Contacts:: Siemens Learning Center Digital Factory Division
Contacts:: Siemens Learning Center Digital Factory Division
Contacts:: Siemens Learning Center Digital Factory Division
Programs 08 - 10
Course Description 11
Functional Module 12 - 15
Technical Module 16 - 17
Curriculum 18
SAP Regular Academy 19 - 20
SAP E-Academy 21
Siemens Learning Centre
Expand Your Horizons, Be A Global Resource!
Siemens Learning Center (SLC) was a revolutionary initiative taken by Siemens Pakistan towards the late 90s to promote high quality
IT education in Pakistan which set the benchmark for future IT firms and enabled a turnkey IT solutions culture in the country. It was
this pursuit of excellence that resulted in awarding of Authorized Training Center Status by SAP Asia Pacific in 1999 to conduct SAP
Training in the country. Since then the ATC has conducted numerous SAP Solution Academies and has played a vital role in producing
highly-competent certified SAP consultants.
Siemens Learning Center is a dedicated and state-of-the-art training facility, offering coveted SAP Academy Programs and turnkey IT
infrastructure training. SAP is the leading vendor of Enterprise Resource Management solutions in the world. These training and
certification programs follow an international curriculum to provide SAP partners, customers and individuals with the highest degree
of SAP knowledge.
From training individuals and project team members at the beginning of an implementation to end-users before final go-live and post
implementation, SAP and IT infrastructure training courses are available at every stage of the implementation process. Our SLC
Education Service Offerings are as following:
SAP Certicifation for
Individuals & Professionals
Jump - start your career, gain a competitive edge, and
enhance your credentials by taking advantage of the
newly enhanced SAP® certification program – and enjoy
the many benefits of your status as an SAP-certified
The world is changing at a furious pace and it’s time to catch on.
Learning should be a constant, especially to counter the ever-evol-
ving technology. Here, SAP Education provides you with the advan-
tage of being an expert in one of the worlds leading applications.
Facility: Admission Requirement:
As a SAP Authorized Training Centre, SLC has conducted numerous The basic requirement for any module is a Bachelors Degree and at
SAP Academies and has played a leading role in producing highly- least 2 years of relevant experience. Regardless of whether you are
competent certified SAP consultants. already an experienced consultant or have no prior SAP experience,
the Academy offers courses that can help develop your skills.
SLC is equipped with advance technology to meet the require-
ments of SAP training. Some of the salient features of the facility The Academy delivers a hands-on classroom environment followed
are as following: 24 hours Wi-Fi connectivity throughout SLC, by intensive studies to discuss implementation requirements of
Video conferencing, teaching techniques, dedicated SAP SAP ERP Systems. Certification exams are available to prove your
consultant for all modules and expert level Module leads. knowledge to the marketplace.
SAP Regular Academy
SAP Regular Academy offers individuals and independent consultants’ with comprehensive training in SAP Solutions that lead to
certification as an SAP consultant. SAP Regular Academy is designed to complete the ‘track’ in 20 - 25 working days. This course
follows an international curriculum thereafter you will be eligible for a certification exam invigilated by a proctor from SAP. The
courses being offered in SAP Regular Academy are as follows:
Functional Modules
Financial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Human Capital Management
Order Fulfillment
Production Planning / Manufacturing
Technical Modules
Programming / ABAP
Business Intelligence (25 Working Days)
System Administration (25 Working Days)
Pre-requisite e-Learning courses
Certified Instructor
Access to IDES Server
Student handbooks
SAP eAcademy Beginners:
This is a customized program for fresh graduates as well as
The eAcademies are designed to improve the convenience and seasoned professionals who want to have a competitive edge over
cost-effectiveness of SAP training for experienced consultants and their peers in the industry. Having knowledge of SAP in their
professionals seeking a career change. artillery of “management tools” enables them to leverage on it in
the job market.
SAP eAcademy is fully supported to ensure assistance for all units
in the module. It provides interactive snapshots of business Project Team Members:
processes, along with simulations, exercises, mentor tips, pre and Project team members should all go through ‚‘level one‘‘ functional
post evaluations. You can also seek expert know-how through and/or technical training. The successful outcome of this training is
dedicated online support available to students via web-based chat baseline knowledge of SAP, particularly the integration points. This
and global learner discussion boards. The eAcademy also prepares foundational training should put the project team on more equal
you for the certification exam. SAP footing with the consultants from the implementation team.
One of the innovative features of the eAcademy is that alongwith SAP End-User Training
the standard web based training feature, there is an assistance at SAP End-User training is designed for those who may find it
SLC offering hands on advice and guidance on request. difficult to work on the SAP designed solutions. This course will
enhance their system usage skills thus resulting in better
SAP eAcademy includes: performance in their respective work fields. SAP End-User training
is customized according to the user’s requirements i.e. job role.
