An Idea of The Self-Constructed From The Beliefs One Holds About Oneself and The Responses of Others Social Connections T

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1) What is a postmodern world? Discuss briefly. 6) State one definition of Globalization.

Explain it
The world is impossible to strictly define and understand.
We live in a postmodern world where everything is Globalization refers both to the compression of the world
possible and almost nothing is certain. In the postmodern and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a
world there is no worldview (except the view that there is whole. The term “globalization” refers to any activity that
no correct worldview). brings the people, cultures, and economies of different
countries closer together.
2) Explain the "enlightenment project" of the
modern period. 7) Explain globalization as a process.

The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was Globalization is a process of interaction and integration
an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth among the people, companies, and governments of different
century that emphasized reason over superstition and nations, a process driven by international trade and
science over blind faith. Enlightenment thinkers like John investment and aided by information technology.
Locke, Isaac Newton, and Voltaire questioned accepted
knowledge and spread new ideas about openness, 8) What is globalization as condition?
investigation, and religious tolerance throughout Europe
Globality is a social condition characterized by trans-
and the Americas.
planetary connectivity (the planet is not treated as a
3) What are the four corners of the postmodern geographical unit but a social space) and supra-territoriality
world? Explain each briefly. (social connections that transcend territorial geography).

 Self-Concept - an idea of the self-constructed from the 9) Explain globalization as an ideology?

beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of We think of and want globalization that’s why it happens. It
others exists in people’s consciousness. Globalization (the
 Moral and Ethical Discourse – morality is forged out of process) leads to more globalization (the condition).
dialogue and choice; Moral discourse takes up 10) Give atleast three of the six claims that make
questions of ethics and value. globalization an ideology.
 Art and Culture – improvisation and variations;  it  Nobody is in charge of globalization.
preserves our heritage, that it gives a medium
for artistic expression  Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
 Globalization – rapid information exchange and  Globalization benefits everyone in the long run.
unprecedented mobility)
11) Discuss the "fluidity of the world today".
4) Cite three characteristics of the postmodern world
Fluidity knows no bounds. Fluidity wants to undo any
 Loss of belief in an objective world borders, barriers, or boundaries that limit creativity, self-
expression, or identity. Institutions and individuals are
 Critique of legitimation liquid, changing quickly and easily moving.
 Collapse of universal meta-narratives and the 12) Distinguish between homogeneity and
prominence of local narratives heterogeneity.
5) Compare thoroughly between premodern, Homogeneity is the quality of being similar or uniform and
modern, and postmodern world heterogeneity is the quality of being diverse. Heterogeneity
is a hybrid of 2 cultures (ex. Chavacano)
 Pre modern –authority is God; in pre-modern society
people were uncivilized, irrational and inefficient in 13) Why should we not equate globalization to
doing work. In hunting and gathering societies, people internationalization? Cite examples.
were mainly involved in extracting things from nature. 
Globalization are activities that do not require reference to
 Modern – authority is logic and science; all the a state’s national borders while internalization does.
intellectual people had taken birth during this era. Globalization is the increasingly interconnectedness of
communication, financial, and political ideology. This can
 Post modern – authority is self; technology plays the include activities such as the sourcing, producing and
vital role, to enhance the standards of living. All the selling materials, components, goods and services.
works are done with the help of machines. Technology Internationalization is a corporate strategy that involves
makes our life easier, reliable and relevant for human's making products and services as adaptable as possible, so
survival. they can easily enter different national markets.
Internationalization often requires the assistance of subject- 19) Differentiate between Glocalization and
matter experts, technical experts, and people with Grobalization.
international experience. For example, setting up Mang
Inasal in Hong Kong. Glocalization refers to the adaptation of a particular product
or service to one of those markets. Many of the
14) Why should we not equate globalization to McDonald’s restaurants in Israel serve kosher food and
liberalization? Cite the implications. drink and close during the Sabbath and Jewish holidays.
McDonald’s has also opened a meat-free restaurant in
Globalization as liberalization refers to the process of India, a country in which much of the population does not
removing or reducing government - imposed restrictions on eat beef or pork. McDonald’s also sell Strawberry Sakura
movement of goods, services, capital and people between McFloat in Japan. The term grobalization implies that these
countries in order to create an ‘open’, ‘borderless’ world entities seek to have their power, influence, and in many
economy. cases profits grow.
15) Why is globalization not universalization and 20) Define globalization in your own terms.
Globalization is socialization. Globalization is interacting
Universalization is a process of the worldwide spread of with other people from different places to expand you
culture, ideas, objects and experiences. We could see the knowledge, ideas etc.
evidence of "globalization" of the Gregorian calendar,
tobacco, rock music, automobiles, Chinese restaurants, 21) Explain globalization through a metaphor.
cattle farming, business suits, Barbie dolls, school curricula
and much more. Globalization-as-universalization is Globalization is like a tree that is constantly growing. It
viewed as standardization and homogenization with happens little by little but if you look back after a few
worldwide cultural, economic, legal and political years, it has changed so much. As it grows, it gives way to
convergence. In westernization, social structures of new branches. Before, the world was just a small seed. But
modernity destroys local culture. now, it is a large tree with a lot of branches, our divisions
such as race, gender, religion etc.
16) Choose three of the six epochs that yielded to
globalization. Give a background of each. 22) Cite three manifestations of homogeneity.

