Full Text - 2020-2019
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Full Text - 2020-2019
Association and membership dues collected by condo
corp. but TRAIN already pvd that condo corpo and HOA
are exmepted na mn but nonetheless further made the
point that not subject to income and VAT.
The Cases
The Facts
On July 1, 2005, Republic Act No. 9337 1 (RA 9337)
was enacted, amending select provisions of the 1997
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), namely, Sections
27, 28, 34, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116,
117, 119, 121, 148, 151, 236, 237 and 288.
In relation to these amendments, then Commissioner
of Internal Revenue (CIR) Lilian Hefti issued Revenue
Memorandum Circular No. 31-2008 2 (RMC 31-2008) dated
January 30, 2008. It sought to "clarify certain provisions of
the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended
(Code), as it applies to shipping companies and their agents
as well as their suppliers to ensure that the law is properly
implemented and taxes are properly collected, in a manner
that aligns with acceptable business practices." Its relevant
portions read:
Q-3: Are on-line international sea carriers subject to
A-3: No. On-line international sea carriers are not
subject to VAT they being subject to
percentage tax under Title V of the Tax Code.
They are liable to the three percent (3%)
percentage tax imposed on their gross receipts
from outbound fares and freight, pursuant to
Section 118 of the Code.
However, if these on-line international sea
carriers engage in other transactions not
exempt under Section 119 of the Code, they
shall be liable to the twelve percent (12%) VAT
on these transactions.
Q-4: Are demurrage fees collected by on-line
international sea carriers due to delay by the
shipper in unloading their inbound cargoes
subject to tax?
A-4: Yes, Demurrage fees, which are in the nature of
rent for the use of property of the carrier in the
Philippines is considered income from
Philippine source and is subject to income tax
under the regular rate as the other types of
income of the on-line carrier. Said other line of
business may likewise be subject to VAT or
percentage tax applying the rule on threshold
discussed in the succeeding paragraph.
Q-5: Are detention fees and other charges collected
by international sea carriers subject to tax?
A-5: Detention fees and other charges relating to
outbound cargoes and inbound cargoes are all
considered Philippine-sourced income of the
international sea carriers they being collected
for the use of property or rendition of services
in the Philippines, and are subject to the
Philippine income tax under the regular rate,
and to the Value Added Tax, if the total annual
receipts from all the VAT-registered activities
exceeds one million five hundred thousand
pesos (P1,500,000.00). However, if the total
annual gross receipts do not exceed one
million five hundred thousand pesos, said
taxpayer is liable to pay the 3% percentage
xxx xxx xxx
Q-14: Are sales of goods, supplies, equipment, fuel
and services to persons engaged in
international shipping operations subject to
A-14: The sale of goods, supplies, equipment, fuel
and services (including leases of property) to
the common carrier to be used in its
international sea transport operations is zero-
rated. Provided, that the same is limited to
goods, supplies, equipment, fuel and services
pertaining to or attributable to the transport of
goods and passengers from a port in the
Philippines directly to a foreign port without
docking or stopping at any other port in the
Philippines to unload passengers and/or
cargoes loaded in and from another domestic
port; Provided, further, that if any portion of
such fuel, equipment, goods or supplies and
services is used for purposes other than that
mentioned in this paragraph, such portion of
fuel, equipment, goods, supplies and services
shall be subject to 12% VAT.
xxx xxx xxx
Q-34: Are commission incomes received by the local
shipping agents from their foreign principals
subject to VAT?
A-34: The commission income or fees received by the
local shipping agents for outbound
freights/fares received by their foreign
principals which are on-line international sea
carriers (touching any port in the Philippines as
part of their operation) shall be zero-rated
pursuant to the provisions of Section 108(B)(4)
of the Code. Said provision does not require
that payments of the commission income or
fees for "services rendered to persons
engaged in international shipping operations,
including leases of property for use thereof," be
paid in acceptable foreign currency in order
that such transaction may be zero-rated. On
the other hand, commission income or fees
received by the local shipping agents
pertaining to inbound freights/fares received by
their foreign principals/on-line international sea
carriers or pertaining to freights/fares received
by off-line international sea carriers shall be
subject to VAT at 12%.
Five (5) years after the enactment of RA 9337, on
December 6, 2010, petitioners Association of International
Shipping Lines, Inc. 3 (AISL), APL Co. Pte. Ltd. 4 (APL), and
Maersk-Filipinas, Inc. (Maersk) sought to nullify RMC 31-
2008 via a petition for declaratory relief entitled "Association
of International Shipping Lines, Inc. (AISL), APL Co. Pte.
Ltd. (APL), and Maersk-Filipinas, Inc. (Maersk) v.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue." The case was raffled to
RTC-Branch 98, Quezon City, and docketed as Civil Case
No. Q-09-64241. 5
Petitioners prayed that the trial court: 1) issue a writ of
preliminary injunction enjoining the then BIR Commissioner
and her representatives, agents, or those acting under her
instructions or on her behalf from implementing, enforcing, or
acting pursuant to or on the basis of the challenged
provisions of RMC 31-2008; and 2) render judgment
declaring these challenged provisions void. 6
According to petitioners, RMC 31-2008 was void
insofar as it imposed regular tax rate of thirty percent (30%)
and twelve percent (12%) VAT on the demurrage and
detention fees collected by international shipping carriers
from shippers or consignees for delay in the return of
containers, on the domestic portion of services to persons
engaged in international shipping operations, and on
commission income received by local shipping agents from
international shipping carriers or in connection with inbound
By Order 7 dated May 18, 2012, Branch 98 held that
international carriers were not subject to income tax under
Section 28 (A) (1) (3b) 8 of the NIRC. Too, demurrage fees
were not considered income derived from other or separate
business of the international carrier. Being incidental to the
trade or business of the international carrier, demurrage fees
should instead form part of the Gross Philippine Billings
(GPB) subject to 2.5% tax under Section 28. Further the law
did not expressly impose 12% VAT on the domestic portion
of the services rendered by international carriers. 9 Thus:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, and
pursuant to Rule 35 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure, the Court grants the motion for summary
judgment and declares as INVALID, the pertinent
portions of Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 31-
2008, insofar as the latter subjects the: a)
demurrage and detention fees to the regular
corporate income tax rate under Section 28(A)(1)
and 12% VAT; b) domestic portion of the services
rendered to persons engaged in international
shipping operation to 12% VAT; and c) commission
income or fees received by local shipping agents
from international shipping carriers for the latter's
inbound freights/fares to 12% VAT, for being
contrary to Section 28 (A)(1), and (3) and Section
108 (B)(4) of the National Internal Revenue Code of
1997, as amended.
The Order became final and executory as of June 16,
2012. 11
On March 7, 2013, Republic Act No. 10378 12 (RA
10378) was enacted, amending Section 28 (A) (3) (a) of the
NIRC. The provision now reads:
SEC. 28. Rates of Income Tax on Foreign
Corporations. —
(A) Tax on Resident Foreign Corporations. —
(1) x x x
(2) x x x
(3) International Carrier. — An
international carrier doing business in
the Philippines shall pay a tax of two
and one-half percent (2 1/2%) on its
'Gross Philippine Billings' as defined
(a) International Air Carrier. — 'Gross
Philippine Billings' refers to the amount
of gross revenue derived from carriage
of persons, excess baggage, cargo,
and mail originating from the
Philippines in a continuous and
uninterrupted flight, irrespective of the
place of sale or issue and the place of
payment of the ticket or passage
document: Provided, That tickets
revalidated, exchanged and/or
indorsed to another international
airline form part of the Gross
Philippine Billings if the passenger
boards a plane in a port or point in the
Philippines: Provided, further, That for
a flight which originates from the
Philippines, but transshipment of
passenger takes place at any part
outside the Philippines on another
airline, only the aliquot portion of the
cost of the ticket corresponding to the
leg flown from the Philippines to the
point of transshipment shall form part
of Gross Philippine Billings.
(b) International Shipping. — 'Gross
Philippine Billings' means gross
revenue whether for passenger, cargo
or mail originating from the Philippines
up to final destination, regardless of
the place of sale or payments of the
passage or freight documents.
Provided, That international
carriers doing business in the
Philippines may avail of a preferential
rate or exemption from the tax herein
imposed on their gross revenue
derived from the carriage of persons
and their excess baggage on the basis
of an applicable tax treaty or
international agreement to which the
Philippines is a signatory or on the
basis of reciprocity such that an
international carrier, whose home
country grants income tax exemption
to Philippine carriers, shall likewise be
exempt from the tax imposed under
this provision.
xxx xxx xxx.
The Secretary of Finance, thereafter, issued the
implementing rules under Revenue Regulations No. 15-
2013 13 (RR 15-2013), the validity of which is now the
subject of this petition.
The Proceedings Before the Trial Court
Over three (3) years later, on December 4, 2013,
petitioners initiated the present petition for declaratory
relief, 14 this time, challenging Section 4.4 of RR 15-2013
and impleading as respondents both the Secretary of
Finance and the CIR. Section 4.4 reads:
4.4) Taxability of Income Other Than Income from
International Transport Services. — All items of
income derived by international carriers that do not
form part of Gross Philippine Billings as defined
under these Regulations shall be subject to tax
under the pertinent provisions of the NIRC, as
Demurrage fees, which are in the nature of
rent for the use of property of the carrier in the
Philippines, is considered income from
Philippine source and is subject to income tax
under the regular rate as the other types of
income of the on-line carrier.
Detention fees and other charges relating
to outbound cargoes and inbound cargoes are
all considered Philippine-sourced income of
international sea carriers they being collected
for the use of property or rendition of services in
the Philippines, and are subject to the Philippine
income tax under the regular rate. (Emphasis
The case was raffled to RTC-Branch 77, Quezon City,
and docketed Special Civil Action No. R-QZN-13-05590-CV,
then presided by Acting Presiding Judge Cleto R. Villacorta
Petitioners' Arguments
Petitioners argued that Section 4.4 of RR 15-2013
invalidly subjects demurrage and detention fees collected by
international shipping carriers to regular corporate income
tax rate. This very same imposition had been previously
declared invalid by Branch 98 through its final and executory
Order dated May 18, 2012. 15 Section 4.4 of RR 15-2013
should not, therefore, be given effect by reason of res
judicata. 16 The treatment of demurrage and detention fees
on the carriage of cargoes prior to and after the enactment of
RA 10378 did not change. There is nothing in RA 10378
which even touches on demurrage and detention fees, much
less, provides or even implies that they should be treated as
income subject to tax at the regular corporate income tax
rate. 17
In fact, RR 15-2013 unduly widens the scope of RA
10378 by imposing additional taxes on international shipping
carriers not authorized or provided by law. Besides,
demurrage and detentions fees are not income but penalties
imposed by the carrier on the charterer, shipper, consignee,
or receiver, as the case may be, to allow the carrier to
recover losses or expenses associated with or caused by the
undue delay in the loading and/or discharge of the latter's
shipments from the containers. 18 They are akin to
damages. 19 Assuming that demurrage and detention fees
may be treated as income, these fees are taxable only if they
form part of Gross Philippine Billings (GPB) and taxed at the
preferential rate of 2.5%. 20
Further, RR 15-2013 is invalid because it was
promulgated without public hearing as required by the
Revised Administrative Code and case law. Also, no copies
of RR 15-2013 were filed with the University of the
Philippines-Law Center, as required by the Revised
Administrative Code, thus, the same is deemed not to have
become effective. 21
Respondents' Arguments
By Comment 22 dated February 3, 2014, the Secretary
of Finance, through the Office of the Solicitor General
(OSG), countered that the Order dated May 18, 2012 in Civil
Case No. Q-09-64241 did not preclude the Secretary of
Finance from issuing Section 4.4 of RR 15-2013 because a)
the first case involves RMC 31-2008 which the CIR issued to
clarify matters involving common carriers by sea, in relation
to their transport of passengers, goods, and services, while
the second case involves RR 15-2013 which the Secretary
of Finance issued pursuant to his mandate under RA 10378;
b) RMC 31-2008 was issued based on the authority of the
CIR to interpret the provisions of the NIRC while RR 15-2013
was issued by virtue of the authority of the Secretary of
Finance under RA 10378; and c) the Secretary of Finance
was not impleaded as respondent in the first case, thus, he
is not bound by the finality of Order dated May 18, 2012.
Besides, the Secretary of Finance and the CIR are two (2)
distinct officials governing two (2) separate agencies.
According to respondents, RR 15-2013 does not
expand the provisions of RA 10378. It simply clarifies what
constitutes Gross Philippine Billings (GPB) such that
anything outside the definition of GPB is subject to the
regular income tax rate for resident foreign corporations.
Thus, the law need not specifically mention demurrage or
detention fees as among those falling outside the definition
of GPB. 23
Respondents stress that demurrage and detention
fees are income. They not only serve as penalties for
consignees, they also serve as compensation for extended
use of containers. As resident foreign corporations, they are
covered by the provisions on the regular income tax rate and
not the preferential rate of 2.5% imposed on GPB. 24
Lastly, respondents argue that the absence of public
hearing prior to the publication of RR 15-2013 or non-
submission of copies thereof to the UP-Law Center did not
render it ineffective. An interpretative regulation such as RR
15-2013, to be effective, needs nothing further than its bare
issuance for it gives no real consequence more than what
the law itself already prescribes. It adds nothing to the law
and does not affect the substantial rights of any person. 25
In its Answer 26 dated January 27, 2014, the CIR,
through the BIR Litigation Department riposted that the trial
court had no jurisdiction over the petition for declaratory
relief because its subject matter involved a revenue
regulation. Under Commonwealth Act No. 55 27 (CA 55),
actions for declaratory relief do not apply to cases involving
tax liabilities under any law administered by the
BIR. 28 Further, res judicata does not apply to the case.
Petitioners' Omnibus Motion
Petitioners subsequently filed an Omnibus Motion 1)
for Judicial Notice; and 2) for Summary Judgment 29 dated
December 4, 2014.
Petitioners prayed that the trial court take judicial
notice of the following: 1) the existence of RMC 31-2008; 2)
the final and executory Order dated May 18, 2012 in Civil
Case No. Q-09-64241 and its Certificate of Finality dated
August 28, 2012; 3) the enactment of Republic Act No.
10378 30 (RA 10378), which recognized the principle of
reciprocity for grant of income tax exemptions to
international shipping carriers and rationalized the taxes
imposed thereon; and 4) the issuance of RR 15-2013.
