Minor Project Report 18&61

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Breast Cancer Prediction using Machine Learning

in Python

A Project-I Report submitted to the


in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


Submitted by
Anuja Sachan (0105IT181018)
Nandini Rajvaidya (0105IT181061)

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Sarika Khatarkar


BHOPAL (M.P.)-462021, INDIA


Phone: 0755 – 2759026, 2529057,
Fax: 0755 - 2529472
E-mail: oistbpl@oriental.ac.in
website: www.oriental.ac.in


Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Govt. of M.P. Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
Oriental Campus, Thakral Nagar, Raisen Road, Bhopal-462 021 (M.P.) INDIA



This is certified that this project report STUDENT’S PROGRESS ANALYZER

is a bonafide work of ANUJA SACHAN and NANDINI RAJVAIDYA who

carried out the project work under my supervision.



Prof. Pratik Buchke Prof. Sarika Khatarkar

Department of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
Oriental Institute of Science & Technology Oriental Institute of Science & Technology
Oriental campus, Raisen road, Bhopal- Oriental campus, Raisen road, Bhopal-
462021 462021


We wish to express our profound gratitude to Prof. Sarika Khatarkar, Department of

Information Technology, Oriental Institute of Science and Technology Bhopal for his
valuable guidance, sustained help and inspiration in carrying out the work.

We sincerely thank Prof. Pratik Buchke, Head, Department of Information

Technology, Oriental Institute of Science and Technology Bhopal for his co-operation
and guidance during the project work.

We wish to express our deep gratitude to Dr. K. G. Sudhakar, Director, Oriental

Institute of Science and Technology Bhopal for his kind permission to carry out the
work at OIST Bhopal.

Finally we would like to thank all the faculty members and supporting staff of Information
Technology who directly or indirectly helped us in carrying out this project work.

Anuja Sachan (0105IT181018)

Nandini Rajvaidya (0105IT181061)


The Student’s Progress Analyser is a data analysis project made using python so as to ease the

work of management and teachers in schools or colleges to calculate the progress of students. In

the earlier times it was difficult to calculate the progress manually, based on the factors that affect

them therefore, automation is done using python and it helps calculate the progress in a very less

span of time, unlike before when the task was very time consuming. The Student’s Progress

Analyser will help increase the productivity of the institution. It is purely made in python and is

very easy to operate. All the calculations are done by the machine internally. The only thing

required is an excel sheet consisting of data of students including the factors that affect their

progress such as their gender, type of education of their parents, type of lunch consumption, etc.


Bonafide Certificate…………………………………………………………………........... i
Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………........... ii
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………. iii
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………. iv
List of Figures ……………………………………………………………………………… vi
List of Abbreviations………………………………………………………………………. ix

1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… 9
1.1 Objective
1.2 Scope
1.3 Problem identification
2.1 Existing system
2.2 Software Requirement Specifications
2.3 Feasibility Study
2.4 Innovativeness and Usefulness
2.5 Modification and improvement over the existing implementation
3. PROCESS MODEL….………………………………………………. 12
3.1 Software Process Model Used
3.2 Proposed Project Model
3.3/ Project Schedule
4. DESIGN………………………………………………..……………… 15
4.1 Data Flow Diagram
4.2 Flow Chart
4.3 Algorithm
5.1 Front-end Tools
5.2 Back-end Tools
5.3 Operating System
5.4 Additional Software requirements
6. HARDWARE REQUIREMENT……………………………………. 27
7. CODING……………………………………………………………… 28
8. TESTING …..………………………………………………………… 51
8.1 Why Testing?
8.2 Testing Methodology

8.3 Test Result
9. Screen Layouts………………………………………………………… 55
10. Future Enhancement………………………………………………… 58
11. Conclusion …………………………………………………………… 59
12. Bibliography ………………………………………………………….. 60


Figure Title Page

No. No.

4.1 Data Flow Diagram………………………………………………………. 45

4.2 Flow Chart………………………………………………………………...
9.1 User Screen………………………………………………………………... 57


CPU Central Processing Unit
IP Internet Protocols
TCP Transmission Control Protocols


The objective of this project is to predict breast cancer using machine learning based
certain factors such as the features of the tumor like its texture, radius, perimeter, etc.
These factors are taken into consideration, analyzed and using the data analysis a
conclusion has been made.

1.2 SCOPE:
Breast Cancer Prediction can predict how many women in India are suffering from
harmful tumors. This project implements machine learning in such a way that once the
machine is trained using a certain training values, it can predict the results if new test data
is provided.


The problem statement says that there is a dataset of thousands of women who have been
detected with tumor in their breasts. The dataset has data belonging to categories such as
the type of tumor, the size of tumor, the shape of tumor, and the texture of tumor. We have
to analyze and predict the amount of women suffering from harmful type of tumor based
on the specifications of it.


In the existing system, teachers and the management need to manually calculate the
progress of the student o the basis of some factors. Since the count of students are
increasing with time, it is difficult to manually analyze and calculate and the task becomes
bulky and tedious to do. It was also becoming very time consuming which resulted in
decrease in productivity of teachers and the management.


The software requirements for this project is as follows:
Resource Requirements
Web browsers  Mozilla Firefox (latest)
 Google Chrome (latest)
 Internet Explorer 11.x
Screen Resolution  1280*1024
Python  Jupyter notebook
 Spyder
Python Libraries  NumPy • Seaborn
 Pandas • Matplotlib
 Sklearn


All projects are feasible given unlimited resources and infinite time. It is both necessary
to evaluate the feasibility of the project at the earliest possible time. Feasibility and risk
analysis is related in many ways. If project risk is great, the feasibility listed below is
equally important. The following feasibility techniques has been used in this project.

 Technical Feasibility
 Economic Feasibility
 Operational Feasibility
 Legal Feasibility

2.3.1 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system (hardware, software, etc.)
and to what extent it can support the proposed addition. This involves, Cerner Millennium,
Cerner Command Line (CCL), Method M Server, SQL and normal hardware
configuration is enough, so the system is more feasible on this criteria.

2.3.2 Economic Feasibility

This study is carried out to check the economic impact that the system will have on the
organization. The amount of fund that the company can pour into the research and
development of the system is limited. The expenditures must be justified. Thus, the
developed system as well within the budget and this was achieved because most of the
technologies used are Cerner tools.

2.3.3 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems
and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of
system development. Dashboard application will help in reducing the man power, money
and time.

2.3.4 Legal Feasibility

In the legal feasibility it is necessary to check that the software that is being developed is
legally proper which means that the ideas taken for the proposed system will be legally
implemented or not. So, this is also an important step in the process of feasibility study.


The idea of student progress analyzer is innovative as we have used python and
automation for the analysis of huge data. It is very useful as it makes the calculation
automatic and analysis easy as compared to manual work. It also reduces the time
consumption that happens in the case of manual work.


The existing implementation consists of manually stored data of students that is used for
annual calculation which is very difficult and time taking. Therefore, the modification is
done by making a Student Progress Analyzer that makes the calculations easy and
automated. It also makes the whole process really time friendly and progressive.



Concerned Project uses JUPYTER NOTEBOOK. The Jupyter Notebook is an open source
web application that you can use to create and share documents that contain live code,
equations, visualizations, and text. Jupyter Notebook is maintained by the people
at Project Jupyter.
Jupyter Notebooks are a spin-off project from the IPython project, which used to have an
IPython Notebook project itself. The name, Jupyter, comes from the core supported
programming languages that it supports: Julia, Python, and R. Jupyter ships with the
IPython kernel, which allows you to write your programs in Python, but there are currently
over 100 other kernels that you can also use.
3.1.1 Getting Up and Running With Jupyter Notebook
The Jupyter Notebook is not included with Python, so if you want to try it out, you will
need to install Jupyter.
There are many distributions of the Python language. This article will focus on just two of
them for the purposes of installing Jupyter Notebook. The most popular is CPython, which
is the reference version of Python that you can get from their website. It is also assumed
that you are using Python 3.
3.1.2 Installation
If so, then you can use a handy tool that comes with Python called pip to install Jupyter
Notebook like this:
$ pip install jupyter
The next most popular distribution of Python is Anaconda. Anaconda has its own installer
tool called conda that you could use for installing a third-party package. However,
Anaconda comes with many scientific libraries preinstalled, including the Jupyter
Notebook, so you don’t actually need to do anything other than install Anaconda itself.
3.1.3 Starting the Jupyter Notebook Server
Now that you have Jupyter installed, let’s learn how to use it. To get started, all you need
to do is open up your terminal application and go to a folder of your choice. I recommend
using something like your Documents folder to start out with and create a subfolder there
called Notebooks or something else that is easy to remember.
Then just go to that location in your terminal and run the following command:
$ jupyter notebook
This will start up Jupyter and your default browser should start (or open a new tab) to the
following URL: http://localhost:8888/tree
Your browser should now look something like this:

fig. 3.1.3(1)
3.1.4 Conclusion
The Jupyter Notebook is quite useful not only for learning and teaching a programming
language such as Python but also for sharing your data.
You can turn your Notebook into a slideshow or share it online with GitHub. If you want
to share a Notebook without requiring your users to install anything, you can
use binder for that.
Google and Microsoft both have their own version of the Notebook that you can use to
create and share your Notebooks at Google Collaboratory and Microsoft Azure
Notebooks respectively. You can browse really interesting Notebooks there as well.
Project Jupyter recently launched their latest product, JupyterLab. JupyterLab incorporates
Jupyter Notebook into an Integrated Development type Editor that you run in your
browser. You can kind of think of JupyterLab as an advanced version of Jupyter
Notebook. JupyterLab allows you to run terminals, text editors and code consoles in your
browser in addition to Notebooks.


