Nursing Responsibilities For The Patient Will Undergo Cardiac Catheterization
Nursing Responsibilities For The Patient Will Undergo Cardiac Catheterization
Nursing Responsibilities For The Patient Will Undergo Cardiac Catheterization
Abstract The study objectives to evaluate nurses’ roles toward patient undergoing cardiac
catheterization and to find out the relationship between the patient perspective and demographic data
(age, gender, level of education, social status, occupation, economic status, and residence). a descriptive
cross-sectional design (patient perspective) was carried out through the present study in order to
achieve the early stated objectives for period January 4th 2017 to August 6th 2017. The study conducted
at AL-Najaf cardiac center, A convenient sample of (100) patients undergoing to cardiac catheterization
patients that admitted to cardiac catheterization unites. The data were collected through the use of
questionnaire, which consists of two parts, socio-demographic data, and question related to nurses'
roles toward patient undergoing cardiac catheterization. The data were described statistically and
analyzed though use of the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis procedures. The results of
present study indicate that the nurses' roles toward patient undergoing cardiac catheterization was
good more than 89% of patient agree with this role. The study confirms that the nurses have a good
practice toward patient undergoing cardiac catheterization according to patient perspective. Nurses,
who working in cardiac center, should be hired with certain qualification, which are related to the
performance of such high quality practices. Special training programs should be designed and
constructed for nurses in this area to reinforce their skills and promote their experience. The standards
for such practices bill should be created and presented to all ties in which such practices are performed.
Nursing care for patients undergoing cardiac catheterization requires an expert nurse who understands
the types of complications that can occur, as well as the assessment skills to spot them. The combination
of nursing knowledge and skills during the period before and after cardiac catheterization aims to assure
safe and accurate procedure, and improving physical and mental health [7]. Patients' education before
cardiac catheterization is very important; the nurse should explain the procedure to the patients. A visit
to the catheterization laboratory is also required and patients should watch a video of the procedure.
The nurse’s role is not only concerned with American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering,
Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume 64, No 1, pp 200-209 202 implementation of patient
teaching but also monitoring and caring for the patient post cardiac catheterization to prevent
complications [8]. The study done by (Thabet and his colleagues 2019) there results showed that
inadequacy of nurses knowledge and practice regarding care of patients undergoing cardiac
catheterization. Another study was conducted by (Feroze and his colleagues 2017) stated that There is
positive association between the knowledge and practice about patient’s safety after Cardiac
Catheterization [9,10]. (Wolf and his colleagues 2003) claimed that the cardiac patients (N = 73)
undergoing interventional cardiology studies reported perceptions of nurse caring and patient
satisfaction with care. A moderately strong relationship (r = 0.53, p = 0.01) between caring and
satisfaction was found. Male and female subjects did not differ on perceptions of caring and patient
satisfaction. Since caring is considered fundamental to the nature of nursing, practicing nurses must
appreciate its connection to outcomes, such as patient satisfaction. Nurses those have proper
knowledge and practice can help in rehabilitation of patients. According to the stated facts, the present
study attempts to evaluate practices of nurses toward patients who have undergone cardiac
catheterization by (the patient perspective) [11]. 2.Methodology A descriptive cross-sectional design
was carried out through the present study in order to achieve the early stated objectives for period
January 4th 2017 to August 6th 2017. The study is conducted at AL-Najaf Center for Cardiac Surgery and
Cardiac Catheterization. A convenient sample of (100) patients undergoing to cardiac catheterization
patients that admitted to cardiac catheterization unites. The Researchers obtained official permission
from The Director of Health in Al- Najaf city. A questionnaire form was developed by the researchers to
obtain appropriate answer, and It was consist from: Part one: socio-demographic variables: age, gender,
level of education, social status, occupation, economic status, and residence. Part two: (patient
perspective) 30 questions regarding to the nurses' roles towards patient undergoing cardiac
catheterization were used to asking the patient admitted to al-Najaf cardiac center units to evaluate the
nurses' practice according to their perspective. The questionnaire was designed in English and then
translated into Arabic, the data were collection though using of questionnaire format of interview with
the patient. The validity of an instrument concerns its ability to gather the data that it is intended to
gather. Content validity for the early developed instrument is determined through the use of panel of
experts (who have more than 5 years of experience at their jobs field).A preliminary copy of the
questionnaire was designed and presented to (7) experts. The data were interred into Spss (version 22)
in order to describe the statistical results as follow (Frequency distribution and Bar chart, and Chi-
square). The study limitations were lack of relevant studies in Iraq regarding our study, and lack of
cooperation from some patients as volunteers.