Petitioners also filed a motion for summary judgment
on ground that there was no genuine issue as to any
material fact and/or the facts were undisputed and certain
based on the pleadings, admissions, and affidavits on
The Ruling of the Trial Court
Following the parties' exchange of pleadings, the trial
court, then presided by Acting Presiding Judge Villacorta,
through its first assailed Order 31 dated September 15, 2015:
1) granted petitioners' motion for judicial notice of the
existence of RMC 31-2008, the issuance of Order dated May
18, 2012 in Civil Case No. Q-09-64241 and its
corresponding Certificate of Finality dated August 28, 2012,
and the enactment of RA 10378 — all these being the official
acts of different branches of government; 2) declared that it
had no jurisdiction over the petition for declaratory relief
pursuant to CA 55 which removed from regional trial courts
the authority to rule on cases involving one's liability for tax,
duty, or charge collectible under any law administered by the
Bureau of Customs or the BIR; 3) ruled against the
application of res judicata to the case because — first, res
judicata does not give rise to a cause of action for the
purpose of initiating a complaint, res judicata being a shield
not a sword and executive and legislative authorities have
the power to enact laws and rules to supersede judge-made
laws or rules, second, the enactment and implementation of
RA 10378 constituted a supervening event which negated
the application of res judicata, third, there is no similarity of
parties, subject matters, and causes of action between the
present case and Civil Case No. Q-09-64241; and 4) found
RR No. 15-2013 to be a reasonable tax regulation and an
interpretative issuance, the effectivity of which does not
require a public hearing, nay, prior registration with the UP
Law Center. Thus, the trial court decreed:
(1) The Motion for Judicial Notice is granted.
This Court declares that the issuance of (i) RMC
31-2008, (ii) RTC-Branch 98 Order dated May 18,
2012 in Civil Case No. Q-09-64241, (iii) RTC-
Branch 98 Certification of the finality of the Order
dated May 18, 2012 in Civil Case No. Q-09-64241,
(iv) RA 10378, and (v) RR 15-2013, is an
established fact in this case.
(2) The Motion for Summary Judgment
is denied and as a result the instant petition for
declaratory relief is dismissed.
Costs de oficio.
Petitioners' partial motion for reconsideration was
denied under Order dated January 8, 2016.
The Present Petition
Petitioners now seek, on pure questions of law, the
Court's discretionary appellate jurisdiction to review and
reverse the assailed dispositions. They essentially reiterate
the arguments raised in their petition for declaratory
relief, i.e., a) res judicata and immutability of judgments
apply to this case and the enactment of RA 10378 is not a
supervening event which operates to negate the application
of the aforesaid principles; b) RR 15-2013 is invalid because
it erroneously subjects demurrage and detention fees
collected by international shipping carriers to regular income
tax rate, albeit these are not income; and c) RR 15-2013 is
not an interpretative issuance, thus, a public hearing and
prior registration with the UP Law Center are required for its
validity and effectivity.
Respondents Secretary of Finance and CIR, through
Senior State Solicitor Jonathan dela Vega, submits: Res
judicata does not apply here because there is no
commonality of parties between this case and Civil Case No.
Q-09-64241. The Secretary of Finance and the CIR are two
(2) distinct officials. 33 RR 15-2013 does not add to the
provisions of RA 10378. It simply clarifies how the GPB of
international sea carriers should be determined. Its issuance
is germane to the purpose of the law. 34 Lastly, RR 15-2013
is an interpretative regulation, thus, to be effective, it need
not be filed with the UP Law Center. 35
Petitioners' Reply 36 dated October 27, 2016 echoes
their previous arguments against RR 15-2013.
1. Does res judicata apply in this case?
2. Is a petition for declaratory relief proper for the
purpose of invalidating RR No. 15-2013?
3. Is RR 15-2013 a valid revenue regulation?
Res judicata does not apply here
Res judicata applies in the concept of "bar by prior
judgment" if the following requisites concur: (1) the former
judgment or order must be final; (2) the judgment or order
must be on the merits; (3) the decision must have been
rendered by a court having jurisdiction over the subject
matter and the parties; and (4) there must be, between the
first and the second action, identity of parties, of subject
matter, and of causes of action. 37
Here, we rule that there is no substantial identity of
parties and subject matter.
a) No substantial identity of parties
Tambunting, Jr. v. Sumabat 38 explains the nature of
a petition for declaratory relief, thus:
An action for declaratory relief should be filed
by a person interested under a deed, will, contract
or other written instrument, and whose rights are
affected by a statute, executive order, regulation or
ordinance before breach or violation thereof. The
purpose of the action is to secure an
authoritative statement of the rights and
obligations of the parties under a statute, deed,
contract, etc. for their guidance in its
enforcement or compliance and not to settle
issues arising from its alleged breach. It may be
entertained only before the breach or violation of the
statute, deed, contract, etc. to which it refers. Where
the law or contract has already been contravened
prior to the filing of an action for declaratory relief,
the court can no longer assume jurisdiction over the
action. In other words, a court has no more
jurisdiction over an action for declaratory relief if its
subject, i.e., the statute, deed, contract, etc., has
already been infringed or transgressed before the
institution of the action. Under such circumstances,
inasmuch as a cause of action has already accrued
in favor of one or the other party, there is nothing
more for the court to explain or clarify short of a
judgment or final order. (Emphasis supplied)
Thus, it is required that the parties to the action for
declaratory relief be those whose rights or interests are
affected by the contract or statute being
questioned. 39 Section 2 of Rule 63 of the Rules of Court
further underscores that a judgment in a petition for
declaratory relief binds only the impleaded parties:
Section 2. Parties. — All persons who have or claim
any interest which would be affected by the
declaration shall be made parties; and no
declaration shall, except as otherwise provided in
these Rules, prejudice the rights of persons not
parties to the action. (2a, R64)
Heirs of Marcelino Doronio v. Heirs of Fortunato
Doronio 40 further elucidates on this principle, thus:
Petitioners cannot also use the finality of
the RTC decision in Petition Case No. U-920 as a
shield against the verification of the validity of
the deed of donation. According to petitioners,
the said final decision is one for quieting of title.
In other words, it is a case for declaratory relief
under Rule 64 (now Rule 63) of the Rules of
Court, which provides:
SECTION 1. Who may file petition. —
Any person interested under a deed,
will, contract or other written
instrument, or whose rights are
affected by a statute, executive order
or regulation, or ordinance, may,
before breach or violation thereof,
bring an action to determine any
question of construction or validity
arising under the instrument or statute
and for a declaration of his rights or
duties thereunder.
An action for the reformation of an
instrument, to quiet title to real property or remove
clouds therefrom, or to consolidate ownership under
Article 1607 of the Civil Code, may be brought
under this rule.
SECTION 2. Parties. — All persons
shall be made parties who have or
claim any interest which would be
affected by the declaration; and no
declaration shall, except as otherwise
provided in these rules, prejudice the
rights of persons not parties to the
However, respondents were not made parties
in the said Petition Case No. U-920. Worse, instead
of issuing summons to interested parties, the RTC
merely allowed the posting of notices on the bulletin
boards of Barangay Cabalitaan, Municipalities of
Asingan and Lingayen, Pangasinan. As pointed out
by the CA, citing the ruling of the RTC:
x x x In the said case or Petition No.
U-920, notices were posted on the
bulletin boards
of barangay Cabalitaan, Municipalities
of Asingan and Lingayen, Pangasinan,
so that there was a notice to the whole
world and during the initial hearing
and/or hearings, no one interposed
objection thereto.
Suits to quiet title are not technically suits in
rem, nor are they, strictly speaking, in personam,
but being against the person in respect of the res,
these proceedings are characterized as quasi in
rem. The judgment in such proceedings is
conclusive only between the parties. Thus,
respondents are not bound by the decision in
Petition Case No. U-920 as they were not made
parties in the said case. (Emphasis supplied)
Applying the foregoing principles here, we find that
there is no identity of parties between Civil Case No. Q-09-
64241 and this case.
The final and executory Order dated May 18, 2012 of
RTC-Branch 98 in Civil Case No. Q-09-64241 is only binding
on herein petitioners Association of International Shipping
Lines, Inc., APL Co. Pte. Ltd. and Maersk-Filipinas, Inc. and
the lone respondent in that case, the CIR. Meanwhile, in this
case, although the petitioners are the same, the respondents
include not only the CIR but the Secretary of Finance as
well. Note that the Secretary of Finance was not party in Civil
Case No. Q-09-64241. Consequently, the Secretary of
Finance is not bound by the final and executory judgment in
Civil Case No. Q-09-64241. Additionally, unlike in the said
case, it is the Secretary of Finance's issuance which is the
subject of the present challenge, not the CIR's.
The distinction between the CIR and the Secretary of
Finance, as respondents, is not hairsplitting. On one hand,
when BIR Commissioner Lilian B. Hefti issued RMC 31-2008
on January 30, 2008, she did so under the auspices of
Section 4 41 of the NIRC. On the other hand, when Secretary
Cesar Purisima issued RR 15-2013 on September 20, 2013,
he did so in obedience to the legislative directive under
Section 5 42 of RA 10378 and pursuant to his rule-making
power under Section 244 43 of the NIRC.
Verily, the Commissioner and the Secretary cannot be
considered as one, for when they issued their respective
revenue memoranda or regulation, they did so pursuant to
the separate powers and prerogatives granted by law.
b) No substantial identity of subject matter
While it is true that RMC 31-2008, subject of Civil
Case No. Q-09-64241, on one hand, and RR 15-2013,
subject of the present case, on the other, both treat
demurrage and detention fees to be within the prism of
regular corporate income tax rate, each, however, differs
from the other with respect to the authority from which it
In Civil Case No. Q-09-64241, what was challenged
was the CIR's authority to issue RMC 31-2008 pursuant to
Section 4 of the NIRC. On the other hand, what is being
challenged here is the Secretary of Finance's authority to
issue RR 15-2013 in accordance with Section 244 of the
NIRC and Section 5 of RA 10378. The CIR and the
Secretary of Finance derive their respective powers from two
(2) distinct sources, thus, their respective issuances, too, are
separate and independent of each other.
More, the supposed invalidity of the CIR's issuance in
Civil Case No. Q-09-64241 does not preclude the Secretary
of Finance from rendering his issuance on the same subject.
More important, the judgment in Civil Case No. Q-09-
64241 does not rise to a level of a judicial precedent to be
followed in subsequent cases by all courts in the land, since
the same was rendered by a regional trial court, and not by
this Court. Verily, the Order dated May 18, 2012 of RTC-
Branch 98, although binding on the CIR, cannot serve as a
judicial precedent for the purpose of precluding the
Secretary of Finance from promulgating a similar issuance
on the same subject.
A petition for declaratory
relief is not the proper remedy
to seek the invalidation of RR 15-2013;
petition is treated as one for prohibition
To begin with, the trial court dismissed the case
below, among others, for lack of jurisdiction pursuant to
Section 1 of CA 55, which reads:
Section 1. Section one of Act Numbered Thirty-
seven hundred and thirty-six is hereby amended so
as to read as follows:
"SECTION 1. Construction. — Any person
interested under a deed, contract or other written
instrument, or whose rights are affected by a
statute, may bring an action in a Court of First
Instance to determine any question of construction
or validity arising under such deed, contract,
instrument or statute and for a declaration of his
rights or duties thereunder: Provided, however, That
the provisions of this Act shall not apply to
cases where a taxpayer questions his liability
for the payment of any tax, duty, or charge
collectible under any law administered by the
Bureau of Customs or the Bureau of Internal
Revenue." (Emphasis supplied)
In CJH Development Corp. v. BIR, 44 this Court
clarified that CA 55 is still good law, thus:
CJH alleges that CA No. 55 has already been
repealed by the Rules of Court; thus, the remedy of
declaratory relief against the assessment made by
the BOC is proper. It cited the commentaries of
Moran allegedly to the effect that declaratory relief
lies against assessments made by the BIR and
BOC. Yet in National Dental Supply Co. v. Meer,
this Court held that:
From the opinion of the former
Chief Justice Moran may be deduced
that the failure to incorporate the
above proviso [CA No. 55] in section
1, rule 66, [now Rule 64] is not due to
an intention to repeal it but rather to
the desire to leave its application to
the sound discretion of the court,
which is the sole arbiter to determine
whether a case is meritorious or not.
And even if it be desired to incorporate
it in rule 66, it is doubted if it could be
done under the rule-making power of
the Supreme Court considering that
the nature of said proviso is
substantive and not adjective, its
purpose being to lay down a policy
as to the right of a taxpayer to
contest the collection of taxes on
the part of a revenue officer or of
the Government. With the adoption of
said proviso, our law-making body has
asserted its policy on the matter, which
is to prohibit a taxpayer to question
his liability for the payment of any
tax that may be collected by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue. As this
Court well said, quoting from several
American cases, "The Government
may fix the conditions upon which it
will consent to litigate the validity of its
original taxes. . ." "The power of
taxation being legislative, all incidents
are within the control of the
Legislature." In other words, it is our
considered opinion that the proviso
contained in Commonwealth Act No.
55 is still in full force and effect and
bars the plaintiff from filing the present
As a substantive law that has not been
repealed by another statute, CA No. 55 is still in
effect and holds sway. Precisely, it has removed
from the courts' jurisdiction over petitions for
declaratory relief involving tax assessments.
The Court cannot repeal, modify or alter an act of
the Legislature. (Emphasis supplied)
CIR v. Standard Insurance, Co., Inc. 45 further
reinforced the rule that regional trial courts have no
jurisdiction over petitions for declaratory relief against the
imposition of tax liability or validity of tax assessments:
The more substantial reason that should
have impelled the RTC to desist from taking
cognizance of the respondent's petition for
declaratory relief except to dismiss the petition was
its lack of jurisdiction.
We start by reminding the respondent about
the inflexible policy that taxes, being the lifeblood of
the Government, should be collected promptly and
without hindrance or delay. Obeisance to this policy
is unquestionably dictated by law itself. Indeed,
Section 218 of the NIRC expressly provides that
"[n]o court shall have the authority to grant an
injunction to restrain the collection of any national
internal revenue tax, fee or charge imposed by th[e]
[NIRC]." Also, pursuant to Section 11[15] of R.A.
