Sigma7 Rotary Servomotor Product Manual

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-7-Series AC Servo Drive

Rotary Servomotor
Product Manual

Basic Information on Servomotors 1

Capacity Selection 2
Specifications, Ratings, and
External Dimensions of SGM7M Servomotors 3
Specifications, Ratings, and
External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors 4
Specifications, Ratings, and
External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors 5
Specifications, Ratings, and
External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors 6
Specifications, Ratings, and
External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors 7
Specifications, Ratings, and
External Dimensions of SGMMV Servomotors 8
Servomotor Installation 9
Connections between
Servomotors and SERVOPACKs 10
Maintenance and Inspection 11
Appendices 12


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, elec-
tronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission
of Yaskawa. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the informa-
tion contained herein. Moreover, because Yaskawa is constantly striving to
improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is sub-
ject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation
of this manual. Nevertheless, Yaskawa assumes no responsibility for errors or
omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of
the information contained in this publication.
About this Manual
This manual provides information required to select, install, connect, and maintain Rotary Servo-
motors for Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drives.
Read and understand this manual to ensure correct usage of the Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drives.
Keep this manual in a safe place so that it can be referred to whenever necessary.

Outline of Manual
The contents of the chapters of this manual are described in the following table.
Refer to these chapters as required.
Chapter Chapter Title Contents
Provides basic information on Rotary Servomotors, including Servomo-
1 Basic Information on Servomotors
tor part names and combinations with SERVOPACKs.
Describes calculation methods to use when selecting Servomotor
2 Capacity Selection
Specifications, Ratings, and
Describes how to interpret the model numbers of SGM7M Servomotors
3 External Dimensions of
and gives their specifications, ratings, and external dimensions.
SGM7M Servomotors
Specifications, Ratings, and
Describes how to interpret the model numbers of SGM7J Servomotors
4 External Dimensions of
and gives their specifications, ratings, and external dimensions.
SGM7J Servomotors
Specifications, Ratings, and
Describes how to interpret the model numbers of SGM7A Servomotors
5 External Dimensions of
and gives their specifications, ratings, and external dimensions.
SGM7A Servomotors
Specifications, Ratings, and
Describes how to interpret the model numbers of SGM7P Servomotors
6 External Dimensions of
and gives their specifications, ratings, and external dimensions.
SGM7P Servomotors
Specifications, Ratings, and
Describes how to interpret the model numbers of SGM7G Servomotors
7 External Dimensions of
and gives their specifications, ratings, and external dimensions.
SGM7G Servomotors
Specifications, Ratings, and
Describes how to interpret the model numbers of SGMMV Servomotors
8 External Dimensions of
and gives their specifications, ratings, and external dimensions.
SGMMV Servomotors
Describes the installation conditions, procedures, and precautions for
9 Servomotor Installation
Connections between Servomo- Describes the cables that are used to connect the Servomotors and
tors and SERVOPACKs SERVOPACKs and provides related precautions.
11 Maintenance and Inspection Describes the maintenance, inspection, and disposal of a Servomotor.
Provide additional information on Servomotors with Gears and refer-
12 Appendices
ence information on selecting Servomotor capacity.

Related Documents
The relationships between the documents that are related to the Servo Drives are shown in the following
figure. The numbers in the figure correspond to the numbers in the table on the following pages. Refer
to these documents as required.

System Components
Machine Controllers Servo Drives


Controller MP3300 Σ-7-Series
Servo Drive Catalog Catalog


Machine Controllers

SERVOPACKs with Built-in Controllers: Σ-7C
Built-in Option
Function Module
Manuals Manuals   
Enclosed Σ-7-Series Built-in Σ-7-Series
Documents Σ-7C Function Σ-7C
Product Manual Manual

Enclosed Σ-7-Series Σ-7-Series Σ-7-Series

Documents Σ-7S/Σ-7W Σ-7S/Σ-7W Σ-7S/Σ-7W
Hardware Option FT/EX

Manuals Product Manuals Product Manuals


Σ-V-Series Option Enclosed Σ-7-Series

Module Documents Servomotor
Manual User’s Product
Manual Manuals
(such as this manual)

Other Documents

Σ-7-Series Σ-7-Series Programming Σ-7-Series Distributed

Peripheral MECHATROLINK Manuals Operation I/O Module
Device Communications Interface
Selection Command Operating Manual
Manual Manuals Manuals

Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Describes the features and applica-

Machine Controller and tion examples for combinations of
Machine Controller and
AC Servo Drive KAEP S800001 22 MP3000-Series Machine Control-
Servo Drive
Solutions Catalog lers and Σ-7-Series AC Servo
General Catalog
Provides detailed information on
 Machine Controller MP3300 Machine Controllers,
KAEP C880725 03
MP3300 Catalog MP3300 including features and specifica-
Provides detailed information on Σ-
 AC Servo Drives
KAEP S800001 23 7-Series AC Servo Drives, including
Σ-7-Series Catalog Σ-7 Series
features and specifications.
Provides detailed information on
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive the specifications, system configu-
Σ-7C SERVOPACK ration, and application methods of
SIEP S800002 03
Motion Control the Motion Control Function Mod-
User’s Manual ules (SVD, SVC4, and SVR4) for Σ-
7-Series Σ-7C SERVOPACKs.
 Provides detailed information on
Built-in Function Manuals the specifications, system configu-
Machine Controller ration, and communications con-
MP3000 Series nection methods for the Ethernet
SIEP C880725 12
Communications communications that are used with
User’s Manual MP3000-Series Machine Control-
lers and Σ-7-Series Σ-7C SERVO-
Machine Controller
MP2000 Series
SIEP C880700 04
Communication Module
User’s Manual
Provide detailed information on the
Machine Controller
specifications and communica-
MP2000 Series
tions methods for the Communica-
262IF-01 FL-net SIEP C880700 36
tions Modules that can be mounted
Communication Module
to MP3000-Series Machine Con-
User’s Manual
trollers and Σ-7-Series Σ-7C
Machine Controller SERVOPACKs.
MP2000 Series
263IF-01 EtherNet/IP SIEP C880700 39
 Communication Module
Option Module User’s Manual
User’s Manuals Machine Controller
MP2000 Series
SIEP C880700 34
I/O Module
User’s Manual
Provide detailed information on the
Machine Controller
specifications and communica-
MP2000 Series
tions methods for the I/O Modules
Analog Input/Analog Output SIEP C880700 26
that can be mounted to MP3000-
Module AI-01/AO-01
Series Machine Controllers and Σ-
User’s Manual
7-Series Σ-7C SERVOPACKs.
Machine Controller
MP2000 Series
SIEP C880700 27
Counter Module CNTR-01
User’s Manual
Continued on next page.

Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Provides detailed information for
Σ-7S and Σ-7W SERVOPACK TOMP C710828 00 the safe usage of Σ-7-Series
Safety Precautions SERVOPACKs.
TOMP C710800 10
Safety Precautions
Provide detailed information for the
Σ-V-Series AC SERVOPACK safe usage of Σ-V-Series SERVO-
TOBP C710829 02
Safety Precautions
TOBP C710829 14
Safety Precautions
Type A01 Provide detailed information for the
safe usage of Σ-V-MD-Series
TOBP C710829 10
Safety Precautions
Type A02
DC Power Input Σ-V Series Provides detailed information for
AC SERVOPACK TOBP C710829 06 the safe usage of DC Power Input
Safety Precautions Σ-V Series SERVOPACKs.
for Large-Capacity Models/
Provides detailed information for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 00
the safe usage of Option Modules.
Safety Precautions
 Option Module
Enclosed Documents
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 01 installing the Command Option
Installation Guide Module in a SERVOPACK.
Command Option Module
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 03 installing the Fully-closed Module in
Installation Guide a SERVOPACK.
Fully-closed Module
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 06 installing the Safety Module in a
Installation Guide SERVOPACK.
Safety Module
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 02 installing the INDEXER Module in a
Installation Guide SERVOPACK.
for Large-Capacity Models/ Provides detailed procedures for
Σ-7-Series TOBP C720829 07 installing the DeviceNet Module in a
Installation Guide SERVOPACK.
DeviceNet Module
Provides detailed information on
 selecting Σ-7-Series Σ-7C SERVO-
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive PACKs; installing, connecting, set-
Σ-7C SERVOPACK SIEP S800002 04 ting, testing in trial operation, and
Product Manual tuning Servo Drives; writing, moni-
Product Manual
toring, and maintaining programs;
and other information.

Σ-7-Series Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Provides detailed troubleshooting
Σ-7C SERVOPACK Σ-7C SERVOPACK SIEP S800002 07 information for Σ-7-Series Σ-7C
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Manual SERVOPACKs.
Continued on next page.

Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Communications References
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Communications References
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Analog Voltage/Pulse Train SIEP S800001 26 Provide detailed information on
 References selecting Σ-7-Series SERVO-
Σ-7-Series Product Manual PACKs and information on install-
Σ-7S/Σ-7W ing, connecting, setting, performing
SERVOPACK Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive trial operation for, tuning, monitor-
Product Manuals Σ-7S SERVOPACK ing, and maintaining the Servo
Command Option Attachable SIEP S800001 64 Drives.
Type with INDEXER Module
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Command Option Attachable SIEP S800001 70
Type with DeviceNet Module
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Communications References
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Hardware Option Specifica-
 tions
SIEP S800001 73
Σ-7-Series Dynamic Brake
Σ-7S/Σ-7W Product Manual Provide detailed information on
SERVOPACK with Hardware Options for Σ-7-Series
Hardware Option Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive SERVOPACKs.
Specifications Σ-7W/Σ-7C SERVOPACK with
Product Manuals Hardware Option Specifica-
SIEP S800001 72
HWBB Function
Product Manual
Continued on next page.

Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification for Index- SIEP S800001 84
ing Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification for Track- SIEP S800001 89
ing Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
for Application with Special SIEP S800001 91
SGM7D Motor
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800001 94
for Press and Injection
Molding Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800001 95
for Transfer and Alignment
Σ-7-Series Product Manual Provide detailed information on the
Σ-7S/Σ-7W SERVOPACK FT/EX Option for Σ-7-Series
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Product Manuals
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800002 09
for Torque/Force Assistance
for Conveyance Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800002 10
for Cutting Application
Feed Shaft Motor
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
SIEP S800002 17
for Three-Point Latching
for Conveyance Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification
for Semi-/Fully-Closed Loop SIEP S800002 27
Control Online Switching
for Conveyance Application
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
FT/EX Specification SIEP S800002 29
for Gantry Applications
Product Manual
Continued on next page.

Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
AC Servo Drives
DC Power Input Σ-V Series
User’s Manual SIEP S800000 80
Rotational Motor
AC Servo Drives
DC Power Input Σ-V Series
User’s Manual
Design and Maintenance SIEP S800000 81
Rotational Motor
Analog Voltage Reference and
Pulse Train Reference Provide details information
AC Servo Drives required for the design and mainte-
DC Power Input Σ-V Series nance of the DC Power Input Σ-V
User’s Manual Series SERVOPACKs.
Design and Maintenance SIEP S800000 82
Σ-V-Series Rotational Motor
Communications Reference
AC Servo Drives
DC Power Input Σ-V Series
User’s Manual
Design and Maintenance SIEP S800000 83
Rotational Motor
Communications Reference
AC Servo Drives
Σ-V-MD Series
Provides details information
User’s Manual
required for the design and mainte-
Type A01/A02 SIEP S800001 02
nance of the Σ-V-MD Series
Rotational Motor
Communications References
AC Servo Drives
Σ-V Series/Σ-V Series
Provides details information
for Large-Capacity Models/
Option Module SIEP C720829 06 required for the design and mainte-
Σ-7 Series
User’s Manual nance of a Safety Module.
User’s Manual
Safety Module
AC Servo Drive Provides detailed information for
Rotary Servomotor TOBP C230260 00 the safe usage of Rotary Servomo-
Safety Precautions tors and Direct Drive Servomotors.
Enclosed Documents AC Servomotor Provides detailed information for
Linear Σ Series TOBP C230800 00 the safe usage of Linear Servomo-
Safety Precautions tors.
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
This manual
Rotary Servomotor
(SIEP S800001 36)
Product Manual
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Provide detailed information on
Σ-7-Series Linear Servomotor SIEP S800001 37 selecting, installing, and connecting
Servomotor Product Manual the Σ-7-Series Servomotors.
Product Manuals
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Direct Drive Servomotor SIEP S800001 38
Product Manual
Continued on next page.

Continued from previous page.
Classification Document Name Document No. Description
Provides the following information
in detail for Σ-7-Series Servo Sys-
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive • Cables: Models, dimensions, wir-
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device SIEP S800001 32 ing materials, connector models,
Peripheral Device Selection Manual and connection specifications
Selection Manual • Peripheral devices: Models,
specifications, diagrams, and
selection (calculation) methods
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Provides detailed information on
SIEP S800001 30
Communications cations commands that are used
Σ-7-Series Command Manual for a Σ-7-Series Servo System.
MECHATROLINK Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Provides detailed information on
Command Manuals Communications SIEP S800001 31 cations standard servo profile com-
Standard Servo Profile mands that are used for a Σ-7-
Command Manual Series Servo System.
Provides detailed information on
Machine Controller
the ladder programming specifica-
MP3000 Series
SIEP C880725 13 tions and instructions for MP3000-
Ladder Programming
Series Machine Controllers and Σ-
7-Series Σ-7C SERVOPACKs.
Programming Provides detailed information on
Manuals Machine Controller the motion programming and
MP3000 Series sequence programming specifica-
SIEP C880725 14
Motion Programming tions and instructions for MP3000-
Manual Series Machine Controllers and Σ-
7-Series Σ-7C SERVOPACKs.
Machine Controller
MP2000/MP3000 Series
Describes in detail how to operate
Engineering Tool SIEP C880761 03
MPE720 version 7.
MPE720 Version 7
User’s Manual
Σ-7-Series Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Describes the operating proce-
Operation Interface Digital Operator SIEP S800001 33 dures for a Digital Operator for a
Operating Manuals Operating Manual Σ-7-Series Servo System.
AC Servo Drive Provides detailed operating proce-
Engineering Tool dures for the SigmaWin+ Engineer-
SIET S800001 34
SigmaWin+ ing Tool for a Σ-7-Series Servo
Operation Manual System.
Describes the functions, specifica-
tions, operating methods, and
Distributed MECHATROLINK-III communica-
Compatible I/O Module SIEP C880781 04
I/O Module tions for the Remote I/O Modules
User’s Manual
User’s Manuals for MP2000/MP3000-Series
Machine Controllers.

Using This Manual
 Technical Terms Used in This Manual
The following terms are used in this manual.
Term Meaning
Servomotor A Σ-7-Series Rotary Servomotor.
SERVOPACK A Σ-7-Series Σ-7S Servo Amplifier.
Servo Drive The combination of a Servomotor and SERVOPACK.
One of the cables that connect to the main circuit terminals, including the Main Circuit
Main Circuit Cable
Power Supply Cable, Control Power Supply Cable, and Servomotor Main Circuit Cable.
The general term used for absolute encoders with batteries and batteryless absolute
absolute encoder
In cases where the general term causes confusion, the term “batteryless absolute
encoder” may also be used.

 Trademarks
• MECHATROLINK is a trademark of the MECHATROLINK Members Association.
• QR code is a trademark of Denso Wave Inc.
• Other product names and company names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the
respective company. “TM” and the ® mark do not appear with product or company names in this

 Visual Aids
The following aids are used to indicate certain types of information for easier reference.

Indicates precautions or restrictions that must be observed.

Also indicates alarm displays and other precautions that will not result in machine damage.

Indicates definitions of difficult terms or terms that have not been previously explained in this manual.

Example Indicates operating or setting examples.

Information Indicates supplemental information to deepen understanding or useful information.

Safety Precautions
 Safety Information
To prevent personal injury and equipment damage in advance, the following signal words are used
to indicate safety precautions in this document. The signal words are used to classify the hazards
and the degree of damage or injury that may occur if a product is used incorrectly. Information
marked as shown below is important for safety. Always read this information and heed the precau-
tions that are provided.

 Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, are likely to result in loss of life, serious injury, or fire.

 Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, could result in loss of life, serious injury, or fire.

 Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, could result in relatively serious or minor injury, or in

 Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, could result in property damage.

 Safety Precautions That Must Always Be Observed
 General Precautions

 Read and understand this manual to ensure the safe usage of the product.
 Keep this manual in a safe, convenient place so that it can be referred to whenever necessary.
Make sure that it is delivered to the final user of the product.
 Do not remove covers, cables, connectors, or optional devices while power is being supplied to
There is a risk of electric shock, operational failure of the product, or burning.

 Connect the ground terminals on the SERVOPACK and Servomotor to ground poles according
to local electrical codes (100 Ω or less for a SERVOPACK with a 100-VAC or 200-VAC power
supply, and 10 Ω or less for a SERVOPACK with a 400-VAC power supply).
There is a risk of electric shock or fire.
 Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify the product.
There is a risk of fire or failure.
The warranty is void for the product if you disassemble, repair, or modify it.

 The SERVOPACK heat sinks, regenerative resistors, External Dynamic Brake Resistors, Servo-
motors, and other components can be very hot while power is ON or soon after the power is
turned OFF. Implement safety measures, such as installing covers, so that hands and parts
such as cables do not come into contact with hot components.
There is a risk of burn injury.
 Do not damage, pull on, apply excessive force to, place heavy objects on, or pinch cables.
There is a risk of failure, damage, or electric shock.
 Do not use the product in an environment that is subject to water, corrosive gases, or flamma-
ble gases, or near flammable materials.
There is a risk of electric shock or fire.

 Do not attempt to use a SERVOPACK or Servomotor that is damaged or that has missing parts.
 Install external emergency stop circuits that shut OFF the power supply and stops operation
immediately when an error occurs.
 Select the brake power supply for a Servomotor with a Holding Brake according to the power
supply voltage and capacity required for the Servomotor model, as given in manuals and cata-
logs. Also confirm the input voltage to the holding brake.
 Always install a surge absorber as a protective device between the brake power supply and Ser-
There is a risk of damage to the Servomotor.
 The time required for a holding brake to operate depends on the types of protective devices.
The time required for a holding brake to operate will also change if holding brakes are con-
nected in parallel. Always check the time required for a holding brake to operate on the actual
machine before you operate a Servomotor.
 Always use a Servomotor and SERVOPACK in one of the specified combinations.
 Do not touch a SERVOPACK or Servomotor with wet hands.
There is a risk of product failure.

 Storage Precautions

 Do not place an excessive load on the product during storage. (Follow all instructions on the
There is a risk of injury or damage.

 Do not install or store the product in any of the following locations.
• Locations that are subject to direct sunlight
• Locations that are subject to ambient temperatures that exceed product specifications
• Locations that are subject to relative humidities that exceed product specifications
• Locations that are subject to condensation as the result of extreme changes in temperature
• Locations that are subject to corrosive or flammable gases
• Locations that are near flammable materials
• Locations that are subject to dust, salts, or iron powder
• Locations that are subject to water, oil, or chemicals
• Locations that are subject to vibration or shock that exceeds product specifications
• Locations that are subject to radiation
If you store or install the product in any of the above locations, the product may fail or be damaged.
 Although machined surfaces are covered with an anticorrosive coating, rust can develop due to
storage conditions or the length of storage. If you store the product for more than six months,
reapply an anticorrosive coating to machined surfaces, particularly the motor shaft.
 Consult with your Yaskawa representative if you have stored products for an extended period of

 Transportation Precautions

 Transport the product in a way that is suitable to the mass of the product.
 Do not hold onto the cables or motor shaft when you move a Servomotor.
There is a risk of disconnection, damage, or injury.
 Do not use the eyebolts on a SERVOPACK or Servomotor to move the machine.
There is a risk of damage or injury.
 When you handle a SERVOPACK or Servomotor, be careful of sharp parts, such as the corners.
There is a risk of injury.
 Do not place an excessive load on the product during transportation. (Follow all instructions on
the packages.)
There is a risk of injury or damage.

 A SERVOPACK or Servomotor is a precision device. Do not drop it or subject it to strong shock.
There is a risk of failure or damage.
 Do not subject connectors to shock.
There is a risk of faulty connections or damage.
 If disinfectants or insecticides must be used to treat packing materials such as wooden frames,
plywood, or pallets, the packing materials must be treated before the product is packaged, and
methods other than fumigation must be used.
Example: Heat treatment, where materials are kiln-dried to a core temperature of 56°C for 30
minutes or more.
If the electronic products, which include stand-alone products and products installed in machines,
are packed with fumigated wooden materials, the electrical components may be greatly damaged
by the gases or fumes resulting from the fumigation process. In particular, disinfectants containing
halogen, which includes chlorine, fluorine, bromine, or iodine can contribute to the erosion of the
 Do not overtighten the eyebolts on a SERVOPACK or Servomotor.
If you use a tool to overtighten the eyebolts, the tapped holes may be damaged.

 Installation Precautions

 Do not touch the key slot with your bare hands on the shaft end on a Servomotor with a Key
There is a risk of injury.
 Securely mount the Servomotor to the machine.
If the Servomotor is not mounted securely, it may come off the machine during operation.
 Install the Servomotor or SERVOPACK in a way that will support the mass given in technical
 Install SERVOPACKs, Servomotors, regenerative resistors, and External Dynamic Brake Resis-
tors on nonflammable materials.
Installation directly onto or near flammable materials may result in fire.
 Do not step on or place a heavy object on the product.
There is a risk of failure, damage, or injury.
 Do not allow any foreign matter to enter the SERVOPACK or Servomotor.
There is a risk of failure or fire.
 Implement safety measures, such as installing a cover so that the rotating part of the Servomo-
tor cannot be touched accidentally during operation.

 Do not install or store the product in any of the following locations.
• Locations that are subject to direct sunlight
• Locations that are subject to ambient temperatures that exceed product specifications
• Locations that are subject to relative humidities that exceed product specifications
• Locations that are subject to condensation as the result of extreme changes in temperature
• Locations that are subject to corrosive or flammable gases
• Locations that are near flammable materials
• Locations that are subject to dust, salts, or iron powder
• Locations that are subject to water, oil, or chemicals
• Locations that are subject to vibration or shock that exceeds product specifications
• Locations that are subject to radiation
If you store or install the product in any of the above locations, the product may fail or be damaged.
 Use the product in an environment that is appropriate for the product specifications.
If you use the product in an environment that exceeds product specifications, the product may fail
or be damaged.
 A SERVOPACK or Servomotor is a precision device. Do not drop it or subject it to strong shock.
There is a risk of failure or damage.
 A Servomotor is a precision device. Do not subject the output shaft or the main body of the Ser-
vomotor to strong shock.
 Design the machine so that the thrust and radial loads on the motor shaft during operation do
not exceed the allowable values given in the catalog.
 When you attach the key to the motor shaft, do not subject the key slot to direct shock.
 Do not allow any foreign matter to enter a SERVOPACK or a Servomotor with a Cooling Fan and
do not cover the outlet from the Servomotor’s cooling fan.
There is a risk of failure.
 If you use oil as the gear lubricant, always inject the specified oil before starting operation.
 You can install the Servomotor either horizontally or vertically. However, if you install a Servomo-
tor with an Oil Seal with the output shaft facing upward, oil may enter the Servomotor depend-
ing on the operating conditions. Confirm the operating conditions sufficiently if you install a
Servomotor with the output shaft facing upward. Some Servomotors with Gears have restric-
tions on the installation orientation. Refer to the relevant technical documents.
 If an installation orientation is specified for a Servomotor with a Gear, install the Servomotor in
the specified orientation.
There is a risk of failure due to oil leakage.
 For a Servomotor with an Oil Seal, use the Servomotor with the oil seal in a lubricated condition
with only splashing of oil.
If the Servomotor is used with the oil seal under the surface of the oil, oil may enter the Servomotor,
possibly resulting in failure.
 The shaft opening of a Servomotor is not waterproof or oilproof. Implement measures in the
machine to prevent water or cutting oil from entering the Servomotor.
There is a risk of failure.
 In an application where the Servomotor would be subjected to large quantities of water or oil,
implement measures to protect the Servomotor from large quantities of liquid, such as installing
covers to protect against water and oil.
 In an environment with high humidity or oil mist, face Servomotor lead wires and connectors
downward and provide cable traps.
There is a risk of failure or fire due to insulation failure or accidents from short circuits.

 Wiring Precautions

 Do not change any wiring while power is being supplied.
There is a risk of electric shock or injury.

 Wiring and inspections must be performed only by qualified engineers.
There is a risk of electric shock or product failure.
 Check all wiring and power supplies carefully.
Incorrect wiring or incorrect voltage application to the output circuits may cause short-circuit fail-
ures. If a short-circuit failure occurs as a result of any of these causes, the holding brake will not
work. This could damage the machine or cause an accident that may result in death or injury.

 Observe the precautions and instructions for wiring and trial operation precisely as described in
this document.
Failures caused by incorrect wiring or incorrect voltage application in the brake circuit may cause
the SERVOPACK to fail, damage the equipment, or cause an accident resulting in death or injury.
 Check the wiring to be sure it has been performed correctly.
Connectors and pin layouts are sometimes different for different models. Always confirm the pin
layouts in technical documents for your model before operation.
There is a risk of failure or malfunction.
 Connect wires to power supply terminals and motor connection terminals securely with the
specified methods and tightening torque.
Insufficient tightening may cause wires and terminal blocks to generate heat due to faulty contact,
possibly resulting in fire.
 Use shielded twisted-pair cables or screened unshielded multi-twisted-pair cables for I/O Sig-
nal Cables and Encoder Cables.
 The maximum wiring length is 3 m for I/O Signal Cables, and 50 m for Encoder Cables or Servo-
motor Main Circuit Cables.
 Observe the following precautions when wiring the SERVOPACK’s main circuit terminals.
• Turn ON the power supply to the SERVOPACK only after all wiring, including the main circuit termi-
nals, has been completed.
• If a connector is used for the main circuit terminals, remove the main circuit connector from the SER-
VOPACK before you wire it.
• Insert only one wire per insertion hole in the main circuit terminals.
• When you insert a wire, make sure that the conductor wire (e.g., whiskers) does not come into con-
tact with adjacent wires.

 Whenever possible, use the Cables specified by Yaskawa.
If you use any other cables, confirm the rated current and application environment of your model
and use the wiring materials specified by Yaskawa or equivalent materials.
 Securely tighten cable connector screws and lock mechanisms.
Insufficient tightening may result in cable connectors falling off during operation.
 Do not bundle power lines (e.g., the Main Circuit Cable) and low-current lines (e.g., the I/O Sig-
nal Cables or Encoder Cables) together or run them through the same duct. If you do not place
power lines and low-current lines in separate ducts, separate them by at least 30 cm.
If the cables are too close to each other, malfunctions may occur due to noise affecting the low-cur-
rent lines.
 For a motor with a cooling fan, check the rotation direction of the cooling fan after you wire the
 Install a battery at either the host controller or on the Encoder Cable.
If you install batteries both at the host controller and on the Encoder Cable at the same time, you
will create a loop circuit between the batteries, resulting in a risk of damage or burning.
 When connecting a battery, connect the polarity correctly.
There is a risk of battery rupture or encoder failure.

 Operation Precautions

 Before starting operation with a machine connected, change the settings of the switches and
parameters to match the machine.
Unexpected machine operation, failure, or personal injury may occur if operation is started before
appropriate settings are made.
 Do not radically change the settings of the parameters.
There is a risk of unstable operation, machine damage, or injury.
 Install limit switches or stoppers at the ends of the moving parts of the machine to prevent
unexpected accidents.
There is a risk of machine damage or injury.
 For trial operation, securely mount the Servomotor and disconnect it from the machine.
There is a risk of injury.
 Forcing the motor to stop for overtravel is disabled when the Jog, Origin Search, or Easy FFT
utility function is executed. Take necessary precautions.
There is a risk of machine damage or injury.
 When an alarm occurs, the Servomotor will coast to a stop or stop with the dynamic brake
according to the SERVOPACK Option and settings. The coasting distance will change with the
moment of inertia of the load and the resistance of the External Dynamic Brake Resistor. Check
the coasting distance during trial operation and implement suitable safety measures on the
 Do not enter the machine’s range of motion during operation.
There is a risk of injury.
 Do not touch the moving parts of the Servomotor or machine during operation.
There is a risk of injury.

 Do not use the holding brake built into a Servomotor to stop the Servomotor. The holding brake
is designed to hold the motor shaft. It is not designed as a stopping device to ensure machine
safety. Provide an appropriate stopping device on the machine to ensure safety.
There is a risk of brake failure due to wear, damage to the machine, or injury.
 Before you operate a Servomotor, supply power to the holding brake to release the holding
brake. Refer to the timing charts in your Servomotor manual for details.
 During trial operation, confirm that the holding brake works correctly.
 When overtravel occurs, the power supply to the motor is turned OFF and the brake is released.
If you use the Servomotor to drive a vertical load, set the Servomotor to enter a zero-clamped
state after the Servomotor stops. Also, install safety devices (such as an external brake or
counterweight) to prevent the moving parts of the machine from falling.
 Always turn OFF the servo before you turn OFF the power supply. If you turn OFF the main cir-
cuit power supply or control power supply during operation before you turn OFF the servo, the
Servomotor will stop as follows:
• If you turn OFF the main circuit power supply during operation without turning OFF the servo, the
Servomotor will stop abruptly with the dynamic brake.
• If you turn OFF the control power supply without turning OFF the servo, the stopping method that is
used by the Servomotor depends on the model of the SERVOPACK. For details, refer to the manual
for the SERVOPACK.

 Always measure the vibration of the Servomotor with the Servomotor mounted to the machine
and confirm that the vibration is within the allowable value.
If the vibration is too large, the Servomotor will be damage quickly and bolts may become loose.
 When you adjust the gain during system commissioning, use a measuring instrument to monitor
the torque waveform and speed waveform and confirm that there is no vibration.
If a high gain causes vibration, the Servomotor will be damaged quickly.
 An alarm or warning may occur if communications are performed with the host controller while
the SigmaWin+ or Digital Operator is operating.
If an alarm or warning occurs, it may interrupt the current process and stop the system.

 Maintenance and Inspection Precautions

 Do not change any wiring while power is being supplied.
There is a risk of electric shock or injury.

 Wiring and inspections must be performed only by qualified engineers.
There is a risk of electric shock or product failure.
 If you replace a Servomotor with a Holding Brake, secure the machine before you replace the
There is a risk of injury or equipment damage if the equipment falls.

 Wait for at least six minutes after turning OFF the power supply (with a SERVOPACK for a 100-
VAC power supply input, wait for at least nine minutes) and then make sure that the CHARGE
indicator is not lit before starting wiring or inspection work. Do not touch the power supply ter-
minals while the CHARGE lamp is lit after turning OFF the power supply because high voltage
may still remain in the SERVOPACK.
There is a risk of electric shock.
 Replace the Battery according to the correct procedure.
If you remove the Battery or disconnect the Encoder Cable while the control power supply to the
SERVOPACK is OFF, the absolute encoder data will be lost and position deviation may occur.

 Troubleshooting Precautions

 The product may suddenly start to operate when the power supply is recovered after a momen-
tary power interruption. Design the machine to ensure human safety when operation restarts.
There is a risk of injury.

 When an alarm occurs, remove the cause of the alarm and ensure safety. Then reset the alarm
or turn the power supply OFF and ON again to restart operation.
There is a risk of injury or machine damage.
 If the Servo ON signal is input to the SERVOPACK and an alarm is reset, the Servomotor may
suddenly restart operation. Confirm that the servo is OFF and ensure safety before you reset an
There is a risk of injury or machine damage.
 The holding brake on a Servomotor will not ensure safety if there is the possibility that an exter-
nal force (including gravity) may move the current position and create a hazardous situation
when power is interrupted or an error occurs. If an external force may cause movement, install
an external braking mechanism that ensures safety.

 Disposal Precautions

 Correctly discard the product as stipulated by regional, local, and municipal laws and
regulations. Be sure to include these contents in all labelling and warning notifications
on the final product as necessary.

 General Precautions

 Figures provided in this document are typical examples or conceptual representations. There
may be differences between them and actual wiring, circuits, and products.
 The products shown in illustrations in this document are sometimes shown without covers or
protective guards. Always replace all covers and protective guards before you use the product.
 If you need a new copy of this document because it has been lost or damaged, contact your
nearest Yaskawa representative or one of the offices listed on the back of this document.
 This document is subject to change without notice for product improvements, specifications
changes, and improvements to the manual itself.
We will update the document number of the document and issue revisions when changes are
 Any and all quality guarantees provided by Yaskawa are null and void if the customer modifies
the product in any way. Yaskawa disavows any responsibility for damages or losses that are
caused by modified products.

 Details of Warranty
 Warranty Period
The warranty period for a product that was purchased (hereinafter called the “delivered product”) is
one year from the time of delivery to the location specified by the customer or 18 months from the
time of shipment from the Yaskawa factory, whichever is sooner.

 Warranty Scope
Yaskawa shall replace or repair a defective product free of charge if a defect attributable to
Yaskawa occurs during the above warranty period.
This warranty does not cover defects caused by the delivered product reaching the end of its ser-
vice life and replacement of parts that require replacement or that have a limited service life.
This warranty does not cover failures that result from any of the following causes.
• Improper handling, abuse, or use in unsuitable conditions or in environments not described in
product catalogs or manuals, or in any separately agreed-upon specifications
• Causes not attributable to the delivered product itself
• Modifications or repairs not performed by Yaskawa
• Use of the delivered product in a manner in which it was not originally intended
• Causes that were not foreseeable with the scientific and technological understanding at the time
of shipment from Yaskawa
• Events for which Yaskawa is not responsible, such as natural or human-made disasters

 Limitations of Liability
• Yaskawa shall in no event be responsible for any damage or loss of opportunity to the customer
that arises due to failure of the delivered product.
• Yaskawa shall not be responsible for any programs (including parameter settings) or the results of
program execution of the programs provided by the user or by a third party for use with program-
mable Yaskawa products.
• The information described in product catalogs or manuals is provided for the purpose of the cus-
tomer purchasing the appropriate product for the intended application. The use thereof does not
guarantee that there are no infringements of intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights
of Yaskawa or third parties, nor does it construe a license.
• Yaskawa shall not be responsible for any damage arising from infringements of intellectual prop-
erty rights or other proprietary rights of third parties as a result of using the information described
in catalogs or manuals.

 Suitability for Use
• It is the customer’s responsibility to confirm conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations
that apply if the Yaskawa product is used in combination with any other products.
• The customer must confirm that the Yaskawa product is suitable for the systems, machines, and
equipment used by the customer.
• Consult with Yaskawa to determine whether use in the following applications is acceptable. If use
in the application is acceptable, use the product with extra allowance in ratings and specifica-
tions, and provide safety measures to minimize hazards in the event of failure.
• Outdoor use, use involving potential chemical contamination or electrical interference, or use
in conditions or environments not described in product catalogs or manuals
• Nuclear energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems,
vehicle systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, and installations subject to sep-
arate industry or government regulations
• Systems, machines, and equipment that may present a risk to life or property
• Systems that require a high degree of reliability, such as systems that supply gas, water, or
electricity, or systems that operate continuously 24 hours a day
• Other systems that require a similar high degree of safety
• Never use the product for an application involving serious risk to life or property without first
ensuring that the system is designed to secure the required level of safety with risk warnings and
redundancy, and that the Yaskawa product is properly rated and installed.
• The circuit examples and other application examples described in product catalogs and manuals
are for reference. Check the functionality and safety of the actual devices and equipment to be
used before using the product.
• Read and understand all use prohibitions and precautions, and operate the Yaskawa product
correctly to prevent accidental harm to third parties.

 Specifications Change
The names, specifications, appearance, and accessories of products in product catalogs and
manuals may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. The next edi-
tions of the revised catalogs or manuals will be published with updated code numbers. Consult
with your Yaskawa representative to confirm the actual specifications before purchasing a product.

Compliance with UL Standards, EU Directives, and Other Safety Standards
Certification marks for the standards for which the product has been certified by certification bodies
are shown on nameplate. Products that do not have the marks are not certified for the standards.

 North American Safety Standards (UL)

Product Model North American Safety Standards (UL File No.)

• SGD7S UL 61800-5-1 (E147823)
SGDV UL508C (E147823)
UL 1004-1
Rotary • SGM7J
UL 1004-6
Servomotors • SGM7P
• SGM7F-A,
-B, -C, and
-D (Small-Capacity
Direct Drive UL 1004-1
Servomotors with Cores)
UL 1004-6
Servomotors • SGMCV
• SGMCS-B,
-C, -D, and
-E (Small-Capacity,
Coreless Servomotors)
UL 1004-1
Linear • SGLFW*
UL 1004-6
Servomotors • SGLFW2
* Only products with derating specifications are in compliance with the UL Standards. Estimates are available for those prod-
ucts. Contact your Yaskawa representative for details.

 EU Directives

Product Model EU Directives Harmonized Standards

Machinery Directive
EN ISO13849-1: 2015
EN 55011 group 1, class A
EN 61000-6-2
EMC Directive
EN 61000-6-4
SERVOPACKs SGD7S EN 61800-3 (Category C2, Second
Low Voltage Directive EN 50178
2014/35/EU EN 61800-5-1
RoHS Directive
EN 50581
Continued on next page.

Continued from previous page.
Product Model EU Directives Harmonized Standards
EN 55011 group 1, class A
EN 61000-6-2
EMC Directive
EN 61000-6-4
EN 61800-3 (Category C2, Second
• SGD7W environment)
Low Voltage Directive EN 50178
2014/35/EU EN 61800-5-1
RoHS Directive
EN 50581
EN 55011 group 1, class A
EMC Directive EN 61000-6-2
2004/108/EC EN 61800-3 (Category C2, Second
Low Voltage Directive EN 60034-1
2006/95/EC EN 60034-5
RoHS Directive
EN 50581
Servomotors EN 55011 group 1, class A
EN 61000-6-2
EMC Directive
• SGM7M EN 61000-6-4
• SGM7J EN 61800-3 (Category C2, Second
• SGM7A environment)
• SGM7P Low Voltage Directive EN 60034-1
• SGM7G 2014/35/EU EN 60034-5
RoHS Directive
EN 50581
EN 55011 group 1, class A
• SGM7E EN 61000-6-2
EMC Directive
• SGM7F EN 61000-6-4
• SGMCV EN 61800-3 (Category C2, Second
Direct Drive environment)
• SGMCS-B,
Servomotors -C, -D, and Low Voltage Directive EN 60034-1
-E (Small-Capacity, 2014/35/EU EN 60034-5
Coreless Servomotors)*1 RoHS Directive
EN 50581
EN 55011 group 1, class A
EN 61000-6-2
EMC Directive
EN 61000-6-4
• SGLG*2 2014/30/EU
EN 61800-3 (Category C2, Second
Linear • SGLF*2 environment)
Servomotors • SGLF2 Low Voltage Directive
• SGLT*2 EN 60034-1
RoHS Directive
EN 50581
*1. Only models with “-E” at the end of model numbers are in compliance with the standards. Estimates are available for
those models. Contact your Yaskawa representative for details.
*2. For Moving Coils, only models with “-E” at the end of model numbers are in compliance with the standards.
Note: 1. We declared the CE Marking based on the harmonized standards in the above table.
2. These products are for industrial use. In home environments, these products may cause electromagnetic interfer-
ence and additional noise reduction measures may be necessary.

 Safety Standards

Product Model Safety Standards Standards

EN ISO13849-1: 2015
Safety of Machinery
IEC 60204-1
IEC 61508 series
Functional Safety IEC 62061
IEC 61800-5-2
EMC IEC 61326-3-1

 Safety Parameters
Item Standards Performance Level
IEC 61508 SIL3
Safety Integrity Level
IEC 62061 SILCL3
Mission Time IEC 61508 10 years 20 years
Probability of Dangerous Failure per Hour
IEC 61508 PFH = 4.04×10 [1/h] PFH = 4.05×10-9 [1/h]
IEC 62061 (4.04% of SIL3) (4.05% of SIL3)
Performance Level EN ISO 13849-1 PLe (Category 3)
Mean Time to Dangerous Failure of Each Channel EN ISO 13849-1 MTTFd: High
Average Diagnostic Coverage EN ISO 13849-1 DCavg: Medium
Stop Category IEC 60204-1 Stop category 0
Safety Function IEC 61800-5-2 STO
Hardware Fault Tolerance IEC 61508 HFT = 1
Subsystem IEC 61508 B

About this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Outline of Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Related Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Using This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi
Compliance with UL Standards, EU Directives, and Other Safety Standards . . .xxiii

Basic Information on Servomotors

1.1 Servomotor Part Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.1.1 SGM7M and SGMMV Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2
1.1.2 SGM7J and SGM7A Servomotors Up to 1.0 kW
and SGM7P Servomotors Up to 400 W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2
1.1.3 SGM7G Servomotors Up to 450 W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2
1.1.4 SGM7A Servomotors of 1.5 kW to 5.0 kW
and SGM7G Servomotors of 850 W and Higher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3
1.1.5 SGM7A Servomotors of 7.0 kW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3
1.1.6 SGM7P Servomotors of 750 W and 1.5 kW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3

1.2 Interpreting the Nameplates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

1.2.1 SGM7M Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4
1.2.2 SGM7J, SGM7A, SGM7P, and SGM7G Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4
1.2.3 SGMMV Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5

1.3 Outline of Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

1.3.1 Servomotor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6
1.3.2 SERVOPACKs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6

1.4 Combinations of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7

1.4.1 Combination of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs for AC Power Input . . . . . .1-7
1.4.2 Combination of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs for DC Power Input . . . . . .1-8

Capacity Selection
2.1 Selecting the Servomotor Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.1.1 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary Servomotor:
For Speed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2
2.1.2 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary Servomotor:
For Position Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7M Servomotors

3.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

3.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 3-3
3.2.2 Servomotor Ratings (SGM7M-E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 3-4
3.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics (SGM7M-E) . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 3-5
3.2.4 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics (SGM7M-E) .... ... . 3-5
3.2.5 Servomotor Ratings (SGM7M-A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 3-6
3.2.6 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics (SGM7M-A) . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 3-7
3.2.7 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics (SGM7M-A) .... ... . 3-7
3.2.8 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 3-8
3.2.9 Derating Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 3-9

3.3 External Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10

3.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors

4.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.1.1 Without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.1.2 With Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

4.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

4.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
4.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4.2.5 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4.2.6 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
4.2.7 Derating Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10

4.3 External Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11

4.3.1 Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

5.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5.1.1 Without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5.1.2 With Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

5.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

5.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . 5-3
5.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears for the SGM7A-A5 to -10 .... . . . . 5-4
5.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7A-A5 to -10 . . .... . . . . 5-6
5.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears for the SGM7A-15 to -70 .... . . . . 5-7
5.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7A-15 to -70 . . .... . . . . 5-9
5.2.6 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 5-10
5.2.7 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 5-12
5.2.8 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 5-13
5.2.9 Derating Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 5-14

5.3 External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16
5.3.1 Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... .... .5-16
5.3.2 Servomotors without Gears and without Holding Brakes . . .... ... .... .5-19
5.3.3 Servomotors without Gears and with Holding Brakes . . . . . .... ... .... .5-22
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... .... .5-25

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors

6.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.1.1 Without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2
6.1.2 With Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2

6.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

6.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3
6.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-4
6.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-5
6.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-6
6.2.5 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8
6.2.6 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8
6.2.7 Derating Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-9

6.3 External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11

6.3.1 Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-11
6.3.2 Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-13

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors

7.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

7.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

7.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-3
7.2.2 Servomotor Ratings of the SGM7G-03 to -20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-4
7.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7G-03 to -20 . . . . . . . . . . .7-5
7.2.4 Servomotor Ratings of the SGM7G-30 to -1E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-6
7.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7G-30 to -1E . . . . . . . . . . .7-7
7.2.6 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8
7.2.7 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-9
7.2.8 Derating Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-9

7.3 External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11

7.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-11
7.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-14

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGMMV Servomotors

8.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2

8.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
8.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... . 8-3
8.2.2 Servomotor Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... . 8-4
8.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... . 8-5
8.2.4 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics . . . ... .... ... .... ... . 8-5
8.2.5 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... . 8-6
8.2.6 Derating Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... . 8-7

8.3 External Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8

8.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
8.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9

Servomotor Installation
9.1 Installation Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9.1.1 Installation Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 9-2
9.1.2 Installation Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 9-3
9.1.3 Installation Orientation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 9-3
9.1.4 Using Servomotors with Oil Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 9-3
9.1.5 Using Servomotors with Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . 9-4

9.2 Coupling to the Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5

9.2.1 Using a Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
9.2.2 Using a Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6

9.3 Oil and Water Countermeasures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8

9.4 Servomotor Temperature Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

10.1 Cables for the SGM7M Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
10.1.1 Cable Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
10.1.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
10.1.3 Encoder Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4

10.2 Cables for the SGM7J Servomotors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5

10.2.1 System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... .... ... 10-5
10.2.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... .... ... 10-6
10.2.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... .... ... 10-9
10.2.4 Relay Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m . . . . ... .... ... .... ... .... ... 10-9

10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10

10.3.1 Cable Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... ...... 10-10
10.3.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... ...... 10-11
10.3.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .... ... ...... 10-16
10.3.4 Relay Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m . . . . ... .... ... .... ... ...... 10-17

10.4 Cables for the SGM7P Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18
10.4.1 System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18
10.4.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19
10.4.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21
10.4.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21

10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22

10.5.1 System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22
10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23
10.5.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-30
10.5.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-30

10.6 Cables for the SGMMV Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31

10.6.1 System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31
10.6.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32
10.6.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32
10.6.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33

10.7 Wiring Servomotors and SERVOPACKs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-34

10.7.1 Wiring Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-34
10.7.2 Wiring Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-37

Maintenance and Inspection

11.1 Periodic Inspections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2

11.2 Service Lives of Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3

11.3 Disposing of Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4

12.1 Terminology and Data for Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . 12-2
12.1.1 Terminology for Servomotors with Low-backlash Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-2
12.1.2 Noise Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-2
12.1.3 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-3

12.2 Reference Information for Servomotor Capacity Selection . . . 12-4

12.2.1 Formulas Required to Select the Servomotor Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-4
12.2.2 GD2 for Simple Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-5
12.2.3 Conversions between Engineering Units and SI Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-6
12.2.4 Application Examples by Type of Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-7

Revision History

Basic Information on
This chapter provides basic information on Rotary Servo-
motors, including Servomotor part names and combina-
tions with SERVOPACKs.

1.1 Servomotor Part Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

1.1.1 SGM7M and SGMMV Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.1.2 SGM7J and SGM7A Servomotors Up to 1.0 kW
and SGM7P Servomotors Up to 400 W . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.1.3 SGM7G Servomotors Up to 450 W . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.1.4 SGM7A Servomotors of 1.5 kW to 5.0 kW and
SGM7G Servomotors of 850 W and Higher . . . . . 1-3
1.1.5 SGM7A Servomotors of 7.0 kW . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.1.6 SGM7P Servomotors of 750 W and 1.5 kW . . . . . 1-3

1.2 Interpreting the Nameplates . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

1.2.1 SGM7M Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.2.2 SGM7J, SGM7A, SGM7P, and SGM7G
Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.2.3 SGMMV Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

1.3 Outline of Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

1.3.1 Servomotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
1.3.2 SERVOPACKs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

1.4 Combinations of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs . .1-7

1.4.1 Combination of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
for AC Power Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1.4.2 Combination of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
for DC Power Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1.1 Servomotor Part Names
1.1.1 SGM7M and SGMMV Servomotors

1.1 Servomotor Part Names

1.1.1 SGM7M and SGMMV Servomotors

• Standard Servomotors • Servomotors with Brakes
Encoder Cable
Encoder Cable
Servomotor Main Circuit Cable*
Main Circuit Cable of
Servomotor with
Holding Brake


Motor flange Motor shaft
Motor flange Motor shaft

* Some models also have cables on the motor shaft side.