 Europian Colonial Conquests - The Philippines were  Christianity in the Philippines

claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand
 Americanization - the process of becoming a person
Magellan, a Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, who
who shares American values, beliefs, and customs by
named the islands after King Philip II of Spain.
assimilating into American society.
 Intra-european wars – Crimean war
 Media Imperialism - an over- concentration of mass
 Post coldwar period media from larger nations that is seen as negatively
affecting smaller nations.
17) Cite five events that led to globalization.
23) What is McDonaldization?
 The founding of the modern internet
McDonaldization is the process by which the principles of
 Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, Cape the fastfood restaurant are coming to dominate more of the
of Good Hope by Vasco de Gama and Ferdinand world.
Magellan’s Circumnavigation,
Efficiency, both employees and customers act in an
 Terrorist Attacks on the Twin Towers in New York efficient manner. The efficiency of one helps to ensure that
the other will behave in a similar manner.
18) What are the three dynamics of local and global
culture? Calculability, an emphasis on quantity rather than quality.

 Cultural Differentialism - Lasting differences among Predictability, meaning that things (products, settings,
and between cultures, largely unaffected by employee and customer behavior, and so on) are pretty
globalization much the same from one geographic setting to another
(globalization) and from one time to another.
 Cultural Hybridization - the mixing of cultures and the
integration of the global and the local leading to unique Control from technologies, employees are controlled by
combinations technologies as automatic well-done machines, even
 Cultural Convergence - tends to lead to increasing
sameness throughout the world 24) What is globality?
Globality is defined as the "consciousness of the world as a 30) What are the four Cs of 21st Century Education?
single space". Globality is the subjective perspective, the Explain each briefly.
reflexive awareness of the changes taking place in the
world. Communication – sharing thoughts, questions, ideas and
25) In terms of politics, what concept characterize
heterogeneity. Collaboration - the action of working with someone to
produce or create something.
Barber sees Jihad as offering solidarity and protecting
identities, but at the potential cost of tolerance and stability. Creativity - the use of the imagination or original ideas,
Barber describes the solidarity needed within the concept of especially in the production of an artistic work
Jihad as being secured through exclusion and war against
Critical Thinking - the objective analysis and evaluation of
outsiders.  Barber also describes what they are: "They are
an issue in order to form a judgment
cultures, not countries; parts, not wholes; sects, not
religions, rebellious factions and dissenting minorities at
war not just with globalism but with the traditional nation-
state. Kurds, Basques, Puerto Ricans, Ossetians, East
Timoreans, Quebecois, the Catholics of Northern Ireland,
Catalans, Tamils, and of course, Palestinians – people with
countries, inhabiting nations not their own, seeking smaller
worlds within borders that will seal them off from

26) Give atleast three of the flows that can be

observed in the world today.

 Poor illegal migrants flooding many parts of the world

 The virtual flow of legal and illegal information such as

child pornography and blogs

 Immigrants recreating ethnic enclaves in host countries

27) What is Americanization?

Americanization is the process of becoming a person who

shares American values, beliefs, and customs by
assimilating into American society.

28) What do we mean with postmodernity as an era

of incredulity towards grand meta-narratives?

In the postmodern era, people start to question the

authenticity of what was believed for a long period of time.
They even start questioning the bible and the history. They
start investigating if what was written is true and if it really

29) Explain Richard Rorty's statement: "Truth is made

rather than found" in connection to postmodern world.

Postmodernism says that there is no real truth people can

know. It says that knowledge is always made or invented
and not discovered. That is, how we think of truth, or a fact,
as in "the grass is green", is only true in so far as it is a
truth-conditional in language.  At this stage in our
language, we have decided to assign a certain word to this
general color,
"green". So, in our language, "the grass is green" is a true
statement in that it satisfies what we consider to be true
within the use of our language.  

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