No. 1125, as amended, the decisions or rulings
of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
among others, assessing any tax, or levying, or
distraining, or selling any property of taxpayers
for the satisfaction of their tax liabilities are
immediately executory, and their enforcement is
not to be suspended by any appeals thereof to
the Court of Tax Appeals unless "in the opinion
of the Court [of Tax Appeals] the collection by
the Bureau of Internal Revenue or the
Commissioner of Customs may jeopardize the
interest of the Government and/or the taxpayer,"
in which case the Court of Tax Appeals "at any
stage of the proceeding may suspend the said
collection and require the taxpayer either to
deposit the amount claimed or to file a surety
bond for not more than double the amount."
In view of the foregoing, the RTC not only
grossly erred in giving due course to the petition for
declaratory relief, and in ultimately deciding to
permanently enjoin the enforcement of the specified
provisions of the NIRC against the respondent, but
even worse acted without jurisdiction. (Emphasis
Tambunting, Jr. v. Sumabat, 46 explained the nature
of a petition for declaratory relief, thus:
An action for declaratory relief should be filed
by a person interested under a deed, will, contract
or other written instrument, and whose rights are
affected by a statute, executive order, regulation or
ordinance before breach or violation thereof. The
purpose of the action is to secure an authoritative
statement of the rights and obligations of the parties
under a statute, deed, contract, etc. for their
guidance in its enforcement or compliance and not
to settle issues arising from its alleged breach. It
may be entertained only before the breach or
violation of the statute, deed, contract, etc. to which
it refers. Where the law or contract has already
been contravened prior to the filing of an action for
declaratory relief, the court can no longer assume
jurisdiction over the action. In other words, a court
has no more jurisdiction over an action for
declaratory relief if its subject, i.e., the statute, deed,
contract, etc., has already been infringed or
transgressed before the institution of the action.
Under such circumstances, inasmuch as a cause of
action has already accrued in favor of one or the
other party, there is nothing more for the court to
explain or clarify short of a judgment or final order.
Verily, since there is no actual case involved in a
petition for declaratory relief, it cannot be the proper vehicle
to invoke the power of judicial review to declare a statute as
invalid or unconstitutional. As decreed in DOTR v.
PPSTA, 47 the proper remedy is certiorari or prohibition,
The Petition for Declaratory Relief is not
the proper remedy
One of the requisites for an action for
declaratory relief is that it must be filed before any
breach or violation of an obligation. Section 1, Rule
63 of the Rules of Court states, thus:
xxx xxx xxx
Thus, there is no actual case involved in a
Petition for Declaratory Relief. It cannot,
therefore, be the proper vehicle to invoke the
judicial review powers to declare a statute
It is elementary that before this Court can
rule on a constitutional issue, there must first be a
justiciable controversy. A justiciable controversy
refers to an existing case or controversy that is
appropriate or ripe for judicial determination, not one
that is conjectural or merely anticipatory. As We
emphasized in Angara v. Electoral Commission, any
attempt at abstraction could only lead to dialectics
and barren legal questions and to sterile
conclusions unrelated to actualities.
To question the constitutionality of the
subject issuances, respondents should have
invoked the expanded certiorari jurisdiction
under Section 1 of Article VIII of the 1987
Constitution. The adverted section defines
judicial power as the power not only "to settle
actual controversies involving rights which are
legally demandable and enforceable," but also
"to determine whether or not there has been a
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch
or instrumentality of the Government."
There is a grave abuse of discretion when
there is patent violation of the Constitution, the law,
or existing jurisprudence. On this score, it has been
ruled that "the remedies of certiorari and prohibition
are necessarily broader in scope and reach, and the
writ of certiorari or prohibition may be issued to
correct errors of jurisdiction committed not only by a
tribunal, corporation, board or officer exercising
judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial functions, but
also to set right, undo[,] and restrain any act of
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction by any branch or
instrumentality of the Government, even if the latter
does not exercise judicial, quasi-judicial or
ministerial functions." Thus, petitions
for certiorari and prohibition are the proper
remedies where an action of the legislative
branch is seriously alleged to have infringed the
Constitution. (Emphasis supplied)
In Diaz, et al. v. Secretary of Finance, et al., 48 the
Court, nonetheless, held that a petition for declaratory relief
may be treated as one for prohibition if the case has far-
reaching implications and raises questions that need to be
resolved for the public good; or if the assailed act or acts of
executive officials are alleged to have usurped legislative
authority, thus:
On August 24, 2010 the Court issued a
resolution, treating the petition as one for prohibition
rather than one for declaratory relief, the
characterization that petitioners Diaz and Timbol
gave their action. The government has sought
reconsideration of the Court's resolution, however,
arguing that petitioners' allegations clearly made out
a case for declaratory relief, an action over which
the Court has no original jurisdiction. The
government adds, moreover, that the petition does
not meet the requirements of Rule 65 for actions for
prohibition since the BIR did not exercise judicial,
quasi-judicial, or ministerial functions when it sought
to impose VAT on toll fees. Besides, petitioners
Diaz and Timbol has a plain, speedy, and adequate
remedy in the ordinary course of law against the
BIR action in the form of an appeal to the Secretary
of Finance.
But there are precedents for treating a
petition for declaratory relief as one for
prohibition if the case has far-reaching
implications and raises questions that need to
be resolved for the public good. The Court has
also held that a petition for prohibition is a
proper remedy to prohibit or nullify acts of
executive officials that amount to usurpation of
legislative authority.
Here, the imposition of VAT on toll fees has
far-reaching implications. Its imposition would
impact, not only on the more than half a million
motorists who use the tollways everyday, but more
so on the government's effort to raise revenue for
funding various projects and for reducing budgetary
deficits. (Emphasis supplied)
Here, RR 15-2013 greatly impacts the Philippine
maritime industry since it is considered "as more of the
'backbone' of the Philippines' burgeoning economy due to its
significance both for trade and transportation." 49 For this
reason and the fact that the issue at hand has already
pended since 2013 or for more than six (6) years now, first
with the trial court and now with this Court, we resolve to
treat the present case as one for certiorari or prohibition and
settle the controversy once and for all. Diaz aptly
Although the petition does not strictly
comply with the requirements of Rule 65, the
Court has ample power to waive such technical
requirements when the legal questions to be
resolved are of great importance to the public.
The same may be said of the requirement
of locus standi which is a mere procedural
requisite. (Emphasis supplied)
RR 15-2013 is a valid
In treating demurrage and detention fees as regular
income subject to regular income tax rate, the Secretary of
Finance relied on Section 28 (A) (I) (3a) of the NIRC, as
amended by RA 10378, viz.:
SEC. 28. Rates of Income Tax on Foreign
Corporations. —
(A) Tax on Resident Foreign Corporations. —
(1) x x x
(2) x x x
(3). International Carrier. — An international
carrier doing business in the Philippines shall
pay a tax of two and one-half percent (2 1/2%) on
its 'Gross Philippine Billings' as defined
(c) International Air Carrier. — 'Gross Philippine
Billings' refers to the amount of gross revenue
derived from carriage of persons, excess baggage,
cargo, and mail originating from the Philippines in a
continuous and uninterrupted flight, irrespective of
the place of sale or issue and the place of payment
of the ticket or passage document: Provided, That
tickets revalidated, exchanged and/or indorsed to
another international airline form part of the Gross
Philippine Billings if the passenger boards a plane in
a port or point in the Philippines: Provided, further,
That for a flight which originates from the
Philippines, but transshipment of passenger takes
place at any part outside the Philippines on another
airline, only the aliquot portion of the cost of the
ticket corresponding to the leg flown from the
Philippines to the point of transshipment shall form
part of Gross Philippine Billings.
(d) International Shipping. — 'Gross Philippine
Billings' means gross revenue whether for
passenger, cargo or mail originating from the
Philippines up to final destination, regardless of
the place of sale or payments of the passage or
freight documents. Demurrage and penalties not
GPB so subject ot regular income tax
Provided, That international carriers doing
business in the Philippines may avail of a
preferential rate or exemption from the tax
herein imposed on their gross revenue derived
from the carriage of persons and their excess
baggage on the basis of an applicable tax treaty
or international agreement to which the
Philippines is a signatory or on the basis of
reciprocity such that an international carrier,
whose home country grants income tax
exemption to Philippine carriers, shall likewise
be exempt from the tax imposed under this
provision. (Emphasis supplied)
xxx xxx xxx.
This provision is still in effect since it was not
amended by RA 10963 or the Tax Reform for Acceleration
and Inclusion law.
To determine whether demurrage and detention fees
are subject to the preferential 2.5% rate, we refer to the
definition of "Gross Philippine Billings" (GPB) under Section
28 (A) (I) (3a) of the NIRC, as amended by RA
10378, viz.: "gross revenue whether for passenger, cargo or
mail originating from the Philippines up to final destination,
regardless of the place of sale or payments of the passage
or freight documents."
RR 15-2013 echoes this definition, thus:
B) Determination of Gross Philippine Billings of
International Sea Carriers. — In computing for
"Gross Philippine Billings" of international sea
carriers, there shall be included the total amount of
gross revenue whether for passenger, cargo, and/or
mail originating from the Philippines up to final
destination, regardless of the place of sale or
payments of the passage or freight documents.
xxx xxx xxx
Verily, the GPB covers gross revenue derived from
transportation of passengers, cargo and/or mail originating
from the Philippines up to the final destination. Any other
income, therefore, is subject to the regular income tax rate.
When the law is clear, there is no other recourse but to apply
it regardless of its perceived harshness. Dura lex sed lex. 50
Under RR 15-2013, demurrage and detention fees are
not deemed within the scope of GPB. For demurrage
fees "which are in the nature of rent for the use of property
of the carrier in the Philippines, is considered income from
Philippine source and is subject to income tax under the
regular rate as the other types of income of the on-line
carrier." On the other hand, detention fees and other
charges "relating to outbound cargoes and inbound cargoes
are all considered Philippine-sourced income of international
sea carriers they being collected for the use of property or
rendition of services in the Philippines, and are subject to
the Philippine income tax under the regular rate."
Demurrage fee is the allowance or compensation due
to the master or owners of a ship, by the freighter, for the
time the vessel may have been detained beyond the time
specified or implied in the contract of affreightment or the
charter-party. It is only an extended freight or reward to the
vessel, in compensation for the earnings the carrier is
improperly caused to lose. 51
Detention occurs when the consignee holds on to the
carrier's container outside of the port, terminal, or depot
beyond the free time that is allotted. Detention fee is charged
when import containers have been picked up, but the
container (regardless if it is full or empty) is still in the
possession of the consignee and has not been returned
within the allotted time. Detention fee is also charged for
export containers in which the empty container has been
picked up for loading, and the loaded container is returned to
the steamship line after the allotted free time. 52
Indeed, the exclusion of demurrage and detention fees
from the preferential rate of 2.5% is proper since they are not
considered income derived from transportation of persons,
goods and/or mail, in accordance with the rule expressio
unios est exclusio alterius.
Demurrage and detention fees definitely form part of
an international sea carrier's gross income. For they are
acquired in the normal course of trade or business. The
phrase "in the course of trade or business" means the
regular conduct or pursuit of a commercial or an economic
activity, including transactions incidental thereto, by any
person regardless of whether or not the person engaged
therein is a nonstock, nonprofit private organization
(irrespective of the disposition of its net income and whether
or not it sells exclusively to members or their guests), or
government entity. 53
Surely, gross income means income derived from
whatever source, including compensation for services; the
conduct of trade or business or the exercise of a profession;
dealings in property; interests; rents; royalties; dividends;
annuities; prizes and winnings; pensions; and a partner's
distributive share in the net income of a general professional
partnership, 54 among others. Demurrage and detention fees
fall within the definition of "gross income" — the former is
considered as rent payment for the vessel; and the latter,
compensation for use of a carrier's container.
RR 15-2013 is an
interpretative and internal issuance
An interpretative or implementing rule is defined under
Section 2 (2), Chapter 1, Book VIII of the Revised
Administrative Code, viz.:
Section 2. Definitions. — As used in this Book:
xxx xxx xxx
(2) "Rule" means any agency statement of general
applicability that implements or interprets a law,
fixes and describes the procedures in, or practice
requirements of, an agency, including its
regulations. The term includes memoranda or
statements concerning the internal administration or
management of an agency not affecting the rights
of, or procedure available to, the public.
Chapter 2 of Book VII of the same Code further
provides the manner by which administrative rules attain
Section 3. Filing. —
(1) Every agency shall file with the University of the
Philippines Law Center three (3) certified
copies of every rule adopted by it. Rules in
force on the date of effectivity of this Code
which are not filed within three (3) months from
that date shall not thereafter be the basis of
any sanction against any party or persons.
(2) The records officer of the agency, or his equivalent
functionary, shall carry out the requirements of
this section under pain of disciplinary action.
(3) A permanent register of all rules shall be kept by
the issuing agency and shall be open to public
Section 4. Effectivity. — In addition to other
rule-making requirements provided by law
not inconsistent with this Book, each rule
shall become effective fifteen (15) days
from the date of filing as above provided
unless a different date is fixed by law, or
specified in the rule in cases of imminent
danger to public health, safety and welfare,
the existence of which must be expressed in
a statement accompanying the rule. The
agency shall take appropriate measures to
make emergency rules known to persons
who may be affected by them.
SECTION 5. Publication and Recording. —
The University of the Philippines Law Center
(1) Publish a quarterly bulletin setting forth the text of
rules filed with it during the preceding quarter;
(2) Keep an up-to-date codification of all rules thus
published and remaining in effect, together with
a complete index and appropriate tables.
SECTION 6. Omission of Some Rules. — (1)
The University of the Philippines Law Center
may omit from the bulletin or the codification
any rule if its publication would be unduly
cumbersome, expensive or otherwise
inexpedient, but copies of that rule shall be
made available on application to the agency
which adopted it, and the bulletin shall
contain a notice stating the general subject
matter of the omitted rule and new copies
thereof may be obtained.
(2) Every rule establishing an offense or
defining an act which, pursuant to law is
punishable as a crime or subject to a penalty
shall in all cases be published in full text.
SECTION 7. Distribution of Bulletin and
Codified Rules. — The University of the
Philippines Law Center shall furnish one (1)
free copy each of every issue of the bulletin
and of the codified rules or supplements to
the Office of the President, Congress, all
appellate courts and the National Library.