1.1.2 SGM7J and SGM7A Servomotors Up to 1.0 kW and

SGM7P Servomotors Up to 400 W
• Standard Servomotors • Servomotors with Brakes • Servomotors with Gears
Connector for Connector for Connector for
Connector for Connector for
Servomotor Main Encoder Cable Encoder Cable
Main Circuit Cable Servomotor Main Connector for
Circuit Cable
of Servomotor with Circuit Cable Encoder Cable
Holding Brake

Encoder Nameplate
Motor shaft Motor flange Motor shaft Motor flange Motor shaft Motor flange

1.1.3 SGM7G Servomotors Up to 450 W

• Standard Servomotors • Servomotors with Brakes
Connector for Connector for Connector for Connector for
Servomotor Main Encoder Cable Main Circuit Cable Encoder Cable
Circuit Cable of Servomotor with
Holding Brake

Encoder Encoder

Nameplate Nameplate

Motor shaft Motor flange Motor shaft Motor flange

1.1 Servomotor Part Names
1.1.4 SGM7A Servomotors of 1.5 kW to 5.0 kW and SGM7G Servomotors of 850 W and Higher

1.1.4 SGM7A Servomotors of 1.5 kW to 5.0 kW and SGM7G

Servomotors of 850 W and Higher
• Standard Servomotors • Servomotors with Brakes
Connector for Connector for
Encoder Cable Connector for Holding Brake Cable
Servomotor Main Connector for
Circuit Cable Connector for Servomotor Encoder Cable
Main Circuit Main
Nameplate* Power Supply Cable

Encoder Encoder

Motor shaft Motor flange Motor shaft Motor flange

* The position of the nameplate depends on the model and motor output.

Basic Information on Servomotors

1.1.5 SGM7A Servomotors of 7.0 kW
Connector for Encoder Cable

Connector for Servomotor Main

Circuit Main Power Supply Cable Connector for cooling fan cable


Cooling fan

Motor shaft Motor flange

1.1.6 SGM7P Servomotors of 750 W and 1.5 kW

Servomotor Main Circuit Cable
Encoder Cable


Motor shaft Nameplate

Motor flange

1.2 Interpreting the Nameplates
1.2.1 SGM7M Servomotors

1.2 Interpreting the Nameplates

The following basic information is provided on the nameplate.

1.2.1 SGM7M Servomotors

A nameplate containing the following information is attached to the Servomotor.
Servomotor model QR code
Power supply voltage, rated output,
rated current, and number of phases
Rated frequency, rated motor speed,
and maximum motor speed
Continuous rating and thermal class
Serial number
Order number

* Certification marks for the standards for which the Servomotor has been certified by certification bodies are
shown on the product.

1.2.2 SGM7J, SGM7A, SGM7P, and SGM7G Servomotors

The nameplate is printed on the Servomotor.
The layout of the nameplate depends somewhat on the model of the Servomotor.
Power supply voltage and number of phases Rated output and time rating
Rated current and rated current frequency Rated torque

Servomotor model

Order number

Serial number

Certification marks*
QR code

Rated motor speed Thermal class

Maximum motor speed

* Certification marks for the standards for which the Servomotor has been certified by certification bodies are
shown on the product.

1.2 Interpreting the Nameplates
1.2.3 SGMMV Servomotors

1.2.3 SGMMV Servomotors

A nameplate containing the following information is attached to the Servomotor.
Number of phases
QR code

Servomotor model
Power supply voltage,
rated output, and rated current
Rated motor speed/
maximum motor speed Certification
Thermal class marks*
Serial number
Order number

* Certification marks for the standards for which the Servomotor has been certified by certification bodies are
shown on the product.

Basic Information on Servomotors


1.3 Outline of Model Designations
1.3.1 Servomotor

1.3 Outline of Model Designations

1.3.1 Servomotor
This section outlines the model numbers of Σ-7-Series Servomotors. For details, refer to the
chapter for your type of Servomotor.

SGM - 01 A F A 2
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th
Series digit digit digit digit digit

Series Σ-7-Series Servomotors 1st+2nd digits Rated Output 5th digit Design Revision Order

Code Specifications Reference

3rd digit Power Supply Voltage 6th digit Shaft End Specification
SGM7M Low inertia, ultra-small capacity Chapter 3
SGM7J Medium inertia, high speed Chapter 4 200 VAC Straight without key
24 VDC/48 VDC* Straight with key and tap
SGM7A Low inertia, high speed Chapter 5 With flat seat
SGM7P Medium inertia, flat Chapter 6 4th digit Serial Encoder Specification With two flat seats
SGM7G Medium inertia, low speed, high torque Chapter 7
17-bit absolute encoder 7th digit Options
SGMMV Low inertia, ultra-small capacity Chapter 8 20-bit absolute encoder
24-bit batteryless absolute encoder With 24-V holding brake
24-bit absolute encoder With oil seal
24-bit incremental encoder
* This specification must be used with SGDV SERVOPACKs ( Σ-V Series).

This section outlines the model numbers of Σ-7-Series SERVOPACKs. For details, refer to the
manual for your SERVOPACK.
Σ-7-Series Σ-7S SERVOPACK with Analog Voltage/Pulse Train References Product Manual
(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 26)
Σ-7-Series Σ-7S SERVOPACK with MECHATROLINK-II Communications References Product Manual
(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 27)
Σ-7-Series Σ-7S SERVOPACK with MECHATROLINK-III Communications References Product Manual
(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 28)
Σ-7-Series Σ-7W SERVOPACK with MECHATROLINK-III Communications References Product Manual
(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 29)

SGD7 - R70 A 00 A 000

1st+2nd+3rd 4th 5th+6th 7th 8th+9th+10th
Series digit digit
digits digits digits

Maximum Applicable
Series Σ-7-Series SERVOPACKs 1st+2nd+3rd digits 7th digit Design Revision Order
Motor Capacity
Code Specification 0.05 kW to 15 kW
SGD7S Single-axis SERVOPACKs 8th+9th+10th digits Options
SGD7W Two-axis SERVOPACKs 4th digit Power Supply Voltage Rack-mounted installation
200 VAC Varnished

5th+6th digits Interface

Analog voltage/pulse train reference
MECHATROLINK-II communications reference
MECHATROLINK-III communications reference
SGM7M Servomotors with DC power supply input must be used with SGDV SERVOPACKs (Σ-V Series).
For details, refer to the manual for your SERVOPACK.
DC Power Input Σ-V Series User’s Manual, Design and Maintenance, Rotational Motor, Analog Voltage Reference
and Pulse Train Reference (Manual No.: SIEP S800000 81)
DC Power Input Σ-V Series User’s Manual, Design and Maintenance, Rotational Motor, MECHATROLINK-II
Communications Reference (Manual No.: SIEP S800000 82)
DC Power Input Σ-V Series User’s Manual, Design and Maintenance, Rotational Motor, MECHATROLINK-III
Communications Reference (Manual No.: SIEP S800000 83)
Σ-V-MD Series User’s Manual, Type A01/A02, Rotational Motor, MECHATROLINK-III Communications References
(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 02)

1.4 Combinations of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
1.4.1 Combination of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs for AC Power Input

1.4 Combinations of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

1.4.1 Combination of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs for AC

Power Input
Rotary Servomotor Model Capacity
SGD7S- SGD7W- SGD7C-
(Low inertia, R90A, R90F 1R6A*1, 2R8A*1
SGM7M-A2A 22 W –
ultra-small capacity)
SGM7M-A3A 33 W 1R6A, 2R1F *1
3000 min-1 1R6A, 2R8A
SGM7J-A5A 50 W R70A, R70F
1R6A*1, 2R8A*1
SGM7J-01A 100 W R90A, R90F
(Medium inertia, 1R6A, 2R1F 1R6A, 2R8A*1
SGM7J-02A 200 W
high speed)
3000 min-1 SGM7J-04A 400 W 2R8A, 2R8F 2R8A, 5R5A*1, 7R6A*1
SGM7J-06A 600 W
5R5A 5R5A, 7R6A
SGM7J-08A 750 W

Basic Information on Servomotors

SGM7A-A5A 50 W R70A, R70F
1R6A*1, 2R8A*1
SGM7A-01A 100 W R90A, R90F
SGM7A-C2A 150 W
1R6A, 2R1F 1R6A, 2R8A*1
SGM7A-02A 200 W
SGM7A-04A 400 W 2R8A, 2R8F 2R8A, 5R5A*1, 7R6A*1
SGM7A-06A 600 W
SGM7A 5R5A 5R5A, 7R6A
SGM7A-08A 750 W
(Low inertia,
SGM7A-10A 1.0 kW
high speed) 120A
3000 min-1 SGM7A-15A 1.5 kW
SGM7A-20A 2.0 kW 180A
SGM7A-25A 2.5 kW
SGM7A-30A 3.0 kW
200A − 1
SGM7A-40A 4.0 kW
SGM7A-50A 5.0 kW
SGM7A-70A 7.0 kW 550A
SGM7P-01A 100 W R90A, R90F 1R6A*1, 2R8A*1
SGM7P SGM7P-02A 200 W 2R8A, 2R1F
(Medium inertia, 2R8A, 5R5A*1, 7R6A*1
SGM7P-04A 400 W 2R8A, 2R8F
flat type)
3000min-1 SGM7P-08A 750 W 5R5A 5R5A, 7R6A
SGM7P-15A 1.5 kW 120A −
SGM7G-03A 300 W
3R8A 5R5A*1, 7R6A*1
SGM7G-05A 450 W
SGM7G-09A 850 W 7R6A
SGM7G-13A 1.3 kW 120A
SGM7G SGM7G-20A 1.8 kW 180A
(Medium inertia, low *2
SGM7G-30A 2.9 kW
speed, large torque) 330A
1500 min-1 SGM7G-44A 4.4 kW

SGM7G-55A 5.5 kW 470A
SGM7G-75A 7.5 kW 550A
SGM7G-1AA 11 kW 590A
SGM7G-1EA 15 kW 780A
Continued on next page.

1.4 Combinations of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
1.4.2 Combination of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs for DC Power Input

Continued from previous page.

Rotary Servomotor Model Capacity
SGD7S- SGD7W- SGD7C-
(Low inertia, R90A, R90F 1R6A*1, 2R8A*1
ultra-small capacity)
3000 min-1 SGMMV-A3A 30 W 1R6A, 2R1F 1R6A, 2R8A*1
*1. If you use the Servomotor together with a Σ-7W or Σ-7C SERVOPACK, the control gain may not increase as
much as with a Σ-7S SERVOPACK and other performances may be lower than those achieved with a Σ-7S
*2. The rated output is 2.4 kW if you use the SGD7S-200A.
*3. The SGMMV model is an earlier product. Select the SGM7M model when newly installing a rotary servomotor to
a machine.

1.4.2 Combination of Servomotors and SERVOPACKs for DC

Power Input
Rotary Servomotor Model Capacity
SGM7M-B3E 3.3 W
SGM7M SGM7M-B5E 5.5 W 1R7E
(Low inertia, SGM7M-B9E 11 W
ultra-small capacity) SGM7M-A1E 11 W
3000 min-1 SGM7M-A2E 22 W 2R9E
SGM7M-A3E 33 W
* These are Σ-V-series SERVOPACKs.

Capacity Selection
This chapter describes calculation methods to use when
selecting Servomotor capacities.

2.1 Selecting the Servomotor Capacity . . . . . . 2-2

2.1.1 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary
Servomotor: For Speed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.1.2 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary
Servomotor: For Position Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2.1 Selecting the Servomotor Capacity
2.1.1 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary Servomotor: For Speed Control

2.1 Selecting the Servomotor Capacity

Contact your Yaskawa representative for information on the Servomotor capacity selection software.
Refer to the following selection examples to select Servomotor capacities with manual calculations.

2.1.1 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary Servomotor:

For Speed Control
1. Mechanical Specifications
Linear motion section

υL Coupling
Ball screw

Item Code Value Item Code Value

Gear and Coupling
Load Speed υL 15 m/min JG 0.40 × 10-4 kgm2
Moment of Inertia
Linear Motion Number of Feeding
m 250 kg n 40 rotations/min
Section Mass Operations
Ball Screw Length B 1.0 m Feeding Distance 0.275 m
Ball Screw Diameter dB 0.02 m Feeding Time tm 1.2 s max.
Ball Screw Lead PB 0.01 m Friction Coefficient μ 0.2
Ball Screw Material
ρ 7.87 × 103 kg/m3 Mechanical Efficiency η 0.9 (90%)
Gear Ratio R 2 (gear ratio: 1/2)
External Force on Lin-
F 0N
ear Motion Section

2. Operation Pattern
15 t = 60 = 60 = 1.5 (s)
Motor Speed
If ta = td,
ta tc td Time (s)
60 × 0.275
tm ta = tm − 60υL = 1.2 − = 1.2 − 1.1 = 0.1 (s)
t 15
tc = 1.2 − 0.1 × 2 = 1.0 (s)

3. Motor Speed
υL 15
• Load shaft speed nL = = = 1,500 (min-1)
PB 0.01
• Motor shaft speed nM = nL · R = 1,500 × 2 = 3,000 (min-1)

4. Load Torque
(9.8  μ m + F)  PB (9.8 × 0.2 × 250 + 0) × 0.01
TL = = = 0.43 (Nm)
2πR  η 2π × 2 × 0.9

2.1 Selecting the Servomotor Capacity
2.1.1 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary Servomotor: For Speed Control

5. Load Moment of Inertia

• Linear motion section
2 2
PB 0.01
JL1 = m = 250 × = 1.58 × 10-4 (kgm2)
2πR 2π × 2
• Ball screw
π ρ 1 π 1
JB =  B  dB4  2 = × 7.87 × 103 × 1.0 × (0.02)4  2 = 0.31 × 10-4 (kgm2)
32 R 32 2
• Coupling JG = 0.40 × 10-4 (kg⋅m2)
• Load moment of inertia at motor shaft
JL = JL1 + JB + JG = (1.58 + 0.31 + 0.40) × 10-4 = 2.29 × 10-4 (kgm2)

6. Load Moving Power

2πnM  TL 2π × 3,000 × 0.43
PO = = = 135 (W)
60 60

7. Load Acceleration Power

2 2
2π JL 2π 2.29 × 10-4
Pa = nM = × 3,000 × = 226 (W)
60 ta 60 0.1

8. Servomotor Provisional Selection

 Selection Conditions
• TL ≤ Motor rated torque
• (Po + Pa) < Provisionally selected Servomotor rated output < (Po + Pa)
• nM ≤ Rated motor speed
• JL ≤ Allowable load moment of inertia

Capacity Selection
The following Servomotor meets the selection conditions.
• SGM7J-02A Servomotor
 Specifications of the Provisionally Selected Servomotor
Item Value
Rated Output 200 (W)
Rated Motor Speed 3,000 (min-1)
Rated Torque 0.637 (Nm)
Instantaneous Maximum Torque 2.23 (Nm)
Motor Moment of Inertia 0.263 × 10-4 (kgm2)
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia 0.263 × 10-4 × 15 = 3.94 × 10-4 (kgm2)

9. Verification of the Provisionally Selected Servomotor

• Verifica-
tion of 2πnM (JM + JL) 2π × 3,000 × (0.263 + 2.29) × 10-4
required TP = + TL = + 0.43
60ta 60 × 0.1
ation ≈ 1.23 (Nm) < Maximum instantaneous torque...Satisfactory
• Verifica-
tion of 2πnM (JM + JL) 2π × 3,000 × (0.263 + 2.29) × 10-4
required TS = − TL = − 0.43
deceler- 60td 60 × 0.1
ation ≈ 0.37 (Nm) < Maximum instantaneous torque...Satisfactory

2.1 Selecting the Servomotor Capacity
2.1.2 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary Servomotor: For Position Control

• Verifica- TP2  ta + TL2  tc + Ts2  td

tion of
(1.23)2 × 0.1 + (0.43)2 × 1.0 + (0.37)2 × 0.1
Trms = =
effective t 1.5
value: ≈ 0.483 (Nm) < Rated torque...Satisfactory

10. Result
It has been verified that the provisionally selected Servomotor is applicable.
The torque diagram is shown below.
(Nm) Torque
Motor Speed


0.1 1.0 0.1


2.1.2 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary Servomotor:

For Position Control
1. Mechanical Specifications
Linear motion section Servomotor


Ball screw

Item Code Value Item Code Value

Coupling Outer Diam-
Load Speed υL 15 m/min dC 0.03 m
Linear Motion Section Number of Feeding
m 80 kg n 40 rotation/min
Mass Operations
Ball Screw Length B 0.8 m Feeding Distance 0.25 m
Ball Screw Diameter dB 0.016 m Feeding Time tm 1.2 s max.
Electrical Stopping
Ball Screw Lead PB 0.005 m δ ±0.01 mm
Ball Screw Material
ρ 7.87 × 103 kg/m3 Friction Coefficient μ 0.2
External Force on
F 0N Mechanical Efficiency η 0.9 (90%)
Linear Motion Section
Coupling Mass mC 0.3 kg

2. Speed Diagram
υL 60 60
Reference pulses t= = = 1.5 (s)
15 40
Motor Speed Load speed
(m/min) If ta = td and ts = 0.1 (s),
ta tc td ts Time
ta = tm − ts − 60 60 × 0.25 = 0.1 (s)
υL = 1.2 − 0.1 − 15

tc = 1.2 − 0.1 − 0.1 × 2 = 0.9 (s)

2.1 Selecting the Servomotor Capacity
2.1.2 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary Servomotor: For Position Control

3. Motor Speed
• Load shaft υ 15
speed nL = L = = 3,000 (min-1)
PB 0.005
• Motor shaft Direct coupling gear ratio 1/R = 1/1
speed Therefore, nM = nL ⋅ R = 3,000 × 1 = 3,000 (min-1)

4. Load Torque
(9.8 μ  m + F )  PB (9.8 × 0.2 × 80 + 0) × 0.005
TL = = = 0.139 (Nm)
2πR  η 2π × 1 × 0.9

5. Load Moment of Inertia

• Linear motion section
PB 2 0.005

JL1 = m = 80 × = 0.507 × 10-4 (kgm2)

2πR 2π × 1
• Ball screw JB = π ρ  B  dB4 = π × 7.87 × 103 × 0.8 × (0.016)4 = 0.405 × 10-4 (kgm2)
32 32

• Coupling 1 1
Jc = m d 2= × 0.3 × (0.03)2 = 0.338 × 10-4 (kgm2)
8 C C 8
• Load moment of inertia at motor shaft
JL = JL1 + JB + Jc = 1.25 × 10-4 (kgm2)

6. Load Moving Power

2πnM  TL 2π × 3,000 × 0.139
PO = = = 43.7 (W)
60 60

7. Load Acceleration Power

Capacity Selection
2 2
2π J 2π 1.25 × 10-4
Pa = nM L = × 3,000 × = 123.4 (W)
60 ta 60 0.1

8. Servomotor Provisional Selection

 Selection Conditions
• TL ≤ Motor rated torque

• (Po + Pa) < Provisionally selected Servomotor rated output < (Po + Pa) 2
• nM ≤ Rated motor speed
• JL ≤ Allowable load moment of inertia

The following Servomotor meets the selection conditions.

• SGM7J-01A Servomotor
 Specifications of the Provisionally Selected Servomotor
Item Value
Rated Output 100 (W)
Rated Motor Speed 3,000 (min-1)
Rated Torque 0.318 (Nm)
Instantaneous Maximum Torque 1.11 (Nm)
Motor Moment of Inertia 0.0659 × 10-4 (kgm2)
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia 0.0659 × 10-4 × 35 = 2.31 × 10-4 (kgm2)
Encoder Resolution 16,777,216 (pulses/rev) (24 bits)

2.1 Selecting the Servomotor Capacity
2.1.2 Capacity Selection Example for a Rotary Servomotor: For Position Control

9. Verification of the Provisionally Selected Servomotor

• Verifica-
tion of 2πnM (JM + JL) 2π × 3,000 × (0.0659 + 1.25) × 10-4
TP = + TL = + 0.139
acceler- 60ta 60 × 0.1
ation ≈ 0.552 (Nm) < Maximum instantaneous torque...Satisfactory
• Verifica-
TS = 2πnM (JM + JL) − TL = 2π × 3,000 × (0.0659 + 1.25) × 10 − 0.139
tion of -4

required 60 × 0.1
deceler- 60td
ation ≈ 0.274 (Nm) < Maximum instantaneous torque...Satisfactory
• Verifica- TP2  ta + TL2  tc + Ts2  td
tion of (0.552)2 × 0.1 + (0.139)2 × 0.9 + (0.274)2 × 0.1
Trms = =
effective t 1.5
value: ≈ 0.192 (Nm) < Rated torque...Satisfactory

It has been verified that the provisionally selected Servomotor is applicable in terms of capacity.
Position control is considered next.

10. Positioning Resolution

The electrical stopping precision δ is ±0.01 mm, so the positioning resolution Δ is 0.01 mm.
The ball screw lead PB is 0.005 m, so the number of pulses per motor rotation is calculated with the
following formula.
P 5 mm/rev
Number of pulses per rotation (pulses) = B = = 500 (P/rev) < Encoder resolution (16,777,216 (pulses/rev))
Δ 0.01 mm
The number of pulses per motor rotation is less than the encoder resolution (pulses/rev), so the provi-
sionally selected motor can be used.

11. Reference Pulse Frequency

The load speed υL is 15 m/min, or 1,000 × 15/60 mm/s and the positioning resolution (travel distance
per pulse) is 0.01 mm/pulse, so the reference pulse frequency is calculated with the following for-
1,000 υL 1,000 × 15
vs = = = 25,000 (pps)
60 × Δ 60 × 0.01
The reference pulse frequency is less than the maximum input pulse frequency,* so the provisionally
selected Servomotor can be used.
*Refer to the specifications in the SERVOPACK manual for the maximum input pulse frequency.

It has been verified that the provisionally selected Servomotor is applicable for position control.

Ratings, and External
Dimensions of
SGM7M Servomotors
This chapter describes how to interpret the model numbers
of SGM7M Servomotors and gives their specifications, rat-
ings, and external dimensions.

3.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

3.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

3.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.2.2 Servomotor Ratings (SGM7M-E) . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics
(SGM7M-E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.2.4 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics
(SGM7M-E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.2.5 Servomotor Ratings (SGM7M-A) . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
3.2.6 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics
(SGM7M-A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3.2.7 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics
(SGM7M-A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3.2.8 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
3.2.9 Derating Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9

3.3 External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10

3.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . 3-10
3.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.1 Model Designations

3.1 Model Designations

SGM7M - A1 A 3 A 2 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Σ-V mini Series digits digit digit digit digit digit

1st+2nd digits Rated Output 3rd digit Power Supply Voltage 6th digit Shaft End
Code Specification Code Specification Code Specification
A1 11 W A 200 VAC 2 Straight (standard)
A2 22 W E 24 VDC/ 48 VDC*1, *2 Straight with flat seats
A3 33 W (optional)
B3 3.3 W 4th digit Serial Encoder
B5 5.5 W Code Specification 7th digit Options
B9 11 W 3 20-bit absolute Code Specification
1 Without options
5th digit Design Revision Order C With holding brake (24 VDC)*3
*1. This specification must be used with SGDV SERVOPACKs (Σ-V Series).
*2. Specifications are the same for 24 VDC and 48 VDC. Characteristics vary with the voltage of the main circuit for
*3. Applicable only for SGM7M-A1/-A2/-A3.

3.2 Specifications and Ratings
3.2.1 Specifications

3.2 Specifications and Ratings

3.2.1 Specifications
Voltage 24 VDC/48 VDC 200 VAC
Model SGM7M- B3E B5E B9E A1E A2E A3E A1A A2A A3A
Time Rating Continuous
Thermal Class UL: A, CE: B B
Insulation Resistance 500 VDC, 10 MΩ min.
Withstand Voltage 600 VAC for 1 minute 1,500 VAC for 1 minute

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7M Servomotors

Excitation Permanent magnet
Mounting Flange-mounted
Drive Method Direct drive
Rotation Direction Counterclockwise (CCW) for forward reference when viewed from the load side
Vibration Class*1 V15
Surrounding Air Temperature 0°C to 40°C
Surrounding Air Humidity 20% to 80% relative humidity (with no condensation)
• Must be indoors and free of corrosive and explosive gases.
• Must be well-ventilated and free of dust and moisture.
Environmen- Installation Site • Must facilitate inspection and cleaning.
tal Condi- • Must have an altitude of 1,000 m or less.
tions • Must be free of strong magnetic fields.
Store the Servomotor in the following environment if you store it with
the power cable disconnected.
Storage Environment
Storage Temperature: -20°C to 60°C (with no freezing)
Storage Humidity: 20% to 80% relative humidity (with no condensation)
Impact Acceleration
Shock 490 m/s2
Rate at Flange
Number of Impacts 2 times
Vibration Vibration Acceleration
49 m/s2
Resistance*2 Rate at Flange
SGDV- *3 1R7E 2R9E − − −
Applicable SGD7S- − − − − − − R90A, R90F
1R6A*4, 1R6A,
SGD7W- − − − − − −
2R8A*4 2R8A*4

*1. A vibration class of V15 indicates a vibration amplitude of 15 μm maximum on the Servomotor without a load at
the rated motor speed.
*2. The given values are for when the Servomotor shaft is mounted horizontally and shock or vibration is applied in the
directions shown in the following figures.
The strength of the vibration that the Servomotor can withstand depends on the application. Always check the
vibration acceleration rate that is applied to the Servomotor with the actual equipment.
Vertical Vertical Front to back

Horizontal direction
Side to side
Shock Applied to the Servomotor Vibration Applied to the Servomotor

*3. These are Σ-V-series SERVOPACKs.

Refer to the following catalog for details.
AC Servo Drives Σ-V Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800000 42)
*4. If you use a Servomotor together with a Σ-7W or Σ-7C SERVOPACK, the control gain may not increase as much
as with a Σ-7S SERVOPACK and other performances may be lower than those achieved with a Σ-7S SERVO-

3.2 Specifications and Ratings
3.2.2 Servomotor Ratings (SGM7M-E)

3.2.2 Servomotor Ratings (SGM7M-E)

Voltage 24 VDC/48 VDC
Model SGM7M B3E B5E B9E A1E A2E A3E
*1 W 3.3 5.5 11 11 22 33
Rated Output
*1, *2 Nm 0.0105 0.0175 0.0350 0.0350 0.0700 0.105
Rated Torque
*1 Nm 0.0263 0.0438 0.0875 0.105 0.210 0.306
Instantaneous Maximum Torque
*1 Arms 1.5 1.5 1.7 2.5 2.5 2.7
Rated Current
*1 Arms 3.6 3.7 4.1 7.8 7.6 8.0
Instantaneous Maximum Current
*1 -1 3000
Rated Motor Speed min
*1 -1 7000 6000
Maximum Motor Speed min
Torque Constant Nm/Arms 0.00814 0.0132 0.0241 0.0153 0.0309 0.0421
2.54 4.49 6.81
Motor Moment of Inertia ×10-7 kgm2 0.560 0.902 2.29
(3.99) (5.96) (8.31)
Rated Power Rate*1 kW/s 1.97 3.40 5.35 4.82 10.9 16.2
*1 2 188000 194000 153000 138000 156000 154000
Rated Angular Acceleration Rate rad/s
Motor Constant Nm/ W 0.00374 0.00618 0.0133 0.0149 0.0244 0.0310
250 × 250
Heat Sink Size (Aluminum)*3 mm 150 × 150 × 3
Totally enclosed, self- Totally enclosed, self-
Protective Structure*4 cooled, IP42 (except for cooled, IP55 (except for
shaft opening) shaft opening)
Rated Voltage V − − − DC24 V ±10%
Capacity W − − − 2.1 2.8 3.2
Holding Torque Nm − − − 0.044 0.077 0.116
Holding Brake Coil Resistance Ω (at 20°C) − − − 274.3 205.7 180
Specifications*5 Rated Current A (at 20°C) − − − 0.087 0.117 0.133
Time Required to Release
ms − − − 60 60 60
Time Required to Brake ms − − − 100 100 100
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia
30 times
(Motor Moment of Inertia Ratio)*6
With External Regenerative Resistor 30 times
LF mm 10 16
Allowable Shaft
Allowable Radial Load N 8 10 34 44
Allowable Thrust Load N 4 14.5
Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
*1. These values are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of the armature winding is
100°C. The values for other items are at 20°C. These are typical values.
*2. The rated torques are the continuous allowable torque values at a surrounding air temperature of 40°C with an
aluminum or steel heat sink of the dimensions given in the table.
*3. Refer to the following section for the relation between the heat sinks and derating rate.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 3-9
*4. This does not apply to the shaft opening. Protective structure specifications apply only when the special cable is used.
*5. Observe the following precautions if you use a Servomotor with a Holding Brake.
• The holding brake cannot be used to stop the Servomotor.
• The time required to release the brake and the time required to brake depend on which discharge circuit is
used. Confirm that the operation delay time is appropriate for the actual equipment.
• The 24-VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
*6. The motor moment of inertia scaling factor is the value for a standard Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
*7. Design the mechanical system so that the thrust and radial loads applied to the Servomotor shaft end during
operation do not exceed the values given in the table.

Radial load

Thrust load

3.2 Specifications and Ratings
3.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics (SGM7M-E)

3.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics (SGM7M-E)

A : Continuous duty zone (solid lines): With 48 VDC input
B : Intermittent duty zone (dotted lines): With 24 VDC input


8000 8000 8000
7000 7000 7000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

6000 6000 6000
5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0 0.04 0.08 0.12

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7M Servomotors

Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)


8000 8000 8000
7000 7000 7000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

6000 6000 6000
5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 0 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.36

Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

* The characteristics are the same for 24 VDC and 48 VDC input.
Note: 1. These values (typical values) are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of
the armature winding is 100°C.
2. The characteristics in the intermittent duty zone depend on the power supply voltage.
3. If the effective torque is within the allowable range for the rated torque, the Servomotor can be used within
the intermittent duty zone.
4. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.

3.2.4 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

The overload detection level is set for hot start conditions with a Servomotor surrounding air
temperature of 40°C. 3
SGM7M-B3E, -B5E, -B9E SGM7M-A1E, -A2E, -A3E
10000 10000

Detection time (s)

Detection time (s)





0.1 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 60 120 180 240 300

Torque reference (percent of rated torque) Torque reference (percent of rated torque)
(%) (%)

Note: The above overload protection characteristics do not mean that you can perform continuous duty operation
with an output of 100% or higher. Use the Servomotor so that the effective torque remains within the contin-
uous duty zone given in 3.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics (SGM7M-E) on page 3-5.

3.2 Specifications and Ratings
3.2.5 Servomotor Ratings (SGM7M-A)

3.2.5 Servomotor Ratings (SGM7M-A)

Voltage 200 VAC
Model SGM7M- A1A A2A A3A
Rated Output W 11 22 33
Rated Torque*1, *2 Nm 0.0350 0.0700 0.105
Instantaneous Maximum Torque*1 Nm 0.105 0.210 0.315
Rated Current Arms 0.83 0.82 0.90
Instantaneous Maximum Current*1 Arms 2.6 2.5 2.8
*1 -1
Rated Motor Speed min 3000
*1 -1
Maximum Motor Speed min 7000
Torque Constant Nm/Arms 0.0458 0.0928 0.126
2.54 4.49 6.81
Motor Moment of Inertia ×10-7 kgm2 (3.99) (5.96) (8.31)
Rated Power Rate*1 kW/s 4.82 10.9 16.2
Rated Angular Acceleration Rate*1 rad/s 2 138000 156000 154000
Motor Constant Nm/ W 0.0149 0.0245 0.0309
Heat Sink Size (Aluminum) mm 150 × 150 × 3 250 × 250 × 6
Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP55
Protective Structure*4
(except for shaft opening)
Rated Voltage V DC24 V ±10%
Capacity W 2.1 2.8 3.2
Holding Torque Nm 0.044 0.077 0.116
Holding Brake Coil Resistance Ω (at 20°C) 274.3 205.7 180
Specifications*5 Rated Current A (at 20°C) 0.087 0.117 0.133
Time Required to Release
ms 60 60 60
Time Required to Brake ms 100 100 100
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia
30 times
(Motor Moment of Inertia Ratio)*6
With External Regenerative Resistor 30 times
LF mm 16
Allowable Shaft
Allowable Radial Load N 34 44
Allowable Thrust Load N 14.5
Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
*1. These values are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of the armature wind-
ing is 100°C. The values for other items are at 20°C. These are typical values.
*2. The rated torques are the continuous allowable torque values at a surrounding air temperature of 40°C with an
aluminum or steel heat sink of the dimensions given in the table.
*3. Refer to the following section for the relation between the heat sinks and derating rate.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 3-9
*4. This does not apply to the shaft opening. Protective structure specifications apply only when the special cable is
*5. Observe the following precautions if you use a Servomotor with a Holding Brake.
• The holding brake cannot be used to stop the Servomotor.
• The time required to release the brake and the time required to brake depend on which discharge circuit is
used. Confirm that the operation delay time is appropriate for the actual equipment.
• The 24-VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
*6. The motor moment of inertia scaling factor is the value for a standard Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
*7. Design the mechanical system so that the thrust and radial loads applied to the Servomotor shaft end during
operation do not exceed the values given in the table.

Radial load

Thrust load

3.2 Specifications and Ratings
3.2.6 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics (SGM7M-A)

3.2.6 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics (SGM7M-A)

A : Continuous duty zone
B : Intermittent duty zone*


8000 8000 8000
7000 7000 7000

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)
Motor speed (min-1)

6000 6000 6000

5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7M Servomotors

0 0 0
0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 0 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.36

Torque (N·m) Torque (N·m) Torque (N·m)

* The characteristics are the same for three-phase 200 V, single-phase 200 V, and single-phase 100 V input.
Note: 1. These values (typical values) are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of
the armature winding is 100°C.
2. The characteristics in the intermittent duty zone depend on the power supply voltage.
3. If the effective torque is within the allowable range for the rated torque, the Servomotor can be used within
the intermittent duty zone.
4. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.

3.2.7 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

The overload detection level is set for hot start conditions with a Servomotor surrounding air
temperature of 40°C.
SGM7M-A1A, -A2A, -A3A

Detection time (s)

100 3


0 60 120 180 240 300

Torque reference (percent of rated torque)


Note: The above overload protection characteristics do not mean that you can perform continuous duty operation
with an output of 100% or higher. Use the Servomotor so that the effective torque remains within the contin-
uous duty zone given in 3.2.6 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics (SGM7M-A) on page 3-7.

3.2 Specifications and Ratings
3.2.8 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

3.2.8 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

The allowable load moments of inertia (motor moment of inertia ratios) for the Servomotors are
given in 3.2.2 Servomotor Ratings (SGM7M-E) on page 3-4 and 3.2.5 Servomotor Ratings
(SGM7M-A) on page 3-6. The values are determined by the regenerative energy process-
ing capacity of the SERVOPACK and are also affected by the drive conditions of the Servomo-
tor. Perform the required Steps for each of the following cases.
Use the SigmaSize+ AC Servo Drive Capacity Selection Program to check the driving condi-
tions. Contact your Yaskawa representative for information on this program.

Exceeding the Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

Use one of the following measures to adjust the load moment of inertia to within the allowable
• Reduce the torque limit.
• Reduce the deceleration rate.
• Reduce the maximum motor speed.
If the above steps is not possible, install an external regenerative resistor.
Information An Overvoltage Alarm (A.400) is likely to occur during deceleration if the load moment of iner-
tia exceeds the allowable load moment of inertia. SERVOPACKs with a built-in regenerative
resistor may generate a Regenerative Overload Alarm (A.320). Refer to the following catalog
for the regenerative power (W) that can be processed by the SERVOPACKs.
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)
Install an External Regenerative Resistor when the built-in regenerative resistor cannot pro-
cess all of the regenerative power.

SERVOPACKs without Built-in Regenerative Resistors

The following graph shows the allowable load moment of inertia scaling factor of the motor
speed (reference values for deceleration operation at or above the rated torque). Application is
possible without an external regenerative resistor within the allowable value. However, an Exter-
nal Regenerative Resistor is required in the shaded areas of the graphs.
SGM7M-A1A, -A2A, -A3A
Allowable load moment of inertia

scaling factor (times)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Motor speed (min-1)

Note: Applicable SERVOPACK models: SGD7S-R90A, -1R6A, -R90F, and -2R1F

When an External Regenerative Resistor Is Required

Install the External Regenerative Resistor. Refer to the following catalog for the recommended prod-
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)

3.2 Specifications and Ratings
3.2.9 Derating Rates

3.2.9 Derating Rates

Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions

The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values when a heat sink is installed on the
Servomotor. If the Servomotor is mounted on a small device component, the Servomotor tem-
perature may rise considerably because the surface for heat dissipation becomes smaller.
Refer to the following graphs for the relation between the heat sink size and derating rate.
120 120 120

100 100 100 SGM7M-A3

SGM7M-B3, -B5, -B9 SGM7M-A1, -A2
Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80 80

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7M Servomotors

60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20
0 30 60 90 120 150 0 30 60 90 120 150 0 50 100 150 200 250
Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm)

The actual temperature rise depends on the following conditions. Always check the Servomotor
temperature with the actual equipment.
• How the heat sink (the Servomotor mounting section) is attached to the installation surface
Important • Status between heat sink and Servomotor (sealant, reduction gear, etc.)
• What material is used for the Servomotor mounting section
• Servomotor speed

Information When using Servomotors with derating, change the detection timing of overload warning and
overload alarm based on the overload detection level of the motor given in 3.2.4 Servomotor
Overload Protection Characteristics (SGM7M-E) on page 3-5 and 3.2.7 Servomotor
Overload Protection Characteristics (SGM7M-A) on page 3-7.
Note: The derating rates are applicable only when the average motor speed is less than or equal to
the rated motor speed. If the average motor speed exceeds the rated motor speed, consult
with your Yaskawa representative.

3.3 External Dimensions
3.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes

3.3 External Dimensions

3.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes

SGM7M-B3, -B5 and -B9
Encoder Connector
Encoder Cable
AWG28, UL20276 4 dia.

300 ±30

Servomotor Main Circuit Cable Servomotor Connector

Protective Tube
4 dia., Black

300 ±30

(3.3) (L3)
(L1) 12.5
0.04 A
1.3 3.7 (24.7) L2 10
5 dia. 0.04 dia. A

LB dia.
S dia.

A 4 × M2 × 3
0.02 Unit: mm

Model Flange Dimensions Approx.

L L1 L2 L3
SGM7M- S LB Mass [g]
0 0
B3E3A1 56 46 21.3 42.7 4 -0.008 11 -0.018 55
0 0
B5E3A1 62 52 27.3 48.7 4 -0.008 11 -0.018 60
0 0
B9E3A1 96 86 61.3 82.7 4 -0.008 11 -0.018 100

 Shaft End Specification  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Flat Seats • Encoder Connector
0.02 PG5V1 5 PS
6 A PG0V2 6 /PS
5 4
BAT(+) 7 −
S dia.

BAT(-) 8 −
8 1 Connector case FG
Model: IX40-A-8S-CV (6.4)
Manufacturer: Hirose Electric Co., Ltd.
Mating connector: IX40-A-8P-JC (7.1)
LB dia.

• Servomotor Connector
0.5 3.5 1 Phase U
3 4
2 Phase V
3 Phase W
1 2
4 FG (frame ground)
Receptacle: 43025-0400
Manufacturer: Molex Japan LLC

3.3 External Dimensions
3.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes

SGM7M-A1, -A2 and -A3

Encoder Cable Encoder Connector
UL20276 4 dia.

300 ±30

Servomotor Main Circuit Cable Servomotor Connector

AWG24, UL3266

Protective Tube
5 dia., Black
300 ±30
0.04 A : Square dimensions

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7M Servomotors

4.6 (L3)
12 0.02
(L1) 16
23 L2 2.5 16
0.04 dia. A

S dia.

LB dia.

2 × M3 × 7 Unit: mm

Model Flange Dimensions Approx.

L L1 L2 L3
SGM7M- S LB Mass [g]
A13A1 68 52 29 47.4 0
5 -0.008 0
20 -0.021 120
A23A1 78 62 39 57.4 5 0
-0.008 20 0
-0.021 160
A33A1 89.5 73.5 50.5 68.9 5
-0.008 20
-0.021 210

 Shaft End Specification  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Flat Seats • Encoder Connector
0.02 PG5V 1 5 PS
10 A PG0V 2 6 /PS
5 4
BAT(+) 3 7 −
S Dia.

BAT(-) 4 8 −
8 1 Connector case FG
Model: IX40-A-8S-CV (6.4)
Manufacturer: Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. 3
Mating connector: IX40-A-8P-JC (7.1)
LB Dia.

• Servomotor Connector
0.5 4.5 1 Phase U
3 4
2 Phase V
3 Phase W
1 2
4 FG (frame ground)
Receptacle: 43025-0400
Manufacturer: Molex Japan LLC

3.3 External Dimensions
3.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

3.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

SGM7M-A1, -A2 and -A3

Encoder Connector
Encoder Cable
UL20276 4 dia.

300 ±30

Servomotor Main Circuit Cable Servomotor Connector

AWG24, UL3266
Protective Tube
5 dia., Black

300 ±30

0.04 A
4.6 (L3)
0.02 25
12 (L1) 16 A
23 L2 2.5 16

S dia.

LB dia.
0.04 dia. A
2 × M3 × 7 Unit: mm

Model Flange Dimensions Approx.

L L1 L2 L3
SGM7M- S LB Mass [g]
A13AC 90.5 74.5 29 69.9 0
5 -0.008 0
20 -0.021 180
A23AC 104 88 39 83.4 5 0
-0.008 20 0
-0.021 220
A33AC 118 102 50.5 97.4 5
-0.008 20
-0.021 310

 Shaft End Specification  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Flat Seats • Encoder Connector
4 2
PG0V 6 /PS
10 A 5
BAT(+) 7 −
S Dia.

BAT(-) 8 −
8 1 Connector case FG
Model: IX40-A-8S-CV (6.4)
Manufacturer: Hirose Electric Co., Ltd.
Mating connector: IX40-A-8P-JC (7.1)
LB Dia.

• Servomotor Connector
1 Phase U
0.5 4.5 2 Phase V
4 5 6
3 Phase W
1 2 3
4 FG (frame ground)
5 Brake
6 Brake
Receptacle: 43025-0600
Manufacturer: Molex Japan LLC

Ratings, and External
Dimensions of
SGM7J Servomotors
This chapter describes how to interpret the model numbers
of SGM7J Servomotors and gives their specifications, rat-
ings, and external dimensions.

4.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

4.1.1 Without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.1.2 With Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

4.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

4.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . 4-4
4.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics . . . . . . . . . 4-5
4.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4.2.5 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics . . . 4-8
4.2.6 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
4.2.7 Derating Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10

4.3 External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11

4.3.1 Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
4.1 Model Designations
4.1.1 Without Gears

4.1 Model Designations

4.1.1 Without Gears

SGM7J - 01 A 7 A 2 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
-7 Series digits digit digit digit digit digit

1st+2nd digits Rated Output 3rd digit Power Supply Voltage 6th digit Shaft End

Code Specification Code Specification Code Specification

A5 50 W A 200 VAC 2 Straight without key
01 100 W 6 Straight with key and tap
C2 150 W 4th digit Serial Encoder B With two flat seats
02 200 W Code Specification
04 400 W 6
7th digit Options
24-bit batteryless absolute
06 600 W 7 24-bit absolute Code Specification
08 750 W F 24-bit incremental 1 Without options
C With holding brake (24 VDC)
A digit
Design Revision Order With oil seal and holding
brake (24 VDC)
S With oil seal

4.1.2 With Gears

SGM7J - 01 A 7 A H 1 2 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
-7 Series digits digit digit digit digit digit digit digit

1st+2nd digits Rated Output 5th digit Design Revision Order 8th digit Shaft End
Code Specification A Code Specification
A5 50 W 0 Flange output
6th digit Gear Type 2 Straight without key
01 100 W
C2 150 W Code Specification 6 Straight with key and tap
02 200 W H HDS planetary low-backlash gear
04 400 W 9th digit Options
06 600 W 7th digit Gear Ratio
Code Specification
08 750 W Code Specification 1 Without options
B 1/11*1 C With holding brake (24 VDC)
3rd digit Power Supply Voltage C 1/21
Code Specification 1 1/5
A 200 VAC 2 1/9*2
7 1/33
4th digit Serial Encoder
*1. This specification is not supported for
Code Specification models with a rated output of 50 W.
6 24-bit batteryless absolute *2. This specification is supported only for
models with a rated output of 50 W.
7 24-bit absolute
F 24-bit incremental

4.2 Specifications and Ratings
4.2.1 Specifications

4.2 Specifications and Ratings

4.2.1 Specifications
Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7J- A5A 01A C2A 02A 04A 06A 08A
Time Rating Continuous
Thermal Class UL: B, CE: B
Insulation Resistance 500 VDC, 10 MΩ min.
Withstand Voltage 1,500 VAC for 1 minute
Excitation Permanent magnet
Mounting Flange-mounted

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors

Drive Method Direct drive
Rotation Direction Counterclockwise (CCW) for forward reference when viewed from the load side
Vibration Class*1 V15
Surrounding Air Temperature 0°C to 40°C (With derating, usage is possible between 40°C and 60°C.)*3
Surrounding Air Humidity 20% to 80% relative humidity (with no condensation)
• Must be indoors and free of corrosive and explosive gases.
• Must be well-ventilated and free of dust and moisture.
• Must facilitate inspection and cleaning.
Installation Site
Environmen- • Must have an altitude of 1,000 m or less. (With derating, usage
tal Condi- is possible between 1,000 m and 2,000 m.)*3
tions • Must be free of strong magnetic fields.
Store the Servomotor in the following environment if you store it with the
power cable disconnected.
Storage Environment Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C (with no freezing)
Storage humidity: 20% to 80% relative humidity
(with no condensation)
Shock Impact Acceleration Rate at Flange 490 m/s2
Resistance*2 Number of Impacts 2 times
Vibration Vibration Acceleration
49 m/s2
Resistance*2 Rate at Flange
R70A, R90A, 2R8A,
SGD7S- 1R6A, 2R1F 5R5A
Applicable R70F R90F 2R8F
PACKs 1R6A*4, 2R8A*4 1R6A, 2R8A*4 5R5A*4, 5R5A, 7R6A
7R6A*4 4
*1. A vibration class of V15 indicates a vibration amplitude of 15 μm maximum on the Servomotor without a load at
the rated motor speed.
*2. The given values are for when the Servomotor shaft is mounted horizontally and shock or vibration is applied in
the directions shown in the following figures.
The strength of the vibration that the Servomotor can withstand depends on the application. Always check the
vibration acceleration rate that is applied to the Servomotor with the actual equipment.
Vertical Vertical Front to back

Horizontal direction
Side to side
Shock Applied to the Servomotor Vibration Applied to the Servomotor

*3. Refer to the following section for the derating rates.

