An Idea of The Self-Constructed From The Beliefs One Holds About Oneself and The Responses of Others Social Connections T
An Idea of The Self-Constructed From The Beliefs One Holds About Oneself and The Responses of Others Social Connections T
An Idea of The Self-Constructed From The Beliefs One Holds About Oneself and The Responses of Others Social Connections T
Explain it
The world is impossible to strictly define and understand.
We live in a postmodern world where everything is Globalization refers both to the compression of the world
possible and almost nothing is certain. In the postmodern and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a
world there is no worldview (except the view that there is whole. The term “globalization” refers to any activity that
no correct worldview). brings the people, cultures, and economies of different
countries closer together.
2) Explain the "enlightenment project" of the
modern period. 7) Explain globalization as a process.
The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was Globalization is a process of interaction and integration
an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth among the people, companies, and governments of different
century that emphasized reason over superstition and nations, a process driven by international trade and
science over blind faith. Enlightenment thinkers like John investment and aided by information technology.
Locke, Isaac Newton, and Voltaire questioned accepted
knowledge and spread new ideas about openness, 8) What is globalization as condition?
investigation, and religious tolerance throughout Europe
Globality is a social condition characterized by trans-
and the Americas.
planetary connectivity (the planet is not treated as a
3) What are the four corners of the postmodern geographical unit but a social space) and supra-territoriality
world? Explain each briefly. (social connections that transcend territorial geography).
Cultural Differentialism - Lasting differences among Predictability, meaning that things (products, settings,
and between cultures, largely unaffected by employee and customer behavior, and so on) are pretty
globalization much the same from one geographic setting to another
(globalization) and from one time to another.
Cultural Hybridization - the mixing of cultures and the
integration of the global and the local leading to unique Control from technologies, employees are controlled by
combinations technologies as automatic well-done machines, even
Cultural Convergence - tends to lead to increasing
sameness throughout the world 24) What is globality?
Globality is defined as the "consciousness of the world as a 30) What are the four Cs of 21st Century Education?
single space". Globality is the subjective perspective, the Explain each briefly.
reflexive awareness of the changes taking place in the
world. Communication – sharing thoughts, questions, ideas and
25) In terms of politics, what concept characterize
heterogeneity. Collaboration - the action of working with someone to
produce or create something.
Barber sees Jihad as offering solidarity and protecting
identities, but at the potential cost of tolerance and stability. Creativity - the use of the imagination or original ideas,
Barber describes the solidarity needed within the concept of especially in the production of an artistic work
Jihad as being secured through exclusion and war against
Critical Thinking - the objective analysis and evaluation of
outsiders. Barber also describes what they are: "They are
an issue in order to form a judgment
cultures, not countries; parts, not wholes; sects, not
religions, rebellious factions and dissenting minorities at
war not just with globalism but with the traditional nation-
state. Kurds, Basques, Puerto Ricans, Ossetians, East
Timoreans, Quebecois, the Catholics of Northern Ireland,
Catalans, Tamils, and of course, Palestinians – people with
countries, inhabiting nations not their own, seeking smaller
worlds within borders that will seal them off from