The bulletin and the codified rules shall be
made available free of charge to such public
officers or agencies as the Congress may
select, and to other persons at a price
sufficient to cover publication and mailing or
distribution costs.
SECTION 8. Judicial Notice. — The court
shall take judicial notice of the certified copy
of each rule duly filed or as published in the
bulletin or the codified rules.
SECTION 9. Public Participation. — (1) If
not otherwise required by law, an agency
shall, as far as practicable, publish or
circulate notices of proposed rules and
afford interested parties the opportunity
to submit their views prior to the adoption
of any rule.
(2) In the fixing of rates, no rule or final
order shall be valid unless the proposed
rates shall have been published in a
newspaper of general circulation at least
two (2) weeks before the first hearing
(3) In case of opposition, the rules on
contested cases shall be
observed. (Emphasis supplied)
Excepted are interpretative regulations and those
merely internal in nature, which do not require filing with the
U.P. Law Center for their effectivity. On this score, ASTEC
v. ERC 55 is proper:
As interpretative regulations, the policy
guidelines of the ERC on the treatment of discounts
extended by power suppliers are also not required
to be filed with the U.P. Law Center in order to be
effective. Section 4, Chapter 2, Book VII of the
Administrative Code of 1987 requires every rule
adopted by an agency to be filed with the U.P. Law
Center to be effective. However, in Board of
Trustees of the Government Service Insurance
System v. Velasco, this Court pronounced
that "[n]ot all rules and regulations adopted by
every government agency are to be filed with the
UP Law Center." Interpretative regulations and
those merely internal in nature are not required
to be filed with the U.P. Law Center. Paragraph 9
(a) of the Guidelines for Receiving and Publication
of Rules and Regulations Filed with the U.P. Law
Center states:
9. Rules and Regulations which need
not be filed with the U.P. Law Center,
shall, among others, include but not be
limited to, the following:
a. Those which are
interpretative regulations and
those merely internal in nature,
that is, regulating only the
personnel of the Administrative
agency and not the public.
(Emphasis supplied)
RR 15-2013 is an internal issuance for the guidance
of "all internal revenue officers and others concerned." It is
also an interpretative issuance vis-à-vis RA 10378, thus:
SECTION 2. SCOPE. — Pursuant to Section 244
of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997
(NIRC), as amended, and Section 5 of RA No.
10378, these Regulations are hereby promulgated
to implement RA No. 10378, amending Sections
28(A)(3)(a), 109, 118 and 236 of the NIRC.
RR 15-2013 merely sums up the rules by which
international carriers may avail of preferential rates or
exemption from income tax on their gross revenues derived
from the carriage of persons and their excess baggage
based on the principle of reciprocity or an applicable tax
treaty or international agreement to which the Philippines is
a signatory. Interpretative regulations are intended to
interpret, clarify or explain existing statutory regulations
under which the administrative body operates. Their purpose
or objective is merely to construe the statute being
administered and purport to do no more than interpret the
statute. Simply, they try to say what the statute means and
refer to no single person or party in particular but concern all
those belonging to the same class which may be covered by
the said rules. 56
Indeed, when an administrative rule is merely
interpretative in nature, its applicability needs nothing further
than its bare issuance, for it gives no real consequence more
than what the law itself has already prescribed. 57 As such,
RR 15-2013 need not pass through a public hearing or
consultation, get published, nay, registered with the U.P.
Law Center for its effectivity.
ACCORDINGLY, the petition is DENIED for lack of
merit. The Orders dated September 15, 2015 and January 8,
2016 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 77, Quezon City, in
Special Civil Action No. R-QZN-13-05590-CV
Peralta, C.J., Caguioa, J.C. Reyes, Jr. and Lopez, JJ.,
1. AN ACT AMENDING SECTIONS 27, 28, 34, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 119, 121, 148, 151, 236, 237 AND
2. Clarification of Issues Concerning Common Carriers by Sea and their
Agents Relative to the Transport of Passengers, Goods or
3. Is a non-stock, non-profit corporation duly organized and existing
under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, whose members
are international shipping carriers and/or their agents operating in
the Philippines.
4. Is an AISL member-firm engaged in international shipping business. It
is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of
Singapore and licensed to do business in the Philippines.
5. Rollo, p. 102.
6. Id.
7. Id. at 102-115.
8. SEC. 28. Rates of Income Tax on Foreign Corporations. —
(A) Tax on Resident Foreign Corporations. —
(1) In General. — Except as otherwise provided in this Code, a
corporation organized, authorized, or existing under the laws of
any foreign country, engaged in trade or business within the
Philippines, shall be subject to an income tax equivalent to thirty-
five percent (35%) of the taxable income derived in the preceding
taxable year from all sources within the Philippines: Provided, That
effective January 1, 2009, the rate of income tax shall be thirty
percent (30%).
In the case of corporations adopting the fiscal-year accounting period,
the taxable income shall be computed without regard to the
specific date when sales, purchases and other transactions occur.
Their income and expenses for the fiscal year shall be deemed to
have been earned and spent equally for each month of the period.
The corporate income tax rate shall be applied on the amount
computed by multiplying the number of months covered by the
new rate within the fiscal year by the taxable income of the
corporation for the period, divided by twelve.
Provided, however, That a resident foreign corporation shall be
granted the option to be taxed at fifteen percent (15%) on gross
income under the same conditions, as provided in Section 27 (A).
xxx xxx xxx
(3) International Carrier. — An international carrier doing business in
the Philippines shall pay a tax of two and one-half percent (2
1/2%) on its 'Gross Philippine Billings' as defined hereunder:
xxx xxx xxx
(b) International Shipping. — 'Gross Philippine Billings' means gross
revenue whether for passenger, cargo or mail originating from the
Philippines up to final destination, regardless of the place of sale
or payments of the passage or freight documents.
xxx xxx xxx
9. Rollo, pp. 111-114.
10. Id. at 114-115.
11. Id. at 116.
(3) (a), 109, 118 AND 236 OF THE NATIONAL INTERNAL
13. Revenue Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 10378 entitled
"An Act Recognizing the Principle of Reciprocity as Basis for the
Grant of Income Tax Exemptions to International Carriers and
Rationalizing Other Taxes Imposed thereon by Amending
Sections 28 (A) (3) (A), 109, 118 and 236 of the National Internal
Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended, and for other Purposes."
14. With applications for a temporary restraining order and a writ of
preliminary injunction, rollo, pp. 136-165.
15. Id. at 139.
16. Id. at 141-146.
17. Id. at 149.
18. Id. at 150-151.
19. Id. at 152.
20. Id. at 155.
21. Id. at 160.
22. Id. at 411-426.
23. Id. at 417-418.
24. Id. at 420-424.
25. Id. at 424.
26. Id. at 427-444.
28. Rollo, pp. 428-432.
29. Id. at 474-491.
(3) (a), 109, 118 AND 236 OF THE NATIONAL INTERNAL
31. Rollo, pp. 89-94.
32. Id. at 94.
33. Id. at 654-655.
34. Id. at 658.
35. Id. at 665.
36. Id. at 674-700.
37. Diaz, Jr. v. Valenciano, Jr., G.R. No. 209376, December 06, 2017,
848 SCRA 85, 96 (2017).
38. 507 Phil. 94, 98 (2005).
39. City of Lapu-Lapu v. PEZA, 748 Phil. 473, 512-513 (2014).
40. 565 Phil. 766, 786-787 (2007).
41. SEC. 4. Power of the Commissioner to Interpret Tax Laws and to
Decide Tax Cases. — The power to interpret the provisions of this
Code and other tax laws shall be under the exclusive and original
jurisdiction of the Commissioner, subject to review by the
Secretary of Finance.
The power to decide disputed assessments, refunds of internal
revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties imposed in
relation thereto, or other matters arising under this Code or other
laws or portions thereof administered by the Bureau of Internal
Revenue is vested in the Commissioner, subject to the exclusive
appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals.
42. Section 5. Implementing Rules and Regulations. — The Secretary of
Finance shall, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, promulgate not later than thirty (30) days upon
the effectivity of this Act the necessary rules and regulations for its
effective implementation. The Department of Finance (DOF), in
coordination with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), shall
oversee the exchange of notes between the Philippines and
concerned countries for purposes of facilitating the availment of
reciprocal exemptions intended under this Act.
43. SEC. 244. Authority of Secretary of Finance to Promulgate Rules and
Regulations. — The Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation
of the Commissioner, shall promulgate all needful rules and
regulations for the effective enforcement of the provisions of this
44. 595 Phil. 1051, 1057-1058 (2008).
45. G.R. No. 219340, November 07, 2018.
46. Supra note 38.
47. G.R. No. 230107, July 24, 2018.
48. 669 Phil. 371, 382-383 (2011).
49. Letran, Bjorn Biel M. "A bustling and thriving sector,"
BWorldOnline.Com., April 25, 2018. See
50. Obiasca v. Basallote, 626 Phil. 775, 785 (2010).
51. Black's Law Dictionary See: <a
">DEMURRAGE</a> (Last accessed: November 13, 2019).
52. PNG Logistics See: http://pnglc.com/detention-and-demurrage-
whats-the-difference/ (Last accessed: November 13, 2019).
53. Section 105, RA 8424.
54. See CIR v. PAL, 535 Phil. 95, 106 (2006).
55. 695 Phil. 243, 280 (2012).
56. Republic of the Philippines v. Drugmaker's Laboratories, Inc., et al.,
728 Phil. 480, 490 (2014).
57. Id.
The Facts
The CA Decision
This involved the coconut undustry fund case 1, so CIIF is a fund from a
party of levy imposed on coc farmers and other copra profucst and the
fund was invested in 6 oil mills in 1983 CIIF ONG bought shares from
SMC and established 14 holding co and one was AFI for pruposes of
holding shares. Davao issued business tax to AFI pursuant to city of
davao revenue code based on taxes on divindendcd and interest from
SMC shares and money placenemts. So AFI questioned the assessment
and paid under protest and filed for a refund sa city treasurer. An SC
decision said that AFI SMC shares are owned by govt while RTC case
was pending. AFI daw was a financial intermediary so it can be subject
to local business tax.
The Case
This Petition for Review on Certiorari assails
the Decision 1 dated August 20, 2018 and
the Resolution 2 dated January 23, 2019 of the Court of Tax
Appeals En Banc in CTA EB No. 1640 finding respondent
AP Holdings, Inc. (APHI) entitled to a refund or credit of the
0.55% local business taxes it paid to petitioner City of Davao
for the dividends it earned from its San Miguel Corporation
(SMC) preferred shares and interests from its money market
placements for the taxable year 2010.
The Coconut Industry Investment Fund (CIIF)
under Presidential Decree 582 (PD 582) is a fund from part
of the levy imposed on the initial sale by coconut farmers of
copra and other coconut products. Pursuant to PD 582's
mandate, the CIIF was invested in six (6) oil mills, the CIIF
Oil Mills Group (CIIF OMG). 3
Sometime in 1983, CIIF OMG bought shares of stock
from SMC. It also established fourteen (14) holding
companies, one of which is APHI, for the sole purpose of
owning and holding such shares, viz.:
The primary purpose for which such
Corporation is formed is:
To purchase, subscribe for, or otherwise
acquire and own, hold, use, sell, assign, transfer,
mortgage, pledge, exchange, or otherwise dispose
of real and personal property of every kind and
description, including shares of stock, voting trust
certificates for shares of the capital stock, bonds,
debentures, notes, evidences of indebtedness, and
other securities, contracts, or obligations of any
corporation or corporations, association or
associations, domestic or foreign, and to pay
therefor in whole or in part in cash or by exchanging
therefor stocks, bonds, or other evidences of
indebtedness or securities, contracts, or obligation,
to receive, collect, and dispose of the interest,
dividends and income arising from such property,
and to possess and exercise in respect thereof, all
the rights, powers and privileges of ownership,
including all voting powers on any stocks so owned;
and to do every act and thing covered generally by
the denomination "holding corporation," and
especially to direct the operations of other
corporations through the ownership of stock therein,
provided however that the Corporation shall not act
as an investment company or a securities broker
and/or dealer nor exercise the functions of a trust
corporation." 4 (Underscore supplied)
Over time, APHI received cash and stock dividends
from its SMC preferred shares. These dividends were
deposited in a trust account which earned interest from
money market placements. 5
In 1986, APHI's SMC shares were sequestered by the
Presidential Commission on Good Government.
Subsequently, cases were filed before this Court questioning
the ownership of the CIIF, CIIF OMG, the fourteen (14)
holding companies and the SMC shares held by them. One
of these cases was G.R. Nos. 177857-58,
entitled "Philippine Coconut Producers Federation, Inc. v.
Republic of the Philippines." 6
In 2011, petitioner City of Davao, through its City
Treasurer, issued a Business Tax Order of Payment
directing APHI to pay 0.55% local business tax in the
amount of P723,531.50. Pursuant to Section 69 (f) of
the 2005 Revenue Code of the City of Davao, the tax was
assessed on the dividends and interests APHI earned from
its SMC preferred shares and money market placements,
respectively. APHI paid the assessment under protest.
Subsequently, it filed an administrative claim for refund or
tax credit with the City Treasurer. Claiming that the City
Treasurer failed to act on the protest, APHI filed a petition for
review with the Regional Trial Court. 7
Meanwhile, by Decision dated January 24, 2012, this
Court in G.R. Nos. 177857-58 declared the CIIF companies,
including APHI and the CIIF block of SMC shares, as public
funds or property necessarily owned by the government. 8
The Regional Trial Court's Decision
By Decision 9 dated June 22, 2015, the trial court ruled
that APHI's primary purpose in its Amended Articles of
Incorporation resembles the definition of a financial
intermediary under Section 4101Q.1 of the Manual of
Regulations for Non-Bank Financial Institutions, and, hence,
taxable under Section 69 (f) of the 2005 Revenue Code of
the City of Davao, viz.: 10
SECTION 69. Imposition of Tax. — There is hereby
imposed on the following persons who establish,
operate, conduct or maintain their respective
business within the City a graduated business tax in
the amounts hereafter prescribed:
xxx xxx xxx
(f) On Banks and Other Financial Institutions,
at a rate of fifty-five per cent (55%) of one per cent
(1%) of the gross receipts of the preceding calendar
year derived from interest, commissions and
discounts from lending activities, income from
financial leasing, dividends, rentals on property, and
profit from exchange or sale of property, insurance
premium. All other income and receipts not herein
enumerated shall be excluded in the computation of
the tax.