It is focused on how grades of students are affected on the basis of different
criteria/aspects. Working hard without direction that is without smart work is not worth
enough. It is better to examine the factors due to which grades are getting low and then
working on it.

This project will analyse different aspect and help one to determine the fault and a
direction in which to be worked on. It becomes easy for one to understand due to graphical


3.3.1 Task and activities:
Comparing data on the basis of defined criteria and display the difference in graphical
The fisrt task is to extract data from the excel sheet. Then the data is compared on the
basis of certain factors. To be specific the data of students and their progress is compared
on the basis of factors such as gender, race/ethnicity, parental level of education. Firstly,
the students progress is compared on the basis of gender, i.e., how the gender of a student
affects their progress and marks.

The only resource required to complete the task is Python IDE.


fig. 4.1


fig. 4.2

The main motive of our predictor is to correctly predict on the basis of the data
available, if the breast cancer is

• Malignant(1) i.e. Harmful ,or

• Benign(0) i.e. Not Harmful.

Hence, our target class is Diagnosis

Step-3: Feature Selection.

Selecting best set of feature (column value) in order to train our predictor. Plotting
pairwise graph using seaborn library & pairplot function for feature election. Now,
among all the features available, we need to select the best set of features inorder
to train our predictor. A typical dataset might have features ranging from 30 to
even about 100 and more. In such a case, feature selection plays an important role
in the accuracy of the prediction.

Step-4: Splitting the dataset into training and testing set.

We use Cross Validation to assess the predictive performance of the models and
and to judge how they perform outside the sample to a new data set also known as
test data. So our classifier is first trained on the train set( usually 70% of the total
data) and then tested on the test set( usually rest 30% of the data which the
classifier has not seen) on the basis of which accuracy is computed.

Step-5: Building the model.

Making system learn through train set.

We use the Binary classification using logistic regression algorithm to make the

Binary classification is named this way because it classifies the data into two
results. Simply put, the result will be “yes” (1) or “no” (0). To determine whether
the result is “yes” or “no”.

This probability function will give us a number from 0 to 1 indicating how likely
this observation will belong to the classification that we have currently determined
to be “yes”. With this, we know what we intend to do with our prediction.

To perform logistic regression, the sigmoid function is used.

Step-6: Evaluating the model.

Testing the system using test set and comparing values with original output to find



5.1.1 Python programming language:
Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language.
Python is designed to be highly readable. It uses English keywords frequently where as
other languages use punctuation, and it has fewer syntactical constructions than other
 Python is Interpreted − Python is processed at runtime by the interpreter. You do
not need to compile your program before executing it. This is similar to PERL and
 Python is Interactive − You can actually sit at a Python prompt and interact with
the interpreter directly to write your programs.
 Python is Object-Oriented − Python supports Object-Oriented style or technique of
programming that encapsulates code within objects.
 Python is a Beginner's Language − Python is a great language for the beginner-
level programmers and supports the development of a wide range of applications
from simple text processing to WWW browsers to games. History of Python
Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in the late eighties and early nineties at the
National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands.
Python is derived from many other languages, including ABC, Modula-3, C, C++, Algol-
68, SmallTalk, and Unix shell and other scripting languages.
Python is copyrighted. Like Perl, Python source code is now available under the GNU
General Public License (GPL).
Python is now maintained by a core development team at the institute, although Guido van
Rossum still holds a vital role in directing its progress. Python Features
Python's features include −
 Easy-to-learn − Python has few keywords, simple structure, and a clearly defined
syntax. This allows the student to pick up the language quickly.
 Easy-to-read − Python code is more clearly defined and visible to the eyes.
 Easy-to-maintain − Python's source code is fairly easy-to-maintain.

 A broad standard library − Python's bulk of the library is very portable and cross-
platform compatible on UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh.
 Interactive Mode − Python has support for an interactive mode which allows
interactive testing and debugging of snippets of code.
 Portable − Python can run on a wide variety of hardware platforms and has the
same interface on all platforms.
 Extendable − You can add low-level modules to the Python interpreter. These
modules enable programmers to add to or customize their tools to be more
 Databases − Python provides interfaces to all major commercial databases.
 GUI Programming − Python supports GUI applications that can be created and
ported to many system calls, libraries and windows systems, such as Windows
MFC, Macintosh, and the X Window system of Unix.
 Scalable − Python provides a better structure and support for large programs than
shell scripting.
Apart from the above-mentioned features, Python has a big list of good features, few are
listed below −
 It supports functional and structured programming methods as well as OOP.
 It can be used as a scripting language or can be compiled to byte-code for building
large applications.
 It provides very high-level dynamic data types and supports dynamic type
 It supports automatic garbage collection.
 It can be easily integrated with C, C++, COM, ActiveX, CORBA, and Java.

5.1.2 Panda library:

Pandas is an open-source Python Library providing high-performance data manipulation
and analysis tool using its powerful data structures. The name Pandas is derived from the
word Panel Data – an Econometrics from Multidimensional data.
In 2008, developer Wes McKinney started developing pandas when in need of high
performance, flexible tool for analysis of data.
Prior to Pandas, Python was majorly used for data munging and preparation. It had very
little contribution towards data analysis. Pandas solved this problem. Using Pandas, we
can accomplish five typical steps in the processing and analysis of data, regardless of the
origin of data — load, prepare, manipulate, model, and analyze.
Python with Pandas is used in a wide range of fields including academic and commercial
domains including finance, economics, Statistics, analytics, etc. Key Features of Pandas
 Fast and efficient DataFrame object with default and customized indexing.
 Tools for loading data into in-memory data objects from different file formats.
 Data alignment and integrated handling of missing data.
 Reshaping and pivoting of date sets.
 Label-based slicing, indexing and sub setting of large data sets.
 Columns from a data structure can be deleted or inserted.
 Group by data for aggregation and transformations.
 High performance merging and joining of data.
 Time Series functionality. Installation and Getting Started
In order to “get” Pandas you would need to install it. You would also need to have Python
3.5.3 and above. as a pre-requirement for installation (will work with Python 3.6, 3.7, or
3.8) It is also dependent on other libraries (like NumPy) and has optional dependencies
(like Matplotlib for plotting). Therefore, I think that the easiest way to get Pandas set up is
to install it through a package like the Anaconda distribution, “a cross platform
distribution for data analysis and scientific computing.” There you can download the
Windows, OS X and Linux versions. If you want to install in a different way, these are
the full installation instructions .
In order to use Pandas in your Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
like Jupyter Notebook or Spyder (both of them come with Anaconda by default), you need
to import the Pandas library first. Importing a library means loading it into the memory
and then it’s there for you to work with. In order to import Pandas all you have to do is run
the following code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Usually you would add the second part (‘as pd’) so you can access Pandas with
‘pd.command’ instead of needing to write ‘pandas.command’ every time you need to use
it. Also, you would import numpy as well, because it is very useful library for scientific
computing with Python. Now Pandas is ready for use! Remember, you would need to do it
every time you start a new Jupyter Notebook, Spyder file etc. Working with Pandas
Loading and Saving Data with Pandas
When you want to use Pandas for data analysis, you’ll usually use it in one of three
different ways:
 Convert a Python’s list, dictionary or Numpy array to a Pandas data frame
 Open a local file using Pandas, usually a CSV file, but could also be a delimited
text file (like TSV), Excel, etc
 Open a remote file or database like a CSV or a JSONon a website through a URL
or read from a SQL table/database
There are different commands to each of these options, but when you open a file, they
would look like this:
As I mentioned before, there are different filetypes Pandas can work with, so you would
replace “filetype” with the actual, well, filetype (like CSV). You would give the path,
filename etc inside the parenthesis. Inside the parenthesis you can also pass different
arguments that relate to how to open the file. There are numerous arguments and in order
to know all you them, you would have to read the documentation (for example,
the documentation for pd.read_csv()  would contain all the arguments you can pass in this
Pandas command).
In order to convert a certain Python object (dictionary, lists etc) the basic command is:
Inside the parenthesis you would specify the object(s) you’re creating the data frame from.
This command also has different arguments .
You can also save a data frame you’re working with/on to different kinds of files (like
CSV, Excel, JSON and SQL tables). The general code for that is:
Viewing and Inspecting Data
Now that you’ve loaded your data, it’s time to take a look. How does the data frame look?
Running the name of the data frame would give you the entire table, but you can also get
the first n rows with df.head(n) or the last n rows with df.tail(n). df.shape would give you
the number of rows and columns. df.info() would give you the index, datatype and
memory information. The command s.value_counts(dropna=False) would allow you to
view unique values and counts for a series (like a column or a few columns). A very useful
command is df.describe() which inputs summary statistics for numerical columns. It is
also possible to get statistics on the entire data frame or a series (a column etc):
 df.mean()Returns the mean of all columns
 df.corr()Returns the correlation between columns in a data frame
 df.count()Returns the number of non-null values in each data frame column
 df.max()Returns the highest value in each column
 df.min()Returns the lowest value in each column
 df.median()Returns the median of each column
 df.std()Returns the standard deviation of each column Selection of Data
One of the things that is so much easier in Pandas is selecting the data you want in
comparison to selecting a value from a list or a dictionary. You can select a column
(df[col]) and return column with label col as Series or a few columns (df[[col1, col2]]) and
returns columns as a new DataFrame. You can select by position (s.iloc[0]), or by index
(s.loc['index_one']) . In order to select the first row you can use df.iloc[0,:] and in order to
select the first element of the first column you would run df.iloc[0,0] . These can also be
used in different combinations, so I hope it gives you an idea of the different selection and
indexing you can perform in Pandas.
Filter, Sort and Groupby
You can use different conditions to filter columns. For example, df[df[year] >
1984] would give you only the column year is greater than 1984. You can use & (and) or |
(or) to add different conditions to your filtering. This is also called boolean filtering.
It is possible to sort values in a certain column in an ascending order
using df.sort_values(col1) ; and also in a descending order
using df.sort_values(col2,ascending=False). Furthermore, it’s possible to sort values
by col1 in ascending order then col2 in descending order by
using df.sort_values([col1,col2],ascending=[True,False]).
The last command in this section is groupby. It involves splitting the data into groups
based on some criteria, applying a function to each group independently and combining
the results into a data structure. df.groupby(col) returns a groupby object for values from
one column while df.groupby([col1,col2]) returns a groupby object for values from
multiple columns.

