ond year, it will be again raised to tertiary level. The initiatives that
hospitals and dispensaries are that they have got 1500 dispensaries, the
target is that within a year we will be having AYUSH facility and yoga
in every dispensary. The success of ESIC’s forays been in the field of med-
the country. Out of these five they have already started. This year they
will be starting four more and this will take the total to 9. Every doctor
passing out from these colleges will be absorbed within ESIC. Twenty per
cent of the seats in these medical colleges will be reserved for wards of
upgraded in sync with 2.0 reforms agenda. The business process engi-
neering will also be upgraded. They have already issued a tender and by
Project ‘Panchdeep’
To digitize internal and external processes and to ensure efficiency in
various transactions online without visiting any ESIC Office, saving time
• e-Biz Platform: ESIC is the first entity to integrate its services (Regis-
State Bank of India and 58 other banks was launched on 01st April, 2015.
target is to cover whole of the 393 districts, where these clusters are lo-
urban/metropolitan areas.
levels of hospitals.
(vii) Providing dialysis facilities in all ESIC Model Hospitals on PPP
outsourcing or by upgrading.
(ix) Tracking each and every mother and new born child of IP family to
(x) Creating at least one Mother Child care hospital with higher facilities
in every State.
subsidiary of ESI
members on-line. The record will also include laboratory record in digi-
tal format and there will be no need to visit the hospital for getting this
(xiii) In another initiative, 24x7 medical helpline No. 1800 11 3839 have
case of emergency. This helpline will be toll free and will also be
drive being taken up in all the ESIC hospitals, ESIC has decided that un-
every day and for each day of the week specific colour of bed sheet has
Sunday -Violet
Monday -Indigo
Tuesday- Blue
Wednesday - Green
Thursday- Yellow
Friday- Orange
Saturday- Red
(xv) From 20th July, 2015, every hospitals of ESIC have started to
operate Special OPD every day in the afternoon from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm
the hospitals guiding them to provide due courtesy in dealing with the
(xviii) To provide facility for Reception and ‘May I Help You’ in each
saries, hospitals and panel clinics set up all over the country. During
money-order only. The family members not residing with the insured
person at the work place are entitled to receive medical benefit if they
the and their family members directly by E.S.I.C. one modal hospital
saries and hospitals run by director, E.S.I. scheme, Govt. of U.P. Sarvo-
tering the medical benefit is shared by the corporation and the state
ment. A ceiling of Rs.1200 per insured person per annum has been fixed
with effect from 01.04.2009 towards medical care. E.S.I. Corporation and
agreed ratio of 7:1 and excess expenditure beyond the ceiling is borne by
Kanpur. Shri S. Prasad Rao, Joint Director has been nominated as com-
plaint Officer . He , with the help of one Deputy Director and other cler-
ical staff is looking after the complaint cell . This cell is monitoring the
In the financial year 2015-16, the Zonal Vigilance Inspection Units con-
spected. During the period under report 134 complaints were disposed of.
under major penalty procedure and 4 cases under minor penalty proce-
dure. During the year, 83 Major Penalties have been imposed out of
and 20 cases of Major Penalties are in respect of Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ Officers.
gram that has over the last six decades emerged as the largest social se-
by the Corporation for the effective functioning of the ESI Scheme in the
country, public discernment of the Corporation has not been very posi-
tive. Such as
1. They felt that the Corporation has not given any regard for the quality
services by ESIC is vital for success of ESI schemes and to cure the vari-
Pachman, J.A., studied the major aspects of the social security
system in the U.S. , its benefits, structure, and its relationship to the
security. The second dimension was the modest proposal to improve so-
and urgently needed changes that could be consistent with the longer
terms goals was presented for consideration in the next round of social
the minimum benefits and in the benefits paid to widows and survivors.2
Pachman, J. A. and others, Social Security Perspective for Reform, The Brookings Institutions, Washington, D.C.
relationships. They laid a foundation by providing an overview of the
and the contemporary state of benefits research like the ESI Corporation
ees’ State Insurance Scheme, Atal Bihari Vajpai5, the then Prime Minis-
ter emphasized the need to increase the reach of social security to the
security umbrella to the poorest of the poor workers and people in the
Dr. C.S. Kedar, IAS, Director General, E.S.I. Corporation said that
3 available online 25th November, 2010
International Labour Organization of Social Security-Great Britain, ILO, Geneva, 1957.
Employees’ State Insurance Scheme Golden Jubilee Celebration, 2002, New Delhi.
settlement of Legal Disputes, relaxation in inspections policy to meet the
needs of the Employers. The burden on State Govt. has also been eased
that, E.S.I. Corporation during this Diamond Jubilee Year would like to
The first social insurance measures introduced in India was the Employ-
ees’ State Insurance (ESI) Scheme which is more relevant and imple-
Corporation (ESIC). Over the last six decades ESI Scheme of India is a
infrastructure that has no analogous. Despite all the efforts made by the
Corporation for the efficient performance of the ESI Scheme in the coun-
try, public perspicacity of the Corporation has not been very positive.
that the insured persons covered under the ESIC scheme benefits are
still a lot of efforts are to be made in this regard for improvement which
is vital for success of ESI schemes and to cure the various drawbacks
Addressing the National Conclave at Guwahati on 23-06-2011, on the occasion of celebrating The Diamond Jubi-
lee of the ESI Corporation.
