SERVOPRO 4000 Series - Service Manual

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SERVOPRO 4000 Series


Part Number: 04000002D

Revision: 0
Language: UK English
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This publication includes WARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES which

where appropriate, information relating to the following:

WARNINGS : Hazards which will result in personal injury or


CAUTIONS : Hazards which will result in equipment or property


NOTES : Alert the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

NOTICE: This service manual for 4000 Series Analysers covers disassembly
procedures for this equipment, and brief technical descriptions of component
parts of the equipment. It should be thoroughly read and retained by the service




1. Introduction
Read this section before commencing any work on the analyser.

2. Product Overview
Provides a mechanical and electronic overview. These should be read to
provide orientation for the subsequent sections.

3. Gas Sensor Module Technology Overview

Provides an overview of the technology used in the 4000 Series

4. Spares List
Lists the available spares. No other spares are available.

5. Fault Finding
Describes fault finding procedures.

6. Parts Replacement Procedures

Described procedures to replace and test parts.

7. Software Maintenance
Describes software maintenance procedures.

8. Engineering Drawings
Contains a list of drawings and schematics attached to this manual.




Section Page

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3

1.2 General description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3

1.3 Location of components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5

1.4 Transducer site numbering system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6

1.5 Output numbering system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6

1.6 The 4000 Series user interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6

1.7 Displaying additional information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8

1.8 Permitted Analyser/Transducer configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8


Figure Page

1.1 Key features of the 4000 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5

1.2 4000 Series measurement display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7


Table Page

1.1 Transducer FSD values and availablility in Product Range . . . . . . . . . 1.9



1.1 Introduction

This manual contains essential information regarding servicing of Servomex 4000

Series Analysers.

A QuickStart manual is included in the front of this manual, reference part number
04000/003C. This details software configuration and operation of the analyser.

A separate Installation manual is also available, reference part number 04000/005C.

Extra copies of any manual may be ordered from Servomex.

This service manual is intended for use by Servomex trained service personnel. The
manual contains technical descriptions, fault diagnosis information, part removal,
refitting and test instructions as well as electrical and mechanical drawings and

Repairs to PCB's are effected by board replacement. Component replacement is not

recommended. The only exception to this is the display lamp invertor mounted on the


The user should note that the 4000 Series instrument contains no user
serviceable parts inside. The instrument enclosure protects the user from
electric shock and other hazards. All servicing should be referred to qualified
service personnel.

1.2 General description

The Servomex 4000 Series chassis is an analyser into which up to four gas sensor
modules may be fitted. The chassis provides power, gas connections and other support
functions to the sensors and calculates associated sample gas concentrations. These
concentrations are then displayed on the analyser display screen and may be directed
to the analogue outputs and/or the serial RS232 output (and RS485 on later

The 4000 Series chassis also supports two external analogue input signals. The data
from the external inputs may be displayed on the screen, output to the analogue
outputs and/or the serial RS232 output (and RS485 on later instruments).

Designed for use in modern industrial and laboratory environments, the analyser is
controlled using an integral microprocessor which provides significant user flexibility.

The 4100 is designed to meet the control and product quality monitoring requirements
of industrial gas producers and users. It can monitor up to four gas streams
simultaneously with independent autocalibration for each stream (provided sufficient
extra relays are installed).

The 4200 is intended for monitoring flammable samples, but not those containing
hydrogen or acetylene for which the 4210 must be used. Again, up to four gas streams
may be monitored simultaneously and independent autocalibration can be used with
each stream. The zirconia transducer is not available for these analysers.

The 4900 is a continuous emissions monitoring (CEMs) analyer with a maximum of four
transducers with either one or two sample streams. Independent autocalibration is
available for each stream or transducer.

None of the above are suitable for use with corrosive samples.

A number of optional features are available for the 4000 Series. These may include the
following, depending upon analyser configuration:-

C Flow meters and needle valves (on the 4900C only) to monitor and
control sample gas flow through the instrument.

C A sample filter to protect the gas sensor modules from particulate


C A sample flow alarm to monitor the sample flow and alarm when the flow
falls below a defined level. This is only available on 4100C (Gfx flow
driven) and 4900C product.

C An Autocalibration manifold (for a single sample stream) to allow the

instrument to be calibrated without user intervention. On the 4100C this
is only suitable for paramagnetic transducers.

C Additional relay output contacts to allow autocalibration of the analyser

via externally located valves.

C Additional signal output cards to extend the number of analogue outputs

and relay outputs available to the user.


The following abbreviations are used throughout this manual:

Gfx Gas filter correlation infra-red transducer

IR Pulsed infra-red transducer
Pm Paramagnetic transducer
Zr Zirconia transducer

Figure 1.1 Key features of 4000 Series

1.3 Location of components

Figure 1.1 identifies the location of the key features of the 4000 Series analyser, note
that the identification label (including serial number information) is located on the
underside of the unit towards the rear.

Key: A FRONT VIEW 8 Sample inlet(s)

B REAR VIEW 9 Mains power connector
1 Sample filter (optional) 10 Fan and filter
2 Flowmeter(s) (optional) 11 Sample outlet(s)
3 Display 12 Functional earth
4 Keypad 13 Serial output port
5 Display adjustment 14 Signal terminals
6 Needle valve(s) (optional) 15 Screen
7 Rack mounting brackets

1.4 Transducer site numbering system

The four internal transducers are assigned site locations represented as I1, I2, I3 and
I4 on the display.

In the case of the 4100 and the 4200, each transducer is served by a discrete sample
inlet and outlet connection on the rear panel.

In the case of the 4900, either one or two sample streams may be specified -
consequently only inlets/outlets numbered 1 and 2 will be used.

1.5 Output numbering system

Identification numbers appear on the rear label to identify the terminals where each
output appears and on the display when the outputs are being configured. These have
a two digit identification number of the following format: Card number . Output No.

eg. the outputs fitted as standard on the SIB pcb in card position 1 are :

1.1 Analogue output

1.2 Analogue output
1.3 Relay
1.4 Relay
1.5 Relay

1.6 The 4000 Series user interface

The 4000 Series user interface consists of a keypad with nine keys and a large
edge-lit LCD display ( see Figure 1.1).

Use of the keypad and display is detailed in the QuickStart Manual, which
includes relevant illustrations and a copy of the software menu map.


Reminder: some user interface operations require the use of a password.

There are two passwords:

1) a supervisor password which gives access to SETUP and CALIBRATION

2) an operator password which gives access to CALIBRATION only.

Both are factory set to 4000, but these may be changed by the user.

The following details act as a reminder to the information normally shown on the
measurement display, referenced in figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 4000 Series measurement display

Key: No. module location (2 characters)

Value measurement value (6 characters)
Unit engineering units (3 characters)
Name A user defined message (6 characters).

The module location defines which transducer the process variable represents.
The letter 'I' indicates an internal gas sensor module, the letter 'E' indicates an
external gas transducer (user supplied) and the letter ‘D’ indicates a derived
measurement (as in the case of NOx derivations from an NO transducer
installed in a 4900C). The letter is followed by a number defining the gas sensor
module site number - see section 1.4.

The measurement value indicates the concentration measured.

The engineering units field is a user defined 3 character message identifying the
units of measurement. The engineering units field is a message only. Changing
the engineering units message has no effect on the displayed value.

The user defined message field is a 6 character field to represent the process
variable name or tag number.

1.7 Displaying additional information

Aside from the measurement display, the 4000 Series may be interrogated to
display the following useful information (refer to QuickStart Manual):

alarms present display any current sample concentration


maintenance faults present display any current maintenance faults

failure faults present display any current failure faults

alarm history An entry is made in the history buffer each

time an alarm appears or is cleared. Note:
that if hysteresis has been specified when
configuring an alarm, then the alarm will not
clear until the concentration has reached the
alarm level plus the hysteresis.

maintenance fault history An entry is made in the history buffer each

time a fault appears or is cleared.

failure fault history An entry is made in the history buffer each

time a fault appears or is cleared.

calibration history An entry is made in the history buffer each

time a calibration or calibration check is

diagnostics information The signals from gas sensors may be

displayed. These may be useful in
diagnosing any problems which may arise.

1.8 Permitted Analyser/Transducer configurations


The following table shows the availability of transducers in the current 4000
Series Product range.

It is not permitted to deviate from the list for 4200C and 4210C by installing
alternative transducer configurations.

Table 1.1 Transducer FSD values and availablility in Product Range:
Transducer FSD 4100 4200 4900

Gfx1210 CO Standard sensitivity 3000vpm CO - - U

Gfx1210 CO High sensitivity 500vpm CO U U U
Gfx 1210 SO2 Standard sensitivity 2500 vpm SO2 - - U
Gfx 1210 SO2 High sensitivity 100 vpm SO2 - - U
Gfx 1210 NO High sensitivity 1000 vpm NO - - U
Gfx1210 CO2 High sensitivity 100vpm CO2 U U -
Gfx 1210 CH4 High sensitivity 500 vpm CH4 U U U
Gfx 1210 N2O High sensitivity 500 vpm N2O U U U
IR 1520 100% CO2 100% CO2 U U U
IR 1520 50% CO2 50% CO2 U U U
IR 1520 25% CO2 25% CO2 U U U
IR 1520 10% CO2 10% CO2 U U U
IR 1520 5% CO2 5% CO2 U U U
IR 1520 2.5% CO2 2.5% CO2 U U U
IR 1520 1% CO2 1% CO2 U U U
IR 1520 0.5% CO2 0.5% CO2 U U U
IR 1520 0.25% CO2 0.25% CO2 U U U
IR 1521 100% CH4 100%CH4 - U -
IR 1521 50% CH4 50% CH4 - U -
IR 1521 25% CH4 25% CH4 - U -
IR 1521 5% CH4 5% CH4 - U -
IR 1522 50% CO 50% CO - U -
IR 1522 25% CO 25% CO - U -
IR 1522 10% CO 10% CO U U U
IR 1522 2.5% CO 2.5% CO U U U
IR 1522 1% CO 1% CO U U U
Pm 1158 O2 Control 100% O2 U U U
Pm 1111 O2 Basic 100% O2 U - U
Pm Purity O2 (4100995) 100% O2 U - -
Zirconia 703 O2 Trace 210000vpm O2 U - -
Zirconia 704 O2 Trace 210000vpm O2 U -




Section Page

2.1 Mechanical Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3

2.2 Sample Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6

2.3 Electrical Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13


Figure Page

2.1 4100C Flow driven schematic, Zirconia sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7

2.2 4100C Pressure driven schematic, Zirconia sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7

2.3 Sample gland plate without autocalibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9

2.4 Sample gland plate with autocalibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10

2.5 Sample gland plate with external autocalibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11

2.6 Electronic system block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13


Table Page

2.1 Sample port vs transducer type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.12

2.2 Microprocessor LED states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16



2.1 Mechanical Overview

2.1.1 General

Refer to figure 6.1

The 4000 Series consists of a sheet metal chassis [4] and cover [3] fixed with
either 9 or 11 screws [2]. The chassis contains the gas sensor modules,
associated electronics and sample system. On the front of the chassis is a
plastic moulded fascia [5] which is used to mount the display and keypad.
Mounted on the front of the chassis but projecting through the fascia are a
sample filter and two Flowmeters which are optional. The fascia is fixed to the
chassis using 8 screws (Figure 6.2[13]).

2.1.2 Keypad

Refer to figure 6.2

The keypad consists of a PCB [21] and a silicone rubber overlay [22]. The
rubber overlay has nine keys moulded into it, each has a rubber contact pill
which makes contact with the PCB when the key is pressed. The fascia has five
locating pegs [28] which are used to locate the rubber overlay and keypad PCB.
The keypad is then fixed to the fascia using four screws [20] with the rubber
overlay sandwiched between. One of the keypad PCB fixing screws has a
spacer [27] which prevents the screw breaking through the front of the fascia.

The invertor [41] which provides a high voltage for the cold cathode fluorescent
lamp is mounted on the keypad PCB. The potentiometer for adjustment of the
display viewing angle is mounted on the keypad PCB [21].

2.1.3 Fascia EMC components

Refer to figure 6.2

The display window [43] is fixed into the fascia independently of the display. The
inner surface of the window is metallised, this metallisation is connected to a
conductive coating on the inner surface of the fascia by copper tape with
conductive adhesive [30]. A web wall on the inner surface of the fascia which
goes around the display and keypad carries an EMC gasket [31], this is used to
connect to the front of the chassis thus providing a complete conductive
envelope around the keypad and display.

2.1.4 Display

Refer to figure 6.2

The display is fixed to the fascia by four screws [23], it has no user serviceable

2.1.5 Card frame

Refer to figure 6.9

The card frame, mounted at the rear of the chassis, consists of a front card-
frame [10] and a rear card-frame [7]. Both card-frames have snap-in plastic card
guides [11]. The front card frame fixes to two studs in the base of the chassis.
The rear card-frame is suspended from the top rear of the chassis using two
screws [3] which fix into threaded inserts in the chassis. The Motherboard [9] is
suspended between the two card-frames. The Motherboard has threaded inserts
which are used to fix it to the card-frames using four screws [5]. Three fixings
are provided at the rear of the Motherboard and one at the front. The front of the
Motherboard protrudes through the front card-frame to give support in the region
of the connector

Between one and four Terminal boards [6] may be fitted. These plug into the
Motherboard, but the connector which is presented to the customer at the rear
of the chassis is sandwiched between the rear of the chassis and the rear card-
frame. Thus the Terminal boards form an integral part of the card-frame. The
following boards plug into the Motherboard and are supported by card-guides:

Refer to figure 6.4

Power supply [19]

Microprocessor [6]
Sensor interface [2]
Three option boards [3,4,5]
Multiplexer board [1]

The Power supply has a metal case and is given additional support by a screw
(Figure 6.4 [18]) which fixes it to the card frame. All boards which plug into the
Motherboard have handles to aid extraction except the Microprocessor board
and power supply.

2.1.6 Power connector

Refer to figure 6.4

The power connector [9], provides mains voltage selection, fusing and a power
switch. It is fixed to the rear of the chassis by two screws [8] which have
corresponding threaded inserts in the rear of the chassis. An earth lead soldered
onto the IEC power connector is connected to the earth stud [22] on the inside
rear of the chassis. This earth lead is kept as short as possible for EMC. The
IEC power connector is connected to the Motherboard via four leads in an
overall sleeve. A four way connector [11] is used to make connections to the
Motherboard. Four individual insulated slide connectors are used to connect to
the IEC power connector.

2.1.7 Transformer

Refer to figure 6.4

The transformer [17] is fixed to the chassis from the underside using two screws
with washers [15,16]. These fix into threaded bushes potted into the centre of
the toroidal transformer. A rubber mat [23] is fitted to the underside of the

2.1.8 External fan

Refer to figure 6.6

The external fan [1] is fitted to the rear of the chassis along with a finger guard
[3] and a fan mounting plate [2] using four screws [7] which fix into threaded
inserts in the chassis. The four screws pass through spacers [8]. The fan
mounting plate spreads the force of the fixing screws on the fan and helps
prevent the fan filter element [4] , fan filter gauze [5] and fan filter cover [6] from
being dislodged. These components would otherwise protrude as they are
slightly larger than the fan itself. The fan is connected to the Motherboard [9].
The direction of flow is marked on the fan, this is directed into the chassis.

2.1.9 Optional Internal Fan

Refer to figure 6.7

The internal fan [2] is used where the gas sensor modules have a high power
dissipation. It is connected to the Motherboard [7] using connector [6]. The
internal fan is fixed to the front card-frame [8] using four screws with nuts and
washers [4,3,5]. A fan mounting plate [1] is used to space the fan off of the front
card-frame so that the fan rotor does not touch the card frame.

2.1.10 Gas sensor modules

Zirconia example shown in figure 6.10.

The gas sensor modules mount to the base of the chassis using studs fixed into
the chassis base [16]. The studs are fitted with nuts with integral locking
washers. The gas sensor modules are provided with slots so that the nuts do not
need to be removed from the mounting studs. Once the nuts are loosened the
gas sensor module may slide sideways then upwards for removal.

2.1.11 Maintenance of EMC performance

Refer to figure 6.3

To ensure that EMC performance is maintained all cover screws should be

refitted and tightened. The conductive gaskets[1] along the front edge of the
chassis [6] and those on the fascia should also be fitted and replaced where

2.2 Sample System Options

Throughout this section, the terms ‘flow driven’ and ‘pressure’ driven are used:

The flow driven option is supplied for applications where the sample flow is to
be controlled by the customer, prior to entry into the analyser. Minimum and
maximum flows are analyser or transducer module dependent. For more detail
on specific flowrates please refer to the Installation manual.

The pressure driven option (only available on 4100C and 4200C) has been
specifically designed to maintain optimum sample flowrate for an inlet pressure
of 5psig +/- 3psig (35kPag +/- 21kPag). The sample system operates by
restricting the sample flow and redirecting excess sample down a bypass route
to the outlet. The system will accommodate minor changes in inlet pressure but
a stable inlet pressure is recommended.

2.2.1 4100C Options

Each transducer module is served by it’s own individual sample system and the
4100C is offered with a choice of two sampling systems: flow driven and
pressure driven. These sampling systems are transducer module dependent and
a multi measurement analyser could contain a mixture of both. The specific
analyser configuration can be accessed via the user interface, where the feature
and options for the build are stored.

Flow Driven Option

Refer to Figure 2.1 for a typical (Zirconia) installation

Figure 2.1 4100C Flow driven schematic, Zirconia sensor

Pressure Driven Option

Figure 2.2 4100C Pressure driven schematic, Zirconia sensor

Refer to Figure 2.2 for a typical (Zirconia) installation

2.2.2 4200C Options

Each transducer module is served by it’s own individual sample system and the
4200C is offered with a choice of two sampling systems: flow driven and
pressure driven. These sampling systems are identical to those used in the
4100C above (note: Zirconia transducers are not permitted), being transducer
module dependent and a multi measurement analyser could contain a mixture
of both. The specific analyser configuration can be accessed via the user
interface, where the feature and options for the build are stored.

2.2.3 4210C Options

Each transducer module is served by it’s own individual sample system. The
4210C is only available with flow driven sample systems, with a discrete metallic
inlet and outlet tube for each transducer.

2.2.4 4900C Options

The 4900C offers the ability to install a maximum of four transducers with either
one or two sample streams. These sample streams are flow dependent and must
be controlled between 500ml/min to 1500 ml/min.

2.2.5 Optional Flowmeter(s) and needle valve(s)

Refer to figure 6.2

The Flowmeter consists of a flow tube [9,10] supported between end-blocks

[7,8,38,39]. The end-block spigots accommodate 'o' rings [11,12] which seal to
the flow tubes. Each flowmeter has a moulded plastic cover [4,5] which provides
access to the flow tube [9,10] for cleaning. When the Flowmeters are not fitted
the cover is replaced by a blank. The cover or blank is fixed by a screw [3]
accessible from inside the chassis [42].

Where fitted, needle valves [16,17] are mounted to the bottom end block [38,39].
The needle valve control knob [40] has a moulded rubber cover [1].

2.2.6 Optional Sample Filter - Internal

(See 2.1.8 for external sample filter)

Refer to figure 6.2

The sample filter housing [26] has a clear polycarbonate cover [32] which may
be unscrewed with the aid of the spanner provided with the 4000 Series to gain
access to the filter element [33]. The filter cover [32] is sealed to the filter
housing using an 'o' ring [34]. When the sample filter is not fitted a blank is fitted
to the fascia [29]

2.2.7 Sample connections


The sample and calibration gases supplied to the instrument may be

toxic, flammable* or asphyxiant. Verify that connections are leak free
at full operating pressure before proceeding with admitting such

Instrument vent gases may also be toxic, flammable* or asphyxiant

and should be treated accordingly. They should not be vented into an
enclosed area.

Before performing any service operation ensure that the instrument

sample system has been flushed with inert gas before opening
sample connections. This is to prevent accidental exposure to toxic,
flammable* or asphyxiant gases.

* The 4000 Series is not suitable for operation with corrosive gas

* The 4100C and 4900C are not suitable for operation with flammable
gas samples.

Sample and calibration gases pass into and out of the chassis via a gland plate
mounted on the rear of the chassis. The version of the gland plate will depend on
which auto calibration option has been supplied.

Pressure or flow driven non auto calibration units.

Figure 2.3 Sample gland plate without auto calibration

The sample gland plate without autocalibration is shown in figure 2.3. This
provides up to four sample inlets and a corresponding outlet for each inlet. A
single sample inlet is provided for each gas stream.

Pressure or flow driven internal autocalibration units

Figure 2.4 Sample gland plate with internal auto calibration

When the internal autocalibration feature is supplied a valve manifold is

mounted in the sample gland plate (see figure 2.4). This provides ports for
sample inlet and outlet plus additional inlets for two calibration gases. The
autocalibration manifold is installed on gas stream 1. Again a single sample
inlet is provided on each gas stream. This option is not suitable for use with toxic

Pressure or flow driven external autocalibration units

The gland plate supplied for the external autocalibration option (see figure 2.5).
There are no inlets for calibration gas. Instead an electrical connector carries
drive signals which may be used to control solenoid valves mounted outside the
instrument case.

Figure 2.5 Sample gland plate with external auto calibration

Sample port sizes and thread types are given in table 2.1, note: not all sensor types
are available in all analyser models.

Table 2.1 Sample port vs transducer type

Analyser/Gas sensor Sample Sample Low High

module type inlet outlet cal gas cal gas

4100C Zirconia 1/8" OD* 1/4" NPT N/A N/A

stainless female
steel stub

4100C 1520 Series IR 1/8" NPT 1/4" NPT N/A N/A

female female
Paramagnetic 1/8" NPT 1/4" NPT N/A N/A
4200C female female

Infrared Gfx 1/8" OD* 1/4" NPT N/A N/A

stainless female
steel stub

4210C All available 1/8" OD* 1/8" OD N/A N/A

sensor types stainless stainless
steel stub steel stub

4900C Standard 1/8" NPT 1/4" NPT N/A N/A

female female

4100C Optional 1/8" NPT 1/4" NPT 1/8" 1/8"

or Internal auto cal female female NPT NPT
4900C female female

*Note: An external filter may be specified, in which case the inlet connections will be
‘Swagelok’ 1/8" OD female compression.

2.2.8 External filter

An external filter (stainless steel) may be fitted to the inlet of either Zirconia
sensors or Infrared benches. The filter should be fitted directly to the analyser
inlet or, if preferred, at a convenient point in the sample inlet line.

2.3 Electrical Overview

Figure 2.6 shows the system block diagram, the following sub-sections detail
individual elements within the system.

Figure 2.6 Electronic system block diagram

2.3.1 Power distribution

Refer to figure 6.4

Mains power
Electrical power enters the analyser via an IEC CE22 connector [9]. This
connector provides an ON/OFF switch, filtering and mains voltage selection as
well as fusing. Power is taken on to the Motherboard [20] via a 4 way connector
[11]. Mains power is distributed on the Motherboard to the transformer [17] via
a 4 way connector [12] and to the switched mode power supply [19] which plugs
directly into the Motherboard.


The transformer has split primary windings allowing voltage selection between
85 to 132V ac or 170 to 264V ac. The transformer provides power for the gas
sensor modules and an auto transformed tapping for auxiliary power, this tapping
is not used on the 4000 Series. The auxiliary power tapping is fused via F2 which
is mounted on the Motherboard but accessed from the rear of the chassis. Each
primary winding has a self-resetting over-temperature cutout, which operates at

There are two versions of the transformer, one provides power for two gas sensor
modules and the other provides power for four gas sensor modules. The
transformers have one secondary winding per gas sensor module, nominally 18-
0-18 V ac.

Gas sensor module power

The transformer secondary windings are connected to the Motherboard via a

connector [13]. The secondary windings are then routed on to the Multiplexer
board [1] via connector [22]. Each secondary winding has two soldered-in fuses
on the Multiplexer board. The secondary windings are then routed to the gas
sensor modules via four connectors on the Multiplexer board.

Switched mode power supply

The switched mode power supply [19] operates between 85 to 264V and is not
affected by mains voltage selection. It provides +15V, -15V, +5V and 24V
isolated supplies. The isolated 24V positive supply is grounded on the
Motherboard to generate -24V for the display viewing angle adjustment.

A short circuit or overload on the 24V rail will shut down all of the outputs. These
will run at approximately 0.5V as the power supply tries to restart. A short circuit
or overload on the +5V, +15V or -15V rails will not affect the other rails.

Display lamp drive

Original type
The display lamp runs at approximately 300V ac 35 kHz, the voltage required to
strike the lamp initially is 600V. The lamp is driven from an invertor mounted on
the keypad PCB which uses the 24V supply.

Later type
The backlights of the later displays use LEDs that are powered from the PSU.

2.3.2 Signal processing

Standard gas sensor module connector

The Gas sensor modules and Multiplexer board are connected via a 20 way
ribbon cable. All Gas sensor modules have a common pin-out. This means that
Gas sensor modules may be plugged into any of four positions on the Multiplexer

Signal multiplexing

Refer to figure 6.4

The Sensor interface board [2] has one digital input and one analogue input for
interfacing with transducers. Analogue and digital signals are multiplexed into
these inputs using three 'probe select' (or transducer select) lines to select which
transducer is accessed and four 'control lines' to select which signal within the
transducer is to be accessed. The multiplexers are on the Multiplexer board, the
'probe select' and 'control' lines are generated from the Sensor interface board.

Signal scaling

The gas sensor modules used in the 4000 Series output 0 to 1 V signals, the
Multiplexer board re-scales the signals. The signals are multiplied by 2 and a 0.5
V offset added, finally the signals are potted down to 80%. The A to D has a full
scale of 2.5V. The 0.5V offset provides under range and the 80% pot down
provides over range.

Removal of offset variation

The 0.5V offset may vary. In order to null out this variation the software accesses
a 0V input signal and measures the actual 0.5V level. This offset null occurs once
per minute.