5.1.3 Numpy library:

NumPy is a Python package. It stands for 'Numerical Python'. It is a library consisting of
multidimensional array objects and a collection of routines for processing of array.
Numeric, the ancestor of NumPy, was developed by Jim Hugunin. Another package
Numarray was also developed, having some additional functionalities. In 2005, Travis

Oliphant created NumPy package by incorporating the features of Numarray into Numeric
package. There are many contributors to this open source project. Operations using NumPy

Using NumPy, a developer can perform the following operations −
 Mathematical and logical operations on arrays.
 Fourier transforms and routines for shape manipulation.
 Operations related to linear algebra. NumPy has in-built functions for linear
algebra and random number generation. NumPy – A Replacement for MatLab
NumPy is often used along with packages like SciPy (Scientific Python)
and Mat−plotlib (plotting library). This combination is widely used as a replacement for
MatLab, a popular platform for technical computing. However, Python alternative to
MatLab is now seen as a more modern and complete programming language.
It is open source, which is an added advantage of NumPy.

5.1.4 Matplotlib library

Matplotlib is a plotting library for the Python programming language and its numerical
mathematics extension NumPy. It provides an object-oriented API for embedding plots
into applications using general-purpose GUI toolkits like Tkinter, wxPython, Qt,
or GTK+. There is also a procedural "pylab" interface based on a state
machine (like OpenGL), designed to closely resemble that of MATLAB, though its use is
discouraged. SciPy makes use of Matplotlib.
Matplotlib was originally written by John D. Hunter, since then it has an active
development community,[4] and is distributed under a BSD-style license. Michael
Droettboom was nominated as matplotlib's lead developer shortly before John Hunter's
death in August 2012, and further joined by Thomas Caswell.
Matplotlib 2.0.x supports Python versions 2.7 through 3.6. Python 3 support started with
Matplotlib 1.2. Matplotlib 1.4 is the last version to support Python 2.6. Matplotlib has
pledged not to support Python 2 past 2020 by signing the Python 3 Statement.

5.1.5 Sklearn library

Scikit-learn (Sklearn) is the most useful and robust library for machine learning in Python.
It provides a selection of efficient tools for machine learning and statistical modeling
including classification, regression, clustering and dimensionality reduction via a
consistence interface in Python. This library, which is largely written in Python, is built
upon NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib. Origin of Scikit-Learn

It was originally called scikits.learn and was initially developed by David Cournapeau as
a Google summer of code project in 2007. Later, in 2010, Fabian Pedregosa, Gael
Varoquaux, Alexandre Gramfort, and Vincent Michel, from FIRCA (French Institute for
Research in Computer Science and Automation), took this project at another level and
made the first public release (v0.1 beta) on 1st Feb. 2010.
Let’s have a look at its version history −
 May 2019: scikit-learn 0.21.0
 March 2019: scikit-learn 0.20.3
 December 2018: scikit-learn 0.20.2
 November 2018: scikit-learn 0.20.1
 September 2018: scikit-learn 0.20.0
 July 2018: scikit-learn 0.19.2
 July 2017: scikit-learn 0.19.0
 September 2016. scikit-learn 0.18.0
 November 2015. scikit-learn 0.17.0
 March 2015. scikit-learn 0.16.0
 July 2014. scikit-learn 0.15.0
 August 2013. scikit-learn 0.14
Community & contributors
Scikit-learn is a community effort and anyone can contribute to it. This project is hosted
on https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn. Following people are currently the core
contributors to Sklearn’s development and maintenance −
 Joris Van den Bossche (Data Scientist)
 Thomas J Fan (Software Developer)
 Alexandre Gramfort (Machine Learning Researcher)
 Olivier Grisel (Machine Learning Expert)
 Nicolas Hug (Associate Research Scientist)
 Andreas Mueller (Machine Learning Scientist)
 Hanmin Qin (Software Engineer)
 Adrin Jalali (Open Source Developer)
 Nelle Varoquaux (Data Science Researcher)
 Roman Yurchak (Data Scientist)
Various organisations like Booking.com, JP Morgan, Evernote, Inria, AWeber, Spotify
and many more are using Sklearn. Installation
If you already installed NumPy and Scipy, following are the two easiest ways to install
scikit-learn −
Using pip
Following command can be used to install scikit-learn via pip −
pip install -U scikit-learn
Using conda
Following command can be used to install scikit-learn via conda −
conda install scikit-learn
On the other hand, if NumPy and Scipy is not yet installed on your Python workstation
then, you can install them by using either pip or conda.
Another option to use scikit-learn is to use Python distributions
like Canopy and Anaconda because they both ship the latest version of scikit-learn.
Rather than focusing on loading, manipulating and summarising data, Scikit-learn library
is focused on modeling the data. Some of the most popular groups of models provided by
Sklearn are as follows −
Supervised Learning algorithms − Almost all the popular supervised learning
algorithms, like Linear Regression, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree etc.,
are the part of scikit-learn.
Unsupervised Learning algorithms − On the other hand, it also has all the popular
unsupervised learning algorithms from clustering, factor analysis, PCA (Principal
Component Analysis) to unsupervised neural networks.
Clustering − This model is used for grouping unlabeled data.
Cross Validation − It is used to check the accuracy of supervised models on unseen data.
Dimensionality Reduction − It is used for reducing the number of attributes in data which
can be further used for summarisation, visualisation and feature selection.
Ensemble methods − As name suggest, it is used for combining the predictions of
multiple supervised models.
Feature extraction − It is used to extract the features from data to define the attributes in
image and text data.
Feature selection − It is used to identify useful attributes to create supervised models.
Open Source − It is open source library and also commercially usable under BSD license.


5.2.1 Excel Spreadsheet
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is included in the Microsoft Office Suite of
applications.  Spreadsheets present tables of values arranged in rows and columns that can
be manipulated mathematically using both basic and complex math operations and
functions. Excel is a way to organize, format and calculate data with formulas. Microsoft
Excel was released in 1982 and was called Multiplan. Microsoft Excel is available for
Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS.


64 bit Operating system is used.


Hardware Requirements:

To develop this application, we need a minimum hardware requirement that would help
the performance of the application better. This project has been developed with following
hardware requirement:

 Processor : Dual core 2.0 GHz

 RAM : 2GB
 Hard Disk : 80 GB
 Network : 56 kilobits per second (Kbps)


import pandas as pd
#file is being read here
#Describing mathematical properties such as mean , standard daviation etc.....
#'female' is a database in which only females are there
female=student[student.gender == "female"]
#'male' is a database in which only males are present
male=student[student.gender == 'male']
#on the basis of above result females need to work on math & males need to work on
reading and writing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
#'test' -database of those student who have completed course
test=student[student.test_preparation_course == 'completed']
#'test_none'-daabase of those who have not completed course
test_none=student[student.test_preparation_course == 'none']
#above graph concluded that those have completed the course have scored more then those
have not completed


#'edu' - database arranged in ascending order of degree

#according to above graph whose parents have higher degree scored good marks than
whose parents having low degree
#'a' no. of students receiving standard lunch
a=len(student[student.lunch == 'standard'])
print('no. of students getting free lunch =', 1000-a)
#those were getting free lunch have scored less than those were getting standard.....


gen race/eth parental_level_of_e test_preparation sco reading_s writing_sc
der nicity ducation lunch _course re core ore
ale group B bachelor's degree standard none 72 72 74
ale group C some college standard completed 69 90 88
ale group B master's degree standard none 90 95 93
mal free/red
e group A associate's degree uced none 47 57 44
e group C some college standard none 76 78 75
ale group B associate's degree standard none 71 83 78
ale group B some college standard completed 88 95 92
mal free/red
e group B some college uced none 40 43 39
mal free/red
e group D high school uced completed 64 64 67
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced none 38 60 50
e group C associate's degree standard none 58 54 52
e group D associate's degree standard none 40 52 43
ale group B high school standard none 65 81 73
e group A some college standard completed 78 72 70
ale group A master's degree standard none 50 53 58
ale group C some high school standard none 69 75 78
e group C high school standard none 88 89 86
fem free/red
ale group B some high school uced none 18 32 28
mal free/red
e group C master's degree uced completed 46 42 46
fem free/red
ale group C associate's degree uced none 54 58 61
e group D high school standard none 66 69 63
fem free/red
ale group B some college uced completed 65 75 70
e group D some college standard none 44 54 53
ale group C some high school standard none 69 73 73
mal free/red
e group D bachelor's degree uced completed 74 71 80
mal free/red
e group A master's degree uced none 73 74 72
e group B some college standard none 69 54 55
ale group C bachelor's degree standard none 67 69 75
e group C high school standard none 70 70 65
ale group D master's degree standard none 62 70 75
ale group D some college standard none 69 74 74
ale group B some college standard none 63 65 61
fem free/red
ale group E master's degree uced none 56 72 65
e group D some college standard none 40 42 38
e group E some college standard none 97 87 82
e group E associate's degree standard completed 81 81 79
fem group D associate's degree standard none 74 81 83
fem free/red
ale group D some high school uced none 50 64 59
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced completed 75 90 88
mal free/red
e group B associate's degree uced none 57 56 57
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced none 55 61 54
ale group C associate's degree standard none 58 73 68
ale group B associate's degree standard none 53 58 65
mal free/red
e group B some college uced completed 59 65 66
fem free/red
ale group E associate's degree uced none 50 56 54
e group B associate's degree standard none 65 54 57
ale group A associate's degree standard completed 55 65 62
ale group C high school standard none 66 71 76
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced completed 57 74 76
e group C high school standard completed 82 84 82
e group E some college standard none 53 55 48
mal free/red
e group E associate's degree uced completed 77 69 68
e group C some college standard none 53 44 42
e group D high school standard none 88 78 75
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced completed 71 84 87
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 33 41 43
ale group E associate's degree standard completed 82 85 86
e group D associate's degree standard none 52 55 49
e group D some college standard completed 58 59 58
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced none 0 17 10
mal free/red
e group E bachelor's degree uced completed 79 74 72
mal free/red
e group A some high school uced none 39 39 34
mal free/red
e group A associate's degree uced none 62 61 55

