Product Technical Data Glass Flake Epoxy Paint
Product Technical Data Glass Flake Epoxy Paint
Product Technical Data Glass Flake Epoxy Paint
Application Equipment
Airless Spray
Nozzle Size : 0.48-0.58mm (17-23 thou)
Fan Angle : 40°
Operating Pressure : 235kg/cm² (3360 psi)
The airless spray details given above are intended as a guide only. Details such as fluid hose length and diameter, paint temperature
and job shape and size all have an effect on the spray tip and operating pressure chosen. However, the operating pressure should be
the lowest possible consistent with satisfactory atomisation. As conditions will vary from job to job, it is the applicators' responsibility to
ensure that the equipment in use has been set up to give the best results. If in doubt Leighs Customer Service Department should be
N.B. C123 is capable of being applied by brush at 250 microns dft as a stripecoat, or for touch up of small areas.
Additional Notes
Drying times, curing times and pot life should be considered as a guide only.
The curing reaction of epoxies commences immediately the two components are mixed, and since the reaction is dependent on
temperature, the curing time and pot life will be approximately halved by a 10°C increase in temperature and doubled by a 10°C
decrease in temperature.
Epoxy Coatings – Colour Stability
Variable colour stability is a feature of epoxy materials which tend to yellow and darken with age whether used on internal or external
areas. Therefore any areas touched-up and repaired with the same colour at a later date may be obvious due to this colour change.
When epoxy materials are exposed to ultra-violet light a surface chalking effect will develop. This phenomenon results in loss of gloss
and a fine powder coating at the surface which may give rise to colour variation depending on the aspect of the steelwork. This effect in
no way detracts from the performance of the system.
Epoxy Coatings - Tropical Use
Epoxy paints at the time of mixing should not exceed a temperature of 35ºC. Use of these products outside of the pot life may result in
inferior adhesion properties even if the materials appear fit for application. Thinning the mixed product will not alleviate this problem.
The maximum air and substrate temperature for application is 50ºC providing conditions allow satisfactory application and film
formation. If the air and substrate temperatures exceed 50ºC and epoxy coatings are applied under these conditions, paint film defects
such as dry spray, bubbling and pinholing etc, can occur within the coating.
Numerical values quoted for physical data may vary slightly from batch to batch.
Any person or company using the product without first making further enquiries as to the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at their own
risk, and Leighs Paints can accept no liability for the performance of the product, or for any loss or damage arising out of such use.
The information detailed in this Data Sheet is liable to modification from time to time in the light of experience and of normal product development, and before
using, customers are advised to check with Leighs Paints, quoting the reference number, to ensure that they possess the latest issue.