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The proposed development is a mixed-use planned unit development called Langley Estates that would include up to 2,800 residential units and 250,000 square feet of non-residential space across 943 acres. It is a multi-phase project with higher than average densities.

The proposed development, Langley Estates, would include up to 2,800 single-family and multi-family residential units and 250,000 square feet of non-residential space across 943 acres. It is designed in pods with higher densities to accommodate the site constraints.

The applicant is requesting a zoning map amendment to change the zoning from Agricultural to Planned Unit Development - Community Mixed Use as well as approval of a non-statutory development agreement.


Meeting Date: February 01, 2022

Contact Name: Maxwell Spann
Department: Planning

Subject: Langley Estates PUD Rezoning

Background Summary:
The applicant is proposing to develop a 2,800-unit mixed-use development involving non-residential
square footage and single and multi-family unit residential subdivisions in multiple phases across the
+/- 944-acre property. In general, the project has been designed by the Applicant to have a lot layout
where the density of the parcel is generally higher (overall 2.97 average density) than the common
density in the currently developed portions of the City. The configuration of the property and
environmental features of the project require the developer to utilize pod developments with higher
specific densities thus requiring the developer to use the flexibility of the PUD process allowed under
the City’s Land Development Code to reach the intended lot count of up to 2,800 units. The property
originally changed its Future Land Use Designation to Planned Unit Development Community Mixed
Use and was approved by the City Council through Ordinance 2005-07-395. There will be no lot size
allowed smaller than the proposed minimum of 4,000 sq. ft. for single family homes and 1,500sf for
multi-family (town) homes (the smallest single family lot size recently approved in the City was 4,400sf
at Roper Trails). A Waiver has been requested for the project which will be reviewed under a separate
staff report. No variances have been requested for this development project.

Motion to find Ordinance 2022-03-629 to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Mascotte to change
943.74 acres from Mascotte Agricultural to Planned Unit Development Community Mixed-Use zoning
consistent the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map.

01_2021-06-177_langley estates da-staff report_01 (002)
04-ZMA Ord._2022-03-629 (943.74 ac) - FINAL

Type of Item:
☐ Public Hearing
☐ Ordinance First Reading
☐ Ordinance Second Reading
☐ Resolution
☐ Discussion & Direction
☒ Motion and Approval
☒ Local Planning Agency
LPA & City Council (Rezoning), February 1, 2022


2021-06-177– Zoning Map Amendment & Non-Statutory Dev’t Agreement – Langley Estates PUD
I. General Information

Request: Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA) to change the zoning designation from “Agricultural” to
“Planned Unit Development - Community Mixed-Use” through Ordinance 2022-03-629
Non-Statutory Development Agreement (D.A.) by The Langley Limited Partnership to
develop up to 2,800 single and multi-family residential units and supporting non-residential
square footage as agreed to in a Development Agreement (D.A.) with the City.
Applic./Agent: Charles W. Piper, II Owner(s): The Langley Limited Partnership LLL et. al.
9349 Tibet Pointe Cir. Attn: Arthur E. Langley
Windermere, FL 34786 1831 Bett Mar Lane
(407) 908-6987 Winter Park, FL 32789
Site Location: North & south of Simon Brown Rd. & between CR 33/Villa City Rd. (NOT within the CRA)
Gross Ac. Allowed Units Proposed Units Proposed Non-Res Proposed Density & FAR
943.747 ac. Up to 7,549 du 2,800 du 250,000 sf 2.96 du/ac

PID & Legal: Please see the Appendix A to this staff report for parcel identification and Exhibit A to the
Development Agreement for the legal description and survey.
Exist’g/Prop’d Use: Undeveloped / Mixed-Use Subdivision
2021-06-177 – Langley Estates PUD
LPA & City Council – February 1, 2022