Span voltage reference

To reduce the span temperature coefficient of the electronics a span reference

voltage is provided which is read once every ten seconds. If the resultant
reading is outside of acceptable limits the A-D convertor is re-calibrated. If the
reading is still outside of acceptable limits after three calibration attempts, a fault
is indicated. The A-D has digital registers and may occasionally be corrupted by
electrical interference. However this should be self correcting unless the
interference is persistent.

2.3.3 Microprocessor board

Refer to figure 7.1

The Microprocessor PCB [1] (also, figure 6.4 [6]) runs software specific to the gas
sensor module population and interfaces to the following via the microprocessor
bus: Display, Keypad, Sensor interface board and option boards. The software
is contained in either one or two EPROMS [4,5] depending on the type of
microprocessor board, which is known as 'Firmware' once programmed. The
microprocessor board also contains RAM [6,7] for temporary data storage,
EEPROM [8] for indefinite storage of calibration and set-up information such as
analogue output ranging and a real time calendar/clock which continues to keep
time during power down by drawing power from a super-capacitor. The super
capacitor will power the calendar/clock for between 2 days and 2 weeks.

Note: If the analyser is powered up with either its sensor interface or any option
boards removed any set-up information for those boards will be lost.

The green LED at the top of the microprocessor board indicates that the
microprocessor is not being reset when illuminated continuously. The
microprocessor board contains a watchdog timer which must be re-initialised by
the software every half second. If the software fails to re-initialise the watchdog
the microprocessor will be reset thus extinguishing the green LED momentarily.
If the software can not run eg because the RAM has failed the microprocessor
will be continually reset, under these circumstances the green LED appears to

The two red LED's at the top of the microprocessor board are extinguished by the
software when memory checks have been completed following a reset. Following
successful memory checks the message 'SYSTEM OK' will appear on the
display. Table 2.2 shows the sequence of LED states.

TABLE 2.2 Microprocessor LED states

State D3 or DS03 D2 or DS02 D1 or DS01


Initial state, ON ON OFF

microprocessor is

Reset line released ON ON ON



2.3.4 Solenoid valve drives

The four control lines are latched into a 'D' type latch on the Multiplexer board,
two of these latched lines are used to drive the solenoid valves via transistors.

2.3.5 Sensor interface board

The Sensor Interface Board (SIB) consists of the following: digital outputs for
multiplexing of signals, an A to D convertor to receive multiplexed analogue
signals , a digital input for multiplexed digital signals, two isolated analogue
outputs and three volt free relay contacts. The board provides an identification
code which the microprocessor can read to identify that the board is fitted is of
the correct type.

2.3.6 Option boards

Option boards are depopulated versions of the Sensor Interface Board. Which
have three relays plus dual isolated current outputs.

2.3.7 Multiplexer board

The multiplexer board buffers signal from the gas sensor modules, provides
offset and scaling and routes them to the Sensor interface board via the
Motherboard. Routing of the signals is performed using multiplexers under
control of the microprocessor. Electrical power is provided to the gas sensor
modules from the Multiplexer board.

The multiplexer board also provides signal routing and multiplexing for the two
external analogue inputs.

The pressure transducer site (SK2) on the multiplexer board is only used on
4100C (Gfx flow driven) and 4900C product, to provide a flow alarm function
based on a differential pressure measurement.

A 2.5V voltage reference is provided for span compensation of the electronics,

this signal is read via the A-D convertor and the compensation performed by

The control lines from the Sensor Interface Board are fed into a 'D' type latch and
latched in under control of the microprocessor to drive the solenoid valves via a
drive transistor.

2.3.8 Mother board

The Mother board has no active components. It is used to connect the following
items: Switched mode power supply, microprocessor board, Sensor interface
board, option boards, Terminal boards, Multiplexer board, transformer, fans and
solenoid valves.

The Mother board carries a fuse for the transformer auxiliary winding which is
accessible from the rear of the chassis. A terminal block which is accessible from
the rear of the chassis is provided for connection of: external current inputs with
validation signals, range change input, autocal initiate input.

2.3.9 Terminal board

Between one and four Terminal boards may be fitted. The isolated current
outputs and relays from the Sensor interface board and option boards are
connected to the Terminal board via the Mother board. The Terminal board
presents these signals on a two-part connector at the rear of the chassis.
Filtering is fitted to each of these connections for EMC. Each Terminal board is
fitted with two small pieces of conductive gasket to provide an RF connection to
the chassis, this is again for EMC.



Section Page

3.1 Pm Transducer Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3

3.2 Gfx 1210 Transducer Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6

3.3 Zirconia Transducer Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12

3.4 IR 1520 Transducer Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.16


Figure Page

3.1 Paramagnetic transducer schematic diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3

3.2 Gfx 1210 transducer schematic diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7

3.3 Zirconia cell cross section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12

3.4 1520 Block schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.16



3.1 Pm transducer modules

4000 Series product may include one of two paramagnetic sensors, the 1158 or
1111E transducer. In either case, the operating principles are broadly the same.

3.1.1 Principle of operation

Figure 3.1: Paramagnetic transducer schematic diagram

Refer to figure 3.1

A physical property which distinguishes oxygen from most other common gases
is that it is paramagnetic. This means that molecules of oxygen are weakly
attracted into a magnetic field. This paramagnetic behaviour is used within the
transducer to measure the concentration of the oxygen.

Two glass spheres are fixed at both ends of a bar to form a dumb-bell which is

sealed (1). The gas under test surrounds the dumb-bell within the sample cell
(2). This dumb-bell is suspended in a symmetrical non-uniform magnetic field.
The dumb-bell is slightly diamagnetic so that it takes up a position slightly away
from the most intense part of the magnetic field. When the surrounding gas
contains oxygen then the oxygen molecules will be attracted into the strongest
part of the magnetic field. This pushes the dumb-bell further out of the magnetic
field due to the relatively stronger force on the paramagnetic oxygen. The
magnitude of the torque acting on the dumb-bell will be proportional to the
paramagnetism of the surrounding gases and hence proportional to the oxygen

Servomex paramagnetic transducers incorporate a strong rare metal taut-band

suspension mechanism onto which is mounted the dumb-bell (1). The "zero"
position of the dumb-bell is sensed by a photocell assembly (4) which receives
light from a mirror (2) attached to the dumb-bell. The output from the photocell
is amplified (3) and fed back to a coil wound around the dumb bell so that the
torque acting upon it due to presence of oxygen in the sample is balanced by a
restoring torque due to the feedback current in the coil.

The feedback current is directly proportional to the volume magnetic

susceptibility of the sample gas and hence, after calibration, to partial pressure
of oxygen in the sample. A voltage output is derived which is proportional to the
current. Linearity of scale also makes it possible to calibrate the instrument for
all ranges by checking at two points only. For example accurate calibration is
obtained by using pure nitrogen for zero and air for setting the span at 20.95 %.

All the materials in contact with the sample are highly resistive to aggressive
compounds. The internal design of the cell body has a special flow channel to
improve the flow characteristics, while the volume is kept to a minimum to
provide an excellent response time. The optical carrier (4) has provisions for
moving of the photocell mount for setting the initial zero and also incorporates
the LED light source and temperature sensing devices.

3.1.2 The Electronics

The control electronics perform all the functions necessary to provide operation
of the transducer and to produce an electrical output proportional to the partial
pressure of oxygen. Interfacing for inputs and output is via a 16 way IDC
connector, the electronic PCB includes the following circuit functions:

1. a constant current source

2. the signal amplification/conditioning circuits
3. the thermometer/signal conditioning circuits
4. the span temperature compensation
5. the output signal conditioning circuits
6. a voltage reference
7. the zero temperature compensation
8. the kick circuit

9. the negative supply generation

A short description of each circuit:

The constant current source provides a constant current for the infrared LED.

The position of the test body (dumbbell) is detected by a pair of photocells

connected in parallel opposition.

The current output of the photocells which is proportional to the deviation of the
test body from the null position is fed into the current amplifier. At the output of
the amplifier a phase advance network ensures the stability of the servo system.

The test body assembly includes the feedback coil on the test body, thus
completing the servo loop.

Where fitted, the thermometer/signal conditioning circuits include an electronic

thermometer placed in close contact with the face of the transducer. The
thermometer supplies a current which is proportional to the absolute
temperature. This signal is used for zero temperature compensation.

The span temperature compensation relies on a thermistor and a resistance

network. It provides temperature compensation over a broad range of operating

The output signal conditioning circuits provide temperature compensation and

incorporates coarse and fine span adjustment and fine zero adjustment.

The voltage reference generates reference voltages of both positive and

negative polarity. These signals are used with the fine zero adjustment and the
temperature output circuits. They also provide an offset to the zero temperature
compensation circuitry, thus ensuring the compensation signal level at the
calibration temperature is zero.

The zero temperature compensation is derived from the thermometer output.

The level of compensation is factory set.

The kick circuit is only functional during power up. If the sample gas is pure
oxygen and the power to the transducer is lost, some units will deflect to a point
where the reflected light beam does not fall onto the photocells. When power is
restored the kick circuit supplies an appropriate current in order to restore the
feedback control.

The negative supply circuit generates the negative supply rail required by the
remaining circuitry.

3.2 Gfx 1210 transducer module

3.2.1 Principles of operation

The Gfx 01210 is a Servomex Infrared Gas Filter Correlation transducer. A

number of versions are available to measure, for example, carbon monoxide
(CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and sulphur
dioxide (SO2).

The description which follows uses carbon monoxide as an example only.

Everything stated applies equally to other measurements.

Like most pollutant gases carbon monoxide (CO) absorbs electromagnetic

energy in the infrared spectrum. The amount of the IR absorbed provides a
measurement of the CO in the sample. Sensors utilising a band pass optical
filter to select the wavelengths absorbed by CO are well known for the
measurement of percentage level CO samples. Their effectiveness for
measuring low (vpm) levels of CO have been limited by the following factors.

1. Cross sensitivity to other IR absorbers.

Other gases in the gas stream (such as H2O and CO2) also absorb IR energy at
the same energy wavelengths as CO. This results in a cross sensitivity effect.

2. Drift.

Instability in the IR source and detection and contamination of the sample cell
result in changes in the transmitted IR energy measured. This baseline
instability is observed as drift in the measured CO value.

The gas filter correlation technique resolves the weaknesses inherent in more
traditional IR absorption sensors. These weaknesses, including drift and cross
sensitivity, are effectively eliminated by the use of gas filled filters. The IR
absorption spectrum of CO is not a smooth curve but consists of a number of
distinct lines. So while at low resolution the IR spectra of CO and CO2 (for
example) overlap, at high resolution they do not. Band pass optical filters with
sufficient resolution are not generally available. Gas filled filters allow the
transducer to selectively remove only those IR wavelengths directly associated
with CO.

Refer to figure 3.2

An infrared source (1) produces broad band infrared energy. A lens (2) is used
to provide a collimated IR beam that passes to the detector. A band pass IR filter
(4) selects only those wavelengths in the IR spectrum that are absorbed by CO.

Figure 3.2 Gfx 1210 transducer schematic diagram

Two small glass gas filled cells (cuvettes), one containing nitrogen (9) and the
other one containing CO (3), are mounted on a wheel (8). A brush less DC motor
(10) causes the wheel to rotate. As the wheel rotates the infrared beam
alternately goes through the nitrogen filled filter and the CO filled filter. When
the nitrogen filter is in position, no absorption takes place and all of the IR
energy passes through to the sample gas cell and detector. When the CO filter
is in position, absorption takes place and the IR intensity of the wavelengths
characteristic to CO is reduced.

The modulated IR beam passes through a gas filled sample cell (7) where some
of the IR energy is absorbed. The remaining IR energy passes through a
condenser light pipe (5). This concentrates the energy onto a pyrolytic infra red
detector (6). This measures the intensity of the IR beam.

The IR radiation that had passed through the nitrogen filter is significantly
attenuated when it passes through the sample gas containing CO. The radiation
that had passed through the CO filter is not significantly affected by the sample
gas containing CO because most of the energy at wavelengths characteristic to
CO were already removed by the gas filled filter.

Sample gases containing CO2 or other IR absorbers attenuate the signal with
the nitrogen and CO filled filters equally. Hence they have little effect on the

Changes in source intensity or contamination of the sample cell also effect the
signals with the nitrogen and CO filled filters equally and again have little effect
on the measurement.

The value obtained by ratioing the difference between the nitrogen and gas
signal with the gas signal is related to the CO gas concentration. Any changes
which equally affect both nitrogen and CO signals will be cancelled by this

3.2.2 The electronics

The Gfx 1210 consists of four main electronic assemblies:

The Infra Red Detector Pre-amp PCB

Refer to drawing 01210/901.

The Infra Red Detector Pre-amp PCB translates IR radiation into an analogue
voltage which can be further processed in order to extract the useful information.

IC3, a pyro-electric infra red (P.I.R.) sensor (figure 3.2[6]) responds to changes
in infra-red radiation levels falling upon its sensing area. An output signal
appears on pin 2 of IC3, which connects to R3 (IC3 load resistor), and a passive
high pass filter formed by C3 and R4. C4 provides low pass filtering. The
resulting signal is then amplified by part of IC1, (a variable gain amplifier). The
gain of this stage can be set between 28 and 128 by adjusting RV1. The
amplified signal then passes to the second part of IC1, which is a precision
differentiator circuit. Output current is limited by R9, and C13 is for EMC

A stabilized supply for the P.I.R. detector is provided by using the Zener diode
D1 in a resistive divider circuit. C1 and C2 provide further filtering of the power
supply for the P.I.R. detector.

The Signal Processing PCB

Refer to drawing 01210/902.

On the Signal Processing PCB the signal from the pre-amp PCB is sequentially
distributed to four sample and hold circuits. The averaged dark signal is
subtracted from the averaged signals corresponding to nitrogen and CO. The
resulting nitrogen signal is subtracted from the CO signal and is provided
together with the CO signal to the 4000 Series unit in order to work out the CO

The signal from the pre-amp board passes through a low pass filter LC2 and
through R2 to IC5 pin 8, and one section of IC8, which is a unity gain buffer for
TP1. This signal is sequentially distributed by IC5 to four averaging circuits
comprising IC6, C24, C25, C26 and C27. These averaged signals are "DNIT"
(dark nitrogen), "LNIT" (light nitrogen), "DGAS" (dark gas) and "LGAS" (light
gas), which are differentially processed to remove the common mode "dark"

signals from "LNIT" and "LGAS". Low pass filtering and gain adjustment is
provided by two sections of IC8, and the outputs are Vnitrogen and Vgas. C5 and C3
provide EMC protection, and these signals are sent to the "MAST" connector.
The remaining section of IC8 produces a difference signal from Vnitrogen and Vgas,
named Vdiff and this signal is sent to the MAST connector through low pass filter

IC5 is a DPG508A analogue multiplexer and IC6 is a AD704 quad op-amp

connected to form two difference amplifiers with high impedance inputs. IC5
samples the light and dark signals for CO and nitrogen while the difference
amplifiers subtract the dark signals from the light signals to provide the Vgas and
Vnitrogen signals. R3, C4 and IC8 pin 5, 6 and 7 provide low pass filtering for the
output Vnitrogen.R4, C2 and IC8 pin 1, 2 and 3 provide low pass filtering and a
variable gain buffer. SW1 and RV1 provide coarse and fine gain adjustment for
transducer calibration. The output Vgas is calibrated to be equal with Vnitrogen when
the sample gas does not contain any CO.

RN4 and IC8 pin 12, 13 and 14 provide a variable gain difference amplifier. The
value of R14 (430 ohms) was selected in order to provide a 1 volt for Vdiff when
the sample concentration is 500 ppm CO.
IC8 pin 8, 9 and 10 provides a buffer for the diagnostic output TP1. This signal
shows all four sampled and averaged signals superimposed on the input signal
received from the pre-amp PCB

The Housekeeping PCB

Refer to drawing 01210/905.

The Housekeeping PCB provides the required voltages for the chopper wheel
motor and for the IR source. In order to avoid the effects of the ambient
temperature on the CO concentration, the chopper box and the signal
processing board are kept at a constant temperature of 70/C. The PID heater
control system is located on the housekeeping PCB. On this PCB are also
located the digital circuits which provide the logic for the sequential distribution
of the four sample and hold circuits.

IC1 forms a P.I.D. chopper box heater control system. The temperature is
sensed by a thermistor connected to PL1 pin 18 and 20, which in conjunction
with R1 and R2 form a resistive voltage divider. C2, R94 and IC1 pin 1, 2 and
3 are wired in a differentiator configuration in order to produce an output signal
proportional with the rate of change of the thermistor resistance. The output
signal is summed with the main thermistor signal to produce error rate damping.
The sum of these two signals is used as input for the other half of IC1 wired in
an integrator configuration. The output of this integrator (pin 7 of IC1) will
change as long as the voltage on pin 18 PL1 is different in respect with the
reference of 2.5 volts. When the power is switched on the resistance of the
thermistor is high and in consequence the voltage on pin 18 PL1 will be lower
than 2.5 volts. A current will flow through R8 which will charge C4 and the

integrator output voltage will increase. This will have, as an effect, an increase
in power applied to the chopper box heaters. Once the thermistor sees a
temperature close to 65/C, the voltage on pin 18 PL1 will become approximately
zero, the integrator output voltage will not increase any more and the power
applied to the heaters will remain constant. Any change in the thermistor's
resistance will the change the power applied to the heaters in order to keep the
chopper box temperature constant.

Transistor TR1 limits the integrator output range and results in faster
temperature stabilisation by preventing unnecessary voltage swings after the
output transistor is saturated.

The two sections of IC2 are unity gain buffers for the AD590 temperature
sensors on the IR detector pre-amp and chopper box.

The ICs 4,5,6 and 7 form a standard configuration for hall effect commutated
brush less motors. Passive low pass filters have been added to the Hall inputs
to prevent EMC inducing spurious commutation. IC6 is the motor driver IC and
IC7 is the phase locked loop motor speed controller. Speed errors are detected
and signalled by IC7. IC4, TR4 and IC13 use this error signal to disable the
instrument and measurements during incorrect motor operation. The D14 green
LED is switched on when the motor is in synchronisation.

The ICs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and TR's 2, 3, 5 and 6 form a switched mode supply for
the Infra red source. IC10 is a switched mode controller. Passive low pass filters
added to the voltage and current sense inputs on IC10 are for EMC suppression.
R82, TR5 and TR6 detect and open circuit failure or a malfunction of the
switched mode power supply. If errors are detected, IC13 sends the fault signal
to the MAST connector. IC11 and IC12 perform voltage sensing and
programming and the D11 green LED is used to signal a malfunction of the
switched mode power supply.

The switch SW1 is used to change the IR source voltage. For the 1210
transducer SW1 is set to position 5 in order to have a source voltage of 2.0

The D15 green LED is used to signal that the power supply is on and the D16
green LED is used to signal that the transducer is in working order. A
malfunction of the switch mode power supply, a motor which is not in
synchronisation or a problem with power supply from 4000 Series unit will switch
off the D16 green LED.

The ICs 14, 15, 16 and 17 provide the digital logic required for the analogue
multiplexer from the signal processing PCB. IC14 provides a 16 MHz clock for
the EPLD (IC16). The synchronisation signal from the optical sensor provides
information in respect to the disk position. Inside the EPLD this signal is
processed in order to implement the address lines A1 and A0 and an enable
signal for the analogue multiplexer. IC15 and IC16 are used as frequency

IC18, a serial EEPROM circuit is programmed by the 4000 Series unit and
stores the linearisation information required for the calibration of the 1210

The Chopper Box PCB

Refer to drawing 01210/904.

The Chopper Box PCB provides the interface between the motor and the
housekeeping board. The optical sensor which generates the synchronisation
signals from the chopper wheel is also located on this board.

A slotted optical sensor is used to detect slots around an interrupter disc. The
signal provided by the optical sensor is used to synchronise the analogue
multiplexer. The board also includes the motor interface and a AD590
temperature sensor.

3.3 Zirconia transducer module

3.3.1 Principle of operation

Figure 3.3 Zirconia Cell Cross Section

The Servomex (R) zirconia sensor (Figure 3.3) is manufactured using yttria
stabilised zirconia. When this material is heated to a temperature above 600°C
it will conduct oxygen ions. The oxygen ion conductivity increases exponentially
with temperature. The sensor consists of a disc of yttria stabilised zirconia
mounted in a tube of the same material. The faces of the disc are coated with
platinum and the assembly is mounted in a small temperature controlled tubular

When the two sides of the disc are exposed to gases containing oxygen, a
concentration cell is formed and an electrical output proportional to the logarithm
of the ratio of the oxygen concentrations on each side of the disc is obtained.
(When the concentration is the same on both sides of the disc the logarithm of
the ratio is 0.)

The fact that the oxygen content of air is very constant at 20.95% makes it
convenient to use air as the reference gas which is applied to one side of the
disc while the sample is applied to the other side.

3.3.2 The Electronics

Functional Distribution

The Board provides the following two key areas of functionality:-

Cell temperature control
Cell output amplification.
Operation of these areas of the circuit are described in more detail below.

Cell Temperature Control

The Zirconia housekeeping board provides all of the circuitry necessary to
maintain the zirconia cell at its correct operating temperature. Heater power to
the cell is derived from the AC MAST power connector and is switched under
closed loop control. The circuit incorporates a soft start feature to reduce
thermal shock to the cell, and limits power delivered to the cell under fault
conditions. These circuits are described in more detail:-

Thermocouple Amplifier

The cell thermocouple connects to terminal block TB1. Copper ground planes
run under the thermocouple amplifier IC1 to improve EMC. IC1 contains the cold
junction compensation.

The temperature of the thermocouple can be found by measuring the voltage on

test point TP1 with respect to TP3 and using the table from the AD595 data

If the thermocouple is open circuit or reverse connected IC1 pin 12 is pulled low
to inhibit the heater circuit.

The cell temperature is set by RV1 in conjunction with LK2 and LK3. The
Zirconia electrode temperature is available for Nernst equation calculations at
PL2 pin 12. The temperature error amplifier IC3 pin 14 has an output of 2.2V/C
which drives the heater controller.

Variable resistor RV2 in conjunction with LK1 compensates for the temperature
difference between the Zirconia electrode and the thermocouple. RV2 is
adjusted at the time of test to give the correct cell temperature indication
determined by the Nernst equation.

Heater Voltage Measurement

The circuit around IC3 pin 1 rectifies the heater voltage pulses. The polarity of
the AC input is detected by IC6 pin 2 and is used to control the sign of the gain
of amplifier IC3.

Heater Power Measurement

The positive heater pulses are converted into a current by R30 and then drawn
through two base-emitter junctions by IC3 pin 7. The voltage on IC5 pin 3 is
applied to two more base-emitter junctions, one of which has a constant bias
from R21.

Due to the logarithmic characteristic of the base-emitter junctions, the current

drawn into the collector of IC5 pin 5 is proportional to the square of the current
in R30. This circuit therefore measures the heater voltage and produces a
current proportional to the heater power.

Soft Start

Initially C24 is uncharged, so holding TR3 drain low. The current drawn through
R14 limits the initial heater power.

As C24 charges up, the current through R14 drops and the power limit

Heater Driver

The heater demand (current in R12) is subtracted from the heater power (current
in IC5 pin 5) and integrated by C25.

When the voltage on IC3 pin 8 drops to zero the comparator IC6 pin 13 goes
high to enable another heater pulse.

Zero Crossing Switch

The comparator IC6 pin 14 senses the two AC inputs and pulls low to inhibit
heater pulses except when the AC is near a zero crossing point.

Full Cycle Heater Pulses

The comparator IC6 pin 1 has hysteresis to provide a clock to IC10 pin 3 which
is connected as a divide by 2. This signal is used to clock IC10 pin 11 on each
mains cycle.

Heater Output

Transistor TR2 drives the two triacs which supply a symmetrical voltage to the
heater. When the heater is not driven, resistors R18 and R19 pull the heater to

The gain of the heater controller from IC3 pin 14 is approximately 5W/V and the
gain from the thermocouple to the heater is approximately 11W/V.

Cell Signal Amplifier

The cell is connected to an instrumentation amplifier IC9 which can be set to a

gain of 1 or 10.

The output of the instrumentation amplifier is referenced to IC9 pin 10. This
voltage is controlled by IC2 pin 8 which allows the cell offset voltage to be
removed by adjusting RV3. An external variable resistor connected to TB1 can
also be used to remove the cell offset voltage.

The cell amplifier can be linked to have a bipolar output, where the air point is
at zero voltage output. The amplifier can also be linked to have a unipolar output
where the air point is set to a positive bias voltage.

The air point reference is available on PL2 pin 13 so that a differential

measurement can be made to remove any variation in the bias voltage.

The output buffer can be linked to have a gain of 1 or 2.3.

3.4 IR 1520 transducer module

The 1520 family of infrared transducers offer percentage measurements of

carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide or methane. Based upon the single beam,
single wavelength technique, wavelength selection is achieved by a carefully
specified narrow band interference filter. The length of the sample cell depends
on the sample gas and concentration to be measured. The sample cell, source
unit and detector unit is maintained at a constant temperature.

3.4.1 Principles of operation

Figure 3.4 1520 Block schematic

Refer to the block diagram given in Figure 3.4. The infrared source is pulsed at
8Hz to give an infrared carrier signal which is attenuated by the sample gas, and
a detection system which will convert this attenuation into an electrical output.

The transducer comprises of a sensor and a Main Board and is supplied with
either an on-board sensor or an off-board sensor. The configuration depends
on the gas and range to be measured.

The off-board sensor configuration has a long path length sensor. These
sensors are installed off the board using the two interconnecting cables supplied
with each unit. These variants have a higher power consumption.

Each transducer is calibrated for a fixed range of a specific gas, giving an output
of nominally 0 to 1V dc full scale at TP3. A second low integrity live-zero output
indicates the actual intensity of the infrared carrier signal at TP5.

3.4.2 The Sensor

The sensor is an optically aligned, gas tight enclosure having good thermal
transfer. The sensor comprises of three main sections, namely the sample cell,
the source unit and the detector assembly.

