Module 1 and 2 E-Commerce
Module 1 and 2 E-Commerce
Module 1 and 2 E-Commerce
In this module, we first define e-commerce and then discuss the difference
between e-commerce and e-business. Introduce the major technological building
blocks underlying e-commerce: the Internet, Web and mobile platform, unique
features of e-commerce technology and major types of e-commerce.
After reading this module, the learner should be able to:
1. Discuss the basic concepts on e-business and e-commerce;
2. Trace the evolution of e-commerce;
3. Describe the unique features of e-commerce technology and their
business significance;
4. Give example of the major types of e-commerce.
The rapid growth and change that has occurred in the first two decades of e-
commerce represents just the beginning of e-commerce revolution. Technology
continues to evolve at exponential rates. This underlying give rise to presents
entrepreneurs with new opportunities to create new business models. Recent
statistics have estimated the internet population in the Philippines to be the
fastest growing in the world. It is determined to have enjoyed a growth rate of
530% over the last 5 years. The E-Commerce industry is also set to grow at an
annual growth rate of 101.4% between 2016 and 2020. The Philippines is home
to a sizeable youth population and is well placed to see continued online retail
activity in the coming years (“Philippines e-commerce to reach Php200bn by
2020”, 2019).
Definition of E-Business
1. E-business refers to the digital enabling of transactions and processes
within a firm involving information systems under the control of the firm
(Laudon & Traver, 2018).
Definition of E-commerce
1. E-commerce involves the use of Internet, the web and mobile apps
and browsers running on mobile devices to transact business (Laudon
& Traver, 2018).
Activity 1.1.
Study Questions
Activity 1.2.
Study Questions
1960 - 1990
1990 - 1994
1995 - 2000
2001 – 2010
2011 - present
Activity 1.3.
a way for consumers to sell to each other with the help of an online market maker
also called platform provider.
Social E-commerce
This type of e-commerce enable by social networks and online social
Local E-commerce
A form of e-commerce that is focused on engaging the consumer based on his or
her current geographic location. Local merchants use a variety of online
marketing techniques to drive consumers to their stores.
Activity 1.4.
Study Questions
Requirements Points
Presentation was informative 10
Appropriate image were used to support text 5
Movie is between 45 minutes to 1:00 minutes long 5
Creativity and originality 15
Last slide is the Works Cited Page. All pictures are cited 15
properly. At least 5 pictures from the Internet must be
used. Music must be cited as well.
Total 50
Turban, E., King, D. Lee, J. K.,Liang, T.P. & Turban, D. (2015). Electronic
commerce: A Managerial and Social Network Perspective
“How E-commerce began: History and Evolution” by Spiral click. Available from
The Internet continues to change over time. Computers have merged with
cell phone services, tablet and laptops are expanding rapidly, self-publishing via
social networks and blogging now engages millions of Internet users and
software technologies such as cloud computing and smartphone apps are
revolutionizing the way businesses are using the Internet. Looking forward a few
years, the business strategies of the future will require understanding of these
technologies and new ones such as different types of wearable technology, the
Internet of Things, augmented and virtual reality and artificial intelligence to
deliver products and services to consumers.
This module examines the Internet, Web and mobile platform of today and
tomorrow, how they evolved, how they work, and how their present and future
infrastructure enable new business opportunities.
After reading this module, the learner should be able to:
1. Define Internet and describe its limitations
2. Explain the benefits of Internet
3. Describe how Internet and web features and services support e-
Definitions of Internet
2. Internet is an electronic
communications an electronic
communications network that
connects computer networks and
organizational computer facilities
around the world (Merriam Webster).
Figure 3 The INTERNET
Activity 2.1.
Network architecture. Today, a thousand requests for a single music track from
a central server will result in a thousand efforts by the server to download the
music to each requesting client. This slows down network performance, as the
same as music track is sent out a thousand times to clients that might be located
in the same metropolitan area.
Wired Internet. The Internet is largely based on cables such as fiber optic and
coaxial cables. Fiber optic cable is expensive to place underground. The wired
nature of the Internet restricts mobility of users although it is changing rapidly as
WI-FI hotspots proliferate and cellular phone technology advances.
Because the packets cannot yet be simultaneously reassembled, the result can
be distorted audio and video streams.
Guaranteed Service levels and Lower Error rates. In today’s Internet, there is
no service-level guarantee and no way to purchase the right to move data
through the Internet at a fixed pace. Today’s Internet promises only best effort.
The Internet is democratic meaning it speeds or slow everyone’s traffic alike. In
the future, it might be possible to purchase the right to move data through the
network at a guaranteed speed in return for higher fees.
Declining costs. The availability of broadband service will expand beyond major
metropolitan areas significantly reducing the cost of access. More users mean
lower cost, as products and technology catch on in the mass market. Higher
volume usage enables providers to lower the cost of both access devices or
clients and the service required to use such products.
The Internet and the Web have spawned a number of powerful software
applications upon which the foundations of e-commerce are built.
Activity 2.3.
Study Questions
Select one example of Internet of Things (IoTs) and describe what it is and
how it works.
Turban, E., King, D. Lee, J. K.,Liang, T.P. & Turban, D. (2015). Electronic
commerce: A Managerial and Social Network Perspective
True or False
____ (T/F) 7. If a company purchase Godiva chocolates as gift for its employees
and has Godiva mail them directly to the recipient, the company engaged in
Business to business to consumer.
____ (T/F) 9. Network infrastructure includes cell phones and other devices that
are located in various locations by telecommunication networks including
wireless ones.
Fill in blanks
_________ 13. This type of e-commerce enable by social networks and online
social relationships.
Short Answer