ale group C associate's degree standard none 69 80 71
ale group D some high school standard none 59 58 59
e group B some high school standard none 67 64 61
mal free/red
e group D some high school uced none 45 37 37
ale group C some college standard none 60 72 74
mal free/red
e group B associate's degree uced none 61 58 56
ale group C associate's degree standard none 39 64 57
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced completed 58 63 73
e group D some college standard completed 63 55 63
fem free/red
ale group A associate's degree uced none 41 51 48
mal free/red
e group C some high school uced none 61 57 56
e group C some high school standard none 49 49 41
mal free/red
e group B associate's degree uced none 44 41 38
e group E some high school standard none 30 26 22
e group A bachelor's degree standard completed 80 78 81
ale group D some high school standard completed 61 74 72
ale group E master's degree standard none 62 68 68
ale group B associate's degree standard none 47 49 50
mal free/red
e group B high school uced none 49 45 45
mal free/red
e group A some college uced completed 50 47 54
e group E associate's degree standard none 72 64 63
mal free/red
e group D high school uced none 42 39 34
ale group C some college standard none 73 80 82
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced none 76 83 88
ale group D associate's degree standard none 71 71 74
ale group A some college standard none 58 70 67
fem group D some high school standard none 73 86 82
ale group C bachelor's degree standard none 65 72 74
mal free/red
e group C high school uced none 27 34 36
e group C high school standard none 71 79 71
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced completed 43 45 50
ale group B some college standard none 79 86 92
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced completed 78 81 82
e group B some high school standard completed 65 66 62
ale group E some college standard completed 63 72 70
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 58 67 62
ale group D bachelor's degree standard none 65 67 62
e group B some college standard none 79 67 67
e group D bachelor's degree standard completed 68 74 74
ale group D associate's degree standard none 85 91 89
e group B high school standard completed 60 44 47
e group C some college standard completed 98 86 90
ale group C some college standard none 58 67 72
ale group D master's degree standard none 87 100 100
e group E associate's degree standard completed 66 63 64
fem free/red
ale group B associate's degree uced none 52 76 70
ale group B some high school standard none 70 64 72
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced completed 77 89 98
e group C high school standard none 62 55 49
e group A associate's degree standard none 54 53 47
ale group D some college standard none 51 58 54
ale group E bachelor's degree standard completed 99 100 100
e group C high school standard none 84 77 74

fem free/red
ale group B bachelor's degree uced none 75 85 82
ale group D bachelor's degree standard none 78 82 79
ale group D some high school standard none 51 63 61
ale group C some college standard none 55 69 65
ale group C bachelor's degree standard completed 79 92 89
e group B associate's degree standard completed 91 89 92
ale group C some college standard completed 88 93 93
mal free/red
e group D high school uced none 63 57 56
e group E some college standard none 83 80 73
ale group B high school standard none 87 95 86
e group B some high school standard none 72 68 67
e group D some college standard completed 65 77 74
e group D master's degree standard none 82 82 74
ale group A bachelor's degree standard none 51 49 51
e group D master's degree standard none 89 84 82
mal free/red
e group C some high school uced completed 53 37 40
mal free/red
e group E some college uced completed 87 74 70
ale group C some college standard completed 75 81 84
mal free/red
e group D bachelor's degree uced completed 74 79 75
e group C bachelor's degree standard none 58 55 48
e group B some high school standard completed 51 54 41
e group E high school standard none 70 55 56
ale group C associate's degree standard none 59 66 67
e group D some college standard completed 71 61 69
ale group D some high school standard none 76 72 71
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced none 59 62 64
fem group E some college free/red completed 42 55 54
ale uced
e group A high school standard none 57 43 47
e group D some college standard none 88 73 78
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced none 22 39 33
e group B some high school standard none 88 84 75
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced none 73 68 66
ale group D bachelor's degree standard completed 68 75 81
mal free/red 10
e group E associate's degree uced completed 0 100 93
e group A some high school standard completed 62 67 69
e group A bachelor's degree standard none 77 67 68
ale group B associate's degree standard completed 59 70 66
e group D bachelor's degree standard none 54 49 47
e group D some high school standard none 62 67 61
ale group C some college standard completed 70 89 88
fem free/red
ale group E high school uced completed 66 74 78
mal free/red
e group B some college uced none 60 60 60
ale group B associate's degree standard completed 61 86 87
mal free/red
e group D associate's degree uced none 66 62 64
mal free/red
e group B associate's degree uced completed 82 78 74
fem free/red
ale group E some college uced completed 75 88 85
mal free/red
e group B master's degree uced none 49 53 52
e group C high school standard none 52 53 49
ale group E master's degree standard none 81 92 91
ale group C bachelor's degree standard completed 96 100 100
mal free/red
e group C high school uced completed 53 51 51
fem free/red
ale group B master's degree uced completed 58 76 78
ale group B high school standard completed 68 83 78

fem free/red
ale group C some college uced completed 67 75 70
e group A high school standard completed 72 73 74
e group E some high school standard none 94 88 78
ale group D some college standard none 79 86 81
ale group C associate's degree standard none 63 67 70
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced completed 43 51 54
ale group C master's degree standard completed 81 91 87
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced completed 46 54 58
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 71 77 77
fem free/red
ale group B master's degree uced completed 52 70 62
ale group D some high school standard completed 97 100 100
mal free/red
e group C master's degree uced completed 62 68 75
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced none 46 64 66
ale group E high school standard none 50 50 47
ale group D associate's degree standard none 65 69 70
mal free/red
e group C some high school uced completed 45 52 49
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced completed 65 67 65
e group E high school standard none 80 76 65
e group D some high school standard completed 62 66 68
mal free/red
e group B some high school uced none 48 52 45
ale group C bachelor's degree standard none 77 88 87
ale group E associate's degree standard none 66 65 69
e group D some college standard completed 76 83 79
ale group B some high school standard none 62 64 66
e group D some college standard completed 77 62 62
ale group C master's degree standard completed 69 84 85
mal group D associate's degree standard none 61 55 52
mal free/red
e group C some high school uced completed 59 69 65
mal free/red
e group E high school uced none 55 56 51
fem free/red
ale group B some college uced none 45 53 55
fem free/red
ale group B bachelor's degree uced none 78 79 76
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 67 84 86
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 65 81 77
e group C associate's degree standard none 69 77 69
ale group B associate's degree standard none 57 69 68
e group C some college standard none 59 41 42
e group D some high school standard completed 74 71 78
e group E bachelor's degree standard none 82 62 62
e group E high school standard completed 81 80 76
fem free/red
ale group B some college uced none 74 81 76
fem free/red
ale group B some college uced none 58 61 66
mal free/red
e group D some high school uced completed 80 79 79
mal free/red
e group C some college uced none 35 28 27
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 42 62 60
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced completed 60 51 56
e group E high school standard completed 87 91 81
e group B some high school standard completed 84 83 75
fem free/red
ale group E associate's degree uced completed 83 86 88
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 34 42 39
mal free/red
e group B high school uced none 66 77 70
e group B some high school standard completed 61 56 56
ale group D high school standard completed 56 68 74
e group B associate's degree standard none 87 85 73

fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced none 55 65 62
e group D some high school standard none 86 80 75
ale group B associate's degree standard completed 52 66 73
fem free/red
ale group E master's degree uced none 45 56 54
ale group C some college standard none 72 72 71
e group D high school standard none 57 50 54
mal free/red
e group A some high school uced none 68 72 64
ale group C some college standard completed 88 95 94
e group D some college standard none 76 64 66
e group C associate's degree standard none 46 43 42
ale group B bachelor's degree standard none 67 86 83
e group E some high school standard none 92 87 78
e group C bachelor's degree standard completed 83 82 84
e group D associate's degree standard none 80 75 77
mal free/red
e group D bachelor's degree uced none 63 66 67
ale group D some high school standard completed 64 60 74
e group B some college standard none 54 52 51
e group C associate's degree standard none 84 80 80
mal free/red
e group D high school uced completed 73 68 66
ale group E bachelor's degree standard none 80 83 83
ale group D high school standard none 56 52 55
e group E some college standard none 59 51 43
e group D some high school standard none 75 74 69
e group C associate's degree standard none 85 76 71
e group E associate's degree standard none 89 76 74
ale group B high school standard completed 58 70 68
fem group B high school standard none 65 64 62
e group C high school standard none 68 60 53
e group A some high school standard completed 47 49 49
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 71 83 83
ale group B some high school standard completed 60 70 70
e group D master's degree standard none 80 80 72
e group D high school standard none 54 52 52
ale group E some college standard none 62 73 70
fem free/red
ale group C associate's degree uced none 64 73 68
e group C associate's degree standard completed 78 77 77
ale group B some college standard none 70 75 78
fem free/red
ale group C master's degree uced completed 65 81 81
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced completed 64 79 77
e group C some college standard completed 79 79 78
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced none 44 50 51
ale group E high school standard none 99 93 90
e group D high school standard none 76 73 68
mal free/red
e group D some high school uced none 59 42 41
ale group C bachelor's degree standard none 63 75 81
ale group D high school standard none 69 72 77
ale group D associate's degree standard completed 88 92 95
fem free/red
ale group E some college uced none 71 76 70
e group C bachelor's degree standard none 69 63 61
e group C some college standard none 58 49 42
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced none 47 53 58
ale group D some college standard none 65 70 71
e group B some college standard completed 88 85 76

e group C bachelor's degree standard none 83 78 73
ale group C some high school standard completed 85 92 93
ale group E high school standard completed 59 63 75
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced none 65 86 80
mal free/red
e group B bachelor's degree uced none 73 56 57
e group D high school standard none 53 52 42
e group D high school standard none 45 48 46
fem free/red
ale group D bachelor's degree uced none 73 79 84
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced completed 70 78 78
ale group B some high school standard none 37 46 46
e group B associate's degree standard completed 81 82 82
e group E associate's degree standard completed 97 82 88
ale group B some high school standard none 67 89 82
mal free/red
e group B bachelor's degree uced none 88 75 76
e group E some high school standard completed 77 76 77
e group C associate's degree standard none 76 70 68
e group D some high school standard none 86 73 70
e group C some high school standard completed 63 60 57
ale group E bachelor's degree standard none 65 73 75
mal free/red
e group D high school uced completed 78 77 80
mal free/red
e group B associate's degree uced none 67 62 60
e group A some high school standard completed 46 41 43
e group E associate's degree standard completed 71 74 68
mal free/red
e group C high school uced completed 40 46 50
mal free/red
e group D associate's degree uced none 90 87 75
mal free/red
e group A some college uced completed 81 78 81
mal group D some high school free/red none 56 54 52
e uced
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 67 84 81
e group B associate's degree standard none 80 76 64
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 74 75 83
e group A some college standard none 69 67 69
e group E some college standard completed 99 87 81
e group C some high school standard none 51 52 44
fem free/red
ale group B associate's degree uced none 53 71 67
fem free/red
ale group D high school uced none 49 57 52
ale group B associate's degree standard none 73 76 80
e group B bachelor's degree standard none 66 60 57
e group D bachelor's degree standard completed 67 61 68
fem free/red
ale group C associate's degree uced completed 68 67 69
ale group C bachelor's degree standard completed 59 64 75
e group C high school standard none 71 66 65
ale group D master's degree standard completed 77 82 91
e group C associate's degree standard none 83 72 78
e group B bachelor's degree standard none 63 71 69
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced none 56 65 63
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced completed 67 79 84
ale group E high school standard none 75 86 79
ale group C some college standard none 71 81 80
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced none 43 53 53
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 41 46 43
ale group C some college standard none 82 90 94
e group C some college standard none 61 61 62
mal free/red
e group A some college uced none 28 23 19

e group C associate's degree standard completed 82 75 77
ale group B some high school standard none 41 55 51
e group C high school standard none 71 60 61
e group C associate's degree standard none 47 37 35
e group E associate's degree standard completed 62 56 53
e group B associate's degree standard none 90 78 81
ale group C bachelor's degree standard none 83 93 95
fem free/red
ale group B some college uced none 61 68 66
e group D some high school standard completed 76 70 69
e group C associate's degree standard none 49 51 43
fem free/red
ale group B some high school uced none 24 38 27
fem free/red
ale group D some high school uced completed 35 55 60
mal free/red
e group C high school uced none 58 61 52
ale group C high school standard none 61 73 63
ale group B high school standard completed 69 76 74
e group D associate's degree standard completed 67 72 67
e group D some college standard none 79 73 67
ale group C high school standard none 72 80 75
e group B some college standard none 62 61 57
ale group C bachelor's degree standard completed 77 94 95
mal free/red
e group D high school uced none 75 74 66
e group E associate's degree standard none 87 74 76
ale group B bachelor's degree standard none 52 65 69
e group E some college standard none 66 57 52
ale group C some college standard completed 63 78 80
ale group C associate's degree standard none 46 58 57
fem group C some college standard none 59 71 70
ale group B bachelor's degree standard none 61 72 70
e group A associate's degree standard none 63 61 61
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced completed 42 66 69
mal free/red
e group D some college uced none 59 62 61
ale group D some college standard none 80 90 89
ale group B high school standard none 58 62 59
e group B some high school standard completed 85 84 78
ale group C some college standard none 52 58 58
fem free/red
ale group D some high school uced none 27 34 32
e group C some college standard none 59 60 58
mal free/red
e group A bachelor's degree uced completed 49 58 60
e group C high school standard completed 69 58 53
mal free/red
e group C bachelor's degree uced none 61 66 61
fem free/red
ale group A some high school uced none 44 64 58
ale group D some high school standard none 73 84 85
e group E some college standard none 84 77 71
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced completed 45 73 70
e group D some high school standard none 74 74 72
ale group D some college standard completed 82 97 96
ale group D bachelor's degree standard none 59 70 73
mal free/red
e group E associate's degree uced none 46 43 41
ale group D some high school standard none 80 90 82
fem free/red
ale group D master's degree uced completed 85 95 100
ale group A some high school standard none 71 83 77
e group A bachelor's degree standard none 66 64 62
ale group B associate's degree standard none 80 86 83

e group C associate's degree standard completed 87 100 95
mal free/red
e group C master's degree uced none 79 81 71
fem free/red
ale group E some high school uced none 38 49 45
fem free/red
ale group A some high school uced none 38 43 43
ale group E some college standard none 67 76 75
ale group E bachelor's degree standard none 64 73 70
fem free/red
ale group C associate's degree uced none 57 78 67
ale group D high school standard none 62 64 64
e group D master's degree standard none 73 70 75
mal free/red
e group E some high school uced completed 73 67 59
ale group D some college standard none 77 68 77
e group E some college standard none 76 67 67
e group C associate's degree standard completed 57 54 56
ale group C some high school standard completed 65 74 77
mal free/red
e group A high school uced none 48 45 41
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced none 50 67 63
ale group C associate's degree standard none 85 89 95
e group B some high school standard none 74 63 57
e group D some high school standard none 60 59 54
ale group C some high school standard completed 59 54 67
e group A some college standard none 53 43 43
fem free/red
ale group A some college uced none 49 65 55
ale group D high school standard completed 88 99 100
ale group C high school standard none 54 59 62
ale group C some high school standard none 63 73 68
e group B associate's degree standard completed 65 65 63
fem group B associate's degree standard none 82 80 77
fem free/red
ale group D high school uced completed 52 57 56
e group D associate's degree standard completed 87 84 85
ale group D master's degree standard completed 70 71 74
e group E some college standard completed 84 83 78
e group D associate's degree standard none 71 66 60
e group B some high school standard completed 63 67 67
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced completed 51 72 79
e group E high school standard none 84 73 69
e group C bachelor's degree standard completed 71 74 68
e group C associate's degree standard none 74 73 67
e group D some college standard none 68 59 62
mal free/red
e group E high school uced completed 57 56 54
fem free/red
ale group C associate's degree uced completed 82 93 93
ale group D high school standard completed 57 58 64
fem free/red
ale group D master's degree uced completed 47 58 67
ale group A some high school standard completed 59 85 80
mal free/red
e group B some college uced none 41 39 34
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced none 62 67 62
e group C bachelor's degree standard none 86 83 86
mal free/red
e group C some high school uced none 69 71 65
mal free/red
e group A some high school uced none 65 59 53
mal free/red
e group C some high school uced none 68 63 54
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced none 64 66 59
ale group C high school standard none 61 72 70
e group C high school standard none 61 56 55
fem free/red
ale group A some high school uced none 47 59 50