4.2.7 Derating Rates on page 4-10
*4. If you use the Servomotor together with a Σ-7W or Σ-7C SERVOPACK, the control gain may not increase as
much as with a Σ-7S SERVOPACK and other performances may be lower than those achieved with a Σ-7S

4.2 Specifications and Ratings
4.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears

4.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears

Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7J- A5A 01A C2A 02A 04A 06A 08A
Rated Output*1 W 50 100 150 200 400 600 750
*1, *2 Nm 0.159 0.318 0.477 0.637 1.27 1.91 2.39
Rated Torque
*1 Nm 0.557 1.11 1.67 2.23 4.46 6.69 8.36
Instantaneous Maximum Torque
*1 Arms 0.55 0.85 1.6 1.6 2.5 4.2 4.4
Rated Current
*1 Arms 2.0 3.1 5.7 5.8 9.3 15.3 16.9
Instantaneous Maximum Current
Rated Motor Speed*1 min-1 3000
*1 -1 6000
Maximum Motor Speed min
Torque Constant Nm/Arms 0.316 0.413 0.321 0.444 0.544 0.493 0.584
Motor Moment of Inertia 0.0395 0.0659 0.0915 0.263 0.486 0.800 1.59
With Holding
0.0475 0.0739 0.0995 0.333 0.556 0.870 1.77
With Batteryless ×10-4 kgm2 0.0410 0.0674 0.0930 0.264 0.487 0.801 1.59
Absolute Encoder
With Holding
Brake and Bat- 0.0490 0.0754 0.1010 0.334 0.557 0.871 1.77
teryless Encoder
Rated Power Rate*1 6.40 15.3 24.8 15.4 33.1 45.6 35.9
With Holding kW/s
5.32 13.6 22.8 12.1 29.0 41.9 32.2
Rated Angular Acceleration Rate*1 40200 48200 52100 24200 26100 23800 15000
With Holding rad/s2
33400 43000 47900 19100 22800 21900 13500
Derating Rate for Servomotor with Oil Seal % 80 90 95
Heat Sink Size (Aluminum) *3 mm 200 × 200 × 6 250 × 250 × 6
*4 Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP67
Protective Structure
Rated Voltage V 24 VDC ±10%
Capacity W 5.5 6 6.5
Holding Torque Nm 0.159 0.318 0.477 0.637 1.27 1.91 2.39
Coil Resistance Ω (at 20°C) 104.8 ±10% 96 ±10% 88.6 ±10%
Holding Brake
Specifications*5 Rated Current A (at 20°C) 0.23 0.25 0.27
Time Required to
ms 60 80
Release Brake
Time Required to
ms 100
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia 15 10 20 12
35 times
(Motor Moment of Inertia Ratio)*6 times times times times
With External Regenerative
Resistor and External Dynamic 20 15
35 times 25 times
times times
Brake Resistor*7
LF mm 20 25 35
Allowable Shaft
Allowable Radial Load N 78 245 392
Allowable Thrust Load N 54 74 147
*1. These values are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of the armature wind-
ing is 100°C. The values for other items are at 20°C. These are typical values.
*2. The rated torques are the continuous allowable torque values at a surrounding air temperature of 40°C with an
aluminum heat sink of the dimensions given in the table.
*3. Refer to the following section for the relation between the heat sinks and derating rate.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 4-10
*4. This does not apply to the shaft opening. Protective structure specifications apply only when the special cable is used.

4.2 Specifications and Ratings
4.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics

*5. Observe the following precautions if you use a Servomotor with a Holding Brake.
• The holding brake cannot be used to stop the Servomotor.
• The time required to release the brake and the time required to brake depend on which discharge circuit is
used. Confirm that the operation delay time is appropriate for the actual equipment.
• The 24-VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
*6. The motor moment of inertia scaling factor is the value for a standard Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
*7. To externally connect a dynamic brake resistor, select hardware option specification 020 for the SERVOPACK.
However,you cannot externally connect a dynamic brake resistor if you use the following SERVOPACKs (maxi-
mum applicable motor capacity: 400 W).
• SGD7S-R70A020 to -2R8A020
• SGD7W-1R6A20A020 to -2R8A20A020
• SGD7C-1R6AMAA020 to -2R8MAA020
*8. Design the mechanical system so that the thrust and radial loads applied to the Servomotor shaft end during
operation do not exceed the values given in the table.

Radial load

Thrust load

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors

4.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics
A : Continuous duty zone (solid lines): With three-phase 200-V or single-phase 230-V input
B : Intermittent duty zone (dotted lines): With single-phase 200-V input
(dashed-dotted lines): With single-phase 100-V input


7000 7000 7000
6000 6000 6000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)


7000 7000 7000
6000 6000 6000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000 5000

4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 8 10

Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

Motor speed (min-1)

0 2 4 6 8 10

Torque (Nm)
*1. The characteristics are the same for a single-phase 200-V and single-phase 100-V input.
*2. The characteristics are the same for three-phase 200-V and single-phase 200-V input.
Note: 1. These values (typical values) are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of
the armature winding is 100°C.
2. The characteristics in the intermittent duty zone depend on the power supply voltage.
3. If the effective torque is within the allowable range for the rated torque, the Servomotor can be used within
the intermittent duty zone.
4. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.

4.2 Specifications and Ratings
4.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears

4.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears

Gear Mechanism Protective Structure Lost Motion [arc-min]
All Models Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP55
Planetary gear mechanism 3 max.
(except for shaft opening)

Servomotor Gear Output

Maxi- Instanta- Instanta- Maxi-

Servomotor Model Rated neous neous Rated
Rated mum Rated Rated Torque/ mum
SGM7J- Motor Maxi- Gear Maxi- Motor
Output Speed
Motor Torque
mum Ratio Efficiency*1 mum Speed
[W] Speed [N⋅m] [N⋅m/%] Speed
[min-1] Torque Torque [min -1]
[min-1] [N⋅m] [N⋅m] [min-1]

A5AAH1 1/5 0.433/64*2 2.37 600 1200

A5AAH2 1/9 1.12/78 3.78*3 333 667
50 3000 6000 0.159 0.557
A5AAHC 1/21 2.84/85 10.6 143 286
A5AAH7 1/33 3.68/70 15.8 91 182
01AAH1 1/5 1.06/78*2 4.96 600 1200
01AAHB 1/11 2.52/72 10.7 273 545
100 3000 6000 0.318 1.11
01AAHC 1/21 5.35/80 20.8 143 286
01AAH7 1/33 7.35/70 32.7 91 182
C2AAH1 1/5 1.68/83*2 7.80 600 1200
C2AAHB 1/11 3.53/79*2 16.9 273 545
150 3000 6000 0.477 1.67
C2AAHC 1/21 *2 31.0 143 286
C2AAH7 1/33 *2 49.7 91 182
02AAH1 1/5 2.39/75 9.80 600 1200
02AAHB 1/11 5.74/82 22.1 273 545
200 3000 6000 0.637 2.23
02AAHC 1/21 10.2/76 42.1 143 286
02AAH7 1/33 17.0/81 67.6 91 182
04AAH1 1/5 5.35/84 20.1 600 1200
04AAHB 1/11 11.5/82 45.1 273 545
400 3000 6000 1.27 4.46
04AAHC 1/21 23.0/86 87.0 143 286
04AAH7 1/33 34.0/81 135 91 182
06AAH1 1/5 7.54/79 30.5 600 1200
06AAHB 1/11 18.1/86 68.6 273 545
600 3000 6000 1.91 6.69
06AAHC 1/21 32.1/80 129 143 286
06AAH7 1/33 53.6/85 206 91 182
08AAH1 1/5 10.0/84 38.4 600 1200
08AAHB 1/11 23.1/88 86.4 273 545
750 3000 6000 2.39 8.36
08AAHC 1/21 42.1/84 163 143 286
08AAH7 1/33 69.3/88 259 91 182
*1. The gear output torque is expressed by the following formula.

Gear output torque = Servomotor output torque × 1 × Efficiency

Gear ratio
The gear efficiency depends on operating conditions such as the output torque, motor speed, and temperature.
The values in the table are typical values for the rated torque, rated motor speed, and a surrounding air tem-
perature of 25°C. They are reference values only.
*2. When using an SGM7J-A5A, SGM7J-01A, or SGM7J-C2A Servomotor with a gear ratio of 1/5 or an SGM7J-
C2A Servomotor with a gear ratio of 1/11, maintain an 85% maximum effective load ratio. For an SGM7J-C2A
Servomotor with a gear ratio of 1/21 or 1/33, maintain a 90% maximum effective load ratio. The values in the
table take the effective load ratio into consideration.
*3. The instantaneous maximum torque is 300% of the rated torque.
Note: 1. The gears that are mounted to Yaskawa Servomotors have not been broken in.
Break in the Servomotor if necessary. First, operate the Servomotor at low speed with no load. If no prob-
lems occur, gradually increase the speed and load.
2. The no-load torque for a Servomotor with a Gear is high immediately after the Servomotor starts, and it
then decreases and becomes stable after a few minutes.
This is a common phenomenon caused by grease circulation in the gears and it does not indicate faulty
3. Other specifications are the same as those for Servomotors without Gears.

4.2 Specifications and Ratings
4.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears

The SERVOPACK speed control range is 1:5,000. If you use Servomotors at extremely low speeds
(0.02 min-1 or lower at the gear output shaft), if you use Servomotors with a one-pulse feed refer-
ence for extended periods, or under some other operating conditions, the gear bearing lubrication
may be insufficient. That may cause deterioration of the bearing or increase the load ratio.
Contact your Yaskawa representative if you use a Servomotor under these conditions.

Moment of Inertia [×10-4 kg⋅m2] With Gears

Servomotor Model Shaft Output Flange Output Allowable Allowable
Radial Thrust LF Reference Diagram
Motor* Motor* Load Load [mm]
Gear Gear
+ Gear + Gear [N] [N]
A5AAH1 0.0455 0.006 0.0445 0.005 95 431 37
A5AAH2 0.0425 0.003 0.0425 0.003 113 514 37
A5AAHC 0.0435 0.004 0.0435 0.004 146 663 37
A5AAH7 0.0845 0.045 0.0845 0.045 267 1246 53

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors

01AAH1 0.0719 0.006 0.0709 0.005 95 431 37
01AAHB 0.126 0.060 0.125 0.059 192 895 53
01AAHC 0.116 0.050 0.116 0.050 233 1087 53
01AAH7 0.131 0.065 0.130 0.064 605 2581 75
Shaft Output
C2AAH1 0.0975 0.006 0.0965 0.005 95 431 37
C2AAHB 0.152 0.060 0.151 0.059 192 895 53
C2AAHC 0.202 0.110 0.200 0.108 528 2254 75 Radial load
C2AAH7 0.157 0.065 0.156 0.064 605 2581 75
Thrust load
02AAH1 0.470 0.207 0.464 0.201 152 707 53
02AAHB 0.456 0.193 0.455 0.192 192 895 53
02AAHC 0.753 0.490 0.751 0.488 528 2254 75
Flange Output
02AAH7 0.713 0.450 0.712 0.449 605 2581 75
04AAH1 0.693 0.207 0.687 0.201 152 707 53 LF

04AAHB 1.06 0.570 1.05 0.560 435 1856 75

04AAHC 0.976 0.490 0.974 0.488 528 2254 75 Radial load
04AAH7 1.11 0.620 1.10 0.610 951 4992 128 Thrust load
06AAH1 1.50 0.700 1.46 0.660 343 1465 75
06AAHB 1.37 0.570 1.36 0.560 435 1856 75
06AAHC 1.64 0.840 1.62 0.820 830 4359 128
06AAH7 1.42 0.620 1.41 0.610 951 4992 128
08AAH1 2.29 0.700 2.25 0.660 343 1465 75
08AAHB 2.19 0.600 2.18 0.590 435 1856 75
08AAHC 4.59 3.00 4.57 2.98 830 4359 128
08AAH7 4.39 2.80 4.37 2.78 951 4992 128
* The moment of inertia for the Servomotor and gear is the value without a holding brake. You can calculate the
moment of inertia for a Servomotor with a Gear and Holding Brake with the following formula.
Motor moment of inertia for a Servomotor with a Holding Brake from 4.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors with-
out Gears on page 4-4 + Moment of inertia for the gear from the above table.

4.2 Specifications and Ratings
4.2.5 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

During operation, the gear generates the loss at the gear mechanism and oil seal. The loss
depends on the torque and motor speed conditions. The temperature rise depends on the loss
and heat dissipation conditions. For the heat dissipation conditions, always refer to the following
Important table and check the gear and motor temperatures with the actual equipment. If the temperature
is too high, implement the following measures.
• Decrease the load ratio.
• Change the heat dissipation conditions.
• Use forced-air cooling for the motor with a cooling fan or other means.

Heat Sink Size

1/5 1/9 or 1/11 1/21 1/33
• A: 250 mm × 250 mm × 6 mm, aluminum plate
• B: 300 mm × 300 mm × 12 mm, aluminum plate
• C: 350 mm × 350 mm × 12 mm, aluminum plate

4.2.5 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

The overload detection level is set for hot start conditions with a Servomotor surrounding air tem-
perature of 40°C.

Detection time (s)

Motor speed of
10 min-1 or higher

Motor speed of
less than 10 min-1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Torque reference (percent of rated torque)

Note: The above overload protection characteristics do not mean that you can perform continuous duty operation
with an output of 100% or higher.
Use the Servomotor so that the effective torque remains within the continuous duty zone given in 4.2.3
Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics on page 4-5.

4.2 Specifications and Ratings
4.2.6 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

4.2.6 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

The allowable load moments of inertia (motor moment of inertia ratios) for the Servomotors are
given in the 4.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears on page 4-4. The values are determined
by the regenerative energy processing capacity of the SERVOPACK and are also affected by the
drive conditions of the Servomotor. Perform the required Steps for each of the following cases.
Use the SigmaSize+ AC Servo Drive Capacity Selection Program to check the driving condi-
tions. Contact your Yaskawa representative for information on this program.

Exceeding the Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

Use one of the following measures to adjust the load moment of inertia to within the allowable
• Reduce the torque limit.
• Reduce the deceleration rate.

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors

• Reduce the maximum motor speed.
If the above steps is not possible, install an external regenerative resistor.
Information An Overvoltage Alarm (A.400) is likely to occur during deceleration if the load moment of iner-
tia exceeds the allowable load moment of inertia. SERVOPACKs with a built-in regenerative
resistor may generate a Regenerative Overload Alarm (A.320). Refer to the following catalog
for the regenerative power (W) that can be processed by the SERVOPACKs.
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)
Install an External Regenerative Resistor when the built-in regenerative resistor cannot pro-
cess all of the regenerative power.

SERVOPACKs without Built-in Regenerative Resistors

The following graph shows the allowable load moment of inertia scaling factor of the motor
speed (reference values for deceleration operation at or above the rated torque). Application is
possible without an external regenerative resistor within the allowable value. However, an Exter-
nal Regenerative Resistor is required in the shaded areas of the graphs.
Allowable load moment of inertia

Allowable load moment of inertia

Allowable load moment of inertia

40 40 40
35 35 35
scaling factor (times)

scaling factor (times)

scaling factor (times)

30 30 30
25 25 25
20 20 20
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Motor speed (min )
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Motor speed (min )
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Motor speed (min-1)
Allowable load moment of inertia

Allowable load moment of inertia

30 30

25 25
scaling factor (times)

scaling factor (times)

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Motor speed (min ) Motor speed (min-1)

Note: Applicable SERVOPACK models: SGD7S-R70A, -R90A, -1R6A, -2R8A, -R70F, -R90F, -2R1F, and -2R8F

When an External Regenerative Resistor Is Required

Install the External Regenerative Resistor. Refer to the following catalog for the recommended
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)

4.2 Specifications and Ratings
4.2.7 Derating Rates

4.2.7 Derating Rates

Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions
The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at a surrounding air temperature of
40°C when a heat sink is installed on the Servomotor. If the Servomotor is mounted on a small
device component, the Servomotor temperature may rise considerably because the surface for
heat dissipation becomes smaller. Refer to the following graphs for the relation between the
heat sink size and derating rate.
120 120 120

SGM7J-A5 and -01 SGM7J-02 and -04 SGM7J-08

100 100 100
Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80 80
60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm)

The actual temperature rise depends on the following conditions. Always check the Servomotor
temperature with the actual equipment.
• How the heat sink (the Servomotor mounting section) is attached to the installation surface
Important • Status between heat sink and Servomotor (sealant, reduction gear, etc.)
• What material is used for the Servomotor mounting section
• Servomotor speed

Applications Where the Surrounding Air Temperature

Exceeds 40°C
The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at a surrounding air temperature of
40°C. If you use a Servomotor at a surrounding air temperature that exceeds 40°C (60°C
max.), apply a suitable derating rate from the following graphs.
120 120
SGM7J-01 and -C2 SGM7J-02 and -04
100 100
Derating rate (%)
Derating rate (%)

80 80

60 60
SGM7J-A5 SGM7J-06 and -08
40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Surrounding air temperature (°C) Surrounding air temperature (°C)

Applications Where the Altitude Exceeds 1,000 m

The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at an altitude of 1,000 m or less. If
you use a Servomotor at an altitude that exceeds 1,000 m (2,000 m max.), the heat dissipation
effect of the air is reduced. Apply the appropriate derating rate from the following graphs.
120 120
SGM7J-02, -04, and -06
100 100
Derating rate (%)
Derating rate (%)

80 80
SGM7J-A5, -01, and -C2
60 60 SGM7J-08

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Altitude (m) Altitude (m)

Information When using Servomotors with derating, change the detection timing of overload warning and
overload alarm based on the overload detection level of the motor given in 4.2.5 Servomotor
Overload Protection Characteristics on page 4-8.
Note: 1. Use the combination of the SERVOPACK and Servomotor so that the derating conditions
are satisfied for both the SERVOPACK and Servomotor.
2. The derating rates are applicable only when the average motor speed is less than or equal
to the rated motor speed. If the average motor speed exceeds the rated motor speed,
consult with your Yaskawa representative.

4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

4.3 External Dimensions

4.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

SGM7J-A5, -01, and -C2

0.04 A
L 0.04 dia. A
LL LR Notation
20.5 LM LE : Square dimensions
MD 0.6 17 ML 0.8


LB dia.

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors


S dia.
2 × LZ dia.
Unit: mm

Model Flange Dimensions Approx.


A5AA2 81.5 56.5 37.9 25 2.5 0 0 0.3

5 40 46 30 -0.021 4.3 8 -0.009 8.8 25.8 14.7 16.1
(122) (97) (0.6)
93.5 68.5 0.4
01AA2 (134) (109) 49.9 25 2.5 5 40 0
46 30 -0.021 0
4.3 8 -0.009 8.8 25.8 14.7 16.1 (0.7)
105.5 80.5 0.5
C2AA2 (153.5) (128.5) 61.9 25 2.5 5 40 0
46 30 -0.021 0
4.3 8 -0.009 8.8 25.8 14.7 16.1 (0.8)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 4-20
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.
 Shaft End Specifications  Specifications of Options
• Straight with Key and Tap • Oil Seal
25 7.5
8 -0.009 dia.


M3 × 6L
30 - 0.021 dia.

29.8 dia.

Y 3
Cross section Y-Y

• With Two Flat Seats Oil Seal Cover

 Connector Mounting Dimensions

• Cable Installed on Load Side






Cross section Y-Y

• Cable Installed on Non-load Side


4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

SGM7J-02, -04, and -06

0.04 A
LL LR 0.04 dia. A
20.5 LM LE LC
MD 0.6 17 ML LG MW


LB dia.
S dia.

LA d
0.02 4 × LZ dia. Unit: mm

Model Flange Dimensions Approx.

99.5 69.5 0.8
02AA2 51.2 30 3 6 60 0
70 50 -0.025 0
5.5 14 -0.011 8.5 28.7 14.7 17.1
(140) (110) (1.4)
115.5 85.5 1.1
04AA2 67.2 30 3 6 60 0
70 50 -0.025 0
5.5 14 -0.011 8.5 28.7 14.7 17.1
(156) (126) (1.7)
137.5 107.5 1.6
06AA2 89.2 30 3 6 60 0
70 50 -0.025 0
5.5 14 -0.011 8.5 28.7 14.7 17.1
(191.5) (161.5) (2.2)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 4-20
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

 Shaft End Specifications  Specifications of Options

• Straight with Key and Tap • Oil Seal
30 10



M5 × 8L

35 dia.

47 dia.

Y 5

Cross section Y-Y

• With Two Flat Seats

Oil Seal Cover
14 -0.011 dia.



 Connector Mounting Dimensions

Y 13 • Cable Installed on Load Side
Cross section Y-Y

• Cable Installed on Non-load Side


4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

0.04 A
LL LR 0.04 dia. A
20.5 LM LE LC
MD 0.6 17 ML LG MW


LB dia.
S dia.

LA dia
0.02 4 × LZ dia. Unit: mm

Flange Dimensions Approx.

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors

137 97 2.2
08AA2 78.5 40 3 8 80 0
90 70 -0.030 7 0
19 -0.013 13.6 38 17 19.3
(184) (144) (2.8)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1
kg greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 4-20
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.
 Shaft End Specifications  Specifications of Options
• Straight with Key and Tap • Oil Seal
40 11
19 -0.013 dia.

22 3

M6 × 10L

47 dia.

61 dia.

Y 6

Cross section Y-Y

• With Two Flat Seats

19 -0.013 dia.

Oil Seal Cover



 Connector Mounting Dimensions

Y 18 • Cable Installed on Load Side
Cross section Y-Y

• Cable Installed on Non-load Side


4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

SGM7J-A5, -01, and -C2
LL LR 0.04 0.05 dia.
LM L1 L2 (0.03) (0.04 dia.) A
0.6 17 16.1 LG L3 Q A LC


LB dia.
LD dia.
B dia.
S dia.
C dia.
Details of Shaft End
with Key and Tap
Rotating parts (shaded section) 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth Unit: mm

Gear Flange Dimensions

Model SGM7J- L* LL* LM
A5AAH1 1/5 138 96 77.4
A5AAH2 1/9 (178.5) (136.5) 0
42 2.2 5 29 39.5 40 -0.025 40 46 3.4
A5AAHC 147 105
1/21 86.4
(187.5) (145.5)
178.5 120.5
A5AAH7 1/33 (219) (161) 101.9 58 2.5 8 40 0
55.5 56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
150 108
01AAH1 1/5 (190.5) (148.5) 89.4 42 2.2 5 29 0
39.5 40 -0.025 40 46 3.4
01AAHB 1/11 190.5 132.5 0
113.9 58 2.5 8 40 55.5 56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
01AAHC 1/21 (231) (173)
215 135
01AAH7 1/33 (255.5) (175.5) 116.4 80 7.5 10 59 84 0
85 -0.035 90 105 9

C2AAH1 162 120 0

1/5 101.4 42 2.2 5 29 39.5 40 -0.025 40 46 3.4
(210) (168)
202.5 144.5
C2AAHB 1/11 (250.5) (192.5) 125.9 58 2.5 8 40 0
55.5 56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
C2AAHC 1/21 227 147 0
128.4 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
C2AAH7 1/33 (275) (195)

Flange Dimensions Tap Size × Key Dimensions Approx.

Model SGM7J- Q C S
L1 L2 L3 Depth QK U W T Mass [kg]
A5AAH1 0.6
A5AAH2 (0.9)
22 20 14.6 − − 10 0
-0.015 M3 × 6L 15 2.5 4 4
A5AAHC (1.0)
A5AAH7 28 30 20 28 20 0
16 -0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5 (1.6)
01AAH1 22 20 14.6 − − 0
10 -0.015 M3 × 6L 15 2.5 4 4 (1.0)
01AAHB 1.4
28 30 20 28 20 0
16 -0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5
01AAHC (1.7)
01AAH7 36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7 (3.1)
C2AAH1 22 20 14.6 − − 0
10 -0.015 M3 × 6L 15 2.5 4 4 (1.1)
C2AAHB 28 30 20 28 20 0
16 -0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5 (1.8)
C2AAHC 2.9
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
C2AAH7 (3.2)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 4-20

4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Gear dimensions are different from those of the Σ, Σ-II, and Σ-III Series.
3. The values for the shaft end are for a straight shaft with key and tap. If a key and tap are not necessary,
specify shaft end code 2 for the 8th digit.

 Flange Output Face

LR 0.02
L3 0.05 dia.
LE 0.04 (0.04 dia.) A
(0.03) LC
LB dia.
LD dia.
G dia.
F dia.

LJ d

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors


LK 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth Unit: mm

Note: The geometric tolerance in parentheses is the value for LC = 40.

Gear No. of Taps × Approx.

Model SGM7J- L* LR LJ F G LK
Ratio Tap Size × Depth Mass [kg]
A5AAH10 1/5 111
A5AAH20 1/9 (151.5) 0.6
15 18 5 +0.012
0 24 3 3 × M4 × 6L
120 (0.9)
A5AAHC0 1/21
141.5 1.2
A5AAH70 1/33 21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 5 6 × M4 × 7L
(182) (1.5)
123 0.7
01AAH10 1/5 15 18 5 +0.012
0 24 3 3 × M4 × 6L
(163.5) (1.0)
01AAHB0 1/11 153.5 1.3
21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 3 × M4 × 7L
01AAHC0 1/21 (194) (1.6)
162 2.4
01AAH70 1/33 27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
(202.5) (2.7)
135 0.8
C2AAH10 1/5 15 18 5 +0.012
0 24 3 3 × M4 × 6L
(183) (1.1)
165.5 1.4
C2AAHB0 1/11 21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 5 6 × M4 × 7L
(213.5) (1.7)
C2AAHC0 1/21 174 2.5
C2AAH70 1/33 (222)
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 5 6 × M6 × 10L
(2.8) 4
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L is 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the follow-
ing section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 4-20
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Dimensions not found in the above table are the same as those in the table on the previous page.

For a Servomotor with a flange output that has square gear flange dimensions (LC) of 40 mm,
we recommend that you design the Servomotor with the dimensions shown in the following figure
in order to secure a gap between the gear oil seal and the connecting parts on the load side.
0.5 min.
Connecting parts on the load side
24 dia. max.

4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

SGM7J-02, -04, and -06

0.06 A
LL LR 0.05 A
LM L1 L2
LG L3 Q 0.04 LC
0.6 17 17.1
14.7 dia

LD dia.
LB dia.
S dia.
C dia.
B dia.
Details of Shaft End
with Key and Tap

Rotating parts
(shaded section) 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth Unit: mm

Gear Flange Dimensions

Model SGM7J- L* LL* LM
02AAH1 1/5 191.5 133.5 0
115.2 58 2.5 8 40 55.5 56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
02AAHB 1/11 (232) (174)
02AAHC 1/21 220.5 140.5 0
122.2 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
02AAH7 1/33 (261) (181)
207.5 149.5
04AAH1 1/5 131.2 58 2.5 8 40 55.5 0
56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
(248) (190)
04AAHB 1/11 236.5 156.5 0
138.2 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
04AAHC 1/21 (277) (197)
322.5 189.5
04AAH7 1/33 171.2 133 12.5 13 84 114 0
115 -0.035 120 135 11
(363) (230)
06AAH1 1/5 258.5 178.5 0
160.2 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
06AAHB 1/11 (312.5) (232.5)
06AAHC 1/21 344.5 211.5 0
193.2 133 12.5 13 84 114 115 -0.035 120 135 11
06AAH7 1/33 (398.5) (265.5)

Flange Dimensions Tap Size × Key Dimensions Approx.

Model SGM7J- Q C S
L1 L2 L3 Depth QK U W T Mass [kg]
28 30 20 28 20 16
-0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5
02AAHC 3.7
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
02AAH7 (4.3)
04AAH1 28 30 20 28 20 0
16 -0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5
04AAHB 4.0
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
04AAHC (4.6)
04AAH7 48 85 33 82 44 0
40 -0.025 M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
06AAHC 9.1
48 85 33 82 44 0
40 -0.025 M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8
06AAH7 (9.7)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 4-20
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Gear dimensions are different from those of the Σ, Σ-II, and Σ-III Series.
3. The values for the shaft end are for a straight shaft with key and tap. If a key and tap are not necessary,
specify shaft end code 2 for the 8th digit.

4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

 Flange Output Face


0.06 A
LR 0.02
0.05 dia. A
0.04 LC

LD dia.
LB dia.
G dia.
F dia.


5 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth Unit: mm

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors

Gear No. of Taps × Approx.
Model SGM7J- L* LR LJ F G
Ratio Tap Size × Depth Mass [kg]
02AAH10 1/5
154.5 (2.3)
21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 6 × M4 × 7L
(195) 1.8
02AAHB0 1/11
02AAHC0 1/21 167.5 3.3
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
02AAH70 1/33 (208) (3.9)
170.5 2.0
04AAH10 1/5 21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 6 × M4 × 7L
(211) (2.6)
04AAHB0 1/11 183.5 3.6
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
04AAHC0 1/21 (224) (4.2)
224.5 7.2
04AAH70 1/33 35 60 32 +0.025
0 84 6 × M8 × 12L
(265) (7.8)
06AAH10 1/5
205.5 (4.5)
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
(259.5) 4.1
06AAHB0 1/11
06AAHC0 1/21 246.5 7.7
35 60 32 +0.025
0 84 6 × M8 × 12L
06AAH70 1/33 (300.5) (8.3)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L is 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the follow-
ing section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 4-20
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Dimensions not found in the above table are the same as those in the table on the previous page. 4

4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

0.06 A
LM L1 L2 0.05 A
LE Q 0.04 LC
0.6 17 19.3 QK A
17 dia


LB dia.
LD dia.
B dia.
S dia.
C dia.
Details of Shaft End
with Key and Tap

Rotating parts 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth

(Shaded section)
Unit: mm

Gear Flange Dimensions

Model SGM7J- L* LL* LM
08AAH1 1/5 255 175 0
156.5 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
08AAHB 1/11 (302) (222)
08AAHC 1/21 334 201 0
182.5 133 12.5 13 84 114 115 -0.035 120 135 11
08AAH7 1/33 (381) (248)

Flange Dimensions Tap Size × Key Dimensions Approx.

Model SGM7J- Q C S
L1 L2 L3 Depth QK U W T Mass* [kg]
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
08AAHC 10
48 85 33 82 44 0
40 -0.025 M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8
08AAH7 (10.6)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1
kg greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 4-20
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Gear dimensions are different from those of the Σ, Σ-II, and Σ-III Series.
3. The values for the shaft end are for a straight shaft with key and tap. If a key and tap are not necessary,
specify shaft end code 2 for the 8th digit.

4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

 Flange Output Face


0.06 A
0.05 dia. A
0.04 LC

LD dia.
LB dia.
G dia.
F dia.


5 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth Unit: mm

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors

No. of Taps × Approx.
Model SGM7J- Gear Ratio L* LR LJ F G
Tap Size × Depth Mass* [kg]
08AAH101 1/5
202 (5.3)
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
(249) 4.9
08AAHB01 1/11
08AAHC01 1/21 236 8.6
35 60 32 +0.025
0 84 6 × M8 × 12L
08AAH701 1/33 (283) (9.2)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L is 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1 kg
greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 4-20
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Dimensions not found in the above table are the same as those in the table on the previous page.

4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute

 Servomotors without Gears
Model Approx.
SGM7J- Mass [kg]
89.5 64.5 0.3
(130) (105) (0.6)
101.5 76.5 0.4
(142) (117) (0.7)
113.5 88.5 0.5
(161.5) (136.5) (0.8)
107.5 77.5 0.8
(148) (118) (1.4)
123.5 93.5 1.1
(164) (134) (1.7)
145.5 115.5 1.6
(199.5) (169.5) (2.2)
145 105 2.3
(192) (152) (2.9)
Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.

4.3 External Dimensions
4.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

 Servomotors with Gears

• Shaft End Specification: Straight • Shaft End Specification: Flange Output

Model Approx. Model Approx.

SGM7J- Mass [kg] SGM7J- Mass [kg]
A5A6AH1 146 104 0.6 A5A6AH10 119
A5A6AH2 (186.5) (144.5) (0.9) A5A6AH20 (159.5) 0.6
155 113 0.7 128 (0.9)
(195.5) (153.5) (1.7) (168.5)
186.5 128.5 1.3 149.5 1.2
A5A6AH7 A5A6AH70
(227) (169) (1.6) (190) (1.5)
158 116 0.7 131 0.7
01A6AH1 01A6AH10
(198.5) (156.5) (1.0) (171.5) (1.0)
01A6AHB 198.5 140.5 1.4 01A6AHB0 161.5 1.3
01A6AHC (239) (181) (1.7) 01A6AHC0 (202) (1.6)

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7J Servomotors

223 143 2.8 170 2.4
01A6AH7 01A6AH70
(263.5) (183.5) (3.1) (210.5) (2.7)
170 128 0.8 143 0.8
C2A6AH1 C2A6AH10
(218) (176) (1.1) (191) (1.1)
210.5 152.5 1.5 173.5 1.4
(258.5) (200.5) (1.8) (221.5) (1.7)
C2A6AHC 235 155 2.9 C2A6AHC0 182 2.5
C2A6AH7 (283) (203) (3.2) C2A6AH70 (230) (2.8)
1.8 1.7
02A6AH1 02A6AH10
199.5 141.5 (2.4) 162.5 (2.3)
(240) (182) 1.9 (203) 1.8
02A6AHB 02A6AHB0
(2.5) (2.4)
02A6AHC 228.5 148.5 3.7 02A6AHC0 175.5 3.3
02A6AH7 (269) (189) (4.3) 02A6AH70 (216) (3.9)
215.5 157.5 2.1 178.5 2.0
04A6AH1 04A6AH10
(256) (198) (2.7) (219) (2.6)
04A6AHB 244.5 164.5 4.0 04A6AHB0 191.5 3.6
04A6AHC (285) (205) (4.6) 04A6AHC0 (232) (4.2)
330.5 197.5 8.6 232.5 7.2
04A6AH7 04A6AH70
(371) (238) (9.2) (273) (7.8)
4.3 3.9
06A6AH1 06A6AH10
266.5 186.5 (4.9) 213.5 (4.5)
(320.5) (240.5) 4.5 (267.5) 4.1
06A6AHB 06A6AHB0
(5.1) (4.7)
06A6AHC 06A6AHC0
06A6AH7 06A6AH70
5.2 4.8
08A6AH1 08A6AH10
263 183 (5.8) 210 (5.4)
(310) (230) 5.4 (257) 5.0
08A6AHB 08A6AHB0
(6.0) (5.6)
08A6AHC 342 209 10.1 08A6AHC0 244 8.7
08A6AH7 (389) (256) (10.7) 08A6AH70 (291) (9.3)

Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.

Ratings, and External
Dimensions of
SGM7A Servomotors
This chapter describes how to interpret the model numbers
of SGM7A Servomotors and gives their specifications, rat-
ings, and external dimensions.

5.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

5.1.1 Without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5.1.2 With Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

5.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

5.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears for
the SGM7A-A5 to -10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of
the SGM7A-A5 to -10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears for
the SGM7A-15 to -70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
5.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of
the SGM7A-15 to -70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
5.2.6 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5.2.7 Servomotor Overload Protection
Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
5.2.8 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
5.2.9 Derating Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14

5.3 External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16

5.3.1 Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16
5.3.2 Servomotors without Gears and
without Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19
5.3.3 Servomotors without Gears and with
Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
5.1 Model Designations
5.1.1 Without Gears

5.1 Model Designations

5.1.1 Without Gears

SGM7A - 01 A 7 A 2 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
-7 Series digits digit digit digit digit digit

1st+2nd digits Rated Output 3rd digit Power Supply Voltage 6th digit Shaft End
Code Specification Code Specification Code Specification
A5 50 W A 200 VAC 2 Straight without key
01 100 W 6 Straight with key and tap
C2 150 W 4th digit Serial Encoder B* With two flat seats
02 200 W Code Specification * Code B is not supported for models with
04 400 W a rated output of 1.5 kW or higher.
6 24-bit batteryless absolute
06 600 W
7 24-bit absolute 7th digit Options
08 750 W
F 24-bit incremental Code Specification
10 1.0 kW
15 1.5 kW 1 Without options
20 2.0 kW 5th digit Design Revision Order C With holding brake (24 VDC)
25 2.5 kW A E With oil seal and holding brake
30 3.0 kW (24 VDC)
40 4.0 kW S With oil seal
50 5.0 kW Note: SGM7A-70A Servomotors with
70 7.0 kW holding brakes are not available.

5.1.2 With Gears

SGM7A - 01 A 7 A H 1 2 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
-7 Series digits digit digit digit digit digit digit digit

1st+2nd digits Rated Output 5th digit Design Revision Order 8th digit Shaft End
Code Specification A Code Specification
A5 50 W 0 Flange output
6th digit Gear Type
01 100 W 2 Straight without key
Code Specification 6 Straight with key and tap
C2 150 W
H HDS planetary low-backlash gear
02 200 W
04 400 W 9th digit Options
7th digit Gear Ratio
06 600 W Code Specification
08 750 W Code Specification
1 Without options
10 1.0 kW B 1/11*1 C With holding brake (24 VDC)
C 1/21
3rd digit Power Supply Voltage 1 1/5

Code Specification 2 1/9*2

A 200 VAC 7 1/33

*1. This specification is not supported for

4th digit Serial Encoder models with a rated output of 50 W.
Code Specification *2. This specification is supported only for
models with a rated output of 50 W.
6 24-bit batteryless absolute
7 24-bit absolute
F 24-bit incremental

Note: Contact your Yaskawa representative for models of 1.5 kW or higher.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.1 Specifications

5.2 Specifications and Ratings

5.2.1 Specifications
Voltage 200 V
C2A, 06A, 25A, 40A,
Model SGM7A- A5A 01A 04A 10A 15A 20A 70A
02A 08A 30A 50A
Time Rating Continuous
Thermal Class UL: B, CE: B UL: F, CE: F
Insulation Resistance 500 VDC, 10 MΩ min.
Withstand Voltage 1,500 VAC for 1 minute
Excitation Permanent magnet
Mounting Flange-mounted
Drive Method Direct drive

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

Counterclockwise (CCW) for forward reference when viewed from the load
Rotation Direction
Vibration Class*1 V15
Surrounding Air
Temperature 0°C to 40°C (With derating, usage is possible between 40°C and 60°C.)*3
Surrounding Air
20% to 80% relative humidity (with no condensation)
• Must be indoors and free of corrosive and explosive gases.
• Must be well-ventilated and free of dust and moisture.
Environmen- • Must facilitate inspection and cleaning.
tal Condi- Installation Site • Must have an altitude of 1,000 m or less. (With derating, usage is possible
tions between 1,000 m and 2,000 m.)*3
• Must be free of strong magnetic fields.
Store the Servomotor in the following environment if you store it with the
power cable disconnected.
Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C (with no freezing)
Storage humidity: 20% to 80% relative humidity
(with no condensation)
Impact Acceler-
ation Rate at 490 m/s2
Shock Flange
Number of
2 times
Vibration Vibration Accel- 14.7
eration Rate at 49 m/s2 (Models 15A to 50A: 24.5 m/s2 front to back)
Resistance*2 Flange m/s2

R70A, R90A, 1R6A, 2R8A,
R70F R90F 2R1F 2R8F
5R5A 120A 180A 200A 330A 550A 5
Applicable SERVO-
PACKs SGD7W- 1R6A, *4 5R5A,7
SGD7C- 1R6A*4, 2R8A*4 *4 5R5A , R6A

*1. A vibration class of V15 indicates a vibration amplitude of 15 μm maximum on the Servomotor without a load at
the rated motor speed.
*2. The given values are for when the Servomotor shaft is mounted horizontally and shock or vibration is applied in
the directions shown in the following figures.
The strength of the vibration that the Servomotor can withstand depends on the application. Always check the
vibration acceleration rate that is applied to the Servomotor with the actual equipment.
Vertical Vertical Front to back

Horizontal direction
Side to side
Shock Applied to the Servomotor Vibration Applied to the Servomotor

*3. Refer to the following section for the derating rates.

5.2.9 Derating Rates on page 5-14

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears for the SGM7A-A5 to -10

*4. If you use the Servomotor together with a Σ-7W or Σ-7C SERVOPACK, the control gain may not increase as
much as with a Σ-7S SERVOPACK and other performances may be lower than those achieved with a Σ-7S

5.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears

for the SGM7A-A5 to -10
Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7A- A5A 01A C2A 02A 04A 06A 08A 10A
Rated Output*1 W 50 100 150 200 400 600 750 1000
Rated Torque*1, *2 Nm 0.159 0.318 0.477 0.637 1.27 1.91 2.39 3.18
Instantaneous Maximum Torque*1 Nm 0.557 1.11 1.67 2.23 4.46 6.69 8.36 11.1
Rated Current*1 Arms 0.57 0.89 1.5 1.5 2.4 4.5 4.4 6.4
Instantaneous Maximum Current*1 Arms 2.1 3.2 5.6 5.9 9.3 16.9 16.8 23.2
Rated Motor Speed*1 min-1 3000
*1 -1 6000
Maximum Motor Speed min
Torque Constant Nm/Arms 0.304 0.384 0.332 0.458 0.576 0.456 0.584 0.541
Motor Moment of Inertia 0.0217 0.0337 0.0458 0.139 0.216 0.315 0.775 0.971
With Holding
0.0297 0.0417 0.0538 0.209 0.286 0.385 0.955 1.15
With Batteryless ×10 -4
0.0232 0.0352 0.0473 0.140 0.217 0.316 0.776 0.972
Absolute Encoder kgm2
With Holding
Brake and Bat- 0.0312 0.0432 0.0553 0.210 0.287 0.386 0.956 1.15
teryless Encoder
Rated Power Rate*1 11.7 30.0 49.7 29.2 74.7 115 73.7 104
With Holding kW/s
8.51 24.2 42.2 19.4 56.3 94.7 59.8 87.9
Rated Angular Acceleration Rate*1 73200 94300 104000 45800 58700 60600 30800 32700
With Holding rad/s2
53500 76200 88600 30400 44400 49600 25000 27600
Derating Rate for Servomotor with
% 80 90 95
Oil Seal
300 × 300 250 × 250 300 × 300
Heat Sink Size (Aluminum)*3 mm 200 × 200 × 6 250 × 250 × 6
× 12*9 ×6 × 12
Protective Structure*4 Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP67
Rated Voltage V 24 VDC ±10%
Capacity W 5.5 6 6.5
Holding Torque Nm 0.159 0.318 0.477 0.637 1.27 1.91 2.39 3.18
Ω (at 20°C) 104.8 ±10% 96 ±10% 88.6 ±10%
Holding Brake Resistance
Specifications*5 Rated Current A (at 20°C) 0.23 0.25 0.27
Time Required to
ms 60 80
Release Brake
Time Required to
ms 100
Continued on next page.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears for the SGM7A-A5 to -10

Continued from previous page.

Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7A- A5A 01A C2A 02A 04A 06A 08A 10A
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia 30
40 times 20 times 20 times
(Motor Moment of Inertia Ratio)*6 times
With External Regenerative
Resistor and External Dynamic 40 times 20 times 30 times
Brake Resistor*7
LF mm 20 25 35
Allowable Radial
Allowable Shaft N 78 245 392
Allowable Thrust
N 54 74 147
*1. These values are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of the armature wind-
ing is 100°C. The values for other items are at 20°C. These are typical values.
*2. The rated torques are the continuous allowable torque values at a surrounding air temperature of 40°C with an
aluminum heat sink of the dimensions given in the table.
*3. Refer to the following section for the relation between the heat sinks and derating rate.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 5-14

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

*4. This does not apply to the shaft opening. Protective structure specifications apply only when the special cable is used.
*5. Observe the following precautions if you use a Servomotor with a Holding Brake.
• The holding brake cannot be used to stop the Servomotor.
• The time required to release the brake and the time required to brake depend on which discharge circuit is
used. Confirm that the operation delay time is appropriate for the actual equipment.
• The 24-VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
*6. The motor moment of inertia scaling factor is the value for a standard Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
*7. To externally connect a dynamic brake resistor, select hardware option specification 020 for the SERVOPACK. How-
ever, you cannot externally connect a dynamic brake resistor if you use the following SERVOPACKs (maximum applica-
ble motor capacity: 400 W).
• SGD7S-R70A020 to -2R8A020
• SGD7W-1R6A20A020 to -2R8A20A020
• SGD7C-1R6AMAA020 to -2R8AMAA020
*8. Design the mechanical system so that the thrust and radial loads applied to the Servomotor shaft end during operation
do not exceed the values given in the table.

Radial load

Thrust load

*9. If the heat sink is 250 mm × 250 mm × 6 mm, the rated output is 550 W and the rated torque is 1.75 N·m.
Refer to the following section for details.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 5-14

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7A-A5 to -10

5.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics

of the SGM7A-A5 to -10
A : Continuous duty zone (solid lines): With three-phase 200-V or single-phase 230-V input
B : Intermittent duty zone (dotted lines): With single-phase 200-V input
(dashed-dotted lines): With single-phase 100-V input


7000 7000 7000
6000 6000 6000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)


7000 7000 7000
6000 6000 6000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 8 10

Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

SGM7A-08A SGM7A-10A*2
7000 7000
6000 6000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000
4000 4000
3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5

Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

*1. The characteristics are the same for a single-phase 200-V and single-phase 100-V input.
*2. A single-phase power input can be used in combination with the SGD7S-120AA008.
Note: 1. These values (typical values) are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of
the armature winding is 100°C.
2. The characteristics in the intermittent duty zone depend on the power supply voltage.
3. If the effective torque is within the allowable range for the rated torque, the Servomotor can be used within
the intermittent duty zone.
4. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears for the SGM7A-15 to -70

5.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears

for the SGM7A-15 to -70
Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7A- 15A 20A 25A 30A 40A 50A 70A
*1 kW 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.0
Rated Output
*1, *2 Nm 4.90 6.36 7.96 9.80 12.6 15.8 22.3
Rated Torque
Instantaneous Maximum
Nm 14.7 19.1 23.9 29.4 37.8 47.6 54.0
Rated Current*1 Arms 9.3 12.1 15.6 17.9 25.4 27.6 38.3
Instantaneous Maximum
Arms 28 42 51 56 77 84 105
Rated Motor Speed*1 min-1 3000
Maximum Motor Speed min -1

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

Torque Constant Nm/Arms 0.590 0.561 0.538 0.582 0.519 0.604 0.604
Motor Moment of Inertia 2.00 2.47 3.19 7.00 9.60 12.3 12.3
With Holding ×10-4 kgm2
2.25 2.72 3.44 9.20 11.8 14.5 −
Rated Power Rate 120 164 199 137 165 203 404
With Holding kW/s
106 148 184 104 134 172 −
Rated Angular Acceleration
Rate 24500 25700 24900 14000 13100 12800 18100
With Holding
21700 23300 23100 10600 10600 10800 −
Heat Sink Size (aluminum)*3 mm 300 × 300 × 12 400 × 400 × 20
Protective Structure*4 Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP67 rately
(with fan),
Rated Voltage V 24 VDC

Capacity W 12 10
Holding Torque Nm 7.84 10 20
Brake Coil Resistance Ω (at 20°C) 48 59
Specifica- −
Rated Current A (at 20°C) 0.5 0.41
tions*5 Time Required
to Release Brake
ms 170 100 5
Time Required
ms 80
to Brake
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia
10 times 5 times
(Motor Moment of Inertia Ratio)*6
With External Regenerative
Resistor and External Dynamic 20 times 15 times
Brake Resistor*7
LF mm 45 63
Allowable Allowable Radial
Shaft N 686 980 1176
Loads*8 Allowable Thrust
N 196 392
*1. These values are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of the armature winding is
20°C. These are typical values.
*2. The rated torques are the continuous allowable torque values at a surrounding air temperature of 40°C with an
aluminum heat sink of the dimensions given in the table.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears for the SGM7A-15 to -70

*3. Refer to the following section for the relation between the heat sinks and derating rate.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 5-14
*4. This does not apply to the shaft opening. Protective structure specifications apply only when the special cable is used.
*5. Observe the following precautions if you use a Servomotor with a Holding Brake.
• The holding brake cannot be used to stop the Servomotor.
• The time required to release the brake and the time required to brake depend on which discharge circuit is
used. Confirm that the operation delay time is appropriate for the actual equipment.
• The 24-VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
*6. The motor moment of inertia scaling factor is the value for a standard Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
*7. To externally connect a dynamic brake resistor, select hardware option specification 020 for the SERVOPACK. How-
ever, you cannot externally connect a dynamic brake resistor if you use the following SERVOPACKs (maximum applica-
ble motor capacity: 400 W).
• SGD7S-R70 A020 to -2R8 A020
• SGD7W-1R6A20A020 to -2R8A20A020
• SGD7C-1R6AMAA020 to -2R8AMAA020
*8. Design the mechanical system so that the thrust and radial loads applied to the Servomotor shaft end during operation
do not exceed the values given in the table.