Sample Cell

The sample cell forms the central section of the sensor. The sample cell is fitted
with sapphire windows and O rings at each end, which give gas tight sealing and
alignment for the source and detector units. Sample cells of between 1mm and
160mm in length are used, depending on variant, giving an internal volume of
between 10:l and 2000:l.

The cell is fitted with two 1/8" OD stainless steel stub fittings, to which can be
attached flexible tubing or a compression fitting for rigid tubing. The fittings may
be replaced when damaged.

Source unit

The source unit comprises of an infrared source, a source holder, a mounting

board, and an O ring.

The infrared source is a patented Servomex design, and is enclosed in a fully

sealed TO5 can assembly. The TO5 can incorporates a narrow band optical
filter, and the source unit will only transmit energy defined by this optical filter.

Detector unit

The detector unit is a fully integrated, sealed assembly comprising of a solid

state detector, a heater, a thermistor and an Interface PCB. The long path
length variants also include a second heater and thermistor.

3.4.3 The Electronics

The electronics consist of a control section, a detector pre-amplifier; a

demodulation section, a signal scaling section and a housekeeping PCB.

Control Section

The control section on the Main Board incorporates a daughter pcb and provides
all the necessary functions for pulsing of the infrared source and temperature
control of the sensor. An auxiliary temperature control circuit is populated in the
off-board sensor configuration only.

Detector Pre-Amplifier

The detector pre-amplifier section is incorporated into the Interface PCB on the
sensor, and connects to Main Board through a 9 way 'D' type male and female

The pre-amplifier takes the small amplitude modulated 8Hz carrier signal from
the infrared detector and processes it to give an amplified output suitable for
demodulation purposes.

Demodulation Section

The demodulation section on the Main Board comprises of a constant amplitude

phase adjustment network, a full wave synchronous detector controlled by the
source drive and an active low pass filter. The output from this section is a
rectified positive signal which is the mean value of the original input carrier
signal and is a measure of the transmitted IR energy as modulated by the
sample gas.

Signal Scaling

The signal scaling section on the Main Board accepts inputs from the
demodulation section and the negated band gap (zero gas) reference. These
signals are adjusted to a null zero condition at the input to the scaling amplifier
by the zero control. Any change in the rectified carrier signal is now amplified to
provide signal scaling. The gain depends on the range and gas being measured
and is pre-selected by LK1-3. RV3 is adjusted in order to provide a 1 volt output
at span. The difference signal then passes through an active low pass filter and
the output at TP3 is Vdiff.

The 2.5V rectified carrier signal is routed via the housekeeping pcb to IC3 where
it is attenuated to 0.9V (RV2 always CCW) and HF filtered and the output at TP5
is Vsig.

Housekeeping PCB

This board acts as the interface between the 1520 and the 4000 Series chassis.
It routes power to the relevant sections of the transducer and relays the
transducer signals to the 4000 Series via the MAST connector. The 1520 power
is supplied by a 15W +5V switching regulator operating at 500kHz and is
derived from auxiliary MAST 18-0-18V AC power.

The nominally ±5V 1520 diagnostic signals for Vref, -5V, warm-up and heater
power are attenuated and/or clamped by interface circuitry to less than +1V and
sent to the MAST connector. The multiplexer itself clamps any signals <-0.25V.

IC2 is an isolated serial EEPROM circuit and is powered and programmed by
the 4000 Series unit to store the linearisation information required for the
calibration of the 1520 transducer.

The rectified carrier signal of the 1520 is routed back to the Main Board via R2
for attenuation before returning to the housekeeping pcb as Vsig. Vdiff is filtered
through a HF low pass filter R1,C1.

3.4.4 Drift and lo calibration

Instability in the IR source and detection and contamination of the sample cell
result in changes in the transmitted IR energy measured. This baseline
instability is observed as drift in the measured value.

This weaknesses is effectively eliminated by frequent lo calibration in which the

measurement is scale corrected for the actual change in transmitted IR energy.

When the user invokes any lo calibration and in particular an auto-zero

calibration the 4000 Series notes the value of Vsig and scale corrects the current
and subsequent measurements of Vdiff for the drift in Vsig. This provides a live-
zero reference for Vdiff while maximising signal integrity.




Section Page

4 Spares List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3

4.1 4000 Series Chassis / General Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3

4.2 Circuit Boards and Electrical Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4

4.3 Sample System Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6

4.4 Paramagnetic Transducer Module Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7

4.5 Gfx 1210 Transducer Module Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8

4.6 Zirconia Transducer Module Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9

4.7 IR 1500 Series Transducer Module Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10

4.8 Recommended Spares List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11


All ‘complete’ spare Gfx 1210 and IR 1500 series transducers are supplied
calibrated in a nitrogen background.

If this does not meet the original ‘as supplied’ application requirements
(eg: in a 4210), inform Servomex at time of order.



4.1 4000 Series Chassis / General Spares










S4000976 KIT, FEET TIP UP, GREY four feet with fixing screws

S4000980 KIT, FRONT FASCIA ASSY (Figure 6.2 [29]) Includes Window
and gasket already installed,
flowmeter covers and blanks, labels
and sample filter blank with
04000942 KIT, FAN ASSEMBLY, EXTERNAL Use for external (Figure 6.6 [1]) or
internal fan (Figure 6.7 [2])

2388-1981 FILTER ELEMENT, FAN (Figure 6.6 [4])

S4000984 RACK MOUNT KIT,SHORT CHASSIS See operators manual

S4000985 RACK MOUNT KIT, LONG CHASSIS See operators manual

S4000424 RACK MOUNTING BRACKETS (EARS) See operators manual

2322-1020 EMC CONDUCTIVE GASKET (Figure 6.3 [1]) or (Figure 6.2 [31])

3912-8010 KEYMAT MOULDING (Figure 6.2 [22])

4.2 Circuit Boards and Electrical Spares


S2000912 PROCESSOR BOARD (Figure 6.4 [6])

Direct replacement for 02000902A
Does not include firmware

S4000652 FIRMWARE (4000C GENERIC) (Figure 7.1 [4,5])

For use with S2000902A

S4000653 FIRMWARE (4000C GENERIC) (Figure 7.1a [4])

For use with S2000912



02000906B OPTION CARD: 2 x mA and 3 x relays (Figure 6.4 [2,3,4])

Direct replacement for 02000906,
02000906A and substitute for

02000924 SENSOR INTERFACE PCB (Figure 6.4 [7])

Direct replacement for 02000914

S4000901 MOTHERBOARD (Figure 6.9 [9])

S4000903 KEYPAD PCB (Figure 6.2 [21]). For use with

04000932 display module only

S4000903A KEYPAD PCB (Figure 6.2 [21]). For use with

04000925 display module only

S4000904 TERMINAL BOARD (Figure 6.9 [6])

S4000907 EXT. AUTOCAL P.C.B. ASSY (Figure 6.5b [8])

S4000924 MULTIPLEXER PCB, 4 TX (Figure 6.4 [1])

S4000925 DISPLAY + RIBBON ASSEMBLY (LCD (Figure 6.2 [24]) Includes lamp.
with Green LED backlight)

S4000932 DISPLAY + RIBBON ASSY (Blue/White (Figure 6.2 [24]) Includes lamp.
LCD with CCFL backlight)

S4000932A CCFL BACKLIGHT ASSEMBLY FOR (Figure 6.2 [24])


S4000933 KIT, KEYPAD RIBBON CABLE (Figure 6.3 [2]) includes ribbon cable
clamps [9] and grommet [7]

S4000977 KIT, FUSE PCB Includes :

5 off 'T' 500 mA for F2 on rear of

20 off 4A PCB fuses (Figure 6.8 [2])

for F1 to F8 on Multiplexer board.

S4000978 KIT, FUSE MAINS 170-264V 10 off 3.15A 20mm 'T' HBC

S4000979 KIT, FUSE MAINS 85-132V 10 off 5.0A 20mm 'T' HBC

S4000936 IEC MAINS FILTER INLET (Figure 6.4 [9, 11]
Does not include fuses. See
S4000978 and S4000979 above.

S4000986 KIT, SOCKET 14W SIGNAL See operators manual

S2000925 SWITCHED MODE POWER SUPPLY Direct replacement for both

4911-6034 and 4911-6027

4961-1159 TRANSFORMER 4 TRANSDUCER (Figure 6.4 [17]) Includes rubber mat

4961-1166 TRANSFORMER 2 TRANSDUCER (Figure 6.4 [17]) Includes rubber mat

S4000986A Kit, Socket 14Way Option PCB Spare For back panel connections: mA
outputs and relays.

S4000986B Kit, Socket 7Way Ext. Autocal Spare For back panel connections: external

Update Kits


S4000961 Modbus Update Kit - 02000912 Fitted Latest Quickstart and Installation
manuals may also be required.

S4000962 Modbus Update Kit - 02000902A Fitted Latest Quickstart and Installation
manuals may also be required.

4.3 Sample System Spares


S4000974 KIT, SOLENOID VALVE (Figure 6.5a [2,9])

04000423 CALIBRATION MANIFOLD (Figure 6.5a [1])

S4000975B TUBING / FITTINGS REFURB. KIT Includes fittings and adaptors

S4000982 50-500 ml/min FLOWMETER (Figure 6.2 [9,10]) Includes 'o' rings
S4000971 50-2500 ml/min FLOWMETER (Figure 6.2 [9,10]) Includes 'o' rings

S4000981 500 - 5000 ml/min FLOWMETER (Figure 6.2 [9,10]) Includes 'o' rings


S4000987 KIT, FINE FILTER CAP (Figure 6.2 [32]) Includes 'o' ring

S4000988 KIT, FILTER ELEMENTS 6: (Figure 6.2 [33])



2377-3831 EXTERNAL STAINLESS STEEL FILTER See section 2.2.16


Used on: 4100/4200 series

2383-1621 RESTRICTOR 0.006" (RED)
pressure driven Basic Pm module
Used on: 4100/4200 series
pressure driven Control / Purity Pm
2383-1638 RESTRICTOR 0.010" (CREAM) & I.R. modules.
Used on: 4900 series Basic Pm

Used on: 4900 series Control Pm

2383-1607 RESTRICTOR 0.012" (BLACK)
and I.R. modules
Used on: 4900 series bypass
2383-1669 RESTRICTOR 0.020" (BLUE)
non-Gfx streams

Used on: 4100/4200 series pressure

2383-1676 RESTRICTOR 0.025" (BROWN)
driven Pm & I.R. modules.
Used on: 4900 series
non-Gfx streams

4.4 Paramagnetic Transducer Module Spares



04200901 BARRIER PCB MUST BE USED ON 4200 & 4210



01158000 PARAMAGNETIC TRANSDUCER (Figure 6.14 [17])

S1166901 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER PCB (Figure 6.14 [13])

S4100902 PARAMAGNETIC MODULE HEATER (Figure 6.14 [19])




S4000990 1158 CONTROL PARAMAGNETIC GAS (Figure 6.15)







04000937C RIBBON CABLE ASSY 500mm Used on modules 3 & 4

04000937E RIBBON CABLE 250mm Used on modules 1 & 2

01156922 CELL TUBE, PARAMAG MODULE 2 required per paramag module

4.5 Gfx 1210 Transducer Module Spares


S1200923 SCRUBBER ASSEMBLY (Figure 6.19 [5])

S1210501 KIT SCRUBBER SACHET (Figure 6.17 [34]

S1210701 GFX TRANSDUCER - CO, See section 6.30
All ‘complete’ spare Gfx 1210
S1210702 GFX TRANSDUCER - CO, transducers are supplied
STANDARD SENSITIVITY calibrated in a nitrogen
S1210711A GFX TRANSDUCER -SO2 background.
If this does not meet the original
S1210712 GFX TRANSDUCER -SO2 ‘as supplied’ application
(eg: in a 4210), inform Servomex
S1210721 GFX TRANSDUCER - NO at time of order.



S1210901 KIT, DET. PRE-AMP ASSEMBLY See section 6.37

S1210902 KIT, SIGNAL P.C.B. See section 6.40

S1210904 KIT, CHOPPER BOX P.C.B. See section 6.38

01210905A KIT, HOUSEKEEPING P.C.B. See section 6.39

S1210922A GAS CELL ASSEMBLY (LONG) See section 6.36

S1210922B GAS CELL ASSEMBLY (SHORT) See section 6.36

S1210923 KIT, I.R. SOURCE See section 6.31

S1210996 KIT, 1210 FUSES Includes thermal fuse

S1210997 KIT, OPTICAL WINDOWS (for 1210 See section 6.35
Serial Numbers up to 2000)

S1210995 KIT, OPTICAL WINDOWS (for 1210 See section 6.35

Serial Numbers 2000 onwards)
S1210998 KIT, OPTICAL MIRROR (for 1210 Serial See section 6.34
Numbers up to 2000)

S1210998A KIT, OPTICAL MIRROR (for 1210 Serial See section 6.34
Numbers 2000 onwards)
S1210999 KIT, MOTOR ASSEMBLY See section 6.32

04000934B RIBBON CABLE ASSY, 550mm Used on Modules 1 & 3

2527-3034 MODULE POWER CABLE ASSY Used on Modules 1 & 3

S4100925 RESTRICTIVE T ASSEMBLY (GFX) (Figure 6.22 [4])

04100408 PIPE: STUB LOW PRESSURE BYPASS Used on pressure driven sample
OUTLET option for 4100 & 4200

04100435 INLET TUBE, GFX MODULE 1 See section 6.42

04100436 INLET TUBE, GFX MODULE 3 See section 6.42

04100437 OUTLET TUBE, GFX Used on 4100, 4200 & 4900

4.6 Zirconia Transducer Module Spares


S0700912 ZIRCONIA HOUSEKEEPING PCB (Figure 6.10 [11])

00703000 ZIRCONIA SENSOR (Figure 6.10 [6])

00704000 ZIRCONIA SENSOR, LOW ACTIVITY (Figure 6.10 [6])

04000934A RIBBON CABLE ASSY, 300mm Used on Modules 1 & 2

04000934B RIBBON CABLE ASSY 550mm Used on Modules 3 & 4

2527-3034 POWER CABLE ASSY, 350mm Used on Modules 1, 2 & 3

2527-3041 POWER CABLE ASSY, 465mm Used on Module 4

S4100924 RESTRICTIVE TEE ASSEMBLY (Figure 6.11 [1])

S4100993 ZIRCONIA GAS SENSOR MODULE 703 (Figure 6.10 )


S4100994 ZIRCONIA GAS SENSOR MODULE 704 (Figure 6.10 )

00700922 INLET PIPE ASSY, ZIRCONIA CELL (Figure 6.10) [4]

04100408 PIPE: STUB LOW PRESSURE BYPASS Used on pressure driven sample
OUTLET option for 4100
04100431 PIPE: ZR MODULE 1 INLET See section 6.21

04100432 PIPE: ZR MODULE 2 INLET See section 6.21

04100433 PIPE: ZR MODULE 3 INLET See section 6.21

04100434 PIPE: ZR MODULE 4 INLET See section 6.21

4.7 IR 1500 Series Transducer Module Spares


S1500355 GAS CONNECTOR KIT (x2) One required per transducer

01500923 EXTENDER RIBBON CABLE Used on off-board sensors

2531-2298 FUSE, 2.5A QAHBC (Figure 6.24 fitted to [3])

S4000921 I.R. INTERFACE P.C.B. (Figure 6.24 [3])

S4000950A I.R. TRANSDUCER MODULE 100% CO2 (Figure 6.24 [complete])



All ‘complete’ spare IR 1500
S4000950D I.R. TRANSDUCER MODULE 10% CO2 series transducers are supplied
calibrated in a nitrogen
S4000950E I.R. TRANSDUCER MODULE 5% CO2 background.
S4000950F I.R. TRANSDUCER MODULE 2.5% CO2 If this does not meet the original
S4000950G I.R. TRANSDUCER MODULE 100% CH4 ‘as supplied’ application
S4000950H I.R. TRANSDUCER MODULE 50% CH4 (eg: in a 4210), inform Servomex
at time of order.






S4000950V I.R. TRANSDUCER MODULE 5000vpm

S4000950W I.R. TRANSDUCER MODULE 2500vpm



4.8 Recommended Spares List

1-3 4-9 10+

Chassis/General Spares

2388-1981 FILTER ELEMENT, FAN 1 2 3

Circuit Boards and Electrical Spares

S2000912 PROCESSOR BOARD 0 0 1

This board uses single chip Firmware

02000906B OPTION CARD: 2 x mA and 3 x relays 0 0 1


S4000903 KEYPAD PCB 0 0 1

For analysers with CCFL backlights

2822-8019 INVERTOR 24 VDC TO 600 V 0 1 1

For analysers with CCFL backlights

S4000903A KEYPAD PCB 0 0 1

For analysers with Green LED
backlights only

S4000924 MULTIPLEXER PCB, 4 TX 0 0 1


where used with Green LED backlight)

S4000932 DISPLAY + RIBBON ASSY (Blue/White 0 0 1

where used LCD with CCFL backlight)



S4000977 KIT, FUSE PCB 1 2 3

S4000978 KIT, FUSE MAINS 170-264V 2 4 6

S4000979 KIT, FUSE MAINS 85-132V 2 4 6




1-3 4-9 10+

Sample System Spares


For Model 4900 only


S4000987 KIT, FINE FILTER CAP 1 2 2

For analysers with Internal Filter only

S4000988 KIT, FILTER ELEMENTS 6: 2 4 6

For analysers with Internal Filter only


For Zirconia transducers only


For Model 4900 analysers only which
are not fitted with Gfx transducers

1-3 4-9 10+

Paramagnetic Transducer Spares

00325000 PARAMAGNETIC CELL 0 1 1

04200901 BARRIER PCB 0 0 1

For 4200/4210 models only


Basic Oxygen module


For Oxygen Control/Purity modules


For Oxygen Purity modules only


For Oxygen Purity modules only

Gfx 1210 Transducer Module Spares




S1210902 KIT, SIGNAL P.C.B. 0 0 1

S1210904 KIT, CHOPPER BOX P.C.B. 0 0 1

01210905A KIT, HOUSEKEEPING P.C.B. 0 1 1

S1210923 KIT, I.R. SOURCE 1 1 2

S1210996 KIT, 1210 FUSES 1 2 3

S1210999 KIT, MOTOR ASSEMBLY 0 1 2

1-3 4-9 10+

Zirconia Transducer Module Spares


00703000 ZIRCONIA SENSOR 0 1 1





04100431 PIPE: ZR MODULE 1 INLET 0 0 1

04100432 PIPE: ZR MODULE 2 INLET 0 0 1

04100433 PIPE: ZR MODULE 3 INLET 0 0 1

04100434 PIPE: ZR MODULE 4 INLET 0 0 1

IR 1500 Series Transducer Module


S1500355 GAS CONNECTOR KIT (x2) 0 0 1


2531-2298 FUSE, 2.5A QAHBC 2 4 6

S4000921 I.R. INTERFACE P.C.B. 0 1 2



Section Page

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3

5.2 4000 Series Chassis Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5

5.3 Paramagnetic O2 Purity Transducer Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.14

5.4 Paramagnetic O2 Control Transducer Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20

5.5 Paramagnetic O2 Basic Transducer Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.25

5.6 Zirconia Transducer Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30

5.7 1210 Gfx Transducer Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.35

5.8 IR 1520 Series Transducer Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.42


Figure Page

5.1 Display not illuminated fault tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6

5.2 Gfx fault icon on diagnosis tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.37


Table Page

5.1 Fault messages and categorisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3

5.2 Chassis fault messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5

5.3 Keypad pin connection details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9

5.4 Paramagnetic Purity O2 transducer fault messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.14

5.5 Diagnostic signals for the Pm Purity O2 transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.15

5.6 Paramagnetic Control O2 transducer fault messages . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20

5.7 Diagnostic signals for the Pm Control O2 transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20

5.8 Paramagnetic Basic O2 transducer fault messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.25

5.9 Diagnostic signals for the Pm Basic O2 transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.25

5.10 Zirconia transducer fault messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30

5.11 Diagnostic signals for the zirconia transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30

5.12 Gfx transducer fault messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.35

5.13 Diagnostic signals for the Gfx transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.36

5.14 Link setting for Gfx transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.41

5.15 IR 1520 series transducer fault messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.42

5.16 Diagnostic signals for the IR 1520 series transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.42

5.17 Motherboard link setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.46

5.18 Interface PCB link setting for IR 1520 transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.47



Disconnect the unit from power before swapping modules or PCB assemblies.

5.1 Introduction

The instrument will, upon request, display fault messages giving a brief
description of any current faults indicated by the failure or maintenance icons.
It also maintains a history log of previous faults and calibrations. Instructions on
displaying this information are given in the QuickStart manual. This section is
categorised according to the component on which the fault is observed, and
possible symptoms, along with a series of checks to determine the actual fault.

Table 5.1 lists all current ‘maintenance’ or ‘failure’ fault messages.

Maintenance faults are displayed if a condition arises that requires operator

attention - for example a failed automatic calibration may
infer that a calibration gas bottle is empty.

Failure faults are defined as serious fault conditions, that indicate that a
measurement is likely to be invalid.

Table 5.1 Fault messages and categorisation

Analyser display Fault type/icon
Message (comment if applicable) History Log main. fail.

BAD AD REF (reference voltage error) BAD AD REF X


Table 5.1 continued
Analyser display Fault type/icon
Listing (comment if applicable) History Log main. fail.

Paramagnetic 1111E/1158/4100995

Zirconia 703/704

Ir 1520/1521/1522


5.2 4000 Series chassis faults

This section covers fault symptoms associated with the core chassis assembly.

5.2.1 Chassis Fault messages

Table 5.2 lists the fault messages that are generated by the instrument regarding
the core chassis assembly. These are stored within the fault history log.

Table 5.2 Chassis fault messages

Fault message Possible causes Remedial action
BAD AD REF Reference voltage Check / replace sensor interface
incorrect PCB and/or multiplexer PCB.
LOW SAMPLE Sample or calibration gas Check gas pressures and flow.
FLOW flow has fallen below If fitted: check sample needle
alarm level. valves, filter and auto-calibration
If fitted, a filter may be solenoid valves.
SYSTEM Faulty Processor Re-start the analyser by switching
FAILURE CALL the power off momentarily. If the
SERVICE fault persists then replace the
Microprocessor PCB. Note :
Replacing the microprocessor PCB
will require reconfiguration of the
analyser; Refer to section 7.2.
BAD Three incorrect Enter correct password.
PASSWORD passwords have been

5.2.2 Display not illuminated

The display lamp runs off the 24V supply from the switched mode power supply
and the Microprocessor board runs off the 5V supply. Validity of the supply
voltages is assessed by the test points located on the multiplexer PCB.

The green LED on the processor PCB also indicates that the 5V rail of the
switched mode power supply is intact. Two different sets of causes are identified
depending on whether the green LED on the processor PCB is on or not.

Figure 5.1, overleaf, shows a tree of possible fault causes.

Figure 5.1 Display not illuminated fault tree

Mains power input short/open circuit

Disconnect the instrument from the mains power source. Ensure that the
analyser power switch is in the on position. Check the resistance between Live
and Neutral pins on the mains power supply cord. The expected resistance
depends on the mains voltage selection and should be within the following
85V to 132 V setting # 3.5R
170V to 264V setting # 14R

The resistance seen is that of the transformer primary windings connected in

either series or parallel. The switched mode power supply will appear open

Check the resistance from Line to Earth and from Neutral to Earth using a
suitable isolation tester. These resistances should be greater than 1 MS. If the
earth leakage resistance is less than 1 MS determine where the fault lies by
disconnecting the switched mode power supply, transformer and mains cable
form (including IEC connector) until the fault is rectified.

Check the fuse F2 on the rear panel of the chassis and replace it if necessary.
Check the fuse in the mains power cord and replace it if necessary. Ensure that
the mains voltage selector is set correctly and that the fuse is located in the
correct side of the fuse holder (see installation manual). Repeat the mains power
input resistance tests, as necessary, following any corrective actions.

If the input resistance tests now show a short circuit then determine whether the
short lies on the switched mode power supply, the transformer or the mains
cable form (including IEC connector). This is accomplished by disconnecting

each in turn until the short circuit is removed.

If the mains power input resistance checks still show an open circuit then check
the continuity through the mains power connector, mains cable form, Mother
board and transformer. Replace any faulty components located in order to
achieve the correct mains input resistance.

Transformer secondary short circuit

Power up the analyser and check that the analyser is now operational. If either
fuse has blown then disconnect the transformer secondaries and try again. If the
instrument power up is now OK then trace the short circuit.

24V rail shorted/overloaded

Check the 5V and 24V rail supplies using the test points on the multiplexer PCB.
The rail voltages should be as follows:-

TP08 wrt TP01 -24Vdc ± 2V

TP05 wrt TP01 +5.05Vdc ± 0.25V

If the 24V rail is overloaded or short circuit then all the supplies will be shut
down. If this voltage is outside of this range then replace the switched mode
power supply.

No power supply to the invertor PCB (where fitted)

Remove the instrument fascia and check the voltage at the input to the invertor

pin 2 wrt pin 1 -24Vdc ± 2V

If this voltage is not present then check the continuity of the keypad ribbon cable
and replace if necessary.

Invertor supply faulty

Check the output voltage of the invertor (pin 3 wrt pin 5). Note that this is a
sinusoidal waveform at 35 kHz, ensure that the test equipment is suitably

Nominal open circuit voltage 1 KV

Normal operating voltage 300V

If the output voltage is not present then replace the invertor PCB or the entire
keypad PCB.

LCD back light lamp faulty

Check the output voltage from the invertor PCB (pin 3 wrt pin 5). If this voltage
> 500 V then check the back light connections and / or replace LCD.

5.2.3 Display illuminated but no text

Switched mode power supply faulty

Check the power supply rail voltages using the test points on the multiplexer
PCB. The following test points on the Multiplexer PCB should be used.