e group C some high school standard none 73 66 66
mal free/red
e group C some college uced completed 50 48 53
e group D associate's degree standard none 75 68 64
mal free/red
e group D associate's degree uced none 75 66 73
e group C high school standard none 70 56 51
e group D some high school standard completed 89 88 82
ale group C some college standard completed 67 81 79
ale group D high school standard none 78 81 80
fem free/red
ale group A some high school uced none 59 73 69
ale group B associate's degree standard none 73 83 76
mal free/red
e group A some high school uced none 79 82 73
ale group C some high school standard completed 67 74 77
mal free/red
e group D some college uced none 69 66 60
e group C high school standard completed 86 81 80
e group B high school standard none 47 46 42
e group B associate's degree standard none 81 73 72
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced completed 64 85 85
fem 10
ale group E some college standard none 0 92 97
fem free/red
ale group C associate's degree uced none 65 77 74
mal free/red
e group C some college uced none 65 58 49
fem free/red
ale group C associate's degree uced none 53 61 62
mal free/red
e group C bachelor's degree uced none 37 56 47
ale group D bachelor's degree standard none 79 89 89
mal free/red
e group D associate's degree uced none 53 54 48
fem 10
ale group E bachelor's degree standard none 0 100 100
e group B high school standard completed 72 65 68
mal group C bachelor's degree free/red none 53 58 55
e uced
mal free/red
e group B some college uced none 54 54 45
ale group E some college standard none 71 70 76
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced none 77 90 91
e group A bachelor's degree standard completed 75 58 62
ale group C some college standard none 84 87 91
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced none 26 31 38
mal free/red
e group A high school uced completed 72 67 65
fem free/red
ale group A high school uced completed 77 88 85
e group C some college standard none 91 74 76
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 83 85 90
ale group C high school standard none 63 69 74
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 68 86 84
ale group D some high school standard none 59 67 61
ale group B associate's degree standard completed 90 90 91
ale group D bachelor's degree standard completed 71 76 83
e group E bachelor's degree standard completed 76 62 66
e group D associate's degree standard none 80 68 72
ale group D master's degree standard none 55 64 70
e group E associate's degree standard none 76 71 67
e group B high school standard completed 73 71 68
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced none 52 59 56
mal free/red
e group C some college uced none 68 68 61
e group A high school standard none 59 52 46
ale group B associate's degree standard none 49 52 54
e group C high school standard none 70 74 71
mal free/red
e group D some college uced none 61 47 56

fem free/red
ale group C associate's degree uced none 60 75 74
e group B some high school standard completed 64 53 57
mal free/red
e group A associate's degree uced completed 79 82 82
fem free/red
ale group A associate's degree uced none 65 85 76
ale group C associate's degree standard none 64 64 70
ale group C some college standard none 83 83 90
ale group C bachelor's degree standard none 81 88 90
ale group B high school standard none 54 64 68
e group D high school standard completed 68 64 66
ale group C some college standard none 54 48 52
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced completed 59 78 76
ale group B some high school standard none 66 69 68
e group E some college standard none 76 71 72
ale group D master's degree standard none 74 79 82
ale group B associate's degree standard completed 94 87 92
mal free/red
e group C some college uced none 63 61 54
ale group E associate's degree standard completed 95 89 92
fem free/red
ale group D master's degree uced none 40 59 54
ale group B some high school standard none 82 82 80
e group A high school standard none 68 70 66
mal free/red
e group B bachelor's degree uced none 55 59 54
e group C master's degree standard none 79 78 77
ale group C bachelor's degree standard none 86 92 87
e group D some college standard none 76 71 73
e group A some high school standard none 64 50 43
mal free/red
e group D some high school uced none 62 49 52
fem group B some high school standard completed 54 61 62
fem free/red
ale group B master's degree uced completed 77 97 94
ale group C some high school standard completed 76 87 85
ale group D some college standard none 74 89 84
ale group E some college standard completed 66 74 73
ale group D some high school standard completed 66 78 78
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced completed 67 78 79
e group D some college standard none 71 49 52
ale group C associate's degree standard none 91 86 84
e group D bachelor's degree standard none 69 58 57
mal free/red
e group C master's degree uced none 54 59 50
e group C high school standard completed 53 52 49
e group E some college standard none 68 60 59
mal free/red
e group C some high school uced completed 56 61 60
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 36 53 43
fem free/red
ale group D bachelor's degree uced none 29 41 47
ale group C associate's degree standard none 62 74 70
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 68 67 73
ale group C some high school standard none 47 54 53
e group E associate's degree standard completed 62 61 58
ale group E associate's degree standard completed 79 88 94
e group B high school standard completed 73 69 68
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced completed 66 83 83
e group C associate's degree standard completed 51 60 58
ale group D high school standard none 51 66 62
e group E bachelor's degree standard completed 85 66 71
e group A associate's degree standard completed 97 92 86

e group C high school standard completed 75 69 68
mal free/red
e group D associate's degree uced completed 79 82 80
ale group C associate's degree standard none 81 77 79
ale group D associate's degree standard none 82 95 89
ale group D master's degree standard none 64 63 66
mal free/red
e group E some high school uced completed 78 83 80
ale group A some high school standard completed 92 100 97
e group C high school standard completed 72 67 64
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 62 67 64
e group C master's degree standard none 79 72 69
mal free/red
e group C some high school uced none 79 76 65
mal free/red
e group B bachelor's degree uced completed 87 90 88
ale group B associate's degree standard none 40 48 50
mal free/red
e group D some college uced none 77 62 64
e group E associate's degree standard none 53 45 40
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced none 32 39 33
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 55 72 79
mal free/red
e group C master's degree uced none 61 67 66
fem free/red
ale group B associate's degree uced none 53 70 70
e group D some high school standard none 73 66 62
ale group D some college standard completed 74 75 79
ale group C some college standard none 63 74 74
e group C bachelor's degree standard completed 96 90 92
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced completed 63 80 80
mal free/red
e group B bachelor's degree uced none 48 51 46
e group B associate's degree standard none 48 43 45
fem group E bachelor's degree free/red completed 92 100 100
ale uced
fem free/red
ale group D master's degree uced completed 61 71 78
mal free/red
e group B high school uced none 63 48 47
mal free/red
e group D bachelor's degree uced none 68 68 67
e group B some college standard completed 71 75 70
e group A bachelor's degree standard none 91 96 92
ale group C some college standard none 53 62 56
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced completed 50 66 64
ale group E high school standard none 74 81 71
mal free/red
e group A associate's degree uced completed 40 55 53
e group A some college standard completed 61 51 52
ale group B high school standard none 81 91 89
fem free/red
ale group B some college uced completed 48 56 58
ale group D master's degree standard none 53 61 68
ale group D some high school standard none 81 97 96
ale group E some high school standard none 77 79 80
fem free/red
ale group D bachelor's degree uced none 63 73 78
ale group D associate's degree standard completed 73 75 80
ale group D some college standard none 69 77 77
ale group C associate's degree standard none 65 76 76
ale group A high school standard none 55 73 73
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced none 44 63 62
ale group C some college standard none 54 64 65
ale group A some high school standard none 48 66 65
mal free/red
e group C some college uced none 58 57 54
e group A some high school standard none 71 62 50
e group E bachelor's degree standard none 68 68 64

ale group E high school standard none 74 76 73
ale group C bachelor's degree standard completed 92 100 99
ale group C bachelor's degree standard completed 56 79 72
mal free/red
e group B high school uced none 30 24 15
e group A some high school standard none 53 54 48
ale group D high school standard none 69 77 73
ale group D some high school standard none 65 82 81
ale group D master's degree standard none 54 60 63
ale group C high school standard none 29 29 30
ale group E some college standard none 76 78 80
mal free/red
e group D high school uced none 60 57 51
mal free/red
e group D master's degree uced completed 84 89 90
e group C some high school standard none 75 72 62
ale group C associate's degree standard none 85 84 82
fem free/red
ale group C master's degree uced none 40 58 54
ale group E some college standard none 61 64 62
ale group B associate's degree standard none 58 63 65
mal free/red
e group D some college uced completed 69 60 63
ale group C some college standard none 58 59 66
e group C bachelor's degree standard completed 94 90 91
ale group C associate's degree standard none 65 77 74
ale group A associate's degree standard none 82 93 93
ale group C high school standard none 60 68 72
ale group E bachelor's degree standard none 37 45 38
e group D bachelor's degree standard none 88 78 83
e group D master's degree standard none 95 81 84
mal group C associate's degree free/red completed 65 73 68
e uced
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 35 61 54
mal free/red
e group B bachelor's degree uced none 62 63 56
mal free/red
e group C high school uced completed 58 51 52
mal 10
e group A some college standard completed 0 96 86
fem free/red
ale group E bachelor's degree uced none 61 58 62
mal 10
e group D some college standard completed 0 97 99
mal free/red
e group B associate's degree uced completed 69 70 63
e group D associate's degree standard none 61 48 46
mal free/red
e group D some college uced none 49 57 46
ale group C some high school standard completed 44 51 55
e group D some college standard none 67 64 70
e group B high school standard none 79 60 65
ale group B bachelor's degree standard completed 66 74 81
ale group C high school standard none 75 88 85
e group D some high school standard none 84 84 80
e group A high school standard none 71 74 64
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced completed 67 80 81
ale group D some high school standard completed 80 92 88
e group E some college standard none 86 76 74
ale group D associate's degree standard none 76 74 73
e group D high school standard none 41 52 51
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced completed 74 88 90
fem free/red
ale group B some high school uced none 72 81 79
ale group E high school standard completed 74 79 80
e group B high school standard none 70 65 60
ale group B bachelor's degree standard completed 65 81 81