Radial load

Thrust load

*9. For the SGM7A-25A or SGM7A-50A, the maximum motor speed for the continuous duty zone is 5,000 min-1.
Use the Servomotor within the continuous duty zone for the average motor speed and effective torque.
*10.The values for the SGM7A-15A to -70A Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders (and Holding Brakes)
are the same as those in the table.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7A-15 to -70

5.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics

of the SGM7A-15 to -70
A : Continuous duty zone (solid lines): With three-phase 200-V or single-phase 230-V input
B : Intermittent duty zone (dotted lines): With single-phase 200-V input

SGM7A-15A* SGM7A-20A SGM7A-25A

7000 7000 7000
6000 6000 6000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 7.5 15 22.5 30
Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)


Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

7000 7000 7000
6000 6000 6000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 15 30 45 60
Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

Motor speed (min-1)

0 15 30 45 60
Torque (Nm)

* A single-phase power input can be used in combination with the SGD7S-120AA008.

Note: 1. These values (typical values) are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of
the armature winding is 20°C.
2. The characteristics in the intermittent duty zone depend on the power supply voltage.
3. If the effective torque is within the allowable range for the rated torque, the Servomotor can be used within
the intermittent duty zone.
4. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque- 5
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.6 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears

5.2.6 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears

Gear Mechanism Protective Structure Lost Motion [arc-min]
All Models Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP55
Planetary gear mechanism 3 max.
(except for shaft opening)

Servomotor Gear Output

Maxi- Instan- Instanta- Maxi-

Servomotor Model Rated taneous neous Rated
Rated mum Rated Rated Torque/ mum
SGM7A- Motor Maxi- Gear Maxi- Motor
Output Speed
Motor Torque
mum Ratio Efficiency*1 mum Speed
[W] Speed [N⋅m] [N⋅m/%] Speed
[min-1] Torque Torque [min-1]
[min -1] [N⋅m] [N⋅m] [min-1]

A5AAH1 1/5 0.433/64*2 2.37 600 1200

A5AAH2 1/9 1.12/78 *3 333 667
50 3000 6000 0.159 0.557
A5AAHC 1/21 2.84/85 10.6 143 286
A5AAH7 1/33 3.68/70 15.8 91 182
01AAH1 1/5 *2 4.96 600 1200
01AAHB 1/11 2.52/72 10.7 273 545
100 3000 6000 0.318 1.11
01AAHC 1/21 5.35/80 20.8 143 286
01AAH7 1/33 7.35/70 32.7 91 182
C2AAH1 1/5 *2 7.80 600 1200
C2AAHB 1/11 3.53/79*2 16.9 273 545
150 3000 6000 0.477 1.67
C2AAHC 1/21 *2 31.0 143 286
C2AAH7 1/33 *2 49.7 91 182
02AAH1 1/5 2.39/75 9.80 600 1200
02AAHB 1/11 5.74/82 22.1 273 545
200 3000 6000 0.637 2.23
02AAHC 1/21 10.2/76 42.1 143 286
02AAH7 1/33 17.0/81 67.6 91 182
04AAH1 1/5 5.35/84 20.1 600 1200
04AAHB 1/11 11.5/82 45.1 273 545
400 3000 6000 1.27 4.46
04AAHC 1/21 23.0/86 87.0 143 286
04AAH7 1/33 34.0/81 135 91 182
06AAH1 1/5 7.54/79 30.5 600 1200
06AAHB 1/11 18.1/86 68.6 273 545
600 3000 6000 1.91 6.69
06AAHC 1/21 32.1/80 129 143 286
06AAH7 1/33 53.6/85 206 91 182
08AAH1 1/5 10.0/84 38.4 600 1200
08AAHB 1/11 23.1/88 86.4 273 545
750 3000 6000 2.39 8.36
08AAHC 1/21 42.1/84 163 143 286
08AAH7 1/33 69.3/88 259 91 182
10AAH1 1/5 13.7/86 52.5 600 1200
10AAHB 1/11 29.1/83 111 273 545
1000 3000 6000 3.18 11.1
10AAHC 1/21 58.2/87 215 143 286
10AAH7 1/33 94.5/90 *3 91 182

*1. The gear output torque is expressed by the following formula.

Gear output torque = Servomotor output torque × 1

× Efficiency
Gear ratio
The gear efficiency depends on operating conditions such as the output torque, motor speed, and temperature.
The values in the table are typical values for the rated torque, rated motor speed, and a surrounding air tem-
perature of 25°C. They are reference values only.
*2. When using an SGM7A-A5A, SGM7A-01A, or SGM7A-C2A Servomotor with a gear ratio of 1/5 or an SGM7A-
C2A Servomotor with a gear ratio of 1/11, maintain an 85% maximum effective load ratio. For an SGM7A-C2A
Servomotor with a gear ratio of 1/21 or 1/33, maintain a 90% maximum effective load ratio. The values in the
table take the effective load ratio into consideration.
*3. The instantaneous maximum torque is 300% of the rated torque.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.6 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears

Note: 1. The gears that are mounted to Yaskawa Servomotors have not been broken in.
Break in the Servomotor if necessary. First, operate the Servomotor at low speed with no load. If no prob-
lems occur, gradually increase the speed and load.
2. The no-load torque for a Servomotor with a Gear is high immediately after the Servomotor starts, and it
then decreases and becomes stable after a few minutes. This is a common phenomenon caused by grease
circulation in the gears and it does not indicate faulty gears.
3. Contact your Yaskawa representative for information on Servomotor with Gears with a rated output of
1.5 kW or higher.
4. Other specifications are the same as those for Servomotors without Gears.

The SERVOPACK speed control range is 1:5,000. If you use Servomotors at extremely low speeds
(0.02 min-1 or lower at the gear output shaft), if you use Servomotors with a one-pulse feed refer-
ence for extended periods, or under some other operating conditions, the gear bearing lubrication
may be insufficient. That may cause deterioration of the bearing or increase the load ratio.
Contact your Yaskawa representative if you use a Servomotor under these conditions.

Moment of Inertia [×10-4 kg⋅m2] With Gears

Servomotor Model Shaft Output Flange Output Allowable Allowable
Radial Thrust LF Reference Diagram
SGM7A- Motor* Motor*

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

Gear Gear Load Load [mm]
+ Gear + Gear [N] [N]
A5AAH1 0.0277 0.006 0.0267 0.005 95 431 37
A5AAH2 0.0247 0.003 0.0247 0.003 113 514 37
A5AAHC 0.0257 0.004 0.0257 0.004 146 663 37
A5AAH7 0.0667 0.045 0.0667 0.045 267 1246 53
01AAH1 0.0397 0.006 0.0387 0.005 95 431 37
01AAHB 0.0937 0.060 0.0927 0.059 192 895 53
01AAHC 0.0837 0.050 0.0837 0.050 233 1087 53
01AAH7 0.0987 0.065 0.0977 0.064 605 2581 75
C2AAH1 0.0518 0.006 0.0508 0.005 95 431 37
C2AAHB 0.106 0.060 0.105 0.059 192 895 53 Shaft Output

C2AAHC 0.156 0.110 0.154 0.108 528 2254 75 LF

C2AAH7 0.111 0.065 0.110 0.064 605 2581 75

Radial load
02AAH1 0.346 0.207 0.340 0.201 152 707 53
02AAHB 0.332 0.193 0.331 0.192 192 895 53
Thrust load
02AAHC 0.629 0.490 0.627 0.488 528 2254 75
02AAH7 0.589 0.450 0.588 0.449 605 2581 75
04AAH1 0.423 0.207 0.417 0.201 152 707 53
04AAHB 0.786 0.570 0.776 0.560 435 1856 75 Flange Output

04AAHC 0.706 0.490 0.704 0.488 528 2254 75 LF

04AAH7 0.836 0.620 0.826 0.610 951 4992 128
06AAH1 1.02 0.700 0.975 0.660 343 1465 75
Radial load
06AAHB 0.885 0.570 0.875 0.560 435 1856 75
Thrust load
06AAHC 1.16 0.840 1.14 0.820 830 4359 128
06AAH7 0.935 0.620 0.925 0.610 951 4992 128
08AAH1 1.48 0.700 1.44 0.660 343 1465 75 5
08AAHB 1.38 0.600 1.37 0.590 435 1856 75
08AAHC 3.78 3.00 3.76 2.98 830 4359 128
08AAH7 3.58 2.80 3.57 2.79 951 4992 128
10AAH1 1.67 0.700 1.63 0.660 343 1465 75
10AAHB 4.37 3.40 4.31 3.34 684 3590 128
10AAHC 3.97 3.00 3.95 2.98 830 4359 128
10AAH7 3.77 2.80 3.76 2.79 951 4992 128
* The moment of inertia for the Servomotor and gear is the value without a holding brake. You can calculate the
moment of inertia for a Servomotor with a Gear and Holding Brake with the following formula.
Motor moment of inertia for a Servomotor with a Holding Brake from 5.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors with-
out Gears for the SGM7A-A5 to -10 on page 5-4 + Moment of inertia for the gear from the above table.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.7 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

During operation, the gear generates the loss at the gear mechanism and oil seal. The loss depends on the
torque and motor speed conditions. The temperature rise depends on the loss and heat dissipation condi-
tions. For the heat dissipation conditions, always refer to the following table and check the gear and motor
Important temperatures with the actual equipment. If the temperature is too high, implement the following measures.
• Decrease the load ratio.
• Change the heat dissipation conditions.
• Use forced-air cooling for the motor with a cooling fan or other means.

Heat Sink Size

1/5 1/9 or 1/11 1/21 1/33
SGM7A-08 C
• A: 250 mm × 250 mm × 6 mm, aluminum plate
• B: 300 mm × 300 mm × 12 mm, aluminum plate
• C: 350 mm × 350 mm × 12 mm, aluminum plate

5.2.7 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

The overload detection level is set for hot start conditions with a Servomotor surrounding air tem-
perature of 40°C.
SGM7A-A5, -01, -C2, -02, -04, -06, -08, and -10 SGM7A-15, -20, -25, -30, -40, -50, and -70
10000 10000
Detection time (s)

Detection time (s)

1000 1000
SGM7A-15, -20, -25,
-30, -40, and 50
Motor speed of
100 10 min-1 or higher 100

10 10
Motor speed of SGM7A-70
less than 10 min-1
1 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Torque reference (percent of rated torque) Torque reference (percent of rated torque)
(%) (%)
Note: The above overload protection characteristics do not mean that you can perform continuous duty operation
with an output of 100% or higher. Use the Servomotor so that the effective torque remains within the contin-
uous duty zone given in 5.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7A-A5 to -10 on page 5-6 or
in 5.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7A-15 to -70 on page 5-9.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.8 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

5.2.8 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

The allowable load moments of inertia (motor moment of inertia ratios) for the Servomotors are
given in the Ratings of Servomotors without Gears (pages 5-4 and 5-7). The values are deter-
mined by the regenerative energy processing capacity of the SERVOPACK and are also
affected by the drive conditions of the Servomotor. Perform the required Steps for each of the
following cases.
Use the SigmaSize+ AC Servo Drive Capacity Selection Program to check the driving condi-
tions. Contact your Yaskawa representative for information on this program.

Exceeding the Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

Use one of the following measures to adjust the load moment of inertia to within the allowable
• Reduce the torque limit.
• Reduce the deceleration rate.
• Reduce the maximum motor speed.

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

If the above steps is not possible, install an external regenerative resistor.
Information An Overvoltage Alarm (A.400) is likely to occur during deceleration if the load moment of iner-
tia exceeds the allowable load moment of inertia. SERVOPACKs with a built-in regenerative
resistor may generate a Regenerative Overload Alarm (A.320). Refer to the following catalog
for the regenerative power (W) that can be processed by the SERVOPACKs.
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)
Install an External Regenerative Resistor when the built-in regenerative resistor cannot pro-
cess all of the regenerative power.

SERVOPACKs without Built-in Regenerative Resistors

The following graph shows the allowable load moment of inertia scaling factor of the motor
speed (reference values for deceleration operation at or above the rated torque). Application is
possible without an external regenerative resistor within the allowable value. However, an Exter-
nal Regenerative Resistor is required in the shaded areas of the graphs.
Allowable load moment of inertia

Allowable load moment of inertia

Allowable load moment of inertia

45 45 45
40 40 40
scaling factor (times)

scaling factor (times)

scaling factor (times)

35 35 35
30 30 30
25 25 25
20 20 20
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Motor speed (min-1) Motor speed (min-1) Motor speed (min-1)

Allowable load moment of inertia

Allowable load moment of inertia

35 25

scaling factor (times)

scaling factor (times)

15 10
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Motor speed (min ) Motor speed (min-1)

Note: Applicable SERVOPACK models: SGD7S-R70A, -R90A, -1R6A, -2R8A, -R70F, -R90F, -2R1F, and -2R8F

When an External Regenerative Resistor Is Required

Install the External Regenerative Resistor. Refer to the following catalog for the recommended prod-
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.9 Derating Rates

5.2.9 Derating Rates

Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions

The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at a surrounding air temperature of
40°C when a heat sink is installed on the Servomotor. If the Servomotor is mounted on a small
device component, the Servomotor temperature may rise considerably because the surface for
heat dissipation becomes smaller. Refer to the following graphs for the relation between the
heat sink size and derating rate.
120 120 120
SGM7A-A5 and -01 SGM7A-02 and -04 100
100 100
Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80
SGM7A-C2 60
60 60
40 40 20

20 20 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm)

120 120

SGM7A-15, -20, and -25 100 SGM7A-70

Derating rate (%)
Derating rate (%)

60 SGM7A-30
60 SGM7A-40 and -50

40 20

20 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 100 200 300 400 500
Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm)

The actual temperature rise depends on the following conditions. Always check the Servomotor
temperature with the actual equipment.
• How the heat sink (the Servomotor mounting section) is attached to the installation surface
Important • Status between heat sink and Servomotor (sealant, reduction gear, etc.)
• What material is used for the Servomotor mounting section
• Servomotor speed

Applications Where the Surrounding Air Temperature

Exceeds 40°C
The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at a surrounding air temperature of
40°C. If you use a Servomotor at a surrounding air temperature that exceeds 40°C (60°C
max.), apply a suitable derating rate from the following graphs.

5.2 Specifications and Ratings
5.2.9 Derating Rates

120 120 120

100 100 100

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80 80

60 60 60
SGM7A-A5, -01, and -C2 SGM7A-02 and -04
SGM7A-08 and -10
40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Surrounding Air Temperature (C) Surrounding Air Temperature (C) Surrounding Air Temperature (C)

120 120
100 100

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80

60 60
SGM7A-15, -20, and -25 SGM7A-50
40 40

20 20 SGM7A-30 and -40

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Surrounding Air Temperature (C) Surrounding Air Temperature (C)

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

Applications Where the Altitude Exceeds 1,000 m
The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at an altitude of 1,000 m or less. If
you use a Servomotor at an altitude that exceeds 1,000 m (2,000 m max.), the heat dissipation
effect of the air is reduced. Apply the appropriate derating rate from the following graphs.
120 120 120
100 100 100
Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80 80
SGM7A-A5, -01, and -C2 SGM7A-02, -04, and -06 SGM7A-10
60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Altitude (m) Altitude (m) Altitude (m)

120 120
100 100
Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80

60 60
SGM7A-15, -20, and -25 SGM7A-30 and -40
40 40
20 20

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Altitude (m) Altitude (m)

When using Servomotors with derating, change the detection timing of overload warning and
overload alarm based on the overload detection level of the motor given in 5.2.7 Servomotor
Overload Protection Characteristics on page 5-12.
Note: 1. Use the combination of the SERVOPACK and Servomotor so that the derating conditions
are satisfied for both the SERVOPACK and Servomotor.
2. The derating rates are applicable only when the average motor speed is less than or equal
to the rated motor speed. If the average motor speed exceeds the rated motor speed,
consult with your Yaskawa representative.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

5.3 External Dimensions

5.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

SGM7A-A5, -01, and -C2

0.04 A
L 0.04 dia. A
20.5 LM LE
MD 0.6 17 ML 0.8


LB dia.

S dia.
2 × LZ dia.
Unit: mm

Model Flange Dimensions Approx.

SGM7A- L* LL* LM S MD MW MH ML Mass [kg]
81.5 56.5 37.9 25 2.5 0.3
A5AA2 5 40 0
46 30 -0.021 0
4.3 8 -0.009 8.8 25.8 14.7 16.1
(122) (97) (0.6)
93.5 68.5 0.4
01AA2 (134) 0 0
8.8 25.8 14.7 16.1
(109) 49.9 25 2.5 5 40 46 30 -0.021 4.3 8 -0.009 (0.7)
105.5 80.5 61.9 25 2.5 0.5
C2AA2 (153.5) 5 40 0
46 30 -0.021 0
4.3 8 -0.009 8.8 25.8 14.7 16.1
(128.5) (0.8)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the following
section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.
 Shaft End Specifications  Specifications of Options
• Straight with Key and Tap • Oil Seal
25 7.5
8 -0.009 dia.


M3 × 6L
30 - 0.021 dia.

29.8 dia.

Y 3

Cross section Y-Y

• With Two Flat Seats Oil Seal Cover


 Connector Mounting Dimensions



• Cable Installed on Load Side






Cross section Y-Y

• Cable Installed on Non-load Side


5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

SGM7A-02, -04, and -06

0.04 A
LL LR 0.04 dia. A
20.5 LM LE LC
MD 0.6 17 ML LG MW


LB dia.
S dia.

LA dia.
0.02 4 × LZ dia. Unit: mm

Flange Dimensions Approx.

99.5 69.5 0.8
02AA2 51.2 30 3 6 60 0
70 50 -0.025 0
5.5 14 -0.011 8.5 28.7 14.7 17.1
(140) (110) (1.4)

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

115.5 85.5 1.2
04AA2 67.2 30 3 6 60 0
70 50 -0.025 0
5.5 14 -0.011 8.5 28.7 14.7 17.1
(156) (126) (1.8)
137.5 107.5 1.6
06AA2 89.2 30 3 6 60 0
70 50 -0.025 0
5.5 14 -0.011 8.5 28.7 14.7 17.1
(191.5) (161.5) (2.2)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the following
section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.
 Shaft End Specifications  Specifications of Options
• Straight with Key and Tap • Oil Seal
30 10



M5 × 8L

35 dia.

47 dia.

Y 5

Cross section Y-Y

• With Two Flat Seats

Oil Seal Cover
14 -0.011 dia.



 Connector Mounting Dimensions

Y 13 • Cable Installed on Load Side 5
Cross section Y-Y

• Cable Installed on Non-load Side


5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

SGM7A-08 and -10

0.04 A
LL LR 0.04 dia. A
20.5 LM LE LC
MD 0.6 17 ML LG MW


LB dia.
S dia.

LA dia
0.02 4 × LZ dia. Unit: mm

Flange Dimensions Approx.
137 97 2.3
08AA2 78.5 40 3 8 80 0
90 70 -0.030 7 0
19 -0.013 13.6 38 17 19.3
(184) (144) (2.9)
162 122 3.1
10AA2 103.5 40 3 8 80 0
90 70 -0.030 7 0
19 -0.013 13.6 38 17 19.3
(209) (169) (3.7)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1 kg greater
than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

 Shaft End Specifications  Specifications of Options

• Straight with Key and Tap • Oil Seal
40 11
19 -0.013 dia.

22 3

M6 × 10L

47 dia.

61 dia.

Y 6

Cross section Y-Y

• With Two Flat Seats

19 -0.013 dia.

Oil Seal Cover



 Connector Mounting Dimensions

Y 18 • Cable Installed on Load Side
Cross section Y-Y

• Cable Installed on Non-load Side


5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.2 Servomotors without Gears and without Holding Brakes

5.3.2 Servomotors without Gears and without Holding Brakes

SGM7A-15, -20, and -25
Shaft End Details
0.04 A
LG LE 0.04 dia. A

S dia.
40 LC
LH dia
dia LA
79 dia.

45 dia.
LB dia.
65 dia.

S dia.

30 dia.

4 LZ dia.
17 KB1

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

Unit: mm

15AA21 202 157 121 36 45 107 145 95
20AA21 218 173 137 36 45 123 161 95
25AA21 241 196 160 36 45 146 184 95

Model Flange Dimensions Shaft End Dimensions Approx.

15AA21 115 0
95 -0.035 100 3 10 130 7 0
24 -0.013 40 4.6
20AA21 115 95
-0.035 100 3 10 130 7 24 0
-0.013 40 5.4
25AA21 115 95
-0.035 100 3 10 130 7 24 0
-0.013 40 6.8
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
45 1 PS 6* BAT(+)

3 1
40 2 /PS 7 −
24 -0.013

M8 × 16L 7 4
3 − 8 −

4 10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V
5* BAT(−) 10 FG (frame ground)
* A battery is required only for an absolute


Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
( depends on the applicable cable size.)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
• Servomotor Connector
A Phase U C Phase W
D A B Phase V D FG (frame ground)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.2 Servomotors without Gears and without Holding Brakes

SGM7A-30, -40, and -50

LL LR Shaft End Details
0.04 A LR
0.04 dia. A

S dia.
1.5 LE
dia. LA

79 dia.

LB dia.
65 dia.

45 dia.
S dia.

30 dia.

17 KB1 4  LZ dia.
KB2 Unit: mm

30AA21 257 194 158 36 63 145 182 114
40AA21 296 233 197 36 63 184 221 114
50AA21 336 273 237 36 63 224 261 114

Model Flange Dimensions Shaft End Dimensions Approx.

30AA21 145 110 -0.035
130 6 12 165 9 0
28 -0.013 55 10.5
40AA21 145 110
-0.035 130 6 12 165 9 28 0
-0.013 55 13.5
50AA21 145 0
110 -0.035 130 6 12 165 9 0
28 -0.013 55 16.5
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
1 PS 6* BAT(+)
63 3 1
2 /PS 7 −

55 7 4
3 − 8 −
M8 × 16L

50 10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V

4 5* BAT(−) 10 FG (frame ground)

* A battery is required only for an absolute

7 Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D

Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.

Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
( depends on the applicable cable size.)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
• Servomotor Connector
A Phase U C Phase W
D A B Phase V D FG (frame ground)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.2 Servomotors without Gears and without Holding Brakes

70* LL LR
43 LM 0.04 A
130 LG LE Shaft End Details

S dia.
1.5 144 63
0.04 dia. A LC 6
Cooling air
φ LH

LB dia.
65 dia.


45 dia.
S dia.


30 dia.


20 KB1
KB2 4 × LZ dia.
0.04 dia. A
Fan Connector Encoder Connector
Servomotor Connector 0.02
Cooling fan
Unit: mm

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

* Leave a minimum space of 70 mm around the Servomotor from walls and other equipment to allow for a sufficient
amount of cooling air.

Shaft End Approx.

Model Flange Dimensions
L LL LM LR KB1 KB2* KL1 Dimensions Mass
70AA21 397 334 291 63 0
224 261 108 145 110 -0.035 130 6 12 165 9 0
28 -0.013 55 18.5
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, KB is 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for
the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.
 Cooling Fan Specifications  Connector Specifications
Single-phase, 220 V • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
50/60 Hz
17/15 W 1 PS 6* BAT(+)
0.11/0.09 A 1 2 /PS 7 −
7 4 3 − 8 −
4 PG5V 9 PG0V
 Specifications of Fan Operation 10 8
5* BAT(−) 10 FG (frame ground)
Error Detector * A battery is required only for an absolute
Contact Capacity encoder.
Maximum allowable voltage: 350 V (AC/DC) Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D
Maximum allowable current: 120 mA (AC/ DC) Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
Maximum controllable power: 360 mW Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
Alarm Contacts CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
ON for normal fan rotation.
OFF at 1,680 ± 100 min-1 max.
( depends on the applicable cable size.)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
OFF for 3 seconds at startup. • Servomotor Connector
A Phase U C Phase W
 Shaft End Specifications D A B Phase V D FG (frame ground)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
• Straight with Key and Tap C B

• Fan Connector

M8 × 16L

50 A Fan motor D Alarm pin


B Fan motor E Alarm pin

C – F FG (frame ground)
D Receptacle: MS3102A14S-6P
Applicable Plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.


Plug: MS3108B14S-6S
Cable Clamp: MS3057-6A
Manufacturer: Japan Aviation Electronics
Industry, Ltd.
Note: The Servomotor Connector (receptacle) is RoHS compliant.
Contact the connector manufacturer for RoHS-compliant
cable-side connectors (not provided by Yaskawa).

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.3 Servomotors without Gears and with Holding Brakes

5.3.3 Servomotors without Gears and with Holding Brakes

SGM7A-15 to -25
LP LM Shaft End Details
0.04 A
0.04 dia. A

S dia.
0.5 LE
LH dia
dia LA
79 dia.

φ1 15
30 φ1

45 dia.
LB dia.
65 dia.

S dia.

30 dia.

0.02 4 × LZ dia.
17 KB3
KB2 Unit: mm

15AA2C 243 198 162 36 45 107 186 139 102
20AA2C 259 214 178 36 45 123 202 155 102
25AA2C 292 247 211 36 45 156 235 188 102

Model Flange Dimensions Shaft End Dimensions Approx.

15AA2C 115 0
95 -0.035 100 3 10 130 7 0
24 -0.013 40 6.0
20AA2C 115 95
-0.035 100 3 10 130 7 0
24 -0.013 40 6.8
25AA2C 115 0
95 -0.035 100 3 10 130 7 0
24 -0.013 40 8.7
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.3 Servomotors without Gears and with Holding Brakes

 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
45 1 PS 6* BAT(+)

1 2 /PS 7 −

24 -0.013
32 M8 × 16L 7 4 3 − 8 −

4 10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V
5* BAT(−) 10 FG (frame ground)
* A battery is required only for an absolute encoder.
Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D

7 Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.

Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug

CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
( depends on the applicable cable size.)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
• Servomotor Connector
A Phase U C Phase W
D A B Phase V D FG (frame ground)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

• Brake Connector

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

1 Brake terminal
1 2 Brake terminal
Note: There is no voltage polarity for the
brake terminals.
Receptacle: CM10-R2P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
Plug: CM10-AP2S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP2S--D for Straight Plug
( depends on the applicable cable size.)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.3 Servomotors without Gears and with Holding Brakes

SGM7A-30 to -50
L Shaft End Details
0.04 A

S dia.
1.5 LC
0.04 dia. A .
dia LA

79 dia.

LB dia.

45 dia.
65 dia.

S dia.

30 dia.

4 × LZ dia.
17 KB3
KB2 Unit: mm

30AA2C 293 232 196 36 63 145 220 181 119
40AA2C 332 269 233 36 63 184 257 220 119
50AA2C 372 309 273 36 63 224 297 260 119

Model Flange Dimensions Shaft End Dimensions Approx.

30AA2C 145 0
110 -0.035 130 6 12 165 9 0
28 -0.013 55 13
40AA2C 145 110
-0.035 130 6 12 165 9 28 0
-0.013 55 16
50AA2C 145 110
-0.035 130 6 12 165 9 28 0
-0.013 55 19
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.
 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications
• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
63 1 PS 6* BAT(+)
28 -0.013 dia.

2 /PS 7 −
50 M8 × 16L 7 4
3 − 8 −

4 10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V
5* BAT(−) 10 FG (frame ground)
* A battery is required only for an absolute


Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
( depends on the applicable cable size.)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
• Servomotor Connector
A Phase U C Phase W
D A B Phase V D FG (frame ground)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

• Brake Connector
1 Brake terminal
1 2 Brake terminal
Note: There is no voltage polarity for the
brake terminals.
Receptacle: CM10-R2P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
Plug: CM10-AP2S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP2S--D for Straight Plug
( depends on the applicable cable size.)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears

5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears

SGM7A-A5, -01, and -C2
LL LR 0.04 0.05 dia.
LM L1 L2 (0.03) (0.04 dia.) A

0.6 17 16.1 LG L3 Q A LC



LD dia.
LB dia.
C dia.
S dia.

B dia.
Details of Shaft
End with Key
and Tap
Rotating parts (shaded section)
4  LZ dia. Tap size  Depth Unit: mm

Gear Flange Dimensions

Model SGM7A- L* LL* LM

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

A5AAH1 1/5 138 96 77.4
A5AAH2 1/9 (178.5) (136.5) 0
42 2.2 5 29 39.5 40 -0.025 40 46 3.4
A5AAHC 147 105
1/21 86.4
(187.5) (145.5)
178.5 120.5
A5AAH7 1/33 (219) (161) 101.9 58 2.5 8 40 0
55.5 56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
150 108
01AAH1 1/5 (190.5) (148.5) 89.4 42 2.2 5 29 0
39.5 40 -0.025 40 46 3.4
01AAHB 1/11 190.5 132.5 0
113.9 58 2.5 8 40 55.5 56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
01AAHC 1/21 (231) (173)
215 135
01AAH7 1/33 (255.5) (175.5) 116.4 80 7.5 10 59 84 0
85 -0.035 90 105 9
162 120
C2AAH1 1/5 101.4 42 2.2 5 29 0
39.5 40 -0.025 40 46 3.4
(210) (168)
202.5 144.5
C2AAHB 1/11 (250.5) (192.5) 125.9 58 2.5 8 40 0
55.5 56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
C2AAHC 1/21 227 147 0
128.4 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
C2AAH7 1/33 (275) (195)

Flange Dimensions Tap Size × Key Dimensions Approx.

Model SGM7A- Q C S
L1 L2 L3 Depth QK U W T Mass [kg]
A5AAH1 0.6
A5AAH2 (0.9)
22 20 14.6 − − 10 0
-0.015 M3 × 6L 15 2.5 4 4
A5AAHC (1.0)
A5AAH7 28 30 20 28 20 0
16 -0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5 (1.6)
01AAH1 22 20 14.6 − − 0
10 -0.015 M3 × 6L 15 2.5 4 4 (1.0)
01AAHB 1.4
28 30 20 28 20 0
16 -0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5
01AAHC (1.7)
01AAH7 36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7 (3.1)
C2AAH1 22 20 14.6 − − 0
10 -0.015 M3 × 6L 15 2.5 4 4 (1.1)
C2AAHB 28 30 20 28 20 0
16 -0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5 (1.8)
C2AAHC 2.9
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
C2AAH7 (3.2)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears

Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Gear dimensions are different from those of the Σ, Σ-II, and Σ-III Series.
3. The values for the shaft end are for a straight shaft with key and tap. If a key and tap are not necessary,
specify shaft end code 2 for the 8th digit.

 Flange Output Face

(0.05) A
LR 0.02
L3 0.05 dia.
LE (0.04 dia.) A
(0.03) LC
A .
LD dia.
LB dia.
G dia.
F dia.

LJ d

LK 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth Unit: mm

Note: The geometric tolerance in parentheses is the value for LC = 40.

Gear No. of Taps × Approx.

Model SGM7A- L* LR LJ F G LK
Ratio Tap Size × Depth Mass [kg]
A5AAH10 1/5 111
A5AAH20 1/9 (151.5) 0.6
15 18 5 +0.012
0 24 3 3 × M4 × 6L
120 (0.9)
A5AAHC0 1/21
141.5 1.2
A5AAH70 1/33 21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 5 6 × M4 × 7L
(182) (1.5)
123 0.7
01AAH10 1/5 15 18 5 +0.012
0 24 3 3 × M4 × 6L
(163.5) (1.0)
01AAHB0 1/11 153.5 1.3
21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 3 × M4 × 7L
01AAHC0 1/21 (194) (1.6)
162 2.4
01AAH70 1/33 27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
(202.5) (2.7)
135 0.8
C2AAH10 1/5 15 18 5 +0.012
0 24 3 3 × M4 × 6L
(183) (1.1)
165.5 1.4
C2AAHB0 1/11 21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 5 6 × M4 × 7L
(213.5) (1.7)
C2AAHC0 1/21 174 2.5
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 5 6 × M6 × 10L
C2AAH70 1/33 (222) (2.8)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L is 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the follow-
ing section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Dimensions not found in the above table are the same as those in the table on the previous page.

For a Servomotor with a flange output that has square gear flange dimensions (LC) of 40 mm,
we recommend that you design the Servomotor with the dimensions shown in the following figure
in order to secure a gap between the gear oil seal and the connecting parts on the load side.
0.5 min.
Connecting parts on the load side
24 dia. max.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears

SGM7A-02, -04, and -06

0.06 A
LL LR 0.05 A
LM L1 L2
LG L3 Q 0.04 LC
0.6 17 17.1



LD dia.
LB dia.
B dia.
S dia.
C dia.
Details of Shaft
End with Key
and Tap
Rotating parts (shaded section) 4  LZ dia. Tap size  Depth Unit: mm

Gear Flange Dimensions

Model SGM7A- L* LL* LM
02AAH1 1/5 191.5 133.5 0
115.2 58 2.5 8 40 55.5 60 70 5.5

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

56 -0.030
02AAHB 1/11 (232) (174)
02AAHC 1/21 220.5 140.5 0
122.2 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
02AAH7 1/33 (261) (181)
207.5 149.5 0
04AAH1 1/5 131.2 58 2.5 8 40 55.5 56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
(248) (190)
04AAHB 1/11 236.5 156.5 0
138.2 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
04AAHC 1/21 (277) (197)
322.5 189.5 0
04AAH7 1/33 171.2 133 12.5 13 84 114 115 -0.035 120 135 11
(363) (230)
06AAH1 1/5 258.5 178.5 0
160.2 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
06AAHB 1/11 (312.5) (232.5)
06AAHC 1/21 344.5 211.5 0
193.2 133 12.5 13 84 114 115 -0.035 120 135 11
06AAH7 1/33 (398.5) (265.5)

Flange Dimensions Tap Size × Key Dimensions Approx.

Model SGM7A- Q C S
L1 L2 L3 Depth QK U W T Mass [kg]
28 30 20 28 20 16
-0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5
02AAHC 3.7
36 44 26 42 32 25 -0.021
M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
02AAH7 (4.3)
04AAH1 28 30 20 28 20 16 -0.018
M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5
04AAHB 4.0
36 44 26 42 32 25 -0.021
M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
04AAHC (4.6)
8.6 5
04AAH7 48 85 33 82 44 40 -0.025
M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8
36 44 26 42 32 25 -0.021
M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
06AAHC 9.1
48 85 33 82 44 40 -0.025
M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8
06AAH7 (9.7)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the
following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Gear dimensions are different from those of the Σ, Σ-II, and Σ-III Series.
3. The values for the shaft end are for a straight shaft with key and tap. If a key and tap are not necessary,
specify shaft end code 2 for the 8th digit.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears

 Flange Output Face


0.06 A
0.05 dia. A
0.04 LC

LD dia.
F dia.

LB dia.
G dia.


5 4  LZ dia. Tap size  Depth Unit: mm

Gear No. of Taps × Approx.

Model SGM7A- L* LR LJ F G
Ratio Tap Size × Depth Mass [kg]
02AAH10 1/5
154.5 (2.3)
21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 6 × M4 × 7L
(195) 1.8
02AAHB0 1/11
02AAHC0 1/21 167.5 3.3
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
02AAH70 1/33 (208) (3.9)
170.5 2.0
04AAH10 1/5 21 30 14 +0.018
0 40 6 × M4 × 7L
(211) (2.6)
04AAHB0 1/11 183.5 3.6
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
04AAHC0 1/21 (224) (4.2)
224.5 7.2
04AAH70 1/33 35 60 32 +0.025
0 84 6 × M8 × 12L
(265) (7.8)
06AAH10 1/5
205.5 (4.5)
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
(259.5) 4.1
06AAHB0 1/11
06AAHC0 1/21 246.5 7.7
35 60 32 +0.025
0 84 6 × M8 × 12L
06AAH70 1/33 (300.5) (8.3)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L is 8 mm greater than the given value. Refer to the follow-
ing section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Dimensions not found in the above table are the same as those in the table on the previous page.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears

SGM7A-08 and -10

0.06 A
LM L1 L2 0.05 A
LE Q 0.04 LC
0.6 17 19.3 QK A



LD dia.
LB dia.
S dia.
C dia.
B dia.
Details of Shaft
End with Key
and Tap
Rotating parts 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth
(Shaded section)
Unit: mm

Gear Flange Dimensions

Model SGM7A- L* LL* LM
08AAH1 1/5 255 175

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

156.5 80 7.5 10 59 84 85 -0.035 90 105 9
08AAHB 1/11 (302) (222)
08AAHC 1/21 334 201 0
182.5 133 12.5 13 84 114 115 -0.035 120 135 11
08AAH7 1/33 (381) (248)
280 200
10AAH1 1/5 181.5 80 7.5 10 59 84 0
85 -0.035 90 105 9
(327) (247)
10AAHB 1/11
359 226
10AAHC 1/21 207.5 133 12.5 13 84 114 0
115 -0.035 120 135 11
(406) (273)
10AAH7 1/33

Flange Dimensions Tap Size × Key Dimensions Approx.

Model SGM7A- Q C S
L1 L2 L3 Depth QK U W T Mass* [kg]
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
08AAHC 9.8
48 85 33 82 44 0
40 -0.025 M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8
08AAH7 (10.7)
10AAH1 36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
10AAHC 48 85 33 82 44 0
40 -0.025 M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1
kg greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models. 5
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Gear dimensions are different from those of the Σ, Σ-II, and Σ-III Series.
3. The values for the shaft end are for a straight shaft with key and tap. If a key and tap are not necessary,
specify shaft end code 2 for the 8th digit.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears

 Flange Output Face


0.06 A
0.05 dia. A
0.04 LC
LD dia. LA
LB dia.
G dia.
F dia.

LJ d

5 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth Unit: mm

Gear No. of Taps × Approx.

Model SGM7A- L* LR LJ F G
Ratio Tap Size × Depth Mass* [kg]
08AAH10 1/5
202 (5.3)
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
(249) 4.9
08AAHB0 1/11
08AAHC0 1/21 236 8.6
35 60 32 +0.025
0 84 6 × M8 × 12L
08AAH70 1/33 (283) (9.2)
227 5.6
10AAH10 1/5 27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 6 × M6 × 10L
(274) (6.3)
10AAHB0 1/11
261 9.5
10AAHC0 1/21 35 60 32 +0.025
0 84 6 × M8 × 12L
(308) (10.1)
10AAH70 1/33
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L is 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1 kg
greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 5-31
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Dimensions not found in the above table are the same as those in the table on the previous page.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears

Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute

 Servomotors without Gears
Model Approx.
SGM7A- Mass [kg]
89.5 64.5 0.3
A5A6A2 − −
(130) (105) (0.6)
101.5 76.5 0.4
01A6A2 − −
(142) (117) (0.7)
113.5 88.5 0.5
C2A6A2 − −
(161.5) (136.5) (0.8)
107.5 77.5 0.8
02A6A2 − −
(148) (118) (1.4)
123.5 93.5 1.2
04A6A2 − −
(164) (134) (1.8)
145.5 115.5 1.6
− −

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7A Servomotors

(199.5) (169.5) (2.2)
145 105 2.4
08A6A2 − −
(192) (152) (3.0)
170 130 3.2
10A6A2 − −
(217) (177) (3.8)
210 165 44 153 4.6
(251) (206) (44) (194) (6.0)
226 181 44 169 5.4
(267) (222) (44) (210) (6.8)
249 204 44 192 6.8
(300) (255) (44) (243) (8.7)
265 202 44 190 10.5
(301) (240) (44) (228) (13)
304 241 44 229 13.5
(340) (277) (44) (265) (16)
344 281 44 269 16.5
(380) (317) (44) (305) (19)
70A6A2 397 334 − 269 18.5
Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.

5.3 External Dimensions
5.3.4 Servomotors with Gears

 Servomotors with Gears

• Shaft End Specification: Straight • Shaft End Specification: Flange Output

Model Approx. Model Approx.

SGM7A- Mass [kg] SGM7A- Mass [kg]
A5A6AH1 146 104 0.6 A5A6AH10 119
A5A6AH2 (186.5) (144.5) (0.9) A5A6AH20 (159.5) 0.6
155 113 0.7 128 (0.9)
(195.5) (153.5) (1.0) (168.5)
186.5 128.5 1.3 149.5 1.2
A5A6AH7 A5A6AH70
(227) (169) (1.6) (190) (1.5)
158 116 0.7 131 0.7
01A6AH1 01A6AH10
(198.5) (156.5) (1.0) (171.5) (1.0)
01A6AHB 198.5 140.5 1.4 01A6AHB0 161.5 1.3
01A6AHC (239) (181) (1.7) 01A6AHC0 (202) (1.6)
223 143 2.8 170 2.4
01A6AH7 01A6AH70
(263.5) (183.5) (3.1) (210.5) (2.7)
170 128 0.8 143 0.8
C2A6AH1 C2A6AH10
(218) (176) (1.1) (191) (1.1)
210.5 152.5 1.5 173.5 1.4
(258.5) (200.5) (1.8) (221.5) (1.7)
C2A6AHC 235 155 2.9 C2A6AHC0 182 2.5
C2A6AH7 (283) (203) (3.2) C2A6AH70 (230) (2.8)
1.8 1.7
02A6AH1 02A6AH10
199.5 141.5 (2.4) 162.5 (2.3)
(240) (182) 1.9 (203) 1.8
02A6AHB 02A6AHB0
(2.5) (2.4)
02A6AHC 228.5 148.5 3.7 02A6AHC0 175.5 3.3
02A6AH7 (269) (189) (4.3) 02A6AH70 (216) (3.9)
215.5 157.5 2.1 178.5 2.0
04A6AH1 04A6AH10
(256) (198) (2.7) (219) (2.6)
04A6AHB 244.5 164.5 4.0 04A6AHB0 191.5 3.6
04A6AHC (285) (205) (4.6) 04A6AHC0 (232) (4.2)
330.5 197.5 8.6 232.5 7.2
04A6AH7 04A6AH70
(371) (238) (9.2) (273) (7.8)
4.3 3.9
06A6AH1 06A6AH10
266.5 186.5 (4.9) 213.5 (4.5)
(320.5) (240.5) 4.5 (267.5) 4.1
06A6AHB 06A6AHB0
(5.1) (4.7)
06A6AHC 352.5 219.5 9.1 06A6AHC0 254.5 7.7
06A6AH7 (406.5) (273.5) (9.7) 06A6AH70 (308.5) (8.3)
5.0 4.8
08A6AH1 08A6AH10
263 183 (5.9) 210 (5.4)
(310) (230) 5.2 (257) 5.0
08A6AHB 08A6AHB0
(6.1) (5.6)
08A6AHC 342 209 9.9 08A6AHC0 244 8.7
08A6AH7 (389) (256) (10.8) 08A6AH70 (291) (9.3)
288 208 6.1 235 5.7
10A6AH1 10A6AH10
(335) (255) (6.7) (282) (6.4)
10A6AHB 10A6AHB0
367 234 11.0 269 9.6
10A6AHC 10A6AHC0
(414) (281) (11.6) (316) (10.2)
10A6AH7 10A6AH70

Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.

Ratings, and External
Dimensions of
SGM7P Servomotors
This chapter describes how to interpret the model numbers
of SGM7P Servomotors and gives their specifications, rat-
ings, and external dimensions.

6.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

6.1.1 Without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.1.2 With Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

6.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

6.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . 6-4
6.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
6.2.5 Servomotor Overload Protection
Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
6.2.6 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
6.2.7 Derating Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9

6.3 External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11

6.3.1 Servomotors without Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
6.3.2 Servomotors with Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
6.1 Model Designations
6.1.1 Without Gears

6.1 Model Designations

6.1.1 Without Gears

SGM7P - 01 A 7 A 2 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Σ-7 Series digits digit digit digit digit digit

1st+2nd digits Rated Output 4th digit Serial Encoder 7th digit Options

Code Specification Code Specification Code Specification

01 100 W 6 24-bit batteryless absolute 1 Without options
02 200 W 7 24-bit absolute C With holding brake (24 VDC)
04 400 W F 24-bit incremental With oil seal and holding brake
08 750 W (24 VDC)
15 1.5 kW 5th digit Design Revision Order S With oil seal

Code Specification
3rd digit Power Supply Voltage
A IP65
Code Specification E IP67
A 200 VAC
6th digit Shaft End

Code Specification
2 Straight without key
6 Straight with key and tap

6.1.2 With Gears

SGM7P - 01 A 7 A H B 0 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Σ-7 Series digits digit digit digit digit digit digit digit

1st+2nd digits Rated Output 5th digit Design Revision Order 8th digit Shaft End
Code Specification Code Specification Code Specification
01 100 W A IP55 0 Flange output
02 200 W 2 Straight without key
04 400 W 6th digit Gear Type 6 Straight with key and tap
08 750 W Code Specification
15 1.5 kW H HDS planetary low-backlash gear
9th digit Options
3rd digit Power Supply Voltage 7th digit Gear Ratio Code Specification
Code Specification Code Specification 1 Without options
A 200 VAC B 1/11 C With holding brake (24 VDC)
C 1/21
4th digit Serial Encoder 1 1/5
Code Specification 7 1/33
6 24-bit batteryless absolute
7 24-bit absolute
F 24-bit incremental

6.2 Specifications and Ratings
6.2.1 Specifications

6.2 Specifications and Ratings

6.2.1 Specifications
Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7P- 01A 02A 04A 08A 15A
Time Rating Continuous
Thermal Class UL: B, CE: B
Insulation Resistance 500 VDC, 10 MΩ min.
Withstand Voltage 1,500 VAC for 1 minute
Excitation Permanent magnet
Mounting Flange-mounted
Drive Method Direct drive
Counterclockwise (CCW) for forward reference when viewed from
Rotation Direction
the load side
Vibration Class*1 V15

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors

Surrounding Air 0°C to 40°C
Temperature (With derating, usage is possible between 40°C and 60°C.)*3
Surrounding Air
20% to 80% relative humidity (with no condensation)
• Must be indoors and free of corrosive and explosive gases.
• Must be well-ventilated and free of dust and moisture.
Environmental • Must facilitate inspection and cleaning.
Installation Site • Must have an altitude of 1,000 m or less. (With derating, usage
is possible between 1,000 m and 2,000 m.)*3
• Must be free of strong magnetic fields.
Store the Servomotor in the following environment if you store it
with the power cable disconnected.
Storage Environ-
Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C (with no freezing)
Storage humidity: 20% to 80% relative humidity (with no conden-
Impact Acceleration
Shock Rate at Flange 490 m/s2
Number of Impacts 2 times
Vibration Vibration Accelera-
49 m/s2
Resistance*2 tion Rate at Flange
R90A, 2R8A, 2R8A,
SGD7S- 5R5A 120A
Applicable R90F 2R1F 2R8F
2R8A, 5R5A*4, 7R6A*4 −
SGD7C- 2R8A*4 7R6A
*1. A vibration class of V15 indicates a vibration amplitude of 15 μm maximum on the Servomotor without a load at
the rated motor speed.
*2. The given values are for when the Servomotor shaft is mounted horizontally and shock or vibration is applied in
the directions shown in the following figures.
The strength of the vibration that the Servomotor can withstand depends on the application. Always check the
vibration acceleration rate that is applied to the Servomotor with the actual equipment.
Vertical Vertical Front to back

Horizontal direction
Side to side
Shock Applied to the Servomotor Vibration Applied to the Servomotor

*3. Refer to the following section for the derating rates.