TP05 wrt TP01 +5.05V ± 0.25V

If supply voltage is low or is not present then disconnect the following units in
order to determine whether the 5V rail is being pulled down:
Ensure that the instrument is switched off before connecting or disconnecting

i) Gas sensor modules

ii) Option boards
iii) Sensor interface board
iv) Keypad ribbon cable
v) Microprocessor board
vi) Multiplexer board (by elimination of other possible causes)

Microprocessor PCB faulty

Check that the red LED's, D2 and D3, (or DS02 and DS03 later boards) on the
Microprocessor PCB are initially illuminated after power up and are then
extinguished after approximately 5 seconds. If LED's are not extinguished then
replace the microprocessor PCB. Note : Replacing the microprocessor PCB will
require reconfiguration of the analyser; Refer to section 7.2.

Keypad ribbon cable faulty

Check the continuity of keypad ribbon cable. Replace the ribbon cable if

5.2.4 Incorrect or no response to key presses

The Microprocessor has a matrix of digital inputs (4 off X inputs and 3 off Y
inputs), each key is connected across one X input and one Y input. See Keypad
PCB circuit diagram. The Microprocessor board scans the inputs to determine
which key is pressed.

Check continuity between keypad switches and microprocessor board.

Switch off power and remove option cards 3 and 4 (figure 6.4 [4,5]) to allow
access to PL1 on the microprocessor board, this is the plug which connects to
the Mother board. A pressed key should give a resistance of less than 100S, an
unpressed key should give a resistance of greater than 10KS. Table 5.2 gives
the pin numbers for PL1 and the key to which they correspond. With the
instrument power switched off check that the correct resistance is seen across
each set of pins when the corresponding key is pressed and not pressed. Row
'c' is the top row of pins and pin 1 is on the right when viewing the component

If the correct resistances are seen for all keys then the fault is probably located
on the Microprocessor PCB. If the correct resistances are not seen the fault may
lie with the Keypad rubber mat, the Keypad PCB or the ribbon cable.

Check continuity of keypad ribbon cable and replace if necessary.

Table 5.3 Keypad pin connection details

Key name(matrix) PL1 row 'c' pin numbers.

MEASURE (X3,Y4) 25,22

MENU (X3,Y3) 25,21

EDIT (X2,Y1) 24,19

QUIT (X3,Y1) 25,19

ENTER (X1,Y2) 23,20

LEFT (X3,Y2) 25,20

RIGHT (X1,Y1) 23,19

UP (X1,Y3) 23,21

DOWN (X1,Y4) 23,22

Check whether the contact pills on the Keypad rubber mat or the corresponding
gold flashed contacts on the Keypad PCB are contaminated. Replace Keypad
rubber mat or PCB as necessary or clean with a lint free cloth soaked in either
MEK or acetone. Do not soak the Keypad rubber mat or PCB in either of these
solvents. Do not touch the contact pills on the rubber mat or the gold flashed
contacts on the keypad PCB by hand.

5.2.5 Output alarm relays do not operate

a. Check that the relay assignment are correctly configured and enabled

within the instrument software. Correct where necessary and re-validate
instrument performance.
b. Check that interconnecting wiring is correctly installed within the screw
terminal block within the external two part connectors. This is
conveniently accomplished by removing the connector and checking
operation at the connector pins. Correct where necessary and re-validate
instrument performance.
c. Ensure that the signal interface board, optional output boards, and
associated terminal boards are correctly located within their connectors
on the mother board. Correct where necessary and re-validate instrument
d. If there is only one output board (the Sensor Interface PCB ) or the fault
lies within the first output board then replace the Sensor Interface PCB
and/or its associated terminal PCB and re-validate instrument
e. If the fault is located on one of the remaining optional output boards then
replace the faulty output PCB and/or its associated terminal board and re-
validate instrument performance.
f. Replace the microprocessor PCB and re-validate instrument
performance. Note : Replacing the microprocessor PCB will require
reconfiguration of the analyser; Refer to section 7.2.
g. Check electrical continuity between the output boards and the associated
terminal boards via the instrument motherboard connectors. Replace the
mother board PCB if this is faulty and re-validate instrument performance.
h. Replace the motherboard PCB and re-validate instrument performance.

5.2.6 Analogue output readings not present

a. Check that the analogue output channel assignment are correctly

configured and enabled within the instrument software. Correct where
necessary and re-validate instrument performance.
b. Check that interconnecting wiring is correctly installed within the screw
terminal block within the external two part connectors. This is
conveniently accomplished by removing the connector and checking
operation at the connector pins. Correct where necessary and re-validate
instrument performance.
c. Ensure that the signal interface board, optional output boards, and
associated terminal boards are correctly located within their connectors
on the mother board. Correct where necessary and re-validate instrument
d. If the instrument has only one output board (the Sensor Interface PCB )
or the fault lies within the first output board then replace the Sensor
Interface PCB and/or its associated terminal PCB and re-validate
instrument performance.
e. If the fault is located on one of the remaining optional output boards then
replace the faulty output PCB and/or its associated terminal board and re-
validate instrument performance.
f. Replace the microprocessor PCB and re-validate instrument
performance. Note : Replacing the microprocessor PCB will require
reconfiguration of the analyser; Refer to section 7.2.

g. Check electrical continuity between the output boards and the associated
terminal boards via the instrument motherboard connectors. Replace the
mother board PCB if this is faulty and re-validate instrument performance.
h. Replace the motherboard PCB and re-validate instrument performance.

5.2.7 Analogue output readings not accurate

Remove any customer connections and check the readings without a ‘load’
connected to confirm the problem.

a. Check that the analogue output channel assignments are correctly

configured and enabled within the instrument software. Correct where
necessary and re-validate instrument performance.
b. Check that interconnecting wiring is correctly installed within the screw
terminal block within the external two part connectors. This is
conveniently accomplished by removing the connector and checking
operation at the connector pins. Correct where necessary and re-validate
instrument performance.
c. Ensure that the signal interface board, optional output boards, and
associated terminal boards are correctly located within their connectors
on the mother board. Correct where necessary and re-validate instrument
d. If there is only one output board (the Sensor Interface PCB ) or the fault
lies within the first output board then replace the Sensor Interface PCB
and/or its associated terminal PCB and re-validate instrument
e. If the fault is located on one of the remaining optional output boards then
replace the faulty output PCB and/or its associated terminal board and re-
validate instrument performance.
f. Replace the microprocessor PCB and re-validate instrument
performance. Note : Replacing the microprocessor PCB will require
reconfiguration of the analyser; Refer to section 7.2.
g. Check electrical continuity between the output boards and the associated
terminal boards via the instrument motherboard connectors. Replace the
mother board PCB if this is faulty and re-validate instrument performance.
h. Replace the motherboard PCB and re-validate instrument performance.

5.2.8 No response to range change input

Analogue output ranges do not change when range 2 is selected via external
contact closure.

a. Check that the analogue output assignments are correctly configured and
enabled within the instrument software. Check that the range 1 and range
2 assignment ranges are not identical. Correct where necessary and re-
validate instrument performance.
b. Check that connecting wiring is correctly installed to pins within the screw
terminal block fitted to connector PL5 pins 13 and 14. Correct where
necessary and re-validate instrument performance.
c. Replace the Sensor Interface PCB and re-validate the instrument
d. Replace the microprocessor PCB and re-validate instrument
performance. Note: Replacing the microprocessor PCB will require
reconfiguration of the analyser; Refer to section 7.2.
e. Replace the motherboard PCB and re-validate instrument performance.

5.2.9 No response to auto cal initiate input

Autocalibration not activated by closure of external auto cal initiate contacts.

Check that no failures are present
a. Check that the autocalibration configuration is correctly configured and
enabled within the instrument software. Check that the 'S' number
(feature 11 ) within the instrument ID is set to 1 or 2. Correct where
necessary and re-validate instrument performance.
b. Check that connecting wiring is correctly installed to pins within the screw
terminal block fitted to connector PL5 pins 11 and 12. Manually short
circuit pins 11 and 12 for at least 5 seconds while the instrument is in the
measurement display to initiate an autocalibration. Correct where
necessary and re-validate instrument performance.
c. Replace the Sensor Interface PCB and re-validate the instrument
d. Replace the microprocessor PCB and re-validate instrument
performance. Note: Replacing the microprocessor PCB will require
reconfiguration of the analyser; Refer to section 7.2.
e. Replace the motherboard PCB and re-validate instrument performance.

5.2.10 Analyser does not keep correct time/date

Time and/or date requires frequent correction or does not work.

a. Check that internal clock has been correctly set and the instrument has

not been powered down for period exceeding two days.
b. Replace microprocessor PCB and re-validate instrument performance.
Note : Replacing the microprocessor PCB will require reconfiguration of
the analyser; Refer to section 7.2.

5.2.11 Calibration gases are not introduced via solenoid valves

Autocalibration failure or autocalibration valves do not operate.

a. Check that calibration gases are correctly attached to inlet ports and that
there is sufficient gas pressure at the analyser inlet.
b. Manually initiate an instrument autocalibration and listen for an audible
click as the valve actuator operates. If a click is heard then inspect the
manifold block and valve seals for contamination. Correct and re-validate
instrument operation.
c. If an audible click is not heard unplug the solenoid valves from connector
PL22 and PL23 on the motherboard and verify that the 24VDC operating
voltage is present while each valve is being activated. If the 24VDC
supply is present, then the solenoid valve is faulty and should be
replaced. Ensure that the connectors are correctly replaced onto PL22
and PL23 as indicated by the motherboard markings.
d. The 24VDC supply for the solenoid valves is sourced on the Multiplexer
PCB. With the solenoid valves unplugged then check that the 24VDC rail
is available on TP08 (wrt TP01 ) on the multiplexer PCB. If the rail voltage
is present then replace the multiplexer PCB and re-validate the
instrument performance.
e. Replace the sensor interface PCB and re-validate the instrument
f. Replace the microprocessor PCB and re-validate performance. Note :
Replacing the microprocessor PCB will require reconfiguration of the
analyser; Refer to section 7.2.
g. Replace the motherboard PCB and re-validate performance.

5.2.12 Overheating

a. Check that the ambient operating temperature does not exceed 40°C.
(45°C for 4900)
b. Check that the external fan filters are clean and the cooling fan operates.
Replace where necessary and re-validate instrument performance.
c. If an internal cooling fan is provided then check that this is operational.
d. Check that the ventilation holes are not obstructed.
e. Check that the internal transducers are operating at their correct
temperatures and are not overheating.

5.3 Paramagnetic O2 purity transducer faults

This section of the manual covers likely fault symptoms associated with the Pm
O2 purity transducer assembly.

5.3.1 Transducer fault messages

Table 5.4 Paramagnetic O2 purity transducer fault messages

Fault message Possible causes Remedial action
CELL TEMP Insulation not fitted or Refit insulation.
LOW damaged. Check fuses F1 to F8 on
Faulty heater assembly multiplexer PCB. Check /replace
or blown supply fuses. paramagnetic cell heater assembly
Transducer setup or transducer.
incorrect See also 5.3.8
CELL TEMP Faulty heater assembly. Check/replace paramagnetic
HIGH heater assembly and/or
paramagnetic transducer.
CELL VOLTS Loose, broken Check cables.
LOW connection cable. Check/replace paramagnetic
Faulty sensor. transducer.
SAMPLE Faulty pressure Check voltage (TP03 with respect
PRESS LOW transducer. to TP01 ) on multiplexer PCB.
Check/replace pressure transducer
assembly (Figure 6.14[15]).
SAMPLE Blocked/restricted Check sample outlet is not
PRESS HI analyser vent. Faulty obstructed. Check/replace pressure
pressure transducer. transducer assembly (figure
LO CAL FAIL Calibration gases not Check 'USER SET' limits. Check
present. calibration gases. Check operation
User limits set of auto-calibration solenoid valves.
HI CAL FAIL incorrectly. Attempt manual calibration check.
Faulty transducer Check transducer

5.3.2 Transducer diagnostics

Table 5.5 shows a list of the diagnostic signals available for the Pm O2 purity
transducer assembly.

Table 5.5 Diagnostic signals for the Pm O2 purity transducer
Diagnostic Description Typical Range
CELL EMF Cell output volts 0-1 V -0.1 to 1.2 V
CELL TEMP Cell temperature 55 °C 50 to 60 °C
CELL Cell sample pressure 15 psia 5 to 25 psia

Paramagnetic cell output

This is the raw output and is not pressure compensated or calibrated. The signal
is scaled approximately as follows: 0V corresponds to 0% oxygen and 1V
corresponds to 100% oxygen. A fault is indicated if the raw cell output results in
an A-D conversion of zero or full scale, this corresponds to a cell output of -0.25
V and 1.31V respectively.

Pm O2 purity cell temperature

The oven which houses the paramagnetic cell runs at 55°C. Errors in the
indicated temperature mean that the displayed temperature will lie between 50°C
and 60°C. A fault is indicated if the indicated cell temperature is above 70°C or
below 50°C after 2 hours from switching on.

Pm O2 purity sample pressure

The sample pressure is displayed in psia. A fault is indicated if the sample

pressure falls below 5 psia (35 kPaa ) or the resultant A - D conversion is full
scale, this corresponds to approximately 26.2 psia (181 kPaa ).


Some of the following tests include a leak check.

The paramagnetic transducer should not be pressurised above 10 psig

(70 kPag). When leak testing the pipework care should be taken that the
paramagnetic cell is pressurised and depressurised slowly. Failure to do
this may result in damage to the cell.

5.3.3 Transducer faults

No response from transducer with changing gas composition.

Transducer producing invalid results.

a. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring between the measurement cell

and the house keeping PCB and between the transducer and the
Multiplexer PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and verify
instrument performance.

b. Verify the power supply 5V rail voltage on the multiplexer PCB.

TP05 wrt TP01 +5.05V ± 0.25V

If the supply voltage is low or is not present then disconnect the following
units in order to determine whether the 5V rail is being pulled down or the
switched mode PSU is faulty:
Ensure that the instrument is switched off before connecting or
disconnecting PCB assemblies.

Gas sensor modules.

Option boards.
Sensor interface boards.
Keypad ribbon cable.
Microprocessor board.
Multiplexer board (by elimination of other possible causes).

Correct or replace where necessary and verify instrument performance.

c. Check the following output voltages on connector PL1 on the transducer

house keeping PCB.
Pin 12 Cell temperature.
Pin 10 Cell output EMF.

Verify that these signals reflect the input gas composition when nitrogen
and air gas samples are applied to the inlet port. If the output voltages are
incorrect then replace the transducer and re-verify the transducer

d. Verify that the instrument diagnostic display for the transducer output
EMF and temperature conform with those measured on pins 10 and 12
on connector PL1 on the transducer house keeping PCB. If these are
incorrect then the fault may lie within either the Multiplexer PCB or the
Signal Interface PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and verify
instrument performance.

e. If none of the above tests have identified a problem then replace the
transducer and verify instrument performance.

5.3.4 Measurement faults

Unable to perform a calibration, or calibration failure fault indicated.

Low instrument sensitivity and or poor instrument accuracy.

a. Verify contents of the calibration gas samples have been correctly

entered into the instrument software and that calibration gases are
correctly connected. Check that calibration gas supply is not exhausted.
Increase the calibration tolerance if necessary. Correct or replace where
necessary and perform instrument calibration to verify performance.

b. Check that the concentration of the calibration sample corresponds with

the concentration specified in the autocalibration configuration. Perform
an ONE CYCLE autocalibration to clear the fault.

c. Verify correct operation of autocalibration valves if fitted. Perform a leak

test to verify cross seat leakages. Correct fault in accordance with section
5.2.11 if necessary. Correct or replace where necessary and perform
instrument calibration to verify performance.

d. Verify that there are no leaks in the internal pipe work and that flow
meters operate correctly (if fitted). Correct or replace where necessary
and perform instrument calibration to verify performance.

e. Verify that there are no blockages in the sample filter (if fitted) and
internal flow restrictors. Correct or replace where necessary and perform
instrument calibration to verify performance.

f. Verify that the instrument exhaust port is not restricted and that the
instrument is not being pressurised above ambient pressure. Correct or
replace where necessary and perform instrument calibration to verify

g. Check the cell output voltage using pins 9 and 10 on connector PL1 on
the transducer house keeping PCB. Check that the output varies from 0V
to 0.21V as a zero and air sample are applied to the sample input port for
the specific gas stream. Correct or replace transducer and PCB where
necessary and re-verify performance.

h. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring from the transducer cell to the

transducer house keeping PCB and from the transducer to the
MULTIPLEXER PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

i. Check the cell output shown in the instrument diagnostics display

matches the output voltage given on pins 9 and 10 on connector PL1 of
the transducer housekeeping PCB. Fault is likely to be either the Sensor
Interface PCB or the Multiplexer PCB. Identify and replace the faulty PCB
where necessary and re-verify performance.

5.3.5 Stability faults

Noisy reading or reading drifts and instrument requires frequent re-calibration.

a. Verify that the sample flow rate through the transducer is in the range
100-250 ml/min and is stable. Correct or replace where necessary and
re-verify instrument performance.

b. Perform a leak test to verify that the internal pipe work is free from leaks.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

c. Verify that the sample filter (if fitted) is not blocked and that there are no
obstructions within the instrument vent line. Correct or replace where
necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

d. Verify that the instrument is free from condensed liquid. Correct or

replace where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

e. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring from the transducer cell to the

transducer house keeping PCB and from the transducer to the
MULTIPLEXER PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

f. Unplug the transducer from the MULTIPLEXER PCB and verify that the
instrument is now stable. If not then the fault is likely to lie with the Sensor
Interface PCB or MULTIPLEXER PCB. Identify and replace faulty PCB's
where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

g. Check instrument sensitivity by performing a zero and span calibration.

If the instrument sensitivity is low then perform the instrument
measurement fault checks in section 5.3.4.

h. If none of these checks rectify the problem then replace the transducer
and verify performance.

5.3.6 Flow faults

Slow instrument response, drift, noise and/or flow sensitive results.

a. Verify that the sample flow rate through the transducer is in the range
100-250 ml/min and is stable. Verify that any flow stability problems
encountered are not produced by any sample conditioning system used
prior to sample entry into the instrument. Particular attention should be
made to knock out pots, sample pumps, chillers and filters. Correct or
replace where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

b. By performing a leak test verify that the internal pipe work within the
instrument is leak tight. Pay particular attention to flow meter leakages if
these are fitted. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

c. Verify that the optional sample filter (if fitted) is clean and not blocked.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

d. Verify that the orifice flow restrictors within the instrument are not blocked.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

e. Verify that the pipe work attached to the instrument vent is not restrictive
and resulting in pressurisation of the sample cell. Correct or replace
where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

f. Verify that the transducer is not contaminated (particularly with

condensed liquid). Correct or replace transducer if necessary and re-
verify instrument performance.

g. Replace transducer and verify that the problem is corrected.

5.3.7 Inaccurate pressure compensation

Incorrect cell pressure indication. Analyser output sensitive to ambient pressure

changes, drifts or flow sensitive results.

a. Check that the pressure sensor offset has been correctly calibrated.
Perform a pressure offset calibration in accordance with the instructions
in the 4000 Series QuickStart manual and re-validate analyser

b. Verify continuity of wiring between the 1166 pressure transmitter PCB

and the Multiplexer PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and verify
instrument performance.

c. By varying the pressure to the pressure sensor check the operation of the
pressure sensor and transmitter PCB. Correct or replace where
necessary and verify instrument performance.

5.3.8 Inaccurate Temperature Diagnostic

If a new transducer is installed and it fails to reach operating temperature

(typically just falls short of 50 oC), it will be necessary to adjust the temperature
output. This is done by adjusting RV4 on the 1158 transducer (access through
magnet frame) whilst monitoring the cell temperature diagnostic. Adjust RV4 until
the diagnostic reads 55 oC under constant conditions (Note the refresh rate of
the diagnostic is quite slow).

5.4 Pm O2 Control Transducer Faults

This section of the manual covers likely fault symptoms associated with the Pm
O2 control transducer assembly.

5.4.1 Transducer fault messages

Table 5.6 Paramagnetic O2 control transducer fault messages

Fault message Possible causes Remedial action
CELL TEMP LOW Ambient temperature Check ambient
too high or faulty temperature < 45°C.
component See also section 5.4.3
CELL TEMP HIGH Faulty component See section 5.4.3
CELL VOLTS LOW Loose, broken Check cables.
connection cable. Check/replace
Faulty sensor. paramagnetic
CELL VOLTS HIGH transducer.
See also section 5.4.3
LO CAL FAIL Calibration gases not Check 'USER SET'
present. limits. Check
User limits set calibration gases.
incorrectly. Check operation of
Faulty transducer auto-calibration
HI CAL FAIL solenoid valves.
Attempt manual
calibration check.
Check transducer

5.4.2 Diagnostics measurements

Table 5.7 shows a list of the diagnostic signals available. for the Pm O2 Control

Table 5.7 Diagnostic signals for the Pm O2 Control transducer

Diagnostic Description Typical level Range
CELL EMF Cell output volts 0.2 V -0.1 to 1.2 V
CELL TEMP Cell temperature 35 °C 5 to 70 °C


Some of the following tests include a leak check.

The paramagnetic transducer should not be pressurised above 10 psig
(70 kPag). When leak testing the pipework care should be taken that the
paramagnetic cell is pressurised and depressurised slowly. Failure to do
this may result in damage to the cell.

5.4.3 Transducer faults

No response from transducer with changing gas composition.

Transducer producing invalid results.

a. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring between the measurement cell

and the house keeping PCB and between the transducer and the
Multiplexer PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and verify
instrument performance.

b. Verify the power supply 5V rail voltage on the multiplexer PCB.

TP05 wrt TP01 +5.05V ± 0.25V

If the supply voltage is low or is not present then disconnect the following
units in order to determine whether the 5V rail is being pulled down or the
switched mode PSU is faulty:
Ensure that the instrument is switched off before connecting or
disconnecting PCB assemblies.

Gas sensor modules.

Option boards.
Sensor interface boards.
Keypad ribbon cable.
Microprocessor board.
Multiplexer board (by elimination of other possible causes).

Correct or replace where necessary and verify instrument performance.

c. Check the following output voltages on connector PL1 on the transducer

house keeping PCB.

Pin 12 Cell temperature.

Pin 10 Cell output EMF.

Verify that these signals reflect the input gas composition when nitrogen
and air gas samples are applied to the inlet port. If the output voltages are
incorrect then replace the transducer and re-verify the transducer

d. Verify that the instrument diagnostic display for the transducer output
EMF and temperature conform with those measured on pins 10 and 12

on connector PL1 on the transducer house keeping PCB. If these are
incorrect then the fault may lie within either the Multiplexer PCB or the
Signal Interface PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and verify
instrument performance.

e. If none of the above tests have identified a problem then replace the
transducer and verify instrument performance.

5.4.4 Measurement faults

Unable to perform calibration or calibration failure fault indicated.

Low instrument sensitivity, or poor instrument accuracy.

a. Verify contents of the calibration gas samples have been correctly

entered into the instrument software and that calibration gases are
correctly connected. Check that calibration gas supply is not exhausted.
Increase the calibration tolerance if necessary. Correct or replace where
necessary and perform instrument calibration to verify performance.

b. Check that the concentration of the calibration sample corresponds with

the concentration specified in the autocalibration configuration. Perform
a ONE CYCLE autocalibration to clear the fault.

c. Verify correct operation of autocalibration valves if fitted. Perform a leak

test to verify cross seat leakages. Correct fault in accordance with section
5.2.11 if necessary. Correct or replace where necessary and perform
instrument calibration to verify performance.

d. Verify that there are no leaks in the internal pipe work and that flow
meters operate correctly (if fitted). Correct or replace where necessary
and perform instrument calibration to verify performance.

e. Verify that there are no blockages in the sample filter (if fitted) and
internal flow restrictors. Correct or replace where necessary and perform
instrument calibration to verify performance.

f. Verify that the instrument exhaust port is not restricted and that the
instrument is not being pressurised above ambient pressure. Correct or
replace where necessary and perform instrument calibration to verify

g. Check the cell output voltage using pins 9 and 10 on connector PL1 on
the transducer house keeping PCB. Check that the output varies from 0V
to 0.21V as a zero and air sample are applied to the sample input port for
the specific gas stream. Correct or replace transducer and PCB where
necessary and re-verify performance.

h. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring from the transducer cell to the

transducer house keeping PCB and from the transducer to the
MULTIPLEXER PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

i. Check the cell output shown in the instrument diagnostics display
matches the output voltage given on pins 9 and 10 on connector PL1 of
the transducer housekeeping PCB. Fault is likely to be either the Sensor
Interface PCB or the Multiplexer PCB. Identify and replace the faulty PCB
where necessary and re-verify performance.

5.4.5 Stability faults

Noisy reading, or analyser drifts and requires frequent re-calibration.

a. Verify that the sample flow rate through the transducer is in the range
100-250 ml/min and is stable. Correct or replace where necessary and re-
verify instrument performance.

b. Perform a leak test to verify that the internal pipe work is free from leaks.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

c. Verify that the sample filter (if fitted) is not blocked and that there are no
obstructions within the instrument vent line. Correct or replace where
necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

d. Verify that the instrument is free from condensed water. Correct or

replace where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

e. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring from the transducer cell to the

transducer house keeping PCB and from the transducer to the
MULTIPLEXER PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

f. Unplug the transducer from the MULTIPLEXER PCB and verify that the
instrument is now stable. If not then the fault is likely to lie with the Sensor
Interface PCB or MULTIPLEXER PCB. Identify and replace faulty PCB's
where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

g. Check instrument sensitivity by performing a zero and span calibration.

If the instrument sensitivity is low then perform the instrument
measurement fault checks in section 5.4.4.

h. If none of these checks rectify the problem then replace the transducer
and verify performance.

