Guidelines On The Quality Assurance of Learning Resources

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Guidelines on the Quality Assurance

of Learning Resources
Presentation Outline

1.Overview of the Learning Resource

Development Process

2.Areas for Evaluation

3.Reminders for Evaluation

General Overview of the Learning Resource Development Process

LR Development

Quality Assurance of Learning Resources Flowchart

Quality Assurance of Learning Resources Flowchart

Quality Assurance of Learning Resources Flowchart

Quality Assurance of Learning Resources Flowchart

Quality Assurance of Learning Resources Flowchart

Quality Assurance of Learning Resources Flowchart

Four Main Areas to be Evaluated/Reviewed

4.Social Content

Guides for Evaluation
A. Content

1. Instructional Quality – check for different kinds of errors

2. Learning Competencies - check the alignment of the content of the LRs with the
targeted DepEd Learning Competencies intended for the learning area and grade level.
3. Instructional Design and Organization - Be arranged and organized logically to
facilitate achievement of learning objectives. Promote the development of higher cognitive
thinking skills and 21st century learning skills

4. Intellectual Property Compliance - Check for any copyright violations

5. Assessment – Is aligned with the specific learning objectives

6. Readability - Words and sentences that are within the level of the target learners

Guides for Evaluation
B. Language

• Coherence and Clarity of Thought

1.Do the statements / phrases make sense?
2. Do the sentences in the paragraph contribute to one idea?
3. Are the thoughts / ideas logically sequenced?
• Grammar and Syntax
1. Agreement between subject and verb
2. Misplaced modifiers
3. Unclear antecedents
• Spelling and Punctuation
1. Are words, whether local or foreign, correctly spelled?
• Consistency in Style
1. Where alternative spellings are permitted, was a choice made
and used consistently throughout the material?
2. Is the rule on capitalization followed?

Guides for Evaluation
C. Layout/Format
1. Physical Attributes
Appropriateness of cover
Completeness of required elements

2. Design and Layout

Observe consistent use of elements
Have simple and attractive design
Contain adequate illustrations in relation to text

3. Typograpical Organization
Use appropriate font size and styles

4. Visuals
Supplement the text
Be appropriate to the learner’s age, culture, and life situation

D. Social Content
1. Materials should be free from profane, vulgar and offensive
language; violent, sexually-suggestive images or illustrations,
gender-biased statements and discriminatory words, phrases and
2. Humorous contents should be avoided.
3. Avoid the depiction of physical, sexual, verbal, and mental abuse
of adults and children as well as violent sports and
4. Avoid featuring or including situations and materials that
encourage or rationalize crime, violence, and the maligning of
Social Content
5. Avoid views or opinions that highlight stereotypes and
encourage cultural, moral, and social insensitivities against
particular social classes, gender groups, political affiliations,
cultural or religious groups

6. Avoid inaccurate, unnecessary, or inappropriate portrayal of

or reference to the physical appearance, cultural customs, social
classes, symbols, observances, festivals, dress, names, or
language of any ethnic group or nationality.

7. Avoid sexist language, bias, prejudice, and stereotyping of

various genders in the depiction of behaviors, home and family
roles, professions, occupations, and contributions to society.
Social Content
8. Avoid mentioning commercial brand names and corporate
logos in text or showing them in illustrations or photographs.
Instead, writers may invent or fabricate a brand in order to fulfill
the purpose of the lesson without promoting real-life brand
names and products.
9. Avoid incorporating any form of commercial solicitation and
advertising like promotional materials, chain letters, and
pyramid schemes.

10. Avoid differentiating, either explicitly or implicitly between

the capability of males and females to contribute to the political,
economic, or social well-being of Philippine society of the world

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