ale group D associate's degree standard none 59 70 65
fem free/red
ale group E high school uced none 64 62 68
ale group B high school standard none 50 53 55
ale group D some college standard completed 69 79 81
mal free/red
e group C some high school uced completed 51 56 53
ale group A high school standard completed 68 80 76
ale group D some college standard completed 85 86 98
ale group A associate's degree standard completed 65 70 74
ale group B some high school standard none 73 79 79
ale group B some college standard none 62 67 67
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced none 77 67 64
e group D some high school standard none 69 66 61
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced none 43 60 58
e group D associate's degree standard none 90 87 85
mal free/red
e group C some college uced none 74 77 73
e group C some high school standard none 73 66 63
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 55 71 69
ale group C high school standard none 65 69 67
e group D associate's degree standard none 80 63 63
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced completed 50 60 60
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced completed 63 73 71
fem free/red
ale group B bachelor's degree uced none 77 85 87
e group C some college standard none 73 74 61
e group D associate's degree standard completed 81 72 77
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 66 76 68
mal free/red
e group D associate's degree uced none 52 57 50
fem group C some college standard none 69 78 76
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 65 84 84
ale group D high school standard completed 69 77 78
ale group B some college standard completed 50 64 66
ale group E some college standard completed 73 78 76
ale group C some high school standard completed 70 82 76
mal free/red
e group D associate's degree uced none 81 75 78
mal free/red
e group D some college uced none 63 61 60
ale group D high school standard none 67 72 74
e group B high school standard none 60 68 60
e group B high school standard none 62 55 54
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced completed 29 40 44
e group B some college standard completed 62 66 68
ale group E master's degree standard completed 94 99 100
e group E some college standard completed 85 75 68
mal free/red
e group D associate's degree uced none 77 78 73
mal free/red
e group A high school uced none 53 58 44
mal free/red
e group E some college uced none 93 90 83
ale group C associate's degree standard none 49 53 53
fem free/red
ale group E associate's degree uced none 73 76 78
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced completed 66 74 81
ale group D associate's degree standard none 77 77 73
ale group C some high school standard none 49 63 56
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 79 89 86
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 75 82 90
ale group A bachelor's degree standard none 59 72 70
ale group D associate's degree standard completed 57 78 79

mal free/red
e group C high school uced none 66 66 59
ale group E bachelor's degree standard completed 79 81 82
ale group B some high school standard none 57 67 72
e group A bachelor's degree standard completed 87 84 87
ale group D some college standard none 63 64 67
fem free/red
ale group B some high school uced completed 59 63 64
mal free/red
e group A bachelor's degree uced none 62 72 65
e group D high school standard none 46 34 36
e group C some college standard none 66 59 52
e group D high school standard none 89 87 79
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced completed 42 61 58
e group C some college standard completed 93 84 90
ale group E some high school standard completed 80 85 85
ale group D some college standard none 98 100 99
e group D master's degree standard none 81 81 84
ale group B some high school standard completed 60 70 74
fem free/red
ale group B associate's degree uced completed 76 94 87
e group C associate's degree standard completed 73 78 72
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 96 96 99
ale group C high school standard none 76 76 74
mal free/red
e group E associate's degree uced completed 91 73 80
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced none 62 72 70
mal free/red
e group D some high school uced completed 55 59 59
fem free/red
ale group B some high school uced completed 74 90 88
e group C high school standard none 50 48 42
e group B some college standard none 47 43 41
mal group E some college standard completed 81 74 71
ale group E associate's degree standard completed 65 75 77
e group E some high school standard completed 68 51 57
fem free/red
ale group D high school uced none 73 92 84
e group C some college standard none 53 39 37
fem free/red
ale group B associate's degree uced completed 68 77 80
mal free/red
e group A some high school uced none 55 46 43
ale group C some college standard completed 87 89 94
e group D some high school standard none 55 47 44
fem free/red
ale group E some college uced none 53 58 57
e group C master's degree standard none 67 57 59
e group C associate's degree standard none 92 79 84
fem free/red
ale group B some college uced completed 53 66 73
e group D associate's degree standard none 81 71 73
mal free/red
e group C high school uced none 61 60 55
e group D bachelor's degree standard none 80 73 72
fem free/red
ale group A associate's degree uced none 37 57 56
ale group C high school standard none 81 84 82
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 59 73 72
mal free/red
e group B some college uced none 55 55 47
e group D associate's degree standard none 72 79 74
e group D high school standard none 69 75 71
e group C some college standard none 69 64 68
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced none 50 60 59
e group B some college standard completed 87 84 86
e group D some high school standard completed 71 69 68
e group E some college standard none 68 72 65

mal free/red
e group C master's degree uced completed 79 77 75
ale group C some high school standard completed 77 90 85
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced none 58 55 53
ale group E associate's degree standard none 84 95 92
e group D some college standard none 55 58 52
mal free/red
e group E bachelor's degree uced completed 70 68 72
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced completed 52 59 65
e group B some college standard completed 69 77 77
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 53 72 64
ale group D some high school standard none 48 58 54
e group D some high school standard completed 78 81 86
ale group B high school standard none 62 62 63
e group D some college standard none 60 63 59
ale group B high school standard none 74 72 72
ale group C high school standard completed 58 75 77
e group B high school standard completed 76 62 60
ale group D some high school standard none 68 71 75
mal free/red
e group A some college uced none 58 60 57
e group B high school standard none 52 48 49
e group D bachelor's degree standard none 75 73 74
fem free/red
ale group B some high school uced completed 52 67 72
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced none 62 78 79
e group B some college standard none 66 65 60
fem free/red
ale group B some high school uced none 49 58 55
ale group B high school standard none 66 72 70
fem free/red
ale group C some college uced none 35 44 43
fem group A some college standard completed 72 79 82
e group E associate's degree standard completed 94 85 82
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced none 46 56 57
ale group B master's degree standard none 77 90 84
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced completed 76 85 82
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 52 59 62
e group C bachelor's degree standard completed 91 81 79
ale group B some high school standard completed 32 51 44
fem free/red
ale group E some high school uced none 72 79 77
ale group B some college standard none 19 38 32
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced none 68 65 61
fem free/red
ale group C master's degree uced none 52 65 61
ale group B high school standard none 48 62 60
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 60 66 70
mal free/red
e group D high school uced none 66 74 69
e group E some high school standard completed 89 84 77
ale group B high school standard none 42 52 51
fem free/red
ale group E associate's degree uced completed 57 68 73
e group D high school standard none 70 70 70
fem free/red
ale group E associate's degree uced none 70 84 81
e group E some college standard none 69 60 54
ale group C associate's degree standard none 52 55 57
e group C some high school standard completed 67 73 68
e group C some high school standard completed 76 80 73
ale group E associate's degree standard none 87 94 95
ale group B some college standard none 82 85 87
ale group C some college standard none 73 76 78

mal free/red
e group A some college uced none 75 81 74
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 64 74 75
fem free/red
ale group E high school uced none 41 45 40
e group C high school standard none 90 75 69
e group B bachelor's degree standard none 59 54 51
e group A some high school standard none 51 31 36
mal free/red
e group A high school uced none 45 47 49
ale group C master's degree standard completed 54 64 67
e group E some high school standard completed 87 84 76
ale group C high school standard none 72 80 83
e group B some high school standard completed 94 86 87
ale group A bachelor's degree standard none 45 59 64
mal free/red
e group D bachelor's degree uced completed 61 70 76
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced none 60 72 68
ale group C some high school standard none 77 91 88
ale group A some high school standard completed 85 90 92
fem free/red
ale group D bachelor's degree uced none 78 90 93
mal free/red
e group E some college uced completed 49 52 51
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced none 71 87 82
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced none 48 58 52
e group C high school standard none 62 67 58
fem free/red
ale group C associate's degree uced completed 56 68 70
ale group C some high school standard none 65 69 76
fem free/red
ale group D some high school uced completed 69 86 81
e group B some high school standard none 68 54 53
fem free/red
ale group A some college uced none 61 60 57
fem group C bachelor's degree free/red completed 74 86 89
ale uced
e group A bachelor's degree standard none 64 60 58
ale group B high school standard completed 77 82 89
e group B some college standard none 58 50 45
ale group C high school standard completed 60 64 74
e group E high school standard none 73 64 57
ale group A high school standard completed 75 82 79
mal free/red
e group B associate's degree uced completed 58 57 53
ale group C associate's degree standard none 66 77 73
fem free/red
ale group D high school uced none 39 52 46
e group C some high school standard none 64 58 51
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced completed 23 44 36
mal free/red
e group B some college uced completed 74 77 76
fem free/red
ale group D some high school uced completed 40 65 64
e group E master's degree standard none 90 85 84
e group C master's degree standard completed 91 85 85
e group D high school standard none 64 54 50
ale group C high school standard none 59 72 68
e group D associate's degree standard none 80 75 69
e group C master's degree standard none 71 67 67
ale group A high school standard none 61 68 63
ale group E some college standard none 87 85 93
e group E some high school standard none 82 67 61
e group C some high school standard none 62 64 55
ale group B bachelor's degree standard none 97 97 96
mal free/red
e group B some college uced none 75 68 65
ale group C bachelor's degree standard none 65 79 81