5.4.6 Flow faults

Slow instrument response, drift, noise or flow sensitive results.

a. Verify that the sample flow rate through the transducer is in the range
100-250 ml/min and is stable. Verify that any flow stability problems
encountered are not produced by any sample conditioning system used
prior to sample entry into the instrument. Particular attention should be

made to knock out pots, sample pumps, chillers and filters. Correct or
replace where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

b. By performing a leak test verify that the internal pipe work within the
instrument is leak tight. Pay particular attention to flow meter leakages if
these are fitted. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

c. Verify that the optional sample filter (if fitted) is clean and not blocked.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

d. Verify that the orifice flow restrictors within the instrument are not blocked.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

e. Verify that the pipe work attached to the instrument vent is not restrictive
and resulting in pressurisation of the sample cell. Correct or replace
where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

f. Verify that the transducer is not contaminated (particularly with

condensed water). Correct or replace transducer if necessary and re-
verify instrument performance.

g. Replace transducer and verify that the problem is corrected.

5.5 Pm O2 Basic Transducer Faults

This section of the manual covers likely fault symptoms associated with the Pm
O2 basic transducer assembly.

5.5.1 Transducer fault messages

Table 5.8 Paramagnetic O2 basic transducer fault messages

Fault message Possible causes Remedial action
CELL VOLTS Loose, broken Check cables.
LOW connection cable. Check/replace paramagnetic
Faulty sensor. transducer.
CELL VOLTS See also section 5.5.3
LO CAL FAIL Calibration gases Check 'USER SET' limits. Check
not present. calibration gases. Check operation
User limits set of auto-calibration solenoid valves.
HI CAL FAIL incorrectly. Attempt manual calibration check.
Faulty transducer Check transducer

5.5.2 Diagnostics measurements

Table 5.9 shows a list of the diagnostic signals available for the Pm O2 Basic

Table 5.9 Diagnostic signals for the Pm O2 Basic transducer

Diagnostic Description Typical level Range
CELL EMF Cell output volts 0.2 V -0.1 to 1.2 V


Some of the following tests include a leak check.

The paramagnetic transducer should not be pressurised above 10 psig

(70 kPag). When leak testing the pipework care should be taken that the
paramagnetic cell is pressurised and depressurised slowly. Failure to do
this may result in damage to the cell.

5.5.3 Transducer faults

No response from transducer with changing gas composition.

Transducer producing invalid results.

a. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring between the transducer and the

Multiplexer PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and verify
instrument performance.

b. Verify the power supply 5V rail voltage on the multiplexer PCB.

TP05 wrt TP01 +5.05V ± 0.25V

If the supply voltage is low or is not present then disconnect the following
units in order to determine whether the 5V rail is being pulled down or the
switched mode PSU is faulty:
Ensure that the instrument is switched off before connecting or
disconnecting PCB assemblies.

Gas sensor modules.

Option boards.
Sensor interface boards.
Keypad ribbon cable.
Microprocessor board.
Multiplexer board (by elimination of other possible causes).

Correct or replace where necessary and verify instrument performance.

c. Check the following output voltage on connector PL1 on the transducer

house keeping PCB.

Pin 10 Cell output EMF.

Verify that this signal reflect the input gas composition when nitrogen and
air gas samples are applied to the inlet port. If the output voltage is
incorrect then replace the transducer and re-verify the transducer

d. Verify that the instrument diagnostic display for the transducer output
EMF conforms with that measured on pin 10 on connector PL1 on the
transducer house keeping PCB. If incorrect then the fault may lie within
either the Multiplexer PCB or the Signal Interface PCB. Correct or replace
where necessary and verify instrument performance.

e. If none of the above tests have identified a problem then replace the
transducer and verify instrument performance.

5.5.4 Measurement faults

Unable to perform calibration or calibration failure fault indicated.

Low instrument sensitivity, or poor instrument accuracy.

a. Verify contents of the calibration gas samples have been correctly

entered into the instrument software and that calibration gases are
correctly connected. Check that calibration gas supply is not exhausted.
Increase the calibration tolerance if necessary. Correct or replace where
necessary and perform instrument calibration to verify performance.

b. Check that the concentration of the calibration sample corresponds with

the concentration specified in the autocalibration configuration. Perform
a ONE CYCLE autocalibration to clear the fault.

c. Verify correct operation of autocalibration valves if fitted. Perform a leak

test to verify cross seat leakages. Correct fault in accordance with section
5.2.11 if necessary. Correct or replace where necessary and perform
instrument calibration to verify performance.

d. Verify that there are no leaks in the internal pipe work and that flow
meters operate correctly (if fitted). Correct or replace where necessary
and perform instrument calibration to verify performance.

e. Verify that there are no blockages in the sample filter (if fitted) and
internal flow restrictors. Correct or replace where necessary and perform
instrument calibration to verify performance.

f. Verify that the instrument exhaust port is not restricted and that the
instrument is not being pressurised above ambient pressure. Correct or
replace where necessary and perform instrument calibration to verify

g. Check the cell output voltage using pins 9 and 10 on connector PL1.
Check that the output varies from 0V to 0.21V as a zero and air sample
are applied to the sample input port for the specific gas stream. Correct
or replace transducer and PCB where necessary and re-verify

h. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring from the transducer to the

MULTIPLEXER PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

i. Check the cell output shown in the instrument diagnostics display

matches the output voltage given on pins 9 and 10 on connector PL1.
Fault is likely to be either the Sensor Interface PCB or the Multiplexer
PCB. Identify and replace the faulty PCB where necessary and re-verify

5.5.5 Stability faults

Noisy reading, or analyser drifts and requires frequent re-calibration.

a. Verify that the sample flow rate through the transducer is in the range 10-
100 ml/min and is stable. Correct or replace where necessary and re-
verify instrument performance.

b. Perform a leak test to verify that the internal pipe work is free from leaks.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

c. Verify that the sample filter (if fitted) is not blocked and that there are no
obstructions within the instrument vent line. Correct or replace where
necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

d. Verify that the instrument is free from condensed water. Correct or

replace where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

e. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring from the transducer to the

MULTIPLEXER PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

f. Unplug the transducer from the MULTIPLEXER PCB and verify that the
instrument is now stable. If not then the fault is likely to lie with the Sensor
Interface PCB or MULTIPLEXER PCB. Identify and replace faulty PCB's
where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

g. Check instrument sensitivity by performing a zero and span calibration.

If the instrument sensitivity is low then perform the instrument
measurement fault checks in section 5.5.4.

h. If none of these checks rectify the problem then replace the transducer
and verify performance.

5.5.6 Flow faults

Slow instrument response, drift, noise or flow sensitive results.

a. Verify that the sample flow rate through the transducer is in the range 10-
100 ml/min and is stable. Verify that any flow stability problems
encountered are not produced by any sample conditioning system used
prior to sample entry into the instrument. Particular attention should be
made to knock out pots, sample pumps, chillers and filters. Correct or
replace where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

b. By performing a leak test verify that the internal pipe work within the
instrument is leak tight. Pay particular attention to flow meter leakages if
these are fitted. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

c. Verify that the optional sample filter (if fitted) is clean and not blocked.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

d. Verify that the orifice flow restrictors within the instrument are not blocked.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

e. Verify that the pipe work attached to the instrument vent is not restrictive
and resulting in pressurisation of the sample cell. Correct or replace
where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

f. Verify that the transducer is not contaminated (particularly with

condensed water). Correct or replace transducer if necessary and re-
verify instrument performance.

g. Replace transducer and verify that the problem is corrected.

5.6 Zirconia transducer faults

This section of the manual covers likely fault symptoms associated with the
zirconia transducer assemblies. The faults are categorised by the observed

5.6.1 Fault messages

Table 5.10 shows a list of the indicated fault conditions for the zirconia
transducer assemblies.

Table 5.10 Fault messages for the zirconia transducer

Fault Possible causes Remedial action
CELL TEMP Thermocouple Check cell thermocouple
LOW disconnected or connections and polarity to PCB.
faulty. Check fuses F1 to F8 on
multiplexer PCB. Check links on
Incorrect fuses/links PCB.
on multiplexer.
CELL TEMP Check thermocouple connections.
HIGH Check links on PCB. Check/replace
zirconia cell.
CELL mV poor electrical Check cell electrical connections.
LOW connections, faulty Check links on PCB. Check/replace
cell. PCB. Check/replace zirconia cell.
LO CAL FAIL Calibration gases Check 'USER SET' limits. Check
not present. calibration gases. Check operation
User limits set of auto-calibration solenoid valves.
HI CAL FAIL incorrectly. Attempt manual calibration check.
Faulty transducer Check transducer

5.6.2 Diagnostic measurements

Table 5.11 shows a list of the diagnostic signals available for the zirconia
transducer assembly.

Table 5.11 Diagnostic signals for the zirconia transducer

Diagnostic Description Typical level Range
CELL EMF Cell output volts 0-400mV -50 to 400mV
CELL TEMP Cell temperature 575°C 525 to 625°C
720°C 670 to 770°C

Zirconia cell temperature

This is the cell electrode temperature displayed in °C. A fault is indicated if cell
temperature exceeds 800°C or cell temperature less than 500°C after 3 minutes
from switching on. The normal operating temperature for the Zr703 sensor is
720°C, or, for the Zr704 sensor 575 °C.

Zirconia cell EMF

This is the voltage output of the zirconia cell. The correct voltage can be
determined from a knowledge of the sample gas concentration and the cell
temperature using the Nernst equation shown below. Note that the output of the
cell is nominally zero with air as the sample, the output increases with
decreasing oxygen. Samples with more oxygen than air (20.95 % oxygen) will
give a negative cell output.

E = E0 + 0.021543 . T . Ln (20.95 / % oxygen in sample)

E = Cell output (mV)

E0= Cell offset (mV)
T = Cell temperature (°K)

E0 may be determined by using air as the sample.

Note that the cell temperature is display in °C whereas the Nernst
equation required °K . To convert to °K add 273 to the °C reading.

Sample calculation, assuming the sample gas is 0.3% oxygen and the cell is
running at 575°C:

E = E0 +(0.021543 . (575+273) . Ln (20.95/0.3) = E0+77.57 mV

A fault is indicated if the zirconia cell output goes below -50mV.


Some of the following tests include a leak check.

The zirconia transducer should not be pressurised above 10 psig (70

kPag). When leak testing the pipework care should be taken that the cell
is pressurised and depressurised slowly. Failure to do this may result
in damage to the cell.

5.6.3 Transducer faults

Transducer faults reported, no response from transducer with changing gas

composition, oxygen reading low or transducer producing invalid results.


A low oxygen reading is a normal response to the presence of

combustible components in the sample gas stream and may not be an
instrument fault,
ie: if there are sufficient combustibles in the sample gas to consume all
of the oxygen present, a zero oxygen reading may occur.

a. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring between the zirconia

measurement cell and the house keeping PCB and the two connections
(20 way and 7 way) between the transducer and the Multiplexer PCB.
Correct or replace where necessary and verify instrument performance.

b. Verify the 15VAC rail voltage supplies to the transducer house keeping
PCB. These supplies are provided on the 7 way connector PL1.

Pin 5 15V AC
Pin 6 0V AC
Pin 7 15V AC

If the voltages are incorrect then check the appropriate fuses (F1 to F8)
on the multiplexer PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and verify
instrument performance.

c. Verify that the instrument diagnostic display for the transducer output and
temperature conform with the signals measured on connector PL2 on the
transducer house keeping PCB.

Pin 12 Cell temperature.

Pin 10 Cell output EMF.
The cell temperature output on pin 12 of PL2 is scaled to give 1±0.05 mV
per °C. If the displayed signals are incorrect then the fault may lie within
either the Multiplexer PCB or the Signal Interface PCB. Correct or replace
where necessary and verify instrument performance.

d. Check link settings on the house keeping PCB.

e. Check that the sensor temperature is correct for the cell type and that the
temperature control is operating. The normal operating temperature for
the Zr704 cell is 575 °C and for the Zr703 cell is 720 °C. If faulty then
check the cell thermocouple connections on pins 4 and 5 of terminal
block TB1. Correct or replace the zirconia cell and/or house keeping PCB
and verify instrument performance.

f. Check that the cell output EMF signal on pin 10 of connector PL2 reflects
the input gas composition when nitrogen and air gas samples are applied
to the inlet port.

g. If none of the above tests have identified a problem then replace the
transducer and verify instrument performance.

5.6.4 Measurement faults

Unable to perform calibration or calibration failure fault indicated.

Low instrument sensitivity, poor instrument accuracy or slow response.

a. Verify contents of the calibration gas samples have been correctly

entered into the instrument software and that calibration gases are
correctly connected. Correct or replace where necessary and verify

b. Verify that there are no leaks in the internal pipe work and that flow
meters operate correctly (if fitted). Correct or replace where necessary
and perform instrument calibration to verify performance.

c. Verify that there are no leaks in the pipework to other transducers within
the 4000 Series chassis (or even other analysers) that is causing the
oxygen level used as a reference to the zirconia cell to be enriched or

d. Verify that there are no blockages in the in the restrictive ‘T’ assemblies
(for pressure driven options). Refer to section 6.21. Correct or replace
where necessary and perform instrument calibration to verify

e. Verify that the instrument exhaust port is not restricted and that the
instrument is not being pressurised above ambient pressure. Correct or
replace where necessary and perform instrument calibration to verify

f. Perform the transducer performance checks listed in section 5.6.3.

g. If overall response is sluggish or erratic, check for cell contamination. If

contaminated with particulate, replace cell and, if suspect, all internal
sample pipework and fittings. Ensure sample stream is filtered to 2:m or

5.6.5 Stability faults

Noisy reading or reading drifts and instrument requires frequent re-calibration.

a. Verify that the sample inlet pressure or flow is within the required range.
For pressure driven options this is 5psig ±3psig (35kPag ±21kPag). For

flow driven options this is 200 to 400 ml/min. Correct or replace where
necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

b. Perform a leak test to verify that the internal pipe work is free from leaks.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

c. Verify that there are no obstructions within the instrument vent line.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

d. Check instrument sensitivity by performing a zero and span calibration.

If the instrument sensitivity is low then perform the instrument
measurement fault checks in section 5.6.3.

e. If none of these checks rectify the problem then replace the transducer
and verify performance.

5.6.6 Flow faults

Slow instrument response, analyser drift. Noise and/or flow sensitive results.

Note: very low oxygen readings that vary with inlet flow/pressure indicate air
diffusion or ingress. Check the tightness of all external fittings.

a. Verify that the sample inlet pressure or flow is within the required range.
For pressure driven options this is 5psig ±3psig (35kPag ±21kPag). For
flow driven options this is 200 to 400 ml/min. Correct or replace where
necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

b. By performing a leak test verify that the internal pipe work within the
instrument is leak tight. Pay particular attention to flow meter leakages if
these are fitted. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

c. Verify that the orifice flow restrictors within the instrument are not blocked.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

d. Verify that the pipe work attached to the instrument vent is not restrictive
and resulting in pressurisation of the sample cell. Correct or replace
where necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

e. Replace transducer and verify that the problem is corrected.

5.7 1210 Gfx Transducer Faults

5.7.1 Fault messages

Table 5.12 shows a list of the indicated fault conditions for the Gfx 1210

Table 5.12 Fault messages for the Gfx1210 transducer

Fault message Possible causes Remedial action
TXD NOT Faulty component. See section 5.7.3
LO CAL FAIL Calibration gases not Check 'USER SET' limits. Check
present. calibration gases. Check
User limits set operation of auto-calibration
HI CAL FAIL incorrectly. solenoid valves. Attempt manual
Faulty transducer calibration check. Check
Additional messages from ‘older’ analysers (ie: usually pre model C)

LO V/C User set low or high Check 'USER SET' limits. Check
OUTSIDE TOL calibration tolerance calibration gases. Check
or has been exceeded operation of auto-calibration
HI V/C during solenoid valves. Attempt manual
OUTSIDE TOL autocalibration. calibration check.
LO V/C The gas Respecify the calibration gas
OUTSIDE concentration in the concentration.
RANGE autocalibration
or configuration are
HI V/C outside of limits.
LO CAL The results of an See section 5.7.4
OUTSIDE autocalibration differ
LIMITS from the existing
or values by more than
HI CAL the tolerance limits.

5.7.2 Diagnostics measurements

Table 5.13 shows a list of the diagnostic signals available for the Gfx1210

Table 5.13 Diagnostic signals for the Gfx 1210 transducer

Diagnostic Description Typical level Range
DIF SIG Difference signal 0.000V -0.25 to 1.31 V
between the Gas
and N2 filled
GAS SIG Signal level for 1.000 V 0.5 to 1.31 V
the Gas filled
N2 SIG Signal level for 1.000 V 0.5 to 1.31 V
the N2 filled filter
SAMPLE TEMP Sample 30°C 0 to 50°C
CHOPPER Chopper box 70 °C 60 to 80 °C
TEMP temperature


Some of the following tests include a leak check.

The Gfx transducer should not be pressurised above 10 psig (70 kPag).

5.7.3 Transducer faults

The Gfx 1210 transducer performs some basic checks of the functionality of the
main circuits and in the case that a malfunction is identified, a logic signal (Gfx
transducer faulty) is sent to the 4000 Series unit in order to inform the user that
the transducer is faulty. A faulty Gfx signal will activate the Fault Icon on the
4000 Series screen and the corresponding measurement value field will read
‘VOID’. Other Gfx faults identified within the 4000 Series chassis will activate the
Fault Icon only. The green LED (D16) on the housekeeping PCB indicates the
status of the transducer. This LED will be extinguished if a transducer fault is

Figure 5.2 shows possible fault causes that would result in the D16 green LED
being extinguished.

Figure 5.2 Gfx fault icon on diagnosis tree

The following checks and investigations should be carried out:

The D16 LED (bench OK LED) is off.

Check that at least one other LED on the Housekeeping PCB is off.

If all other LEDs are on, change the Housekeeping PCB. If another LED is off,
go to the respective point in the Investigation procedure.

The D15 LED (power OK LED) is off

a. Check the fuse F2. Replace the fuse if it is blown and retest. If the fuse
blows again then replace the Housekeeping PCB. If the fuse is OK and
the D15 LED is still off then replace the Housekeeping PCB.

b. Check the power supply on pins 5 and 7 of connector PL3. An ac voltage

of approximately 36 volts should be present. If the supply voltage is faulty
then disconnect the PL3 connector and check the voltage again. If the
voltage is now OK then replace the Housekeeping PCB. Otherwise check
the voltage on the transformer and replace if faulty. If the transformer is
OK then check fuses F1 to F8 on the Multiplexer PCB and the cable

The D13 LED (motor in synchronisation) is off.

a. Check that the motor is rotating freely. If the motor is not rotating freely,
check for foreign bodies or any other damage. Identify the cause of
damage or foreign bodies, and replace the relevant parts before
rechecking that the motor is rotating freely. Note that at very low
temperatures, correct chopper speed may take some time to achieve.

b. If the motor is not jammed and the D13 LED is still off, check the
continuity of the cable connections. Check that the motor connector from
the chopper box is fully inserted.

c. If continuity is satisfactory, replace the motor. If the LED is still off replace
the Housekeeping PCB.

The D11 LED (source OK LED) is off.

Measurements and diagnosis:

a. Check the fuse F1. Replace the fuse if it is blown and retest. If the fuse
blows again then replace the Housekeeping PCB.

b. If the fuse is OK then check that the source resistance is approximately

one ohm. Replace the source if the resistance is incorrect.

c. Check that the voltage across the source is between 1.9 and 2.1 Vdc. If
not then replace the house keeping PCB.

5.7.4 Measurement faults

Unable to perform calibration or calibration failure fault indicated.

Low instrument sensitivity and or poor instrument accuracy.

a. Verify contents of the calibration gas samples have been correctly

entered into the instrument software and that calibration gases are not
empty and are correctly connected. Increase calibration tolerance if
necessary. Correct or replace where necessary and perform instrument
calibration to verify performance.

b. Check that concentration of calibration sample corresponds with

concentration specified in auto calibration configuration. Perform an
automatic ONE CYCLE calibration to clear fault.

c. Verify correct operation of autocalibration valves if fitted. Perform a leak

test to verify cross seat leakages. Correct fault in accordance with section
5.2.12 if necessary. Correct or replace where necessary and perform
instrument calibration to verify performance.

d. Verify that there are no leaks in the internal pipe work and that flow

meters operate correctly (if fitted). Correct or replace where necessary
and perform instrument calibration to verify performance.

e. Verify that there are no blockages in the restrictive ‘T’ assemblies (for
pressure driven options). Correct or replace where necessary and
perform instrument calibration to verify performance. Refer to section
6.21 for typical restrictor assembly.

f. Verify that the instrument exhaust port is not restricted and that the
instrument is not being pressurised significantly above ambient pressure.
Correct or replace where necessary and perform instrument calibration
to verify performance.

g. Verify continuity of interconnecting wiring within the transducer and from

the transducer to the Multiplexer PCB. Correct or replace where
necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

h. Check that the cell outputs shown in the instrument diagnostics display
match the output voltage given from the transducer. Fault is likely to be
either the Sensor Interface PCB or the Multiplexer PCB. Identify and
replace faulty PCB where necessary and re-verify performance.

If problems with cross interefence are encountered, which are outside

published specifications, it is advisable to collect data and liaise directly with

5.7.5 Stability faults

Excessive measurement noise, excessive instrument drift.

Low instrument sensitivity and or poor instrument accuracy.

a. Measure the optical throughput of the transducer to establish any

contamination of windows, cells and/or mirrors. To do this look at the
value of VN2 in the diagnostics menu. During factory calibration this
voltage is set to 1.00v, any loss of energy throughput will reduce this
reading. If the value is less than 0.75v then check the following:

- The source voltage setting is 2.0v (position 5 on SW1 on

housekeeping PCB).
- The detector is at the correct position using the correct spacers
(See section 6.37).
- The optical components are not contaminated or damaged (see
sections 6.34, 6.35, 6.36).

b. An exhausted scrubber will cause drift, usually correlated to changes in

ambient temperature. If this is observed, check for leaks in the chopper
box and detector enclosures and replace the appropriate scrubber. (See
sections 6.32, 6.37.)

c. Excessive, continual positive zero drift associated with a decrease in

instrument sensitivity is an indication of gas filter leakage. If a gas filter
fails, it usually does so rapidly giving an instrument with a large positive
offset which does not respond to span gas. If this is the case replace the
chopper wheel.

If you suspect a slow leak from the gas filter, perform a ZERO CAL then
expose the instrument to a certified span gas. If the instrument reads less
than 50% of the span gas then replace the chopper wheel (see section
6.33) and return to Servomex for investigation.

d. Excess noise can be caused by a defective chopper motor. If the motor

has difficulty starting or is audibly noisy then replace it (see section 6.32)
and return the motor to Servomex for investigation.

e. In very rare instances the detector may be faulty. Connect a scope to TP1
(wrt TP5) on the signal processing PCB. The trace should be stable and
look like the trace shown in figure 6.21. If the signal is very noisy then
replace the detector PCB (see section 6.37).

5.7.6 Flow faults

Slow instrument response, inaccurate or flow sensitive instrument results.

a. Verify that the sample flow rate through the transducer is in the range
500-2500 ml/min. Verify that any flow problems encountered are not
produced by any sample conditioning system used prior to sample entry
into the instrument. Particular attention should be made to knock out pots,
sample pumps, chillers and filters. Correct or replace where necessary
and re-verify instrument performance.

b. By performing a leak test verify that the internal pipe work within the
instrument is leak tight. Pay particular attention to flow meter leakages if
these are fitted. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

c. Verify that the restrictive ‘T’ assembly (for pressure driven option) within
the instrument are not blocked. Correct or replace where necessary and
re-verify instrument performance.

d. Verify that the sample pipe work attached to the instrument vent is not
restrictive and resulting in excessive pressurisation of the sample cell.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

f. Verify that the transducer is not contaminated (particularly with

condensed water). Clean the optical cell and / or replace the optical
windows and mirrors if necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

5.7.7 Moving Data to/from Transducer fault

When moving data to or from the transducer, the message ‘failed’ appears.

Check that the address links LK1 and LK2 links on Gfx transducer conform to its
actual location/connection within the 4000 Series chassis:

Table 5.14 Link setting for Gfx transducers

Module Socket on LK1 LK2

Ident 04000924
I1 TX1 A A
I2 TX2 B A
I3 TX3 A B
I4 TX4 B B

Check that the instrument firmware revision is compatible with the module
calibration data. All spare modules are calibrated at the factory using the latest
firmware, and some older software revisions may not be compatible.

For example, instruments using ‘B’ firmware will not successfully read data from
modules calibrated using ‘C’ issue firmware.

5.8 IR 1520 series Transducer Faults

This section of the manual covers likely fault symptoms associated with the IR
1520 transducer assembly.

5.8.1 Transducer fault messages

Table 5.15 IR 1520 series transducer fault messages

Fault message Possible causes Remedial action
TXD NOT Faulty or badly Check and replace interface pcb
RESPONDING connected power rail. and fuse. Check fuses F1 to F8
on multiplexer PCB. Check and
replace Main Board. See also
section 5.8.3
TXD TEMP 1) Badly connected 1)Check sensor connections.
FAIL sensor or faulty Check and replace
sensor/ transducer. sensor/transducer/Main Board.
HTR POWER 2) High ambient See also section 5.8.3
FAIL temperature causing 2)Update instrument firmware to
no heater control issue 5 or greater.
LO CAL FAIL Calibration gases not Check 'USER SET' limits. Check
present. calibration gases. Check
User limits set operation of auto-calibration
HI CAL FAIL incorrectly. solenoid valves. Attempt manual
Faulty transducer calibration check. Check

5.8.2 Diagnostics measurements

Table 5.16 shows a list of the diagnostic signals available for the 1520 series

Table 5.16 Diagnostic signals for the IR 1520 series transducer

Diagnostic Description Typical level Range
DIF SIG Difference signal 0.00 V -0.1 to 1.2 V
between reference
and signal levels
GAS SIG IR signal level 0.90 V 0.3 to 1.3 V
GAS REF Reference voltage 1.25 V 1.2 to 1.3 V
HEATER Duty cycle demand 35 % 0 to 100%


Some of the following test include a leak check.

The IR 1520 series transducer should not be pressurised above 10 psig

(70 kPag).

