The Oerth Journal, Volume 09
The Oerth Journal, Volume 09
The Oerth Journal, Volume 09
Volume 1, Issue #9
February 1, 1999
trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks
owned by TSR, Inc. TSR, Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Unless otherwise noted, all individual contributions
copyright their respective authors.
The Council of Greyhawk is an informal organization of gamers dedicated to keeping the World of Greyhawk a viable
campaign world. At present, this group meets and communicates primarily on America Online and through regularly-
scheduled IRC chats at Send inquiries to
do it, there are others. Run a Greyhawk module at your local
gaming store, club, or "spot", or announce a mini-campaign
and take a group through GDQ, TOEE, or the S-series.
Everything Old Is New Again They're classics for a reason, after all, and is there a better
My first time was in college, sophmore year. I'd had way to introduce people to AD&D in general, and Greyhawk
some experiences before then, but nothing wonderful, nothing in general?
more than half-hearted attempts. I had gone to a Catholic high Shifting gears now, I'm very pleased to bring you the
school, where that sort of behavior was strongly discouraged, ninth issue of the Oerth Journal. This issue features part two
and it'd taken a full year at college before I was comfortable of Jeff McKillop's two-part article on the Viscounty of
enough to open up to people about it. Verbobonc, complete with a full color map by the Journal's
I'm talking about AD&D®, of course -- what did you own assistant editor, Phil Rhodes. Incabulous and Hextor
think I meant? make up our two entries in the "Of Oerth and Altar"
Seven of us in a classroom (blackboards are a DM's best department, by Russell S. Timm and Will McPherson
friend). I'd been elected Dungeon Master, since I had all the respectively. Tom Harison begins an investigation of religions
books -- never mind that I'd never played a real game of in Dyvers with the temple of Bralm, and Jim Temple unearths
Dungeons & Dragons. I pulled out all the cliches I'd ever a lost tome detailing the mysteries of the Fading Lands.
heard or read about, and used them. A tavern. The evil priest Finally, Morgan Rodwell brings us a low-level Greyhawk
of a dark god. A brawl. A quest to rescue a prisoner and stop adventure perfect for inducting (or kidnapping) someone new
an invasion. It was ad hoc, pulled together from my into your campaign.
imagination and 17 years of fairy tales, mythology, and
fantasy, and it started 3 years of memorable characters and Stone endures,
events. Maara Leetz, the frightening warrior from the barbaric
tribes of the eastern mountains, who survived and overcame,
gaining honor, responsibility, and a heck of alot of followers
in the process. Brom, the egocentric wizard who valued his A Correction from Russell S. Timm, author of Wastri:
spellbooks over his life, and his friends over his spellbooks. the Hopping Prophet, from issue 8:
Nighthorse, the half-elf-turned-verbeeg ranger, who leapt The author would like it to be known that upon
onto the head of a dragon and plunged his sword through its reflection, he omitted Bralm as an enemy of Wastri and his
brain. There are many others; some memorable, some not, but faith, or the other way around as it were. The case of Bralm
they all created wonderful memories, and it all started in a may simply be two bizarre philosophies bashing heads against
tavern. each other, agitated by the natural relationship of insects and
Recently, I've been given the chance to go back, in a amphibians. It is known that Wastri actively encourages
sense, and regain the wonder. After four years, I've gathered a persecution of servants who worship Bralm.
new group together. Some of them have never played, others
have been playing for far longer than I have. We met for the
first time several days ago, and the adventure began. Nothing
fancy, an "exploratory" adventure, if you will, to find out each
player's individual peccadillos and quirks. A simple quest for
a disappearing miller, lost in the mysterious forest. Cliched?
Perhaps. Exciting? To those involved, there's no better way to
spend an evening.
The recent rerelease of Greyhawk gives us a unique
chance to bring that sense of wonder and excitement to a
whole new generation of gamers. Greyhawk has a long and
rich history, yet is easily understood and interpreted by the
neophyte gamer. The noble lands of the Southwest, the
chivalric kingdom of Furyondy, the dark lord Iuz, the bustling
city of Greyhawk itself -- these are all features common to
fantasy fiction and familiar to most role-players. In addition,
the new gamer needs only one slim volume -- the Player's
Guide -- to enter the shared imagination of Greyhawk; DMs
need add only The Adventure Begins. No boxed sets, or
assorted handbooks -- just the Player's Guide and The
Adventure Begins.
The readers of the Oerth Journal can play a crucial part
in this by introducing new players to Greyhawk. While
inducting new players into your group is certainly one way to
A Slight Morgan Rodwell
Some one wants the PCs out of the way! Can the party figure out who? An adventure for low-level characters.
tend to keep themselves as isolated as possible from humans.
They feel a strong sense of brotherhood for their relatives
who have moved to Verbobonc and other urban areas in the
Part Two of Two region, but resist any attempts to export city ways to their
By Jeff McKillop villages. The trade from the gnome mines is all conducted
( within the Greenway Valley, with gnome merchants buying
commodities for resale in Verbobonc and beyond. The mines
Map by Phil Rhodes are all owned by the gnome nobility, and their locations are
closely guarded, even from other gnomes. Only the most
Verbobonc, Viscounty & Free Town of foolish have ever sought out the hidden locations of the
mines, as the gnomes do not treat intruders gently.
Ruler: His Noble Lordship, Viscount Langard There are a few dwarven strongholds in the Kron Hills
Capital: Verbobonc (pop. 12,500) where they meet the Lortmils. Although the dwurfolk remain
Population: 35,000 aloof from the humans in the regions, they are quite friendly
Demi-Humans: Gnomes (24,000), Sylvan Elves (2,500), to the gnomes whose help was crucial in driving the
humanoids out of the Lortmils during the Hateful Wars.
Halflings (1,500)
These solitary halls serve as a link between the wealthy and
Humanoids: Some
isolationist dwarven kingdoms in the heartlands of the
Important Persons: Clanlord Urthgan the Eldest of Tulvar;
Lortmils and the outside world, aided by the gnomes.
Sheriff of Littleburrow;
The halflings of the Kron Hills are nearly all
Resources: Copper, Gems (I-IV)
concentrated in the village of Littleburrow. They are a very
National Alignment: Any Good or Neutral
isolated bunch, separated from the gnomes and outside the
Coinage: Zeeti (cp), Tapi (sp), Tear (ep).
borders of any other state. They tend flocks of sheep in the
surrounding hills, fish for the great pike of the Clearwater,
The city of Verbobonc is as much a product of its
and cultivate grain in the river valley.
surroundings as they are of the city. This is particularly true in
The valley is also the home of a tribe of centaurs. The
the Kron Hills to the south and the Gnarley Forest to the east.
halflings share their crops with the centaurs, who in turn have
Although life in the outlying towns and villages of the
pledged to protect their little community. They are very fond
Viscounty creeps along at a much slower pace than within the
of each other, and centaurs will often be seen racing through
city, they are quite vibrant and distinct communities.
the lightly wooded valleys with halfling riders clinging to
Opportunities for adventure abound in the Viscounty, but
their backs.
players should beware: evil often lurks in the most tranquil of
The only elves within the Kron Hills, except for those in
Ostverk, live in the stretch of hills running through the
Gnarley Forest. They happily roam the forested crests and
THE KRON HILLS avoid all contact with other races. The elves of Celene have
The Kron Hills stretch from the Lortmils to the Gnarley
attempted to extend greater control over this region, but have
Forest, and form the frontiers of Dyvers, Celene, Verbobonc,
met resistance. It is said that great veins of ore are to be found
and the Archclericy of Veluna. They are the remnants of
in the Kron Hills here, but exploratory parties have been
mountains, their peaks now worn and rounded with age. The
constantly thwarted in their attempts to penetrate the
grassy upper slopes are very fertile and provide grazing for
highlands by bands of elven bowmen and their druidic allies.
the many flocks of sheep raised by the Kron Hills gnomes.
The Hills are also home to many humanoids, mostly
The forested lower slopes shelter numerous valleys and glen
small groups of goblins. These are kept in check by the
where crops of all types are grown.
gnomes, but patrols often find the remains of missing
The Kron Hills are also mined for many metals and
caravans in some of the more out-of-the-way spots. The real
gems. Considerable deposits of silver and natural electrum are
problems are the verbeeg and hill giants who live in the
found throughout, while iron and tin are found in abundance
southern hills along the Shortspur. They often raid into the
where the hills meet the Lortmils. Along the Shortspur are
Greenway Valley, and retreat before the gnomes can retaliate.
found great deposits of gemstones, namely malachite,
Punitive expeditions by the gnomes after particularly bloody
chysoprase, chrysoberyl, a dark green jade with unique
or destructive raids are not unknown.
turquoise swirls, and brilliant black opals and emeralds.
With an estimated population of 20,000 gnomes, the
Kron Hills are home to the greatest concentration of those
sturdy folk in the Flanaess. Large portions of the Hills are
officially under the control of Verbobonc, Celene, Veluna,
Specific Locations in the Kron Hills
and Dyvers. However, the Kron Hills gnomes are accorded
1. The Village of Hommlet: This hamlet-sized village is
much freedom to govern themselves, the hills are considered
located some 25 leagues southeast of Verbobonc, on the
more of a protectorate by the surrounding states than anything
fringe of the Viscounty. It lies at a crossroads, and almost all
else. The gnome communities are very organized, and they
traffic through the hills passes through here. The High Road to let the world come to them via the High Road, than to
proper leads north to Verbobonc and south to Celene. The travel it themselves.
Forest High Road runs east throug hthe Gnarley to Dyvers. There is one inn in Littleburrow, The Galloping Pike, on
The Greenway, also called the Veluna High Road, follows the east bank of the Clearwater beside the Greenway Ford.
Nigb's Run west into the Greenway Valley, and from there Prices are quite low, and the quality and entertainment grand.
continues on to Veluna. Other, smaller trails lead southeast to Since travelers are the village's main source of news, the
the Wild Coast. See T1-4 for more specific details. halflings attempt to make their stay as enjoyable as possible.
There is no official mayor of Littleburrow, but each year
2. Nulb: Situated on the western edge of the Gnarley the inhabitants elect a Sheriff. His job is to judge legal
Forest, Nulb is just outside the borders of the Viscounty of matters, of which there are few. He is also the liaison with the
Verbobonc. Free from organized justice, it has become a gnomes of the Greenway Valley. As such he is constantly
haven for outlaws, bandits, and other unsavory characters. shuttling back and forth between the two communities,
Unfortunately, it also lies on the Forest High Road which sometimes even traveling to Verbobonc itself. This allows
connects the Viscounty with Dyvers. Though at one time the some of the more adventurous halflings a chance to 'see the
Forest High Road was a main route from Celene and world' without too much danger.
