Forgotten Realms - Drow of The Underdark

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The document text provides details about a creature called a vril warrior, including its physical description and abilities.

A goblinoid creature called a vril is described. It has dark violet skin with black tiger stripes and dull yellow eyes. It was created by drow wizards through experiments.

Abilities of the vril include innate sonic abilities, altering the consistency of its flesh once per day, vulnerability to poison, light blindness, and a shriek attack.

Drow of the Underdark Errata

The Vril Warrior

The following information appeared on pg. 123 of Drow

of the Underdark, introducing the goblinoid vril:

This small humanoid has dark violet skin with

black tiger stripes on its back and limbs. Dull
yellow eyes peer out of a scrunched, batlike face
with pointed ears and a wide mouth filled with
sharp fangs. It is somewhat stooped, and its
long arms hang down past its knees.

Vril are the product of dark elf wizards’

experiments over many generations. These
goblinoids are imbued with innate sonic ability
and can alter the consistency of their own flesh.

Most vril are brutally trained as warriors by the

drow to weed out the weakest specimens. The
information in the statistics block is for one of
3rd level. The vril warrior presented here had the
following ability scores before racial
adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis
9, Cha 8.

However, the accompanying stat block did not appear in

the book. The vril warrior should make use of the
following stats:

Vril Warrior CR 2
Vril warrior 3
Usually CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot –1
Languages Goblin, Undercommon
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15
(+1 size, +4 armor)
hp 19 (3 HD); DR skinshift 1/day (5 rounds)
Resist sonic 5
Fort +5 (+1 against drow and spiderkind poison), Ref +1, Will +0
Weakness light blindness, vulnerability to poison
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) in hide armor; base speed 30 ft.
Melee Medium mwk heavy pick +5 (1d6+1/x4)
Ranged javelin +4 (1d4+1)
Base Atk +3; Grp +0
Atk Options Dazing Shriek (DC 13)
Special Actions shriek 1/day (2d6, DC 13)
Combat Gearpotion of barkskin +3, potion of cure moderate wounds
Abilities Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 6
Feats Dazing Shriek*, Weapon Focus (heavy pick)
*New feat described in the Vril Feats sidebar
Skills Balance +0, Climb +3, Hide +2, Jump +1, Listen +1, Spot –1
Advancement by character class; Favored Class barbarian; see text
Possessions combat gear plus +1 hide armor, Medium masterwork heavy pick, 5 javelins
Vulnerability to Poison (Ex) As a defense measure, the drow bred the vril to be particularly susceptible to drow
sleep poison and spiderkind venom.
Light Blindness (Ex) Sudden exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds vril for 1 round.
In addition, they take a –1 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks when in bright light.
Skinshift (Ex) Once per day as a move action, a vril can alter the consistency of its flesh for a number of rounds
equal to 3 + its Con modifier. For the duration of the effect, it gains damage reduction 5 against its choice of
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.
Starting at 4th level and every four levels thereafter, a vril can use this ability one extra time per day (2/day at 4th,
3/day at 8th, 4/day at 12th, and so on).
Shriek (Ex) Once per day as a standard action, a vril can emit a horrible shriek, either as a 15-foot-radius burst
centered on itself or as a 30-foot cone. Any creature in the affected area takes 1d6 points of sonic damage. A
successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the vril’s character level + the vril’s Con modifier) reduces the damage by
half. A vril barbarian can use its shriek when raging.
The shriek’s damage increases by 1d6 at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter (2d6 at 6th, 3d6 at 9th, and
so on), up to a maximum of 4d6 points of sonic damage at 12th level. Skills Due to their longer arms and lanky
build, vril have a +4 racial bonus on Climb checks. They also have a +2 racial bonus on Balance and Jump

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