Surrounding Land Uses

Existing FLU Existing Zoning Existing Land Use
North Baptist Encampment & Indigo Lakes PUD Ag / PUD-RM Church Camp / Vacant Residential
East City of Groveland PUD Vacant Residential
South Lake County Ag Transition A (Lake Co) Vacant Ag & Large Lot Single Fam
West Lake County Ag Transition A (Lake Co) Vacant Agricultural
West Lake County Ag Transition A (Lake Co) Vacant Agricultural

Public Notification: Signs were posted on the property as required. 91 mailings occurred for the application,
as required by State Statute (300’ notification boundary size). Ad Proofs provided.
II. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Review
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the proposed project for compliance and consistency with the City of
Mascotte’s Comprehensive Plan, and the compliance and consistency with the Land Development Code.

The applicant is proposing to develop a 2,800-unit mixed-use development involving non-residential square
footage and single and multi-family unit residential subdivisions in multiple phases across the +/- 944-acre
property. In general, the project has been designed by the Applicant to have a lot layout where the density of the
parcel is generally higher (overall 2.96 average density) than the common density in the currently developed
portions of the City. The configuration of the property and environmental features of the project require the
developer to utilize pod developments with higher specific densities thus requiring the developer to use the
flexibility of the PUD process allowed under the City’s Land Development Code to reach the intended lot count
of up to 2,800 units. The property originally changed its Future Land Use Designation to Planned Unit
Development Community Mixed Use and was approved by the City Council through Ordinance 2005-07-395.
There will be no lot size allowed smaller than the proposed minimum of 4,000 sq. ft. for single family homes and
1,500sf for multi-family (town) homes (the smallest single-family lot size recently approved in the City was
4,400sf at Roper Trails). A Waiver has been requested for the project which will be reviewed under a separate
staff report. No variances have been requested for this development project.
The motions required for this application include (but are not limited to):
1. The LPA needs a motion to find Ordinance 2022-03-629 to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Mascotte
to change 943.74 acres from Mascotte Agricultural to Planned Unit Development Community Mixed-Use
zoning consistent the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map. (February 1, 2022 meeting)
2. The City Council needs a motion to (approve/deny) the first reading of Ordinance 2022-03-629 to amend
the Zoning Map of the City of Mascotte to change 943.74 acres from Mascotte Agricultural to Planned Unit
Development Community Mixed-Use zoning. (February 1, 2022 meeting)
3. The City Council needs a motion to adopt Ordinance 2022-03-629 to amend the Zoning Map of the City of
Mascotte to change 943.74 acres from Mascotte Agricultural to Planned Unit Development Community
Mixed-Use zoning. (TBD, 2022 meeting)
4. The LPA needs a motion to (approve/deny) the Development Agreement and the Exhibit B - Conceptual
Site Plan as consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (TBD, 2022 meeting)
5. The City Council needs a motion to (approve/deny) the Development Agreement and the Exhibit B -
Conceptual Site Plan (CSP) consistent the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code, and to
direct the City Clerk to record the Agreement and the Conceptual Site Plan (CSP). (TBD, 2022 meeting)
2021-06-177 – Langley Estates PUD
LPA & City Council – February 1, 2022

The applicant is not currently proposing to impact any wetland in the development but wetlands have been
identified on and adjacent to the site. This will be reviewed and verified in detail by staff through the SJRWMD
ERP permitting process and subsequently by the City Council through the Construction Plan review and approval

Stormwater will be treated by a stormwater system that will be designed to meet SJRWMD standards as required
in the City of Mascotte LDR’s. This will be reviewed in detail by staff and the City Council through the Construction
Plan review and approval process.

Wastewater will be treated through a central sewer system throughout the development. This is required in the
City for subdivisions of this density and proposed lot sizes in this application. The inclusion and expansion of the
central sewer system will further help the Cities in the regional water and wastewater solutions. This project is
not encumbered by any Green Swamp regulations.