In the light of above statement of problems and review, this paper tries
Under the ESI Scheme, all insured persons and their dependents
are entitled to free, full and comprehensive medical care. The package
Since the medical benefit is the kingpin of the ESI benefits, the
effectiveness of the benefits under the ESI scheme can best be judged by
It is found, during the study that 225 Insured Persons have visited
various ESI Dispensaries located in the state during the year 2016-17 for
Satisfied 25 11 31 14 37 16 31 14 34 15
Neither 45 20 46 20 53 24 58 25 57 25
nor Dissat-
Strongly 10 05 09 04 8 03 6 03 7 03
TOTAL 225 100 225 100 225 100 225 100 225 100
In any medical institutions the services delivered by the doctors are re-
garded as the main indicator for the development and growth of the
institutions. The above table reveals that 62% of the insured persons
them are free of cost and some them are a reasonable rate. Regarding
the availability of drugs and dressings in ESI dispensaries, most of the
insured persons were Dis-satisfied. The insured persons opined that the
qualities of drugs that are provided in the ESI dispensaries are not satis-
factory [51%]. During the study, the insured persons expressed that,
sometimes they were receiving the drugs that are beyond expiry date.
care management and ESI dispensaries also provide such facility. While
are not satisfied with the facilities in terms of quality of test and service
Further, efforts have been made in the study to know about the satisfac-
tion level of the insured persons regarding the family welfare programs
tion of Indian System of Medicine etc. found that the level of dissatisfac-
persons were not satisfied in the various services and facilities provided
satisfaction among the insured persons with regard to the services and
ESI Hospitals :
may be referred to ESI hospitals for further treatment especially for in-
During the study, it is found that 143 (63.55%) of total insured per-
Satisfied 15 16 18 20 20 22 7 8 21 23
Neither 21 23 17 18 23 25 33 35 22 24
Dissatis- 53 58 49 53 44 48 42 46 38 41
Strongly - - 6 7 3 3 4 4 6 7
vealed that only a few specialist departments and doctors were there in
the hospital. Moreover, in some serious and critical case the patients
were referred to some other hospital (other than ESIC Hospital) with
revealed that they had even got the medicines, after the expiry-date as
where, they had to go to the private laboratories for most of the tests,
An enquiry was also made among the insured persons to find out the
reasons for not taking treatment from ESI hospitals and reveals that
were not satisfied in the various services and facilities provided in ESI
Hospitals for medical care. This signifies that in the level of satisfaction
among the insured persons with regard to the services and facilities is
with regard to the services and facilities provided in the ESI Hospital
may be accepted.
Providing Cash Benefit in certain cases within the scope of ESI Schemes
coverage under the insurance scheme. An attempt has been made to as-
Strongly 1 1 - - - - - -
Satisfied 11 5 29 67 2 2 - -
Neither 23 10 - - 14 14 15 25
nor Dis-
Dissatis- 79 36 14 33 22 22 46 75
Strongly 105 48 - - 64 62 - -
fied or even satisfied is very negligible with the amount and dis-
The state-wise status of bed occupancy of ESI Hospitals for the year
2015-16 is given in Table 5, along with average cost per bed per day.
Average bed occupancy based on All India figure is 51%. The aver-
age bed occupancy for ESIC hospitals is 71%., whereas the average
Uttar Pradesh
pancy per
dur- day
ing during
the the
year year
Sanc- In- Po- Gen Ma- TB To-
Chest 0
As we can see from Table 5 There are only 1358 general beds
Persons, in the same way there are only 346 beds for Maternity
and 212 beds for T.B. which is way less than required number. The
State Government should see through this matter so that the Bed
Availability of Beds
As per the norms prescribed for setting up of new hospitals by
ESIC, the benchmark for opening a 100 bed new hospital is 25000
Insured Persons i.e. 250 Insured Persons per bed. The ESIC also
projects requirement of beds based on ratio of one bed for 250 IPs in
Shortage of beds
The hospital has a capacity of only 150 beds. The patients have to
wait for many days for their turn to get treatment while some oth-
small and big factories. Cards have been issued to all the employees
Sources said all workers are not able to get the treatment in the
wards are filled to their capacity and the patients have to wait for
lied staff take care of the patients but the bed capacity is limited.
capacity so that poor patients don’t suffer any more,” said Brijesh,
was also disclosed that new ESIC hospitals with a capacity of 100
Since the ESI schemes are governed under self-financing mode, the
a. Enhance the awareness among the insured persons and the em-
and efficiently.
efactor and a beneficiary. The ESI Act, 1948 provided the conceptual
over the years metamorphosed into the country’s largest worker welfare
and one of the few largest social security programmes in the world.
Ganguly, A, Insurance Management, new Age International (P) Lim-
ited, New Delhi, 2002.
Gupta, B, K, Employer’s Guide, Employees’ State Insurance Corpora-
tion, New Delhi,1997,pg 2.
Gupta, S. P, Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi,
Malik. P. L., Employees’ State Insurance, Eastern Book Company,
Lucknow, 2001.
Sharma, R., International Economics, Lakshmi Narain Agarwal, Edu-
cational Publishers, Agra-3, 2001-2002.
Government of India, Report of the Committee on perspective Plan-
ning, Delhi, 1972, pg. 59-62.
Annual Reports of ESIC
Encyclopedia Britannica, Deluxe Edition, India Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.