6.2.7 Derating Rates on page 6-9
*4. If you use the Servomotor together with a Σ-7W or Σ-7C SERVOPACK, the control gain may not increase as
much as with a Σ-7S SERVOPACK and other performances may be lower than those achieved with a Σ-7S

6.2 Specifications and Ratings
6.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears

6.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears

Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7P- 01A 02A 04A 08A 15A
*1 W 100 200 400 750 1500
Rated Output
Rated Torque*1, *2 Nm 0.318 0.637 1.27 2.39 4.77
*1 Nm 0.955 1.91 3.82 7.16 14.3
Instantaneous Maximum Torque
*1 Arms 0.86 2.0 2.6 5.4 9.2
Rated Current
*1 Arms 2.8 6.4 8.4 16.5 28.0
Instantaneous Maximum Current
*1 -1 3000
Rated Motor Speed min
Maximum Motor Speed*1 min-1 6000
Torque Constant Nm/Arms 0.401 0.355 0.524 0.476 0.559
Motor Moment of Inertia 0.0592 0.263 0.409 2.10 4.02
With Holding
0.0892 0.415 0.561 3.31 5.28
With Batteryless
×10-4 kgm2 0.0607 0.264 0.410 2.10 4.02
Absolute Encoder
With Holding
Brake and Bat- 0.0907 0.416 0.562 3.31 5.28
teryless Encoder
Rated Power Rate*1 17.1 15.4 39.6 27.2 56.6
With Holding kW/s
11.3 9.7 28.8 19.1 46.4
Rated Angular Acceleration Rate*1 53700 24200 31100 11400 11900
With Holding rad/s2
35600 15300 22600 8020 9730
Derating Rate for Servomotor with
% 90 95
Oil Seal
Heat Sink Size*3 mm 250 × 250 × 6 300 × 300 × 12
*4 Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP65
Protective Structure
Rated Voltage V 24 VDC ±10%
Capacity W 6 7.4 7.5
Holding Torque Nm 0.318 0.637 1.27 2.39 4.77
Holding Brake Coil Resistance Ω (at 20°C) 96 84.5 76.8
*5 Rated Current A (at 20°C) 0.25 0.31 0.31
Time Required to
ms 80
Release Brake
Time Required to
ms 100
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia
25 times 15 times 10 times 5 times
(Motor Moment of Inertia Ratio)*6
With External Regenerative
Resistor and External Dynamic 25 times 15 times 10 times 5 times
Brake Resistor*7
LF mm 20 25 35
Allowable Shaft Allowable Radial
N 78 245 392 490
Allowable Thrust
N 49 68 147
*1. These values are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of the armature wind-
ing is 100°C. The values for other items are at 20°C. These are typical values.
*2. The rated torques are the continuous allowable torque values at a surrounding air temperature of 40°C with an
aluminum heat sink of the dimensions given in the table.
*3. Refer to the following section for the relation between the heat sinks and derating rate.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 6-9
*4. This does not apply to the shaft opening. Protective structure specifications apply only when the special cable is used.

6.2 Specifications and Ratings
6.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics

*5. Observe the following precautions if you use a Servomotor with a Holding Brake.
• The holding brake cannot be used to stop the Servomotor.
• The time required to release the brake and the time required to brake depend on which discharge circuit is
used. Confirm that the operation delay time is appropriate for the actual equipment.
• The 24-VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
*6. The motor moment of inertia scaling factor is the value for a standard Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
*7. To externally connect a dynamic brake resistor, select hardware option specification 020 for the SERVOPACK.
However, you cannot externally connect a dynamic brake resistor if you use the following SERVOPACKs
(maximum applicable motor capacity: 400 W).
• SGD7S-R70A020 to -2R8A020
• SGD7W-1R6A20A020 to -2R8A20A020
• SGD7C-1R6AMAA020 to -2R8AMAA020
*8. Design the mechanical system so that the thrust and radial loads applied to the Servomotor shaft end during operation
do not exceed the values given in the table.

Radial load

Thrust Load

6.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors

A : Continuous duty zone (solid lines): With three-phase 200-V or single-phase 230-V input
B : Intermittent duty zone (dotted lines): With single-phase 200-V input
(dashed-dotted lines): With single-phase 100-V input


7000 7000
6000 6000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000
4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 A B
2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3 4
Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

SGM7P-08A SGM7P-15A*
7000 7000
6000 6000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000
4000 4000
3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 4 8 12 16
Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

* A single-phase power input can be used in combination with the SGD7S-120AA008.

Note: 1. These values (typical values) are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of
the armature winding is 100°C.
2. The characteristics in the intermittent duty zone depend on the power supply voltage.
3. If the effective torque is within the allowable range for the rated torque, the Servomotor can be used within
the intermittent duty zone.
4. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.

6.2 Specifications and Ratings
6.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears

6.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears

Gear Mechanism Protective Structure Lost Motion [arc-min]
All models Totally enclosed, self-cooled,
Planetary gear mechanism 3 max.
IP55 (except for shaft opening)

Servomotor Gear Output

Instanta- Instanta-
Maxi- Maxi-
Servomotor Model Rated neous neous Rated
Rated mum Rated Rated Torque/ mum
Motor Maxi- Gear Maxi- Motor
SGM7P- Output Motor Torque Efficiency*1 Motor
Speed mum Ratio mum Speed
[W] Speed [Nm] [Nm/%] Speed
[min-1] Torque Torque [min-1]
[min-1] [min -1]
[Nm] [Nm]
01AAH1 1/5 1.05/78*2 4.30 600 1200
01AAHB 1/11 2.52/72 9.30 273 545
100 3000 6000 0.318 0.955
01AAHC 1/21 5.34/80 18.2 143 286
01AAH7 1/33 6.82/65 27.0 91 182
02AAH1 1/5 2.39/75 8.60 600 1200
02AAHB 1/11 5.74/82 19.4 273 545
200 3000 6000 0.637 1.91
02AAHC 1/21 10.2/76 35.9 143 286
02AAH7 1/33 17.0/81 57.3 91 182
04AAH1 1/5 5.35/84 17.8 600 1200
04AAHB 1/11 11.5/82 38.3 273 545
400 3000 6000 1.27 3.82
04AAHC 1/21 22.9/86 74.4 143 286
04AAH7 1/33 34.0/81 114.6 91 182
08AAH1 1/5 10.0/84 32.8 600 1200
08AAHB 1/11 23.1/88 73.6 273 545
750 3000 6000 2.39 7.16
08AAHC 1/21 42.1/84 138.0 143 286
08AAH7 1/33 69.3/88 220 91 182
15AAH1 1/5 19.1/80 64.8 600 1200
15AAHB 1/11 45.6/87 146 273 545
1500 3000 6000 4.77 14.3
15AAHC 1/21 87.1/87 278 143 214*3
15AAH7 1/33 142/90 443 91 136*3
*1. The gear output torque is expressed by the following formula.
Gear output torque = Servomotor output torque × × Efficiency
Gear ratio
The gear efficiency depends on operating conditions such as the output torque, motor speed, and temperature.
The values in the table are typical values for the rated torque, rated motor speed, and a surrounding air tem-
perature of 25°C. They are reference values only.
*2. Use the Servomotor at an effective load ratio of 85% or less. The values in the table take the effective load ratio
into consideration.
*3. The maximum motor speed calculated at the motor shaft is 4,500 min-1 max.
Note: 1. The gears that are mounted to Yaskawa Servomotors have not been broken in.
Break in the Servomotor if necessary. First, operate the Servomotor at low speed with no load. If no prob-
lems occur, gradually increase the speed and load.
2. The no-load torque for a Servomotor with a Gear is high immediately after the Servomotor starts, and it
then decreases and becomes stable after a few minutes.
This is a common phenomenon caused by grease circulation in the gears and it does not indicate faulty
3. Other specifications are the same as those for Servomotors without Gears.

The SERVOPACK speed control range is 1:5,000. If you use Servomotors at extremely low speeds
(0.02 min-1 or lower at the gear output shaft), if you use Servomotors with a one-pulse feed refer-
ence for extended periods, or under some other operating conditions, the gear bearing lubrication
Important may be insufficient. That may cause deterioration of the bearing or increase the load ratio.
Contact your Yaskawa representative if you use a Servomotor under these conditions.

6.2 Specifications and Ratings
6.2.4 Ratings of Servomotors with Gears

Moment of Inertia [×10 -4 kgm2] With Low-Backlash Gears

Shaft Output Flange Output Allowable
Servomotor Model Allowable
Thrust LF Reference Diagram
SGM7P- Motor* Motor* Radial Load
+ Gear + Gear Load [mm]
Gear Gear [N]

01AAH1 0.0642 0.005 0.0632 0.004 95 431 37

01AAHB 0.119 0.060 0.118 0.059 192 895 53
01AAHC 0.109 0.050 0.109 0.050 233 1087 53
01AAH7 0.509 0.450 0.508 0.449 605 2581 75
02AAH1 0.470 0.207 0.464 0.201 152 707 53 Shaft Output
02AAHB 0.456 0.193 0.455 0.192 192 895 53 LF

02AAHC 0.753 0.490 0.751 0.488 528 2254 75

Radial load
02AAH7 0.713 0.450 0.712 0.449 605 2581 75
Thrust load
04AAH1 0.616 0.207 0.610 0.201 152 707 53
04AAHB 0.979 0.570 0.969 0.560 435 1856 75
04AAHC 0.899 0.490 0.897 0.488 528 2254 75
Flange Output
04AAH7 1.03 0.620 1.01 0.610 951 4992 128
08AAH1 3.20 1.10 3.16 1.06 343 1465 75
08AAHB 2.70 0.600 2.69 0.590 435 1856 75

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors

Radial load
08AAHC 5.10 3.00 5.08 2.98 830 4359 128
Thrust load
08AAH7 4.90 2.80 4.89 2.79 951 4992 128
15AAH1 7.82 3.80 7.55 3.53 540 2834 128
15AAHB 7.42 3.40 7.36 3.34 684 3590 128
15AAHC 9.82 5.80 9.72 5.70 2042 8840 151
15AAH7 8.82 4.80 8.79 4.77 2338 10120 151
* The moment of inertia for the Servomotor and gear is the value without a holding brake. You can calculate the
moment of inertia for a Servomotor with a Gear and Holding Brake with the following formula.
Motor moment of inertia for a Servomotor with a Holding Brake from 6.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors with-
out Gears on page 6-4 + Moment of inertia for the gear from the above table.

During operation, the gear generates the loss at the gear mechanism and oil seal. The loss
depends on the torque and motor speed conditions. The temperature rise depends on the loss
and heat dissipation conditions. For the heat dissipation conditions, always refer to the following
Important table and check the gear and motor temperatures with the actual equipment. If the temperature
is too high, implement the following measures.
• Decrease the load ratio.
• Change the heat dissipation conditions.
• Use forced-air cooling for the motor with a cooling fan or other means.

Heat Sink Size

1/5 1/11 1/21 1/33
SGM7P-01 A
SGM7P-04 B
SGM7P-08 C 6
• A: 250 mm × 250 mm × 6 mm, aluminum plate
• B: 300 mm × 300 mm × 12 mm, aluminum plate
• C: 350 mm × 350 mm × 12 mm, aluminum plate

6.2 Specifications and Ratings
6.2.5 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

6.2.5 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

The overload detection level is set for hot start conditions with a Servomotor surrounding air
temperature of 40°C.

Detection time (s)

Motor speed of
10 min-1 or higher

Motor speed of
less than 10 min-1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Torque reference (percent of rated torque)

Note: The above overload protection characteristics do not mean that you can perform continuous duty operation
with an output of 100% or higher.
Use the Servomotor so that the effective torque remains within the continuous duty zone given in 6.2.3
Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics on page 6-5.

6.2.6 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

The allowable load moments of inertia (motor moment of inertia ratios) for the Servomotors are
given in the 6.2.2 Ratings of Servomotors without Gears on page 6-4. The values are deter-
mined by the regenerative energy processing capacity of the SERVOPACK and are also
affected by the drive conditions of the Servomotor. Perform the required Steps for each of the
following cases.
Use the SigmaSize+ AC Servo Drive Capacity Selection Program to check the driving condi-
tions. Contact your Yaskawa representative for information on this program.

Exceeding the Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

Use one of the following measures to adjust the load moment of inertia to within the allowable
• Reduce the torque limit.
• Reduce the deceleration rate.
• Reduce the maximum motor speed.
If the above steps is not possible, install an external regenerative resistor.
Information An Overvoltage Alarm (A.400) is likely to occur during deceleration if the load moment of iner-
tia exceeds the allowable load moment of inertia. SERVOPACKs with a built-in regenerative
resistor may generate a Regenerative Overload Alarm (A.320). Refer to the following catalog
for the regenerative power (W) that can be processed by the SERVOPACKs.
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)
Install an External Regenerative Resistor when the built-in regenerative resistor cannot pro-
cess all of the regenerative power.

6.2 Specifications and Ratings
6.2.7 Derating Rates

SERVOPACKs without Built-in Regenerative Resistors

The following graph shows the allowable load moment of inertia scaling factor of the motor
speed (reference values for deceleration operation at or above the rated torque). Application is
possible without an external regenerative resistor within the allowable value. However, an Exter-
nal Regenerative Resistor is required in the shaded areas of the graphs.
Allowable load moment of inertia

Allowable load moment of inertia

Allowable load moment of inertia

30 16 12
scaling factor (times)

scaling factor (times)

scaling factor (times)

25 10
20 8
15 8 6
10 6
5 2
0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Motor speed (min-1) Motor speed (min-1) Motor speed (min-1)

Note: Applicable SERVOPACK models: SGD7S-R70A, -R90A, -1R6A, -2R8A, -R70F, -R90F, -2R1F, and -2R8F

When an External Regenerative Resistor Is Required

Install the External Regenerative Resistor. Refer to the following catalog for the recommended

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors

AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)

6.2.7 Derating Rates

Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions

The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at a surrounding air temperature of
40°C when a heat sink is installed on the Servomotor. If the Servomotor is mounted on a small
device component, the Servomotor temperature may rise considerably because the surface for
heat dissipation becomes smaller. Refer to the following graphs for the relation between the
heat sink size and derating rate.
120 120

100 100
SGM7P-01, -02, and -04 SGM7P-15
Derating rate (%)
Derating rate (%)

80 80

60 60
40 40

20 20

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm)

The actual temperature rise depends on the following conditions. Always check the Servomotor
temperature with the actual equipment.
• How the heat sink (the Servomotor mounting section) is attached to the installation surface 6
Important • Status between heat sink and Servomotor (sealant, reduction gear, etc.)
• What material is used for the Servomotor mounting section
• Servomotor speed

6.2 Specifications and Ratings
6.2.7 Derating Rates

Applications Where the Surrounding Air Temperature

Exceeds 40°C
The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at a surrounding air temperature of
40°C. If you use a Servomotor at a surrounding air temperature that exceeds 40°C (60°C
max.), apply a suitable derating rate from the following graphs.
120 120
SGM7P-01 SGM7P-08
100 100
Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80
60 60
SGM7P-04 SGM7P-15
40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Surrounding air temperature (°C) Surrounding air temperature (°C)

Applications Where the Altitude Exceeds 1,000 m

The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at an altitude of 1,000 m or less. If
you use a Servomotor at an altitude that exceeds 1,000 m (2,000 m max.), the heat dissipation
effect of the air is reduced. Apply the appropriate derating rate from the following graphs.
120 120
100 100
Derating rate (%)
Derating rate (%)

80 80
SGM7P-01, -02, and -04
60 60
40 40

20 20

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Altitude (m) Altitude (m)

Information When using Servomotors with derating, change the detection timing of overload warning and
overload alarm based on the overload detection level of the motor given in 6.2.5 Servomotor
Overload Protection Characteristics on page 6-8.
Note: 1. Use the combination of the SERVOPACK and Servomotor so that the derating conditions
are satisfied for both the SERVOPACK and Servomotor.
2. The derating rates are applicable only when the average motor speed is less than or equal
to the rated motor speed. If the average motor speed exceeds the rated motor speed,
consult with your Yaskawa representative.

6.3 External Dimensions
6.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

6.3 External Dimensions

6.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

SGM7P-01, -02, and -04

0.04 A

L 0.04 dia. A
LM LC Notation
(20.5) LE
: Square dimensions
0.6 17 ML LG MW


LB dia.

S dia.

4 × LZ dia.

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors


Unit: mm

Flange Dimensions Approx.

85 60 0.5
01A2 36 25 3 6 60 70 50 -0.025
5.5 8 -0.009
8.5 19 12 20
(115) (90) (0.9)
97 67 1.1
02A2 43 30 3 8 80 90 70 -0.030
7 0
14 -0.011 13.6 21 13 21
(128.5) (98.5) (1.9)
107 77 1.4
04A2 53 30 3 8 80 90 70 -0.030
7 0
14 -0.011 13.6 21 13 21
(138.5) (108.5) (2.2)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1
kg greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 6-17
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

 Shaft End Specifications  Specifications of Options

• Straight with Key and Tap • Oil Seal
S dia.


Y 6
E1 dia.
E2 dia.

Cross section Y-Y

SGM7P- Oil Seal Cover

01A6 25 14 8 0
-0.009 3 3 1.8 M3×6L
0 Model Dimensions with Oil Seal
02A6 30 14 14 -0.011 5 5 3 M5×8L
04A6 30 14 14 -0.011 5 5 3 M5×8L
01A2 22 38 3.5 7 3
35 47 5.2 10 3

6.3 External Dimensions
6.3.1 Servomotors without Gears

SGM7P-08 and -15

Encoder Cable 300±30
UL20276, 6 dia. Encoder connector

Servomotor Main Circuit Cable
UL1828, 7 dia. Servomotor connector

LL 40
0.04 A
25 7 10.5 38
10 3.5

0.04 dia. A

13 19

LB dia.
S dia.
A 4 × 10.2 dia.


Unit: mm

Model Approx.
SGM7P- Mass* [kg]
126.5 86.5 4.2
08A2 67.6 110 -0.035
120 0
19 -0.013
(160) (120) (5.9)
154.5 114.5 6.6
15A2 95.6 0
110 -0.035 120 0
19 -0.013
(187.5) (147.5) (8.2)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1
kg greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 6-17
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

 Shaft End Specifications  Specifications of Options

• Straight with Key and Tap • Oil Seal
40 10
19 -0.013 dia.

22 5
3.5 3.5

M6 × 10L

Y 6

Cross section Y-Y

47 dia.
66 dia.

Oil Seal Cover

6.3 External Dimensions
6.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

6.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

SGM7P-01, -02, and -04
0.06 A

0.05 dia. A
LM L1 L2
L3 Q
0.6 17 ML MH LG LE QK A

LD dia.
LB dia.
C dia.
B dia.
S dia.
Details of Shaft End
with Key and Tap

Rotating parts 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth

(Shaded section)

Unit: mm

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors

Model Gear Flange Dimensions
141.5 99.5
01AAH1 1/5 75.5 42 2.2 5 29 39.5 0
40 -0.025 40 46 3.4
(171.5) (129.5)
01AAHB 1/11 182 124
100 58 2.5 8 40 55.5 0
56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
01AAHC 1/21 (212) (154)
211 131
01AAH7 1/33 107 80 7.5 10 59 84 0
85 -0.035 90 105 9
(241) (161)
02AAH1 1/5 190 132 0
108 58 2.5 8 40 55.5 56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
02AAHB 1/11 (221.5) (163.5)
02AAHC 1/21 225 145
121 80 7.5 10 59 84 0
85 -0.035 90 105 9
02AAH7 1/33 (256.5) (176.5)
200 142
04AAH1 1/5 118 58 2.5 8 40 55.5 0
56 -0.030 60 70 5.5
(231.5) (173.5)
04AAHB 1/11 235 155
131 80 7.5 10 59 84 0
85 -0.035 90 105 9
04AAHC 1/21 (266.5) (186.5)
314 181
04AAH7 1/33 157 133 12.5 13 84 114 0
115 -0.035 120 135 11
(345.5) (212.5)
Flange Dimensions Key Dimensions Approx.
Model Tap size ×
Q C S Mass*
SGM7P- L1 L2 L3 Depth QK U W T
01AAH1 22 20 14.6 − − 10 0
-0.015 M3 × 6L 15 2.5 4 4 0.9 (1.3)
28 30 20 28 20 0
16 -0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5 1.6 (2.0)
01AAH7 36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7 3.4 (3.8) 6
02AAH1 2.3 (2.9)
28 30 20 28 20 16 0
M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5
02AAHB -0.018
2.4 (3.0)
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7 4.2 (5.0)
04AAH1 28 30 20 28 20 0
16 -0.018 M4 × 8L 25 3 5 5 2.6 (3.2)
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7 4.5 (5.3)
04AAH7 48 85 33 82 44 0
40 -0.025 M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8 9.2 (10.0)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1
kg greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 6-17

6.3 External Dimensions
6.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Gear dimensions are different from those of the Σ, Σ-II, and Σ-III Series.
3. The values for the shaft end are for a straight shaft with key and tap. If a key and tap are not necessary,
specify shaft end code 2 for the 8th digit.

 Flange Output Face

0.05 dia.
LE 0.04 A
(0.04 dia.)
(0.03) LC
LD dia.
LB dia.
F dia.
G dia.

LJ d

LK 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth Unit: mm

Note: The geometric tolerance in parentheses is the value for LC = 40.

Model Gear No. of Taps × Tap
L* LR LJ F G LK Mass*
SGM7P- Ratio Size × Depth
01AAH10 1/5 15 18 5
0 24 3 3 × M4 × 6L 0.8 (1.2)
01AAHB0 1/11 145
21 30 14 +0.018 40 5 6 × M4 × 7L 1.5 (1.9)
01AAHC0 1/21 (175) 0

01AAH70 1/33 27 45 24 +0.021 59 5 6 × M6 × 10L 3.0 (3.4)
(188) 0

02AAH10 1/5 153 2.2 (2.8)

21 30 14
0 40 5 6 × M4 × 7L
02AAHB0 1/11 (184.5) 2.3 (2.9)
02AAHC0 1/21 172
27 45 24
59 5 6 × M6 × 10L 3.8 (4.6)
02AAH70 1/33 (203.5) 0

04AAH10 1/5 21 30 14
0 40 5 6 × M4 × 7L 2.5 (3.1)
04AAHB0 1/11 182
27 45 24
0 59 5 6 × M6 × 10L 4.1 (4.9)
04AAHC0 1/21 (213.5)
04AAH70 1/33 35 60 32
0 84 5 6 × M8 × 12L 7.8 (8.6)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L is 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1 kg
greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 6-17
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Dimensions not found in the above table are the same as those in the table on the previous page.

For a Servomotor with a flange output that has square gear flange dimensions (LC) of 40 mm,
we recommend that you design the Servomotor with the dimensions shown in the following figure
in order to secure a gap between the gear oil seal and the connecting parts on the load side.
Important 0.5 min.
Connecting parts on the load side
24 dia. max.

6.3 External Dimensions
6.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

SGM7P-08 and -15

Encoder Cable 300±30
UL20276, 6 dia. Encoder connector
Servomotor Main Circuit Cable 300±30
UL1828, 7 dia. Servomotor connector

0.06 A
LL LR 0.05 dia. A
LM L1 L2
7 10.5 LG L3 Q LC
(40) LE QK 0.04
A dia
13 19
(25.5) W

LD dia.
LB dia.
B dia.
C dia.
S dia.
Details of Shaft End
with Key and Tap
Rotating parts
(Shaded section) 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth

Unit: mm

Model Gear Flange Dimensions

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors

08AAH1 1/5 253.5 173.5
154.6 80 7.5 10 59 84 0
85 -0.035 90 105 9
08AAHB 1/11 (287) (207)
08AAHC 1/21 326.5 193.5
174.6 133 12.5 13 84 114 115 -0.035
120 135 11
08AAH7 1/33 (360) (227)
15AAH1 1/5 354.5 221.5 0
202.6 133 12.5 13 84 114 115 -0.035 120 135 11
15AAHB 1/11 (387.5) (254.5)
15AAHC 1/21 393.5 237.5 0
218.6 156 12 16 122 163 165 -0.063 170 190 14
15AAH7 1/33 (426.5) (270.5)

Model Flange Dimensions Tap size × Key Dimensions Approx.

SGM7P- L1 L2 L3 Depth QK U W T Mass* [kg]
08AAH1 6.9 (8.6)
36 44 26 42 32 0
25 -0.021 M6 × 12L 36 4 8 7
08AAHB 7.1 (8.8)
48 85 33 82 44 0
40 -0.025 M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8 12 (13.7)
15AAH1 13.9 (15.5)
48 85 33 82 44 0
40 -0.025 M10 × 20L 70 5 12 8
15AAHB 14.4 (16.0)
70 86 51 82 56 0
50 -0.025 M10 × 20L 70 5.5 14 9 25.7 (27.3)
* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L and LL are 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1
kg greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 6-17
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Gear dimensions are different from those of the Σ, Σ-II, and Σ-III Series. 6
3. The values for the shaft end are for a straight shaft with key and tap. If a key and tap are not necessary,
specify shaft end code 2 for the 8th digit.

6.3 External Dimensions
6.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

 Flange Output Face


0.06 A SGM7P-15A AHC0 and

0.02 SGM7P-15A AH70
L3 Tap Locations
0.05 dia. A
0.04 LC 22
.5° .5°
A 22 .
. dia
dia LA
LD dia.
LB dia.
G dia.
F dia.

dia LJ
. dia

5 4 × LZ dia. Tap size × Depth 45°

Unit: mm
Tap size × Depth
4 × LZ dia.

Model Gear No. of Taps × Tap Approx.

SGM7P- Ratio Size × Depth Mass* [kg]
08AAH10 1/5 200.5 6.5 (8.2)
27 45 24 +0.021
0 59 5 6 × M6 × 10L
08AAHB0 1/11 (234) 6.7 (8.4)
08AAHC0 1/21 228.5
35 60 32 +0.025
0 84 5 6 × M8 × 12L 10.6 (12.3)
08AAH70 1/33 (262)
15AAH10 1/5 256.5 12.5 (14.1)
35 60 32 +0.025
0 84 5 6 × M8 × 12L
15AAHB0 1/11 (289.5) 13 (14.6)
15AAHC0 1/21 290.5
53 100 47 +0.025
0 122 7 14 × M8 × 12L 22.7 (24.3)
15AAH70 1/33 (323.5)

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L is 8 mm greater and the approximate mass is 0.1 kg
greater than the given value. Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 6-17
Note: 1. The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
2. Dimensions not found in the above table are the same as those in the table on the previous page.

6.3 External Dimensions
6.3.2 Servomotors with Gears

Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute

 Servomotors without Gears
Model Approx.
SGM7P- Mass [kg]
93 68 0.5
(123) (98) (0.9)
105 75 1.2
(136.5) (106.5) (2.0)
115 85 1.5
(146.5) (116.5) (2.3)
134.5 94.5 4.3
(168) (128) (6.0)
162.5 122.5 6.7
(195.5) (155.5) (8.3)
Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.

 Servomotors with Gears

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7P Servomotors

• Shaft End Specification: Straight • Shaft End Specification: Flange Output

Model Approx. Model Approx.

SGM7P- Mass [kg] SGM7P- Mass [kg]
149.5 107.5 0.9 122.5 0.8
01A6AH1 01A6AH10
(179.5) (179.5) (1.3) (152.5) (1.2)
01A6AHB 190 132 1.6 01A6AHB0 153 1.5
01A6AHC (220) (162) (2.0) 01A6AHC0 (183) (1.9)
219 139 3.4 166 3.0
01A6AH7 01A6AH70
(249) (169) (3.8) (196) (3.4)
2.4 2.3
02A6AH1 02A6AH10
198 140 (3.0) 161 (2.9)
(229.5) (171.5) 2.5 (192.5) 2.4
02A6AHB 02A6AHB0
(3.1) (3.0)
02A6AHC 233 153 4.3 02A6AHC0 180 3.9
02A6AH7 (264.5) (184.5) (5.1) 02A6AH70 (211.5) (4.7)
208 150 2.7 171 2.6
04A6AH1 04A6AH10
(239.5) (181.5) (3.3) (202.5) (3.2)
04A6AHB 243 163 4.6 04A6AHB0 190 4.2
04A6AHC (274.5) (194.5) (5.4) 04A6AHC0 (221.5) (5.0)
322 191 9.3 224 7.9
04A6AH7 04A6AH70
(354.5) (220.5) (10.1) (255.5) (8.7)
7.0 6.6
08A6AH1 08A6AH10
261.5 181.5 (8.7) 208.5 (8.3)
(295) (215) 7.2 (242) 6.8
08A6AHB 08A6AHB0
(8.9) (8.5)
08A6AHC 334.5 201.5 12.1 08A6AHC0 236.5 10.7
08A6AH7 (368) (235) (13.8) 08A6AH70 (270) (12.4)
14.0 12.6
15A6AH1 15A6AH10
362.5 229.5 (15.6) 264.5 (14.2)
(395.5) (262.5) 14.5 (297.5) 13.1
15A6AHB 15A6AHB0
(16.1) (14.7)
15A6AHC 401.5 245.5 25.8 15A6AHC0 298.5 22.8
15A6AH7 (434.5) (278.5) (27.4) 15A6AH70 (331.5) (24.4)

Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.

Ratings, and External
Dimensions of
SGM7G Servomotors
This chapter describes how to interpret the model numbers
of SGM7G Servomotors and gives their specifications, rat-
ings, and external dimensions.

7.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

7.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

7.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
7.2.2 Servomotor Ratings of the SGM7G-03 to -20 . . . 7-4
7.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of
the SGM7G-03 to -20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
7.2.4 Servomotor Ratings of the SGM7G-30 to -1E . . . 7-6
7.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of
the SGM7G-30 to -1E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
7.2.6 Servomotor Overload Protection
Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
7.2.7 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
7.2.8 Derating Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9

7.3 External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11

7.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . 7-11
7.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
7.1 Model Designations

7.1 Model Designations

SGM7G - 03 A 7 A 2 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
-7 Series digits digit digit digit digit digit

1st+2nd digits Rated Output 3rd digit Power Supply Voltage 6th digit Shaft End
Code Specification Code Specification Code Specification
03 300 W A 200 VAC 2 Straight without key
05 450 W 6 Straight with key and tap
09 850 W 4th digit Serial Encoder
13 1.3 kW Code Specification 7th digit Options
20 1.8 kW 6 24-bit batteryless absolute Code Specification
30 2.9 kW* 7 24-bit absolute 1 Without options
44 4.4 kW F 24-bit incremental C With holding brake (24 VDC)
55 5.5 kW
With oil seal and holding
75 7.5 kW 5th digit Design Revision Order E
brake (24 VDC)
1A 11 kW
A S With oil seal
1E 15 kW

* The rated output is 2.4 kW if you combine the SGM7G-30A with the SGD7S-200A.

7.2 Specifications and Ratings
7.2.1 Specifications

7.2 Specifications and Ratings

7.2.1 Specifications
Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7G- 03A 05A 09A 13A 20A 30A 44A 55A 75A 1AA 1EA
Time Rating Continuous
Thermal Class UL: F, CE: F
Insulation Resistance 500 VDC, 10 MΩ min.
Withstand Voltage 1,500 VAC for 1 minute
Excitation Permanent magnet
Mounting Flange-mounted
Drive Method Direct drive
Rotation Direction Counterclockwise (CCW) for forward reference when viewed from the load side
Vibration Class*1 V15
Surrounding Air Tem-
perature 0°C to 40°C (60°C max.)*3
Surrounding Air

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors

20% to 80% relative humidity (with no condensation)
• Must be indoors and free of corrosive and explosive gases.
• Must be well-ventilated and free of dust and moisture.
• Must facilitate inspection and cleaning.
Environmental Installation Site
• Must have an altitude of 1,000 m or less. (With derating, usage
is possible between 1,000 m and 2,000 m.)*3
• Must be free of strong magnetic fields.
Store the Servomotor in the following environment if you store it with the
power cable disconnected.
Storage Environment Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C (with no freezing)
Storage humidity: 20% to 80% relative humidity
(with no condensation)
Impact Acceleration Rate at
Flange 490 m/s2
Number of Impacts 2 times
Vibration Resis- Vibration Acceleration
49 m/s2 (24.5 m/s2 front to back) 24.5 m/s2
tance*2 Rate at Flange
SGD7S- 3R8A 7R6A 120A 180A 330A 470A 550A 590A 780A
Applicable *4
7R6A –
SGD7C- 7R6A*4
*1. A vibration class of V15 indicates a vibration amplitude of 15 μm maximum on the Servomotor without a load at
the rated motor speed.
*2. The given values are for when the Servomotor shaft is mounted horizontally and shock or vibration is applied in
the directions shown in the following figures.
The strength of the vibration that the Servomotor can withstand depends on the application. Always check the
vibration acceleration rate that is applied to the Servomotor with the actual equipment. 7
Vertical Vertical Front to back

Horizontal direction
Side to side
Shock Applied to the Servomotor Vibration Applied to the Servomotor

*3. Refer to the following section for the derating rates.

7.2.8 Derating Rates on page 7-9
*4. If you use the Servomotor together with a Σ-7W or Σ-7C SERVOPACK, the control gain may not increase as
much as with a Σ-7S SERVOPACK and other performances may be lower than those achieved with a Σ-7S

7.2 Specifications and Ratings
7.2.2 Servomotor Ratings of the SGM7G-03 to -20

7.2.2 Servomotor Ratings of the SGM7G-03 to -20

Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7G- 03A 05A 09A 13A 20A
Rated Output*1 kW 0.3 0.45 0.85 1.3 1.8
*1, *2 Nm 1.96 2.86 5.39 8.34 11.5
Rated Torque
*1 Nm 5.88 8.92 14.2 23.3 28.7
Instantaneous Maximum Torque
*1 Arms 2.8 3.8 6.9 10.7 16.7
Rated Current
*1 Arms 8.0 11 17 28 42
Instantaneous Maximum Current
Rated Motor Speed*1 min-1 1500
*1 min -1 3000
Maximum Motor Speed
Torque Constant Nm/Arms 0.776 0.854 0.859 0.891 0.748
2.48 3.33 13.9 19.9 26.0
Motor Moment of Inertia*9 ×10-4 kgm2
(2.73) (3.58) (16.0) (22.0) (28.1)
15.5 24.6 20.9 35.0 50.9
Rated Power Rate*1 kW/s
(14.1) (22.8) (18.2) (31.6) (47.1)
7900 8590 3880 4190 4420
Rated Angular Acceleration Rate*1 rad/s2
(7180) (7990) (3370) (3790) (4090)
250 × 250 × 6 400 × 400 × 20
Heat Sink Size*3 mm
(aluminum) (steel)
Protective Structure*4 Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP67
Rated Voltage V 24 VDC 0

Capacity W 10
Holding Torque Nm 4.5 12.7 19.6
Holding Brake Coil Resistance Ω (at 20°C) 56 59
Specifications*5 Rated Current A (at 20°C) 0.43 0.41
Time Required to
ms 100
Release Brake
Time Required to Brake ms 80
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia
15 times 15 times 5 times
(Motor Moment of Inertia Ratio)*6
With External Regenerative
Resistor and External Dynamic 15 times 15 times 10 times
Brake Resistor*7
LF mm 40 58
Allowable Shaft
Allowable Radial Load N 490 686 980
Allowable Thrust Load N 98 343 392
Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
*1. These values are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of the armature winding is
20°C. These are typical values.
*2. The rated torques are the continuous allowable torque values with an aluminum or steel heat sink of the dimensions given
in the table.
*3. Refer to the following section for the relation between the heat sinks and derating rate.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 7-9
*4. This does not apply to the shaft opening. Protective structure specifications apply only when the special cable is used.
*5. Observe the following precautions if you use a Servomotor with a Holding Brake.
• The holding brake cannot be used to stop the Servomotor.
• The time required to release the brake and the time required to brake depend on which discharge circuit is used.
Confirm that the operation delay time is appropriate for the actual equipment.
• The 24-VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
*6. The motor moment of inertia scaling factor is the value for a standard Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
*7. To externally connect a dynamic brake resistor, select hardware option specification 020 for the SERVOPACK.
*8. Design the mechanical system so that the thrust and radial loads applied to the Servomotor shaft end during
operation do not exceed the values given in the table.

Radial load

Thrust load
*9. The values for the SGM7G-03A to -20A Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders (and Holding Brakes)
are the same as those in the table.

7.2 Specifications and Ratings
7.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7G-03 to -20

7.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics

of the SGM7G-03 to -20
A : Continuous duty zone (solid lines): With three-phase 200-V or single-phase 230-V input
B : Intermittent duty zone (dotted lines): With single-phase 200-V input


3500 3500 3500
3000 3000 3000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

2500 2500 2500
2000 2000 2000
1500 1500 1500
1000 1000 1000
500 500 500
0 0 0
0 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 3 6 9 12 15
Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

SGM7G-13A* SGM7G-20A
3500 3500
3000 3000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

2500 2500
2000 2000
1500 1500

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors

1000 1000
500 500
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 6 12 18 24 30
Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

* A single-phase power input can be used in combination with the SGD7S-120AA008.

Note: 1. These values (typical values) are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of
the armature winding is 20°C.
2. The characteristics in the intermittent duty zone depend on the power supply voltage.
3. If the effective torque is within the allowable range for the rated torque, the Servomotor can be used within
the intermittent duty zone.
4. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.

7.2 Specifications and Ratings
7.2.4 Servomotor Ratings of the SGM7G-30 to -1E

7.2.4 Servomotor Ratings of the SGM7G-30 to -1E

Voltage 200 V
Model SGM7G- 30A 30A 44A 55A 75A 1AA 1EA
*1 2.9 2.4 4.4 5.5 7.5 11 15
Rated Output kW
Rated Torque*1, *2 Nm 18.6 15.1 28.4 35.0 48.0 70.0 95.4
*1 Nm 54.0 45.1 71.6 102 119 175 224
Instantaneous Maximum Torque
*1 Arms 23.8 19.6 32.8 37.2 54.7 58.6 78.0
Rated Current
*1 Arms 70 56 84 110 130 140 170
Instantaneous Maximum Current
*1 -1 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
Rated Motor Speed min
Maximum Motor Speed min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 2000 2000
Torque Constant Nm/Arms 0.848 0.848 0.934 1.00 0.957 1.38 1.44
46.0 46.0 67.5 89.0 125 242 303
Motor Moment of Inertia*10 ×10-4 kgm2 (53.9) (53.9) (75.4) (96.9) (133) (261) (341)
75.2 49.5 119 138 184 202 300
Rated Power Rate*1 kW/s
(64.2) (42.2) (107) (126) (173) (188) (267)
4040 3280 4210 3930 3840 2890 3150
Rated Angular Acceleration Rate*1 rad/s2 (3450) (2800) (3770) (3610) (3610) (2680) (2800)
650 × 650 ×
Heat Sink Size*3 mm 550 × 550 × 30 (steel)
35 (steel)
Protective Structure*4 Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP67
Rated Voltage V 24 VDC 0

Capacity W 18.5 25 32 35
Holding Torque Nm 43.1 72.6 84.3 114.6
Holding Brake Coil Resistance Ω (at 20°C) 31 23 18 17
Specifications*5 Rated Current A (at 20°C) 0.77 1.05 1.33 1.46
Time Required to
ms 170 250
Release Brake
Time Required to
ms 100 80
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia 5 3
5 times
(Motor Moment of Inertia Ratio)*6 times times
With External Regenerative
Resistor and External Dynamic 10 7
10 times
times times
Brake Resistor*7
LF mm 79 113 116
Allowable Shaft Allowable Radial
N 1470 1764 4998
Allowable Thrust
N 490 588 2156
Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
*1. These values are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of the armature wind-
ing is 20°C. These are typical values.
*2. The rated torques are the continuous allowable torque values with an aluminum or steel heat sink of the dimen-
sions given in the table.
*3. Refer to the following section for the relation between the heat sinks and derating rate.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 7-9
*4. This does not apply to the shaft opening. Protective structure specifications apply only when the special cable is
*5. Observe the following precautions if you use a Servomotor with a Holding Brake.
• The holding brake cannot be used to stop the Servomotor.
• The time required to release the brake and the time required to brake depend on which discharge circuit is
used. Confirm that the operation delay time is appropriate for the actual equipment.
• The 24-VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
*6. The motor moment of inertia scaling factor is the value for a standard Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
*7. To externally connect a dynamic brake resistor, select hardware option specification 020 for the SERVOPACK.

7.2 Specifications and Ratings
7.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7G-30 to -1E

*8. Design the mechanical system so that the thrust and radial loads applied to the Servomotor shaft end during
operation do not exceed the values given in the table.

Radial load

Thrust load

*9. This is the value if you combine the SGM7G-30A with the SGD7S-200A.
*10.The values for the SGM7G-30A to -1EA Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders (and Holding Brakes)
are the same as those in the table.

7.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics

of the SGM7G-30 to -1E
A : Continuous duty zone (solid lines): With three-phase 200-V input
B : Intermittent duty zone (dotted lines): When combined with the SGD7S-200A


3500 3500 3500
3000 3000 3000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

2500 2500 2500
2000 2000 2000
1500 1500 1500

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors

1000 1000 1000
500 500 500
0 0 0
0 12 24 36 48 60 0 15 30 45 60 75 0 25 50 75 100 125
Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)


3500 2500 2500
2000 2000
Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)

2000 1500 1500
1500 1000 1000
500 500
0 0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 0 40 80 120 160 200 0 50 100 150 200 250
Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm)

* If you operate the SGM7G-75A Servomotor (with holding brake) continuously at the maximum motor speed of
3,000 min-1, use an output torque of 14.4 Nm (30% of rated torque) or less.
Note: 1. These values (typical values) are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of
the armature winding is 20°C.
2. The characteristics in the intermittent duty zone depend on the power supply voltage.
3. If the effective torque is within the allowable range for the rated torque, the Servomotor can be used within
the intermittent duty zone.
4. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.

7.2 Specifications and Ratings
7.2.6 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

7.2.6 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics

The overload detection level is set for hot start conditions with a Servomotor surrounding air tem-
perature of 40°C.
SGM7G-03 and -05 SGM7G-09, -13, and -20
10000 10000

1000 1000

Detection time (s)

Detection time (s)

100 100

10 10

1 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Torque reference (percent of rated torque) Torque reference (percent of rated torque)
(%) (%)

SGM7G-30, -44, -55, and -75 SGM7G-1A and -1E

10000 10000

1000 1000
Detection time (s)
Detection time (s)

100 100
SGM7G-30 and -55 SGM7G-1A

10 10

1 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Torque reference (percent of rated torque) Torque reference (percent of rated torque)
(%) (%)

Note: The above overload protection characteristics do not mean that you can perform continuous duty operation
with an output of 100% or higher. Use the Servomotor so that the effective torque remains within the contin-
uous duty zone given in 7.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7G-03 to -20 on page 7-5 or
7.2.5 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics of the SGM7G-30 to -1E on page 7-7.

7.2 Specifications and Ratings
7.2.7 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

7.2.7 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

The allowable load moments of inertia (motor moment of inertia ratios) for the Servomotors are
given in the Servomotor Ratings on pages 7-4 and 7-6. The values are determined by the
regenerative energy processing capacity of the SERVOPACK and are also affected by the drive
conditions of the Servomotor. Perform the required Steps for each of the following cases.
Use the SigmaSize+ AC Servo Drive Capacity Selection Program to check the driving condi-
tions. Contact your Yaskawa representative for information on this program.

Exceeding the Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

Use one of the following measures to adjust the load moment of inertia to within the allowable
• Reduce the torque limit.
• Reduce the deceleration rate.
• Reduce the maximum motor speed.
If the above steps is not possible, install an external regenerative resistor.
Information An Overvoltage Alarm (A.400) is likely to occur during deceleration if the load moment of iner-
tia exceeds the allowable load moment of inertia. SERVOPACKs with a built-in regenerative
resistor may generate a Regenerative Overload Alarm (A.320). Refer to the following catalog

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors

for the regenerative power (W) that can be processed by the SERVOPACKs.
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)
Install an External Regenerative Resistor when the built-in regenerative resistor cannot pro-
cess all of the regenerative power.

When an External Regenerative Resistor Is Required

Install the External Regenerative Resistor. Refer to the following catalog for the recommended
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)

7.2.8 Derating Rates

Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions

The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values when a heat sink is installed on the
Servomotor. If the Servomotor is mounted on a small device component, the Servomotor tem-
perature may rise considerably because the surface for heat dissipation becomes smaller.
Refer to the following graphs for the relation between the heat sink size and derating rate.
120 120 120 120
SGM7G-30, -44, and -55 SGM7G-1A and -1E
100 100 100 100
Derating rate (%)
Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80 80 80
SGM7G-03 and -05
SGM7G-09, -13, and -20
60 60
40 40 40 40

20 20 20 20

0 0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm)

The actual temperature rise depends on the following conditions. Always check the Servomotor
temperature with the actual equipment.
• How the heat sink (the Servomotor mounting section) is attached to the installation surface
Important • Status between heat sink and Servomotor (sealant, reduction gear, etc.)
• What material is used for the Servomotor mounting section
• Servomotor speed

7.2 Specifications and Ratings
7.2.8 Derating Rates

Servomotor Derating Rates for Surrounding Air Tempera-

Apply a suitable derating rate from the following graphs according to the surrounding air tem-
perature of the Servomotor (60°C max.).
120 120 120
SGM7G-1E SGM7G-30 and -44
100 100 100

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)

80 80 80
SGM7G-03 and -05 SGM7G-09, -13, and -20 SGM7G-75
60 60 60
SGM7G-55 and -1A
40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Surrounding Air Temperature (°C) Surrounding Air Temperature (°C) Surrounding Air Temperature (°C)

Applications Where the Altitude Exceeds 1,000 m

The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values at an altitude of 1,000 m or less. If
you use a Servomotor at an altitude that exceeds 1,000 m (2,000 m max.), the heat dissipation
effect of the air is reduced. Apply the appropriate derating rate from the following graphs.
120 120 120
SGM7G-30 and -44
100 100 100
Derating rate (%)
Derating rate (%)

80 80 Derating rate (%) 80

60 SGM7G-03 and -05 60 SGM7G-09, -13, and -20 60

40 40 40

20 20 20
SGM7G-55, -75, -1A, and -1E
0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Altitude (m) Altitude (m) Altitude (m)

Information When using Servomotors with derating, change the detection timing of overload warning and
overload alarm based on the overload detection level of the motor given in 7.2.6 Servomotor
Overload Protection Characteristics on page 7-8.
Note: 1. Use the combination of the SERVOPACK and Servomotor so that the derating conditions
are satisfied for both the SERVOPACK and Servomotor.
2. The derating rates are applicable only when the average motor speed is less than or equal
to the rated motor speed. If the average motor speed exceeds the rated motor speed,
consult with your Yaskawa representative.