Verbobonc to Dyvers, it has fallen into disuse since the rise of The halflings are very friendly with a tribe of centaurs
the Temple of Elemental Evil some years ago. Most travelers which lives to the southeast. The grain they raise is traded to
now prefer to take the longer and safer route along the Low the centaurs for their hornwood bows and a variety of fruits,
Road, or travel by boat down the Velverdyva. See T1-4 for particularly karafruit, which the hoofed folk gather in
more specific details. sheltered glades.
3. Etterboek: This small town of about 300 people is 6. Kron: This small fortress guards the passage into
nestled in a small valley along the banks of Nigb's Run. It gets Greenway Valley. It is remarkable in that it is dug completely
its name from the great number of ettercaps which plague the into a small outcropping of rock, rising along the Greenway,
hills between here and Nulb, and are a constant menace to as the gnomes refer to the High Road where it passes through
travellers on the High Road. The lands of the town belong to their lands. The gnomes sculpted the rock into an impressive
a minor noble, Winstin Jugalis. He almost never leaves his fortress, commanding a narrow defile between two steep hills.
villa on the Nigb, except when summoned by the Viscount The Greenway passes through the fortress of Kron, and can
himself, and leaves the everyday affairs of the town to his be completely blocked by the gnomes if necessary. A garrison
daughter, Paloma. She is well-loved by the townsfolk for her of 100 gnomes is always stationed here, and reinforcements
kindness and genuine concern for their welfare, and she can can be quickly brought up from the Greenway Valley.
often be found visiting the sick or injured.
7. Greenway Valley: Although small gnome villages are
4. Ostverk: This small village lies just within the scattered throughout the Kron Hills, it is in the lightly wooded
territory of the Fey of Celene. Its population is quite small, Greenway Valley that the majority of gnomes make their
comprising only 25 gnome families. It is governed by an home. This pastoral valley has grown to become one of the
elven mayor, Waldgraf Talarien Carewlein, and has a largest gnome settlements in the Flanaess, mostly due to the
permanent garrison of 50 elven warriors. The elves live in a brisk trade carried on with the merchants of Verbobonc.
small fortress built upon an imposing knoll overlooking the Currently, the valley is home to about 10,000 gnomes. The
village, and it is their task to prevent unauthorized entry into valley is divided into twelve townships, each administered by
the Kingdom of Celene. They are very proud of their position, one of the gnome families seated on the Assembly of the
seeing themselves as the protectors of the state, and take their Kron Hills. The central township is the seat of the gnome
duty quite seriously. An inn has been set aside for uninvited Clanlord, Urthgan the Eldest of Tulvar. His family has ruled
travelers wishing to enter Celene, and they must wait there the gnomes of the Kron Hills for over 500 years, and is well-
until permission to continue has arrived from Enstad. Most, respected by nobles and commoners alike.
however, give up the enterprise long before permission is The houses in the valley are very reminiscent of the
given; a quick decision by elven standards takes far longer buildings of Verbobonc, a mix of old and new, gnome and
than the patience of an average human, gnome or even dwarf Gothic styles. This should not be surprising as Greenway
will allow. Valley was the birthplace of the famous gnome architect
Snirthiglin, who drafted the plans for Verbobonc years ago.
5. Littleburrow: This village, located where the Veluna Many also live in "rents" (gnome for cellar), preferring the
High Road crosses the Clearwater, is the home of about 150 smell of the earth to the open air homes of their brethren.
halflings of Stoutish blood. They dwell in small burrows, Along the Greenway, numerous inns, merchant houses,
hence the village name, which typically have only one door, a markets, and taverns are located, catering to traders and
shuttered window, and a chimney. They are very carefree, travelers alike. Smallish warrens also abound, for those who
working only as much as they need to, and rarely interact with prefer a more traditional living space. Each warren houses an
the other communities of the Kron Hills. This is as much due extended family of 20-30 gnomes
to laziness and disinterest as for any other reason. They prefer
Each township has a large trading house along the and the entrance under thousands of tons of rubble. The
Greenway where goods from the mines are received, warriors left their once-great stronghold and scattered to
stockpiled, and sold to traders. By gnome law, no product of various parts of the Flanaess.
the mines may be sold by the nobles at any other place. All The stronghold entrance is still blocked by the fallen
commerce thus centers around these houses. An agent of the cliffs, and the rubble is haunted by the ghost of Gilvgola and
Assembly, the Satveegr, oversees each factory. He is the guards who allowed the orcs into the fortress. They exists
responsible for the collection of taxes, the auditing of the as haunts, and their remaining task is to reclaim their ancestral
mine records, and for mediating disputes which arise between home. To this end, they will possess the body of any who
the trading houses and traders. These posts are especially approach and attempt to enter the stronghold by means of
sought after as there is ample opportunity for monetary gain secret entrances. Since the stronghold is now home to about a
associated with them. thousand orcs, they have so far failed in their attempts to
Marshals appointed by the Clanlord travel throughout recapture it from the humanoids.
the valley on a regular circuit. Their duty is to keep the peace
in the various townships. Most rulings may be appealed to the 10. Castle Hagthar: This rather decrepit keep marks the
various members of the Assembly; however, in matters southern boundary of the Archclericy of Veluna. It commands
regarding intertownship crimes and disputes, the Marshals the heights of a massive rock escarpment overlooking the
answer only to the Clanlord. These Marshals are among the Veluna High Road where it crosses the border. Although it
most respected individuals in Greenway Valley, recognized was obviously a once proud citadel, it has fallen into disrepair
for their integrity, honesty, and wisdom. since the wars with Keoland. Taken by Keoish invaders in
Each township has an organized militia, and the total 350 CY, it was bypassed by the Veluna/Furyondian armies
force of Greenway Valley numbers close to 2,500 gnome during the Small War, and was not reconquered until 356 CY,
soldiers when fully mustered. They may be raised by either after a two-month siege.
Clanlord Urthgan or by the Viscount of Verbobonc (with the Due to its relative unimportance compared to Veluna's
clanlord's approval) The gnomes volunteered to aid the other frontiers, reconstruction did not resume until the 400's.
dwarves of the Lortmils during the Hateful Wars, and the last The work was completed in 427 CY, and although the new
time the militia was raised was at the request of the Viscount fortifications were formidable, they were far less daunting
who desired their help against the hordes of Zuggtmoy. Since than the earlier defenses. This proved to be quite unfortunate,
the sacking of the Temple of Elemental Evil some quarter for in 507 CY, fleeing hobgoblin tribes driven from the
century ago, life has largely returned to normal in the valley, Lortmils during the Hateful Wars sacked the castle. They held
and happiness and prosperity have returned to the gnomes of Hagthar for 9 months while Veluna's calls for dwarven
the Kron Hills. assistance went unanswered. This event caused much
resentment among Veluna's southern nobles and continues to
8. Osnabrolt: This small village of gnomes was plague relations between them and the Lortmil dwarves to this
originally built into one large mound. The gnomes skillfully day.
dug their warrens into the sides of the hill, creating an The castle was rebuilt again with money borrowed from
underground village, linked by dozens of interconnecting Viscount Wilfrick, but little true effort was put into the
passages. Windows and doors are cleverly built into the undertaking. The current castle is only a shadow of its former
hillsides so as to be screened from sight by sod, bushes, and self, and its current lord, Farkaesh the Grim, is about as poor
trees. A few gnomes have built small houses, which dot the a soul as his castle. He inherited Hagthar from his father
hill with little, sod-covered mounds-unnoticable to all but the along with sizable lands in the Iron Wood, lands he quickly
keenest-eyed elves and gnomes. See WGA4 for more specific lost gambling, along with the money borrowed from Lord
details. Wilfrick. Castle Hagthar and the lands in a twelve-mile radius
are all that remain of the previous fief, and even this may
9. Dorob Kilthduum: At the headwaters of the soon be claimed by the Viscount in payment for Farkaesh's
Clearwater River lies the ruined stronghold of the Kilthduum debts. Farkaesh is now nearing 80 and has lost any interest in
clan of mountain dwarves. During the Hateful Wars, a fleeing life. He spends his remaining days staring dejectedly from his
horde of orcs deceived the stronghold defenders into lonely battlements, surrounded by a score of retainers
believing them to be a returning dwarvish patrol. Gaining interested only in being named his heir. They dote over their
control of the main gate, the orcs swept through the halls and miserable master and one must wonder if it is the place itself
slaughtered its inhabitants, mostly females and children, in a which draws such people to it.
mad frenzy. When the Kilthduum warriors returned to the
hold after the Hateful Wars, they found it firmly in the grasp THE GNARLEY FOREST
of the orc invaders. Repeated attacks proved fruitless, and in a The Gnarley is a wild forest, although much of it is
final act of vengeance the Kilthduum High Priestess of claimed by various states. It is an ancient woodland, and its
Berronar, Gilvgola, called a curse down upon the stronghold. trees grow to immense size. The canopy blocks most of the
She climbed the cliffs above the entrance and cast herself light so that there is little brush throughout the forest, and it
from them as a sacrifice to Berronar. The goddess heard her seems to lie in perpetual twilight. Where the Kron Hills enters
plea, and the entire cliff face broke away, burying Gilvgola the Gnarley, the cover is less dense with many secluded
glades and valleys. The forest is dominated by oak and ipp West Wind, and Harvest, and there is a large temple
trees, with intermittent groves of dekla and yarpick trees. dedicated to her in the town square. Most of the town has
Thick ferns are found along the Jewel and Serault rivers. been abandoned, but many buildings are still in good shape.
Flowering plants are rare, except in the less wooded highlands
where bluebells and crocuses abound, but the beautiful 3. The Imeryds Run: The Imeryds Run is navigable by
ivoryblossom (a white-petalled, orchidlike plant) can be small riverboats up to the village of Nulb. Much traffic used
found throughout the rest of the forest. The Gnarley teems to flow along this river, although it now is used mostly by
with small mammals and birds. Giant spiders are found in the river pirates. For most of its length it winds through the
northern spur of the forest, while bears and wolves prowl the northern stretch of the Gnarley Forest until it empties just
rest. The most dangerous threats in the forest are owlbears, below a large island in the Velverdyva, between Oakham and
giant beetles, and marauding humanoids. Stalmaer. The land around its mouth is quite marshy, and the
The fringes of the wood are patrolled by Verbobonc in eastern, or Woodrun, channel of the Velverdyva is plagued by
the northwest, Dyvers and Greyhawk in the north and east, constantly shifting sandbars. While most river traffic on the
and Celene in the south, while the deep interior is home to Ververdyva makes its way along the western, or Gold,
many communities of free-spirited woodsmen and olvenkind. channel, many pirates use the Woodrun and the Imeryds Run
In the deepest and oldest parts of the forest, treants and faerie to raid river traffic.
folk repel all trespassers. See the entry in the FtA Campaign The Low Road crosses the Imeryds Run about 7 leagues
Book for more information. north of Oakham. A ferry there allows travellers to cross the
river and remain dry. The ferryman, Chub, is in the pay of the
Specific Locations in the Gnarley Forest largest group of river pirates based in Nulb.