Transportation solutions for issues related to the project have been outlined in the Development Agreement. The
ingress egress and construction access points will be defined during the Construction Plan review process.
Direct access points onto Villa City Road, Simon Brown Road and CR 33 will be designed in conjunction with
the Mascotte Public Works Department, the Lake County Transportation Department & Lake Sumter MPO
regulations. A traffic study has been provided by the applicant for the project to forecast future impacts and levels
of service and will be updated with each phase of development. Further detail for these topics and concurrency
management will be reviewed in detail by staff and the City Council through the Construction Plan review and
approval process.

The existing zoning designation limits the maximum density to be utilized strictly for residential and commercial
development and does not allow over-development of the property. The required elements to meet the City’s
Land Development, SJRWMD, FDEP, and Open Space requirements will play a role in achieving maximum
density. Ensuring compatibility of the use characteristics of the zoning designation with the surrounding uses
should be considered to ensure the compatibility of the proposed uses.
III. Zoning Map Amendment Review
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the proposed zoning of the project for compliance and consistency with
the City of Mascotte Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances respectively.

The applicant is proposing to develop an approximately 943.74-acre single-family subdivision. In general, the
subdivision has been designed by the Applicant to have a lot layout where the density of the parcel is generally
higher than the historical density in the City of Mascotte. The property was previously annexed and given a
Future Land Use of Planned Unit Development Community Mixed-Use thus requiring the developer to rezone to
the PUD-CM zoning designation and follow the associated process required under the City’s Land Development

Wastewater will be treated through a central sewer system throughout the development. This is a new common
element for the City’s subdivisions and is also an underlying required principle to allowing the denser form of
development in this application with the proposed smaller lots. The inclusion and expansion of the City’s central
sewer system will help create synergies regionally with the City of Groveland.

Transportation solutions for impacts related to the project have been outlined in the Development Agreement
and a Conceptual Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) has been submitted for the project. The ingress egress
access points have been identified on the Conceptual Site Plan (CSP). Direct access points onto CR33, Villa
2021-06-177 – Langley Estates PUD
LPA & City Council – February 1, 2022

City Road and Simon Brown Road will be designed in conjunction with Lake County Transportation Department
& MPO regulations. Further detail for these topics and concurrency management will be reviewed in detail by
staff and the City Council through the subsequent processes required under the code.

Comprehensive Plan Policy Consistency Statement (ZMA):

The planning staff finds the Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA) to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,
specifically FLU Policy A1-9.4, including any and all recently-transmitted amendments, and further recommends
that the Local Planning Agency and the City Council approve the Zoning Map Amendment and associated
The Applicant is requesting to modify the zoning of the parcel(s) from the existing Mascotte Agricultural
designations to the proposed PUD-CM designation. The table below shows the allowed densities based on this
requested modification. The number of requested units in the application is 2,800 dwelling units.
Existing Zoning Acres Max. Units Proposed Zoning Acres Max. Units
Designation Designation
Agriculture (1 du/5ac) 943.74 188 du. PUD-DM (8.0 du/ac) 943.74 7,549 du.