7.3 External Dimensions
7.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes

7.3 External Dimensions

7.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes
SGM7G-03 and -05
Shaft End Details
L Notation LR
LL LR : Square dimensions LE
LG LE 0.04 A
0.04 dia. A

S dia.
LC .
79 dia.

LB dia.

35 dia.
S dia.


18 dia.
. Q
17 KB1 A
38 KB2 4 × LZ dia. Unit: mm

Model Flange Dimensions

L*1 LL*1 LM LP*1 LR KB1 KB2*1 KL1
03AA21 166*2 40*2
126 90 36 75 114 70 100 80 -0.030 90 5
05AA21 179 139 103 36 40 88 127 70 100 80 0
90 5

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors

Model Flange Dimensions Shaft End Dimensions Approx.
SGM7G- LG LH LZ S Q Mass [kg]
03AA21 10 120 6.6 0
16 -0.011 30*2 2.6
05AA21 10 120 6.6 16
30 3.2

*1. For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value.
Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 7-18
*2. The L, LR, S, and Q dimensions of these Servomotors are different from those of the Σ-V-series SGMGV Servo-
Models that have the same installation dimensions as the SGMGV Servomotors are also available. Contact your
Yaskawa representative for details.
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.
 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications
• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
LR 1 PS 6* BAT(+)
2 /PS 7 −
7 4 3 − 8 −
S dia.

10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V
5* BAT(-) 10 FG (frame ground)
* A battery is required only for an absolute


Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
LR Q QK S W T U P Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
03AA61 40* 30* 20* 16 -0.011
* 5 5 3
M5×12L ( depends on the applicable cable size.)
05AA61 40 30 20 16 -0.011 5 5 3
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
* The shaft end dimensions of these Servomotors • Servomotor Connector
are different from those of the Σ-V-series SGMGV PE FG (frame ground) 3 Phase U
Servomotors. 5 − 2 Phase V

Models that have the same installation dimensions −


4 1 Phase W

as the SGMGV Servomotors are also available.

Manufacturer: Japan Aviation Electronics

Contact your Yaskawa representative for details.


Industry, Ltd.

7.3 External Dimensions
7.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes

SGM7G-09 to -75
0.04 A
LG LE Shaft End Details
0.04 dia. A LR LR

S dia.
ia LE LE

S dia.

S dia.
LH d

LB dia.
79 dia.

62 dia.
45 dia.

28 dia.

44 dia.

SGM7G-09 to -20 SGM7G-30 to -75
17 KB1 4 × LZ dia.
KB2 Unit: mm

Shaft End Approx.

Model Flange Dimensions
L*2 LL*2 LM LP*2 LR KB1 KB2*2 IE KL1 Dimensions Mass
09AA21 195 137 101 36 58 83 125 − 104 145 110
130 6 12 165 9 24 -0.013 *3
40 5.5

13AA21 211 153 117 36 58 99 141 − 104 145 110 -0.035

130 6 12 165 9 24 -0.013 *3
40 7.1

20AA21 229 171 135 36 58 117 159 − 104 145 110 -0.035
130 6 12 165 9 24 -0.013
40 8.6

30AA21 239 160 124 36 79 108 148 − 0

134 200 114.3 -0.025 180 3.2 18 230 13.5 35
0 76 13.5

44AA21 263 184 148 36 79 132 172 − 0

134 200 114.3 -0.025 180 3.2 18 230 13.5 35
0 76 17.5

55AA21 334 221 185 36 113 163 209 0

123 144 200 114.3 -0.025 180 3.2 18 230 13.5 42 -0.016
110 21.5

75AA21 380 267 231 36 113 209 255 0

123 144 200 114.3 -0.025 180 3.2 18 230 13.5 42 -0.016
110 29.5
*1. This is 0.04 for the SGM7G-55 or SGM7G-75.
*2. For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value.
Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 7-18
*3. The S dimensions of these Servomotors are different from those of the Σ-V-series SGMGV Servomotors.
Models that have the same installation dimensions as the SGMGV Servomotors are also available. Contact your
Yaskawa representative for details.
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.
 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications
• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
LR 1 PS 6* BAT(+)
2 /PS 7 −
QK P 7 4 3 − 8 −
S dia.

U 10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V
5* BAT(−) 10 FG (frame ground)
* A battery is required only for an absolute


Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
LR Q QK S W T U P Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
09AA61 58 40 25 24 0
* 8*
-0.013 7* 4* ( depends on the applicable cable size.)
13AA61 58 40 25 0
24 -0.013 * 8* 7* 4* M5×12L Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
20AA61 58 40 25 0
24 -0.013 8 7 4 • Servomotor Connector
30AA61 79 76 60 35 +0.01
0 10 8 5 A Phase U C Phase W
44AA61 79 76 60 35 +0.01
0 10 8 5 D A B Phase V D FG (frame ground)
55AA61 113 110 90 0
42 -0.016 12 8 5
M16×32L Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
75AA61 113 110 90 0
42 -0.016 12 8 5 C B

* The shaft end dimensions of these Servomotors

are different from those of the Σ-V-series SGMGV
Models that have the same installation dimensions
as the SGMGV Servomotors are also available.
Contact your Yaskawa representative for details.

7.3 External Dimensions
7.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes

SGM7G-1A and -1E

LP LM Shaft End Details
0.06 A
0.04 dia. A LR

S dia.

79 dia.

LB dia.

80 dia.
S dia.

S1 dia.


A 4 × LZ dia.
17 KB1 56 56
KB2 Unit: mm

Shaft End
Model Flange Surface Dimensions Approx.
L* LL* LM LP* LR KB1 KB2* IE KL1 Dimensions
SGM7G- Mass [kg]
1AAA21 447 331 295 36 116 247 319 150 168 235 200 0
220 4 20 0
270 13.5 42 -0.016 50 57

1EAA21 509 393 357 36 116 309 381 150 168 235 200 -0.046
220 4 20 270 13.5 55 +0.030
60 67

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value.
Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 7-18
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
LR 1 PS 6* BAT(+)
2 /PS 7 −
7 4
3 − 8 −
S dia.

10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V
5* BAT(−) 10 FG (frame ground)
* A battery is required only for an absolute


Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
LR Q QK S W T U P Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
1AAA61 116 110 90 42-0.016
12 8 5 M16×32L ( depends on the applicable cable size.)
1EAA61 116 110 90 55+0.030
+0.011 16 10 6 M20×40L Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
• Servomotor Connector
A Phase U C Phase W
D A B Phase V D FG (frame ground)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

7.3 External Dimensions
7.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

7.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

SGM7G-03 and -05

L Shaft End Details
LP LM 0.04 A
LC ia.

S dia.
0.04 dia. A
79 dia.

35 dia.
LB dia.

S dia.

18 dia.

ia. Q
17 KB1 A
0.02 4 × LZ dia.
38 KB2 Unit: mm

L*1 LL*1 LM LP*1 LR KB1 KB2*1 KL1
03AA2C 199*2 159 123 36 40*2 75 147 70
05AA2C 212 172 136 36 40 88 160 70

Model Flange Dimensions Shaft End Dimensions Approx.

03AA2C 30*2
0 0 *2
100 80 -0.030 90 5 10 120 6.6 16 -0.011 3.6
05AA2C 100 80
90 5 10 120 6.6 16
30 4.2

*1. For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value.
Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 7-18
*2. The L, LR, S, and Q dimensions of these Servomotors are different from those of the Σ-V-series SGMGV Servo-
Models that have the same installation dimensions as the SGMGV Servomotors are also available. Contact your
Yaskawa representative for details.
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
LR 1 PS 6* BAT(+)
2 /PS 7 −
7 4 3 − 8 −
S dia.

10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V
5* BAT(-) 10 FG (frame ground)
* A battery is required only for an absolute


Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
Model Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
SGM7G- CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
03AA6C 40* 30* 20* 16 0
-0.011 * 5 5 3 ( depends on the applicable cable size.)
M5×12L Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
05AA6C 40 30 20 16 -0.011 5 5 3
• Servomotor Connector
* The shaft end dimensions of these Servomotors are
different from those of the Σ-V-series SGMGV PE FG (frame ground) 3 Phase U
5 − 2 Phase V



Models that have the same installation dimensions as 4 1 Phase W


the SGMGV Servomotors are also available. Contact

Manufacturer: Japan Aviation Electronics

your Yaskawa representative for details.

Industry, Ltd.

7.3 External Dimensions
7.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

SGM7G-09 to -75
LL LR Shaft End Details
0.04 A
ia. LE LE
0.04 dia. A Ad

S dia.
S dia.

S dia.
LH d

LB dia.

62 dia.
79 dia.

45 dia.

28 dia.

44 dia.

11 17 4 × LZ dia. SGM7G-09 to -20 SGM7G-30 to -75
KB2 Unit: mm

Shaft End Approx.

Model Flange Surface Dimensions
L *2
LL *2 LM LP*2 LR KB1 KB2 KB3 IE KL1 KL3 Dimensions Mass
SGM7G- *2

09AA2C 231 173 137 36 58 83 161 115 − 104 80 145 0

110 -0.035 130 6 12 165 9 24 -0.013 *3 40

13AA2C 247 189 153 36 58 99 177 131 − 104 80 145 0

110 -0.035 130 6 12 165 9 24 -0.013 *3 40

20AA2C 265 207 171 36 58 117 195 149 − 104 80 145 0

110 -0.035 130 6 12 165 9 0
24 -0.013 40 11.0

30AA2C 287 208 172 36 79 108 196 148 − 0

134 110 200 114.3 -0.025 180 3.2 18 230 13.5 35 +0.01
0 76 19.5

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors

44AA2C 311 232 196 36 79 132 220 172 − 0
134 110 200 114.3 -0.025 180 3.2 18 230 13.5 35 +0.01
0 76 23.5

55AA2C 378 265 229 0

36 113 163 253 205 123 144 110 200 114.3 -0.025 0
180 3.2 18 230 13.5 42 -0.016 110 27.5

75AA2C 424 311 275 0

36 113 209 299 251 123 144 110 200 114.3 -0.025 0
180 3.2 18 230 13.5 42 -0.016 110 35.0

*1. This is 0.04 for the SGM7G-55 or SGM7G-75.

*2. For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value.
Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 7-18
*3. The S dimensions of these Servomotors are different from those of the Σ-V-series SGMGV Servomotors.
Models that have the same installation dimensions as the SGMGV Servomotors are also available. Contact your
Yaskawa representative for details.
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

7.3 External Dimensions
7.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
LR 1 PS 6* BAT(+)
3 1 2 /PS 7 −
7 4 3 − 8 −

S dia.
10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V
5* BAT(−) 10 FG (frame ground)
* A battery is required only for an absolute

T Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D

Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.

Model Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
LR Q QK S W T U P CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
09AA6C 58 40 25 24 0
* 8* 7* 4* ( depends on the applicable cable size.)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
13AA6C 58 40 0
25 24 -0.013 * 8* 7* 4* M5×12L
• Servomotor Connector
20AA6C 58 40 25 0
24 -0.013 8 7 4
A Phase U C Phase W
30AA6C 79 76 60 35 +0.01
0 10 8 5 D A B Phase V D FG (frame ground)
44AA6C 79 76 60 35 +0.01
0 10 8 5
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
55AA6C 113 110 90 0
42 -0.016 12 8 5 C B
75AA6C 113 110 90 0
42 -0.016 12 8 5
• Brake Connector
* The shaft end dimensions of these Servomotors are 1 Brake terminal
different from those of the Σ-V-series SGMGV 1 2 Brake terminal
Servomotors. Note: There is no voltage polarity for the
Models that have the same installation dimensions as 2
brake terminals.
the SGMGV Servomotors are also available. Contact Receptacle: CM10-R2P-D
your Yaskawa representative for details. Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
Plug: CM10-AP2S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP2S--D for Straight Plug
( depends on the applicable cable size.)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

7.3 External Dimensions
7.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

SGM7G-1A and -1E

0.06 A Shaft End Details
0.04 dia. A
. LE

S dia.

LB dia.
79 dia.

80 dia.
S dia.

S1 dia.

A 4 × LZ dia.
11 17 0.04 56 56
KB2 Unit: mm

Shaft End Approx.

Model KB2 Flange Surface Dimensions
L* LL* LM LP* LR KB1 KB3 IE KL1 KL3 Dimensions Mass
SGM7G- *
1AAA2C 498 382 346 36 116 247 370 315 150 168 125 235 0 220 4 0
20 270 13.5 42 -0.016 50 65


Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGM7G Servomotors

1EAA2C 598 482 446 36 116 309 470 385 150 168 125 235 0 220 4 20 270 13.5 55 +0.030
60 85

* For models that have a batteryless absolute encoder, L, LL, LP, and KB2 are 8 mm greater than the given value.
Refer to the following section for the values for individual models.
Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute Encoders on page 7-18
Note: 1. The dimensions are same for models with oil seals.
2. The values for a straight, without key specification are given. Refer to the information given below for other
shaft end specifications and option specifications.

 Shaft End Specifications  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Key and Tap • Encoder Connector (24-bit Encoder)
LR 1 PS 6* BAT(+)
2 /PS 7 −
7 4
3 − 8 −
S dia.

10 8 4 PG5V 9 PG0V
5* BAT(−) 10 FG (frame ground)
* A battery is required only for an absolute


Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
Model Plug: CM10-AP10S--D for Right-angle Plug
SGM7G- CM10-SP10S--D for Straight Plug
1AAA6C 116 110 90 42 -0.016
12 8 5 M16×32L ( depends on the applicable cable size.)
1EAA6C 116 110 90 55 +0.030 16 10 6 M20×40L Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.
• Servomotor Connector

A Phase U C Phase W
D A B Phase V D FG (frame ground)
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

• Brake Connector
1 Brake terminal
1 2 Brake terminal
Note: There is no voltage polarity for the
brake terminals.
Receptacle: CM10-R10P-D
Applicable plug: Not provided by Yaskawa.
Plug: CM10-AP2S--D for Right-angle Plug
CM10-SP2S--D for Straight Plug
( depends on the applicable cable
Manufacturer: DDK Ltd.

7.3 External Dimensions
7.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

Dimensions of Servomotors with Batteryless Absolute

 Servomotors without Holding Brakes
Model Approx.
SGM7G- Mass [kg]
03A6A21 174 134 44 122 2.6
05A6A21 187 147 44 135 3.2
09A6A21 203 145 44 133 5.5
13A6A21 219 161 44 149 7.1
20A6A21 237 179 44 167 8.6
30A6A21 247 168 44 156 13.5
44A6A21 271 192 44 180 17.5
55A6A21 342 229 44 217 21.5
75A6A21 388 275 44 264 29.5
1AA6A21 455 339 44 327 57
1EA6A21 514 401 44 389 67

 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

Model Approx.
SGM7G- Mass [kg]
03A6A2C 207 167 44 155 3.6
05A6A2C 220 180 44 168 4.2
09A6A2C 239 181 44 169 7.5
13A6A2C 255 197 44 185 9.0
20A6A2C 273 215 44 203 11
30A6A2C 295 216 44 204 19.5
44A6A2C 319 240 44 228 23.5
55A6A2C 386 273 44 261 27.5
75A6A2C 432 319 44 307 35.0
1AA6A2C 506 390 44 378 65
1EA6A2C 606 490 44 478 85

Ratings, and External
Dimensions of
SGMMV Servomotors
This chapter describes how to interpret the model numbers
of SGMMV Servomotors and gives their specifications, rat-
ings, and external dimensions.

8.1 Model Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2

8.2 Specifications and Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3

8.2.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
8.2.2 Servomotor Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
8.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8.2.4 Servomotor Overload Protection
Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8.2.5 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
8.2.6 Derating Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7

8.3 External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8

8.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . 8-8
8.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
8.1 Model Designations

8.1 Model Designations

SGMMV - A1 A 2 A 2 1
1st+2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
-V mini Series digits digit digit digit digit digit

1st+2nd digits Rated Output 3rd digit Power Supply Voltage 6th digit Shaft End
Code Specification Code Specification Code Specification
A1 10 W A 200 VAC 2 Straight
A2 20 W A Straight with flat seats
A3 30 W 4th digit Serial Encoder
Code Specification 7th digit Options
2 17-bit absolute Code Specification
1 Without options
5th digit Design Revision Order C With holding brake (24 VDC)

8.2 Specifications and Ratings
8.2.1 Specifications

8.2 Specifications and Ratings

8.2.1 Specifications
Voltage 200 V
Model SGMMV- A1A A2A A3A
Time Rating Continuous
Thermal Class B
Insulation Resistance 500 VDC, 10 MΩ min.
Withstand Voltage 1,500 VAC for 1 minute
Excitation Permanent magnet
Mounting Flange-mounted
Drive Method Direct drive
Counterclockwise (CCW) for forward reference when viewed from
Rotation Direction
the load side
Vibration Class*1 V15
Surrounding Air
0°C to 40°C
Surrounding Air Humidity 20% to 80% relative humidity (with no condensation)
• Must be indoors and free of corrosive and explosive gases.

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGMMV Servomotors

• Must be well-ventilated and free of dust and moisture.
Environmen- Installation Site • Must facilitate inspection and cleaning.
tal Condi- • Must have an altitude of 1,000 m or less.
tions • Must be free of strong magnetic fields.
Store the Servomotor in the following environment if you store it
with the power cable disconnected.
Storage Environment Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C (with no freezing)
Storage humidity: 20% to 80% relative humidity (with no conden-
Impact Acceleration
Shock 490 m/s2
Rate at Flange
Number of Impacts 2 times
Vibration Vibration Acceleration
49 m/s2
Resistance*2 Rate at Flange
Applicable SGD7S- R90A, R90F 1R6A, 2R1F
PACKs 1R6A*3, 2R8A*3 1R6A, 2R8A*3
*1. A vibration class of V15 indicates a vibration amplitude of 15 μm maximum on the Servomotor without a load at
the rated motor speed.
*2. The given values are for when the Servomotor shaft is mounted horizontally and shock or vibration is applied in the
directions shown in the following figures.
The strength of the vibration that the Servomotor can withstand depends on the application. Always check the
vibration acceleration rate that is applied to the Servomotor with the actual equipment.
Vertical Vertical Front to back

Horizontal direction

Shock Applied to the Servomotor

Side to side
Vibration Applied to the Servomotor
*3. If you use the Servomotor together with a Σ-7W or Σ-7C SERVOPACK, the control gain may not increase as
much as with a Σ-7S SERVOPACK and other performances may be lower than those achieved with a Σ-7S

8.2 Specifications and Ratings
8.2.2 Servomotor Ratings

8.2.2 Servomotor Ratings

Voltage 200 V
Model SGMMV- A1A A2A A3A
Rated Output*1 W 10 20 30
*1, *2 Nm 0.0318 0.0637 0.0955
Rated Torque
*1 Nm 0.0955 0.191 0.286
Instantaneous Maximum Torque
*1 Arms 0.70 0.66 0.98
Rated Current
*1 Arms 2.0 1.9 2.9
Instantaneous Maximum Current
Rated Motor Speed*1 min-1 3000
*1 -1 6000
Maximum Motor Speed min
Torque Constant Nm/Arms 0.0516 0.107 0.107
Motor Moment of Inertia ×10 kgm
-7 2 2.72 (4.07) 4.66 (6.02) 6.68 (8.04)
Rated Power Rate*1 kW/s 3.72 8.71 13.7
*1 2 117000 137000 143000
Rated Angular Acceleration Rate rad/s
*3 mm 150 × 150 × 3 250 × 250 × 6
Heat Sink Size (Aluminum)
Totally enclosed, self-cooled, IP55
Protective Structure*4 (except for shaft opening)
Rated Voltage V 24 VDC

Capacity W 2.0 2.6

Holding Torque Nm 0.0318 0.0637 0.0955
Holding Brake
Specifica- Coil Resistance Ω (at 20°C) 320 221.5
*5 Rated Current A (at 20°C) 0.075 0.108
Time Required to
ms 40
Release Brake
Time Required to Brake ms 100
Allowable Load Moment of Inertia
30 times
(Motor Moment of Inertia Ratio)*6
With External Regenerative Resistor 30 times
LF mm 16
Allowable Radial Load N 34 44
Shaft Loads*7
Allowable Thrust Load N 14.5
Note: The values in parentheses are for Servomotors with Holding Brakes.
*1. These values are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of the armature wind-
ing is 100°C. These are typical values.
*2. The rated torques are the continuous allowable torque values with an aluminum or steel heat sink of the dimen-
sions given in the table.
*3. Refer to the following section for the relation between the heat sinks and derating rate.
Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions on page 8-7
*4. This does not apply to the shaft opening. Protective structure specifications apply only when the special cable is
*5. Observe the following precautions if you use a Servomotor with a Holding Brake.
• The holding brake cannot be used to stop the Servomotor.
• The time required to release the brake and the time required to brake depend on which discharge circuit is
used. Confirm that the operation delay time is appropriate for the actual equipment.
• The 24-VDC power supply is not provided by Yaskawa.
*6. The motor moment of inertia scaling factor is the value for a standard Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
*7. Design the mechanical system so that the thrust and radial loads applied to the Servomotor shaft end during
operation do not exceed the values given in the table.

Radial load

Thrust load

8.2 Specifications and Ratings
8.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics

8.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics

A : Continuous duty zone
B : Intermittent duty zone*


7000 7000 7000
6000 6000 6000

Motor speed (min-1)

Motor speed (min-1)
Motor speed (min-1)

5000 5000 5000

4000 4000 4000
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000 2000
1000 1000 1000
0 0 0
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Torque (N·m) Torque (N·m) Torque (N·m)

* The characteristics are the same for three-phase 200 V, single-phase 200 V, and single-phase 100 V input.
Note: 1. These values (typical values) are for operation in combination with a SERVOPACK when the temperature of
the armature winding is 100°C.
2. The characteristics in the intermittent duty zone depend on the power supply voltage.
3. If the effective torque is within the allowable range for the rated torque, the Servomotor can be used within
the intermittent duty zone.
4. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGMMV Servomotors

8.2.4 Servomotor Overload Protection Characteristics
The overload detection level is set for hot start conditions with a Servomotor surrounding air
temperature of 40°C.

SGMMV-A1 ,-A2 ,-A3

Detection time (s)


100 200 300

Torque reference (percent of rated torque)


Note: The above overload protection characteristics do not mean that you can perform continuous duty operation
with an output of 100% or higher. Use the Servomotor so that the effective torque remains within the contin-
uous duty zone given in 8.2.3 Torque-Motor Speed Characteristics on page 8-5.

8.2 Specifications and Ratings
8.2.5 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

8.2.5 Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

The allowable load moments of inertia (motor moment of inertia ratios) for the Servomotors are
given in 8.2.2 Servomotor Ratings on page 8-4. The values are determined by the regenerative
energy processing capacity of the SERVOPACK and are also affected by the drive conditions of
the Servomotor. Perform the required Steps for each of the following cases.
Use the SigmaSize+ AC Servo Drive Capacity Selection Program to check the driving condi-
tions. Contact your Yaskawa representative for information on this program.

Exceeding the Allowable Load Moment of Inertia

Use one of the following measures to adjust the load moment of inertia to within the allowable
• Reduce the torque limit.
• Reduce the deceleration rate.
• Reduce the maximum motor speed.
If the above steps is not possible, install an external regenerative resistor.
Information An Overvoltage Alarm (A.400) is likely to occur during deceleration if the load moment of iner-
tia exceeds the allowable load moment of inertia. SERVOPACKs with a built-in regenerative
resistor may generate a Regenerative Overload Alarm (A.320). Refer to the following catalog
for the regenerative power (W) that can be processed by the SERVOPACKs.
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)
Install an External Regenerative Resistor when the built-in regenerative resistor cannot pro-
cess all of the regenerative power.

SERVOPACKs without Built-in Regenerative Resistors

The following graph shows the allowable load moment of inertia scaling factor of the motor
speed (reference values for deceleration operation at or above the rated torque). Application is
possible without an external regenerative resistor within the allowable value. However, an Exter-
nal Regenerative Resistor is required in the shaded areas of the graphs.
Allowable load moment of inertia

scaling factor (times)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Motor speed (min-1)

Note: Applicable SERVOPACK models: SGD7S-R90A, -1R6A, -R90F, and -2R1F

When an External Regenerative Resistor Is Required

Install the External Regenerative Resistor. Refer to the following catalog for the recommended prod-
AC Servo Drives Σ-7 Series Product Catalog (Document No.: KAEP S800001 23)

8.2 Specifications and Ratings
8.2.6 Derating Rates

8.2.6 Derating Rates

Servomotor Heat Dissipation Conditions

The Servomotor ratings are the continuous allowable values when a heat sink is installed on the
Servomotor. If the Servomotor is mounted on a small device component, the Servomotor tem-
perature may rise considerably because the surface for heat dissipation becomes smaller.
Refer to the following graphs for the relation between the heat sink size and derating rate.

100 100
Derating rate (%)

Derating rate (%)


80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20
0 30 60 90 120 150 0 50 100 150 200 250
Heat sink size (mm) Heat sink size (mm)

The actual temperature rise depends on the following conditions. Always check the Servomotor
temperature with the actual equipment.
• How the heat sink (the Servomotor mounting section) is attached to the installation surface
Important • Status between heat sink and Servomotor (sealant, reduction gear, etc.)
• What material is used for the Servomotor mounting section

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGMMV Servomotors

• Servomotor speed

Information When using Servomotors with derating, change the detection timing of overload warning and
overload alarm based on the overload detection level of the motor given in 8.2.4 Servomotor
Overload Protection Characteristics on page 8-5.
Note: The derating rates are applicable only when the average motor speed is less than or equal to
the rated motor speed. If the average motor speed exceeds the rated motor speed, consult
with your Yaskawa representative.

8.3 External Dimensions
8.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes

8.3 External Dimensions

8.3.1 Servomotors without Holding Brakes

SGMMV-A1, -A2 and -A3

Encoder Cable, 4 Dia. Encoder connector

300 ±30

Servomotor Main Circuit Cable Servomotor connector

AWG24, UL10095
or UL3266

Protective Tube
5 Dia., Black
300 ±30

0.04 A 25
12 L1 16
26.5 L2 2.5 A 16
0.04 Dia. A
S Dia.

LB Dia.

2-M3 Tapped
Holes, Depth 7
Unit: mm

Model Approx.
L L1 L2 Dimensions
SGMMV- Mass [kg]
A1A2A1 70 54 27.5 0
5 -0.008
20 -0.021 0.13
A2A2A1 80 64 37.5 0
5 -0.008
20 -0.021 0.17
A3A2A1 90 74 47.5 5
-0.008 20
-0.021 0.21

 Shaft End Specification  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Flat Seats • Encoder Connector
0.02 1 PG5V Red
10 A 5 6 2 PG0V Black
3* BAT Orange
S Dia.

3 4
4* BAT0 Orange/white
1 2 5 PS Light blue
6 /PS Light blue/white
Connector FG
LB Dia.

case (frame ground)

* A battery is required only for an absolute
0.5 4.5
Model: 55102-0600
Manufacturer: Molex Japan LLC
Mating connector: 54280-0609
• Servomotor Connector
1 Phase U
3 4
2 Phase V
3 Phase W
1 2
4 FG (frame ground)
Receptacle: 43025-0400
Manufacturer: Molex Japan LLC

8.3 External Dimensions
8.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

8.3.2 Servomotors with Holding Brakes

SGMMV-A1, -A2 and -A3

Encoder Cable, 4 Dia. Encoder connector

300 ±30

Servomotor Main Circuit Cable Servomotor connector

AWG24, UL10095 or UL3266

Protective Tube
5 Dia., Black

300 ±30

0.04 A 25
12 L1 16
26.5 L2 2.5 A 16

S Dia.

LB Dia.

Specifications, Ratings, and External Dimensions of SGMMV Servomotors


0.04 Dia. A
2-M3 Tapped
Unit: mm
Holes, Depth 7

Model Approx.
L L1 L2 Dimensions
SGMMV- Mass [kg]
A1A2AC 94.5 78.5 27.5 0
5 -0.008
20 -0.021 0.215
A2A2AC 108.5 92.5 37.5 0
5 -0.008
20 -0.021 0.27
A3A2AC 118.5 102.5 47.5 5
-0.008 20
-0.021 0.31

 Shaft End Specification  Connector Specifications

• Straight with Flat Seats • Encoder Connector
1 PG5V Red
0.02 5 6
2 PG0V Black
3* BAT Orange
3 4
S Dia.

4* BAT0 Orange/white
1 2 5 PS Light blue
6 /PS Light blue/white
Connector FG
case (frame ground)
LB Dia.

* A battery is required only for an absolute

0.5 4.5 Model: 55102-0600
Manufacturer: Molex Japan LLC
Mating connector: 54280-0609 8
• Servomotor Connector
1 Phase U
4 5 6
2 Phase V
3 Phase W
1 2 3
4 FG (frame ground)
5 Brake
6 Brake
Receptacle: 43025-0600
Manufacturer: Molex Japan LLC

This chapter describes the installation conditions, proce-
dures, and precautions for Servomotors.

9.1 Installation Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2

9.1.1 Installation Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9.1.2 Installation Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
9.1.3 Installation Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
9.1.4 Using Servomotors with Oil Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
9.1.5 Using Servomotors with Holding Brakes . . . . . . . 9-4

9.2 Coupling to the Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5

9.2.1 Using a Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
9.2.2 Using a Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6

9.3 Oil and Water Countermeasures . . . . . . . . . 9-8

9.4 Servomotor Temperature Increase . . . . . . . 9-9

9.1 Installation Conditions
9.1.1 Installation Precautions

9.1 Installation Conditions

The service life of a Servomotor will be shortened or unexpected problems will occur if the Ser-
vomotor is installed incorrectly or in an inappropriate environment or location. Always observe
the following installation instructions.

9.1.1 Installation Precautions

• Use the lifting bolts on the Servomotor to move only the Servomotor. Never use the lifting
bolts on the Servomotor to move the Servomotor while it is installed on the machine. There is
a risk of damage to the Servomotor or injury.
• Do not over-tighten the lifting bolts. If you use a tool to over-tighten the lifting bolts, the
tapped holes may be damaged.
• Do not hold onto the cables or motor shaft when you move the Servomotor. Doing so may
result in injury or damage.
• Do not install the Servomotor in the following locations. Doing so may result in fire, electric
shock, or damage.
Outdoors or in locations subject to direct sunlight
Locations subject to condensation as the result of extreme changes in temperature
Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases or near flammable objects
Locations subject to dust, salts, or iron dust
Locations subject to oil drops or chemicals
Locations subject to shock or vibration
Locations that would make it difficult to inspect or clean the Servomotor
• Mount the Servomotor to the machine so that the cables and connectors are not subjected
to stress.
• Implement suitable countermeasures, such as attaching a cover, if the Servomotor is used in
an application where it is subject to excessive water or oil drops. We recommend that you
keep the connectors facing downward.
• Do not connect a Servomotor with an Absolute Encoder or a Servomotor with a Batteryless
Absolute Encoder in a location where there is a magnetic field with a magnetic flux density of
0.01 tesla (100 gauss) or higher.
• Mount the Servomotor securely to the machine. If the Servomotor is not mounted securely,
the machine may be damaged or injury may occur.
• Do not step on or place a heavy object on the Servomotor. Doing so may result in injury.
• Do not allow any foreign matter to enter the Servomotor.
• For a Servomotor with a Cooling Fan, provide at least 200 mm of space around the fan inlet.
• To prevent electric shock, ground the Servomotor securely.
• Servomotors are precision devices. Never drop the Servomotor or subject it to strong shock.
• Implement safety measures, such as installing a cover, so that the motor shaft and other
rotating parts of the Servomotor cannot be touched during operation.
• Continuous operation in one direction, such as for a fan, may damage the bearings due to
electrolytic corrosion. Contact your Yaskawa representative if you use a Servomotor for this
type of application.
• A Servomotor that has been stored for a long period of time must be inspected before it is
used. Contact your Yaskawa representative for more information.
• Using a Servomotor for oscillating rotation may reduce the service life of the bearings. (Oscil-
lating rotation is defined as a continuous forward-reverse operation within a 150° rotation
angle of the motor shaft.) Rotate the Servomotor one full turn or more at least once a day.
• Never attempt to disassemble or modify a Servomotor.

9.1 Installation Conditions
9.1.2 Installation Environment

9.1.2 Installation Environment

Refer to the specifications for each type of Servomotor for the mechanical specifications, pro-
tective structure, and environmental conditions related to Servomotor installation.

9.1.3 Installation Orientation

You can install the Servomotor either horizontally or vertically.
Installation Orientation Figure Precautions

If you are using a Servomotor with an Oil Seal, refer

Horizontal to the following section as well.
9.1.4 Using Servomotors with Oil Seals on page 9-3

• You cannot use a Servomotor with an Oil Seal in

this orientation.
• Provide a cable trap so that water drops will not
Shaft end
run into the Servomotor.
up • Implement countermeasures in the machine so
Cable trap that oil, e.g., from a gear box, does not enter the

If you are using a Servomotor with an Oil Seal, refer

Shaft end
to the following section as well.
9.1.4 Using Servomotors with Oil Seals on page 9-3

Information If you attach a gear to the Servomotor, observe the installation orientation specified by the
manufacturer of the gear.

9.1.4 Using Servomotors with Oil Seals

This section gives the operating conditions for using Servomotors with Oil Seals.
• Keep the oil surface below the oil seal lip.
Motor shaft
Servomotor Installation

Oil surface

Lip Oil seal

• Use the oil seal in favorably lubricated condition with only splashing of oil.
• Do not allow oil to collect in the oil seal lip.
• Do not use the Servomotor where the oil seal would be below the oil surface. If you do, oil will
enter the Servomotor, which may damage the Servomotor.

9.1 Installation Conditions
9.1.5 Using Servomotors with Holding Brakes

9.1.5 Using Servomotors with Holding Brakes

This section gives precautions for using Servomotors with Holding Brakes
• The holding brakes have a limited service life. Although the quality and reliability of a holding
brake has been sufficiently confirmed, stress factors, such as emergency braking, can results
in problems in the holding operation. In applications in which safety is a concern, such as for
a load falling on a vertical axis, determine if safety measures are required on the machine,
such as adding a redundant fall-prevention mechanism.
• For a Servomotor with a Holding Brake, there is a small amount of rotational play in the motor
shaft (1.5° max. initially) because of the backlash in the holding brake, even when the brake
power is OFF.
• For a Servomotor with a Holding Brake, the brake’s rotating disc may sometimes generate
murmur from friction during acceleration, stopping, and low-speed operation.

9.2 Coupling to the Machine
9.2.1 Using a Coupling

9.2 Coupling to the Machine

You can couple the Servomotor to the machine with either a coupling or a belt.
Use the following procedures.

9.2.1 Using a Coupling

• Use a flexible coupling that is designed for Servomotors. We recommend that you use a dou-
ble-spring coupling, which provides some tolerance in eccentricity and deflection.
• Select a suitable size of coupling for the operating conditions. An inappropriate coupling may
Important cause damage.

1. Wipe off all of the anticorrosive coating from the motor shaft.
2. If you are using a Servomotor with a Key, attach the key enclosed with the Servomotor
or the specified size of key to the shaft.

When you attach the key to the motor shaft, do not subject the key groove or shaft to direct

3. Confirm that the centering accuracy is within the specified range using a dial gauge or
other means.
If a dial gauge is not available, slide the coupling along both shafts and make adjustments so that it
does not catch.

Centering Accuracy
Measure this distance at four different positions on
the circumference. The difference between the
maximum and minimum measurements must be
0.03 mm or less.
Even within this range, make adjustments to
increase centering accuracy as much as possible.

Note: When making the measurements, turn

the coupling and motor shaft together.

Servomotor Installation

9.2 Coupling to the Machine
9.2.2 Using a Belt

4. Align the shaft of the Servomotor with the shaft of the machine, and then connect the
shafts with the coupling.

• When you couple the shafts, make sure that the required centering accuracy is achieved.
Vibration will damage the bearings and encoders if the shafts are not properly centered.
• When you attach the coupling, do not subject the shaft to direct shock. Also, do not sub-
Important ject the area around the encoder to shock. Shock may damage the encoder.

• If the coupling makes any abnormal noise, center the shafts again until the noise is elimi-
• Make sure that the thrust load and radial load are within specifications. Refer to the spec-
ifications for each type of Servomotor for the thrust load and radial load.

9.2.2 Using a Belt

Select a coupling belt that is suitable for the allowable radial load of the Servomotor and the Ser-
vomotor output. When the Servomotor accelerates or decelerates, the counterforce from the
acceleration/deceleration torque adds tension to the initial belt tension. Take this additional ten-
Note sion into consideration when you select the coupling belt.

1. Wipe off all of the anticorrosive coating from the motor shaft.
2. If you are using a Servomotor with a Key, attach the key enclosed with the Servomotor
or the specified size of key to the shaft.

When you attach the key to the motor shaft, do not subject the key groove or shaft to direct

3. If you need to attach a pulley to the Servomotor with a Key, use a screwdriver to tighten
the screw in the end of the motor shaft to press in and attach the pulley.


9.2 Coupling to the Machine
9.2.2 Using a Belt

4. Couple the Servomotor to the machine with a belt.

When you attach the belt, adjust the belt tension so that the allowable radial load given in the Servo-
motor specifications is not exceeded. For details, refer to the catalog of the belt manufacturer.


Adjust the belt tension to adjust the radial load. Measure the belt tension at 45° intervals of
the machine shaft. Turn the shaft and take measurements with a belt tension meter at each
Turn at 45° intervals.


Servomotor Installation

9.3 Oil and Water Countermeasures

9.3 Oil and Water Countermeasures

Observe the following instructions so that water, oil, or other foreign matter will not enter the
• Do not allow the cables to be in oil or water.


Oil or water

If contact with oil or water is unavoidable, use oil-resistant cables. Oil-resistant cables are not
provided by Yaskawa.
• If you install the Servomotor with the end of the shaft facing up, do not use the Servomotor
where oil or water from the machine, a gear box, or other source would come into contact
with the Servomotor.


Oil or water


If contact with oil or water is unavoidable, implement countermeasures in the machine so that
oil or water from the gear box does not enter the Servomotor.
• Do not use the Servomotor where it would come into contact with cutting fluids.
Depending on the type of cutting fluid, sealing materials, packing, cables, or other parts may
be adversely affected.
• Do not use the Servomotor where it would be continuously in contact with oil mist, water
vapor, oil, water, or grease.
If usage under the above conditions is unavoidable, implement countermeasures in the
machine to protect against dirt and water.

9.4 Servomotor Temperature Increase

9.4 Servomotor Temperature Increase

This section describes measures to suppress temperature increases in the Servomotor.
• When you install the Servomotor, observe the cooling conditions (heat sink sizes) that are
given in the specifications for each type of Servomotor.
The Servomotor generates heat when it operates. The heat generated by the Servomotor
radiates to the heat sink through the motor mounting surface. Therefore, if the surface area of
the heat sink is too small, the temperature of the Servomotor may increase abnormally.
• If the operating environment makes it difficult to use a large heat sink, or if the surrounding air
temperature or altitude given in the specifications is exceeded, implement the following mea-
• Derate the Servomotor.
Refer to the specifications for each type of Servomotor for information on derating.
Consider derating when you select the capacity of the Servomotor.
• Use external forced-air cooling for the Servomotor with a cooling fan or other means.

Do not place packing or any other insulating material between the Servomotor and heat
sink. Doing so will cause the motor temperature to increase, affect resistance to noise, and
may cause motor failure.

Servomotor Installation

Connections between
Servomotors and
This chapter describes the cables that are used to connect
the Servomotors and SERVOPACKs and provides related

10.1 Cables for the SGM7M Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . 10-3

10.1.1 Cable Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
10.1.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
10.1.3 Encoder Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4

10.2 Cables for the SGM7J Servomotors . . . . . 10-5

10.2.1 System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
10.2.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
10.2.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
10.2.4 Relay Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m . . . . . . . . 10-9

10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . 10-10

10.3.1 Cable Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10
10.3.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
10.3.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16
10.3.4 Relay Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m . . . . . . . 10-17

10.4 Cables for the SGM7P Servomotors . . . . 10-18

10.4.1 System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18
10.4.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19
10.4.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21
10.4.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m . . . . . . 10-21

10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors . . . . 10-22

10.5.1 System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22
10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23
10.5.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less . . . . . . . . . . . 10-30
10.5.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m . . . . . . 10-30
10.6 Cables for the SGMMV Servomotors . . . 10-31
10.6.1 System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31
10.6.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32
10.6.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32
10.6.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m . . . . . . 10-33

10.7 Wiring Servomotors and SERVOPACKs . 10-34

10.7.1 Wiring Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-34
10.7.2 Wiring Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-37
10.1 Cables for the SGM7M Servomotors
10.1.1 Cable Configurations

10.1 Cables for the SGM7M Servomotors

10.1.1 Cable Configurations

The cables shown below are required to connect a Servomotor to a SERVOPACK.


Encoder Cable

Battery Case
(Required when an
absolute encoder is used.)

Main Circuit Cable

Servomotor-end Cable


Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

* When using a cable tie for Servomotor-end Cables, make sure that there is enough space between the cable tie
and the connector. If the distance between the cable tie and the connector is too close, a connection failure of the
connector pins may occur.
Note: Refer to the following manual for the following information.
• Cable dimensional drawings and cable connection specifications
• Order numbers and specifications of individual connectors for cables
• Order numbers and specifications for wiring materials
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)


10.1 Cables for the SGM7M Servomotors
10.1.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

10.1.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

This section provides information on selecting a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable. Refer to the
following manual for detailed information on Cables and for the wiring materials to make your
own cables.
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)

Servomotor Length Order Number

Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
SGM7M-B3E 3m JZSP-CF1M00-03-E JZSP-CF1M20-03-E
to -B9E 5m JZSP-CF1M00-05-E JZSP-CF1M20-05-E
For Servomo-
3.3 to 11 W SERVOPACK end
Motor end
tors without 10 m JZSP-CF1M00-10-E JZSP-CF1M20-10-E
Holding 15 m JZSP-CF1M00-15-E JZSP-CF1M20-15-E
to -A3E
20 m JZSP-CF1M00-20-E JZSP-CF1M20-20-E
11 to 33 W
3m JZSP-CF1M10-03-E JZSP-CF1M30-03-E
For Servomo- 5m JZSP-CF1M10-05-E JZSP-CF1M30-05-E
Motor end
tors with
to -A3E 10 m JZSP-CF1M10-10-E JZSP-CF1M30-10-E
11 to 33 W 15 m JZSP-CF1M10-15-E JZSP-CF1M30-15-E
Brakes B

20 m JZSP-CF1M10-20-E JZSP-CF1M30-20-E
3m JZSP-CF2M00-03-E JZSP-CF2M20-03-E
For Servomo- 5m JZSP-CF2M00-05-E JZSP-CF2M20-05-E
SERVOPACK end Motor end
tors without L
10 m JZSP-CF2M00-10-E JZSP-CF2M20-10-E
SGM7M-A1A to Brakes 15 m JZSP-CF2M00-15-E JZSP-CF2M20-15-E
-A3A 20 m JZSP-CF2M00-20-E JZSP-CF2M20-20-E
3m JZSP-CF2M03-03-E JZSP-CF2M23-03-E
11 to 33 W For Servomo- 5m JZSP-CF2M03-05-E JZSP-CF2M23-05-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
tors with L
10 m JZSP-CF2M03-10-E JZSP-CF2M23-10-E
Brakes 15 m JZSP-CF2M03-15-E JZSP-CF2M23-15-E
20 m JZSP-CF2M03-20-E JZSP-CF2M23-20-E
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.

10.1.3 Encoder Cables

Length Order Number
Name Appearance
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-C7MP01-03-E JZSP-C7MP21-03-E
Cables with Connectors 5m JZSP-C7MP01-05-E JZSP-C7MP21-05-E SERVOPACK end
Encoder end

on Both Ends 10 m JZSP-C7MP01-10-E JZSP-C7MP21-10-E

(for incremental encoder) 15 m JZSP-C7MP01-15-E JZSP-C7MP21-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7MP01-20-E JZSP-C7MP21-20-E
3m JZSP-C7MP19-03-E JZSP-C7MP29-03-E
SERVOPACK end Encoder end
Cables with Connectors 5m JZSP-C7MP19-05-E JZSP-C7MP29-05-E L
on Both Ends
10 m JZSP-C7MP19-10-E JZSP-C7MP29-10-E
(for absolute encoder: Battery Case
With Battery Case) 15 m JZSP-C7MP19-15-E JZSP-C7MP29-15-E (battery included)
20 m JZSP-C7MP19-20-E JZSP-C7MP29-20-E
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 46
mm or larger.

10.2 Cables for the SGM7J Servomotors
10.2.1 System Configurations

10.2 Cables for the SGM7J Servomotors

10.2.1 System Configurations

The cables shown below are required to connect a Servomotor to a SERVOPACK.
Encoder Cable of 20 m or Less Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m (Relay Cable)


Relay Encoder Cable

Cable with a Battery Case
(Required when an
absolute encoder is used.)

Cable with Connectors

on Both Ends
Encoder Cable

Battery Case
(Required when an Servomotor Encoder-end Cable
absolute encoder is used.) Main Circuit Cable

Servomotor Main
Circuit Cable



Note: 1. If the Encoder Cable length exceeds 20 m, be sure to use a Relay Encoder Cable.
2. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.
3. Refer to the following manual for the following information.
• Cable dimensional drawings and cable connection specifications

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

• Order numbers and specifications of individual connectors for cables
• Order numbers and specifications for wiring materials
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)

There are different order numbers for the Servomotor Main Circuit Cables and Encoder Cables
depending on the cable installation direction. Confirm the order numbers before you order.
Cable Installed toward Load Cable Installed away from Load






10.2 Cables for the SGM7J Servomotors
10.2.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

10.2.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

This section provides information on selecting a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable. Refer to the
following manual for detailed information on Cables and for the wiring materials to make your
own cables.
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)

Servomotor Length Order Number

Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-C7M10F-03-E JZSP-C7M12F-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M10F-05-E JZSP-C7M12F-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M10F-10-E JZSP-C7M12F-10-E
SGM7J-A5 to -C2
15 m JZSP-C7M10F-15-E JZSP-C7M12F-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M10F-20-E JZSP-C7M12F-20-E
50 W to 150 W
30 m JZSP-C7M10F-30-E JZSP-C7M12F-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M10F-40-E JZSP-C7M12F-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M10F-50-E JZSP-C7M12F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M20F-03-E JZSP-C7M22F-03-E
For Servo-
5m JZSP-C7M20F-05-E JZSP-C7M22F-05-E
motors with-
out Holding 10 m JZSP-C7M20F-10-E JZSP-C7M22F-10-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
SGM7J-02 to -06 L
Brakes 15 m JZSP-C7M20F-15-E JZSP-C7M22F-15-E

20 m JZSP-C7M20F-20-E JZSP-C7M22F-20-E V

200 W to 600 W W

Cable 30 m JZSP-C7M20F-30-E JZSP-C7M22F-30-E G

40 m JZSP-C7M20F-40-E JZSP-C7M22F-40-E
toward load
50 m JZSP-C7M20F-50-E JZSP-C7M22F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M30F-03-E JZSP-C7M32F-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M30F-05-E JZSP-C7M32F-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M30F-10-E JZSP-C7M32F-10-E
15 m JZSP-C7M30F-15-E JZSP-C7M32F-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M30F-20-E JZSP-C7M32F-20-E
750 W, 1.0 kW
30 m JZSP-C7M30F-30-E JZSP-C7M32F-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M30F-40-E JZSP-C7M32F-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M30F-50-E JZSP-C7M32F-50-E
Continued on next page.
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.