5.8.3 Transducer faults

The 4000 Series chassis identifies some basic faults on the IR 1520 transducer
and in the case that a faulty power rail is identified will activate the Fault Icon on
the 4000 Series screen and the corresponding measurement value field will read

Other 1520 faults identified within the 4000 Series chassis will activate the Fault
Icon only.

a. Verify continuity of the two connections (20 way and 3 way) between the
interface PCB and the Multiplexer PCB. Check that interface PCB is
correctly located to the Main Board and verify continuity of the 20 way
and 6 way headers. Correct or replace where necessary and verify
instrument performance.

b. Verify the 15VAC rail voltage supplies to the interface PCB. These
supplies are provided on the 7 way connector SK7.

Pin 5 15V AC bottom (anode) of D3

Pin 6 0V AC bottom (anode) of D5
Pin 7 15V AC bottom (anode) of D4

If the voltages are incorrect then check the appropriate fuses (F1 to F8)
on the multiplexer PCB. Correct or replace where necessary and verify
instrument performance.

c. Check the +5V rail is present across D5 on the interface pcb. If it is not,
check fuse F1 and replace where necessary. If the fuse blows repeatedly
disconnect the interface pcb from the Main Board and replace fuse or
interface PCB as necessary and verify instrument performance.

d. If a short on the Main Board (or sensor) repeatedly blows the fuse then
replace the Main Board, sensor or transducer and verify instrument

e. If the TXD NOT RESPONDING fault persists when the +5V rail is present
and the Main Board is connected to the interface PCB then fault lies in
the control section of the Main Board. Check the -5V rail and GAS REF
as picked up on PL6 of interface PCB wrt adjacent TP3.

Pin 2 -5V
Pin 4 1.25V

Replace Main Board or transducer and verify instrument performance.

e. Other 1520 faults are associated with the heater control circuits. Check
continuity of the ribbon cables of off-board sensors or check that on-
board sensors are securely fitted.

f. Check sensor ‘D’ connectors for thermistor(s) and heater(s).

For all Sensors

Master Thermistor nom. 10k at 25°C across male D pins 3 and 7
Master Heater nom. 7R across male D pins 4 & 8

For 100mm & 160mm off-board sensors

Aux. Thermistor nom. 10k at 25°C across female D pins 3 and 7
Aux. Heater nom. 7R across female D pins 4 & 8

For 160mm long off-board sensors

Slave. Heater nom. 7R across female D pins 2 & 6

If any of these is faulty replace the sensor or transducer otherwise

replace the Main Board and verify instrument performance.

g. If none of the above tests have identified a problem then replace the
transducer and verify instrument performance.

5.8.4 Measurement faults

Unable to perform calibration or calibration failure fault indicated.

Low instrument sensitivity and or poor instrument accuracy.

a. Verify contents of the calibration gas samples have been correctly

entered into the instrument software and that calibration gases are not
empty and are correctly connected. Increase calibration tolerance if
necessary. Correct or replace where necessary and perform instrument
calibration to verify performance.

b. Check that concentration of calibration sample corresponds with

concentration specified in auto calibration configuration. Perform an
automatic ONE CYCLE calibration to clear fault.

c. Verify correct operation of autocalibration valves if fitted. Perform a leak

test to verify cross seat leakages. Correct fault in accordance with section

5.2.12 if necessary. Correct or replace where necessary and perform
instrument calibration to verify performance.

d. Verify that there are no leaks in the internal pipe work and that flow
meters operate correctly (if fitted). Correct or replace where necessary
and perform instrument calibration to verify performance.

e. Verify that there are no blockages in the restrictive ‘T’ assemblies (for
pressure driven options). Correct or replace where necessary and
perform instrument calibration to verify performance. Refer to section
6.21 for typical restrictor assembly.

f. Verify that the instrument exhaust port is not restricted and that the
instrument is not being pressurised significantly above ambient pressure.
Correct or replace where necessary and perform instrument calibration
to verify performance.

g. Verify continuity of interconnections within the transducer and from the

transducer to the Multiplexer PCB. Correct or replace where necessary
and re-verify instrument performance.

h. Check that the sensor outputs shown in the instrument diagnostics

display match the output voltage given from the transducer (DIF SIF=TP3,
GAS SIG=TP5). Fault is likely to be either the Sensor Interface PCB or
the Multiplexer PCB. Identify and replace faulty PCB where necessary
and re-verify performance.

5.8.5 Stability faults

Noisy reading, or excessive instrument drift and poor instrument accuracy.

a. Measure the optical throughput of the transducer to establish any

contamination of windows and cell or source drift. To do this look at the
value of GAS SIG in the diagnostics menu. During factory calibration this
voltage is set to 0.90V, any loss of energy throughput will reduce this
reading while source drift may increase it.

- If the value is less than 0.75V then check whether the gas cell is
contaminated or damaged (see sections 6.34, 6.35, 6.36).
- If the value has drifted above 1.3V then lo cal can no longer
correct for span drift. Adjust coarse zero.

b. Remove the switched mode power supply (see section 6.9) and check
that the motherboard links conform to the actual location/connection of
the 1520 within the 4000 Series chassis.

Table 5.17 Motherboard link setting
Module Link on 1520 Other
Ident 04000901 transducers
I1 LK1 open closed
I2 LK2 open closed
I3 LK3 open closed
I4 LK4 open closed

c. If none of these checks rectify the problem then replace or repair the
transducer and verify performance.

5.8.6 Flow faults

Slow instrument response, inaccurate or flow sensitive instrument results.

a. Verify that the sample flow rate through the transducer is in the range 50-
200 ml/min. Verify that any flow problems encountered are not produced
by any sample conditioning system used prior to sample entry into the
instrument. Particular attention should be made to knock out pots, sample
pumps, chillers and filters. Correct or replace where necessary and re-
verify instrument performance.

b. By performing a leak test verify that the internal pipe work within the
instrument is leak tight. Pay particular attention to flow meter leakages if
these are fitted. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

c. Verify that the restrictors (for pressure driven option) within the instrument
are not blocked. Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify
instrument performance.

d. Verify that the sample pipe work attached to the instrument vent is not
restrictive and resulting in excessive pressurisation of the sample cell.
Correct or replace where necessary and re-verify instrument

f. Verify that the transducer is not contaminated (particularly with

condensed water). Clean the gas cell or replace/repair the transducer if
necessary and re-verify instrument performance.

5.8.7 Moving Data to/from Transducer fault

When moving data to or from the transducer, the message ‘failed’ appears.

Check that the address links LK1 and LK2 links on the transducer conform to its
actual location/connection within the 4000 Series chassis:

Table 5.18 Interface PCB link setting for IR 1520 transducers

Module Socket on LK1 LK2
Ident 04000924
I1 TX1 A A
I2 TX2 B A
I3 TX3 A B
I4 TX4 B B

Check that the instrument firmware revision is compatible with the module
calibration data. All spare modules are calibrated at the factory using the latest
firmware, and some older software revisions may not be compatible.

For example, instruments using ‘B’ firmware will not succesfully read data from
modules calibrated using ‘C’ issue firmware.

Replace multiplexer or interface PCB as necessary and verify instrument





Section Page

6.1 Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5

6.2 Fascia Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6

6.3 Keypad PCB and Rubber Mat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7

6.4 Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7

6.4.1 Display Backlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.8

6.5 Keypad Ribbon Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10

6.6 Flow Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10

6.7 Flow Tube End-Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11

6.8 Sample Filter Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11

6.9 Switched Mode Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.12

6.10 Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.13

6.11 Power Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.13

6.12 Autocalibration Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.14

6.13 External Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.16

6.14 Internal Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.17

6.15 Microprocessor, Sensor Interface, and Option boards . . . . . . . . . . . 6.18

6.16 Multiplexer Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.18

6.17 Multiplexer Board Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.19

6.18 Terminal Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.19

6.19 Mother Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20

6.20 Zirconia Gas Sensor Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.21

6.21 Pressure Driven Zr Inlet Pipework (with restrictor assembly) . . . . . . 6.22

6.22 Flow Driven Zr Inlet Pipework (without restrictor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.23

6.23 Zirconia Control Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.24

6.24 Zirconia Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.26

6.25 Purity Paramagnetic Gas Sensor Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.28

6.26 Purity Paramagnetic Heater Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.29

6.27 Purity Paramagnetic Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.29

6.28 Control or Basic Paramagnetic Gas Sensor Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.31

6.29 Control or Basic Paramagnetic Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.32

6.30 Gfx Gas Sensor Module Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.33

6.31 Gfx Source Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.34

6.32 Gfx Chopper Motor Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.36

6.33 Gfx Chopper Wheel Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.37

6.34 Gfx Mirror Cleaning and Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.37

6.35 Gfx Optical Windows Cleaning and Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.39

6.36 Gfx Cell Cleaning and Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.39

6.37 Gfx Detector PCB Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.40

6.38 Gfx Chopper Box PCB Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.42

6.39 Gfx Housekeeping PCB Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.43

6.40 Gfx Signal Processing PCB Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.43

6.41 Gfx Set Up and Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.44

6.42 Pressure Driven Gfx Sample Pipework, 4100 & 4200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.49

6.43 Flow Driven Gfx Sample Pipework, 4100 & 4200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.49

6.44 Gfx Sample Pipework, 4900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.49

6.45 1520 Series IR Gas Sensor Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50

6.46 IR Interface PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.51

6.47 1520 Series IR gas transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.51

6.48 1520 set up and calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.52

6.49 Flow Alarm Sensor (If fitted) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.54

6.50 Optional Internal Sample Bypass Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.55

6.51 Sample pipework layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.55


Figure Page

6.1 Cover removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5

6.2 Exploded view of fascia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6

6.3 Keypad ribbon cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10

6.4 Card frame, transformer, and IEC appliance adaptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.12

6.5a Solenoid valves and manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.14

6.5b External autocalibration relay PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.15

6.6 External fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.16

6.7 Internal fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.17

6.8 Multiplexer board fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.19

6.9 Motherboard removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20

6.10 Zirconia gas sensor module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.21

6.11 Pressure driven zirconia gas sensor module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.22

6.12 Flow driven zirconia gas sensor module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.23

6.13 Zirconia control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.24

6.14 Purity paramagnetic gas sensor module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.28

6.15 Control paramagnetic gas sensor module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.31

6.16 1210 High sensitivity Gfx gas sensor module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.33

6.17 Gfx 1210 chopper box assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35

6.18 High sensitivity Gfx optical cell assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.38

6.19 1210 Gfx detector assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.41

6.20 Gfx 1210 House keeping PCB assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.45

6.21 Typical Gfx signal trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.46

6.22 Gfx pressure driven sample system, 4100 & 4200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.48

6.23 Gfx flow driven sample system, 4100 & 4200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.48

6.24 1520 Series IR gas sensor module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50

6.25 Flow Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.54


Table Page

6.1 Zirconia control board link settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.25

6.2 Gfx gain resistor sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.44

6.3 Gfx site location link settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.45

6.4 1520 site location link settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.52

6.5 1520 IR transducer module configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.53



The sample and calibration gases used with the instrument may be toxic,
flammable or asphyxiant. Ensure that gases are turned off and the instrument
is flushed with inert gas before opening the instrument sample system to air.

6.1 Cover

Removal, refer to 6.1 Cover
figure 6.1 removal

a) Remove 6 off screws [2], 3 on each side of chassis, (8 of screws for long
chassis) and loosen 3 of screws on rear of chassis [1].
b) Lift rear of cover to clear rear screws and slide cover backwards to


a) Ensure that conductive EMC gasket (figure 6.3 [1]) is intact at front of
b) Ensure that tongues at front of cover are fully engaged in chassis. Lower
rear of cover ensuring that cover is located under rear fixing screws [1].
c) Refit screws [2] to side of cover and retighten all screws


Following satisfactory performance checks, the appropriate tamper-

proof label should be attached.
6.2 Fascia Removal

Figure 6.2 Exploded view of fascia
Removal, refer to figure 6.2

a) Remove cover (See section 6.1)..

b) If flow tubes are fitted [9,10] remove flow tubes (see section 6.6).
c) Remove 8 off screws (figure 6.3[8]) which fix the fascia to the chassis
using a 'ball-end' hexagon key. (Limited access to the bottom four screws
may be gained via the slots in the underside of the chassis [14])
d) Lift fascia directly away from chassis to clear flow tube bottom end-blocks
[7,8]. Disconnect keypad ribbon cable (figure 6.3[2]) from the Keypad
PCB connector [45]. The fascia may now be lifted away from the chassis.
Whilst working on the fascia lay it on a soft surface to prevent damage.


Use reverse procedure.


Ensure that conductive EMC gaskets [31] are intact and securely

6.3 Keypad PCB and rubber mat

Removal, refer to figure 6.2

a) Remove fascia (see section 6.2)
b) Remove display connectors [18,19]
c) Remove four keypad fixing screws [20]
d) The keypad may now be lifted away from the fascia


a) Ensure that keypad rubber mat is located over five lugs in fascia moulding
b) Fit Keypad PCB over five lugs in fascia moulding [28].
c) Ensure that Keypad PCB fixing screw spacer is present in bottom right
fixing position [27]
d) Use reverse procedure from here.


Avoid touching the gold platted contact areas on the keypad PCB or
the contact pills in the rubber mat.

6.4 Display

Removal, refer to figure 6.2


Avoid touching the liquid crystal at the front of the display and the
inner surface of the window.

a) Remove fascia (see section 6.2 )

b) Remove display connectors [18,19]
c) Remove four display fixing screws [23]
d) The display [24] may now be lifted away from the fascia.


Use reverse procedure.

6.4.1 Display Backlight

Removal, refer to figure 6.2


The following procedure applies to analysers fitted with Blue/White or

Black/White displays with CCFL backlights. Analyser fitted with
Green displays do not have separately interchangeable backlights.


For Analysers Supplied with Flowmeters, take special care when

removing the flow tubes. We have had reports that the tubes break on
removal. This is believed to be due to the ageing of the O-ring seals.
Take personal protective measures during this operation to prevent

A replacement lamp will cure a dark or red display but will not cure a streaky
display. This can only be resolved by replacing the whole display assembly.


Observe Anti-static precautions when handling electronic circuit


For Toshiba and Data Image displays

This backlight assembly is a direct replacement and uses the same securing

To change the backlight:

1. Remove the 2 fixing screws next to the lamp.

2. Withdraw the old lamp and integral diffuser.
3. Slide in the new lamp and diffuser, and refit the screws.

For Wintek displays

When used with the Wintek display the fixing points of the new display do not
match, however once the new lamp and diffuser are inserted, the analyser front
panel will hold it in place.


Several LCD displays have been used in 4000 Series analysers. Analysers
were initially fitted with a Blue/White display with CCFL backlight. Backlight life
has proved to be an issue in the field, therefore analysers from approx Serial
Number 3100 onwards have been fitted with Green displays with LED backlight.

The displays with CCFL backlights came from three main sources, with a fourth
used for a very small number of units. In all cases the display back-light (lamp)
is a fluorescent tube which has a limited life (between 10000 and 20000 hours).

Details are as follows: (serial numbers are approximate)

Manufacturer From From Comments

date S/No
Toshiba Jul 1994 1 Obsolete
Wintek Mar 1999 1570 Replacement lamps not available.
Use of this display stopped due to
problems with streaking and red
Data Vision Oct 2000 This a Black/White display which
has been used as a stopgap
solution during supply shortages.
Data Image Oct 2000 2460 Lamp assembly with diffuser is a
direct retrofit for Toshiba and Data
Vision displays and will ‘push-fit’
into Wintek displays.

6.5 Keypad ribbon cable

Figure 6.3 Keypad ribbon cable

Removal, refer to figure 6.3

a) Remove fascia (see section 6.2).

b) Disconnect Keypad ribbon cable [2] from Motherboard [4]
c) Prise off two ribbon cable clamps [9] and remove ribbon cable.


a) Peel off adhesive backing from ribbon cable clamps and position in place
of original clamps.
b) Connect Keypad ribbon cable to Motherboard and feed other end through
grommet [7].
c) Dress ribbon cable[2] along side of chassis and fix to two ribbon cable
clamps [9]

6.6 Flow tubes


Keep the end-block spigot and flow tube concentric when removing
and refitting, failure to do this will result in fracture of the flow tube.

Removal, refer to figure 6.2

a) Remove cover ( See section 6.1 ).

b) Remove flow tube cover fixing screws [3], one per flow tube cover. The
flow tube covers [4,5] may then be removed by bringing top edge
forwards and lifting.
c) Loosen top flow tube end-block [7,8] fixing screws [6], two per end-block.
The end-blocks may now be lifted directly upwards, clear of the flow tubes
[9,10] with the sample tubing still attached.
d) The flow tubes may now be lifted directly upwards, a slight twisting motion
may be used to help release the tubes as they are lifted.
e) The end-block spigot 'o' rings on the end-block spigots should only require
removal if they need to be replaced. In this case the 'o' rings may be
prised off using a screwdriver and discarded.


Use reverse procedure. Flow tube 'o' rings may be lubricated with clean water,
sparingly applied with a brush. Ensure that flow tube covers are replaced in
correct positions, ie Sample and Bypass labels appear in correct positions.

6.7 Flow tube end-blocks


Keep the end-block spigot and flow tube concentric when removing
and refitting, failure to do this will result in fracture of the flow tube.

Removal, refer to figure 6.2

a) Remove gas sensor module from immediately behind flow tubes if fitted.
b) Remove fascia (see section 6.2 )
d) Disconnect sample tubing from plastic adaptor.
e) Remove bottom flow tube end-block [7,8] and fixing screws [15]
f) The end-blocks may now be withdrawn from the fascia.
g) Remove end-block [7,8]


Use reverse procedure.

6.8 Sample filter housing

Removal, refer to figure 6.2

a) Remove fascia (see section 6.2 )

b) Slide spring clip on plastic adaptors fitted to filter housing back up sample
tube by opening spring with pliers.
c) Disconnect sample tubing from plastic adaptor.
d) Remove plastic adaptors from filter housing ( this may be supplied with

the new housing)
e) Remove fixing screws [25]


Use reverse procedure.

6.9 Switched mode power supply

Removal, refer to figure 6.4

Figure 6.4 Card frame, transformer and IEC appliance adaptor

a) Remove cover (see section 6.1 )

b) Loosen fixing screw [18]
c) Pull power supply [19] directly upwards out of card guides.


a) If replacing power supply fit fixing screw [18] from original power supply
to new power supply.
b) Refit cover.

6.10 Transformer

Removal, refer to figure 6.4

a) Remove cover (see section 6.1).
b) Remove power connector [9] without disconnecting from Motherboard.
c) Remove power supply [19] (see section 6.9 ).
d) Disconnect transformer [17] primary connector [12] and secondary
connector [13].
e) Disconnect transformer earth lead from earth stud [22].
f) Remove two transformer fixing screws [15] and two washers [16] from
underside of chassis.


Use reverse procedure.

Ensure that all protective earth connections are secure prior to
refitting the cover.

6.11 Power connector

Removal, refer to figure 6.4

a) Remove two power connector fixing screws [8] and partially withdraw
power connector from rear of chassis to allow access to Motherboard
connection [11].
b) Remove earth lead from earth stud [22]
c) Remove connector [11]
d) The power connector may now be removed from the chassis


Use reverse procedure.

If fitting a new power connector use the fuse from the original power
connector and ensure that voltage selector is correctly set. Ensure
that all protective earth connections are secure prior to refitting the

6.12 Autocalibration connections.

The sample and calibration gases used with the instrument may be
toxic, flammable or asphyxiant. Ensure that gases are turned off and
the instrument is flushed with inert gas before opening the
instrument sample system to air.

6.12.1 Manifold block and solenoid valves.

Figure 6.5a Solenoid valves and manifold

Removal, refer to figure 6.5a

a) Disconnect the sample inlet and outlet connections to the instrument.

b) Remove the cover (see section 6.1 ).
c) Disconnect the solenoid valve electrical connectors [10,11] from the
d) Slide the hose clip on the two plastic pipe adaptors [8] fitted to the
manifold block back up the sample tube by opening the clip with pliers.
e) Disconnect the sample tubing from the plastic adaptors.
f) Remove the two fixing screws [5] for the manifold block [1].
g) Lift the manifold block away from the gland plate.
h) Remove the solenoid valve fixing screws [9], two per solenoid valve.
Remove the solenoid valve from the manifold block. Note that the 'o'
rings [4] may become dislodged from the solenoid valve while removing.


Use reverse procedure.

Ensure that the 'o' rings are in position when refitting valves to block.

6.12.2 External Autocal Relay PCB.

Figure 6.5b External autocalibration relay PCB

Removal, refer to figure 6.5b

a) Disconnect the external sample inlet and outlet connections to the

b) Remove the cover (see section 6.1 ).
c) Disconnect the electrical connectors [11,12] from the motherboard.
(These leads are reversible and interchangeable.)
d) Slide the hose clips on the inside of the inlet and outlet connectors [1,2]
back up the sample tube by opening the spring clip with pliers.
e) Disconnect the sample tubing from the inlet and outlet connectors [1,2].
f) Remove the four fixing screws [3] which hold the gland plates [4,5] to the
casing [13].
g) To lift the gland plate and PCB assembly clear of the casing, raise it
vertically until the lower part of the PCB [8] is able to clear the case when
the assembly is rotated, then lower it to clear the upper edge of the PCB.
h) Remove the nut and washer securing the earth strap from the PCB [8] to
the functional grounding post [10].
i) Remove the nuts [9] to release the PCB [8] from supporting studs in the
gland plate [5]. The spacers [6] are loose.
j) If necessary, the gland plates [4,5] can be separated by removing the
retaining nuts [7] from the inlet and outlet connectors [1,2].


Use reverse procedure.

6.13 External fan

Figure 6.6 External fan

Removal, refer to figure 6.6

a) Remove cover (see section 6.1).

b) Remove power connector ( see section 6.11).
c) Disconnect fan from Mother board [9].
d) Remove filter cover [6], filter gauze [5] and filter element [4].
e) Remove four off screws [7].
f) Remove finger guard [3] and spacer plate [2].
g) The fan may now be lifted away from the chassis.


Use reverse procedure.


Ensure that flow direction arrow on the fan body is pointing towards
the rear of the chassis.

6.14 Internal fan

Figure 6.7 Internal fan

Removal, refer to figure 6.7

a) Remove cover (see section 6.1).

b) Disconnect fan connector [6] from Motherboard [7].
c) Remove four off fixing screws [4]
d) Remove fan spacer plate [1]
e) Unclip lead from Motherboard and remove fan from chassis.


Use reverse procedure.


Ensure that arrow on fan is pointing towards rear of chassis.

6.15 Microprocessor, Sensor Interface, and Option boards


The microprocessor board is a static sensitive device. Failure to

implement good standard anti-static practices could result in damage.
Take care to replace option boards and Sensor interface boards in
their correct location. Any changes of card type recognised by the
software will result in erasure of the current set-up of analogue


If the microprocessor PCB is replaced, then the software of the

analyser will need to be re-configured as described in section 7.
If a Gfx or IR 1520 module is present in the 4000 Series then its’
definitive calibration data will need to be transferred from the module
to the new microprocessor PCB. Refer to section 7

Removal, refer to figure 6.4

a) Remove cover (see section 6.1)

b) Touch bare metal on chassis to discharge any static electricity.
c) Slide board [5] up out of card guide.
d) Store board in anti-static bag.


a) Touch bare metal on chassis to discharge any static electricity.

b) Slide board into card guides and push firmly into Motherboard.
c) Refit cover.

6.16 Multiplexer board

Removal, refer to figure 6.4

a) Remove cover (see section 6.1)

b) Touch bare metal on chassis to discharge any static electricity.
c) Slide Multiplexer board [1] up out of card guides with gas sensor module
signal cables [23], power cables [24]. Lay Multiplexer on top of front card
frame (figure 6.9[10]).
d) Remove signal cables [23] and power cables [24]


Use reverse procedure. Dress signal and power cables away from hot surfaces
such as the Zirconia gas sensor module cell housing (figure 6.10[2]).


When refitting gas sensor module signal cables to Multiplexer board it is

important that they are located in the correct connector ( see figure 6.4 ).

6.17 Multiplexer board fuses

Removal, refer to figure 6.8

Figure 6.8 Multiplexer board fuses

a) Remove Multiplexer board (see section 6.16).

b) Determine which fuses [2] are open circuit and replace.


Use reverse procedure.

6.18 Terminal board

Removal, refer to figure 6.9

a) Remove two power connector fixing screws (figure 6.4[8]) and partially
withdraw power connector from rear of chassis to allow access to
Motherboard connections.
b) Remove Switched mode power supply, Microprocessor board, Sensor
interface board and option boards.
c) Disconnect the following from the Mother board: keypad ribbon cable,
power connector, solenoid valves, internal fan and external fan.

d) Remove Multiplexer board ( see section 6.16 ).
e) Remove two off rear card frame fixing screws [3]
f) Remove two of PL6 'D' connector hexagonal pillars [2] from chassis rear
g) Remove Motherboard earth connection from earth stud in chassis rear [1]
h) Remove two off front card frame fixing nuts [4].
i) Lift front card frame clear of threaded studs in base of chassis [4] and
withdraw complete card frame assembly frontwards and remove.
j) Remove the required Terminal board(s) by unplugging from Motherboard
and withdrawing through rear card frame.


Figure 6.9 Motherboard removal

Use reverse procedure. Ensure that customer terminals are engaged in rear
of chassis when refitting card frame assembly.

6.19 Mother board

Removal, refer to figure 6.9

a) Remove all terminal boards (see section 6.18).

b) Remove three rear card frame fixing screws and front card frame fixing
screw [5]


Use reverse procedure

Ensure that the three motherboard tongues [12] are engaged in the front
card frame. Ensure that protective earth connections are secure.

6.20 Zirconia gas sensor module


The surface of some components within the zirconia gas sensor module
assembly are hot. Switch off the electrical power and allow 10 minutes
for the zirconia cell to cool before servicing module.