1. Lair of Chaustichlorinus: This huge mound of earth 4. Carter's Meadow: This village of about 150
and vegetation is the home of an average sized, adult green woodsmen lies along the Low Road about midway between
dragon. Chaustichlorinus has only recently arrived (by dragon the Velverdyva's bend. It is mostly settled by stout woodsmen
standards, at least) in this region. She was forced to flee from who make a living supporting the many traders who use this
her lair in the Welkwood by olven adventurers from Celene. route between Verbobonc and Dyvers. Large, spring-fed
Nearly slain in the battle, Chaustichlorinus fled, carrying the farms abound in the vicinity, supporting a surplus of fruits
body of the noble olven leader Freindilin Weirkein. She has and vegetables. These are supplemented by various forms of
spent the last few decades slumbering, restoring her strength, game hunted in the surrounding forest. This activity, however,
but has lately begun to make short flights to explore her new is carefully regulated by a score of Gnarley Rangers who
territory. Her treasure is rather small, consisting of only a few patrol the region and call the village home. In fact, it is this
coins and gems, a longsword +2, and a shield +1, but the group which often leads the hunts, carefully balancing them
items belonged to Freindilin and the shield is inscribed with against the well-being of the forest.
his family coat of arms. If this is returned to Celene, the The folk of Carter's Meadow are a very independent lot.
bearers can be assured of the friendship of his relatives. Their village marks the border between Verbobonc, Dyvers,
(Note: The lair in the adventure "Verbeeg of the Gnarley and Furyondy, and while they owe allegiance to none, they
Forest", Card #21 from The City of Greyhawk boxed set may are prone to follow the will of Verbobonc. This is mainly due
be used in this scenario. If the party has previously defeated to the influence of Brewgen Quickstride, Lord of Oakham.
the verbeeg, assume Chaustichlorinus found the now- The section of forest north of the Low Road is nominally
abandoned lair. If they have not played that adventure, then claimed by the Lord of the Gold County in Furyondy and is
assume she either ate the verbeeg, the two monsters live in the patrolled by the Greenjerkin Rangers based in Stalmaer. They
same area, but have not yet encountered each other, or the keep the area free from humanoid incursions, and keep even
verbeeg are now servants of the dragon.) more careful watch on the activity of the Dyvers militia
operating close by. The area south of the village is roughly
2. Sobanwych: This large village lies along the Forest divided by Verbobonc and Dyvers along the Imeryds Run;
High Road just as it emerges from the eastern edge of the however, this is only a line on a map, as neither city extends
Gnarley Forest. During the days before the Temple of its control more than a dozen or so miles from the forest's
Elemental Evil, Sobanwych was a thriving community which edge except along the Low Road.
supported the trade from Celene, Verbobonc, the Kron Hills,
and beyond. It had grown to a small town of about 800 THE IRON WOOD
inhabitants, many of whom have since relocated to either This small forest marks the boundary between the
Caltaren or Dyvers. It is little more than a ghost town now, Viscounty and the Archclericy of Veluna. It is a very dense
home to roughly 40 families who are clinging to the hope that forest, known primarily for its abundant deklo trees which
trade will return. They are at once a downtrodden and hopeful grow to heights of over 100 feet. There are also quite a few
lot and would be beholden to any who attempt to revive the tracts of poplar and hickory trees.
Forest High Road trade. They fish the Serault River and its The Iron Wood is largely free of dangerous animals,
tributaries and farm the fertile land at the forest's edge. The with the exception of the great wild boar called venati in the
villagers pay homage to Wenta, Goddess of the Autumn, local Velondi dialect. The hunting of these beasts is a favorite
pastime of Veluna's southern nobles, who sponsor an official muddy red color, but while it seems dirty, it in fact teems with
hunt, the Venatio, the last day of Planting each year. The slain large, ochre-colored catfish.
boar provides the main course at the a feast celebrating The township is the fief of Karadan Thurstix, a
Beory's day. descendent of one of the original Aerdy nobles who was
The southern fringe of the forest is logged by the people granted title to the land in 155 CY by Overking Leodek, son
of Woodstock who craft wooden musical instruments which of Manshen. The Thurstix family has ruled the local region
are famous throughout the Flanaess. They also produce an for over four centuries, even though they have been no friend
excellent wine called Deklin which is aged in vats made from to the gnomes. The animosity between them stems from
hollowed-out deklo trunks. It is a very strong vintage, and it is incursions into the Kron Hills and the seizing of rich electrum
prized from Bissel to Greyhawk. mines from the local gnomes. Although they were already
The small section of forest which lies north of the productive mines, the Thurstix nobles greedily expanded
Velverdyva River is the private reserve of Bennal Tyneman, them in a fruitless attempt to extract greater quantities of
Duke of the Reach, and it is constantly patrolled by a picked electrum. Not only were they unsuccessful, but they caused
company of the famous Bootmen. many cave-ins and deaths, and destroyed quite a few of the
original mines as well. The gnomes have never forgotten or
Specific Locations in the Iron Wood forgiven this offense.
1. Tyneman's Chateau: This beautiful country villa was The township is relatively peaceful, although on the
built to the exact specifications of the well-known hedonist poor side. The people live off the land, and are only
Duke Tyneman. No expense was spared, and even the very moderately taxed by their lords who seem to have learned
landscape was altered to accommodate his design. A large from their past mistakes. The current lord is quite unhappy
lake, roughly circular and about a mile in diameter, was with the economic state of the township, especially regarding
constructed in a large, low-lying meadow. A canal was cut the constant refusal of the Kron Hills gnomes to do business
from the Velverdyva in order to fill it, and it was stocked with in Mol. This is exacerbated by the failure of the rich southern
an assortment of game fish, particularly trout. The chateau mines, which were the township's only true source of wealth.
stands on a small hill overlooking the lake, called Heron Lake Since most travel passes along the High Road through
after the imported birds which grace its shores. It is an Etterboek, Mol has gradually experienced a decline in
elegantly built chateau, surrounded by great lawns and prosperity and population. The current lord is anxious to
gardens. A staff of over 200 people work constantly to settle this problem, especially the dispute with the gnomes;
maintain the grounds, and there is a bunkhouse for the however, he is too proud to apologize for his family's actions
company of Bootmen which guards the Chateau and the and refuses to return the now worthless southern mines to the
surrounding forest. The Duke likes to retire here and relax, gnomes who demand both.
forgetting the troubles of ruling his Duchy. The town shows the telltale signs of near poverty, and
outsiders are warmly welcomed as their money is so crucial to
2. Morrin's Meadow: This small meadow is the home of local businesses. The road passes through the center of town,
a rather eccentric hermit named Morrin. At an early period in and bridges the stream by the Talking Catfish Inn. The
his life, he was a wayfaring adventurer until he was service and quality are excellent, and the innkeeper, Ioudi, is
introduced to the ways of Olidammara. He quickly became a very informed and talkative about affairs in the township.
fanatical follower of the Laughing Rogue, whom he claims
visits him occasionally. He has gone a bit mad, having lived Oakham
alone as a hermit for decades, surrounded only by his animal The town of Oakham is second only to Verbobonc in
friends. He now thinks he is the chosen one of Olidammara, population, and is home to about 4000 individuals. Its
and he awaits the time when Olidammara will send him forth importance stems from three aspects: 1) its location along the
to spread His message throughout the Flanaess. While he Low Road, the main land trade route between Verbobonc and
disapproves of the hunts conducted by Veluna's southern Dyvers; 2) its fine quality oak industry from which the town
nobles, he realizes that there is little he can do to stop them. takes its name; and 3) its excellent port along the Velverdyva.
Instead, he spends most of his time devising non-lethal traps Not only has the town prospered greatly from the trade
and tricks to interfere with the hunts, amusing himself to no routes which pass through it, but its oak woodworks are
end. He also frequents Woodstock, where he enjoys the famous from the City of Greyhawk to Chendl. The finest
musical revels so common there. craftsmen, human and olven, dwell within the city and
apprenticeships to them are highly sought by even veteran
TOWNSHIPS woodworkers. The seal of the Oakham Woodworkers Guild is
enough to triple the price of a piece of furniture or other item.
Mol The guild is also unique in that it has its own branch of agents
This small town of about 700 people straddles a dirty who patrol other towns and cities for fraudulent use of their
red tributary of the Nigb. Upstream mining by the local lord name or seal. When such evidence is produced, the local
has caused significant erosion in the hills surrounding the Mol magistrates have always been very cooperative in dealing
Run. The high iron content of the earth gives the stream its with the perpetrators.
Although the town is constantly engaged in harvesting ettercaps, and roving bands of humanoids make these
trees to support the craftsmen, they have maintained ventures dangerous indeed. To aggravate matters more, a
friendship with the inhabitants of the Gnarley Forest through green dragon has recently moved into the area, and begun
a variety of means. Foremost of these is their annual preying on livestock. Connor would greatly appreciate the
treeplanting festival, the Planting, which takes place on the help of any band of adventurers which could help him deal
4th of Planting during Luna's full moon. Nearly half of the with these threats.
township takes part in the planting of trees in deforested areas
which are then blessed by druids of Obad-Hai, olven priests, Korbin
and the high priestess of Beory who travels from Verbobonc This secluded township occupies a large valley between
for the event. Not only do the trees seem to grow more the Kron Hills and the Iron Wood. It is predominantly an area
quickly than usual, they are always of nearly perfect health of rolling plains and low hills, crossed by numerous streams
and beauty. Furthermore, the local lord, Mayor Brewgen which feed into the swift Clearwater River. The lands of the
Quickstride, is an ex-Gnarleyman, and he maintains goodwill township are a combination of small freeholds and large
with that group and has assured them of the benevolent vineyard estates. These estates all belong to prominent
intentions of the local industry. Finally, the pure elegance of families, mostly relatives of the mayor. They support the
the works turned out by the Oakham Woodworkers ensures township's primary industry and are the source of one of the
their acceptance by the residents of the Gnarley Forest, greatest treasures in the Flanaess, a distinct brandy named
especially the olvenfolk. after the township.