10.2 Cables for the SGM7J Servomotors
10.2.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Continued from previous page.

Servomotor Length Order Number
Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-C7M10G-03-E JZSP-C7M12G-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M10G-05-E JZSP-C7M12G-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M10G-10-E JZSP-C7M12G-10-E
SGM7J-A5 to -C2
15 m JZSP-C7M10G-15-E JZSP-C7M12G-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M10G-20-E JZSP-C7M12G-20-E
50 W to 150 W
30 m JZSP-C7M10G-30-E JZSP-C7M12G-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M10G-40-E JZSP-C7M12G-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M10G-50-E JZSP-C7M12G-50-E
For Servo- 3m JZSP-C7M20G-03-E JZSP-C7M22G-03-E
motors with- 5m JZSP-C7M20G-05-E JZSP-C7M22G-05-E
out Holding 10 m JZSP-C7M20G-10-E JZSP-C7M22G-10-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
SGM7J-02 to -06 Brakes
15 m JZSP-C7M20G-15-E JZSP-C7M22G-15-E L

20 m JZSP-C7M20G-20-E JZSP-C7M22G-20-E
200 W to 600 W Cable

installed 30 m JZSP-C7M20G-30-E JZSP-C7M22G-30-E G

away from 40 m JZSP-C7M20G-40-E JZSP-C7M22G-40-E

load 50 m JZSP-C7M20G-50-E JZSP-C7M22G-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M30G-03-E JZSP-C7M32G-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M30G-05-E JZSP-C7M32G-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M30G-10-E JZSP-C7M32G-10-E
15 m JZSP-C7M30G-15-E JZSP-C7M32G-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M30G-20-E JZSP-C7M32G-20-E
750 W, 1.0 kW
30 m JZSP-C7M30G-30-E JZSP-C7M32G-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M30G-40-E JZSP-C7M32G-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M30G-50-E JZSP-C7M32G-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M13F-03-E JZSP-C7M14F-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M13F-05-E JZSP-C7M14F-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M13F-10-E JZSP-C7M14F-10-E
SGM7J-A5 to -C2
15 m JZSP-C7M13F-15-E JZSP-C7M14F-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M13F-20-E JZSP-C7M14F-20-E
50 W to 150 W

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

30 m JZSP-C7M13F-30-E JZSP-C7M14F-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M13F-40-E JZSP-C7M14F-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M13F-50-E JZSP-C7M14F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M23F-03-E JZSP-C7M24F-03-E
For Servo-
5m JZSP-C7M23F-05-E JZSP-C7M24F-05-E
motors with SERVOPACK end Motor end
Holding 10 m JZSP-C7M23F-10-E JZSP-C7M24F-10-E L
SGM7J-02 to -06
Brakes 15 m JZSP-C7M23F-15-E JZSP-C7M24F-15-E U

20 m JZSP-C7M23F-20-E JZSP-C7M24F-20-E
200 W to 600 W


30 m JZSP-C7M23F-30-E JZSP-C7M24F-30-E B

40 m JZSP-C7M23F-40-E JZSP-C7M24F-40-E
toward load
50 m JZSP-C7M23F-50-E JZSP-C7M24F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M33F-03-E JZSP-C7M34F-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M33F-05-E JZSP-C7M34F-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M33F-10-E JZSP-C7M34F-10-E
15 m JZSP-C7M33F-15-E JZSP-C7M34F-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M33F-20-E JZSP-C7M34F-20-E
750 W, 1.0 kW
30 m JZSP-C7M33F-30-E JZSP-C7M34F-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M33F-40-E JZSP-C7M34F-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M33F-50-E JZSP-C7M34F-50-E
Continued on next page.
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.

10.2 Cables for the SGM7J Servomotors
10.2.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Continued from previous page.

Servomotor Length Order Number
Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-C7M13G-03-E JZSP-C7M14G-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M13G-05-E JZSP-C7M14G-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M13G-10-E JZSP-C7M14G-10-E
SGM7J-A5 to -C2
15 m JZSP-C7M13G-15-E JZSP-C7M14G-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M13G-20-E JZSP-C7M14G-20-E
50 W to 150 W
30 m JZSP-C7M13G-30-E JZSP-C7M14G-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M13G-40-E JZSP-C7M14G-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M13G-50-E JZSP-C7M14G-50-E
For Servo- 3m JZSP-C7M23G-03-E JZSP-C7M24G-03-E
motors with 5m JZSP-C7M23G-05-E JZSP-C7M24G-05-E
Holding 10 m JZSP-C7M23G-10-E JZSP-C7M24G-10-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
SGM7J-02 to -06 Brakes
15 m JZSP-C7M23G-15-E JZSP-C7M24G-15-E U

20 m JZSP-C7M23G-20-E JZSP-C7M24G-20-E
200 W to 600 W Cable W

installed 30 m JZSP-C7M23G-30-E JZSP-C7M24G-30-E B

away from 40 m JZSP-C7M23G-40-E JZSP-C7M24G-40-E

load 50 m JZSP-C7M23G-50-E JZSP-C7M24G-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M33G-03-E JZSP-C7M34G-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M33G-05-E JZSP-C7M34G-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M33G-10-E JZSP-C7M34G-10-E
15 m JZSP-C7M33G-15-E JZSP-C7M34G-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M33G-20-E JZSP-C7M34G-20-E
750 W, 1.0 kW
30 m JZSP-C7M33G-30-E JZSP-C7M34G-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M33G-40-E JZSP-C7M34G-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M33G-50-E JZSP-C7M34G-50-E
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.

10.2 Cables for the SGM7J Servomotors
10.2.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less

10.2.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less

Servomotor Length Order Number
Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1
For incremental 3m JZSP-C7PI0D-03-E JZSP-C7PI2D-03-E
encoder or for
batteryless 5m JZSP-C7PI0D-05-E JZSP-C7PI2D-05-E SERVOPACK Encoder end
end L
10 m JZSP-C7PI0D-10-E JZSP-C7PI2D-10-E
15 m JZSP-C7PI0D-15-E JZSP-C7PI2D-15-E
Cable installed
toward load 20 m JZSP-C7PI0D-20-E JZSP-C7PI2D-20-E
For incremental 3m JZSP-C7PI0E-03-E JZSP-C7PI2E-03-E
encoder or for
batteryless 5m JZSP-C7PI0E-05-E JZSP-C7PI2E-05-E SERVOPACK Encoder end
end L
10 m JZSP-C7PI0E-10-E JZSP-C7PI2E-10-E
All SGM7J 15 m JZSP-C7PI0E-15-E JZSP-C7PI2E-15-E
Cable installed
away from load 20 m JZSP-C7PI0E-20-E JZSP-C7PI2E-20-E
For absolute 3m JZSP-C7PA0D-03-E JZSP-C7PA2D-03-E
SERVOPACK Encoder end
encoder: With 5m JZSP-C7PA0D-05-E JZSP-C7PA2D-05-E end L
Battery Case*2
10 m JZSP-C7PA0D-10-E JZSP-C7PA2D-10-E
Cable installed 15 m JZSP-C7PA0D-15-E JZSP-C7PA2D-15-E Battery Case
(battery included)
toward load 20 m JZSP-C7PA0D-20-E JZSP-C7PA2D-20-E
For absolute 3m JZSP-C7PA0E-03-E JZSP-C7PA2E-03-E
SERVOPACK Encoder end
encoder: With 5m JZSP-C7PA0E-05-E JZSP-C7PA2E-05-E end L
Battery Case*2
10 m JZSP-C7PA0E-10-E JZSP-C7PA2E-10-E
Cable installed 15 m JZSP-C7PA0E-15-E JZSP-C7PA2E-15-E Battery Case
(battery included)
away from load 20 m JZSP-C7PA0E-20-E JZSP-C7PA2E-20-E
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 46
mm or larger.

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

*2. If a battery is connected to the host controller, the Battery Case is not required.

10.2.4 Relay Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m

Servomotor Length
Name Order Number Appearance
Model (L)
Encoder-end Cable (for all SERVOPACK end
Encoder end
types of encoders) 0.3 m JZSP-C7PRCD-E
Cable installed toward load
Encoder-end Cable (for all SERVOPACK end Encoder end
types of encoders)
Cable installed away from
Cable with Connectors on 30 m JZSP-UCMP00-30-E SERVOPACK end Encoder end
models L
Both Ends (for all types of 40 m JZSP-UCMP00-40-E
encoders) 50 m JZSP-UCMP00-50-E
SERVOPACK end Encoder end
Cable with a Battery Case
(Required when an absolute 0.3 m JZSP-CSP12-E
encoder is used.*) Battery Case
(battery included)

* This Cable is not required if you use a Servomotor with a Batteryless Absolute Encoder, and you connect a battery
to the host controller.

10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors
10.3.1 Cable Configurations

10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors

10.3.1 Cable Configurations

The cables shown below are required to connect a Servomotor to a SERVOPACK.
Encoder Cable of 20 m or Less Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m (Relay Cable)


Relay Encoder Cable

Cable with a Battery Case

(Required when an
absolute encoder is used.)

Cable with Connectors

on Both Ends

Encoder Cable

Battery Case
(Required when an Servomotor Encoder-end Cable
absolute encoder is used.) Main Circuit Cable

Servomotor Main
Circuit Cable



Note: 1. Cables with connectors on both ends that are compliant with an IP67 protective structure and European
Safety Standards are not available from Yaskawa for the SGM7A-15A to SGM7A-70A Servomotors. You
must make such a cable yourself. Use the Connectors specified by Yaskawa for these Servomotors.
(These Connectors are compliant with the standards.) Yaskawa does not specify what wiring materials to
2. If the Encoder Cable length exceeds 20 m, be sure to use a Relay Encoder Cable.
3. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.
4. Refer to the following manual for the following information.
• Cable dimensional drawings and cable connection specifications
• Order numbers and specifications of individual connectors for cables
• Order numbers and specifications for wiring materials
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)

For the SGM7A-A5 to -10, there are different order numbers for the Servomotor Main Circuit
Cables and Encoder Cables depending on the cable installation direction. Confirm the order
numbers before you order.
Cable Installed toward Load Cable Installed away from Load





10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors
10.3.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

10.3.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Servomotor Length Order Number
Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-C7M10F-03-E JZSP-C7M12F-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M10F-05-E JZSP-C7M12F-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M10F-10-E JZSP-C7M12F-10-E
SGM7A-A5 to -C2 15 m JZSP-C7M10F-15-E JZSP-C7M12F-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M10F-20-E JZSP-C7M12F-20-E
50 W to 150 W
30 m JZSP-C7M10F-30-E JZSP-C7M12F-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M10F-40-E JZSP-C7M12F-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M10F-50-E JZSP-C7M12F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M20F-03-E JZSP-C7M22F-03-E
For Servo-
5m JZSP-C7M20F-05-E JZSP-C7M22F-05-E
motors with-
out Holding 10 m JZSP-C7M20F-10-E JZSP-C7M22F-10-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
SGM7A-02 to -06 15 m JZSP-C7M20F-15-E JZSP-C7M22F-15-E L

20 m JZSP-C7M20F-20-E JZSP-C7M22F-20-E V

200 W to 600 W W

Cable 30 m JZSP-C7M20F-30-E JZSP-C7M22F-30-E G

40 m JZSP-C7M20F-40-E JZSP-C7M22F-40-E
toward load
50 m JZSP-C7M20F-50-E JZSP-C7M22F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M30F-03-E JZSP-C7M32F-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M30F-05-E JZSP-C7M32F-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M30F-10-E JZSP-C7M32F-10-E
SGM7A-08 and -10
15 m JZSP-C7M30F-15-E JZSP-C7M32F-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M30F-20-E JZSP-C7M32F-20-E
750 W, 1.0 kW
30 m JZSP-C7M30F-30-E JZSP-C7M32F-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M30F-40-E JZSP-C7M32F-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M30F-50-E JZSP-C7M32F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M10G-03-E JZSP-C7M12G-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M10G-05-E JZSP-C7M12G-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M10G-10-E JZSP-C7M12G-10-E
SGM7A-A5 to -C2

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

15 m JZSP-C7M10G-15-E JZSP-C7M12G-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M10G-20-E JZSP-C7M12G-20-E
50 W to 150 W
30 m JZSP-C7M10G-30-E JZSP-C7M12G-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M10G-40-E JZSP-C7M12G-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M10G-50-E JZSP-C7M12G-50-E
For Servo- 3m JZSP-C7M20G-03-E JZSP-C7M22G-03-E
motors with- 5m JZSP-C7M20G-05-E JZSP-C7M22G-05-E
out Holding 10 m JZSP-C7M20G-10-E JZSP-C7M22G-10-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
SGM7A-02 to -06 Brakes L
15 m JZSP-C7M20G-15-E JZSP-C7M22G-15-E

20 m JZSP-C7M20G-20-E JZSP-C7M22G-20-E V

200 W to 600 W Cable W

installed 30 m JZSP-C7M20G-30-E JZSP-C7M22G-30-E G

away from 40 m JZSP-C7M20G-40-E JZSP-C7M22G-40-E

load 50 m JZSP-C7M20G-50-E JZSP-C7M22G-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M30G-03-E JZSP-C7M32G-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M30G-05-E JZSP-C7M32G-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M30G-10-E JZSP-C7M32G-10-E
SGM7A-08 and -10
15 m JZSP-C7M30G-15-E JZSP-C7M32G-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M30G-20-E JZSP-C7M32G-20-E
750 W, 1.0 kW
30 m JZSP-C7M30G-30-E JZSP-C7M32G-30-E 10
40 m JZSP-C7M30G-40-E JZSP-C7M32G-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M30G-50-E JZSP-C7M32G-50-E
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.

10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors
10.3.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Servomotor Length Order Number

Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-C7M13F-03-E JZSP-C7M14F-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M13F-05-E JZSP-C7M14F-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M13F-10-E JZSP-C7M14F-10-E
SGM7A-A5 to -C2
15 m JZSP-C7M13F-15-E JZSP-C7M14F-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M13F-20-E JZSP-C7M14F-20-E
50 W to 150 W
30 m JZSP-C7M13F-30-E JZSP-C7M14F-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M13F-40-E JZSP-C7M14F-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M13F-50-E JZSP-C7M14F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M23F-03-E JZSP-C7M24F-03-E
For Servo-
5m JZSP-C7M23F-05-E JZSP-C7M24F-05-E
motors with SERVOPACK end Motor end
Holding 10 m JZSP-C7M23F-10-E JZSP-C7M24F-10-E L
SGM7A-02 to -06
Brakes 15 m JZSP-C7M23F-15-E JZSP-C7M24F-15-E U

20 m JZSP-C7M23F-20-E JZSP-C7M24F-20-E
200 W to 600 W

Cable 30 m JZSP-C7M23F-30-E JZSP-C7M24F-30-E B

40 m JZSP-C7M23F-40-E JZSP-C7M24F-40-E
toward load
50 m JZSP-C7M23F-50-E JZSP-C7M24F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M33F-03-E JZSP-C7M34F-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M33F-05-E JZSP-C7M34F-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M33F-10-E JZSP-C7M34F-10-E
SGM7A-08 and -10
15 m JZSP-C7M33F-15-E JZSP-C7M34F-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M33F-20-E JZSP-C7M34F-20-E
750 W, 1.0 kW
30 m JZSP-C7M33F-30-E JZSP-C7M34F-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M33F-40-E JZSP-C7M34F-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M33F-50-E JZSP-C7M34F-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M13G-03-E JZSP-C7M14G-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M13G-05-E JZSP-C7M14G-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M13G-10-E JZSP-C7M14G-10-E
SGM7A-A5 to -C2
15 m JZSP-C7M13G-15-E JZSP-C7M14G-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M13G-20-E JZSP-C7M14G-20-E
50 W to 150 W
30 m JZSP-C7M13G-30-E JZSP-C7M14G-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M13G-40-E JZSP-C7M14G-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M13G-50-E JZSP-C7M14G-50-E
For Servo- 3m JZSP-C7M23G-03-E JZSP-C7M24G-03-E
motors with 5m JZSP-C7M23G-05-E JZSP-C7M24G-05-E
Holding 10 m JZSP-C7M23G-10-E JZSP-C7M24G-10-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
SGM7A-02 to -06 Brakes
15 m JZSP-C7M23G-15-E JZSP-C7M24G-15-E U

20 m JZSP-C7M23G-20-E JZSP-C7M24G-20-E
200 W to 600 W Cable

installed 30 m JZSP-C7M23G-30-E JZSP-C7M24G-30-E B

away from 40 m JZSP-C7M23G-40-E JZSP-C7M24G-40-E

load 50 m JZSP-C7M23G-50-E JZSP-C7M24G-50-E
3m JZSP-C7M33G-03-E JZSP-C7M34G-03-E
5m JZSP-C7M33G-05-E JZSP-C7M34G-05-E
10 m JZSP-C7M33G-10-E JZSP-C7M34G-10-E
SGM7A-08 and -10
15 m JZSP-C7M33G-15-E JZSP-C7M34G-15-E
20 m JZSP-C7M33G-20-E JZSP-C7M34G-20-E
750 W, 1.0 kW
30 m JZSP-C7M33G-30-E JZSP-C7M34G-30-E
40 m JZSP-C7M33G-40-E JZSP-C7M34G-40-E
50 m JZSP-C7M33G-50-E JZSP-C7M34G-50-E
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.

10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors
10.3.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Servo- Connec- Order Number

motor Name tor Spec- Appearance
Model ifications
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1
3m JZSP-UVA101-03-E JZSP-UVA121-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA101-05-E JZSP-UVA121-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA101-10-E JZSP-UVA121-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA101-15-E JZSP-UVA121-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVA101-20-E JZSP-UVA121-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA102-03-E JZSP-UVA122-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA102-05-E JZSP-UVA122-05-E end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA102-10-E JZSP-UVA122-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA102-15-E JZSP-UVA122-15-E
SGM7A- 20 m JZSP-UVA102-20-E JZSP-UVA122-20-E
15 3m JZSP-UVA131-03-E JZSP-UVA141-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
5m JZSP-UVA131-05-E JZSP-UVA141-05-E
1.5 kW
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA131-10-E JZSP-UVA141-10-E
SERVOPACK end Brake end
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-UVA131-15-E JZSP-UVA141-15-E L
with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVA131-20-E JZSP-UVA141-20-E
3m JZSP-UVA132-03-E JZSP-UVA142-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVA132-05-E JZSP-UVA142-05-E
Cables*2) 10 m JZSP-UVA132-10-E JZSP-UVA142-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA132-15-E JZSP-UVA142-15-E Brake end Motor end

20 m JZSP-UVA132-20-E JZSP-UVA142-20-E

3m JZSP-UVA301-03-E JZSP-UVA321-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA301-05-E JZSP-UVA321-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA301-10-E JZSP-UVA321-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA301-15-E JZSP-UVA321-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVA301-20-E JZSP-UVA321-20-E
without Holding
3m JZSP-UVA302-03-E JZSP-UVA322-03-E

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

5m JZSP-UVA302-05-E JZSP-UVA322-05-E end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA302-10-E JZSP-UVA322-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA302-15-E JZSP-UVA322-15-E
SGM7A- 20 m JZSP-UVA302-20-E JZSP-UVA322-20-E
3m JZSP-UVA331-03-E JZSP-UVA341-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
2.0 kW 5m JZSP-UVA331-05-E JZSP-UVA341-05-E
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA331-10-E JZSP-UVA341-10-E
SERVOPACK end Brake end
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-UVA331-15-E JZSP-UVA341-15-E L
with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVA331-20-E JZSP-UVA341-20-E
3m JZSP-UVA332-03-E JZSP-UVA342-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVA332-05-E JZSP-UVA342-05-E
Cables*2) 10 m JZSP-UVA332-10-E JZSP-UVA342-10-E
Right-angle 15 m JZSP-UVA332-15-E JZSP-UVA342-15-E
Brake end Motor end
20 m JZSP-UVA332-20-E JZSP-UVA342-20-E

*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90 mm
or larger. 10
*2. This order number is for a set of two cables (Main Power Supply Cable and Holding Brake Cable).
When you purchase them separately, the order numbers for Main Power Supply Cables are the same as for a
Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
The following order numbers are for a Holding Brake Cable. These Standard Cables are Flexible Cables.
• Cable with Straight Plug: JZSP-U7B23--E
• Cable with Right-angle Plug: JZSP-U7B24--E

10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors
10.3.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Servo- Connec- Order Number

motor Name tor Spec- Appearance
Model ifications
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1
3m JZSP-UVA501-03-E JZSP-UVA521-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA501-05-E JZSP-UVA521-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA501-10-E JZSP-UVA521-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA501-15-E JZSP-UVA521-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVA501-20-E JZSP-UVA521-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA502-03-E JZSP-UVA522-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA502-05-E JZSP-UVA522-05-E end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA502-10-E JZSP-UVA522-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA502-15-E JZSP-UVA522-15-E
SGM7A- 20 m JZSP-UVA502-20-E JZSP-UVA522-20-E
25 3m JZSP-U7A551-03-E JZSP-U7A561-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
5m JZSP-U7A551-05-E JZSP-U7A561-05-E
2.5 kW
Straight 10 m JZSP-U7A551-10-E JZSP-U7A561-10-E
SERVOPACK end Brake end
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-U7A551-15-E JZSP-U7A561-15-E L

with Holding 20 m JZSP-U7A551-20-E JZSP-U7A561-20-E

Brakes 3m JZSP-U7A552-03-E JZSP-U7A562-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end

(Set of Two 5m JZSP-U7A552-05-E JZSP-U7A562-05-E

Right-angle 10 m JZSP-U7A552-10-E JZSP-U7A562-10-E
Brake end Motor end
15 m JZSP-U7A552-15-E JZSP-U7A562-15-E L

20 m JZSP-U7A552-20-E JZSP-U7A562-20-E
3m JZSP-UVA601-03-E JZSP-UVA621-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA601-05-E JZSP-UVA621-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA601-10-E JZSP-UVA621-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA601-15-E JZSP-UVA621-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVA601-20-E JZSP-UVA621-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA602-03-E JZSP-UVA622-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA602-05-E JZSP-UVA622-05-E end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA602-10-E JZSP-UVA622-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA602-15-E JZSP-UVA622-15-E
20 m JZSP-UVA602-20-E JZSP-UVA622-20-E
30 3m JZSP-UVA631-03-E JZSP-UVA641-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
5m JZSP-UVA631-05-E JZSP-UVA641-05-E
3.0 kW 10 m JZSP-UVA631-10-E JZSP-UVA641-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA631-15-E JZSP-UVA641-15-E SERVOPACK end Brake end
For Servomotors L
with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVA631-20-E JZSP-UVA641-20-E
3m JZSP-UVA632-03-E JZSP-UVA642-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVA632-05-E JZSP-UVA642-05-E
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA632-10-E JZSP-UVA642-10-E
Brake end Motor end
15 m JZSP-UVA632-15-E JZSP-UVA642-15-E L

20 m JZSP-UVA632-20-E JZSP-UVA642-20-E
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90 mm
or larger.
*2. This order number is for a set of two cables (Main Power Supply Cable and Holding Brake Cable).
When you purchase them separately, the order numbers for Main Power Supply Cables are the same as for a
Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
The following order numbers are for a Holding Brake Cable. These Standard Cables are Flexible Cables.
• Cable with Straight Plug: JZSP-U7B23--E
• Cable with Right-angle Plug: JZSP-U7B24--E

10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors
10.3.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Servo- Connec- Order Number

motor Name tor Spec- Appearance
Model ifications
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1

3m JZSP-UVA701-03-E JZSP-UVA721-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA701-05-E JZSP-UVA721-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA701-10-E JZSP-UVA721-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA701-15-E JZSP-UVA721-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVA701-20-E JZSP-UVA721-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA702-03-E JZSP-UVA722-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA702-05-E JZSP-UVA722-05-E end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA702-10-E JZSP-UVA722-10-E
SGM7A- 15 m JZSP-UVA702-15-E JZSP-UVA722-15-E
40 and 20 m JZSP-UVA702-20-E JZSP-UVA722-20-E
-50 3m JZSP-UVA731-03-E JZSP-UVA741-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end

4.0 kW, 5m JZSP-UVA731-05-E JZSP-UVA741-05-E

5.0 kW Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA731-10-E JZSP-UVA741-10-E
SERVOPACK end Brake end
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-UVA731-15-E JZSP-UVA741-15-E
with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVA731-20-E JZSP-UVA741-20-E
Brakes SERVOPACK end Motor end
3m JZSP-UVA732-03-E JZSP-UVA742-03-E
(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVA732-05-E JZSP-UVA742-05-E
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA732-10-E JZSP-UVA742-10-E
Brake end Motor end
15 m JZSP-UVA732-15-E JZSP-UVA742-15-E L

20 m JZSP-UVA732-20-E JZSP-UVA742-20-E
3m JZSP-UVA901-03-E JZSP-UVA921-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA901-05-E JZSP-UVA921-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA901-10-E JZSP-UVA921-10-E

SGM7A- 15 m JZSP-UVA901-15-E JZSP-UVA921-15-E

For Servomotors
70*3 20 m JZSP-UVA901-20-E JZSP-UVA921-20-E

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA902-03-E JZSP-UVA922-03-E
7.0 kW 5m JZSP-UVA902-05-E JZSP-UVA922-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA902-10-E JZSP-UVA922-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA902-15-E JZSP-UVA922-15-E
20 m JZSP-UVA902-20-E JZSP-UVA922-20-E
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90 mm
or larger.
*2. This order number is for a set of two cables (Main Power Supply Cable and Holding Brake Cable).
When you purchase them separately, the order numbers for Main Power Supply Cables are the same as for a
Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
The following order numbers are for a Holding Brake Cable. These Standard Cables are Flexible Cables.
• Cable with Straight Plug: JZSP-U7B23--E
• Cable with Right-angle Plug: JZSP-U7B24--E
*3. A cooling fan is built into the SGM7A-70 Servomotor. There is no specified cable to connect to the built-in cool-
ing fan connector. Use appropriate wiring materials for the built-in cooling fan connector specifications.
Refer to the following manual for the built-in cooling fan connector specifications that are required to select the
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)


10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors
10.3.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less

10.3.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less

Servomotor Length Order Number
Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1
For incremental 3m JZSP-C7PI0D-03-E JZSP-C7PI2D-03-E
5m JZSP-C7PI0D-05-E JZSP-C7PI2D-05-E SERVOPACK Encoder end
or batteryless end L
absolute encoder 10 m JZSP-C7PI0D-10-E JZSP-C7PI2D-10-E
15 m JZSP-C7PI0D-15-E JZSP-C7PI2D-15-E
Cable installed
toward load 20 m JZSP-C7PI0D-20-E JZSP-C7PI2D-20-E
For incremental 3m JZSP-C7PI0E-03-E JZSP-C7PI2E-03-E
5m JZSP-C7PI0E-05-E JZSP-C7PI2E-05-E SERVOPACK Encoder end
or batteryless end L
absolute encoder 10 m JZSP-C7PI0E-10-E JZSP-C7PI2E-10-E
15 m JZSP-C7PI0E-15-E JZSP-C7PI2E-15-E
Cable installed
SGM7A-A5 to -10 away from load 20 m JZSP-C7PI0E-20-E JZSP-C7PI2E-20-E
50 W to 1.0 kW 3m JZSP-C7PA0D-03-E JZSP-C7PA2D-03-E
For absolute
SERVOPACK Encoder end
encoder: With 5m JZSP-C7PA0D-05-E JZSP-C7PA2D-05-E end L

Battery Case*2
10 m JZSP-C7PA0D-10-E JZSP-C7PA2D-10-E
Cable installed 15 m JZSP-C7PA0D-15-E JZSP-C7PA2D-15-E Battery Case
(battery included)
toward load 20 m JZSP-C7PA0D-20-E JZSP-C7PA2D-20-E

For absolute 3m JZSP-C7PA0E-03-E JZSP-C7PA2E-03-E

SERVOPACK Encoder end
encoder: With 5m JZSP-C7PA0E-05-E JZSP-C7PA2E-05-E end L

Battery Case*2
10 m JZSP-C7PA0E-10-E JZSP-C7PA2E-10-E
15 m JZSP-C7PA0E-15-E JZSP-C7PA2E-15-E Battery Case
Cable installed (battery included)
away from load 20 m JZSP-C7PA0E-20-E JZSP-C7PA2E-20-E
3m JZSP-CVP01-03-E JZSP-CVP11-03-E
5m JZSP-CVP01-05-E JZSP-CVP11-05-E SERVOPACK Encoder end
end L
10 m JZSP-CVP01-10-E JZSP-CVP11-10-E

15 m JZSP-CVP01-15-E JZSP-CVP11-15-E
For incremental
20 m JZSP-CVP01-20-E JZSP-CVP11-20-E
or batteryless 3m JZSP-CVP02-03-E*3 JZSP-CVP12-03-E*3
absolute encoder 5m JZSP-CVP02-05-E*3 JZSP-CVP12-05-E*3 SERVOPACK Encoder end
end L
10 m JZSP-CVP02-10-E*3 JZSP-CVP12-10-E*3

15 m JZSP-CVP02-15-E*3 JZSP-CVP12-15-E*3
SGM7A-15 to -70 20 m JZSP-CVP02-20-E*3 JZSP-CVP12-20-E*3
1.5 kW to 7.0 kW 3m JZSP-CVP06-03-E JZSP-CVP26-03-E
SERVOPACK Encoder end
5m JZSP-CVP06-05-E JZSP-CVP26-05-E end

10 m JZSP-CVP06-10-E JZSP-CVP26-10-E
15 m JZSP-CVP06-15-E JZSP-CVP26-15-E Battery Case
(battery included)
For absolute 20 m JZSP-CVP06-20-E JZSP-CVP26-20-E
encoder: With 3m JZSP-CVP07-03-E*3 JZSP-CVP27-03-E*3
Battery Case*2 SERVOPACK Encoder end
5m JZSP-CVP07-05-E*3 JZSP-CVP27-05-E*3 end

10 m JZSP-CVP07-10-E*3 JZSP-CVP27-10-E*3
Battery Case
15 m JZSP-CVP07-15-E*3 JZSP-CVP27-15-E*3 (battery included)
20 m JZSP-CVP07-20-E*3 JZSP-CVP27-20-E*3
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 46 mm or
*2. If a battery is connected to the host controller, the Battery Case is not required.
*3. You cannot use a right-angle connector for the encoder of a SGM7A-70A (7.0 kW) Servomotor.
Use a straight connector.

10.3 Cables for the SGM7A Servomotors
10.3.4 Relay Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m

10.3.4 Relay Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m

Servomotor Length
Name Order Number Appearance
Model (L)
SERVOPACK end Encoder end
Encoder-end Cable (for all L
types of encoders) 0.3 m JZSP-C7PRCD-E
Cable installed toward load
Encoder-end Cable (for all SERVOPACK end Encoder end
types of encoders)
Cable installed away from
SGM7A-A5 to -10
Cables with Connectors on 30 m JZSP-UCMP00-30-E SERVOPACK end Encoder end
50 W to 1.0 kW L
Both Ends (for all types of 40 m JZSP-UCMP00-40-E
encoders) 50 m JZSP-UCMP00-50-E
SERVOPACK end Encoder end
Cable with a Battery Case
(Required when an absolute 0.3 m JZSP-CSP12-E
encoder is used.*2) Battery Case
(battery included)

SERVOPACK Encoder end

end L

Encoder-end Cable
0.3 m
(for all types of encoders) SERVOPACK
Encoder end

SGM7A-15 to -70 30 m JZSP-UCMP00-30-E
Cables with Connectors on SERVOPACK end
Encoder end
1.5 kW to 7.0 kW Both Ends (for all types of 40 m JZSP-UCMP00-40-E
50 m JZSP-UCMP00-50-E
SERVOPACK end Encoder end
Cable with a Battery Case
(Required when an absolute 0.3 m JZSP-CSP12-E
encoder is used.*2) Battery Case

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

(battery included)

*1. You cannot use a right-angle connector for the encoder of a SGM7A-70A (7.0 kW) Servomotor.
Use a straight connector.
*2. This Cable is not required if you use a Servomotor with a Batteryless Absolute Encoder, and you connect a bat-
tery to the host controller.


10.4 Cables for the SGM7P Servomotors
10.4.1 System Configurations

10.4 Cables for the SGM7P Servomotors

10.4.1 System Configurations

The cables shown below are required to connect a Servomotor to a SERVOPACK.
Encoder Cable of 20 m or Less Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m (Relay Cable)


Relay Encoder Cable

Cable with a Battery Case

(Required when an
absolute encoder is used.)

Cable with Connectors

on Both Ends
Encoder Cable

Battery Case
(Required when an Servomotor Encoder-end Cable
absolute encoder is used.) Main Circuit Cable

Servomotor Main
Circuit Cable



For SGM7P-08 or -15 For SGM7P-08 or -15

(750 W or 1.5 kW) Servomotor (750 W or 1.5 kW) Servomotor
Encoder Cable
Refer to page 10-
Encoder Cable
Refer to page 10- 21
21  Cable with a
Battery Case
(Required when an
absolute encoder
is used.)

 Cable with
Connectors on
Servomotor Servomotor Both Ends or
Main Circuit Cable Main Circuit Cable  Cables without
Refer to 10-19 Refer to 10-19 Connectors

Note: 1. If the Encoder Cable length exceeds 20 m, be sure to use a Relay Encoder Cable.
2. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.
3. Refer to the following manual for the following information.
• Cable dimensional drawings and cable connection specifications
• Order numbers and specifications of individual connectors for cables
• Order numbers and specifications for wiring materials
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)

10.4 Cables for the SGM7P Servomotors
10.4.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

10.4.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

This section provides information on selecting a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable. Refer to the
following manual for detailed information on Cables and for the wiring materials to make your
own cables.
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)

Servomotor Length Order Number

Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-CSM01-03-E JZSP-CSM21-03-E
5m JZSP-CSM01-05-E JZSP-CSM21-05-E
10 m JZSP-CSM01-10-E JZSP-CSM21-10-E
SGM7P-01 15 m JZSP-CSM01-15-E JZSP-CSM21-15-E
100 W 20 m JZSP-CSM01-20-E JZSP-CSM21-20-E
30 m JZSP-CSM01-30-E JZSP-CSM21-30-E
40 m JZSP-CSM01-40-E JZSP-CSM21-40-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
50 m JZSP-CSM01-50-E JZSP-CSM21-50-E
3m JZSP-CSM02-03-E JZSP-CSM22-03-E
5m JZSP-CSM02-05-E JZSP-CSM22-05-E
SGM7P-02 and 10 m JZSP-CSM02-10-E JZSP-CSM22-10-E
-04 15 m JZSP-CSM02-15-E JZSP-CSM22-15-E
20 m JZSP-CSM02-20-E JZSP-CSM22-20-E
200 W, 400 W For Servomo- 30 m JZSP-CSM02-30-E JZSP-CSM22-30-E
tors without
40 m JZSP-CSM02-40-E JZSP-CSM22-40-E
Brakes 50 m JZSP-CSM02-50-E JZSP-CSM22-50-E
3m JZSP-CMM00-03-E JZSP-CMM01-03-E
5m JZSP-CMM00-05-E JZSP-CMM01-05-E
10 m JZSP-CMM00-10-E JZSP-CMM01-10-E
SGM7P-08 15 m JZSP-CMM00-15-E JZSP-CMM01-15-E
750 W 20 m JZSP-CMM00-20-E JZSP-CMM01-20-E
30 m JZSP-CMM00-30-E JZSP-CMM01-30-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
40 m JZSP-CMM00-40-E JZSP-CMM01-40-E

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

50 m JZSP-CMM00-50-E JZSP-CMM01-50-E
3m JZSP-CMM20-03-E −
SGM7P-15 5m JZSP-CMM20-05-E −
10 m JZSP-CMM20-10-E −
1.5 kW 15 m JZSP-CMM20-15-E −
20 m JZSP-CMM20-20-E −
Continued on next page.
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.


10.4 Cables for the SGM7P Servomotors
10.4.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Continued from previous page.

Servomotor Length Order Number
Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-CSM11-03-E JZSP-CSM31-03-E
5m JZSP-CSM11-05-E JZSP-CSM31-05-E
10 m JZSP-CSM11-10-E JZSP-CSM31-10-E
SGM7P-01 15 m JZSP-CSM11-15-E JZSP-CSM31-15-E
100 W 20 m JZSP-CSM11-20-E JZSP-CSM31-20-E
30 m JZSP-CSM11-30-E JZSP-CSM31-30-E
40 m JZSP-CSM11-40-E JZSP-CSM31-40-E end L
50 m JZSP-CSM11-50-E JZSP-CSM31-50-E
3m JZSP-CSM12-03-E JZSP-CSM32-03-E
5m JZSP-CSM12-05-E JZSP-CSM32-05-E
SGM7P-02 and 10 m JZSP-CSM12-10-E JZSP-CSM32-10-E
-04 15 m JZSP-CSM12-15-E JZSP-CSM32-15-E
20 m JZSP-CSM12-20-E JZSP-CSM32-20-E
200 W, 400 W For Servomo- 30 m JZSP-CSM12-30-E JZSP-CSM32-30-E
tors with
40 m JZSP-CSM12-40-E JZSP-CSM32-40-E
Brakes 50 m JZSP-CSM12-50-E JZSP-CSM32-50-E
3m JZSP-CMM10-03-E JZSP-CMM11-03-E
5m JZSP-CMM10-05-E JZSP-CMM11-05-E
10 m JZSP-CMM10-10-E JZSP-CMM11-10-E
SGM7P-08 15 m JZSP-CMM10-15-E JZSP-CMM11-15-E
750 W 20 m JZSP-CMM10-20-E JZSP-CMM11-20-E
30 m JZSP-CMM10-30-E JZSP-CMM11-30-E end L

40 m JZSP-CMM10-40-E JZSP-CMM11-40-E
50 m JZSP-CMM10-50-E JZSP-CMM11-50-E
3m JZSP-CMM30-03-E −
SGM7P-15 5m JZSP-CMM30-05-E −
10 m JZSP-CMM30-10-E −
1.5 kW 15 m JZSP-CMM30-15-E −
20 m JZSP-CMM30-20-E −
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.

10.4 Cables for the SGM7P Servomotors
10.4.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less

10.4.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less

Length Order Number
Servomotor Model Name Appearance
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1
3m JZSP-C7PI0D-03-E JZSP-C7PI2D-03-E
SGM7P-01, -02, -04 5m JZSP-C7PI0D-05-E JZSP-C7PI2D-05-E SERVOPACK
Encoder end
For incremental 10 m JZSP-C7PI0D-10-E JZSP-C7PI2D-10-E
100 W, 200 W, 400 W encoder or for
15 m JZSP-C7PI0D-15-E JZSP-C7PI2D-15-E
absolute 20 m JZSP-C7PI0D-20-E JZSP-C7PI2D-20-E
encoder 3m JZSP-CMP00-03-E JZSP-CMP10-03-E
SGM7P-08, -15 5m JZSP-CMP00-05-E JZSP-CMP10-05-E SERVOPACK Encoder end
Cable installed end L
toward load 10 m JZSP-CMP00-10-E JZSP-CMP10-10-E
750 W, 1500 W 15 m JZSP-CMP00-15-E JZSP-CMP10-15-E
20 m JZSP-CMP00-20-E JZSP-CMP10-20-E
3m JZSP-C7PA0D-03-E JZSP-C7PA2D-03-E
SERVOPACK Encoder end
5m JZSP-C7PA0D-05-E JZSP-C7PA2D-05-E end L
SGM7P-01, -02, -04
10 m JZSP-C7PA0D-10-E JZSP-C7PA2D-10-E
100 W, 200 W, 400 W For absolute
encoder: With 15 m JZSP-C7PA0D-15-E JZSP-C7PA2D-15-E Battery Case
(battery included)
Battery Case*2 20 m JZSP-C7PA0D-20-E JZSP-C7PA2D-20-E

Cable installed 3m JZSP-CSP19-03-E JZSP-CSP29-03-E

SERVOPACK Encoder end
SGM7P-08, -15 toward load 5m JZSP-CSP19-05-E JZSP-CSP29-05-E end L

10 m JZSP-CSP19-10-E JZSP-CSP29-10-E
750 W, 1500 W 15 m JZSP-CSP19-15-E JZSP-CSP29-15-E Battery Case
(battery included)
20 m JZSP-CSP19-20-E JZSP-CSP29-20-E
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 46
mm or larger.
*2. If a battery is connected to the host controller, the Battery Case is not required.

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

10.4.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m

Servomotor Length
Name Order Number Appearance
Model (L)
SERVOPACK end Encoder end
Encoder-end Cable (for all L
types of encoders) 0.3 m JZSP-C7PRCD-E
Cable installed toward load

Cable with Connectors on 30 m JZSP-UCMP00-30-E SERVOPACK end Encoder end

Both Ends (for all types of 40 m JZSP-UCMP00-40-E
All SGM7P models encoders) 50 m JZSP-UCMP00-50-E
SERVOPACK end Encoder end
Cable with a Battery Case
(Required only if an absolute 0.3 m JZSP-CSP12-E
encoder is used.*) Battery Case
(battery included)

* This Cable is not required if you use a Servomotor with a Batteryless Absolute Encoder, and you connect a battery
to the host controller.

10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors
10.5.1 System Configurations

10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors

10.5.1 System Configurations

The cables shown below are required to connect a Servomotor to a SERVOPACK.
Encoder Cable of 20 m or Less Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m (Relay Cable)




Relay Encoder Cable

Cable with a Battery Case

(Required when an
absolute encoder is used.)

Cable with Connectors

on Both Ends
Encoder Cable
Main Circuit Cable
Battery Case
(Required when an
absolute encoder is used.)
Encoder-end Cable

Servomotor Servomotor
Main Circuit Cable


Note: 1. Cables with connectors on both ends that are compliant with an IP67 protective structure and European
Safety Standards are not available from Yaskawa for the SGM7G Servomotors. You must make such a
cable yourself. Use the Connectors specified by Yaskawa for these Servomotors. (These Connectors are
compliant with the standards.) Yaskawa does not specify what wiring materials to use.
2. If the Encoder Cable length exceeds 20 m, be sure to use a Relay Encoder Cable.
3. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.
4. Refer to the following manual for the following information.
• Cable dimensional drawings and cable connection specifications
• Order numbers and specifications of individual connectors for cables
• Order numbers and specifications for wiring materials
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)

10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors
10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

This section provides information on selecting a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable. Refer to the
following manual for detailed information on Cables and for the wiring materials to make your
own cables.
Σ-7-Series Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)

Servomotor Length
Name Order Number* Appearance
Model (L)
3m JZSP-CVM21-03-E
5m JZSP-CVM21-05-E
10 m JZSP-CVM21-10-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-CVM21-15-E
without Holding
Brakes 20 m JZSP-CVM21-20-E
30 m JZSP-CVM21-30-E
SGM7G-03 40 m JZSP-CVM21-40-E
to -05 50 m JZSP-CVM21-50-E
0.3 kW 3m JZSP-CVM41-03-E
0.45 kW 5m JZSP-CVM41-05-E
SERVOPACK end Motor end
10 m JZSP-CVM41-10-E
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-CVM41-15-E
with Holding Brakes 20 m JZSP-CVM41-20-E
30 m JZSP-CVM41-30-E
40 m JZSP-CVM41-40-E
50 m JZSP-CVM41-50-E
Continued on next page.
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs


10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors
10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Continued from previous page.

Servo- Connec- Order Number
motor Name tor Spec- Appearance
Model ifications
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1

3m JZSP-UVA101-03-E JZSP-UVA121-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA101-05-E JZSP-UVA121-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA101-10-E JZSP-UVA121-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA101-15-E JZSP-UVA121-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVA101-20-E JZSP-UVA121-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA102-03-E JZSP-UVA122-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA102-05-E JZSP-UVA122-05-E end L

Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA102-10-E JZSP-UVA122-10-E

15 m JZSP-UVA102-15-E JZSP-UVA122-15-E
SGM7G- 20 m JZSP-UVA102-20-E JZSP-UVA122-20-E
09, -13
3m JZSP-UVA131-03-E JZSP-UVA141-03-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
850 W, 5m JZSP-UVA131-05-E JZSP-UVA141-05-E
1.3 kW Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA131-10-E JZSP-UVA141-10-E
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-UVA131-15-E JZSP-UVA141-15-E end L
with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVA131-20-E JZSP-UVA141-20-E
3m JZSP-UVA132-03-E JZSP-UVA142-03-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVA132-05-E JZSP-UVA142-05-E
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA132-10-E JZSP-UVA142-10-E
Brake end Motor end
15 m JZSP-UVA132-15-E JZSP-UVA142-15-E L

20 m JZSP-UVA132-20-E JZSP-UVA142-20-E
Continued on next page.
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90 mm
or larger.
*2. This order number is for a set of two cables (Main Power Supply Cable and Holding Brake Cable).
When you purchase them separately, the order numbers for Main Power Supply Cables are the same as for a
Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
The following order numbers are for a Holding Brake Cable. These Standard Cables are Flexible Cables.
• Cable with Straight Plug: JZSP-U7B23--E
• Cable with Right-angle Plug: JZSP-U7B24--E

10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors
10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Continued from previous page.

Servo- Connec- Order Number
motor Name tor Spec- Appearance
Model ifications
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1

3m JZSP-UVA301-03-E JZSP-UVA321-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA301-05-E JZSP-UVA321-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA301-10-E JZSP-UVA321-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA301-15-E JZSP-UVA321-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVA301-20-E JZSP-UVA321-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA302-03-E JZSP-UVA322-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA302-05-E JZSP-UVA322-05-E end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA302-10-E JZSP-UVA322-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA302-15-E JZSP-UVA322-15-E
SGM7G- 20 m JZSP-UVA302-20-E JZSP-UVA322-20-E
20 3m JZSP-UVA331-03-E JZSP-UVA341-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
1.8 kW 5m JZSP-UVA331-05-E JZSP-UVA341-05-E
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA331-10-E JZSP-UVA341-10-E
SERVOPACK end Brake end
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-UVA331-15-E JZSP-UVA341-15-E L

with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVA331-20-E JZSP-UVA341-20-E

Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA332-03-E JZSP-UVA342-03-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L

(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVA332-05-E JZSP-UVA342-05-E

Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA332-10-E JZSP-UVA342-10-E
Brake end Motor end
15 m JZSP-UVA332-15-E JZSP-UVA342-15-E L

20 m JZSP-UVA332-20-E JZSP-UVA342-20-E
Continued on next page.
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90 mm
or larger.
*2. This order number is for a set of two cables (Main Power Supply Cable and Holding Brake Cable).
When you purchase them separately, the order numbers for Main Power Supply Cables are the same as for a
Servomotor without a Holding Brake.