Figure 6.10 Zirconia gas sensor module

Removal, refer to figure 6.10

a) Remove cover (see section 6.1).

b) Disconnect signal cable [21]
c) Loosen two off Zirconia cell housing [2] fixing screws [1].
d) Slide zirconia cell housing side ways and lift to remove.
e) The zirconia cell [6] has two flats for spanners [5] [24], one at each end.
Anchor zirconia cell using spanner flat [24] and undo nut [23].


If the zirconia cell is not anchored with the correct spanner flat the cell
will be destroyed.

f) Loosen four off gas sensor module fixing nuts [16].
g) Slide zirconia gas sensor module mounting bracket [18] sideways and lift
to remove. Rest zirconia gas sensor module on front card frame.
h) Disconnect power cable [22]


Use reverse procedure.


When refitting zirconia cell sample connector nut [23] use zirconia cell
spanner flat [24] to anchor zirconia cell [6]. This union must be leak
tight. Leaks will cause a high oxygen reading.

Refer to the QuickStart Manual for calibration instructions.

6.21 Pressure driven zirconia inlet pipework (with restrictor assembly)

Figure 6.11 Pressure driven zirconia gas sensor module.

Removal, refer to figure 6.11

a) Slacken the three nuts[5] on the tee piece restrictor assembly[1].

b) Note the direction of the arrow on the restrictor assembly[1].
c) Carefully pull out the sample pipework and remove the restrictor
d) Slacken off the connector at the rear of the chassis & remove the sample
inlet pipe.


a) Use reverse procedure, ensuring arrow on restrictor assembly[1] is

pointing in the direction of the sample flow, as before.

6.22 Flow driven zirconia inlet pipework (without restrictor)

Figure 6.12 Flow driven zirconia gas sensor module


The flow driven system is non restricted, and does not have a bypass.
The tee piece restrictor (figure 6.11 [1]) is replaced by a straight
connector (figure 6.12 [1]).

Removal of flow connector, refer to figure 6.12

a) Slacken the two nuts[2] on the connector[1].

b) Carefully pull out the sample pipework and remove the connector[1].
c) Slacken off the connector at the rear of the chassis & remove the sample
inlet pipe.


a) Use reverse procedure.

6.23 Zirconia control board

Figure 6.13 Zirconia control board


The surface of some components within the zirconia gas sensor module
assembly are hot. Switch off the electrical power and allow 10 minutes
for the zirconia cell to cool before servicing module.

Removal, refer to figure 6.13

a) Remove zirconia gas sensor module (see section 6.20).

b) Disconnect wiring from the terminal block TB1 on 00700912 zirconia
control module PCB [3].
c) Undo four off fixings for Zirconia control module PCB [10] by rotating ¼
turn anti-clockwise.
d) Lift zirconia control module PCB from four fixings [10].


Use reverse procedure. Connections from the zirconia cell to terminal block TB1
on the 00700912 zirconia control board are shown in figure 6.13. Set links as per
the original board (see table 6.1 for details). The location of the links is shown in
figure 6.13.

Table 6.1 Zirconia control board link settings

Link on 00700912 PCB Setting for 703 cell Setting for 704 cell

LK1 80 00

LK2 40 00

After the replacement of this component, the zirconia gas sensor module will
need to be set up. See below.

Setting up Zirconia Gas Sensor Module

Once the Zirconia Gas Sensor Module has been refitted to the 4000 Series 4100
it must be set up in accordance with the following procedure if either the House
Keeping PCB (00700912) or the Zirconia sensor (00703000 or 00704000) has
been replaced. For multi-cell analysers, power up only one sensor at a time.

Refer to figure 6.13

a) Ensure that the links (LK1 and LK2) on the house keeping PCB are set
correctly (see table 6.1). Ensure that RV1 is initially set fully counter
clockwise (ccw).

b) Switch the instrument on whilst monitoring the voltage at TP1

(temperature) with respect to TP3 (ground).

The reading should rise steadily, Make the following adjustments quickly.
For zirconia sensor 00703000 adjust RV1 (temperature) to obtain a
reading of 7465mV ±20mV. Ensure this voltage is not exceeded.
For zirconia sensor 00704000 adjust RV1 (temperature) to obtain a
reading of 5898mV ±20mV. Ensure this voltage is not exceeded.

c) Use the 4000 Series 4100 display to show the diagnostics for the gas
sensor module (MENU, SETUP, DISPLAY, DIAGNOSTICS), and select
the CELL TEMP diagnostic (updated at 1minute intervals) for the module.
For zirconia sensor 00703000 adjust RV2 until the displayed temperature
is 725 ±1OC.
For zirconia sensor 00704000 adjust RV2 until the displayed temperature
is 575 ±1OC.

d) Note : Gases referred to below should be introduced to the module via

the sample inlet connector at 5psig ±3psig for pressure driven systems or
200 to 400 ml/min for flow driven systems.

Introduce clean dry instrument air and allow the unit to stabilise for 10

Monitor the voltage at TP2 with respect to TP3; once the reading has

stabilised, adjust RV3 to obtain a reading of 106±0.1mV.

e) If available, introduce a nominal 0.3% oxygen in nitrogen gas mixture.

Check that the reading (TP2 wrt TP3) is as specified by the following
formula (where P1 is the actual percentage oxygen concentration of the
nominal 0.3% oxygen in nitrogen gas mixture):

703 sensor:
Nominal Reading = 106 + (2.3 x 2.1543 x 10-2 x 998 x ln(20.95/P1)) mV*
* Permitted tolerance : +10mV -10mV

704 sensor:
Nominal Reading = 106 + (2.3 x 2.1543 x 10-2 x 848 x ln(20.95/P1)) mV*
* Permitted tolerance : +1mV -10mV

For the 704 sensor only: If the reading is greater than the maximum
permitted value, re-adjust RV1 (temperature) to give the nominal reading
±1 mV.
If the reading is below the minimum permitted value, re-adjust RV1
(temperature) to give a reading between 8 and 10mV below the nominal

f) Calibrate the zirconia gas sensor module (Refer to QuickStart manual).

6.24 Zirconia cell

Removal, refer to figure 6.10.


The surface of some components within the zirconia gas sensor module
assembly are hot. Switch off the electrical power and allow 10 minutes
for the zirconia cell to cool before servicing module.

a) Remove zirconia gas sensor module (see section 6.20).

b) Disconnect wiring from terminal block TB1 on 00700912 zirconia control
module PCB [3].
c) Loosen two off Zirconia cell housing [2] fixing screws [1].
d) Detach the cell sample connector [4] from the restrictor assembly ‘T’
(figure 6.11[1]). Detach the viton tube from the vent port on the side of
the cell sample connector [4].
e) Slide zirconia cell housing (including check valve assembly if fitted) side
ways and lift to remove.
f) The zirconia cell [6] has two flats for spanners [5,24], one at each end.
Anchor the zirconia cell using spanner flat [24] and undo nut [23].

If the zirconia cell is not anchored with the correct spanner flat the cell
will be destroyed.

g) Anchor the zirconia cell using the other spanner flat [5] and undo the
reference side nut [8].
h) Remove nut and gauze from the reference side of the cell [8] and [9] on.
i) Lift Zirconia cell from spring mounting clip [7]


Use reverse procedure. When refitting nut [8] use spanner flat [5] on the zirconia
cell. Connections to from the zirconia cell to terminal block TB1 on the 00700912
zirconia control board are shown in figure 6.13.

When refitting zirconia cell sample connector nut [23] use zirconia cell
spanner flat [24] to anchor the zirconia cell [6]. This union must be
leak tight. Leaks will cause a high oxygen reading.

Refer to section 6.23 for set up and the QuickStart manual for calibration

6.25 Purity paramagnetic gas sensor module

Figure 6.14 Purity paramagnetic gas sensor module

Removal, refer to figure 6.14

a) Remove cover (see section 6.1).

b) Disconnect gas sensor module signal cable from Multiplexer board
c) Disconnect gas sensor module power cable from Multiplexer board
connector. Note: It may be necessary to lift the Multiplexer board, out of
its card guides, to gain access to the power cable connection. All other
connections to the Multiplexer board may be left connected during this
d) Disconnect sample tubing. Identify inlet and outlet for ease of re-
e) Remove four off gas sensor module cover fixing screws [1] and remove
cover [2].
f) Loosen four off gas sensor module fixing nuts [32]. The gas sensor
module oven insulation will need to be displaced (not removed) during
access to the fixing nuts.
g) Slide gas sensor module sideways and lift to remove.


Use reverse procedure. Refer to QuickStart manual for calibration instructions.

6.26 Purity paramagnetic heater assembly

Removal, refer to figure 6.14.

a) Remove purity paramagnetic gas sensor module (see section 6.25).

b) Remove oven insulation [30] and two off [3] in one piece.
c) Disconnect gas sensor signal cable [36] from PL1 on 01166901 PCB [13]
d) Remove four fixing screws [9] for the transducer bracket and remove
transducer bracket complete with paramagnetic transducer and
associated board [13]. Withdraw sample tubing through grommet [25] as
transducer bracket is removed.
e) Remove four heater plate fixing screws [18] and withdraw heater plate a
sufficient distance to allow gas sensor module power cable to be
disconnected from the temperature control board 04100901.


Use reverse procedure. When refitting gas sensor module power cable to
temperature control board ensure that centre core of power cable goes to 04100901
terminal block TB1 terminal 3. The other two cores of the gas sensor power cable
are located one each in terminals 2 and 4.

Refer to the QuickStart manual for calibration instructions

6.27 Purity paramagnetic transducer


The paramagnetic transducer and its cell should not be subjected to

mechanical shock which may result in damage to the cell suspension.

Removal, refer to figure 6.14.

a) Remove paramagnetic gas sensor module (see section 6.25).

b) Remove oven insulation [30] and two off [3] in one piece.
c) Remove sample connections [4,5] from paramagnetic cell [8].
d) Disconnect ribbon cable [35] from PL1 on oxygen transducer [17].
e) Disconnect gas sensor signal cable [36] from PL1 on 01166901 PCB [13]
f) Remove four fixing screws [9] for transducer bracket and remove
transducer bracket complete with paramagnetic transducer [17] and
associated board [13].
g) Remove three off paramagnetic transducer fixing screws [16] from the
underside of the transducer bracket [10].

h) The paramagnetic transducer magnet frame [17] may now be removed.


Use reverse procedure

6.28 Control or Basic paramagnetic gas sensor modules

Figure 6.15 Control paramagnetic gas sensor module, shown in standard position


The ‘Basic’ Oxygen module is similar in appearance, however, it does not

include a ‘discrete’ measuring cell:- the metallic gas connections, on the
rear, are an integral part of the sensor and cannot be removed.

When either module is located in the ‘pump bay’ position (4900 only), the four
fixings comprise two hex socket screws (accessed from the back of the unit)
and two ‘normal’ module fixing nuts. It is only necessary to loosen all fixings,
before sliding the mounting bracket across and up to remove.

Removal, refer to figure 6.15

a) Disconnect gas sensor module signal cable from Multiplexer board

b) Disconnect gas sensor module power cable from Multiplexer board
connector. Note: It may be necessary to lift the Multiplexer board, out of
its card guides, to gain access to the power cable connection. All other
connections to the Multiplexer board may be left connected during this
c) Disconnect sample tubing from cell connectors[6]. Identify inlet and outlet
for ease of re-connection.
d) Loosen four off gas sensor module fixing nuts.
e) Slide gas sensor module sideways and lift to remove.


Use reverse procedure. Refer to QuickStart manual for calibration instructions.

6.29 Control or Basic paramagnetic transducer


The paramagnetic transducer and its cell should not be subjected to

mechanical shock which may result in damage to the cell suspension.

Removal, refer to figure 6.15

a) Remove control paramagnetic gas sensor module (see section 6.28).

c) Remove sample connections [6] from paramagnetic cell [2].
d) Disconnect ribbon cable [7] from transducer.
f) Remove three off (two on Basic version) paramagnetic transducer fixing
screws from the underside of the module bracket [3].
g) The paramagnetic transducer may now be removed.


Use reverse procedure. Refer to QuickStart manual for calibration instructions.

6.30 Gfx gas sensor module assembly

Figure 6.16 1210 High sensitivity Gfx gas sensor assembly


a) Remove the instrument cover ( see section 6.1 ).

b) Refer to figure 6.20. Remove the auxiliary power connector [10] and the
signal connector [11] from the house keeping PCB.
c) Referring to figure 6.16, remove the viton tubing from the transducer inlet
[25] and outlet [26] gas connections. Loosen the four transducer washer
nut fixings and slide the transducer to the right and lift free from the


a) Use reverse procedure.


Ensure that the correct signal and power ribbon cables are fitted to the
correct sockets on the transducer house keeping PCB before applying
power ( see figure 6.20 ).

b) See section 6.41 for the transducer setup and calibration procedure.

6.31 Gfx Source replacement

Removal, refer to figure 6.17.

a) Remove the transducer from the chassis (see section 6.30).

b) Remove the three hex cap screws [30] and carefully withdraw the source
[31] from the chopper box [3]. Retain the three spacers [32] which will fall
away. Remove the source plug from the house keeping PCB by
squeezing the sides and easing upwards.


Hot surfaces are present on the chopper box [3] and IR source [31].


a) To replace the new source first ensure that the 'o' ring [33] is in position
in the 'o' ring groove on the source. Insert the three screws [30] into the
source body and slide the three spacers [32] onto the screws. Offer up
the assembly to the chopper box [3] and push well home. Tighten the
screws and insert the plug into the house keeping PCB source socket
(see figure 6.20).
b) Replace Chopper Box Scrubber. Install a new scrubber bag [34] by
removing hex socket blanking plug [35], withdrawing and discarding the
old scrubber. Remove the new scrubber bag from its protective foil bag
and insert it into the cavity. Replace the blanking plug and tighten,
making sure that the paper scrubber bag is not damaged.
c) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position. (see section
d) Setup and calibrate transducer according to the procedure in section 6.41.


The chopper box and light pipe(see figure 6.16 [3,19]) are sealed
enclosures. Once opened a new scrubber must be fitted.

Figure 6.17 Gfx 1210 chopper box assembly

6.32 Gfx chopper motor replacement

Removal, refer to figure 6.16.

a) Remove the Gfx transducer from the chassis ( see section 6.30 ).
b) Cell assembly removal. Remove the insulation retaining clip [2] and
insulation [1] from the chopper box [3]. Remove the detector ribbon cable
and earth wires [23] from the detector box [22].


Hot surfaces are present on the chopper box and IR source see figure
6.17 [3,31].

c) Remove the cell assembly by removing screws [15] and cell clamps [16]
then remove the three cell flange/chopper box lid fixings [4]. Carefully
withdraw the cell assembly and remove the CaF2 window [17] and 'o' rings
[18] from the chopper box lid and cell end.

Refer to figure 6.17.

d) The IR filter[62] is now exposed.


Do not touch the IR filter [62] with bare fingers.

e) Chopper wheel removal. Remove the earth wire [36]. Remove the three
signal processing PCB shielding box retaining screws [37] and remove the
shielding box [38]. Remove the three PCB retaining screws [39] and pull
the PCB [64] forward to allow access to the chopper box lid. Remove the
four chopper box lid retaining screws [40] and carefully remove the
chopper box lid [61].
f) Remove the three chopper wheel retaining screws [41] and carefully
remove the chopper wheel [42] by aligning the large slot with the optical
pick-up. Do not touch the surfaces of the gas filters with fingers.


The chopper wheel [42] should be treated with care as the gas filters can
be broken by rough handling.

g) Chopper motor removal. Remove the two motor mounting fixings [43] and
withdraw the motor [60] forward, easing the motor plug from the PCB [45]
connector. Remove the two screws [44] to separate the motor mounting
plate [46] from the motor.


a) The new motor is installed by reversing the procedure described above.
Inspect the 'o' rings and replace where necessary.
b) Install a new chopper box scrubber (see section 6.31(b)).
c) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position (see section
d) Setup and calibrate transducer according to section 6.41.

6.33 Gfx chopper wheel replacement

Removal, refer to figure 6.16.

a) Remove the transducer from the chassis (see section 6.30).

b) Remove the cell assembly (see section 6.32).
c) Remove the chopper wheel (see section 6.32).


a) The new chopper wheel may be installed by reversing the above

procedure. Do not touch the surfaces of the gas filters with fingers.


The chopper wheel [42] should be treated with care as the gas filters can
be broken by rough handling.

b) Install a new chopper box scrubber (see section 6.31 (b)).

c) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position. (see section
d) Setup and calibrate transducer according to section 6.41.

6.34 Gfx mirror cleaning and replacement

Removal, refer to figure 6.18.

a) Remove the transducer from the chassis (see section 6.30).

b) Remove the four mirror bezel fixings [47] 1/4 turn at a time to prevent
stressing the mirror and carefully remove the bezel [48] without letting the
mirror [49] fall out.
c) Clean with a soft tissue. The tissue may be moistened with acetone or an
aqueous detergent to help cleaning. If necessary replace the mirror.
d) Inspect the two 'o' rings [50][51] for damage or degradation, replace if
e) Repeat the above for the other mirror.
f) Whilst the mirrors are off, inspect the inside surface of the cell and clean
if necessary (see section 6.35).


a) Re-assemble according to figure 6.18 and carefully tighten bezel retaining

screws 1/4 turn at a time to avoid stressing the mirror.
b) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position. (see section
c) Setup and calibrate according to section 6.41.

Figure 6.18 High Sensitivity Gfx optical cell assembly

6.35 Gfx optical windows cleaning and replacement

Removal, refer to figure 6.16.

a) Remove the transducer from the chassis (see section 6.30).

b) Remove the cell assembly (see section 6.32).
c) Remove the detector scrubber [5] and the detector box [22] by loosening
the three fixings [21]. Remove the flange screws [14] which also holds
the detector box lid with nuts [20]. Carefully remove the window [17] and
'o' rings [18] from the cell end.
d) Clean the windows with a soft tissue. The tissue may be moistened with
acetone or an aqueous detergent may be used to help cleaning. If
necessary replace the windows.
e) Whilst the windows are off, inspect the inside surface of the cell and clean
if necessary (see section 6.36).


a) Inspect the window 'o' rings and replace if necessary. Re-assemble as

above in reverse order, using a new detector scrubber.
b) Replace the chopper box scrubber once reassembled (see section


The chopper box [3] and detector light pipe [19] are sealed enclosures.
Once opened a new scrubber must be fitted.

c) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position. (see section
d) Setup and calibrate according to section 6.41.

6.36 Gfx cell cleaning and replacement

Removal, refer to figure 6.16.

a) Remove the transducer from the chassis (see section 6.30).

b) Remove the cell assembly (see section 6.32).
c) Remove the detector assembly (see section 6.37).
d) Remove the mirrors. (See section 6.34).
e) Clean the inside of the cell tubes using a plug of soft tissue pushed
through the cell. The tissue may be moistened with acetone or an
aqueous detergent to help cleaning.
f) Whilst disassembled inspect the windows, mirrors and 'o' rings. Clean or
replace as necessary.


a) Re-assemble as above in reverse order, using a new detector scrubber.

b) Replace the chopper box scrubber once reassembled (see section


The chopper box [3] and detector light pipe [19] are sealed enclosures.
Once opened a new scrubber must be fitted.

c) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position. (see section
d) Setup and calibrate according to section 6.41.

6.37 Gfx detector PCB assembly

Removal, refer to figure 6.16.

a) Remove the transducer from the chassis (see section 6.30).

b) Remove the insulation retaining clip [2] and insulation [1] from the
chopper box. Remove the detector ribbon connector and earth wires [23]
from the detector box [22].
c) Remove the detector scrubber [5] and the detector box [22] by loosening
the three fixings [21]. Move the cell assembly away from the chopper box
by removing the three screws [4] and loosening the four cell clamp screws

Refer to figure 6.19.

d) Loosen the three PCB fixing screws [52] and carefully withdraw the PCB
assembly [63], taking care not to allow the spacers [53] to fall.


a) Remove the screws and spacers from the old PCB and assemble same
onto the new PCB. Ensure that the 'o' ring [54] is in position inside the
light pipe [19].
b) Holding the screw heads in place with three fingers, offer the assembly up
to the light pipe [19] in the correct orientation and push home. Complete
the re-assembly as above in the reverse order.
c) Fit a new detector scrubber.
d) Fit a new chopper box scrubber if the cell assembly was moved (see
section 6.31(b)).

Figure 6.19 1210 Gfx detector assembly


The detector light pipe [19] is a sealed enclosure. Once opened a new scrubber
must be fitted.

e) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position. (see section
f) Setup and calibrate according to section 6.41.

6.38 Gfx chopper box PCB assembly

Removal, refer to figure 6.17.

a) Remove the transducer from the chassis (see section 6.30).

b) Remove the cell assembly (see 6.32).
c) Remove the chopper wheel (see 6.32).
d) Remove the power transistor fixing screw [55]. Unsolder the two heater
[56] and the thermistor [57] connections on the chopper box PCB [45].
Remove the four PCB fixings [58] and carefully raise the PCB whilst
holding the chopper motor plug from beneath to prevent straining the
wires. Lift the PCB free from the chopper box. It will still be connected via
the transition cable to the house keeping PCB.

Refer to figure 6.16.

e) Now remove the chopper box [3] from the base plate [6] by releasing the
two anti vibration mount fixings [8] and sliding forward and up. Remove
the connectors from the house keeping PCB [10] and release the six
PCB fixings [9]. Remove the PCB from the base plate and ease away the
chopper motor PCB and cable.


a) Reassemble the transducer using the new PCB as above, in reverse

order. Layout the cables beneath the house keeping PCB to aid re-

Refer to figure 6.17.

b) The new thermal fuse [59] and lead insulators should be fixed to the PCB
before assembly.

c) The power transistor [55] is supplied loose and should be fixed to the
chopper box using the correct assembly of the insulating kit before
soldering the leads to the PCB.


Ensure that the correct cables are fitted to the correct sockets before
applying power ( see figure 6.20 ).

d) Replace the chopper box scrubber (see section 6.31(b)).

e) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position (see section
f) Setup and calibrate according to section 6.41.

6.39 Gfx house keeping PCB assembly

Removal, refer to figure 6.16.

a) Remove the transducer from the chassis (see section 6.30).

b) Remove the two cell anti-vibration fixings and mounts [12].
c) Remove all connecting cables and leads from the PCB.
d) Unlock the six PCB fixings [9] and ease the PCB upwards. Slide it away
from the chopper box raising the cell assembly if necessary until free of
the transducer.


a) Reassemble as above in the reverse order.


Ensure that the correct cables are fitted to the correct sockets before
applying power ( see figure 6.20 ).

b) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position. (see section
c) Setup transducer according to section 6.41.
d) If a new house keeping PCB has been installed then the calibration data
for the transducer must be transferred from the 4000 microprocessor PCB
to the transducer. Switch on the 4000, enter the SUPERCAL menu (see
section 7.2.3) and perform a transducer data save to copy the calibration
data onto the on-board EEPROM.
e) Calibrate according to section 6.41.

6.40 Gfx signal processing PCB assembly

Removal, refer to figure 6.16

a) Remove the transducer from the chassis (see section 6.30).

b) Remove the cell assembly (see section 6.32).
c) Remove the two cell anti-vibration fixings and mounts [12]. Remove all
connecting cables and leads from the house keeping PCB.
d) Unlock the six house keeping PCB fixings [9] and ease the PCB upwards.
Slide the PCB away from the chopper box raising the cell assembly if
necessary until free of the transducer.
e) Release the cables from the transducer chassis [6].

Refer to figure 6.17.

f) Remove the earth wire [36]. Remove the three signal processing PCB
shielding box retaining screws [37] and remove the shielding box [38].
Remove the three PCB retaining screws [39] and lift out the PCB and


a) Check that the correct value of the gain resistor R14 is in position on the
new PCB. Table 6.2 lists the correct resistor size and Servomex part

Table 6.2 Gfx gain resistor sizes

Version R14
1210701 (CO, hi sens) 470R (2624-0655)
1210702 (CO, std sens) 620R (2624-0686)
1210711A (SO2) 820R (2624-0718)
1210712 (SO2) 1K0 (2624-0732)
1210721 (NO) 680R (2624-0693)
1210731 (CO2) 2K1 (2624-0802)
1210741 (N2O) 1K3 (2623-0762)
1210751 (CH4) 1K5 (2624-0770)

b) Reassemble as above in the reverse order.

c) Replace the transducer into the chassis in the same position. (see section


Ensure that the correct cables are fitted to the correct sockets
before applying power ( see figure 6.20 ).

d) Setup and calibrate according to section 6.41.

6.41 Gfx set up and calibration

Refer to figure 6.20.

Ensure LK1 and LK2 ( items 8,9) on the house keeping PCB (1210903 or
1210905A) are configured for the correct transducer site location. The latter is
determined by the plug position on the multiplexer PCB 4000924 ([1] in figure
6.4) to which the transducer is connected. The links settings for the appropriate
transducer site are given in table 6.3.

Figure 6.20 Gfx 1210 House keeping PCB assembly

Table 6.3 Gfx site location link settings

Plug on Multiplexer PCB LK1 LK2

Adjust the infrared source voltage by setting SW1 ( item 5) on the house
keeping PCB (1210903 or 1210905A) to position 5 (2.0v).


Ensure that the correct source voltage is set before operation. A higher
voltage setting will reduce source lifetime.

Switch on the power to the instrument. Check that Power OK LED (D15)
on the house keeping PCB (1210903 or 1210905A) is lit.

Preliminary Checks

Source operation check

a) Check the voltage across the outer two pins of PL1 is 1.98v to
b) Check that Source OK LED ( D11 ) on the house keeping PCB
(1210903 or 1210905A) is lit.

Chopper motor operation check

c) Check that Motor OK LED ( D13 ) on the house keeping PCB

(1210903 or 1210905A) is lit.

Signal processing operation check

d) Check that the Bench OK LED ( D16 ) on the house keeping PCB
(1210903 or 1210905A) is lit.
e) Remove the chopper box insulation. Connect a scope to
TP1 (wrt TP5) on the signal processing PCB (1210902).
The trace should be stable and look like the trace shown in
figure 6.21.