Pre-requisite e-Learning courses
Help desk support
Access to IDES Server
Student handbooks
Course Description
Functional Module
SAP Financial Accounting Follow a best-practice, structured approach
to cost assignments, from overhead manage-
SAP Financials provides the tools to help companies ment down to the product or market segment
comply with accounting standards such as U.S. Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Drill down into supporting events and
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In addition, it offers documents from high-level, operational
benefits such as the ability to generate a set of balanced results
and reconcilable financial statements by any dimension of
the business -- including, business unit, profit center, or Analyze profitability by product, market,
geographical location -- along with integrated, enterprise customer, service, or channel segment
wide financial analytic capabilities.
Hold managers at all levels of the
Training courses in this curriculum enable you to become organization accountable for efficient and
more efficient through the use of the general ledger, effective use of resources
vendor, customer, bank, and asset processes. Plus, you‘ll
discover how to leverage role-specific financial reports to
meet ongoing financial and managerial reporting require- SAP Human Capital Management
SAP provides a complete set of curricula to help you leve-
SAP Managerial Accounting rage your human capital and maximize their contribution
to the success of your business. With these courses, you‘ll
With the managerial accounting functionality, you can learn how to configure your personnel master data effec-
collect, assign, and analyze costs to evaluate the profita- tively – so you can rely on consistent, predictable access
bility of markets, channels, products, and customer seg- to records.
ments. As a result, you get the detailed information you
need to proactively manage global business performance, Plus, you‘ll learn how to manage payroll, recruit and retain
profit, and growth. key employees, define roles and access rights and leve-
rage analytics and reporting tools. As a result, you‘ll be
Training courses for this curriculum will able to apply this knowledge as a solution consultant in a
provide you with the knowledge you need to: team setting.
Collect overhead, direct, and indirect costs
at the event level
Assign costs to cost structures in a clear,
traceable manner
SAP MM – SAP Procurement (Materials Management) working capital, and reduce operating costs. With courses
in manufacturing you‘ll learn about the tools you can use
With functionality for direct procurement, SAP Supply to optimize your end-to-end manufacturing execution
Chain Management gives you the power to create and processes.
manage end-to-end procurement processes -- from
strategic sourcing, to purchase order processing, to You‘ll benefit from a thorough understanding of how to
invoicing. plan material requirements and adequately assess capa-
city and delivery constraints. Plus, you‘ll see how you can
The SAP MM procurement curriculum can help you streamline processes such as shop floor control, make-to-
optimize processes such as purchasing, inventory order production, mass production, and process
management, invoice verification, external procurement, manufacturing.
services, pricing, forecasting, reporting, cross
applications, and customizations. As a result, you‘ll be empowered to move through order to
delivery with accuracy and efficiency.
Technical Modules
Technical Modules - SAP NetWeaver BASIS - System Administration
SAP Education provides a range of courses for the SAP This course teaches basic skills for the technical
NetWeaver platform. Take advantage of curriculum administration of SAP systems. It also covers the
paths that cover specific SAP NetWeaver components and administration of the database system as part of an
functionality, including development and administration SAP installation.
of enterprise portals, business intelligence, and warehou-
sing. Prior detailed knowledge of the administration of the
relevant database and at least one operating system is
In addition, you‘ll see how SAP NetWeaver, the foundation an added advantage.
for enterprise service-oriented architecture (enterprise
SOA), empowers you to increase the flexibility and
scalability of your key business processes and lower TCO.
Programming ABAP
SAP Regular Academy
SAP Financial Accounting
20 Working Days
Code Course Name
TFIN50 Financial Accounting I 10 DAYS
TFIN52 Financial Accounting II 10 DAYS
Candidates appearing only for certification must have attendance certificate of any SAP Authorized Training
Center or having at least 2 years of SAP hands on experience. Fee for certification is 530 EUROS.
All academy material will be issued by Academy in shape of photocopy. No softcopy of any material will be
Instructors are subject to change if required. It is not necessary for one particular instructor to conduct the
entire training.
Management reserves the right to deny entrance for any reason which is not acceptable or appropriate.
Misappropriation of Academy equipment, or damages caused to the Academy furniture, fixtures and/or
equipment by student(s)/students caused due to negligence or otherwise, shall be reimbursed to the
Academy before the Certification Exam. The Academy is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings
of course participants.
I have hereby read and understood all policies and procedures and agree to abide by them.
Date: _______________
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________
Please Note: All Course Fee should be paid in equivalent Pakistani Rupees (depending on the open market
rate for the day) via a pay order made out to "Siemens Pakistan Engineering Company Limited". Enrollment
form should be accompanied by a pay-order and two recent passport photographs to guarantee admission.
Enrollment and payment should be sent to:
Islamabad Office, Siemens Learning Center, 11th Floor, UBL Building, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad,
Phone: +92 51 2812151-59
Karachi Office, Siemens Learning Center, Office Wing, 2nd Floor, Park Towers, Abdullah Shah Ghazi Road,
Clifton, Karachi, Phone: +92 21 5876386 +92 35835784
SAP Regular Academy