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Date : 24.07.2018 Day : Tuesday

Class :5A Theme : World of Knowledge

Time : 8:30am ~ 9:30am Week :5

Subject : English Language Unit : Unit 10: Precious Creatures

Focus : Listening and Speaking, reading

Content : 1.1, 2.3

Learning : 2.3.1(b), 1.1.4
Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils can:
a. read the facts about the animals
b. tell the fact about the endangered animals in Malaysia
c. tell the feeling if the endangered become extinct one day.

Success criteria : Pupils are successful if they are able to:

a. learn the facts about animals;
b. talk about the endangered animals in Malaysia;
c. share the feelings if the animals extict.

CCE/ CE EMK : Environmental studies Added Value : Be kind to animals

HOT/ITHINK : Apply, understand, THINKING : Colaboration, critical

remember PROCESS thinking

Vocabulary : pygmy, mainly, suffer

Teaching Aids : Manila card, pictures, mind map

Assessment : 2.3.1(b), 1.1.4

Activities :
1. Pupils read the fact about the animals.
2. Pupils answer questions related to the facts.
3. Pupils tell their feeling if the endangered become extinct one day.
4. Teacher guides pupils to express their feeling.
Attendance :

Reflection: :

Homework :
Date : 24.07.2018 Day : Tuesday

Class :4A Theme : World 0f Knowledge

Time : 12:00pm~ 1:00pm Week :5

Subject : English Language Unit : Unit 11: Amazing Malaysia

Learning : 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations : (a) extend an invitation (c) decline an
Standards invitation
1.2.4 Able to participate in guided conversation with peers
Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. invite or decline friends for an event
b. talk with friends with guidance
Success : Pupils are successful if they are able to:
a. respond to something politely.
b. communicate with friends.
CCE/ CE EMK : multiple Intelligences Added Value : Be thankful for our
beautiful country
HOT/ITHINK : Apply, Understand and THINKING : Communication,
Remember PROCESS Colaboration
Teaching Aids : postcards

Assessment : 1.2.1, 1.2.4

Activities : 1. Pre-Listening & Speaking

 Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
 Get pupils to look at the pictures and talk about them.
2. While- Listening & Speaking
 Teacher shows pupils postcards of some interesting places in Malaysia.
 Pupils work in groups, take turn to invite each other to go to one of the places.
 Teacher provides feedback for the activity.
3. Post- Listening
Pupils discuss their answers in groups and share them with the class.

Attendance :

Reflection: :

Homework :
WEEK 5 DAY  Tuesday DATE 24.07.2018

YEAR 2 DURATION 9:50am -10:50am SUBJECT English Language

1 THEME World of Story

2 TOPIC Unit 8 : The Robot

FOCUS Listening

CONTENT 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds

4 STANDAR 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters

LEARNING 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a range of high frequency target language phonemes
5 STANDAR 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with some support beginning, medial and final sounds in a word

LEARNING By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

OBJECTIVES Main : listen and identify the letter sound g correctly.
6 Complementary : identify and say the letter sound g at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words
LINUS Pupils read 2-3 related sentences.

7 CCE Language

Pre lesson
ACTIVITIE  Say some key phrases from the story and elicit who says them.
S  Use these to recap the story.
Lesson development
1. Activity 1:
 Check pupils know what to do. Pupils look at the picture and try to work out what the words say. (SB
page 99)
 They discuss ideas in pairs. Check with the class.
 Elicit what the robot said in frame 5 of the story (Yes, I can backwards).
2. Activity 2:
 Write give and leg on the board, using a red pen for the g. Make the hard g sound and explain that in
English we can use this sound at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words.
 Pupils repeat Give me the right leg after you.
 Pupils find the speech bubble in the story (frame 1).
3. Activity 3:
 Play the recording. Pupils look at the picture, read and repeat.
 Repeat the sentence as a class without the recording.
 Say it loudly, slowly, quickly, whisper it, etc.
 Pupils take turns to repeat in pairs.
4. Activity 4:
 Distribute worksheet. Guide pupils to complete it.
 Activity a: Pupils look and circle the correct picture.
 Activity b: Pupils complete the words and match them to the correct pictures. Then, play the recording.
Pupils listen and say the words.
Post lesson :
 Brainstorm other animals that can sing, swim, jump, dance, run, crawl and fly.
 Write pupils’ responses on the board to create bubble maps or a tree map.
 Pupils copy into their exercise books.
Pupils read 2-3 sentences by repeating after teacher.


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