IV. City Council (Dev’t Agreement) Comprehensive Plan Policy Review

Comprehensive planning is based on the Community Planning Act which can be found in the Florida State
Statutes under Chapter 163. The City of Mascotte’s Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2017 and was
effective on February 27, 2017 through Ordinance No. 2016-12-550. The Comprehensive Plan currently has
nine (9) Elements per statute 163.3177 which cover the following topics: Future Land Use, Housing, Capital
Improvements, Transportation, Public Facilities, Public School Facilities, Open Space and Recreation,
Conservation and Intergovernmental Coordination. They help elected officials in municipalities guide and
create direction for the management of growth and help direct staff to implement it. The relationship of the
Comprehensive Plan to help exercise land development regulatory authority can be found in statute 163.3201.
Comprehensive Plan Policy Consistency Statement (D.A.):
The planning staff finds the Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement to be consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, including any and all recently-transmitted amendments, and further recommends that the
Local Planning Agency and the City Council approve the Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement.
Pursuant to Florida Statute163.3225(2)(a) the second hearing shall be heard at the XXX City Council meeting
which begins at 6:30pm or soon thereafter at the Tedder-Thomas Memorial Civic Center, 121 North Sunset
Avenue, Mascotte, Florida.
The planning staff recommendation of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is based on the following:
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support the initiatives within the City’s 20-
year planning horizon to encourage Progressive Development, Protect Natural Areas, and
Maintain Levels of Service
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement supports the Objective A1-1 because it
utilizes the Future Land Use designation by protecting natural resources with denser
development, and maximizes economic development opportunities by adding more rooftops
which support development the City’s commercial core.
2021-06-177 – Langley Estates PUD
LPA & City Council – February 1, 2022

o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support the provisions and policies of
Objective A1-1: Land use Compatibility, specifically A1-2.3.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support the provisions and policies of
Objective A1-9: Community Mixed-Use, specifically the provisions of Policy A1-9.4.
o The developments’ gross density is proposed at a maximum of 2.96 du/ac; this density is
consistent with FLU Policy A1-9.5 which states that; the residential density for land designated
Community Mixed-Use shall be a maximum of eight dwelling units per one acre (8 du/1 ac).
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support the provisions and policies of Goal
A2: Quality of Life, Specifically Objective A2-1.3 because it adds to the overall provision of 25%
open space and Policy A2-4.4 because the land use is located near an arterial roadway.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support all of the provisions and policies of
Objective A2-2: Development Buffers because provides for buffering against all major roadways
and adjacent properties.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support all of the provisions and policies of
Objective A2-6: Public Utilities because they intend for specific installation and municipal
expansion of a central sewer system.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support the Objective B1-1 because they
Assist the private sector to provide approximately 573 new dwelling units of various types, sizes,
and costs by 2025, plus an additional 722 units between 2025 and 2035 necessary to house
the City's anticipated population through the planning horizon.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support the Objective C1-3: Level of Service
(LOS) through additions which maintain levels of service; specifically, Policy C1-3.1 as
evidenced in the Traffic Impact Analysis, Policy C1-3.6 for park acreage, and Policy C1-3.7 for
drainage systems design.
o The Construction Plans support the Objective C1-7: Concurrency through completing a
concurrency review with the City.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support the Objectives and Policies within
the City’s transportation network for motorized and non-motorized users of the City’s
transportation network under Goal D1.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support Goal E2 to provide adequate
delivery and distribution of potable water to meet fire protection demand for the development.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement meet the provisions of Policy E4-2.6 related
to connection to the central sewer system. Florida State Statute 381.0065(2)(a)(3) provides for
a definition of the term “available” used in the Comprehensive Plan.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support Policy E5-1.2 because they provide
to ensure that a stormwater system shall be designed that will provide no negative impacts to
downstream water quality or quantity.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support Objective F1-2: Evaluation of
Development Proposals because the Developer has entered a process with Lake County
School Board to review the proposed development’s student generation, available capacity and
possible mitigation.
2021-06-177 – Langley Estates PUD
LPA & City Council – February 1, 2022

o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support Policy G1-1.2 because it provides
for up to 16.07 ac of park space which will support multiple mini-parks and a minimum of one
Neighborhood Park. A Mini-Park is defined to support 500 to 2,500 residents at a minimum size
of one-quarter acre. A Neighborhood Park is defined to support a minimum of 2,500 residents
at a minimum size two-acres.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support Policy H1-3.2 because they are
required to submit to SJRWMD and to FDEP for potable water and waste (clean) water
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support Objective H1-8: Wildlife Vegetation
Protection through supplying documentation for FFWWCC and USFWS coordination for sand
skinks, gopher tortoises and a required Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species Report.
o The Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement support Objective I1-1: Coordination of
Plans by coordinating the plans with the associated agencies which support growth and
development management within the State.