APHI moved for reconsideration but was denied under
Order dated September 11, 2015. 11
The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) Division's Decision
By Decision 12 dated January 30, 2017, the CTA
Division affirmed the trial court's decision.
Through Resolution 13 dated April 17, 2017, it denied
petitioners' motion for reconsideration.
The Court of Tax Appeals En Banc's Decision
By Decision 14 dated August 20, 2018, the CTA En
Banc reversed and declared APHI entitled to a tax refund or
credit. It found that APHI was not a non-bank financial
intermediary for the following reasons:
First, APHI did not fall under the definition of a non-
bank financial intermediary under Section 131 (e) of
the Local Government Code (LGC), 15 Section 22 (W) of
the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997 16 and
Section 4101Q.1 of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas' (BSP)
Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank Financial Institutions. 17
Second, although APHI's functions, based on its
Amended Articles of Incorporation, included supposed
functions of a non-bank financial intermediary, it was not
shown that these functions were its principal purpose. 18
Third, it was not established that the functions
performed by non-bank financial intermediaries were done
by APHI on a regular and recurring basis. 19
Fourth, there was no evidence showing that APHI
held itself out as a non-bank intermediary. 20
Lastly, APHI belonged to the CIIF block of SMC
shares, which were declared to be owned by the
government, thus, any tax imposed upon it is a tax on the
government. 21 Under Section 133 (o) of the LGC, local
government units cannot tax the National Government.
By Resolution dated January 23, 2019, the CTA En
Banc denied petitioners' motion for reconsideration. 22
The Present Petition
Petitioners now seek to reverse the CTA En Banc's
dispositions. They essentially assert:
a) APHI is deemed a "bank and other financial
institution," specifically as a "non-bank financial
intermediary or an investment company"
because it owned a substantial number of
shares and received millions of pesos of
dividends from its investments.
b) Its business purpose as contained in the Amended
Articles of Incorporation is broad enough to
catch all the descriptive functions of a non-bank
financial intermediary under Section 4101Q.1 of
the Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank
Financial Institutions of the BSP. Too, the
statement in APHI's Articles of Incorporation
that it shall not act as an investment company or
securities broker is not conclusive proof that it is
not a "bank or other financial institution." For
based on the tax audit and its financial
statements, APHI has no other business except
its primary business of stock investment and
money market placements with SMC.
c) The Bureau of Local Government Finance's
(BLGF's) opinion on the exemption from local
business taxes is not binding upon the courts
since BLGF is not among the quasi-judicial
agencies whose technical findings on questions
of fact and law are binding in the courts.
On the other hand, APHI counters in the main:
a) Pursuant to Section 143 (f) of
the LGC, 23 petitioners can only collect business
taxes on the dividends and interest income of
banks and other financial institutions. Since it is
not engaged in those businesses, its dividends
and interest income cannot be subject to local
business taxes.
b) It is not a bank or non-bank financial intermediary
considering that it is not engaged in lending
money, investing, reinvesting or trading
securities on a regular and recurring basis.
More, it was not required by the Securities and
Exchange Commission to secure secondary
license nor was it regulated by the BSP or the
Insurance Commission.
c) Mere ownership of shares of stock of SMC does
not ipso facto qualify it as a non-bank financial
d) It is a holding company. Its Articles of
Incorporation 24 expressly prohibits it from acting
as a financial intermediary.
e) APHI, as well as its SMC shares and income
derived therefrom are national government
properties which are exempt from local business
taxes as declared by the BLGF.
As a CIIF holding company, is APHI liable to pay local
business taxes on its dividend earnings from its SMC
preferred shares?
We rule in the negative.
In the recent case of City of Davao, et al. v. Randy
Allied Ventures, Inc. (RAVI), 25 the Court ordained that
RAVI, a CIIF holding company like APHI, was exclusively
established to own and hold SMC shares of stock. As such,
it is not liable to pay local business taxes on the dividends
earned from its SMC preferred shares as the same shares
are government assets owned by the national government
for the benefit of the coconut industry, thus:
In this case, it is clear that RAVI is neither a
bank nor other financial institution, i.e., an NBFI. In
order to be considered as an NBFI under
the National Internal Revenue Code, banking laws,
and pertinent regulations, the following must concur:
a. The person or entity is authorized by the
BSP to perform quasi-banking functions;
b. The principal functions of said person or
entity include the lending, investing or
placement of funds or evidences of
indebtedness or equity deposited to
them, acquired by them, or otherwise
coursed through them, either for their
own account or for the account of
others; and
c. The person or entity must perform any of the
following functions on a regular and
recurring, not on an isolated basis, to
1. Receive funds from one (1) group of
persons, irrespective of number,
through traditional deposits, or
issuance of debt or equity
securities; and make
available/lend these funds to
another person or entity, and in
the process acquire debt or
equity securities;
2. Use principally the funds received for
acquiring various types of debt or
equity securities;
3. Borrow against, or lend on, or buy or
sell debt or equity securities.
As observed in the COCOFED case, RAVI is
a CIIF holding company. The SMC preferred shares
held by it are considered government assets owned
by the National Government for the coconut
industry. As held in the same case, these SMC
shares as well as any resulting dividends or
increments from said shares are owned by the
National Government and shall be used only for the
benefit of the coconut farmers and for the
development of the coconut industry. Thus, RAVI's
management of the dividends from the SMC
preferred shares, including placing the same in a
trust account yielding interest, is not tantamount to
doing business whether as a bank or other financial
institution, i.e., an NBFI, but rather an activity that is
essential to its nature as a CIIF holding company.
Verily, therefore, CIIF holding companies, including
APHI itself and the entire CIIF block of SMC shares, are
public assets owned by the Republic of the Philippines.
Consequently, dividends and any income from these shares
are also owned by the Republic. 26 On this score, APHI
cannot be considered as a non-bank financial intermediary
since its investment and placement of funds are not done in
a regular or recurring manner for the purpose of earning
profit. Rather, its management of dividends from the SMC
shares is only in furtherance of its purpose as a CIIF holding
company for the benefit of the Republic.
All told, the City of Davao acted beyond its taxing
authority when it imposed the questioned business tax on
ACCORDINGLY, the petition is DENIED.
The Decision dated August 20, 2018 and Resolution dated
January 23, 2019 of the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc in
CTA EB No. 1640 are AFFIRMED.
Peralta, C.J., Caguioa, J.C. Reyes, Jr. and Lopez, JJ.,
Since its forex gains were realized when it converted
its USD-denominated service revenue to PhP in order to
finance its PEZA-registered contact center activities that
enjoy ITH privilege, its forex gains must likewise enjoy the
same ITH privilege because it is integral and related to its
PEZA-registered activities.
Petitioner asseverated that its position finds support
in Revenue Regulations No. 20-2002 and PEZA
Memorandum Circular No. 32-2005 whereby the language
by which said issuances were couched evinces a clear
intention to extend the ITH privilege not only to income
derived directly from PEZA-registered activities, but also to
revenues earned from transactions that are inextricably
linked to these registered activities. Consistent with these
issuances, the Bureau of Internal Revenue issued several
rulings 11 which held that a taxpayer need not prove that its
forex gains came from its PEZA-registered activity before
such gains may be covered by the applicable tax incentives.
Rather, the preferential tax regime is automatically extended
to forex gains that arose from transactions which, although
different from the PEZA-registered activities, were necessary
and related to the latter. In short, for as long as the forex
gains were derived from transactions undertaken to enable
the entities to perform their registered activities, the fiscal
incentives granted to them under the law should likewise
extend to their forex gains. Thus, petitioner contended that
the CTA erred when it did not uphold the express mandate
of the said administrative issuances, and instead ruled that it
is not entitled to a refund because only income arising
directly from an enterprise's PEZA-registered activities are
exempt from the payment of income tax. Petitioner added
that since the issuances did not add to, subtract from, or
alter the conditions for the conferment of ITH privilege
under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7916, 12 the statute they seek
to implement, the CTA En Banc had no justifiable reason not
to apply the same in resolving its claim for refund.
MANILA, petitioner, vs. PHILIPPINE
BEVERAGE PARTNERS, INC., substituted by
PHILIPPINES, respondent.
Fintec Holdings,
Inc. 70% P143,954,079.51
Interpublic Group of
Companies, Inc. 30% 61,694,605.51
TOTAL P205,648,685.02
The Case
This petition for review 1 assails
the Decision 2 promulgated on 17 May 2016 as well as
the Resolution 3 promulgated on 12 August 2016 by the
Court of Tax Appeals En Banc (CTA EB) in CTA EB Case
No. 1282. The CTA EB affirmed the Decision 4 dated 2
December 2014 and Resolution 5 dated 25 February 2015 of
the Third Division of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA Third
Division) in CTA Case No. 8475. The CTA Third Division
found petitioner Power Sector Assets and Liabilities
Management Corporation (PSALM) liable to pay the amount
of P9,566,062,571.44 as deficiency value-added tax (VAT)
for the taxable year 2008, inclusive of the deficiency interest
and delinquency interest.
The Facts
PSALM, a government-owned and controlled
corporation created under Republic Act No. (RA) 9136 or
the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA), 6 is
mandated to manage the orderly sale, disposition, and
privatization of the National Power Corporation (NPC)
generation assets, real estate and other disposable assets,
and Independent Power Producer contracts with the
objective of liquidating all NPC financial obligations and
stranded contract costs in an optimal manner. 7
On 9 June 2011, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
issued a Final Assessment Notice (FAN) covered by
Assessment No. VT-08-00072 8 alleging that, for taxable
year ending 31 December 2008, PSALM is liable to pay a
deficiency VAT amounting to P10,103,158,715.06, inclusive
of penalties and interests, computed as follows:
Add: Adjustments
–––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––
– –
Add: Increments
Interest P3,618,098,680.02
On 7 July 2011, PSALM filed its administrative protest
against the FAN, alleging that the privatization of NPC
assets is an original mandate of PSALM and not subject to
VAT. On 5 September 2011, PSALM filed its supplemental
protest reiterating its substantive defenses. CAIHTE
Add: Increments
Thus, the dispositive portion of its Decision reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
instant Petition for Review is hereby PARTIALLY
GRANTED. Accordingly, the assessments issued by
respondent against petitioner covering taxable year
2008 for deficiency value-added tax are UPHELD
44/100 PESOS (P9,566,062,571.44), inclusive of
twenty percent (20%) interest imposed upon Section
249(A) of the Tax Code, as amended.
In addition, petitioner is hereby ORDERED
a) Deficiency interest at the rate of 20% per
annum on the basic deficiency VAT of
P6,439,713,829.91 computed from June
30, 2011 until full payment thereof
pursuant to Section 249(B) of the NIRC
of 1997;
b) Delinquency interest at the rate of 20% per
annum on the basic deficiency VAT of
P6,439,713,829.91 [computed from]
June 30, 2011 until full payment thereof
pursuant to Section 249(C)(3) of
the NIRC of 1997, as amended; and
c) Delinquency interest at the rate of 20% per
annum on the deficiency interest which
have accrued as afore-stated in (a)
computed from June 30, 2011 until full
payment thereof pursuant to Section
249(C)(3) of the NIRC of 1997, as
PSALM filed a motion for partial reconsideration,
which was denied for lack of merit by the CTA Third Division
in its 25 February 2015 Resolution. Hence, PSALM
appealed to the CTA EB.
The Ruling of the CTA En Banc
In a Decision dated 17 May 2016, the CTA EB
affirmed the decision of the CTA Third Division and held that
PSALM is subject to VAT for its sale of generating assets,
lease of Naga Complex, and collection of income and
receivables, because these were done in the course of trade
or business, and RA 9337 placed the electric power industry
under the VAT system.
Thus, the dispositive portion of the CTA EB decision
WHEREFORE premises considered, the
petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The Decision of
the Third Division of this Court in CTA Case No.
8475, promulgated on December 2, 2014 and its
Resolution, promulgated on February 25, 2015, are
hereby AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to costs.
In a Dissenting Opinion, Presiding Justice Roman G.
Del Rosario (Justice Del Rosario) opined that the
assessment issued by the CIR against PSALM should be
cancelled, insofar as it relates to the proceeds from sales of
generating assets and from collection of income and
receivables, because: (1) PSALM relied in good faith on BIR
Ruling No. 020-02 dated 13 May 2002 declaring that the
disposition or sale of assets as a consequence of PSALM's
mandate is not subject to VAT; and (2) the collection of
receivables is not in the nature of sale, barter, exchange,
lease of goods or properties, performance of service, and
importation of goods, so as to fall under a transaction subject
to VAT under Section 105 of the NIRC. DETACa
[G.R. No. 214044. June 19, 2019.]
OF QUEZON CITY, respondent.
The Case
G.R. No. 214044 is a petition for certiorari and
prohibition 1 filed by the University of the Philippines (UP)
against the City Treasurer of Quezon City (City Treasurer)
seeking to annul the Statement of Delinquency dated 27
May 2014 addressed to UP as well as the Final Notice of
Delinquency dated 11 July 2014 which required UP to pay
real property tax on a parcel of land covered by TCT No. RT-
107350 (192689), which is currently leased to Ayala Land,
Inc. (ALI). The petition also seeks to enjoin the City
Treasurer, or any of his agents or representatives, from
proceeding with the sale of the subject land at a public
auction pursuant to the 11 July 2014 Final Notice of
The Facts
In their submitted pleadings before this Court, both UP
and the City Treasurer admitted that UP is the registered
owner of a parcel of land covered by TCT No. RT-107350
(192689). UP entered into a contract of lease with ALI over
the subject land on 27 October 2006. 2
UP further narrated in its petition:
xxx xxx xxx
5. UP is the registered owner of a parcel of land
covered by and more particularly described in TCT
No. RT-107530 (192689) of the Registry of Deeds
of Quezon City, with an area of 985,597 square
meters and located along Commonwealth Avenue,
Diliman, Quezon City.
6. On 27 October 2006, UP entered into a Contract
of Lease with Development Obligations with [ALI]
over a portion of the aforementioned parcel of land
containing an area of 380,630 square meters. The
leased property is now known as the UP-Ayala
7. In a Notice of Assessment addressed to ALI
dated 23 August 2012, ALI was informed that the
subject property has been "reclassified and
assessed for taxation purposes with an assessed
value of P499,500,000.00 effective 2009."