During the month of Wealsun the finest works of each Korbin brandy is distinct in its method of production,
guildmember are displayed in the Guildhall. Every citizen and taste, and look. Various types of brandies are combined in a
visitor is free to cast his or her vote for the best piece, and the number of ways to create the unique blends known as Korbin.
winner is announced on the summer solstice. The piece is sent Each of the estates has its own particular blends which vary in
to Verbobonc, where it is blessed by the High Priestess of the number and ages of the brandies used. In fact, some
Beory, and then delivered, with much fanfare, to the court of estates claim to have vats of pure brandy dating back to the
Celene as a gift from the Viscounty. Republic. Korbin bottles are as important to the product as
the brandy contained within them. Their diverse and
Penwick remarkable colors and shapes are the creation of various
The town of Penwick is situated in the fertile lands of gnome clans which live in the surrounding hills. Finally, each
the southeastern plains. Many small creeks and natural brand of Korbin has its own unique label embossed on the
springs provide ample water for the region's homesteads. The bottle. The cheapest brand, Golden Naga, sells for
township is divided into a patchwork of farms, each owned by approximately 40 gp/bottle, while the two most expensive
a vassal of the Mayor of Penwick. Many rows of trees cross brands, Aerdy Royal and Olven Delight, sell for
the countryside, delineating the boundaries of each farm. approximately 500 gp apiece. Needless to say, Korbin is a
There are no villages in the township, and the only urban drink of the wealthy.
center is the small town of Penwick itself. Situated away from The township's income is further supplemented by the
both the High and the Low Roads, the town sees very little silver mines of Wyvern's Roost. Although traditionally part of
commercial trade or business. What excess foodstuffs exist Korbin, they are also claimed by Woodstock, a claim
are sold by the Mayor to the Viscount of Verbobonc to supported by earlier rulers of Verbobonc. However, Viscount
support the city's high demand. Wilfrick, whose succession was supported by the mayor of
Mayor Connor of Penwick is best described as a tired Korbin, reversed that judgment, and awarded the mines to
man. Now 60 years old, he has held his office for almost Korbin. The current mayor of Korbin, Thomas, is in the prime
thirty years. He rarely makes an appearance in Verbobonc and of his life, a capable administrator, and a clever politician. He
prefers to leave political matters to his eldest son, Gaelsich. is very aware of the lord of Woodstock's desire to reclaim the
Penwick was overrun by forces from the Temple of mines of Wyvern's Roost and has hired dwarven mercenaries
Elemental Evil during that conflict a score of years ago, and in case of trouble.
most of its citizens were slain by the ruthless humanoid
hordes. After the Temple's defeat, Connor offered free land to Woodstock
all those who would become his vassals. Many of the militia The township of Woodstock sits astride the North Low
and mercenaries decided to follow him, and they now make Road from Verbobonc, which continues into the Iron Wood
up the bulk of the township's citizenry. It is from their lowly and beyond into Veluna. It lies along the western border of
origins that the township gained its nickname of the "low the Viscounty and extends into the Iron Wood approximately
country." Although the township is economically quite poor, a dozen miles. The hilly southern boundary of the township
it is perhaps the strongest militarily as nearly all of its has long been contested with Korbin. To the north lies the
freemen are veteran soldiers, or their children. Velverdyva, and many small hamlets dot its banks. Rich crops
The town has never fully recovered from the Elemental grow in abundance throughout the township, and the silver
Wars. The mayor would like to erect fortifications along the mines of Wyvern's Roost used to produce a modest amount of
Imeryds Run and the foothills of the Etters. However, money silver. However, the true wealth of the township lies in its
is scarce and the going is slow. Furthermore, river pirates, position adjacent to the Iron Wood.
The walled town of Woodstock's main industries are Oerth Journal #1 (The Suloise History, which is primarily the
both directly related to the Iron Wood. Woodstock is work of Lenard Lakofka in his development of the Suel
primarily known for its fine-crafted musical instruments. peoples and with additions by Steve Wilson, and which is
Although some are actually made by the halflings and derived from the work of Gary Gygax and the World of
centaurs of Littleburrow, most come from local artisans, many Greyhawk (TSR), and Greyhawk Adventures(TSR) and the
of whom learned their woodcarving skills in Oakham. Common History which was compiled by Steven B.Wilson
Stringed instruments, particularly lyres, lutes and fiddles, are and Grimulf and is based on several TSR publications
the most common, although flutes and drums are also sold in including: The World of Greyhawk, From the Ashes,
large numbers. The conservatories of Lydia and Olidammara Greyhawk Wars, The City of Greyhawk, The Temple of
boast the membership of many of the greatest bards in the Elemental Evil (T1-4), Rary the Traitor (WGR3), The
Flanaess, and are the site of an annual festival during Marklands (WGR4), Iuz the Evil (WGR5), Ivid the Undying
Wealsun. Poets, bards, and troubadours compete for prizes (Carl Sargent, TSR AOL), Fate of Istus (WG8), Vale of the
and entertain the elite of the Central Flanaess. Wealthy nobles Mage (WG12), Vecna Lives (WGA4), Dungeon Master's
and merchants from as far away as Greyhawk flock to attend, Guide 1st ed., Greyhawk Adventures (TSR) and others by
as do many of the land's wisest thieves, whose task is made TSR based on the work of Gary Gygax).
that much easier by the massive quantity of Deklin drunk Finally, a special thanks is called for, to all those on
during the festival. Deklin-the production of which is Greytalk who offered their criticisms, advice, and support.
Woodstock's other industry-is a very strong wine, fermented This is for you.
in kegs of aged hollow trunks of Deklo trees. Deklin is also
exported in large quantities and has traditionally been of high
demand in Bissel.
The current lord, Duntings, has only recently inherited
the township from his regent uncle. His father was killed at
Emridy Meadows when Duntings was only 6, and his uncle
Alfrick ruled as regent until last year, when he was killed
during the festival by an unknown thief. Rumors abound that
Duntings had him killed because Alfrick was not going to step
down, but they have not been proven. He is a very high-
spirited and rash man who spent many years away
adventuring, returning only a few weeks before Alfrick's
death, but he has made clear his intentions to regain the silver
mines of Wyvern's Roost-lost to Korbin many years ago-one
way or another.
Modules which take place within the Viscounty of
WGA4 Vecna Lives
WG8 Fate of Istus
T1 The Village of Hommlet
T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil
Other References
World of Greyhawk '83 Boxed Set, Guide and Glossography
From the Ashes Boxed Set, Atlas of the Flanaess and
Campaign Book
The Adventure Begins accessory
City of Greyhawk Boxed Set, Verbeeg of the Gnarley Forest
adventure card
T1 The Village of Hommlet 1979 edition.
T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil
A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords
WGR3 The Marklands
WGR5 Iuz the Evil
WG8 Fate of Istus
WGA4 Vecna Lives
Ivid the Undying online accessory
ragged robes of dead black lined with cloth of sickly orange
and trimmed in nauseating moss green, he roams the Astral,
! " #$ " Ethereal, and Prime Material Plane, the last during darkness
only. He rides a huge nightmare of maximum hit points when
it pleases him to do so, and he is accompanied by six of the
By Russell S. Timm strongest night hags likewise mounted.
( Incabulos may cast spells from all schools and all
spheres. He detests the presence of bright light, and will not
Incabulos use any spells which create light as their primary effect (e.g.
continual light ) and is loath to use spells which create intense
(Black-Rider, Lord of Pestilence, Master of the Bitter Cup,
Lord of Evils) light as a side effect (e.g. fireball and lightning bolt).
Pathogens may be of any race, though most are human By means of a simple gesture and a word or two, this
Beginning at 1st-level, all Pathogens are immune to spell enables the priest to touch the intended victim with
natural diseases, including those caused by creatures such devastating effect. If the victim fails a save vs. spells at -3 , he
as green slime. Magical diseases still afflict these priests or she immediately goes unconscious, and enters a deep sleep.
as normal, though these priests receive a +4 to any save This sleep is permanent until magically dispelled, and
they have to make against disease. In addition, any creatures do age normally, and may even waste away while
disease cast by a Pathogen may not automatically be under this spell's effect. Such passing is far from peaceful
healed by the use of a cure disease spell. Rather, an though, as the victim undergoes horrible nightmares and
opposed check similar to that described under dispel visions of the worst sort; this is readily observable to others as
magic must be performed. If the attempt to cure the the victim rolls around, perspires, and even talks in their
disease is not successful, that particular healer may not sleep. This spell also ignores armor, and therefore only
attempt to cure the disease until he or she attains a new magical protections and Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class
level. (Of course, that may be too late for the victim.)At apply.
4th-level, Pathogens may cast cloak of fear (P4) upon
themselves once per day.
At 5th-level, Pathogens may cast hypnotism (W1) 1x/day.
At 7th-level, Pathogens may cast contagion (W4) 1x/day
At 8th-level, Pathogens may cast wierding sleeptouch
At 10th-level, any disease inflicted by a Pathogen
becomes even more potent; if an attempt to magically
cure the disease is made, and the caster fails, then he or
she not only may not attempt again until gaining a level,
but he or she also contracts the disease, and may not cure
himself or herself of that affliction! (This can be
absolutely lethal to small isolated communities with only
one low level cleric or priest.)
At 13th-level, Pathogens may cast mummy rot (W5)
At 18th-level, Pathogens may cast uncontrolled weather
(W9) 1x/week.
At 20th-level, any disease inflicted by a Pathogen may
not be cured by any means short of a limited wish, wish
or a heal spell cast by a priest of at least 20th-level.
Incabulite Spells
It should be noted that, in addition to the following
spells, Incabulos also grants transmute cloud of pestilence
(P4, F&A pg.154), plague (P4, FtA card #6), water to dust
(P6), earthquake (P7), and tsunami (P7, PO:S&M) to all of
his clergy, regardless of sphere restrictions.
Wierding Sleeptouch
Sphere: Thought
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
remainder of the inn is wooden frame with a plank and thatch
' roof.
# Unfortunately for Grynen, he cannot see far enough to
perceive the dangers around him. He knows that attractive
serving girls draw patrons loose with their purse, and has
By Morgan Rodwell ( hired four girls in their teens to work in the common room.
Tasha Hundare is a slim blonde girl of seventeen, who
Introduction stand 5'8" tall and is quite obviously descended from
This adventure is written for a group of characters of barbarian stock. Quick to smack the hand of a patron who
2nd through 5th level, preferably of good to neutral is getting too "friendly", she will be pleasant to a polite
alignment, and well balanced across the classes. It can be patron, and can be a source of innumerable rumours to a
easily customized for higher or lower level characters. This good tipper.
adventure is especially good at introducing a new player or
Grete Inach is a busty brunette girl of bronze complexion
character to a campaign, as the player can be creating and
who is a vivacious and flirting type, and is nineteen years
developing his character while the rest of the group attempts
of age. One never really knows what Grete is getting at or
to rescue the new character from the kidnappers.
what her intentions are, but she does enjoy the company
The adventure was written to take place in the city of
of rugged and handsome young men.
Redspan, in the Duchy of Tenh, during Harvester 585 CY, but
could easily be placed in just about any city in the northern Rial Cziarn is an somewhat attractive girl of seventeen,
Flanaess. The city should be fairly good sized, with a coppery skin tones and dark hair, but she is not as eye-
mediocre watch at best, and all the guilds one would expect in catching as her co-workers. However, her quick wit and
such a city, including a source of mercenaries and an sense of humour make her a favorite of many regulars,
assassins guild. who flirt and joke all night.
