Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris
Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris
Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris
Find every verb in these texts and identify that verb is a regular or iregular verb and
also identify the verb according to the type of tenses (V1, V2, V3).
Higher Education
P1: Many countries in the developed and rapidly developing world 1have come to the
realisation that a far greater number of a country's population 2need to 3be at university or
other places of higher education to 4ensure that their knowledge-based economies 5can
compete with others. At the same time, there is a strong feeling that universities, traditionally
made up of small elites, need to ensure that disadvantaged groups get equal access. The effect
of all this has been the ballooning of student numbers in Higher Education in the last ten
years in many countries from Australia, to South Korea, to Britain, to Canada and to others.
P2: As numbers rose inexorably, so have costs. Who is to foot the bill? The answer has been
increasingly that costs must be transferred to the individual, as the state sector just does not
have the capacity to fund the expansion that is required. Fees have gone up and will have to
continue to rise. Many people who want access to all that a tertiary education offers have
found that they will be faced with large mountains of debt upon graduation. The question that
needs to be asked is whether fee hikes have discouraged entrance, particularly among those
who would suffer the greatest financial hardship.
P3: The evidence is unclear. Australia and New Zealand were early introducers of increased
fees. The former introduced HECS, which is a combined tuition fee and income-contingent
student loan scheme. The latter introduced and then deregulated student fees. In both cases,
participation levels were largely unaffected by the changes, especially among lower-income
P4: A more recent trend has been the adoption of student loan schemes which take the form
of soft loans, popularly tagged "study now, pay later". Many argue that social equity is
damaged by the costs; people from poorer backgrounds will baulk at the costs involved and
fail to enroll at universities. However, some argue that soft loan schemes are more equitable
because those who have incurred debts during their studies stand a greater chance of repaying
the loans through 6 to obtain better-paid jobs.
P5: At a time when many governments are strapped for cash, a shift to "study now, pay later"
schemes will free up funds that could be used to remove barriers at earlier levels of
P1: We tend to think of the passport as ordinary and natural, a common fact of existence. But
in reality, the passport is a relatively modern invention and its development has been spurred
by war and social conflict.
P2: In the new global war on terror, the technology of the passport will once again be
upgraded. In the not so distant future, travellers heading out of Australia will have a passport,
equipped, not just with the usual small colour photograph, but with some form of biometric
identification. It may be a scan of the passport holders' right iris for example, since each iris
is unique and unmistakable, and can be rendered in digital form as a complex set of numbers
and stored in a database. So no one need ever be mistaken for anyone else again. Passport
fraud will be all but eliminated - and in the words of political scientist and historian of the
passport, John Torpey, we may all become prisoners of our own identities.
P3: In this age of jumbo jets and mass tourism, it has become easier and easier to move about
the world. But as the physical restrictions on travel are reduced, so the bureaucratic barriers
and filters on human movement are refined. The success of any given journey will depend on
what kind of passport, if any, you hold.
P1: It is important to bear in mind that our ability to communicate effectively over long
distances with other people on our planet is a relatively new development. The increase in
ease of global communicatio n has been phenomenal, something we are all too unappreciative
of. We take it for granted that we can as easily place a call to Beijing or Kyoto or Pusan from
another continent as we can call up our relatives i n the next town. The telephone can be used
to call for help, to arrange a meeting, to hire an employee, t o transfer money and to do a
thousand and one other things. Now we can do the same with handheld mobile phones or
other pieces of electronic equipment like the fax or the computer.
P2: It was not always the case. Take, for example, the United States of America. Domestic
telephone servi ces have been in place for over a century but calls overseas were, until
recently, fraught with difficulties. After the war, calls to Asia and Europe used to rely on
short-wave radio signals that bounced off the iono sphere, the electrically active layer of the
atmosphere that lies between 50 and 250 miles above the eart h's surface. Setting up a call
involved hours of preparation and, when the call was made, sound quality w as often affected
by static.
P3: Subsequent developments have been rapid as moves were made through cop per wire
cable, through satellite technology to present-day fibre optic cables.