8. In a letter to UP President Pascual dated 22
August 2012, the City Assessor of Quezon City
informed UP that the aforementioned Notice of
Assessment was served upon ALI as the entity
liable for the real property tax on the subject
property pursuant to Section 205(d) and Section
234(a) of the Local Government Code.
9. In a Statement of Delinquency dated 05
December 2012, addressed to the UP North
Property Holdings, Inc., the [City Treasurer]
demanded the payment of real property tax on the
subject property amounting to P78,970,950.00 for
the years 2009-2011 and the first three quarters of
10. In another letter to UP President Pascual dated
09 September 2013, the City Assessor of Quezon
City furnished UP a copy of the letter of the Bureau
of Local Government Finance (BLGF) of the
Department of Finance [(DOF)] dated 01 August
2013, which opined that ALI is the party legally
accountable for the real property taxes on the
subject property. It was further stated that the City
Assessor's Office "will be sending the official Notice
of Assessment and the corresponding Tax
Declaration for the subject property under the name
of [ALI] . . ."
The facts of the present case are not on all fours with
the facts in the NPC case. In the NPC case, the NPC
assumed in its build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract with
Mirant Pagbilao Corporation (Mirant) "all real estate taxes
and assessments, rates and other charges in respect of the
site, the buildings and improvements thereon and the [power
plant]." 37 The Municipality of Pagbilao, Quezon assessed
Mirant's tax liabilities and furnished the NPC with a copy of
the assessment letter. The NPC filed a petition before the
Local Board of Assessment Appeals and objected to the
assessment against Mirant. The NPC claimed tax
exemptions or at least a reassessment for lower tax liability
due to depreciation allowance and lower assessment level.
The Local Board of Assessment Appeals, the Central Board
of Assessment Appeals, and the Court of Tax Appeals all
ruled against the NPC.
We ruled in the NPC case that the NPC has no right to
protest the assessment on Mirant because the NPC is
neither the owner nor the possessor or user of the subject
machineries. Under the law, Mirant is liable for the said taxes
based on its "ownership, use, and possession of the plant
and its machineries." 38 We further stated in the NPC case
that the contractual stipulation between NPC and Mirant is
entirely between them, and "does not bind third persons who
are not privy to the contract x x x." 39 Only Mirant can
demand compliance from the NPC for the payment of the
said taxes, and the Municipality of Pagbilao and the Province
of Quezon cannot demand payment from the NPC. Neither
can these local government units be compelled to recognize
the NPC's protest of the assessment.
We declared in the NPC case that it is "essentially
wrong to allow the NPC to assume in its BOT contracts the
liability of the other contracting party for taxes that the
government can impose on that other party, and at the same
time allow NPC to turn around and say that no taxes should
be collected because the NPC is tax-exempt as a
government-owned and controlled corporation." This was the
situation set up by UP with ALI in 2008, before the passage
of Republic Act No. 9500. Before the passage of Republic
Act No. 9500, it was essentially wrong for UP to assume in
its lease contract with ALI the liability of ALI for real property
taxes based on its beneficial use of the land, and then turn
around and tell the City Treasurer that UP is exempt from
paying taxes on the land because it is a government
We also declared in the NPC case that if we continue
to allow what NPC did to the Province of Quezon without
congressional authority, we "intrude into the realm of policy
and to debase the tax system that the Legislature
established." The passage of Republic Act No. 9500 in 2008
obliterated what was essentially wrong in the lease contract
between UP and ALI. The legislature established a tax
system that allows UP to validly claim exemption from real
property taxes on the land leased to ALI. Republic Act No.
9500 is UP's congressional authority for this particular
exemption from real property tax. Thus, when the City
Treasurer addressed to UP the Statement of Delinquency
dated 27 May 2014 and the Final Notice of Delinquency
dated 11 July 2014 and required UP to pay real property tax
on the subject land, UP was already authorized by the
legislature to validly claim exemption from real property
taxes on the land leased to ALI.
PHILIPPINES, INC.), respondent.
*On leave.
1.Rollo, pp. 30-62.
2.Penned by Associate Justice Caesar A. Casanova, with Associate
Justices Roman G. Del Rosario (Presiding Justice), Juanito C.
Castañeda, Jr., Lovell R. Bautista, Erlinda P. Uy, Esperanza R.
Fabon-Victorino, Cielito N. Mindaro-Grulla, Ma. Belen M. Ringpis-
Liban (on leave), and Catherine T. Manahan (on leave),
concurring; id. at 10-20.
3.Id. at 22-24.
4.Rollo, pp. 184-189.
5.Id. at 191-192.
6.Id. at 193.
7.Id. at 12.
8.Id. at 284-297.
9.Id. at 298-300.
10.CBK Power Company Limited v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
750 Phil. 748 (2015).
11.Id. at 763.
12.ACCRA Investments Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 281 Phil. 1060, 1068-
1069 (1991).
13.Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. TMX Sales, Inc., 282 Phil. 199,
207 (1992).
15.CBK Power Company Limited v. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, supra note 10, at 764.
16.Id. at 765.
17.Id. at 764.
18.Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G.R.
Nos. 206079-80 and 206309, January 17, 2018.
19.92 Phil. 945 (1953).
20.Id. at 947.
21.774 Phil. 473 (2015).
22.Id. at 504.
23.Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Philippine National Bank, 744
Phil. 299, 312 (2014).
24.Filinvest Development Corporation v. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, 556 Phil. 439, 447-448 (2007).
25.Id. at 450.
26.Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, supra note 18.
28.Supra note 23.
29.Pilipinas Total Gas, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, supra note 21, at 505.
30.Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Bank of the Philippine Islands,
G.R. No. 224327, June 11, 2018.
31.Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. TeaM (Philippines) Operations
Corp., 719 Phil. 513, 520-521 (2013).
32.Implementing Republic Act No. 8424, "An Act Amending the National
Internal Revenue Code, as Amended, and for Other Purposes."
Relative to the Withholding on Income Subject to the Expanded
Withholding Tax and Final Withholding Tax, Withholding on
Income Tax on Compensation, Withholding of Creditable Value-
Added Tax and Other Percentage Taxes.
33.Rollo, p. 293.
34.Id. at 18.
35.Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Philippine Bank of
Communications, G.R. Nos. 198522 and 199057, Second Division
Resolution dated March 14, 2018, citing CIR v. United Salvage
and Towage (Phils.), Inc., 738 Phil. 335, 342-343 (2014).
36.Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, supra note 18 at 540.
REVENUE,petitioner,vs. V.Y. DOMINGO
JEWELLERS, INC.,respondent.
Section 228. Protesting of
Assessment. — When the Commissioner or his
duly authorized representative finds that proper
taxes should be assessed, he shall first notify
the taxpayer of his findings: Provided,
however,That a pre-assessment notice shall not be
required in the following cases:
(a) When the finding for any deficiency
tax is the result of mathematical error
in the computation of the tax as
appearing on the face of the return; or
(b) When a discrepancy has been
determined between the tax withheld
and the amount actually remitted by
the withholding agent; or
(c) When a taxpayer who opted to
claim a refund or tax credit of excess
creditable withholding tax for a taxable
period was determined to have carried
over and automatically applied the
same amount claimed against the
estimated tax liabilities for the taxable
quarter or quarters of the succeeding
taxable year; or
(d) When the excise tax due on
excisable articles has not been paid;
(e) When an article locally purchased
or imported by an exempt person,
such as, but not limited to, vehicles,
capital equipment, machineries and
spare parts, has been sold, traded or
transferred to non-exempt persons.
The taxpayers shall be informed in writing of the law
and the facts on which the assessment is made;
otherwise, the assessment shall be void.
Within a period to be prescribed by implementing
rules and regulations, the taxpayer shall be required
to respond to said notice.
If the taxpayer fails to respond, the Commissioner or
his duly authorized representative shall issue an
assessment based on his findings.
Such assessment may be protested
administratively by filing a request for
reconsideration or reinvestigation within thirty
(30) days from receipt of the assessment in such
form and manner as may be prescribed by
implementing rules and regulations.
Within sixty (60) days from filing of the protest, all
relevant supporting documents shall have been
submitted; otherwise, the assessment shall become
If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is
not acted upon within one hundred eighty (180)
days from submission of documents, the
taxpayer adversely affected by the decision or
inaction may appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals
within thirty (30) days from receipt of the said
decision, or from the lapse of one hundred
eighty (180)-day period; otherwise, the decision
shall become final, executory and
demandable. 21
On the other hand, Section 3.1.5 of Revenue
Regulations No. 12-99, 22 implementing Section 228 above,
3.1.5. Disputed Assessment. — The
taxpayer or his duly authorized representative
may protest administratively against the
aforesaid formal letter of demand and
assessment notice within thirty (30) days from
date of receipt thereof ...
xxx xxx xxx
If the taxpayer fails to file a valid protest
against the formal letter of demand and
assessment notice within thirty (30) days from
date of receipt thereof, the assessment shall
become final, executory and demandable.
If the protest is denied, in whole or in part, by
the Commissioner, the taxpayer may appeal to the
Court of Tax Appeals within thirty (30) days from the
date of receipt of the said decision, otherwise, the
assessment shall become final, executory and
In general, if the protest is denied, in whole or
in part, by the Commissioner or his duly authorized
representative, the taxpayer may appeal to the
Court of Tax Appeals within thirty (30) days from
date of receipt of the said decision, otherwise, the
assessment shall become final executory and
demandable: Provided,however, that if the taxpayer
elevates his protest to the Commissioner within
thirty (30) days from date of receipt of the final
decision of the Commissioner's duly authorized
representative, the latter's decision shall not be
considered final, executory and demandable, in
which case, the protest shall be decided by the
Commissioner. CDHaET
A.B. Reyes,
Jr.,Hernando and Carandang, ** JJ.,concur.
Leonen, * J.,is on wellness leave.
J.C. REYES, JR., J : p
Factual Antecedents
The Issue
Carpio, Perlas-Bernabe, Caguioa and Lazaro-Javier,
JJ., concur.
Factual Antecedents
LBAA Ruling
CBAA Ruling
CTA Ruling
Our Ruling
Carpio, Caguioa and Hernando, * JJ., concur.
Perlas-Bernabe, * J., is on wellness leave.
1 MCIT 929,474.20
On June 23, 2004, MBLIC settled items 1 to 5 of the
deficiency assessments with the BIR's Large Taxpayers
Service (LTS),but moved for reconsideration of items 6 and
7. 4
However, on August 17, 2004, MBLIC received from
the CIR a Formal Letter of Demand with Formal Assessment
Notices (FAN),dated August 4, 2004, for its alleged MCIT
and DST deficiencies for 2001 in the aggregate amount of
P7,951,462.28, broken down as follows: 5
The basic MCIT for 2001 in the amount of
P398,233.52 was based on the disallowances from MBLIC's
claimed deductions. Essentially, according to the CIR,
premium taxes and DSTs on insurance policies are not
deemed "costs of service" that can be deducted from gross
receipts for purposes of computing MCIT. The CIR cited
Section 27 (E) (4) of the National Internal Revenue Code of
1997 (NIRC)and Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 4-
2003 (RMC 4-2003). Under RMC 4-2003, premium taxes
and DSTs are not included in the enumeration of an
insurance company's direct costs. Thus, MBLIC's basic
deficiency MCIT due for 2001 was computed as follows: 6
Disallowances: DST Php1,508,128.17
Subtotal 19,911,676.18
MCIT Rate 2%
As regards the DST portion of the assessment, the
base amount of P4,841,002.50 was arrived at by applying
the rate of P0.50 for every P200.00 of P1,936,401,000.00,
which pertains to the total increase in the sum assured under
the existing insurance policies in 2001 as reported by MBLIC
to the Insurance Commission. It was noted that the increase
in the assured amount under the policies entailed a
corresponding increase in the DST due. Inclusive of interest
and penalties, the total amount of DST due
is P7,351,373.18.7
On September 15, 2004, MBLIC filed its letter protest
before the LTS, contesting the assessment of the subject
deficiencies. On November 12, 2004, MBLIC submitted
before the LTS Audit and Investigation Division all the
documents requested by the office. Thereafter, on June 7,
2005, MBLIC filed a petition for review with the CTA to
protect its right to refute the assessment. The case was
docketed as CTA Case No. 7266. The CIR filed his Answer
on August 30, 2005. 8
Subsequently, on October 12, 2005, MBLIC prayed for
leave of court to file a Supplemental Petition, alleging therein
that the deficiency DST on transactions made from January
to June 2001 is null and void for having been issued beyond
the three-year prescriptive period. The CTA admitted the
Supplemental Petition over the opposition of the CIR. 9
In turn, the CIR filed his Amended Answer, 10 alleging
that the assessments were issued in accordance with
existing law and regulations, and that they were issued
within the prescriptive period. In any event, issues and
defenses not raised in the administrative level, such as
prescription herein, cannot be raised for the first time on
Anent the assessed deficiency MCIT, the CIR argued
that RMC 4-2003 is applicable even though the assessment
is for deficiencies in the year 2001 since it merely clarified an
existing NIRC provision; that MBLIC failed to rebut the
findings of the CIR that premium taxes and DSTs are not
direct costs; and that the alleged expenses are not
deductions from gross receipts for computing MCIT, but from
gross income for computing the basic domestic corporate
Regarding the deficiency DST, the CIR justified its
assessment of the increased assured amount by citing
Section 198 of the NIRC,which specifically provides that any
alteration on any instrument or agreement subject to DST, a
policy insurance included, shall be subject to incremental
DST at the same rate as that imposed on the original
instrument. Reliance was likewise made on CIR v. Lincoln
Philippine Life Insurance Company, Inc. (Lincoln).11
Lastly, the CIR argued that claims for tax exemption
ought to be construed strictissimi juris against the claimant
MBLIC, and that the assessments are prima facie correct
and presumed to have been made in good faith. Absent
proof of irregularities in the performance of official duties, an
assessment should not be disturbed.
CTA Case Nos. 7324 and 7378
CTA Case
No. Fiscal Year Deficiency DST Due (Php)
Upon due observance of the procedure for
administrative remedies, resulting in either the failure of the
CIR to resolve the protest within the reglementary period or
in the denial of MBLIC's protest, MBLIC filed petitions for
review with the CTA, docketed as CTA Case Nos. 7324 and
7378. Upon motion of MBLIC, these cases were
consolidated with CTA Case No. 7266. 14 Trial on the merits
thereafter ensued.