Leis Jaakan is a pretty and out of place girl. Sixteen and
Background standing a slight 5'2" tall, one cannot miss her in the
Contrary to the events portrayed in WGR5, Iuz the Evil, common room. Red haired and pale of face, she is a quiet
Redspan has not yet been overtaken by the forces of the Old girl who gives the patrons shy smiles and is extremely
One in this author's campaign. The city is occupied by the polite. The other girls like her, and feel protective of this
Stonefists who have overrun Tenh, and the Tenha who have youngest member of their "crew".
succumbed to Fist rule. The western side of the city is Leis is the source of Grynen's impending problems. She
haunted by the ghosts of those Tenha generals who committed has become involved with a young man from the west side of
suicide when the Fists overcame them, and a few followers of town: Faisal ibn Som Nyskos. Faisal is a young priest of Iuz,
Iuz have taken up residence there also. It is not yet the and the nephew of Said ibn Fal Nyskos, a notorious
wretched place described in WGR5. mage/priest of Iuz know in the region around Stoink and
The PCs have been resting in the Duchy of Tenh for Riftcrag, and rumored to be a ranking member of the
some weeks, training in new skills and to new levels of Boneshadow. He has been using Leis to learn about
capability. While in Redspan, they have taken up residence at potentially meddlesome or disruptive visitors to Redspan.
the Witch's Legs, a small inn and tavern on the east side of Grynen's other staff consist of:
Maersk the cook, who bosses even Grynen around. At
The PCs have taken up with the Fists and few remaining
Tenhas who now occupy this walled city. first one would think they are married, but they are not.
Nasran the undercook, a small man who does much of the
The Witch's Legs messy work in the kitchen, and has a running dialogue of
The Witch's Legs is a pleasant tavern, run for the last 16 insults going at all times with Maersk. Nasran is very
years by a pleasant Tenha in his fifties, Grynen Beret. In his observant, but is difficult to talk to because of Maersk's
many years running this hostel on the edge of the Bandit almost constant demands.
Lands, Grynen has learned to deal with pretty much anyone. Acera the chambermaid, a woman of about 30 who
He is not a "good" man per sé, but one who likes order and cleans the rooms of the inn. She is pleasant, but
making money. His attitude can be summed up in "If it withdrawn, having lost all her family in the Wars. She is
doesn't hurt my business, it's all right by me". By no means quiet and difficult to talk to, and keeps her head down
does this give people free rein in his inn. He knows that when altercations erupt.
reputation is very important in his business, and those patrons There are some regular patrons of the tavern who may
who offend others easily drive away customers and profit. be of some use to the PCs.
The inn has three floors, the top two of which contain
rooms for rent. The ground floor consists of the Common Garrand Stormfist, a warrior of good spirits and fairly
Room, a private dining room, the kitchen, and Grynen's good ethics. He likes his drink, and carousing is more
rooms. The south wall of the inn is an old stone wall, and the important than war ever could be. He is protective of
"his" girls here at the Witch's Legs, and often The thugs will try to attack the PCs silently if possible,
accompanied by a small group of his men. and try to beat them into unconciousness without killing them
Gil Ferth; once a travelling bard, he now lives in Redspan (due to their ineptitude, only one-half of the damage sustained
and tells stories. He is about fifty-five and has know will be temporary, instead of the three-quarters normal to
Grynen for over 25 years. subdual attacks) Afterwards, they will try to steal the PCs'
equipment, unless they are discovered (which they likely will
Hendrik One-Handed is a retired mercenary, and resident be, having cast the silence spell on the window, not on one of
of this town. He spent much of his career raiding the them...).
Great Kingdom from Ratik with the barbarians. He gets They will drop the PCs out the window, where they will
along with the Fists, and had no reason to flee when they be "caught" by the thug leader, Mule. They will sustain 2d4
came. He does not like Iuz at all however. points of damage from this "catch".
Varrus of the Poor March, a half-orc with a sense of
humour and a glib tongue, this warrior is also a priest of Thugs (5): Hu/m/F0; AC 8 (leather); MV 12; hp 5;
the Laughing Rogue. Those who know him are wiser than THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (clubs); SA nil; SD nil; AL NE;
to play cards or dice with him present. XP 35
Dara Sindara, a mysterious and exotic woman from the
Mule: Hu/m/F1; AC 7 (leather, dex); MV 12; hp 9;
far west. She is a priestess of Istus, though none here
THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4 (mace); SA nil; SD nil; AL CE;
know it. They think her a merchant who has taken a
XP 65
liking to this town. In truth, she is watching this place
carefully, as omens have indicate that Redspan's fate and
The thugs will take the PCs to the abandoned shop as
that of the Flanaess itself are linked.
instructed. The thugs' directions are to leave the PCs here,
bound and gagged. If one or more of the thugs has been
The Plan captured, the victims will be moved within a few hours to a
Faisal ibn Som Nyskos has been questioning Leis about new location. The thugs have been paid partly in advance,
the patrons of the Witch's Legs, and has identified the PCs as with the promise of more funds to be delivered.
people that should be "removed" from the scene before they
get in the way of his scheming. He has hired some thugs from The Investigation
the mercenaries' guild, specifically people who are not locals The remaining PCs will need to find some leads as to
or Fists, to do his dirty work. The thugs' objective is to kidnap the location of their cohorts. They have two days until Faisal
one or more PCs and take them to an abandoned shop where takes their friends upriver to Rookroost.
Faisal's minions will take the PCs to be sold into slavery in Obviously, Leis is the best place to start, but they don't
Rookroost. know that. It will be necessary to question many persons and
Alternatively, Faisal ibn Som Nykos is totally unaware be careful whom they offend. Obviously, matters will be
of the PCs, and his intended victim(s) is someone else totally somewhat easier if one or more of the thugs is identified or
different -- the previous occupant of the PCs' room, who left captured.
Redspan under the cover of night, and without paying his bill. The thugs will get worried if the PCs are too close to
Grynen decides to make the best of a bad situation, and offers finding them, and the mercenaries guild may get nervous if it
it to the PCs. If the party has been staying at the inn for some is found that they are also working as would be
time, he may offer it to them at a slight discount, particularly assassins/kidnappers and infringing on that guild's business.
if the party is bunked two or three to a room (he'll still make a The assassins guild may get suspicious of any
small profit off of it). investigation and take exception. They would not be so
The thugs decide to break into the inn via the second- sloppy, but because their image is at stake they may attempt
floor windows and kidnap the PCs. Unfortunately, they are to stop the PCs.
not particularly bright and case the joint ahead of time by The following information may be gathered:
becoming regulars in the tavern. Also, they do not properly
Grynen Beret recognizes any description of the thugs, but
determine which rooms the PCs occupy, and break into one
doesn't know their names or any other personal
room occupied by the PCs (two characters per room) and a
information. He has seen them speaking to a Bakluni man
neighboring room occupied by a third individual. This third
on several different occasions. The man was much better
individual is a good way of introducing a new player or
dressed than they were, and spoke with some authority
character to the campaign.
(Grynen either doesn't remember or couldn't hear what
was said).
The Kidnapping
The thugs climb up the outside of the inn with ropes Tasha Hundare noticed the thugs on several occasions,
hung from the roof, and the help of a silence spell from a ring but only knows that they weren't Fists. She is on good
given to them by Faisal. The ring is a special ring of spell terms with many of the Stonefisters.
storing that can only contain a single spell at a time, but can Grete Inach served the men most of the time, but they
be used by anyone. always seemed furtive and vaguely guilty, and she spent
as little time as possible near them. She noticed they were the hope that the party will "take care of" the thugs and
very interested in the other patrons, and occasionally one thus hide any activities that might draw the attention of
or another would wander up to the second or third floor the assassins guild. If the PCs are rude, pushy, and don't
for no obvious reason. pay well, the thugs will be forwarned, and may come
Rial Cziarn knows the most about the thugs. Other seeking the party, to get rid them.
regulars had commented on them, calling them "bandit The assassins guild is very interested in meeting and
rabble" and "sell-thugs". They sometimes met with a sharing information about anything the PCs have
Bakluni man called Faisal, who had numerous contacts uncovered. They will freely reveal Faisal's hiding place,
"out west" (meaning anywhere west of the Zumker the abandoned shop where the kidnapping victims are
River). kept, and the thugs' lair. They will let the PCs work
Leis Jaakan has seen the thugs, and knows they unopposed, but under constant surveillance. If the PCs
sometimes worked for Faisal ibn Som Nyskos. She insists successfully confront the thugs, and/or rescue the victims,
Faisal isn't engaged in anything criminal, and that he the assassins will move in and attempt to kill any
stays on the west side of town to give in solitude for surviving thugs, party members, and kidnapping victims
meditation and contemplation. She knows Faisal has a as a warning to anyone else thinking of infringing on
powerful uncle somewhere near the Phostwood. their territory. Faisal will escape successfully, unless the
DM rules otherwise.
Maersk doesn't remember or know anything about the
thugs. Faisal she recalls only because he once requested
some unusual spices on a dish, spices she didn't have. Conclusion
There are many outcomes to this scenario, some of
Nasran knows the thugs by reputation, and that they've which are positive, and some negative.
recently taken a job for a Bakluni named Faisal. He
heaps insults and abuse upon anyone who asks. The PCs find their friends before Faisal takes them to
Rookroost, and everyone goes on their merry way. The
Acera has seen a few of the thugs upstairs, studying doors DM should try to have Faisal escape, as he has the
and concentrating very hard, as if trying to remember potential to become a good nemesis NPC for the party.
something (they were trying to remember where the
windows were on the outside of the building). She has The PCs fail to find their friends in time, and must follow
seen Leis with Faisal, but didn't think it was any of her Faisal to Rookroost.
business, and won't bring it up unless prompted. The PCs raise the ire of one or more guilds, and find
Garrand Stormfist didn't notice the thugs or Faisal, but themselves hunted down and disposed of.
suggests contacting the mercenaries guild, within which The PCs fail to find their friends and fail to find the trail,
he has numerous contacts. leaving their friends to be sold into slavery. This is not a
Gil Ferth noticed the thugs and Faisal, and knows some preferred option, but if the players are running multiple
information about the Bakluni: that he is a priest; that his characters can make for an interesting future adventure
uncle is Said ibn Fal Nyskos, an infamous wizard; and (search and rescue from the slave mines or something
that Faisal has numerous contacts in the Bandit similar).
Kingdoms. He knows a few people in the mercenaries The statistics for Faisal and his minions (mostly men-at-
guild, and can even arrange for a meeting with the arms and low level fighters) may be fashioned by individual
assassins guild if the party knows how to ask. DMs to the difficultly level of their campaign. He also has a
small group of undead creatures at his command, mostly
Hendrik One-Handed knows the thugs, and can give the
zombies and ghouls.
PCs their names. He also knows they were doing alot of
work for a Bakluni, who operated out of the western side
Faisal ibn Som Nyskos: Hu/m/Pr4 (Iuz); AC 5 (chain,
of the city. Hendrik must be bribed to reveal any
dex); MV 12; hp 30; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+2
information. He will arrange a meeting for them with the
(dagger+2); S11 D6 C16 I10 W17 Ch8; SA spells; SD spells;
mercenaries guild if enough money is offered.