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

The following order numbers are for a Holding Brake Cable. These Standard Cables are Flexible Cables.
• Cable with Straight Plug: JZSP-U7B23--E
• Cable with Right-angle Plug: JZSP-U7B24--E
Note: If you need a Cable with a length of 20 m to 50 m, consider the operating conditions and specify a suitable length.


10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors
10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Continued from previous page.

Servo- Connec- Order Number
motor Name tor Spec- Appearance
Model ifications
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1

3m JZSP-UVA601-03-E JZSP-UVA621-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA601-05-E JZSP-UVA621-05-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA601-10-E JZSP-UVA621-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA601-15-E JZSP-UVA621-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVA601-20-E JZSP-UVA621-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA602-03-E JZSP-UVA622-03-E
SERVOPACK end Motor end
5m JZSP-UVA602-05-E JZSP-UVA622-05-E L

SGM7G- Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA602-10-E JZSP-UVA622-10-E

30 15 m JZSP-UVA602-15-E JZSP-UVA622-15-E
2.4 kW 20 m JZSP-UVA602-20-E JZSP-UVA622-20-E
(When 3m JZSP-UVA631-03-E JZSP-UVA641-03-E SERVOPACK end Motor end
using an 5m JZSP-UVA631-05-E JZSP-UVA641-05-E
200A Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA631-10-E JZSP-UVA641-10-E
SERVO- 15 m JZSP-UVA631-15-E JZSP-UVA641-15-E SERVOPACK end Brake end
PACK.) For Servomotors L
with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVA631-20-E JZSP-UVA641-20-E
Brakes SERVOPACK end Motor end
3m JZSP-UVA632-03-E JZSP-UVA642-03-E
(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVA632-05-E JZSP-UVA642-05-E
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA632-10-E JZSP-UVA642-10-E
Brake end Motor end
15 m JZSP-UVA632-15-E JZSP-UVA642-15-E L

20 m JZSP-UVA632-20-E JZSP-UVA642-20-E
Continued on next page.
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90 mm
or larger.
*2. This order number is for a set of two cables (Main Power Supply Cable and Holding Brake Cable).
When you purchase them separately, the order numbers for Main Power Supply Cables are the same as for a
Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
The following order numbers are for a Holding Brake Cable. These Standard Cables are Flexible Cables.
• Cable with Straight Plug: JZSP-U7B23--E
• Cable with Right-angle Plug: JZSP-U7B24--E
Note: If you need a Cable with a length of 20 m to 50 m, consider the operating conditions and specify a suitable length.

10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors
10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Continued from previous page.

Servo- Connec- Order Number
motor Name tor Spec- Appearance
Model ifications
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1

3m JZSP-UVA701-03-E JZSP-UVA721-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA701-05-E JZSP-UVA721-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA701-10-E JZSP-UVA721-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA701-15-E JZSP-UVA721-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVA701-20-E JZSP-UVA721-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA702-03-E JZSP-UVA722-03-E
5m JZSP-UVA702-05-E JZSP-UVA722-05-E end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA702-10-E JZSP-UVA722-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVA702-15-E JZSP-UVA722-15-E
30 and 20 m JZSP-UVA702-20-E JZSP-UVA722-20-E
-44 3m JZSP-UVA731-03-E JZSP-UVA741-03-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
2.9 kW, 5m JZSP-UVA731-05-E JZSP-UVA741-05-E
4.4 kW Straight 10 m JZSP-UVA731-10-E JZSP-UVA741-10-E
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-UVA731-15-E JZSP-UVA741-15-E end L
with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVA731-20-E JZSP-UVA741-20-E
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVA732-03-E JZSP-UVA742-03-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L

(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVA732-05-E JZSP-UVA742-05-E

Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVA732-10-E JZSP-UVA742-10-E
Brake end Motor end
15 m JZSP-UVA732-15-E JZSP-UVA742-15-E L

20 m JZSP-UVA732-20-E JZSP-UVA742-20-E
Continued on next page.
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90 mm
or larger.
*2. This order number is for a set of two cables (Main Power Supply Cable and Holding Brake Cable).
When you purchase them separately, the order numbers for Main Power Supply Cables are the same as for a
Servomotor without a Holding Brake.

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

The following order numbers are for a Holding Brake Cable. These Standard Cables are Flexible Cables.
• Cable with Straight Plug: JZSP-U7B23--E
• Cable with Right-angle Plug: JZSP-U7B24--E
Note: If you need a Cable with a length of 20 m to 50 m, consider the operating conditions and specify a suitable length.


10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors
10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Continued from previous page.

Servo- Connec- Order Number
motor Name tor Spec- Appearance
Model ifications
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1

3m JZSP-UVAA01-03-E JZSP-UVAA21-03-E
5m JZSP-UVAA01-05-E JZSP-UVAA21-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVAA01-10-E JZSP-UVAA21-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVAA01-15-E JZSP-UVAA21-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVAA01-20-E JZSP-UVAA21-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVAA02-03-E JZSP-UVAA22-03-E
5m JZSP-UVAA02-05-E JZSP-UVAA22-05-E end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVAA02-10-E JZSP-UVAA22-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVAA02-15-E JZSP-UVAA22-15-E
55 and 20 m JZSP-UVAA02-20-E JZSP-UVAA22-20-E
-75 3m JZSP-UVAA31-03-E JZSP-UVAA41-03-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
5.5 kW, 5m JZSP-UVAA31-05-E JZSP-UVAA41-05-E
7.5 kW Straight 10 m JZSP-UVAA31-10-E JZSP-UVAA41-10-E
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-UVAA31-15-E JZSP-UVAA41-15-E end L
with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVAA31-20-E JZSP-UVAA41-20-E
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVAA32-03-E JZSP-UVAA42-03-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L

(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVAA32-05-E JZSP-UVAA42-05-E

Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVAA32-10-E JZSP-UVAA42-10-E
Brake end Motor end
15 m JZSP-UVAA32-15-E JZSP-UVAA42-15-E L

20 m JZSP-UVAA32-20-E JZSP-UVAA42-20-E
Continued on next page.
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90 mm
or larger.
*2. This order number is for a set of two cables (Main Power Supply Cable and Holding Brake Cable).
When you purchase them separately, the order numbers for Main Power Supply Cables are the same as for a
Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
The following order numbers are for a Holding Brake Cable. These Standard Cables are Flexible Cables.
• Cable with Straight Plug: JZSP-U7B23--E
• Cable with Right-angle Plug: JZSP-U7B24--E
Note: If you need a Cable with a length of 20 m to 50 m, consider the operating conditions and specify a suitable length.

10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors
10.5.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Continued from previous page.

Servo- Connec- Order Number
motor Name tor Spec- Appearance
Model ifications
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1

3m JZSP-UVAB01-03-E JZSP-UVAB21-03-E
5m JZSP-UVAB01-05-E JZSP-UVAB21-05-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
Straight 10 m JZSP-UVAB01-10-E JZSP-UVAB21-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVAB01-15-E JZSP-UVAB21-15-E
For Servomotors 20 m JZSP-UVAB01-20-E JZSP-UVAB21-20-E
without Holding
Brakes 3m JZSP-UVAB02-03-E JZSP-UVAB22-03-E
5m JZSP-UVAB02-05-E JZSP-UVAB22-05-E end L
Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVAB02-10-E JZSP-UVAB22-10-E
15 m JZSP-UVAB02-15-E JZSP-UVAB22-15-E
1A and 20 m JZSP-UVAB02-20-E JZSP-UVAB22-20-E
-1E 3m JZSP-UVAB31-03-E JZSP-UVAB41-03-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L
11 kW, 5m JZSP-UVAB31-05-E JZSP-UVAB41-05-E
15 kW Straight 10 m JZSP-UVAB31-10-E JZSP-UVAB41-10-E
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-UVAB31-15-E JZSP-UVAB41-15-E end L

with Holding 20 m JZSP-UVAB31-20-E JZSP-UVAB41-20-E

Brakes 3m JZSP-UVAB32-03-E JZSP-UVAB42-03-E SERVOPACK Motor end
end L

(Set of Two 5m JZSP-UVAB32-05-E JZSP-UVAB42-05-E

Right-angle 10 m JZSP-UVAB32-10-E JZSP-UVAB42-10-E
Brake end Motor end
15 m JZSP-UVAB32-15-E JZSP-UVAB42-15-E L

20 m JZSP-UVAB32-20-E JZSP-UVAB42-20-E
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90 mm or
*2. This order number is for a set of two cables (Main Power Supply Cable and Holding Brake Cable).
When you purchase them separately, the order numbers for Main Power Supply Cables are the same as for a
Servomotor without a Holding Brake.
The following order numbers are for a Holding Brake Cable. These Standard Cables are Flexible Cables.

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

• Cable with Straight Plug: JZSP-U7B23--E
• Cable with Right-angle Plug: JZSP-U7B24--E
Note: If you need a Cable with a length of 20 m to 50 m, consider the operating conditions and specify a suitable length.


10.5 Cables for the SGM7G Servomotors
10.5.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less

10.5.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less

Servomotor Length Order Number
Name Appearance
Model (L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*1
3m JZSP-CVP01-03-E JZSP-CVP11-03-E
5m JZSP-CVP01-05-E JZSP-CVP11-05-E SERVOPACK Encoder end
end L
For incre- 10 m JZSP-CVP01-10-E JZSP-CVP11-10-E

mental 15 m JZSP-CVP01-15-E JZSP-CVP11-15-E
encoder or 20 m JZSP-CVP01-20-E JZSP-CVP11-20-E
batteryless 3m JZSP-CVP02-03-E JZSP-CVP12-03-E
absolute 5m JZSP-CVP02-05-E JZSP-CVP12-05-E SERVOPACK Encoder end
end L
encoder 10 m JZSP-CVP02-10-E JZSP-CVP12-10-E

15 m JZSP-CVP02-15-E JZSP-CVP12-15-E
20 m JZSP-CVP02-20-E JZSP-CVP12-20-E
All SGM7G models
3m JZSP-CVP06-03-E JZSP-CVP26-03-E
SERVOPACK Encoder end
5m JZSP-CVP06-05-E JZSP-CVP26-05-E end

10 m JZSP-CVP06-10-E JZSP-CVP26-10-E
Battery Case
absolute 15 m JZSP-CVP06-15-E JZSP-CVP26-15-E (battery included)
encoder: 20 m JZSP-CVP06-20-E JZSP-CVP26-20-E
With 3m JZSP-CVP07-03-E JZSP-CVP27-03-E
Battery SERVOPACK L Encoder end
5m JZSP-CVP07-05-E JZSP-CVP27-05-E end
10 m JZSP-CVP07-10-E JZSP-CVP27-10-E
Battery Case
15 m JZSP-CVP07-15-E JZSP-CVP27-15-E (battery included)
20 m JZSP-CVP07-20-E JZSP-CVP27-20-E
*1. Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 46
mm or larger.
*2. If a battery is connected to the host controller, the Battery Case is not required.

10.5.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m

Servomotor Length
Name Order Number Appearance
Model (L)
SERVOPACK Encoder end
end L

Encoder-end Cable (for

0.3 m
all types of encoders) SERVOPACK
Encoder end

30 m JZSP-UCMP00-30-E
All SGM7G models Cable with Connectors
SERVOPACK end Encoder end
on Both Ends (for all 40 m JZSP-UCMP00-40-E
types of encoders)
50 m JZSP-UCMP00-50-E
Cable with a Battery SERVOPACK end Encoder end
(Required only if an 0.3 m JZSP-CSP12-E
absolute encoder is Battery Case
(battery included)
* This Cable is not required if you use a Servomotor with a Batteryless Absolute Encoder, and you connect a battery
to the host controller.

10.6 Cables for the SGMMV Servomotors
10.6.1 System Configurations

10.6 Cables for the SGMMV Servomotors

10.6.1 System Configurations

The cables shown below are required to connect a Servomotor to a SERVOPACK.
Encoder Cable of 20 m or Less Encoder Cable of 30 m to 50 m (Relay Cable)


Relay Encoder Cable

Cable with a Battery Case

(Required when an
absolute encoder is used.)

Cable with Connectors

Encoder Cable on Both Ends
Servomotor Main
Circuit Cable
Battery Case
(Required when an
absolute encoder is used.)

Servomotor-end Encoder-end Cable

Servomotor Cable
Main Circuit Cable

Servomotor-end Cable
Cable Servomotor


Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

Note: 1. If the Encoder Cable length exceeds 20 m, be sure to use a Relay Encoder Cable.
2. If you use a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable that exceeds 20 m, the intermittent duty zone in the torque-
motor speed characteristics will become smaller because the voltage drop increases.
3. Refer to the following manual for the following information.
• Cable dimensional drawings and cable connection specifications
• Order numbers and specifications of individual connectors for cables
• Order numbers and specifications for wiring materials
Σ-7-Series AC Servo Drive Peripheral Device Selection Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 32)


10.6 Cables for the SGMMV Servomotors
10.6.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

10.6.2 Servomotor Main Circuit Cables

Length Order Number
Name Appearance
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-CF2M00-03-E JZSP-CF2M20-03-E
5m JZSP-CF2M00-05-E JZSP-CF2M20-05-E
10 m JZSP-CF2M00-10-E JZSP-CF2M20-10-E
For Servomotors SERVOPACK end Motor end
15 m JZSP-CF2M00-15-E JZSP-CF2M20-15-E L
without Holding
Brakes 20 m JZSP-CF2M00-20-E JZSP-CF2M20-20-E
30 m JZSP-CF2M00-30-E JZSP-CF2M20-30-E
40 m JZSP-CF2M00-40-E JZSP-CF2M20-40-E
50 m JZSP-CF2M00-50-E JZSP-CF2M20-50-E
3m JZSP-CF2M03-03-E JZSP-CF2M23-03-E
5m JZSP-CF2M03-05-E JZSP-CF2M23-05-E
10 m JZSP-CF2M03-10-E JZSP-CF2M23-10-E
SERVOPACK end Motor end
For Servomotors 15 m JZSP-CF2M03-15-E JZSP-CF2M23-15-E L
with Holding
Brakes 20 m JZSP-CF2M03-20-E JZSP-CF2M23-20-E
30 m JZSP-CF2M03-30-E JZSP-CF2M23-30-E
40 m JZSP-CF2M03-40-E JZSP-CF2M23-40-E
50 m JZSP-CF2M03-50-E JZSP-CF2M23-50-E
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 90
mm or larger.

10.6.3 Encoder Cables of 20 m or Less

Length Order Number
Name Appearance
(L) Standard Cable Flexible Cable*
3m JZSP-CMP00-03-E JZSP-CMP10-03-E
Cables with
Connectors on 5m JZSP-CMP00-05-E JZSP-CMP10-05-E SERVOPACK end
Encoder end

Both Ends 10 m JZSP-CMP00-10-E JZSP-CMP10-10-E

(for incremen- 15 m JZSP-CMP00-15-E JZSP-CMP10-15-E
tal encoder)
20 m JZSP-CMP00-20-E JZSP-CMP10-20-E
Cables with 3m JZSP-CSP19-03-E JZSP-CSP29-03-E
SERVOPACK end Encoder end
Connectors on 5m JZSP-CSP19-05-E JZSP-CSP29-05-E L
Both Ends
10 m JZSP-CSP19-10-E JZSP-CSP29-10-E
(for absolute
encoder: With 15 m JZSP-CSP19-15-E JZSP-CSP29-15-E Battery Case
(battery included)
Battery Case) 20 m JZSP-CSP19-20-E JZSP-CSP29-20-E
* Use Flexible Cables for moving parts of machines, such as robots. The recommended bending radius (R) is 46
mm or larger.

10.6 Cables for the SGMMV Servomotors
10.6.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m

10.6.4 Relay Encoder Cables of 30 m to 50 m

Name Order Number Appearance
Cables with Connectors 30 m JZSP-UCMP00-30-E SERVOPACK end Encoder end
on Both Ends (for incre- L
40 m JZSP-UCMP00-40-E
mental or absolute
encoder) 50 m JZSP-UCMP00-50-E
Cable with a Battery SERVOPACK end Encoder end
(Required when an 0.3 m JZSP-CSP12-E
absolute encoder is Battery Case
used.)* (battery included)

* This Cable is not required if a battery is connected to the host controller.

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs


10.7 Wiring Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
10.7.1 Wiring Precautions

10.7 Wiring Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

10.7.1 Wiring Precautions

 Do not connect the Servomotor directly to an industrial power supply. Doing so will destroy
the Servomotor. You cannot operate a Servomotor without a SERVOPACK that is designed
for it.

General Precautions
• Never perform any wiring work while the power supply in ON.
• Always connect the Servomotor Main Circuit Cable before you connect the Encoder Cable. If
you connect the Encoder Cable first, the encoder may be damaged due to the difference in
electrical potential from the FG.
• Never touch the connector pins on the Servomotor directly with your hands. Particularly the
encoder may be damaged by static electricity.
• For the following Servomotor models, use the screws to secure the cable connectors to the
Servomotor. Make sure that they are securely attached.
• SGM7J Servomotors
• SGM7A Servomotors up to 1.0 kW
• SGM7G Servomotors up to 450 W
• SGM7P Servomotors up to 400 W
If they are not securely attached, the protective structure specifications may not be satisfied.
• Do not remove rubber packings or O-rings. Also, make sure that rubber packings and O-
rings do not come off. If the rubber packings or O-rings are not securely attached, the pro-
tective structure specifications may not be satisfied.
• Separate the Servomotor Main Circuit Cable from the I/O Signal Cables and Encoder Cable
by at least 30 cm.
• Do not connect magnetic contactors, reactors, or other devices on the cables that connect
the SERVOPACK and Servomotor. Failure to observe this caution may result in malfunction or
• Do not subject the cables to excessive bending stress or tension. The conductors in the
Encoder Cable and Servomotor Main Circuit Cable are as thin as 0.2 mm2 or 0.3 mm2. Wire
them so that they are not subjected to excessive stress.
• If you secure the cables with cable ties, protect the cables with cushioning material.
• If the cable will be bent repeatedly, e.g., if the Servomotor will move in the machine, use Flex-
ible Cables. If you do not use Flexible Cables, the cables may break.
• Before you connect the wires, make sure that there are no mistakes in the wiring.
• Always use the connectors specified by Yaskawa and insert them correctly.
• When you connect a connector, check it to make sure there is no foreign matter, such as
metal clippings, inside.
• The connectors are made of resin. To prevent damage, do not apply any strong impact.
• Perform all wiring so that stress is not applied to the connectors. The connectors may break
if they are subjected to stress.
• If you move the Servomotor while the cables are connected, always hold onto the main body
of the Servomotor. If you lift the Servomotor by the cables when you move it, the connectors
may be damaged or the cables may be broken.

10.7 Wiring Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
10.7.1 Wiring Precautions

Grounding Precautions
The ground terminal on the SERVOPACK is used to ground the Servomotor.

Ground terminal


Precautions for Standard Cables

Do not use standard cables in applications that require a high degree of flexibility, such as
twisting and turning, or in which the cables themselves must move. When you use Standard
Cables, observe the recommended bending radius given in the following table and perform all
wiring so that stress is not applied to the cables. Use the cables so that they are not repeatedly
Cable Diameter Recommended Bending Radius [R]
Less than 8 mm 15 mm min.
8 mm 20 mm min.
Over 8 mm Cable diameter × 3 mm min.

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs


10.7 Wiring Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
10.7.1 Wiring Precautions

Precautions for Flexible Cables

• The Flexible Cables have a service life of 10,000,000 operations minimum when used at the
recommended bending radius of 90 mm or larger under the following test conditions. The
service life of a Flexible Cable is reference data under special test conditions. The service life
of a Flexible Cable greatly depends on the amount of mechanical shock, how the cable is
attached, and how the cable is secured.
Test Conditions
• One end of the cable is repeatedly moved forward and backward for 320 mm using the test equip-
ment shown in the following figure.
• The lead wires are connected in series, and the number of cable return operations until a lead wire
breaks are counted. One round trip is counted as one bend.
Travel distance: 320 mm

End of travel

radius = 90 mm Fixed end

Note: The service life of a Flexible Cable indicates the number of bends while the lead wires are electrically
charged for which no cracks or damage that affects the performance of the cable sheathing occur.
Breaking of the shield wire is not considered.
• Straighten out the Flexible Cable when you connect it. If the cable is connected while it is
twisted, it will break faster. Check the indication on the cable surface to make sure that the
cable is not twisted.
• Do not secure the portions of the Flexible Cable that move. Stress will accumulate at the
point that is secured, and the cable will break faster. Secure the cable in as few locations as
• If a Flexible Cable is too long, looseness will cause it to break faster. It the Flexible Cable is
too short, stress at the points where it is secured will cause it to break faster. Adjust the cable
length to the optimum value.
• Do not allow Flexible Cables to interfere with each other. Interference will restrict the motion
of the cables, causing them to break faster. Separate the cables sufficiently, or provide parti-
tions between them when wiring.

10.7 Wiring Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
10.7.2 Wiring Procedure

10.7.2 Wiring Procedure

This manual provides the wiring procedure only for the Servomotors.
Refer to the SERVOPACK manual for information on wiring the SERVOPACKs.
1. Remove the protective cap and protective tape from the Servomotor connectors.
Information • Some models of Servomotors do not have protective tape.
• The number of connectors depends on the model of the Servomotor.

Protective cap

Protective cap

Protective tape

2. Attach the Servomotor Main Circuit Cable and tighten the screws.
Pay attention to the orientation of the cable (i.e., load or non-load side) when you attach it.
Refer to the following table for the tightening torque.
Servomotor Model Tightening Torque Servomotor Model Tightening Torque
SGM7J-A5 to -06 0.15 Nm SGM7G-03, -05 0.44 Nm
SGM7P-01 to -04 with
SGM7J-08 0.33 Nm 0.15 Nm
design revision order A

Connections between Servomotors and SERVOPACKs

SGM7P-01 to -04 with
SGM7A-A5 to -06 0.15 Nm 0.18 Nm
design revision order E
SGM7A-08 to -10 0.33 Nm

• Leads on Non-load Side • Leads on Load Side

U Rubber packing U


W or O-ring W


Information • There are two Servomotor Main Circuit Cables for the SGM7G-09 to SGM7G-1E Ser-
vomotors with Holding Brakes (the Main Power Supply Cable and the Holding Brake
Cable). Attach both of them.
• The SGM7A-70 Servomotors have a Servomotor Main Circuit Cable and a Fan Cable.
Attach both of them.
• The degree of protection depends on the design revision order for the SGM7P-01 to
-04 Servomotors, and therefore the tightening torque is different. 10

10.7 Wiring Servomotors and SERVOPACKs
10.7.2 Wiring Procedure

3. Attach the Encoder Cable and tighten the screws. Pay attention to the orientation of the
cable (i.e., load or non-load side) when you attach it.
• Tightening torque:
SGM7J and SGM7A Servomotors up to 1.0 kW and SGM7P Servomotors up to 400 W: 0.15 N·m
To extend the Encoder Cable to from 30 to 50 m, proceed to step 4.

4. Connect a Cable with Connectors on Both Ends to the Encoder Cable.

5. If necessary, connect a Cable with a Battery Case to the Cable with Connectors on Both
This concludes the procedure.

Maintenance and
This chapter describes the maintenance, inspection, and
disposal of a Servomotor.

11.1 Periodic Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2

11.2 Service Lives of Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3

11.3 Disposing of Servomotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4

11.1 Periodic Inspections

11.1 Periodic Inspections

The following table gives the periodic inspection items for a Servomotor. The inspection periods
given in the table are guidelines. Determine the optimum inspection periods based on the appli-
cation conditions and environment.

 Before you perform any maintenance or inspection work, turn OFF the power supply, con-
firm that the CHARGE indicator on the front of the SERVOPACK has gone out, and then use
a tester to check the voltage between the positive and negative terminals on the SERVO-
PACK. Start inspection work only after you have confirmed that the main circuit voltage has
If there is any main circuit voltage left, the risk of electric shock still exists. Do not touch the Ser-
vomotor or any wiring.
 All inspection and maintenance work must be performed only by qualified engineers.
There is a risk of electric shock or injury.
 Contact your Yaskawa representative for help with failures, repairs, or part replacement.

Basic Inspection and Maintenance

Item Inspection Period Remarks
• Make sure that there are no loose
mounting screws between the Ser-
Check the cou- vomotor and machine.
pling between the Before starting opera- • Make sure that there is no loose-

Servomotor and tion ness in the coupling between the
the machine. Servomotor and machine.
• Make sure that there is no misalign-
There should be no
Check for vibra-
Daily Inspect by touching and by listening. more vibration or noise
tion and noise.
than normal.
Check for dirt and Clean off the dirt and grime with a
Exterior −
grime. cloth or pressurized air.
Disconnect the Servomotor from the
SERVOPACK and measure the insu-
lation resistance at 500 V with an
If the resistance is less
insulation resistance meter. (Mea-
Measure the insu- than 10 MΩ, contact
At least once a year surement method: Measure the resis-
lation resistance. your Yaskawa represen-
tance between phase U, V, or W on
the Servomotor’s power line and FG.)
The insulation is normal if the resis-
tance is 10 MΩ or higher.
This inspection applies
Replace the oil At least once every Contact your Yaskawa representa-
only to Servomotors
seal. 5,000 hours tive.
with Oil Seals.
At least once every 5
Contact your Yaskawa representa-
Overhaul years or every 20,000 −

11.2 Service Lives of Parts

11.2 Service Lives of Parts

The following table gives the standard service lives of the parts of the Servomotor. Contact your
Yaskawa representative using the following table as a guide. After an examination of the part in
question, we will determine whether the part should be replaced. Even if the service life of a
part has not expired, replacement may be required if abnormalities occur. The standard service
lives in the table are only for reference. The actual service lives will depend on the application
conditions and environment.
Part Remarks
Service Life
The service life is affected by operating conditions. Check for abnormal
Bearing 20,000 hours
sounds and vibration during inspections.
The service life is affected by operating conditions. Check for oil leaks during
Oil Seal 5,000 hours
The service life is affected by operating conditions. Check for abnormal
sounds and vibration during inspections. Confirm that the brake is released
Holding Brake 20,000 hours
when power is supplied and check for any changes in the operating time of
the brake.

Maintenance and Inspection


11.3 Disposing of Servomotors

11.3 Disposing of Servomotors

When disposing of a Servomotor, treat it as ordinary industrial waste.
However, local ordinances and national laws must be observed. Implement all labeling and
warnings as a final product as required.

The appendices provide additional information on Servo-
motors with Gears and reference information on selecting
Servomotor capacity.

12.1 Terminology and Data for Servomotors with Gears . . 12-2

12.1.1 Terminology for Servomotors with
Low-backlash Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
12.1.2 Noise Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
12.1.3 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3

12.2 Reference Information for Servomotor Capacity Selection . . . 12-4

12.2.1 Formulas Required to Select the Servomotor
Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
12.2.2 GD2 for Simple Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
12.2.3 Conversions between Engineering Units
and SI Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
12.2.4 Application Examples by Type of Application . . 12-7
12.1 Terminology and Data for Servomotors with Gears
12.1.1 Terminology for Servomotors with Low-backlash Gears

12.1 Terminology and Data for Servomotors with Gears

12.1.1 Terminology for Servomotors with Low-backlash Gears

Typical Value for
Item Measurement Method and Definition
Low-Backlash Gear
The rated output torque of the Servomotor is the
Rated Torque input torque to the gear. The rated torque is this value

(Nm) multiplied by the inverse of the gear ratio and effi-
The difference in the torsion angle with a ±5% rated
Lost Motion
torque load (maximum value at any four positions 3 max.
during output).
Torsion Rigidity Higher torsion angle value on one side with a ± rated
10 max.
(arc-min) torque load.
Angle Transmission The difference between the absolute accuracy and
Deviation Accuracy the accuracy for one rotation under no-load condi- 6 max.
(arc-min) tions during output.

Refer to the following graph for lost motion and torsion rigidity.
Torsion angle
Lost motion

Torsion rigidity
Torsion rigidity

Negative Positive
torque torque
±5% rated torque

Rated torque Rated torque

12.1.2 Noise Data

The following noise data for Servomotors with Gears is only for reference. The data may vary
slightly depending on the capacity and gear ratio of the Servomotor.

Measurement Conditions
• Scale A: 50 cm
• Ground noise: 28 dB
Initial noise level (dB)



1000 2000 3000 4000

Input speed (min-1)

12.1 Terminology and Data for Servomotors with Gears
12.1.3 Efficiency

12.1.3 Efficiency
The output torque and motor speed produce the following trends in efficiency. The values in the
tables of ratings and specifications for Servomotors with Gears are given at the rated motor
torque and rated motor speed.


Output torque Motor Speed



12.2 Reference Information for Servomotor Capacity Selection
12.2.1 Formulas Required to Select the Servomotor Capacity

12.2 Reference Information for Servomotor Capacity Selection

12.2.1 Formulas Required to Select the Servomotor Capacity

Linear Motion
Type of Motion Rotary Motion
Horizontal Axis Vertical Axis
NR μ
Servomotor weight Mc
Servomotor Lead: PB 1/R
1/R M V
Lead: PB
Machine Configura-
tion PB: Ball screw lead (m) 1/R: Gear ratio
N : Load shaft speed (min-1)
V : Load speed (m/min) M: Linear motion section mass η: Mechanical efficiency
(kg) TpM: Servomotor instantaneous
T : Load torque calculated at load
Mc: Counterweight mass (kg) maximum torque (Nm)
shaft (Nm)
μ: Friction coefficient
Motor speed Motor speed
Tp Torque Vertical axis
Speed Diagram Ts ta tc td
tm te
One cycle, t (S)

V ta 2tc + td V
Travel distance (m) R=  + ta = , R... = ( tm - ta )
60 2 60

Load Shaft Speed V

N N =
(min-1) PB

Motor Shaft Speed

NM = N R
Load Torque Calcu- T 9.8 × μ  M  PB 9.8 × ( M - Mc ) PB
lated at Motor Shaft TL = TL = TL =
R η 2π  R  η 2π  R  η
Load Moment of Iner-
tia Calculated at JL = JL1 + JL2 + JL3
Motor Shaft (kgm2)

2 2
Linear Motion PB PB
– JL1 = M  ( 2π R ) JL1 = (M +Mc )  ( 2π R )
Solid Cylinder 1 2 π ρ 4
JK = M D OR JK =  L D
L (m) 8 k 32
Mk : Solid cylinder mass (kg)
D (m) ρ : Density (kg/m3)...Iron
3 3
ρ = 7.87 × 10 (kg/m )
3 3
L (m) ...Aluminum ρ = 2.70 × 10 (kg/m )
Rotary Motion Hollow Cylinder 1 2 2 π ρ 4 4
JK = M ( D0 + Di ) OR JK =  L (D0 - Di )
Section D0 D1 8 k 32
(m) (m)

Moment of Inertia of Rotary Motion Section Calculated at Motor Shaft

Rotary motion section at gear input shaft JL2 = JK Rotary motion section at gear output shaft JL3 = 2

Minimum Starting 2π  NM (JM + JL )

tam =
Time (s) 60 ( TPM - TL )

Continued on next page.

12.2 Reference Information for Servomotor Capacity Selection
12.2.2 GD2 for Simple Diagrams

Continued from previous page.

Linear Motion
Type of Motion Rotary Motion
Horizontal Axis Vertical Axis

Minimum Braking 2π  NM (JM + JL )

tdm =
Time (s) 60 ( TPM + TL )

Load Moving Power 2π  NM  TL

P0 =
(W) 60

Load Acceleration 2π 2 JL
Pa =  NM (ta ≥ tam )
Power (W) 60 ta

Required Starting 2π  NM JM JL
TP = + TL ( ta ≥ tam )
Torque (Nm) 60 × ta

Required Braking 2π  NM JM JL
TS = - TL (td ≥ tdm )
Torque (Nm) 60 × td

Effective Torque TP 2  ta + TL 2  tc + TS 2  td TP 2  ta + TL 2 ( tc +te ) + TS 2  td

Trms = Trms =
Value (Nm) t t

12.2.2 GD2 for Simple Diagrams

Solid cylinder Hollow cylinder
( D 2 = D0 2/2 ) D 2 = ( D0 2 + D1 2 ) /2
D0 D1
When Rotary Shaft Is
Aligned with Center Line OR OR
GD =125π ρ LD
2 4
of Cylinder GD =125π ρ L ( D0 + D1 )
2 4 4

ρ : Density (g/cm3)...Copper: 7.866 ρ :Density (g/cm3)

L : Length (m)
L : Length (m)
D : Diameter (m)
D0 , D1 :Diameter (m)

c D0
Rectangular solid Cylindrical body
D 2 = ( b 2 + c 2 )/3 b 2 2
D = L /3 + D0 /4

When Rotary Shaft Runs Hollow sphere
Sphere D0 5 3
Through Gravitational 2 2 D -D D1
D = 2  03 13
2 2
D =
Center 5 D0 5 D D1
0 -

Cone Wheel
D0 D0
3 D = D0 + 3 D1
2 2 2 2 2
D = D1
10 D0 4

c D0
Rectangular solid Cylindrical body
When Rotary Shaft Is on 2
D 2 = (4 b 2 + C 2)/3 b 2 4 2 D
One End D = L + 0 L
3 4

c D0
Rectangular solid Cylindrical body
2 2 2
When Rotary Shaft Is D = 4b + C D
D = 4L + 0
2 2 2
Outside Rotating Body 3 3 4 L
+4( bd + d 2 ) d +4( dL + d 2 )
Continued on next page.

12.2 Reference Information for Servomotor Capacity Selection
12.2.3 Conversions between Engineering Units and SI Units

Continued from previous page.

General formula for diameter of rotation when rotary shaft Is Center of gravity
General Formula When outside rotating body
2 2 2
Rotary Shaft Is outside D2 = D1 + 4 d
d Rotary shaft
Rotating Body D1 : Diameter of rotation when shaft that is parallel to rotary shaft and
runs through center of gravity virtually operates as a rotary shaft

Information GD2 = Weight × (Diameter of rotation)2

12.2.3 Conversions between Engineering Units and SI Units

The following table provides the conversion rates between engineering units and SI units for
typical physical quantities required for capacity selection.
Quantity Engineering Unit SI Unit Conversion Factor
Force or load kgf N 1 kgf = 9.80665 N
Weight kgf – The numerical values are the same for mass in
the traditional unit and the SI unit.
Mass kgfs2/m kg (The mass SI unit Wkg is used for objects in
the Wkgf traditional unit.)
Torque kgfm Nm 1 kgfm = 9.80665 Nm
Inertia (moment of
inertia) gfcms2 kgm2 1 gfcms2 = 0.980665 × 10-4 kgm2

Relationship between GD2 (kgf·m2) and

moment of inertia J (kg·m2)
GD2 kgfm2 kgm2 2
J = GD

12.2 Reference Information for Servomotor Capacity Selection
12.2.4 Application Examples by Type of Application

12.2.4 Application Examples by Type of Application

Rotating Body Horizontal Ball Screw Vertical Ball Screw

Gear ratio Fv W(kg) μ
(kg) coefficient
Machine 1/R FN μ 1/R W1(kg)
(kg) W2
Configuration (kg)
1/R PB(mm) FV(kg)
Pitch: PB(mm)

Load speed (m/min) Load speed (m/min)

Load Speed, N N 1000 × V 1000 × V

Speed Calculated at
Motor Shaft, NM R×N R×N R×N
GD2 Cal- PB 2

culated at – W
( ‫)ޓޓ‬
2 W ( 1000π )
Linear Load Shaft [However, W=W1 + W2]
GD2L Cal-
GD L ×
R ( )
2 GD 2
×( R1 )
culated at 2

( R1 ) V 2
× W(
πN )
(kgm2) Motor
GD 2
L V 2 OR
πN )
Shaft M
However, W=W1 + W2

T Calcu- PB PB
lated at T {μ(W+ FV )+ FH } {μ FH + W1 - W2 + FV }
2000π 2000π
Load Shaft
Torque T ×1 ×1 Mechanical T × 1 × 1 Mechanical
TL Calcu-
1 1 R η efficiency R η efficiency
(kgm) lated at T × × η OR
R {μ(W+ FV )+ FH }V
Motor Mechanical efficiency OR {μ FH + W1 - W2 + FV }V
2π NM η
Shaft 2π NM η

Load Moving Power, T N {μ( W + FV )+ FH } V {μ FH + W1 -W2 + FV } V

PO (kW) 973 × η 6120 × η 6120 × η
GD N 2 2
2 2
GD  N 22

Load Acceleration 365 × 103 × ta 365 × 103 × ta 365 × 103 × ta

Acceleration time (s) Acceleration time (s) Acceleration time (s)

( GD 2M + GD 2L ) NM
TP = + TL
375 ta
V (m/min)
Starting Torque, TP ( GD 2M + GD 2L ) NM
(kgm) TS = - TL
TL 375 td
Deceleration Torque,
TS (kgm) TP 2  ta + TL 2  tc + TS 2  td
Effective Torque ta tc td Trms =
Value, Trms (kgm) T
When a load torque is applied while stopped for a vertical ball screw:
TP 2  ta + TL 2 ( T - ta - td )+ TS 2  td
Trms =

• The gear backlash is a


• Suitable for applications
for which increasing sys- • Falling when W1≠W2
System Remarks –
tem speed is not required. • Brake timing
• A large torque can be
generated by a small
motor. 12
Continued on next page.

12.2 Reference Information for Servomotor Capacity Selection
12.2.4 Application Examples by Type of Application

Continued from previous page.

Roll Feeder Rack and Pinion
Bearing friction FV(kg)
Applied pressure, N (kg) μ2 coefficient
W(kg) FH(kg)
Tension, F1 (kg) W(kg)
Machine Configuration
φ φ
dp(mm) 1/R dp(mm)
Number of teeth, ZP
Pitch, LP(mm)

Load speed (m/min)

Load speed (m/min)
1000 × V
1000 × V
Load Speed, N (min-1) PB
However, PB = π dP
[However, PB =π dP ]

Speed Calculated at R×N R×N

Motor Shaft, NM (min-1)
GD2 Cal-
d 2 dP 2

Linear culated at W ( 1000 ) P W ( 1000 )

Motion Load Shaft
Section, GD2L Cal- 2 2

GD2 culated at
GD 2
L ( R1 )
× GD × 12
RL ( )
(kgm2) V 2 V 2
πN ) M
πNM ( )
T Calcu- dP
lated at (F1 +μ1W +μ2 N )
{μ(W+ FV )+ FH }
Load 2000
Load Shaft
Mechanical Mechanical
TL Calcu- T ×1 × 1 T × 1 × 1
lated at R η efficiency R η efficiency
Motor ( F1 +μ1 W +μ2 N )V {μ(W+ FV )+ FH } V
Shaft 2π NM η 2π NM η

Load Moving Power, PO ( F1 + μ1 W +μ2 N )V {μ(‫ޓ‬

W +‫ޓ‬
FV )+‫ޓ‬
FH } V
(kW) 6120 × η 6120 × η
GD  N 2 2
GD  N 2

Load Acceleration 365 × 103 × ta 365 × 103 × ta

Acceleration time (s) Acceleration time (s)

( GD 2M + GD 2L ) NM
TP = + TL
375 ta
Starting Torque, TP V (m/min)
( GD 2M + GD 2L ) NM
(kgm) TS = - TL
TL 375 td
Deceleration Torque, TS
(kgm) TP 2  ta + TL 2  tc + TS 2  td
Effective Torque Value, ta tc td Trms =
Trms (kgm) T
When a load torque is applied while stopped for a vertical ball screw:
TP 2  ta + TL 2 ( T - ta - td )+ TS 2  td
Trms =

• Feeding of coiled and sheet materials • Can be used for positioning with long
• Roller slipping affects accuracy. travel distances.
System Remarks
• A measuring roller pulse generator • A separate pulse generator is often
may also be installed separately. installed.
Continued on next page.

12.2 Reference Information for Servomotor Capacity Selection
12.2.4 Application Examples by Type of Application

Continued from previous page.

Chains and Timing Belts Dollies
W(kg) W(kg)

Machine Configuration 1/R

1/R dp(mm) φ
Number of teeth, ZP C: Resistance to travel (kg/t) dp(mm)
Pitch, LP(mm)

Load speed (m/min)

Load speed (m/min)
1000 × V
1000 × V
Load Speed, N (min-1) PB
However, PB = πdP
[However, PB =π dP ]

Speed Calculated at R×N R×N

Motor Shaft, NM (min-1)
GD2 Cal-
dP 2 dP 2

Linear culated at W ( 1000 ) W ( 1000 )

Motion Load Shaft
Section, GD2L Cal- 2 2
GD 2
× 1
( ) GD ( )
× 1
GD2 culated at L
(kgm2) Motor V 2 V 2
OR W( π
N )
πN )
Shaft M M

T Calcu- dP
lated at {μ(W+ FV )+ FH } CW
2000 2 × 106
Load Load Shaft
Torque Mechanical Mechanical
TL Calcu- T × 1 × 1 T ×1 × 1
(kgm) lated at R η efficiency R η efficiency
{μ(W+ FV )+ FH } V CW V
Motor OR OR
2π NM η 2 × 103 × π × NM η
Load Moving Power, {μ( W + FV )+ FH }V CW V
PO (kW) 6120 × η 6120 × 103 × η

GD 2 N 2 GD 2 N 2
Load Acceleration 365 × 103 × ta 365 × 103 × ta
Acceleration time (s) Acceleration time (s)

(‫ޓޓ‬ ‫ޓޓ‬
GD 2M + GD 2
) NM
TP = + TL
375 ta
Starting Torque, TP V (m/min)
GD 2M + GD
(‫ޓޓ‬ ‫ޓޓ‬ 2
) NM
(kgm) TS = - TL
TL 375 td
Deceleration Torque,
TS (kgm) TP 2  ta + TL 2  tc + TS 2  td
Effective Torque Value, ta tc td Trms =
Trms (kgm) T
When a load torque is applied while stopped for a vertical ball screw:
TP 2  ta + TL 2 ( T - ta - td )+ TS 2  td
Trms =

• Positioning of conveyors
• Chain looseness, movement, and
pitch error are problems (not suitable
System Remarks • Dolly slipping
for frequent use).

• Radial load for overtightened belt



Revision History
The revision dates and numbers of the revised manuals are given on the bottom of the back cover.

MANUAL NO. SIEP S800001 36C <2>-1

WEB revision number
Revision number
Published in Japan September 2016
Date of publication

Date of Rev.
Rev. Section Revised Contents
Publication No.
February 2020 <9> 0 All chapters Partly revised.
December 2019 <8> 0 Back cover Revision: Address
December 2018 <7> 0 Back cover Revision: Address
October 2018 <6> 0 − Same changes as for SIEP S800001 36E<5>-1 for the Web
October 2018 <5> 1 Preface Partly revised.
5.3.2 Revision: Dimension KL1 of SGM7A-15, -20, -25
May 2018 0 All chapters Addition: Information on SGM7M Servomotors
Partly revised.
November 2017 <4> 0 Back cover Revision: Address
December 2016 <3> 0 − Same changes as for SIEP S800001 36C<2>-1 for the Web
Preface Partly revised.
All chapters Addition: Information on models with 24-bit batteryless absolute encoders
(model numbers: SGM7J-A6A,SGM7A-A6A, SGM7P-A6A,
and SGM7G-A6A)
Addition: Information on Σ-7C SERVOPACKs
(model numbers: SGD7C-AMAA)
Back cover Revision: Address
September 2016 <2> 1 Preface Revision: Safety Standards
9.5.2 Revision: Tightening torque for SGM7P Servomotors
June 2016 0 All chapters Partly revised.
Preface Revision: UL standards and European directives
Chapters 1 and 9 Addition: Information on SGMMV Servomotors
Chapter 3 Newly added.
Chapters 6 and 7 Order of chapters changed.
Back cover Revision: Address
April 2015 <1> 0 All chapters Partly revised.
Preface Additions: Troubleshooting precautions
Revision: Compliance with UL Standards, EU Directives, and Other Safety Stan-
Chapters 1, 4, 8 Addition: Information on SGM7A-40A, -50A, and -70A Servomotors
Chapters 1, 5, 8 Additions: Information on SGM7G-30A, -44A, -55A, -75A, -1AA, and -1EA Servo-
Chapters 1, 8 Addition: Information on SGM7P Servomotors
1.2 Revision: Nameplates
1.1.3, 4.3, 8.1.2 Revision: For changes to SGM7A Servomotor specifications
3.2, 4.2, 5.2, 6.2 Addition: Precautions for derating
5.2.1, 6.2.1 Revision: Thermal class
Chapter 6 Newly added.
April 2014 − − − First edition

Revision History-1
-7-Series AC Servo Drive
Rotary Servomotor
Product Manual


480, Kamifujisawa, Iruma, Saitama, 358-8555, Japan
Phone: +81-4-2962-5151 Fax: +81-4-2962-6138
2121, Norman Drive South, Waukegan, IL 60085, U.S.A.
Phone: +1-800-YASKAWA (927-5292) or +1-847-887-7000 Fax: +1-847-887-7310
777, Avenida Piraporinha, Diadema, São Paulo, 09950-000, Brasil
Phone: +55-11-3585-1100 Fax: +55-11-3585-1187
Hauptstraβe 185, 65760 Eschborn, Germany
Phone: +49-6196-569-300 Fax: +49-6196-569-398 E-mail:
35F, Three IFC, 10 Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 07326, Korea
Phone: +82-2-784-7844 Fax: +82-2-784-8495
30A, Kallang Place, #06-01, 339213, Singapore
Phone: +65-6282-3003 Fax: +65-6289-3003


59, 1F-5F, Flourish Building, Soi Ratchadapisek 18, Ratchadapisek Road, Huaykwang, Bangkok, 10310, Thailand
Phone: +66-2-017-0099 Fax: +66-2-017-0799
22F, Link Square 1, No.222, Hubin Road, Shanghai, 200021, China
Phone: +86-21-5385-2200 Fax: +86-21-5385-3299
Room 1011, Tower W3 Oriental Plaza, No.1, East Chang An Avenue,
Dong Cheng District, Beijing, 100738, China
Phone: +86-10-8518-4086 Fax: +86-10-8518-4082
12F, No. 207, Section 3, Beishin Road, Shindian District, New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-8913-1333 Fax: +886-2-8913-1513 or +886-2-8913-1519

In the event that the end user of this product is to be the military and said product is to
be employed in any weapons systems or the manufacture thereof, the export will fall
under the relevant regulations as stipulated in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign
Trade Regulations. Therefore, be sure to follow all procedures and submit all relevant
documentation according to any and all rules, regulations and laws that may apply.
Specifications are subject to change without notice for ongoing product modifications
and improvements.

MANUAL NO. SIEP S800001 36G <9>-0

Published in Japan February 2020
Original instructions

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