TDT Collection September 2021
TDT Collection September 2021
TDT Collection September 2021
ORLANDO, FLORIDA – Orange County Comptroller Phil Diamond announced today that Tourist
Development Tax collections received by Orange County for the September 2021 TDT collection
Month-over-month, September collections were lower than August collections by $7,100 and were
also lower than September 2019 collections by $1.3 million. In addition, September collections
were the lowest in any pre-pandemic September since 2015. However, collections remain
significantly above where they were at the beginning of the pandemic. Finally, on a fiscal year
basis, FY2020-21 collections were higher than FY2019-20 by $9.5 million, but lower than FY2018-
19 by $107.1 million. The chart below shows monthly TDT collections for the last three fiscal
years. This year’s collections were lower than any pre-pandemic year since FY2011-12.
Fiscal Year 2020-21
In Millions
September by $7.1 million as shown in the attached “TDT Cash Reserve Summary.” Note, there
is a two month time lag between when TDT is collected and when it is remitted, received and
recorded on the County’s financial books. Therefore, September reserves reflect July TDT
collections. On a cumulative basis, since the start of the pandemic, the County has used $133.1
million of reserves to meet its TDT obligations. That has caused our undesignated “Other
Authorized Uses” reserves to decrease from $181.3 million to $48.2 million during that time.
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Tourist Development Tax - Cash Reserve Summary as of September 30, 2021
1. Debt service reserves are restricted for debt service only and equal the maximum
annual debt service payment.
2. The County has committed to maintaining a reserve for property replacement equal to
4% of the Convention Center’s gross physical plant and equipment-excluding construction in
progress. This Renewal and Replacement Reserve component is currently fully funded at
FISCAL YEAR 2021 (10/1/20-9/30/21)
Monthly Collections
Budget to Actual
Actual to Actual
Actual to Actual
Month/Year Amount
Adjustments(1) 421,100
Total $176,872,100
(1) Represents amounts received from audits conducted by the County Audit Division for
periods prior to Fiscal Year 2021 and other accounting timing adjustments.