AL CE; SP Chaos, Charm, Combat, Divination*, Healing
Varrus of the Poor March played a few card games with (rev), Necromantic (rev), Summoning, Sun (rev); PW may
the thugs (they lost badly, and in poor spirits). He cast change self (W1) once per day at will, and has +2 bonus
avoided Faisal, but saw Leis walking with him on several to saving throws versus spells cast by good-aligned casters.
Dara Sindara noticed the thugs, but dismissed them as
minor pawns of a greater master. She can correctly
identify Faisal as a priest of Iuz.
The mercenaries guild is largely unhelpful, unless very
well-paid. If the PCs seem disinclined to ask many
questions, the guild may steer them towards the thugs, in
It is said that Hextor is also despised by the Lords of the
Nine, the Archdukes of Hell. Tales say that he was once (and
some say still is) one of their devilish number, but was
banished for his metamorphosis into a true god. He fled to
Acheron, where he marshals his armies across his iron realm,
By Will McPherson The Scourge. Other tales tell of the Archdukes aid in Hextor's
( ascension. His priests neither deny nor confirm these tales,
but they do say that their god was not banished from the
Hextor Hells, but departed on his own accord. It is known that Hextor
(Champion of Evil, Herald of Hell, Scourge of Battle) occasionally travels to the Hells, and even visits the plane of
Mechanus, or Nirvana, on occasion.
Intermediate Power of Acheron, LE Of all the Champion of Evil's foes, none are more hated
by Hextor than Heironeous, his good-aligned sibling. When
Portfolio: War, Discord, Conflict, Fitness, Massacres, they were offered a choice of paths to follow by the other
Tyranny gods, Heironeous followed the path of Law and Goodness.
Aliases: None Hextor, who had always hated his brother, chose the path of
Domain Name: Avalas/The Scourge Evil, just to spite Heironeous.
Superior: None The two appeared evenly matched, but Heironeous was
Allies: Erythnul continually victorious over his brother. Tales say that the
Foes: Heironeous, Lords of the Nine (Archdukes of Hell), Archdukes, anxious to increase their power, came to
Pholtus, Zilchus Heironeous and offered him their infernal power. Hextor
Symbol: Six red arrows, fanning outward or held in a gauntlet accepted and was granted his six arms and other, less obvious,
Wor. Align: LE, LN, NE powers. With these limbs he was nearly invincible in combat,
able to stand against Heironeous and any other god. The
Hextor (HEKS-tohr) is the six-armed Oeridian god of Archdukes were too clever, though, for with this newfound
war and discord, and the patron of evil warriors. He is power, Hextor was quick to break his ties to the Hells, thus
commonly worshiped in the lands of the Great Kingdom. depriving the Archdukes of the powerful tool they had
Hextor differs from his bloodthirsty ally, Erythnul, in his desired.
organized approach to warfare and bloodshed. Additionally, Hextor is malicious and spiteful, going to great lengths
his worshipers tend to be members of the evil eastern armies to harm or slight anyone who has offended him. He is also
instead of bandits and raiders motivated by bloodlust. recognized as one of the foremost generals among the gods,
Numerous assassins and mercenaries also worship Hextor, as with strategic and tactical skills unmatched save for
do many evil nobles and tyrants. Heironeous. Hextor's arrogance is great indeed, but he is not
The Herald of Hell is said to be fearless in battle, even so proud that he thinks himself invulnerable to sedition. He
when outmatched. He is combative and powerful, often sees threats where they do not exist, and will end such
moving those around him to strife and conflict with his mere "threats" quickly and violently.
presence. He has an interesting relationship with Erythnul, On the Outer Planes, Hextor resides on an enormous
another god of combative tendencies and great power. The iron block which forever drifts through the void of Acheron.
two would seem to be opposites, as one promotes the violence A great iron-clad fortress serves as his capital, and endless
and bloodlust of battle, and the other is a strategic planner and armies of his faithful wage war against each other and anyone
conqueror. Long ago they forged an agreement, saying that else that comes within their reach. In a twisted mockery of
neither would move against the other, and if the other fell into Valhalla, any who die in these battles are raised again to fight
times of need, they would be aided by the other. Trust is anew - only as skeletons and zombies. The subjects of
foreign to these two powers, and both expect the treaty to be Hextor's realm live, and die, for battle.
broken without warning. At present both are exceptionally
powerful, their strength boosted by the chaos and bloodshed Hextor's Avatar (Fighter 32, Thief 24)
of the Flanaess-wide Greyhawk Wars. Hextor loves to travel the Prime Material Plane in avatar
Hextor is disliked by the Churches of Pholtus and form, creating conflict, war, and discord, aiding the forces of
Zilchus, both of whom were greatly reduced in power in the law and evil, and opposing good. He especially seeks to
Great Kingdom. The worship of Pholtus was banned overthrow and destroy the temples and servants of his brother
completely from the lands of Aerdy (as described in Ivid the and chief enemy, Heironeous.
Undying) by Overking Ivid V, and the church of Hextor no Hextor may appear as a man of comely appearance if he
longer faces any religious opposition within those lands. so wishes, hiding four of his arms in illusion. He is light of
Zilchus's priests have also been limited within the Aerdy skin and dark of hair, and his eyes are as black as onyx. In
lands, though not to the extent of the followers of Pholtus. this form Hextor is charming, well spoken, and intellectually
Their temporal power remains strong, however, through their well-rounded, able to make conversation on any topic and
influence on the mercantile house of Darmen. appearing knowledgeable on any subject. His true form is
much more horrific: gray-skinned and lank-haired, with
gruesome eyes rimmed with red bulging from a hideous The Church
visage. He carries many weapons and wears armor decorated Clergy: Cleric (10%), Crusader (35%), Specialty Priests
with skulls. In this form he shows all six arms, and fights with (55%)
all of the deadly power available to him.
Alignment: LN, LE, NE
Turn Undead: C: No, CR: No, SP: No
AC -5 (-8); MV 24; Hp 200; THAC0 -10; #AT 2,4 or 6;
Cmnd Undead: C: No, CR: No, SP: -4
Dmg 1d4+8/ 1d4+8 (bucklers)/ 1d8+10 (fork+2)/ 1d8+11
(scimitar +3)/1d6+11 (flail+2)/ 2d4+11 (Morningstar +3) (All
All priests of Hextor are required to have the blind-
weapons: str +6, spec.+2)
fighting non-weapon proficiency, which they may learn
MR 90%; SZ M (6'6")
without penalties from group crossovers. They also receive,
Str 18/00, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 18 or 1
free of charge, the religion (Oeridian) and religion (Common)
Spells: W: None P: None
non-weapon proficiencies. At the DM's option, they may also
Saves: PPDM 3; RSW 5; PP 4; BW 3; Sp 6
be familiar with the Flan, Suel or Baklunish religions.
Although it is neither required or given as a bonus
Special Attacks/Defenses proficiency, many Hextorians have the music proficiency, and
In combat Hextor has many weapons at his disposal. He are familiar with the playing of various wind instruments,
uses two great bows for missile combat, each of which fires horns, and drums. The clergy of Hextor includes humans
+3 shafts barbed with iron, and inflict 10-15 points of damage (75%), half-orcs (20%), and evil humanoids (5%).
on a hit. In melee he uses two spiked bucklers and four other The clergy of Hextor is powerful but vile. They are
weapons. If he so wills, the bucklers may be used as weapons, spread across the Flanaess, and cause war and discord
but otherwise Hextor has four attacks every round. Typically wherever and whenever they can. In the Great Kingdom they
he wields the following weapons: two bucklers, military fork are the strongest religious (and some say military) force, and
+2, scimitar +3, footman's flail +2, and a morningstar +3. He have tremendous influence and power. The priests will
wears +3 armor, bringing his AC to -8. Hextor wears his holy sometimes rise up in great numbers, leading armies of
symbol around his neck, which can act as a symbol of Hate humanoids and humans into enormous conflicts that result in
and Discord once per day. Hextor also carries the Trumpet of massive deaths. A few of these forces have even included
Acheron, which can be sounded once every six days. When large numbers of the undead, whom Hextor shows some
used, it summons 6d10 skeletons to serve the avatar's will. preference for.
Once every six years, it can be blown to summon an undead Clerics and crusaders are common within the highly
horde of 60-600 skeletons and 30-300 zombies. structured church hierarchy. The clerics, called the
Hextor can only be harmed by +3 or better magical Battleguard, are the defenders of the faith. They have the
weapons. He is proficient in all melee and missile weapons, responsibility of the church's welfare on their shoulders, and
and is specialized in the use of the buckler, military fork, make convenient scapegoats for the specialty priests, the
scimitar, footman's flail, and morningstar. Hounds of Hell, whenever something should go wrong. Over
the last few years the Battleguard's numbers have greatly
Other Manifestations declined (they now make up only about 10% of the clergy).
Although Hextor rarely manifests himself outside of his Lately, the Hounds of Hell have begun to give the clerics
avatars, he is known to send his trumpets of war to faithful more privileges and positions of power, in hopes of restoring
priests who are truly in need of his aid. These trumpets play the defensive branch of the church.
ghostly, haunting melodies. The trumpets cannot be harmed, The crusaders, called the Scourges of Hextor, are the
and their music will animate all those slain by the priest church's most militarily powerful branch. They are the
within 30 feet as maximum hit point juju zombies. The officers and leaders of the church armies, and are thus in a
zombies will serve the priest for 1 hour, after which they position of great power. They are correspondingly fairly
collapse into dust. A priest will never be so aided twice in numerous, making up about 35% of the Hextorian priest
their lifetime. population. For years the Hounds of Hell have been trying to
Other manifestations of Hextor include grisly omens of limit the power of the Scourges, to little or no effect.
warning; stones bleeding; strange, haunting melodies played The specialty priests of Hextor are called the Hounds of
by some vile, ghostly trumpet; the sounds of battle; skulls Hell. They are the most numerous and visible part of the
appearing in the air. clergy of Hextor, making up more than half of all of the
Hextor is served by various types of devils; undead priesthood, and more than 90% of the top echelon of
(especially those slain in battle), including skeletons, leadership. Hounds of Hell are masters of strategy and tactic,
zombies, and lawful evil intelligent undead; spiders; both in and out of battle. In addition to great skill at arms,
nightmares; hellhounds; myrlochar (soul spiders); reaves; they are accomplished at psychological warfare and sabotage.
shadowdrakes; sword spirits; tso; hellcats; bonespears; Thoroughly and irreedemably evil, the Hounds of Hell are
bladelings; and kytons. Furthermore, Hextor still commands responsible for much misery throughout the Flanaess.
the service of some baatezu, although these are generally Within the Church itself there is a great schism between
reviled and hated by those fiends who serve the Dark Eight or two factions. This internal strife began during the Greyhawk
Lords of the Nine. wars, when Patriarch Krennden of Medegia supported the
Censor of that land in rebellion against the Overking of the shrine does. Note that creation of multiple temples or shrines
Aerdy. After Medegia was razed by the forces of Ivid V, does not attract additional followers above 9th level.