V. City Council (Dev’t Agreement) Land Development Code Review

Consistent with the Land Development Code:
The planning staff recommends that the Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement are consistent with
Article IV, Section 4.7 of the City’s Land Development Code which covers Planned Unit Development.
Specifically, the items are consistent with the Purpose and Intent of the Article as follows:
The primary intent of Planned Unit Development is to provide for planned residential communities containing
a variety of residential structures and diversity of building arrangements, with complementary and compatible
nonresidential uses. Planned Unit Developments can also be primarily nonresidential as long as uses and
structures are complementary and compatible. The PUD process is a voluntary process commenced by an
applicant. The standards, procedures and negotiation process of this district are intended to promote flexibility
of design and permit planned diversification and integration of uses, unit types and structures, while at the same
time retaining in the City Council absolute authority to establish such limitations and regulations as it deems
necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. In so doing, the PUD district is designed to:

1. To allow diversification of uses, structures, and open spaces in a manner compatible with existing
and permitted land uses on abutting properties;
2. To reduce improvement and energy costs through a more efficient use of land design and smaller
network or utilities and streets than is possible through application of other zoning regulations and
subdivision requirements;
3. To ensure that development will occur according to limitations of use, design, density, coverage, and
phasing stipulated in an approved Development Plan;
4. To preserve the natural amenities and environmental assets of the land by encouraging the
preservation and improvement of scenic and functional open areas. The natural topography, soils,
and vegetation should be preserved and utilized, where possible, through the careful location and
design of circulation ways, buildings and structures, parking areas, recreation areas, open space, and
drainage facilities. Designation of conservation areas must be consistent with adopted ordinances
regulating such natural areas. The proposed location and arrangement of structures should not be
detrimental to existing or committed adjacent land uses;
2021-06-177 – Langley Estates PUD
LPA & City Council – February 1, 2022

5. To encourage an increase in the amount of use of open space areas by permitting a more economical
and concentrated use of building areas than would be possible through conventional zoning districts;
6. To provide maximum opportunity for application of innovative concepts of site planning in the creation
of aesthetically pleasing living, shopping, and working environments on properties of adequate size,
shape and location;
7. To provide a flexible zoning district which is intended to encourage an appropriate balance between
the intensity of development and the ability to provide adequate capacity of support services and
The procedures required by the Section 4.7 of the Land Development Code for staff to review a Residential
Development Site Plan request have been completed. As such, the application is deemed sufficient. The
information required by Section 4.7, Part A, of the Land Development Code has been included in the submitted

Compliance with Section 4.7 (A)

Item Requirement Complete Notes
Development Inquiry
1 Made Y
2 Conference Y
Submission of Due to processing dynamics, one hardcopy was required and kept for records
3 Conceptual PUD Plan Y retention and electronic copies were accepted to be circulated
4 Staff Review Y
Pursuant to Florida Statute163.3225 the City Council shall perform two hearings,
Action by the City one by Local Planning Agency and one by City Council. Date and time of the
5 Council Y second hearing read into record at LPA.
Expiration of The Development Agreement follows the 3-year horizon on no-action pursuant to
6 Conceptual PUD Plans Y the code.
Will review as extensions become necessary. Provisions included in the
7 Extensions N/A Development Agreement that follow the code allowances.
Conceptual PUD Plan
8 Requirements Y

VI. Staff Recommendation & Conditions

Based on the information above, the Staff finds the Exhibit B Conceptual Plan and Developer Agreement
application for a proposed subdivision to be known as “Langley Estates PUD” to be complete in terms of technical
requirements of the comprehensive plan and land development code and recommends APPROVAL, subject to
the following findings and conditions:

1. Approval is granted in accordance with the City of Mascotte Land Development Code.
2. The proposed Exhibit B Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement have been found consistent with
the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Mascotte by the City Council.
3. The proposed Exhibit B Conceptual Plan and Development Agreement have been found consistent with
the existing PUD-DM (Planned Unit Development Downtown Mixed Use) zoning district.
4. The permitted principal use has been outlined in the Development Agreement.
2021-06-177 – Langley Estates PUD
LPA & City Council – February 1, 2022

5. The Exhibit B Conceptual Plan shall be amended to address any conditions included during the City
Council voting process; the City Staff shall approve the final amended Exhibit B Conceptual Plan and
prior to recording the Development Agreement and Exhibit A and B.
6. The application is substantially complete and the preparation of Construction Plans per phase will be
the next step.

Appendix A

Parcel Identification Comparison

Parcel #
Per Title AltKey Parcel ID Acreage
1 1083575 022224000100000100 199.436
2 1298547 012224000200000200 171.284
2 1801109 012224000200000400 10.041
3 1721032 012224010603300000 67.514
3 1061784 012224010603300001 5.014
3 3834267 012224010603600001 1.539
4 3793035 012224000300001300 1.075
5 1083877 012224010003500000 NOT INCLUDED IN DA ACREAGE
6 1083532 262124000400000600 2.732
7,8 1298270 352124000100000500 292.391
9 1038693 352124000400001800 38.734
10 1111404 362124000200000500 78.734
11 1298407 362124000300001700 37.768
12 1382271 312125030510700000 14.381
13 3579968 362124010000000000 23.104
ORDINANCE 2022-03-629



WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, empowers the City Council of the City of
Mascotte, Florida, to prepare and enforce Land Development Regulations for the implementation
of the adopted Comprehensive Plan; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mascotte City Council, sitting as the Local Planning Agency,
recommended approval of a change in the zoning classification for the Properties identified herein
and found that the rezoning is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mascotte has followed all statutory and Code requirements for
noticing and advertising this rezoning Ordinance and public hearings associated with the rezoning;

WHEREAS, the City has taken all actions relating to this Ordinance in accordance with
the requirements and procedures mandated by State law, the City’s Comprehensive Plan and City’s
Land Development Regulations, holding duly noticed public hearings on the proposed zoning
change and receiving public input, and recommendations from staff; and

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mascotte finds that the applicants have met
the criteria for rezoning under the City’s land development regulations and that rezoning will not
adversely affect the public interest and will promote the public health, safety, welfare, economic
order and aesthetics of both the region and the community.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Mascotte,

Florida, as follows:

Section 1: Findings. The “Whereas” clauses above are the findings of the City of Mascotte.

Section 2: Rezoning. The Properties identified below and by their legal descriptions contained
within Exhibit “A” attached hereto, shall hereafter be classified on the Official Zoning Map as
Planned Unit Development Community Mixed Use (PUD-CM) as graphically depicted and
referenced on Exhibit “B” of this Ordinance.

Property Owner of Record and Applicant:

The Langley Limited Partnership LLL et. al.

Parcel Numbers:
022224000100000100, 012224000200000200, 012224000200000400,
012224010603300000, 012224010603300001, 012224010603600001,
012224000300001300, 262124000400000600, 352124000100000500,
352124000400001800, 362124000200000500, 362124000300001700,
312125030510700000, 362124010000000000

Legal Description:
See Exhibit “A”

Site Address:

General Location:
Approximate Acreage:
943.74 ± Acres

Existing Zoning Designation:

City of Mascotte Agriculture (A)

Section 3: Severability. If any provision or portion of this Ordinance is declared by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be void, unconstitutional, or unenforceable, then all remaining provisions
and portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 4: Conflicts. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby

Section 5: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption.

FIRST READING on the ________ day of _______________, 20___.

PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this ______day of _____________, 2022

by the City Council of the City of Mascotte, Florida.

Steven Sheffield, Mayor

By: _____________________________
Stephanie Abrams, City Clerk

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