Ruling of the CTA Second Division
On November 6, 2009, the CTA Second Division
rendered a Decision 15 on the consolidated petitions of
MBLIC, upholding the assessments made by the CIR with
According to the CTA Second Division, premium taxes
are deemed cost of services deductible from gross receipts
in computing for MCIT. It ruled, however, that DSTs are not
so deductible. To quote: 16
In light of the foregoing, premium tax may be
considered as a direct cost and/or expense
necessary to provide the service of insurance
considering that insurance companies, such as
petitioner, cannot effectively issue insurance
policies without incurring the said tax. It must be
pointed out that in the issuance of a policy or
contract of insurance, its validity and binding effect
depends (sic) upon the payment of the premium,
which is closely intertwined with the payment of the
premium tax that is accruing thereto.
xxx xxx xxx
However, [W]e can not say the same as
regards the DST.
Unlike the premium tax, which is the direct
liability of the insurance company, the DST x x x is
imposed upon "the person making, signing, issuing,
accepting or transferring" the document or facility
evidencing the transaction. Thus, DST may be
imposed upon either of the parties to the transaction
in a contract of insurance, or upon either the
insurance company or the insured.
It is not disputed herein that the
corresponding DST (like the consequent premium
tax) was included in the premiums charged to
petitioner's clients. Thus, the latter are the ones who
were made liable to pay the DST, and not the
petitioner. This being the case, DST cannot be
deemed as a direct cost or expense of petitioner
necessary to provide the insurance service.
Consequently, the same DST cannot form part of
petitioner's costs of service for purposes of
computing its MCIT for taxable year 2001. (Citations
Furthermore, the CTA Second Division ruled that the
CIR erred in utilizing RMC 4-2003 as the basis for the
disallowances of the deductions from gross receipts in
computing for the MCIT, for the issuance, issued on
December 31, 2002, cannot be applied retroactively to
assess MBLIC for deficiency taxes for taxable year 2001. 17
Anent the deficiency DST due, the CTA Second
Division sided with the CIR and applied the Lincoln ruling.
Thus, it was held that an increase in the coverage or the
sum assured by an insurance policy is subject to DST even
though no new policy for such an increase was issued. 18
On the issue of prescription, the CTA Second Division
cited Aguinaldo Industries Corp. (Fishing Nets Division) v.
CIR, et al.,19 (Aguinaldo) and ruled that the defense cannot
be considered, asserted as it was for the first time in
MBLIC's Supplemental Petition instead of during the
administrative stages of the proceeding. 20
Lastly, the compromise penalties imposed by the CIR
were cancelled because there was no mutual agreement
between the parties to compromise. A 25% surcharge was
imposed in its stead. 21
In sum, the CTA Second Division disposed of MBLIC's
petitions in the following manner: 22
WHEREFORE,in view of the foregoing
considerations, the consolidated Petitions for
Review seeking the cancellation of respondent's
assessments for; deficiency Minimum Corporate
Income Tax (MCIT) and deficiency Documentary
Stamp Tax (DST) and increments for taxable year
2001 in CTA Case No. 7266;deficiency DST and
increments for taxable year 2002 in CTA Case No.
7324;and deficiency DST and increments for
taxable year 2003 in CTA Case No.
7378 are DENIED.The Formal Assessment Notices
issued by respondent against petitioner covering
deficiency MCIT for taxable year 2001 and
deficiency DST for taxable years 2001, 2002 and
2003 are hereby AFFIRMED WITH
MODIFICATIONS.The compromise penalties
are CANCELLED. However, a twenty-five percent
(25%) surcharge is imposed, pursuant to Section
248(A) of the NIRC of 1997.
Accordingly, petitioner is hereby ORDERED
TO PAY respondent the amount of FOURTEEN
(P14,063,607.51),representing its deficiency MCIT
for taxable year 2001 and deficiency DST for
taxable years 2001, 2002, and 2003, inclusive of
increments, computed as follows:
Basic MCIT
Due P30,162.56
25% 7,540.64
P51,780.06 P51,780.06
Basic DST
Due P4,841,002.50 P1,764,579.41 P1,689,709.49
Surcharge 1,210,250.63 441,144.85 422,427.37
P8,536,623.81 P2,969,572.79 5 P14,011,827.45
In addition, petitioner is hereby ORDERED
TO PAY twenty percent (20%) delinquency interest
on P8,588,403.87, representing the total amount
due for taxable year 2001, computed from August
11, 2004; as well as on the P2,969,572.79 and
P2,505,630.85 total amounts due for taxable years
2002 and 2003, respectively, computed from March
5, 2005 until full payment thereof, pursuant to
Section 249(C)(3) of the NIRC of 1997.
The CTA Second Division would affirm the
said Decision through its Resolution 23 dated April 6, 2010.
Ruling of the CTA En Banc
Unsatisfied, both parties assailed the rulings of the
CTA Second Division. MBLIC maintained its posturing in its
petitions. The CIR, on the other hand, alleged that the CTA
Second Division erred (a) in allowing MBLIC to deduct
premium taxes from gross receipts for the purpose of
computing the MCIT due, and (b) in cancelling the
compromise penalties assessed in the FANs.
The CTA En Banc,however, found no cogent reason
to disturb the findings and conclusions spelled out in the
assailed rulings of the CTA Second Division. In its
discussion, the CTA En Banc merely amplified the
justification for barring MBLIC from raising prescription as a
defense. Thus, the CTA En Banc disposed of both petitions
in the following wise: 24
WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision dated
November 6, 2009 and Resolution dated April 6,
2010 of the CTA Former Second Division are
hereby AFFIRMED in toto,and the instant Petitions
for Review are hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit.
The parties' respective motions for reconsideration
were denied by the CTA En Banc through its December 9,
2011 Resolution. 25
Hence, the instant recourses.
The Issues
MBLIC framed the issues thusly: 26
CASE NO. 7266
On the other hand, the CIR assigned the following
errors: 27
To synthesize, the pivotal issue in the case at bar is
whether or not the CIR erred in assessing MBLIC for
deficiency taxes. Subsumed under this general statement
are the following issues:
1. Whether or not MBLIC is liable for deficiency MCIT
in 2001.
a. Whether or not RMC 4-2003 can be
retroactively applied as basis for the
purported deficiency taxes in 2001.
b. Whether or not premium taxes constitute
"cost of services" deductible from gross
c. Whether or not DSTs constitute "cost of
services" deductible from gross receipts.
2. Whether or not MBLIC is liable for deficiency DST
for increases in the assured or covered amount
stated in its insurance policies even though no
new instrument is issued.
3. Whether or not prescription was properly raised as
a defense.
4. Whether or not compromise penalty could be
imposed against MBLIC.
The Court's Ruling
The petition of the CIR is meritorious in part, while that
of MBLIC deserves scant consideration. The Court shall now
discuss the aforementioned issues in seriatim.
Liability for deficiency MCIT
Gross Receipts
Sales Allowances
Sales Discounts
Cost of Services
Gross Income
MCIT Rate: 2%
To refresh, the issue pertaining to MBLIC's deficiency
MCIT assessment stemmed from its alleged excessive claim
of deductible "cost of services," resulting in the CIR's
perceived understatement of the MCIT due. Specifically, the
CIR argues that premium taxes on insurance and DSTs
cannot be considered as deductible from gross receipts
since they are not among those identified under RMC 4-
2003 as costs of services.
i. RMC 4-2003 cannot be retroactively
The first point of contention is the applicability of RMC
4-2003. 32 The circular reads:
Gross Receipts and Cost of Services Per
Industry.— For purposes of applying the MCIT, the
'gross receipts' and 'cost of services' of taxpayers
engaged in the following types of services, or any
other kind but of a similar nature, shall be
determined as follows:
xxx xxx xxx
(ii) Insurance and pension funding
companies refer to those engaged in life and non-
life insurance business as defined under the
Insurance Code and pre-need companies, including
health maintenance organizations. Their gross
receipts shall mean actual or constructive receipts
representing: net retained premiums (gross
premiums net of returns, cancellations, and
premiums ceded)/gross premium or collection from
planholders; membership fees (in the case of
HMOs); miscellaneous income; investment income
not subject to final tax; released reserve and, in the
case of pre-need companies, gross withdrawals
from the trust funds set up independently as
mandated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC); and, all other items treated as
gross income under Section 32 of the Tax
Code.Their costs of services shall refer to those
incurred directly and exclusively in the
insurance and pre-need business, including the
generation of investment income not subject to
final taxes, and shall be limited to the following:
01. Salaries, wages and other employee
benefits of personnel directly
engaged in said activities;
02. Commissions on direct writings/agents
of pre-need companies;
03. Claims, losses, maturities and benefits
net of reinsurance recoveries; and,
04. Net additions required by law to reserve
fund (for insurance companies) and
in the case of pre-need companies,
contributions to the trust funds to be
set up independently as mandated by
the SEC. (emphasis added)
MBLIC claims that the restrictive language of RMC 4-
2003 limits what constitutes "cost of service," compared to
the more inclusive wording of the provision the issuance
seeks to implement. Because RMC 4-2003 would preclude
MBLIC from claiming deductions from gross receipts other
than those expressly enumerated, the company claims that
the retroactive application of RMC 4-2003 to its 2001 taxes
is not only prejudicial but, in fact, violative of Section 246 of
the NIRC,which provides:
SEC. 246. Non-Retroactivity of Rulings. — Any
revocation, modification or reversal of any of
the rules and regulations promulgated in
accordance with the preceding Sections or any of
the rulings or circulars promulgated by the
Commissioner shall not be given retroactive
application if the revocation, modification or
reversal will be prejudicial to the
taxpayers,except in the following cases:
(a) Where the taxpayer deliberately
misstates or omits material facts from
his return or any document required of
him by the Bureau of Internal
(b) Where the facts subsequently
gathered by the Bureau of Internal
Revenue are materially different from
the facts on which the ruling is based;
(c) Where the taxpayer acted in bad
faith. (emphasis added)
Meanwhile, the CIR argues that invoking RMC 4-
2003 herein is proper since it merely clarified what
constitutes "cost of service" as defined under Section 27 (E)
(4). Since premium taxes and DSTs do not form part of the
exhaustive enumeration in the issuance, the CIR therefore
assessed MBLIC for deficiency MCIT.
We concur with MBLIC.
Well-entrenched is the rule that statutes, including
administrative rules and regulations, operate prospectively
only, unless the legislative intent to the contrary is manifest
by express terms or by necessary implication. In the present
case, there is no indication that the revenue regulation may
operate retroactively. 33
Similarly, the Court held in Pilipinas Total Gas, Inc. v.
CIR 34 that RMC 54-2014, requiring that the application for
VAT refund or credit must already be accompanied by
complete supporting documents, cannot be applied
retroactively since it imposes new obligations upon
taxpayers in order to perfect their administrative claim. To
rule otherwise would unduly prejudice taxpayers who had
already filed their claims before RMC 54-2014 was issued, in
violation of Section 246 afore-quoted.
RMC 4-2003 cannot therefore be invoked in assessing
MBLIC's deficiency MCIT for 2001. Rather, the deductibility
of premium taxes and DSTs from gross receipts ought to be
measured against the standard set under Section 27 (E) (4)
of the NIRC itself.
ii. Premium taxes are NOT deductible
costs of services
Section 123 of the NIRC serves as basis for the
imposition of premium taxes. Pertinently, the provision
SEC. 123. Tax on Life Insurance Premiums.—
There shall be collected from every person,
company or corporation (except purely cooperative
companies or associations) doing life insurance
business of any sort in the Philippines a tax of five
percent (5%) of the total premium collected, whether
such premiums are paid in money, notes, credits or
any substitute for money; x x x[.]
Without the availability of RMC 4-2003, we can only
evaluate the deductibility of premium taxes (i.e.,) whether or
not they constitute cost of services) based solely on the
wording of Section 27 (E) (4).As per the provision, "cost of
services" means all direct costs and expenses necessarily
incurred to provide the services required by the customers
and clients, including (A) salaries and employee benefits of
personnel, consultants and specialists directly rendering the
service and (B) cost of facilities directly utilized in providing
the service such as depreciation or rental of equipment used
and cost of supplies.
In ruling that premium taxes are deductible from gross
receipts, the CTA relied on the permissive wording of the
provision. It held that the phrase "including" meant that "cost
of services" could pertain to expenses other than salaries
and production costs. On the premise that premium taxes
are expenses incurred by MBLIC to further its business, the
CTA then ruled that the same can be considered as part of
its cost of services, though not specifically mentioned. 35
While we agree that the enumeration in the provision
is not exhaustive, the CTA paid little to no attention to one of
the express requirements for deductibility — that the claimed
deduction should be a direct cost or expense. A cost or
expense is deemed "direct" when it is readily attributable to
the production of the goods or for the rendition of the
Measured against this standard, it is then easy to
discern that premium taxes, though payable by MBLIC,
are not direct costs within the contemplation of the phrase
"cost of services," incurred as they are after the sale of
service had already transpired. This cannot therefore be
considered as the equivalent of raw materials, labor, and
manufacturing cost of deductible "cost of sales" in the sale of
Contrarily, to accede to the CTA's rationalization
would virtually allow all expenses to be deductible from
gross receipts, erasing the distinction between "gross
income" for purposes of MCIT and "gross income" for
purposes of basic corporate taxes. The CIR's contention —
that premium taxes are not deductions from gross receipts
when determining the MCIT, but from "gross income" in
calculating corporate taxes — should therefore be given due
iii. DSTs are NOT deductible costs of services
The CTA did not, however, err in holding that DSTs
are not deductible costs of services. The general provision
on DST states:
SEC. 173. Stamp Taxes Upon Documents, Loan
Agreements, Instruments and Papers.— Upon
documents, instruments, loan agreements and
papers, and upon acceptances, assignments, sales
and transfers of the obligation, right or property
incident thereto, there shall be levied, collected and
paid for, and in respect of the transaction so had or
accomplished, the corresponding documentary
stamp taxes prescribed in the following Sections of
this Title, by the person making, signing, issuing,
accepting, or transferring the same wherever the
document is made, signed, issued, accepted or
transferred when the obligation or right arises from
Philippine sources or the property is situated in the
Philippines, and the same time such act is done
or transaction had:Provided, That whenever one
party to the taxable document enjoys exemption
from the tax herein imposed, the other party who is
not exempt shall be the one directly liable for the
tax. (emphasis added)
As can be gleaned, DST is incurred "by the person
making, signing, issuing, accepting, or transferring" the
document subject to the tax. And since a contract of
insurance is mutual in character, either the insurer or the
insured may shoulder the cost of the DST.