Krennden fled to the northeast. Now he has earned the Novices of Hextor are known as the Weaponless. Full
following of many of the priests of Hextor who dwell outside priests are known as the Children of Discord. In ascending
of Naelax lands in the remnants of the Great Kingdom. Many order of rank, the titles used by the priests of Hextor are
powerful animuses (evil unliving creations of the priests of Buckler, Fork, Scimitar, Flail, Morningstar, and Patriarch.
Hextor) have sworn allegiance to Krennden, making him a The leader of the church is called the Patriarch General.
powerful force. Krennden hopes to take Rauxes and make Certain independant and high-level specialty priests, charged
himself the new Patriarch General of the faith, replacing with spreading discord, are known as the Arms of Hextor.
Patriarch General Pyrannden of Rauxes. Pyrannden believes There are never more than six of these priests at one time.
that only the Herzog of North Province, Grenell, has the
power to unify Aerdy under the church of Hextor. Grenell has Dogma: War and conflict are the food and drink of a
developed his own church hierarchy within North Province, true life. Everything as a challenge in which the worthy must
however, and does not desire an alliance with Pyrannden until prove how fit they are and how capable and dominant they
all the Aerdy lands are restored to some form of order. can be. Only those truly blessed by Hextor can be completely
Outside of the remnants of the Great Kingdom, where successful in life, but even they must prove their worthiness
his priests and followers are so numerous that any insult or through combat. Once one has won their place through
slander to the church could incur their wrath, the clergy of combat, they must keep it by ruling with an iron fist.
Hextor is widely despised. Even the briefest sight of one of While skill in combat is very important to the priests,
the Hounds of Hell riding through a village is cause for alarm, the ability to cause conflict is just as important, if not more
and prayers for safety are quickly offered to powers of so. Ideally, these priests are master manipulators and cruel
protection. The Hounds have earned this reputation from the liars, capable of creating discord between even the most
battles that seem to follow them wherever they go. passive groups, while at the same time being masters of the
At 9th-level a priest of Hextor is permitted to construct a blade. Hextor's servants despise and hate cowards and
temple or shrine to the Champion of Evil if he has acquired pacifists alike, seeing them as unfit to live.
sufficient funds. A temple or shrine must always be built on
the site of some great massacre or battle. It is not unheard of Day-to-day activities: On a daily basis all worshipers
for a particularly devout priest to arrange for a massacre at of Hextor partake in strenuous exercise and combat practice.
some ideal building spot, and then follow with the They also sing short hymns to Hextor before combat, and will
construction of the temple. Typical shrines to Hextor are follow various ceremonies with the blowing of wind
round towers, some forty or more feet high and twenty or instruments (usually horns and trumpets). Often the lower-
thirty feet in diameter. There is never more than one entrance, ranking priests are required to perform menial tasks given to
and multiple arrow slits can be found around the structure's them by their superiors. Disobeying a superior is rare (and
walls. The true shrine is located at the top of the tower, and usually fatal) unless the superior is challenged and slain.
contains a statue of Hextor in his hellish form. Next to the Favors are rarely granted by these priests, and on those rare
statue is the sacrificial altar and a long horn hanging from the occasions there is always a price attached to them.
ceiling by chains. In ceremonies to Hextor the horn is blown Priests of the faith are expected to tithe 5% of their
after a sacrifice, signalling to the god that a sacrifice has been annual income to the church. Tithes and taxes are levied by
made. A shrine often serves as barracks to a small military or the priests upon the peasants of the Great Kingdom to help
mercenary force (between 10 and 20 individuals) dedicated to support the immense Church armies maintained by the
Hextor. Hextorian clergy.
Temples are much larger structures, based around a
central worship hall. The main hall is a rectangular structure Important Ceremonies: Holy days are for the weak,
that is approximately 100' long by 40' wide. On the sides of say the Hextorians, and thus they make no use of them (they
the building are six shrines (see above), all connected to the do celebrate the anniversaries of particularly horrific battles
main structure. Naturally the cost of creating one of these and massacres). However, their religion is rich with
temples is far greater than a simple shrine. Correspondingly, ceremonies. At least once every month (on any day), a priest
the number of followers attracted by such a temple is much must make a sacrifice in a shrine or temple. If made in the
greater. form of objects, at least 500 gp worth of valuables must be
For the purposes of attracting followers, a shrine will sacrificed. If in the form of living creatures, one prisoner of
bring in about 3d6 first level fighters 50% of the time, while war (or any other combat) must be sacrificed on the altar.
25% of the time it will attract 2d6 first level fighters and one Following any sacrifice, the priest must play a melody on a
first level specialty priest of Hextor. 15% of the time it will wind instrument of some kind (generally trumpets, horns, or
attract 1d8 first level fighters, one fifth level fighter, and one flutes). Iron gongs are struck, chants called out, and
first level specialty priest of Hextor, and 10% of the time it unspeakable rituals occur in honor of the Herald of Hell.
will attract 1d6 first level fighters, one fifth level fighter, and When great victories are won by the clergy and its
one fifth level specialty priest of Hextor. A temple gains the armies, all prisoners taken are marched to the closest temple.
same kinds of followers, only about 1d4+2 times as many as a There, one by one, they are decapitated and their heads
thrown into great pyramids outside of the building. Such arrows of hate and discord in red, lower level priests are only
pyramids of gore are often burnt by the priests in great permitted grey ones.
Adventuring Garb: When in action, Hextorians prefer
Major Centers of Worship: The Hextorians are at their to wear chain mail adorned with metal skulls and images of
strongest in the Great Kingdom, where Hextor is honored and their god.
held high amongst the ranks of gods. His temples appear
openly in that land and his priests flaunt their power. The Specialty Priest (Hound of Hell)
temples and shrines of the Scourge of Battle are hard to find
in other areas of the Flanaess, but they are present, as are his Requirements: Strength 15 or Dexterity 15, Wisdom 10
infernal priests. Prime Req: Strength or Dexterity, Wisdom
There are numerous temples of Hextor that are notable Alignment: LE
for their size and importance. On the grounds of Palace of Weapons: Any bow, flail, fork, morning star, scimitar, staff-
Rauxes is one of the greatest temples to Hextor, where sling
Patriarch-General Pyrannden dwells. It is heavily guarded by Armor: Chain, Scale, Plate
priests, common warriors, and an elite guard. There are also Major Spheres: All, Combat, Elemental (Fire), Healing,
four guardian statues here made entirely from coagulated Law, Necromantic, War
blood, each as strong as a flesh golem. The temple also Minor Spheres: Creation, Summoning
houses the Church's most prized artifact: The Unholy Magical Items: As clerics and thieves
Bloodshield of Hextor. Req. Profs: Blind-fighting
Another temple of note is the Cathedral of Carnage, Bonus Profs: None
located on Massacre Hill in Medegia. It is said that the priests
of Hextor took a thousand refugees from the crushed city of Half-orcs may become specialty priests of Hextor. They
Pontylver, and slew them all atop the hill. The Patriarch may not multi-class.
Ishzar, who had ordered the mass execution, animated the Hextorians are able to spend proficiency slots to become
bodies into headless zombies, and had them build the specialized in weapons, just like a member of the fighter
cathedral. It is currently inhabited by the depraved priests character class.
responsible for its creation. Reminiscent of a great keep, it
Priests of Hextor are trained in the arts of thieving and
matches the grand fortresses of Rauxes in size. Atop every
stealth (especially in assassination), and upon gaining
battlement are tall pikes on which the heads of the Cathedral's
sixth level in priestly ability they gain one level of thief
undead builders are impaled. The heads are prevented from
ability as well. Thereafter, every two levels of
completely decaying by Ishzar's magic. It is said that the
advancement as a priest indicate a single level of
headless zombies are now the Cathedral's undead guardians,
advancement in thief skills. The maximum level of thief
and that they are still a thousand strong. Ishzar is not
ability without dual-classing is 6th level, which is
presently allied with any of the internal factions of the
attained at 16th. These thiefly abilities do not require that
Hextorian Church; he is biding his time and waiting for one
the priest earn any extra experience points.
side to take the initiative and make its move.
At 3rd level a Hound of Hell gains + 1 to his strength
Affiliated Orders: Naturally, the Church armies of score (maximum of 19).
Hextor are vast and powerful. Most of the warriors in the At 5th level the Hound of Hell may cast a ray of
employ of the Hextorian Church are armed and equipped with enfeeblement once per day.
weapons that can be wielded by the specialty priests
themselves. Numerous armies, mercenary bands, and At 8th level the priest of Hextor may cast a fear spell
adventuring groups of evil nature are also in league with this once per day.
clergy; the Hextorians are more than generous in their funding At 9th level the Hound of Hell gains the power to inflict
of such organizations, and in exchange wield a great deal of double damage in combat once per day, for 1 round per
military influence, spread throughout the Flanaess. level of the priest.
In addition, certain Patriarchs of Hextor are also known At 12th level the Hound of Hell may cast a symbol of
to be powerful masters of the undead. These include Patriarch pain once per week.
Ishzar and Patriarch Moralto (of North Province), both of
whom command large forces of undead. Certain animuses are At 14th level the priest may cast a symbol of discord
also loyal to the church, and give the priesthood their full once per day.
support. Patriarch Grenell, the Herzog of North Province, also
has a large following. Hextorian Spells
In addition to the specialty spells below, certain high
Priestly Vestments: Hextor's priests wear black robes level priests of Hextor are able to create the undead being
adorned with white skulls or grey visages embroidered upon known as the animus. The process cannot be completed
them. Only the higher-level priests (8th level and up) have without the aid of outer-planar fiends, and involves powerful,
undefined magics along the lines of quest magic. Details on
individual animus can be found within the Ivid the Undying Sphere: Combat
online sourcebook, available at TSR's website. Range: 0
Hextorians also have access to the spells blood mantle, Casting Time: 3
blood rage (Powers & Pantheons, pg. 21), analyze opponent Components: V,S
(Powers & Pantheons, pg. 46), and holy flail (Faiths & Area of Effect: 1d6 arrows
Avatars, pg. 160). Duration: 6 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Hextor's Fitness
(Alteration) By means of this spell the Hound of Hell may create 1d6
magical red arrows. These arrows are filled with a powerful
Sphere : All, Combat magic, and must be fired as normal arrows before the spell's
Range : Touch duration ends and the arrows vanish. These powerful missiles
Components: V,S will inflict (assuming that all of them strike their marks) a
Casting Time : 1 total of 6d6 points of damage. This damage is rolled before
Duration : 1 turn / level any of the arrows are fired, and the damage rolled is divided
Area of Effect : 1 subject evenly among the number of arrows created. Thus if the
Saving Throw : None damage rolled was 28, and the number of arrows created was
4, each arrow would inflict 7 points of damage on a hit.