P4: With computer communications, it is now possible to send text and images, w hich are, in
many ways, superior to reliance on the human voice. In addition, if yo u need help but are not
sure where that help might be found, you can search the World Wide Web for information or,
if unsuccessful, send out a message to a chat group or bulletin board soliciting help. This
could involve mundane things or mat ters of far greater importance. Medical doctors are now
wont to post details of co mplex medical conditions online in the hope that fellow
practitioners might be ab le to offer insights or point them in the direction of help.
P5: Truly global communications have become a significant force for good in the modern
In ancient times, there lived a pair of married farmers. They lived in a village near the forest.
They live happily. Unfortunately they have not just been blessed with a son. Every day they
prayed to the Almighty. They pray that soon was given a child. One day a giant passe s their
residence. The Giants heard the prayer that the husband and wife. The Giants then giving the
m seed cucumber. “Tanamlah seeds. Later you will gain a daughter, “said the giant. “Thank
you, giant,” said the husband and wife that. “But there’s a condition. At the age of 17 years
boy must you guys pass me, “said the gi ant. The husband and wife were very missed a child.
Because of that long without thinking they agree. The husband and wife were then farmers
are planting the seeds of that cucumber. Every day they tak e care of the plants start to grow it
with as best as possible. Months later stood a golden cucumber. Cucumber fruit is that the
longer the increasingly large and heavy. When the fruit was ripe, they pick th em. With their
carefully cut the fruit. To their surprise, in it they found a baby girl who is very beautiful .
The husband and wife were very happy. They name the baby Cucumber Mas. year after year
went by. Timun Mas grows into a beautiful girl. Both parents are very proud of him. But they
get very scared. Because on birthdays Timun Mas 17, the Giants came back. Giant menangih
pr omise to take the Cucumber Mas. The farmers were trying to calm down. “Wait a minute.
Timun Mas are playing. My wife would call him , “he said. The farmer was immediately met
with his son. “Anakkku, take this,” he said while handing o ver a cloth pouch. “It will help
against the Giants. Now run as fast as possible, “he said. Then the Cuc umber Mas soon fled.
The husband and wife were sad over the departure of Timun Mas. But they did not willingly
when his s on becomes a giant meal. The Giants waited long enough. He became hungry. He
knew, had lied to th e husband and wife that. Then he destroyed the farmer cottage. He then
pursued the Cucumber Mas i nto the forest. The Giants immediately ran Chase Cucumber
Mas. The Giants are getting closer. Timun Mas soon to ok a handful of salt from his mantle.
Then salt it sown toward the Giants. Suddenly a vast expanse o f any sea. The Giants were
forced to swim with difficulty. Timun Mas ran again. But then the Giants almost managed to
catch up with him. Timun Mas back tak e a magical object from kantungnya. He took a
handful of chilies. The Chili was dilemparnya toward th e Giants. Once the trees with sticks
and sharp spines by trapping the giant. Giant shout out in pain. W hile Cucumber Mas ran
save themselves. But the Giants are truly powerful. He again almost caught the Timun Mas.
Then the Cucumber Mas ev er issued a magical third. He spread the seeds of cucumbers,
miraculous. Once the garden stood a ve ry large cucumber. The Giants are very weary and
starving. He also ate a cucumber–cucumber fresh i t voraciously. Because eating too much,
the giant fell asleep. Timun Mas again fled. He ran my hardest. But gradually her energy runs
out. More wretched again be cause the giant woke up from his sleep. The Giants again almost
caught it. Timun Mas very frightened . He also threw his last, a handful of shrimp paste.
Miracle occurred again. A vast expanse of mud lak e. Giant terjerembab into it. His hands
nearly grasping Timun Mas. But the Lake of mud that pulls it to the base. Giant panic. She
could not breathe, and then sank. Timun Mas relief. He has survived. Timun Mas then went
back to her parents ‘ home. Mom and dad loved to see Mas Cucumber Cucumber Mas
selamat. They greet him. “Thank You, Lord. You have saved my son, “said they were
overjoyed. From that moment Cucumber Mas can live quietly with his parents. They can live
happily without fear again.