In this case, it was duly noted by the CTA that MBLIC
never disputed charging DSTs from its clients as part of their
premiums. Hence, it cannot readily be said that it was
MBLIC who "necessarily incurred" the expense. 36 Moreover,
DSTs cannot also qualify as direct costs "to provide the
services required by the customers and clients" since, just
like premium taxes, they are incurred after the service had
been rendered. No error is then attributable to the CTA in
this regard.
Liability for DST
Synthesized with Section 173 earlier quoted, DST
becomes due at the same time the insurance policy is
executed or had. By way of exception, however, Section 198
SEC. 198. Stamp Tax on Assignments and
Renewals of Certain Instruments.— Upon each
and every assignment or transfer of any mortgage,
lease or policy of insurance, or the renewal or
continuance of any agreement,contract, charter,
or any evidence of obligation or indebtedness by
altering or otherwise,there shall be levied,
collected and paid a documentary stamp tax, at the
same rate as that imposed on the original
instrument. (emphasis added)
Plainly, an insurance contract may again attract DST
at the same rate when it is (a) assigned or transferred, or (b)
renewed or continued by alteration or otherwise. Under the
latter circumstance, an alteration of the policy may result in
attracting DST, though no new policy is issued. MBLIC is
then mistaken in its claim that it can only be liable under
Section 183 whenever a new policy is issued. For the pivotal
question is not the issuance or non-issuance of a new policy,
but whether or not an increase in the assured amount
amounted to a renewal or continuance by alteration or
We approve the ruling of the CTA. Increases in the
amount fixed in the policy by virtue of the automatic increase
clause necessarily altered or affected the subject policies,
and therefore, created or granted existing policyholders new
and additional rights. 37 This finding is in consonance with
the Court's resolution in Lincoln.
In Lincoln,it was held that an increase in the assured
amount of an insurance policy would yield a corresponding
increase in the DST due. In the said case, private
respondent issued a special kind of life insurance policy
known as the Junior Estate Builder Policy. Its distinguishing
feature is a clause providing for an automatic increase in the
amount of life insurance coverage upon attainment of a
certain age by the insured without the need of issuing a new
policy. The clause was to take effect in the year 1984. DSTs
due were paid by petitioner only on the initial sum assured.
Nevertheless, the Court held that therein private respondent
is liable for DST on the increase of the amount insured upon
the effectivity of the automatic increase clause in 1984. As
the Court ratiocinated: 38
It is clear from Section 173 that the payment
of documentary stamp taxes is done at the time the
act is done or transaction had and the tax base for
the computation of documentary stamp taxes on life
insurance policies under Section 183 is the amount
fixed in policy, unless the interest of a person
insured is susceptible of exact pecuniary
measurement. What then is the amount fixed in
the policy? Logically, we believe that the amount
fixed in the policy is the figure written on its
face and whatever increases will take effect in
the future by reason of the "automatic increase
clause" embodied in the policy without the need
of another contract.
Here, although the automatic increase in the
amount of life insurance coverage was to take effect
later on, the date of its effectivity, as well as the
amount of the increase, was already definite at the
time of the issuance of the policy. Thus, the amount
insured by the policy at the time of its issuance
necessarily included the additional sum covered by
the automatic increase clause because it was
already determinable at the time the transaction was
entered into and formed part of the policy.
The "automatic increase clause" in the policy
is in the nature of a conditional obligation under
Article 1181, by which the increase of the insurance
coverage shall depend upon the happening of the
event which constitutes the obligation. In the instant
case, the additional insurance that took effect in
1984 was an obligation subject to a suspensive
obligation, but still a part of the insurance sold to
which private respondent was liable for the payment
of the documentary stamp tax. (Citations omitted;
emphasis supplied)
The case ended with a warning that tax laws cannot
be circumvented in order to evade the payment of just taxes.
And to claim that the increase in the amount insured should
not be included in the computation of the documentary
stamp taxes due would be a clear evasion of the law
requiring that the tax be computed on the basis of the
amount insured. 39
On Prescription
Basic MCIT
Due Php398,233.52
Php683,647.48 Php683,647.48
Total Amount
Due Php9,220,271.29 Php2,969,572.79 Php2,505,630.85 Php14,695,474.93
Accordingly, Manila Bankers' Life Insurance
Corporation is hereby ORDERED TO PAY the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue the amount
AND 93/100 (P14,695,474.93) representing the deficiency
MCIT for taxable year 2001 and deficiency DST for taxable
years 2001, 2002, and 2003.
In addition, Manila Bankers' Life Insurance
Corporation is hereby ORDERED TO PAY:
(a) Delinquency interest at the rate of twenty percent
(20%) on P9,220,271.29, representing the total
amount due for taxable year 2001, computed
from August 11, 2004 until December 31, 2017;
as well as on the P2,969,572.79 and
P2,505,630.85 total amounts due for taxable
years 2002 and 2003, respectively, computed
from March 5, 2005 until December 31, 2017,
pursuant to Section 249 (C) (3) of the NIRC of
1997, and
(b) From January 1, 2018 until full payment, the rate of
delinquency interest on the total amounts due
stated in the preceding paragraph for taxable
years 2001, 2002 and 2003 shall be twelve
percent (12%) pursuant to Section 249 (C) (3) of
the NIRC of 1997 as amended by Republic Act
No. 10963, otherwise known as the "Tax
Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN)
Law" and implemented by Revenue Regulations
No. 21-2018. 44
Peralta, Leonen,
Hernando and Carandang, * JJ.,concur.
For the period January 1, 2018 until Deficiency and/or delinquency interest
full payment of the tax liability at 12%
A.B. REYES, JR., J : p
Gross Income Per Return on Educational P618,449,079.00
Less: Expenses Per Return on Educational 459,848,867.00
Net Income Per Return P158,600,212.00
Add: Adjustments Per Investigation
Interest Expense
- Disallowed (Sec. 34 (B) NIRC) P21,827,506.66
Provision for Retirement
- Not Deductible (Sec. 34 NIRC) 27,059,453.34
Provision for Doubtful Accounts
- Not Deductible (Sec. 34 NIRC) 4,252,393.73
Not Subject to Withholding Tax
- Sec. 34 NIRC
Rental 123,147.00
Income Not Subjected to Income Tax
- Depository Accounts (Sec. 32 NIRC) 575,702,650.00
Unlocated/Unsupported Invoices & 2,150,270.66 631,170,895.82
Vouchers (Sec. 34 NIRC)
–––––––––––– –––––––––––––
– –
Adjusted Taxable Income P789,771,107.82
Tax Due P78,977,110.78
Less: Tax due per return -
Deficiency Income Tax (subject to P78,977,110.78
Add: 25% surcharge (Sec. 248)
20% interest from __ to 06-20-05 (Sec. 249) P43,437,410.92
Compromise Penalty (Sec. 254)
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE & P122,414,521.70
REVENUE, petitioner, vs. TRANSFIELD
PHILIPPINES, INC., respondent.
J.C. REYES, JR., J : p
The Antecedents
*Additional Member per S.O. No. 2630 dated December 18, 2018.
1.Penned by Associate Justice Cielito N. Mindaro-Grulla, with Presiding
Justice Roman G. Del Rosario, Associate Justices Juanito C.
Castañeda, Jr., Lovell R. Bautista, Erlinda P. Uy, Caesar A.
Casanova, Esperanza R. Fabon-Victorino, Amelia R. Cotangco-
Manalastas and Ma. Belen M. Ringpis-Liban, concurring; rollo, pp.
2.Id. at 59-68.
3.Penned by Associate Justice Esperanza R. Fabon-Victorino, with
Presiding Justice Ernesto D. Acosta and Associate Justice Erlinda
P. Uy, concurring; id. at 243-261.
4.Id. at 280-286.
5.Id. at 113-116.
6.Id. at 117.
7.Id. at 118.
8.Id. at 119.
9.Id. at 120-121.
10.Id. at 122.
11.Id. at 123.
12.Supra note 3.
13.Id. at 260.
14.Id. at 280-286.
15.Supra, note 1.
16.Id. at 56-57.
17.Id. at 28.
18.Id. at 22-42.
19.Id. at 297-327.
20.111 Phil. 197, 199-200 (1961).
21.729 Phil. 253 (2014).
22.CTA Case No. 7874, March 29, 2011; rollo, p. 315.
23.Rollo, pp. 337-343.
24.Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Marubeni Corporation, 423 Phil.
862, 874 (2001).
25.Republic Act No. 9480, Sec. 1.
26.G.R. No. 216161, August 9, 2017, 836 SCRA 645.
27.Id. at 656.
28.Republic Act No. 9480, Section 8.
29.CS Garment, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, supra note
21, at 275.
REVENUE, petitioner, vs. LA FLOR DELA
ISABELA, INC., respondent.
The CIR moved for reconsideration, but it was denied
by the CTA En Banc in its February 10, 2014 Resolution.
Hence, this present petition raising the following:
The CIR argued that the prescriptive period under
Section 203 of the NIRC does not apply to withholding
agents such as La Flor. It explained that the amount
collected from them is not the tax itself but rather a penalty.
The CIR pointed out that the provision of Section 203 of
the NIRC only mentions assessment of taxes as
distinguished from assessment of penalties. It highlighted
that La Flor was made liable for EWT and WTC deficiencies
in its capacity as a withholding agent and not in its
personality as a taxpayer.
On the other hand, the CIR maintained that even
applying the periods set in Section 203 of the NIRC, the
EWT and WTC assessment of La Flor had not yet
prescribed. It pointed out that La Flor had executed three
Waivers extending the prescriptive period under the NIRC.
The CIR lamented that the CTA erred in disregarding them
because evidence not formally offered may be considered if
they form part of the records. It noted that in the Answer it
filed before the CTA Division, the subject Waivers were
included as annexes. In addition, the CIR assailed that
failure to comply with RMO No. 20-90 does not invalidate the
In its Comment 13 dated August 15, 2014, La Flor
countered that the CIR's petition for review should be denied
outright for procedural infirmities. It pointed out that the
petition failed to comply with Bar Matter (B.M.) No.
1922 because the date of issue of the Mandatory Continuing
Legal Education (MCLE) compliance of the counsels of the
CIR was not indicated. In addition, La Flor noted that the
petition for review did not observe Section 2, Rule 7 of
the Rules of Court requiring the paragraphs to be numbered.
Further, it asserted that the assessment of the EWT and
WTC had prescribed because it went beyond the
prescriptive period provided under Section 203 of the NIRC.
La Flor also assailed that the Waivers should not be
considered because they were neither offered in evidence
nor complied with the requirements under RMO No. 20-90.
In its Reply 14 dated February 18, 2015, the CIR
brushed aside the allegations of procedural infirmities of its
petition for review. It elucidated that failure to indicate the
date of issue of the MCLE compliance is no longer a ground
for dismissal and that it had stated the MCLE certificate of
compliance numbers of its counsels. The CIR posited that
the Rules of Court does not penalize the failure to number
the paragraphs in pleadings.
Carpio, Perlas-Bernabe, Caguioa and Hernando, * JJ.,
*Additional Member per S.O. No. 2630 dated December 18, 2018.
1.Penned by Associate Justice Juanito C. Castañeda, Jr., with Presiding
Justice Roman G. del Rosario and Associate Justices Lovell R.
Bautista, Erlinda P. Uy, Caesar A. Casanova, Esperanza R.
Fabon-Victorino, Cielito N. Mindaro-Grulla, Amelia R. Cotangco-
Manalastas, and Ma. Belen M. Ringpis-Liban, concurring; rollo,
pp. 39-56.
2.Penned by Associate Justice Juanito C. Castañeda, Jr., with Associate
Justices Lovell R. Bautista, Erlinda P. Uy, Caesar A. Casanova,
Esperanza R. Fabon-Victorino, Amelia R. Cotangco-Manalastas
and Ma. Belen M. Ringpis-Liban, concurring. Presiding Justice
Roman G. del Rosario with a Separate Concurring Opinion and
Associate Justice Cielito N. Mindaro-Grulla, on leave; id. at 57-63.
3.Penned by Associate Justice Lovell R. Bautista, with Associate
Justices Olga Palanca-Enriquez and Amelia R. Cotangco-
Manalastas, concurring; id. at 76-101.
4.Id. at 11.
5.Id. at 72.
6.Id. at 73.
7.Id. at 74.
8.Id. at 12.
9.Id. at 99-100.
10.Penned by Associate Justice Lovell R. Bautista, with Associate
Justice Olga Palanca-Enriquez, concurring. Associate Justice
Amelia R. Cotangco-Manalastas, on official leave; id. at 102-104.
11.Id. at 105-130.
12.Id. at 55.
13.Id. at 144-157.
14.Id. at 170-173.
15.772 Phil. 440, 448-449 (2015).
16.Curammeng v. People, 799 Phil. 575, 581 (2016).
17.Ching v. Cheng, 745 Phil. 93, 117 (2014).
18.SEC. 222(a). In the case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to
evade tax or of failure to file a return, the tax may be assessed, or
a proceeding in court for the collection of such tax may be filed
without assessment, at any time within ten (10) years after the
discovery of the falsity, fraud or omission: Provided, That in a
fraud assessment which has become final and executory, the fact
of fraud shall be judicially taken cognizance of in the civil or
criminal action for the collection thereof.
19.628 Phil. 508, 536 (2010).
20.LG Electronics Philippines, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
749 Phil. 155, 181 (2014).
21.672 Phil. 514, 528-529 (2011).
22.Filipinas Synthetic Fiber Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 374 Phil.
835, 841 (1999).
23.Philippine National Bank v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 562
Phil. 575, 582 (2007).
24.235 Phil. 477, 485-486 (1987).
25.281 Phil. 425, 441-442 (1991), as cited in Commissioner of Internal
Revenue v. Smart Communication, Inc., 643 Phil. 550, 561-562
26.G.R. No. 220835, July 26, 2017, 833 SCRA 285, 296-298.