When this spell is employed, the caster (or other Strength and specialization bonuses apply to this damage, but
subject) grows in height, weight, and strength, while at the no spells may be cast on the arrows of war to enhance them
same time gaining a temporary boost in Strength and further. The caster need not be the one to fire the missiles, but
Constitution scores. Note that general appearance does not no good aligned being may touch them without destroying
otherwise change, so the individual is recognizable. For every them (and suffering damage as if struck).
2 levels possessed by the caster of Hextor's fitness, the subject
can, at the caster's option, gain 1 inch of height, 10 pounds of Evil Arm of Hextor
weight, and for every 6 levels one point each of Strength and (Enchantment/Charm)
Constitution - this effective gain does not add to hit points
gained from an enhanced Constitution. Higher strength scores Sphere : Charm
grant the recipient bonuses to attack and damage rolls, but Range : 1 mile/level
enhanced strength and constitution scores cannot exceed 18. Components: V,S,M
Casting Time : 1 turn
Blood Groove Duration : Special
(Alteration, Enchantment/Charm) Area of Effect : 20 creatures/level
Sphere: Combat, Necromancy Saving Throw : Neg.
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 6 While the Hextorians are all very fond of battle,
Components: V,S sometimes there are armies just too big to defeat with
Area of Effect: One edged weapon available forces. For such armies the priests of Hextor use his
Duration: 2 rounds/level evil arm, which robs the priests' enemies of all hope and
Saving Throw: Special desire to continue moving against the forces of Hextor.
The spell is cast initially around a brazier specially
By casting the blood groove spell, a Hextorian priest prepared by the priest. In the brazier are 1,000 gp worth of
may enchant an edged weapon (sword, dagger, axe, etc.) so special incense, which are burned during the casting. The
that its surface becomes jagged and lined with blood grooves smoke produced in the braziers grows and thickens, forming
(hence the name of the spell). The enchanted weapon into a great arm of black cloud, which ends in a sinister hand.
becomes far more formidable in combat, and whenever it hits, This arm-like black cloud climbs through the sky, heading
the victim must make a save vs. spell at -2 or suffer from slowly towards the target military force, which may consist of
bleeding wounds. Bleeding wounds produced by blood up to 20 creatures per level.. When the shadow of the arm's
groove will bleed for 1d6 rounds, and on each round cause an hand falls upon the target force, all individuals within the
extra 1d4 points of damage to the wounded person per force must make saving throws versus spells.
wound. Everyone who fails their saving throw is affected by the
Blood groove cannot be used on weapons that are spell, and must immediately halt movement for the day. These
already magical, and it cannot be used on weapons that are individuals will refuse to march into battle, and argue and
not edged (includes maces and flails). bicker with one another. Every day after the first day of being
affected, another saving throw versus spells is made by all of
Arrows of War the individuals still under the influence of the spell; three
consecutive failed saving throws in three days indicates that
outright battle has taken place among the discordant troops.
Hands of Hextor
Sphere : Combat
Range : 0
Components: V,S
Casting Time : 6
Duration : 1-4 rounds/level
Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None
Wave of Carnage
(Alteration, Invocation/Evocation)
Faerie Court of Rings - This is said to be a magical Lake of Insight - Certainly one of the more benevolent
sylvan domain, filled with faerie creatures of all sorts. of the Fading Lands, this demiplane is simply a large lake,
Members of the Seelie Court are said to hunt here, as well as surrounded by a narrow shore and insurmountable cliffs. The
provide guidance and strength to the faerie creatures of Oerik. shore of the Lake is featureless, and no dwellings or structures
This is held to be most influential for those within the of any kind are to be found. Non-threatening aquatic beings,
Welkwood, from which the Land may be reached. The Cat such as water nagas, nixies, kindly nereids (of the rarer,
helpful nature), mist dragons, and nymphs are found on the
Lake. Some of these creatures will make their home on one of bestowed upon explorers, or upon the nearly invisible foes
the numerous small islands found on the water. found within the Maze. Most often noted of these are
The waters of the Lake are of a highly magical nature, transparent oozes, water weirds, and slithering trackers, all of
and bathing in it brings a strange effect. A soothing feeling of which are said to use their transparent natures to cunning,
calm will come over the effected creature, draining away any deadly advantage.
rage, frustration, despair, arrogance, pain, or other emotion The walls of the Land are said to fade in and out of
that may blind the being. Clear thought, and an unbiased view existence at seemingly random intervals, making mapping
of any situation pondered will result. This effect will last until impossible. Many parties have become hopelessly lost in the
the creature is dry, but will not continue once the demiplane Maze, and returning to the Flanaess is generally considered a
has been left behind. The water cannot be transported back to challenge more difficult than anything else encountered in the
Oerik; indeed, all attempts have produced only empty, dry demiplane.
Possibly the most useful of the Fading Lands in these Mines of Dumathoin - A typical gnomish or dwarven
modern times, its location deep within the Jotens keeps it mine in appearance, this realm holds few other similarities to
from being more frequently utilized. The most useful effect known excavation sites. While cave lizards, blind cave fish,
recorded on this demiplane is that divination magic is highly fungi, and other typical mine dwelling animals are found
enhanced here under certain circumstances. It appears that, within, they are all unmoving and seem as rock to the
provided the purpose of the desired information is unselfish observer.
and peaceful, any form of divining performed will always The true dominant life forms within the cave system are
prove successful. The information gained is also said to be of the rocks, gems, pit props, and even gases, all of which are
a more precise nature than has normally come to be expected, sentient. These beings will freely speak with explorers, and
although it is still somewhat vague. It is uncertain what the have been noted to sing and play games as well. They seem to
effects would be of attempting to scry a creature magically share with us the basic needs for life, and have been observed
warded against these spells. breathing, eating, drinking, and sleeping.
Possibly due to its difficult location and lack of frequent These creatures seem to have a very complex society.
use, the Lake seems destined to be the next Land to fade from They are constantly striving to increase the size of their realm
our world. It is rarely found, and even professionally drawn through excavation. No hierarchy seems to exist, all of these
maps have failed to improve upon this. It appears to be creatures seem to work in concert, with differences of opinion
changing locations fairly rapidly, which history has shown to handled in a way which would embarrass the most humble
indicate its demise is close at hand. priest of Rao. Strangely enough, they seem to have no
One last fact should be mentioned on the Lake of concept of their origins, no creation myths, and no need for
Insight. While its time on Oerth may be limited, time spent this type of information. They simply feel that they have
there is apparently without limit. All recorded ventures have always existed, and that their society has always been much as
noted that literally no time had elapsed in the Flanaess, with it is now. Their history includes several war-like periods, but
some considerable journals kept of extended stays within the they all appear to have been a battle for their lives, never any
demiplane. Again, it is truly sad that such a useful tool may internal conflicts or conquests. Those who follow the paths
soon pass out of our hands. and ideals of good would learn much from these creatures,
although the Order holds that the beings would grow much
Maze of Skin - Located deep within the Rushmoors, more if they increased the diversity in their views and
this Fading Land is arguably one of the strangest. As the name opinions.
implies, the entire demiplane is one large maze. None have One record states that an explorer managed to return
ever indicated ever finding an exit or other sign that there is a with one of the mining tools, which provided him with vast
correct route to follow. Numerous puzzles, traps, tricks (most knowledge and considerable skill in matters dealing with
notably, tesseracts of amazing complexity), and fell creatures subterranean exploration. The tool was simply noted as
hinder progress, and little to nothing has been gained to "hidden" within the Mines, but no other accounting indicates
indicate the exploration was worthwhile. any other experience of this nature. Since the tools within the
The maze itself is of a unique nature. The walls are Mines are alive, it is unclear whether the tale involves a tool
composed of a sickening, skinless fleshy substance, not unlike willing to travel to our world, a tool taken against its will, or a
that produced by a stone to flesh spell (although attempts at magic item created using the body of a deceased being. If the
reversing or dispelling this effect have proven unsuccessful). method used is a peaceful one, this may be a valuable asset
The entire maze is filled with a liquid, much like water in for mining peoples across Oerik.
consistency, but easily breathable by air-breathers. The
experience is said to be disturbing and slightly uncomfortable, Moonarch of Sehanine - Only recently classified as an
but no pain or adverse effects have been noted. entrance to a Fading Land, the Moonarch holds a rich place
Numerous harmless fish dwell within the maze, but within the legends of the elves of Celene. Never found twice
these move so fast that they are only visible as blurs to the in the same spot, the Arch only appears when the
naked eye, and some feel that this is caused by another Handmaiden has reached her fullness, and then only
temporal effect. Whatever the reason, this speed is not sporadically. Generally encountered in the spur of the
Lortmils in northwest Celene, the Arch has eroded to become Summer Stars. The extent of this link, why it exists, and what
only a few feet thin at its peak. Despite this worn and aged effects it may have on either location are unknown.
appearance, strong magical effects of a druidic nature are In conclusion, I would like to say that I believe the study
noted in any spot the artifact has appeared. These can vary of these fantastic realms should become a high priority for the
greatly, and can last for up to several years. Order, as we have precious little time left to do so. I would
Only non-evil elves have been recorded as passing even venture to say that perhaps some of our chronomantic
through the Moonarch, and the individual must have made colleagues would be of great assistance in our research
something of her/his life. After passing through the concerning Lands now gone from Oerth. The exploration
Moonarch, the elf is said to be put through grueling tests, would need to be kept low-key, as it is certain that the priests
trials, puzzles, and other challenges. Legends hold that the of Lendor would not find this exploitation of the timestream
Seldarine are testing their people, preparing the best of them to their liking. Perhaps the priesthood of Cyndor would find
for the Leaving. Indeed, it appears that nearly all elves this proposal more amicable…
returning have sought out that ancient rite soon after. My ideas for this work have been an adaptation of the
The demiplane reached is said to be a faerie realm, rich ideas of Carl Sargent in the From the Ashes boxed set. It is
with sylvan creatures magical and mundane. Intensely my hope that further information will surface, and that I will
magical and lush, the Land is said to be hold impossibly vivid be able to share many more of such findings with you I'd like
sounds and colors. Very little else is known of this Fading to thank Nellisir & Grey1998 for their comments and ideas.
Land, as all time spent there is occupied by the tests of Thanks to Randy Richards for posting this on the
Corellon, and the other gods of the elves. Greytalk board, and of course a huge thanks to Mr. Gygax,
An individual who enters the Moonarch is gone from for the write up on Dorgha, and for creating this wondrous
our world for years at a time, although a significantly shorter world which we all live -- um -- I mean that we adventure in.
time is experienced by the elf. Perhaps this magnifies the
broken heart and will which is said to often result from
Corellon's final testing of his people.
The reader is referred to the entry above, which covered
the Faerie Court of Rings, as this covers the controversial
arguments that link that demiplane with the Moonarch of