. Discussion Catheterization is a procedure used to treat various forms of heart and vascular disease. The
procedure is performed in an area of the hospital called the catheterization laboratory, or
“catheterization lab. This procedure will insert long, thin tubes called catheters into blood vessels in
your arm, leg or neck. The catheters are then threaded up to your heart or other vessels. The catheters
are used to measure pressures in different parts of the circulation and the amount of blood that the
heart is pumping [12]. In the present study, the table (2) show that (89%) patients were agree with the
nurse's role that applied at AL-Najaf Center for Cardiac Surgery and Cardiac Catheterization , this mean
the nurses' roles were good towards patient undergoing cardiac catheterization. This finding was
inconsistent with study result one by Laal 2013 which referred that about only half op patient
participated in the study had good perspective toward nurses role and quality of care provided [13].
While later study done in Nigeria by Folami and Odeyemi 2019 agreed with existing study results, they
reported that majority of patients about 80 % showed excellent satisfaction toward quality care and role
delivered by nurses [14]. A study done in India by Feroz and his colleagues 2017 showed that nurses
reported poor practice but good knowledge which may indicate that patient perspective and satisfaction
of nurses role and care might be connected to the quality of care perceived during hospitalization for
cardiac catheterization [9]. This evidence supported by Rafil and his colleagues 2008 which their results
showed that better quality of care lead to better level of satisfaction of nurses’ roles and care given from
patients’ perspectives [15]. Similarly, an Egyptian study done by Thabet, 2019 reported inadequacy of
nurses’ knowledge and practice may lead to decrease of satisfaction of care from patients’ perspective
[10]. Table (3) indicate that there is a non – significant association between the (age, gender residence,
social status and occupation) and the patient perspective at p value 0.05, and indicate that there is a
significant association between (educational level, and economic status) and patient perspective at p
value 0.05. This result disagree with study done by Samira A. 2006. the study result said, inadequately
performed pre catheterization practices that influenced the association in this context were obvious
throughout the mean of score for non-significant items of these practices, as a matter of fact, nurses did
not explain the procedure; the risk; the complication; being awake during procedure; the what will be
experienced during the procedure. They also did not insert the intravenous line due to the unit's
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2020) Volume
64, No 1, pp 200-209 207 policy, nurses did not perform shaving to the patients because all the patients
were informed to shave at home prior to their admission to the unit and they did not tell the patients to
participate during the procedure [16]. Regarding the relationship between the patient perspective and
demographic data, another work prepared by (Laal 2013) indicated that (female gender, age group less
than 50 years old, single marital status, self-employed patient and rural residency) had significant
differences and exposed better perspective toward nurses role and were more satisfied with
performance of staff [13]. A study investigated nursing assessment of patient readiness for ambulation
after cardiac catheterization. The study found that although nurses routinely perform activities that
prevent or defect vascular complication following a cardiac catheterization, determining patient
readiness for ambulation has received minimal research attention, educating nurses to determine
patients’ readiness for ambulation is a safe and effective way to promote patient comfort (Dadds A.,
2007). This study agree with our study [17,18]. 5. Conclusion More of the study samples were male with
age (30 –63), More of the study group with college level of education, More of the study have free
business, and the nurses have a good practice toward patient undergoing cardiac catheterization
according to patient perspective. Thus, better knowledge and practice of nurses improve the patients’
perspective of nurses’ role and more satisfaction toward quality care received by patients. 6.
Recommendations Nurses, who working in cardiac center, should be hired with certain qualification,
which are related to the performance of such high quality practices, special training programs should be
designed and constructed for nurses in this area to reinforce their skills and promote their experience,
and the standards for such practices bill should be created and presented to all ties in which such
practices are performed.