e group B high school standard completed 52 49 46
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced none 87 73 72
ale group C associate's degree standard none 53 62 53
fem free/red
ale group E master's degree uced none 81 86 87
mal free/red
e group D bachelor's degree uced completed 39 42 38
ale group C some college standard completed 71 71 80
e group C associate's degree standard none 97 93 91
e group D some college standard completed 82 82 88
mal free/red
e group C high school uced none 59 53 52
e group B associate's degree standard none 61 42 41
mal free/red
e group E associate's degree uced completed 78 74 72
mal free/red
e group C associate's degree uced none 49 51 51
e group B high school standard none 59 58 47
ale group C some college standard completed 70 72 76
e group B associate's degree standard completed 82 84 78
mal free/red
e group E associate's degree uced none 90 90 82
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced none 43 62 61
mal free/red
e group C some college uced none 80 64 66
e group D some college standard none 81 82 84
e group C some high school standard none 57 61 54
ale group D some high school standard none 59 72 80
ale group D associate's degree standard none 64 76 74
e group C bachelor's degree standard completed 63 64 66
ale group E bachelor's degree standard completed 71 70 70
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced none 64 73 71
mal free/red
e group D bachelor's degree uced none 55 46 44
fem group E associate's degree standard none 51 51 54
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 62 76 80
ale group E associate's degree standard completed 93 100 95
mal free/red
e group C high school uced none 54 72 59
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 69 65 74
mal free/red
e group D high school uced none 44 51 48
ale group E some college standard completed 86 85 91
ale group E associate's degree standard none 85 92 85
fem free/red
ale group A master's degree uced none 50 67 73
e group D some high school standard completed 88 74 75
ale group E associate's degree standard none 59 62 69
fem free/red
ale group E some high school uced none 32 34 38
mal free/red
e group B high school uced none 36 29 27
fem free/red
ale group B some high school uced completed 63 78 79
e group D associate's degree standard completed 67 54 63
ale group D some high school standard completed 65 78 82
e group D master's degree standard none 85 84 89
ale group C master's degree standard none 73 78 74
fem free/red
ale group A high school uced completed 34 48 41
fem free/red
ale group D bachelor's degree uced completed 93 100 100
fem free/red
ale group D some high school uced none 67 84 84
e group D some college standard none 88 77 77
e group B high school standard none 57 48 51
ale group D some college standard completed 79 84 91
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced none 67 75 72
e group E bachelor's degree standard completed 70 64 70
mal free/red
e group D bachelor's degree uced none 50 42 48

ale group A some college standard none 69 84 82
ale group C bachelor's degree standard completed 52 61 66
fem free/red
ale group C bachelor's degree uced completed 47 62 66
fem free/red
ale group B associate's degree uced none 46 61 55
ale group E some college standard none 68 70 66
mal 10
e group E bachelor's degree standard completed 0 100 100
ale group C high school standard none 44 61 52
ale group C associate's degree standard completed 57 77 80
e group B some college standard completed 91 96 91
mal free/red
e group D high school uced none 69 70 67
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced none 35 53 46
e group D high school standard none 72 66 66
fem free/red
ale group B associate's degree uced none 54 65 65
mal free/red
e group D high school uced none 74 70 69
e group E some high school standard completed 74 64 60
mal free/red
e group E associate's degree uced none 64 56 52
fem free/red
ale group D high school uced completed 65 61 71
mal free/red
e group E associate's degree uced completed 46 43 44
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced none 48 56 51
mal free/red
e group C some college uced completed 67 74 70
mal free/red
e group D some college uced none 62 57 62
mal free/red
e group D associate's degree uced completed 61 71 73
mal free/red
e group C bachelor's degree uced completed 70 75 74
e group C associate's degree standard completed 98 87 90
mal free/red
e group D some college uced none 70 63 58
e group A associate's degree standard none 67 57 53
fem group E high school free/red none 57 58 57
ale uced
e group D some college standard completed 85 81 85
e group D some high school standard completed 77 68 69
mal free/red
e group C master's degree uced completed 72 66 72
ale group D master's degree standard none 78 91 96
e group C high school standard none 81 66 64
mal free/red
e group A some high school uced completed 61 62 61
ale group B high school standard none 58 68 61
ale group C associate's degree standard none 54 61 58
e group B high school standard none 82 82 80
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 49 58 60
mal free/red
e group B some high school uced completed 49 50 52
fem free/red
ale group E high school uced completed 57 75 73
e group E high school standard none 94 73 71
ale group D some college standard completed 75 77 83
fem free/red
ale group E some high school uced none 74 74 72
e group C high school standard completed 58 52 54
ale group C some college standard none 62 69 69
e group E associate's degree standard none 72 57 62
e group C some college standard none 84 87 81
ale group D master's degree standard none 92 100 100
ale group D high school standard none 45 63 59
e group C high school standard none 75 81 71
ale group A some college standard none 56 58 64
fem free/red
ale group D some high school uced none 48 54 53
fem 10
ale group E associate's degree standard none 0 100 100
fem free/red
ale group C some high school uced completed 65 76 75

e group D some college standard none 72 57 58
ale group D some college standard none 62 70 72
e group A some high school standard completed 66 68 64
e group C some college standard none 63 63 60
ale group E associate's degree standard none 68 76 67
ale group B bachelor's degree standard none 75 84 80
ale group D bachelor's degree standard none 89 100 100
e group C some high school standard completed 78 72 69
fem free/red
ale group A high school uced completed 53 50 60
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 49 65 61
ale group A some college standard none 54 63 67
ale group C some college standard completed 64 82 77
mal free/red
e group B some college uced completed 60 62 60
e group C associate's degree standard none 62 65 58
e group D high school standard completed 55 41 48
ale group C associate's degree standard none 91 95 94
fem free/red
ale group B high school uced none 8 24 23
e group D some high school standard none 81 78 78
e group B some high school standard completed 79 85 86
ale group A some college standard completed 78 87 91
ale group C some high school standard none 74 75 82
e group A high school standard none 57 51 54
ale group C associate's degree standard none 40 59 51
e group E some high school standard completed 81 75 76
fem free/red
ale group A some high school uced none 44 45 45
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced completed 67 86 83
mal group E high school free/red completed 86 81 75
e uced
ale group B some high school standard completed 65 82 78
fem free/red
ale group D associate's degree uced none 55 76 76
fem free/red
ale group D bachelor's degree uced none 62 72 74
e group A high school standard none 63 63 62
ale group E master's degree standard completed 88 99 95
mal free/red
e group C high school uced none 62 55 55
fem free/red
ale group C high school uced completed 59 71 65
ale group D some college standard completed 68 78 77
fem free/red
ale group D some college uced none 77 86 86


It is the process used to assess the quality of computer software. Software testing is an
empirical technical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information
about the quality of the product or service under test, with respect to the context in which
it is intended to operate.

Testing Phases:
Software testing phases include the following:
 Test activities are determined and test data selected.
 The test is conducted and test results are compared with the expected results.


It is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the
quality of the product or service under test. Software testing can also provide an objective,
independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the
risks of software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to, the
process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software
bugs(errors or other defects).

Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software
 Meets the requirements that guided its design and development;
 Works as expected; and
 It can be implemented with the same characteristics.
Software testing, depending on the testing method employed, can be implemented
at any time in the development process. However, most of the test effort occurs after the
requirements have been defined and the coding process has been completed. As such, the
methodology of the test is governed by the software development methodology adopted.


8.2.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is essentially for the verification of the code produced during the coding phase
and the goal is test the internal logic of the module/program. In the Generic code project,
the unit testing is done during coding phase of data entry forms whether the functions are
working properly or not. In this phase all the connectors are tested they are rightly
connected or not.
Each module of Deal Tracker undergoes Unit Testing based on the logic that is
formulated. Unit Testing is done during the data entry forms in coding phase for checking
the functionality of each module.

8.2.2 Integration Testing

Testing the functionality of the system as a whole verifies the operation of interface
between the modules of the system. After the unit testing, integration testing is applied.
The integrated system was thoroughly tested so that no errors due to integration occur at
runtime. In this system all modules are connected and tested.
Once Unit testing is done, the modules are tested together for further functionality of the
modules- Integration testing is performed.

8.2.3 System testing

System testing tests a completely integrated system to verify that it meets its requirements.
In addition, the software testing should ensure that the program, as well as working as
expected, does not also destroy or partially corrupt its operating environment or cause
other processes within that environment to become inoperative (this includes not
corrupting shared memory, not consuming or locking up excessive resources and leaving
any parallel processes unharmed by its presence).

8.2.4 Acceptance Testing

 Acceptance Testing is a test conducted to determine if the requirements of a specification
or contract are met. It may involve chemical tests, physical tests, or performance tests.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a process of obtaining confirmation that a system
meets mutually agreed-upon requirements.  UAT is one of the final stages of a project and
often occurs before a client or customer accepts the new system.


Test results emphasize how the actual results differed from the expected results.This
suggests the need for re-testing, and to discover the source of differences. The test phase
of systems development process involves the defining of the criteria by which the system
will be tested and measuring the criteria against the acceptable failure rate. Individual
modules are tested during the development itself. Errors detected are corrected and re-
tested, and the project leader has verified the compliance.
Each input, output and processes are tested to verify that it performs as specified in the
design. The test data included illegal as well as out of range data.It is found that the system
is able to handle all
the possibilities.
The units in the system are re-compiled and errors found are corrected as indicated by the
compiler.The tests are repeated until all known errors are eliminated and the program
matched the design specifications. Separate tests are performed to ensure that program
units are properly interfaced with each other to form a complete system.


fig. 9.1

fig. 9.2

fig. 9.3

fig. 9.4

fig. 9.5

fig. 9.6

fig. 9.7

fig. 9.8

In the future the project will include database connectivity so that student’s data could be
accessed through the database itself. Machine learning and automation of data ca be used
in the future to make it even easier to calculate the progress. More factors can be added
and the effect of those factors


The Student’s Progress Analyser is a data analysis project made using python so as to ease
the work of management and teachers in schools or colleges to calculate the progress of
students. In the earlier times it was difficult to calculate the progress manually, based on
the factors that affect them therefore, automation is done using python and it helps
calculate the progress in a very less span of time, unlike before when the task was very
time consuming. The Student’s Progress Analyser will help increase the productivity of
the institution. It is purely made in python and is very easy to operate. All the calculations
are done by the machine internally. The only thing required is an excel sheet consisting of
data of students including the factors that affect their progress such as their gender, type of
education of their parents, type of lunch consumption, etc . Student progress analyzer is a
python-based project that allows you to calculate the progress of a student and compare it
on the basis of different factors affecting their growth. It will make the work easier and is
a great platform for schools and colleges to maintain record of students and analyze it for


 Tutorial’s point

 Wikipedia

 Google


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