Figure 6.21 Typical Gfx signal trace.

Signal level adjustments

Detector Signal

a) Connect a DVM -ve lead to TP5 (0VA) on the signal processing

PCB (1210902). Connect the DVM +ve lead to TP3 (VN2) and
adjust RV1 on the detector pre-amp PCB (1210901) until the DVM
reading is 1.0v +/- 0.05v.

Vdiff and Vgas

b) Connect the DVM +ve lead to TP2 (Vdiff) and adjust SW1 and RV1
on the signal processing PCB (1210902 ) until the DVM reading is
0.0v +/- 0.01v.
c) Connect the DVM +ve lead to TP4 (Vgas) and check that the DVM
reading is equal to the reading at TP3 +/- 0.1v.

Chopper box temperature check

d) Allow the transducer to stabilize ( 30min minimum).

e) Measure the chopper box temperature with a thermocouple
inserted beneath the insulation, this should be 65°C to 75°C.



1) If a new chopper wheel or a new IR filter has been

installed it will be necessary to return the transducer to
the factory for linearisation.

2) If a new GFX module has been fitted, it will be necessary

to perform a READ as described in section 7.2.3 to install
the new linearisation data to the instrument

a) Connect the analyser output to a suitable chart recorder.

b) Connect N2 to the instrument at a flow rate of 1.0 l/min.
c) Monitor the output and ensure that it is stable (#1vpm/hour) before
d) Perform a manual zero calibration setting the target concentration
to 0vpm and accept the reading when stable.

e) Connect the span gas to the instrument at a flow rate of 1.0 l/min.
Perform a manual span calibration setting the correct target
concentration and accept the reading when stable.

Figure 6.23 Flow driven Gfx sample pipework, 4100 and 4200.

6.42 Pressure driven Gfx sample pipework, 4100 and 4200.

a) Slacken off three nuts[1] on T piece restrictor, assembly[4].

b) Note direction of º on restrictor assembly[4]
c) Carefully pull out the sample pipework and remove the restrictor
d) Slacken off the connector at the rear of the chassis & remove the sample
inlet pipe[2].
e) Follow the same method for the outlet pipe[3] which is connected via
a straight union connector.


a) Use reverse procedure, ensuring arrow on restrictor assembly[4] is

pointing in the direction of the sample flow, as before.

6.43 Flow driven Gfx sample pipework, 4100 and 4200

a) Slacken off two nuts[1] on connector[4].

b) Carefully pull out the sample pipework and remove the connector[4].
c) Slacken off the connector at the rear of the chassis & remove the sample
inlet pipe[2].
d) Follow the same method for the outlet pipe[3].


a) Use reverse procedure.

6.44 Gfx sample pipework, 4900

a) Carefully pull out the sample pipework.


a) Use reverse procedure.

6.45 1520 series IR gas sensor modules

Figure 6.24 1520 Series IR gas sensor module

Removal, refer to figure 6.24

a) Disconnect gas sensor module signal cable from Multiplexer board

b) Disconnect gas sensor module power cable from Multiplexer board
connector. Note: It may be necessary to lift the Multiplexer board, out of
its card guides, to gain access to the power cable connection. All other
connections to the Multiplexer board may be left connected during this
c) Disconnect sample tubing from cell connectors. Identify inlet and outlet for
ease of re-connection.
d) Loosen four off gas sensor module fixing nuts.
e) Slide gas sensor module sideways and lift to remove.


If a new source, sensor, or transducer must be installed it will

be necessary to return the module to a Servomex Authorised
Service Department for this work and linearisation.

If a new Main Board must be installed it will be necessary to

return the module to a Servomex Authorised Service
Department for this work and adjustment of RV4.


a) Use reverse procedure.

b) If the IR source or higher level assembly has been changed, it will be
necessary to install replacement 1520 configuration and linearisation data
for the analyser to function correctly. This data is stored within the module
supplied by Servomex and must be read according to section 7.2.3 in the
following circumstances:
- If you have fitted a replacement module.
- Or if your Servomex Authorised Service Department has fitted a
new source, sensor, or transducer to the module (in conjunction
with any Main Board or interface PCB).
c) If no data has been read, the data already in the analyser will be used.
However, this data will not be backed up if the interface PCB was
changed. We therefore recommend that the data in the analyser is saved
according to section 7.2.3 in the following circumstances:
- If you have fitted a replacement interface PCB.
- Or if your Servomex Authorised Service Department has fitted a
replacement interface PCB in conjunction with any Main Board.
d) Refer to QuickStart manual for calibration instructions.

6.46 IR Interface PCB

Removal, refer to figure 6.24

a) Remove 1520 IR gas sensor module (see section 6.45).

b) Undo the two quarter turn fasteners [2] to allow removal of interface PCB.


Use reverse procedure. Ensure that all the pins on the 20 way and 6 way
headers are correctly located.

6.47 1520 series IR gas transducer

Removal, refer to figure 6.24

a) Remove 1520 IR gas sensor module (see section 6.45).

b) Remove the IR Interface PCB (see section 6.46).
c) Optional: Undo the fixings on the raised ‘wing’ of the sensor mounting
bracket to release off-board sensor.
c) Undo fixings [5] and remove transducer.


Use reverse procedure. Set up and calibrate according to section 6.48

6.48 1520 set up and calibration

Refer to figure 6.24

Remove switched mode power supply, see section 6.9, and ensure LK1 to LK4
on the motherboard 04000901 are configured for the correct transducer site
location. Motherboard links are open for 1520 and closed for all other

Ensure LK1 and LK2 on the interface PCB 04000 921 [3] are configured for the
correct transducer site location. The latter is determined by the plug position on
the multiplexer PCB 4000924 ([1] in figure 6.4) to which the transducer is

The links settings for the appropriate transducer site are given in table 6.4.
Table 6.4 1520 site location link settings
Links on Interface PCB Open link on
Plug on Multiplexer PCB Motherboard

Ensure that the Main Board [4] is of the correct type: 01500906A for on-
board sensors and 01500906B for off-board sensors. Check whether RV2
is sealed. If it is not sealed turn it fully CCW and seal.

Ensure that the sensor is of the correct type for the gas and range to be
measured and ensure LK1 to LK3 on the Main Board are configured correctly as
given in table 6.5.

Table 6.5 1520 IR transducer module configuration

PART Transducer
Range Sensor/Transducer LK1-3

S4000950A 100% CO2 01520A701 none 100% CO2

S4000950B 50% CO2 01520A702 none 50% CO2

S4000950C 25% CO2 01520A703 none 25% CO2

S4000950D 10% CO2 01520A704 none 10% CO2

S4000950E 5% CO2 01520A705 none 5% CO2

S4000950F 2.5% CO2 01520A705 none 5% CO2

S4000950G 100% CH4 01521A701 LK2 100% CH4

S4000950H 50% CH4 01521A702 LK2 50% CH4

S4000950J 25% CH4 01521A702 LK2 50% CH4

S4000950M 50% CO 01522A702 LK2 50% CO

S4000950N 25% CO 01522A703 LK2 25% CO

S4000950P 10% CO 01522A703 LK2 25% CO

S4000950S 1% CO2 01520A707 none 1% CO2

S4000950T 5% CH4 01521A705 LK2 5% CH4

S4000950V 5000vpm CO2 01520A708 none 5000vpm CO2

S4000950W 2500vpm CO2 01520A708 none 5000vpm CO2

S4000950X 2.5% CO 01522A706 LK2 2.5% CO

S4000950Y 1% CO 01522A707 LK1 1% CO

Signal level adjustments

Infrared Carrier Signal Vsig

a) Connect N2 to the instrument at a flow rate of 100ml/min.

b) Connect a DVM -ve lead to TP7 (0VA) on the interface PCB [3].

c) Connect the DVM +ve lead to TP5 (Vsig) on the Main Board [4] and
adjust the detector pre-amp PCB (GAS SIG SPAN in figure 6.24)
until the DVM reading is 0.9V ±0.025V.

Difference Signal Setup and calibration

This procedure should normally only be carried out by your Servomex Authorised
Service Department when effecting a repair to the transducer.

It should never be necessary to zero and span the transducer in the field
except in the most extreme cases of total data loss and the need to use the
DEF CAL function, see section 7.2.3. Inappropriate use of the zero and
span adjustments on the transducer will invalidate the linearisation.

a) Connect the analyser output to a suitable chart recorder.

b) Connect N2 to the instrument at a flow rate of 100ml/min.
c) Monitor the output and ensure that it is stable (#1%fs/hour) before
d) Connect a DVM -ve lead to TP7 (0VA) on the interface PCB [3].
e) Connect the DVM +ve lead to TP5 (Vsig) on the Main Board [4] and adjust
the detector pre-amp PCB (GAS SIG SPAN in figure 6.24) until the DVM
reading is 0.9V ±0.025V.
f) Connect the DVM +ve lead to TP3 (Vdiff) on the interface PCB and adjust
RV1 until the DVM reading is 0.000V ±0.003V.
g) Connect the transducer span gas (see table 6.5) to the instrument at a
flow rate of 100ml/min. N.B. In some cases this concentration is greater
than the analyser range.
h) Adjust RV3 until the DVM reading is 1.00V ±0.04V.

6.49 Flow Sensor

Figure 6.25 Flow Sensor

Removal, refer to figure 6.25

The flow sensor [3] is fitted to the right-hand side of the multiplexer PCB [1].

a) Carefully lift the multiplexer PCB until the flow sensor can be reached, or
temporarily remove the module in the right-hand position.
b) Remove the two pipes connected to the sensor, noting which pipe is
connected to which sensor connection. The connectors are labelled ‘A’
and ‘B’ for identification.
c) Remove the two M3 bolts [2] securing the sensor, and carefully slide the
sensor to the right until it is free of the socket.


Use reverse procedure. Ensure all the flow sensor pins are correctly located in
the socket, and that the pipes are refitted to the correct connectors.

Refer to section 7.2.4 for instructions on calibrating the flow alarm.

6.50 Optional Internal Sample Bypass Adjustment

Some pipework configurations, specifically 4900 gas streams with no GFX fitted,
use an adjustable needle valve to set the correct bypass flow through the
instrument. This needle valve is fitted to the instrument bulkhead to the right of
the multiplexer PCB, and is preset at the factory.

If adjustment is required, follow the procedure below, being careful not to allow
excessive flow through the transducer.

a) Fit a manometer measuring mm H2O into pressure side of pipework,

adjacent to inlet tee for bypass arrangement.
Use a 4mm tee piece with manometer connected to branch side of
tee piece.
b) Gently screw needle valve fully clockwise.
c) Unscrew needle valve 7 turns anti-clockwise.
d) Apply 1500 ml/min sample flow to analyser.
e) Adjust needle valve to provide a pressure of 200 mm H2O ±50mm.
f) Turn off flow, remove manometer tee, and reconnect pipework

6.51 Sample pipework layouts

The factory installation drawings for various modules are included in Section 8,
these drawings give details of internal pipework and sample system
arrangements and may be used in the event that re-piping an analyser is




Section Page

7.1 Software Upgrade Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3

7.2 Software Configuration Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7

7.3 Instrument Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12


Figure Page

7.1 Microprocessor board 02000902A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3

7.1a Microprocessor board 02000912 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5

7.2 Instrument configuration menu map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8


Table Page

7.1 04000652 Software Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6

7.1a 04000653 Software Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6



7.1 Software upgrade installation


The microprocessor board is a static sensitive device. Failure to

implement good standard anti-static practices could result in damage.

This upgrade procedure must not be used to upgrade an ‘A’ or ‘B’

analyser to a later model ‘C’. If attempted, the accurate calibration
of certain transducers (Gfx) will be lost.

Microprocessor board 02000902A

This section details instructions for performing a software update on an earlier
instrument. The kit supplied to perform the upgrade will consist of two off
EPROM's labelled 04000/6xx/yyA and 04000/6xx/yyB. It is not normally
necessary to replace the EEPROM ( figure 7.1 [8] ). If the EEPROM should
require replacement then this will be supplied as part of the upgrade kit.

Figure 7.1 Microprocessor board 02000902A


Refer to figure 7.1.

a) Remove microprocessor board from instrument chassis using the

procedure defined in section 6.15 of this manual.

b) Using an IC removal tool or similar suitable device remove the two

EPROM'S from the PCB [4,5].

c) Insert the two new EPROM's into the PCB. The EPROM labelled 'A'
should be fitted in position [4]. The EPROM labelled 'B' should be
fitted in position [5].

d) If a new EEPROM has been supplied as part of the upgrade kit then
the existing EEPROM [8] should be removed and replaced in a similar
manner. It may be necessary to fit the EEPROM before installing the
EPROM's [4,5] to ease installation.

e) Check all IC's installed to ensure that none of the pins has been bent
during fitting.

f) Replace processor board using the procedure in section 6.15 of this

manual. Do not replace the instrument cover at this stage.

g) Power up the system and observe the LED's [13]. All the red LED's
should be extinguished in sequence within 4 seconds of powering on.
If LED D3 remains on then either the IC's are swapped ( installed
within the wrong sockets ) or some of the IC pins may not be seated
correctly. If the IC's are seated correctly and the LED D3 is still
illuminated on power on then the IC's may have suffered static damage
during fitting.

h) If all the red LED's are extinguished then replace the instrument cover
in accordance with section 6.1 of this manual.

i) Under some circumstances additional instructions may be provided

with the upgrade kit defining data modifications required through the
user interface. This would normally be the case if a new EEPROM [8]
has been supplied as part of the upgrade. If these instructions are
provided then these should be executed now. (Ie: if a new EEPROM is
detected, a reconfiguration [ref section 7.2.6] will automatically start.)

j) The upgrade is now complete.

Microprocessor board 02000912

The later microprocessor board uses a single Firmware chip.


Refer to figure 7.1a.

a) Remove the microprocessor board from the instrument chassis using

the procedure defined in section 6.15 of this manual.

b) If the board has a Firmware chip that requires removal from the board
socket, use a special PLCC chip removal tool to avoid damage to the
chip or socket.

c) Insert the new Firmware chip as shown in Figure 7.1a taking care to
match the flat corner of the chip to the corresponding corner of the
socket. Taking care that the chip is exactly aligned with the socket,
press it firmly into the socket.

d) Replace microprocessor board using the procedure in section 6.15 of

this manual. Do not replace the instrument cover at this stage.

e) Power up the analyser and observe the LED's at the top edge of the
board. Both the Red LED's should extinguished within 4 seconds of
powering on, leaving just the Green LED on. If Red LED DS03
remains on then there is problem with either the fitting of the Firmware
chip, the microprocessor board, or the Firmware chip.

f) If the board is functioning correctly then replace the instrument cover in

accordance with section 6.1 of this manual.

Figure 7.1a Microprocessor board 02000912

7.1.1 Software Revision History

Two chip generic Firmware for microprocessor board 02000902A

Table 7.1 04000652 Software Revision History

Revision Details Date
0 Released to Production 27/7/99
1 SO2 Temp. Co. performance improved. 1/12/99
2 0mA underrange for 4-20 mA added. 30/3/99
3 Scaling error for zero and span check and alarm 17/4/00
hysteresis displays fixed.
4 High span limit reduced to 2% for paramagnetic 27/6/00
5 Issue with HEATER FAIL fault for IR1520's in 13/6/01
high ambient temperatures fixed. GFX Defcal
Temp. Comp. figure now editable via supercal.
6 Ability to disable IR1520 adaptive filtering now 14/8/01
available in supercal.
7 Zirconia indication extended to ~100% 9/7/03

Single chip generic Firmware for microprocessor board 02000912

Table 7.1a 04000653 Software Revision History

Revision Details Date
0 Released to Production 8/5/03
1 Zirconia indication extended to ~100% 9/7/03
Modbus Communications and German User
2 14/9/04
3 Tool chain port. Increased optional filter range 16/6/11
and mA unassign removed.

7.2 Software configuration menu

The QuickStart manual contains comprehensive instructions on all user

functions available on the instrument. A separate, hidden, menu is available
for use only by trained service personnel. This menu gives access to higher
instrument configuration functions. Access to this level of instrument
configuration should not be made available to users in normal operation. For
an analyser that has not been configured, or one which has been updated so
that the configuration data has been lost, the following access sequence is
required to proceed past the alternating INCOMPATIBLE DATA FORMAT / CONTACT
LOCAL SERVOMEX SERVICE message to the configuration of the analyser.

7.2.1 Access to the special configuration menu

Access to the special configuration menu is via two security screens:-

a) A sequence of keys are pressed to indicate to the instrument that

access is required to the special configuration menu as follows :

Except for analysers displaying INCOMPATIBLE DATA FORMAT / CONTACT

LOCAL SERVOMEX SERVICE , ensure that the instrument is showing the
measure display, if not the press ‘MEASURE’
The following sequence of 7 keys must be pressed in order within 10
seconds to access the second security screen (b).

b) The system will then prompt for a special password before giving the
user access to the menu. The appearance of the password screen and
its operation is exactly the same to that used in normal password
operation. The password for this level is ‘1812'.

When the password has been successfully entered the standard instrument
menu will be displayed with an additional field labelled "SC".


After any function is performed under the Special configuration menu, the
user must return to this menu level. Pressing ‘MENU’ again will remove the
‘SC’ option from the menu, thus preventing any unauthorised access.

The special configuration menu is entered by selecting the SC option. The

following menu map may then be accessed.

SC C o n f ig E d it ID S Num ber

M odel

R e c o n fig u r e S e r ia l & O rd e r

D e l H is t

C al Txd

P a ra m

Figure 7.2 Instrument Configuration Menu Map

The functions of the menu entries are as follows:-

7.2.2 DEL HIST

This option deletes all history logs from the analyser. These history logs
include failure and maintenance histories, calibration histories and alarm
histories. Note that history deletion is prohibited when any type of fault is
present. This ensures that faults are fully dealt with and not hidden.

7.2.3 CAL TXD

Some transducer types have functions available only in super calibration

mode, which are detailed below.

When entering the CAL TXD menu, a list of valid object types is displayed,
which includes those transducer types which are fitted and have super
calibration functions associated with them.

The following subsections detail the functions available for these transducer
types. GFX
Functions available for GFX transducers are CALIBRATE, READ and SAVE.

The following functions are associated with definitive calibration, used to
define the relationship between IR absorption and gas concentration. This
relationship is used for linearisation of the Gfx output and is mathematically
derived from a set of experimental data points. The importance of these data
to the correct functioning of the instrument cannot be overestimated so
extreme care should be exercised when performing any of the activities
described below.The Calibration menu presents three options for

modifying/inspecting the calibration of the transducer.

It should never be necessary to use either the DEF CAL function or the
EDIT CAL function in the field except in the most extreme cases of total
data loss.

DEF CAL This option allows the user to perform a complete calibration
with gases, to define all points on the absorbance/concentration
table for the transducer.

This procedure replaces any existing calibration data with a new

set of experimental points, storing the absorption values
corresponding to the stated concentration of a set of test gases
which must be supplied to the instrument in turn. Prompts are
issued for each pair of values in the order zero, span,
intermediate points. Apart from zero (low) and span (high) the
order of entry is immaterial but there must be a minimum of five
different intermediate points. Note that immediately the first
point is entered all pre-existing data are destroyed

EDIT CAL This option allows the absorbance/concentration table to be

edited. This is useful when the table is known for the installed
transducer, but it is currently using a different table. It can also
be used to alter linearity if necessary.

A simple editor is provided which enables the concentration or

absorption co-ordinates of a pre-existing data set to be
modified. It does not allow insertion or deletion of points. The
editor can be used to display the data by stepping through it
with the ENTER key. Providing nothing is changed, re-
calculation of the linearisation function will not take place.

The recorded sample temperature (sample temp) at the time of

the definitive calibration is stored here, and can also be edited.
This figure is used with the TC figures to calculate temperature
corrections for temperature compensated measurements. This
figure is unique to the transducer and calibration.

EDIT TC This option allows the temperature compensation coefficients to

be edited.There are four such coefficients which provide a linear
and a square term correction for sample temperature to both the
zero offset and span. The editor can be used to display the data
by stepping through it with the ENTER key.

Experimental calibration data is specific to a particular Gfx bench and is

therefore stored in the circuitry associated with the individual units. The
following functions are provided to transfer data between Gfx benches and
the computer in the 4000 Series chassis:

READ This function imports the configuration of a transducer

from the transducer backup memory to the analyser. This

configuration includes all factory calibration data, gas
name, units and scaling. All data for the transducer in the
analyser prior to the read will be lost.

SAVE This function saves the configuration of the transducer to the

transducer backup memory, from the analyser. This
configuration includes all current calibration data, gas name,
units and scaling. All data previously in the transducer backup
memory will be lost. Ir1520

Functions available for Ir1520 transducers are CALIBRATE, READ and

SAVE. These functions are the same as for GFX transducers, with the
following exceptions.

Temperature compensation is not performed on Ir1520, so the EDIT TC

option is not available.

In the EDIT CAL menu, after all cal points have been edited, a SPAN SIG
value is requested.This parameter is used when compensating the live-zero
measurement of IR energy for the expected absorption of the lo calibration

The purpose of "super calibrating" external inputs is to remove any baseline

offset due to tolerances in the input circuitry.

Before eliminating the base offset it is necessary to disconnect any external

inputs from PL5/1,2,3,4. The external analogue inputs should be shorted
(PL5/1&2,3&4) to ensure 0mA input. The corresponding digital status inputs
(PL5/9,10 and 7,8) must be shorted out to ensure that the input channels can
be read correctly.

The channel to be calibrated must be selected and the screen will show

167692 OK? Y/N

The number on the display is simply the digitised reading from a zero input
and should lie in the range 146,000 - 189,000. If this is not the case and
there is a 0mA input on the input terminals then the 04000/924 board is faulty.
When entered the value is stored and used as a zero offset in subsequent
scaling calculations.

7.2.4 PARAM

The only parameters that can currently be set using this menu are the flow

alarm set point and the IR1520 adaptive filter status.

Flow Alarm

This defines the point at which the flow alarm is activated. The flow alarm will
be activated when the flow falls below this point.

The display for defining the flow alarm set point is as follows.

FLOW = 37Y/N

Set the analyser sample flow to 400 ml/min, using either the analyser or an
external flowmeter.

The flow value shown will change as the flow changes, and when it is stable,
the Y option should be chosen to set the flow alarm trigger point.

Adaptive Filter

This turns the adaptive filter ON (enabled, for reduced noise operation) or
OFF (disabled, for fast response operation). The adaptive filter is enabled by
default, but can be disabled for any fitted IR1520 module if necessary.

7.2.5 EDIT ID

This menu allows the user to change various parameters of the analyser.
These do not affect the operation of the analyser, but are simply a record of
the setup. The user can modify the S Number, Model number, serial and
order numbers as shown in figure 7.2.



This totally reformats the configuration of the instrument.

On selection of this option, all calibration and configuration
information will be deleted.

On selection of this option the software will ask twice that the user confirms his
intention totally to erase the current system configuration. When selected the
screen will go blank for some seconds before the following message is



If a new EEPROM or a new microprocessor PCB with a new EEPROM is fitted

then this message will also be displayed, and the instrument will have to be re-
configured as follows:

The appearance of this message is entirely normal as there is no longer any
useable data stored in the EEPROM. To re-activate the instrument the system
will need to be re-configured by re-entering the special configuration menu by re-
entering the encrypted key sequence (section 7.2.1), the special password
(7.2.1b) is not required for this operation.

The Analyser must then be configured as detailed in section 7.3

7.3 Instrument Configuration

Instrument configuration defines the features and transducers fitted to the

analyser. The configuration process consists of a series of steps that the user
is taken through to define the analyser.

7.3.1 Adding Transducers

Transducers are added to each transducer position (I1..I4) in turn, by selecting

the transducer type from a menu. The options then presented depend on the
transducer type selected.


For paramagnetic transducers, there is a choice of three types of transducer.

These are

Basic - currently Pm1111e

Control - currently Pm1156/1158
Purity - currently Pm4100995

The major different features of these transducers are

Basic – only concentration measurement.

Control – additional temperature reading, used for detection of over temperature
Purity – as Control, with heated cell, so there is an under temperature fault also,
and the transducer has a pressure sensor which is used for pressure


There are no further options for zirconia transducers, all transducers are used
in the same way by the analyser.


GFX transducers can have their calibration data stored in the transducer itself.
The first option presented for GFX transducers is thus whether to read the data
from the transducer itself. This option should be taken if the GFX has been
previously calibrated and the data stored on the transducer. If no data is found
on the transducer then the user is prompted to supply the data instead.

Data Read From Transducer

When this option is chosen, all data is read from the transducer or defaulted, so
there are no further options for the user. The only exception to this is when the
read of data fails, and the user must define all data.

The format of data stored on the GFX by the 4x00c and previous 4000 series
analysers is different and thus there are some compatibility issues which are
addressed below.

Data Defined By User

For a GFX that has no calibration data stored on it, or for one which fails the
data read, the calibration data must be defined by the user. The user is required
to supply the following information.

Gas Name
Full Range
Low Range
Increment for low range

The Gas Name is the label to be used for the gas, as it appears on the measure

The Full Range and Low Range refer to the ranges of the transducer, with the
low range being set to 0 if there is no low range. These are expected to be
entered in vpm which is the default units for GFX. The increment values are
used to determine the points to be used in the calibration table for the
transducer. These values are also expected in vpm. The ranges and increment
values should be set according to the type of transducer installed.

The calibration table that is defined is a linear table.

Derived Measurements
The derived measurement feature should be used where a second derived
measurement is required which has a defined relationship with the gas
measured by the transducer. This is currently only used for derived NOx
measurements. This will default the linear coefficient to 1.052 and the square
coefficient to 0.000. The user must ensure that these coefficients are set to the
correct values. The derived measurement is calculated as follows.

Derived concentration =
concentration * linear coeff + concentration2 * square coeff

Derived measurements are identified as D1..D4 where the number will be

taken from the base measurement on which it is defined.


Configuration of the Ir1520 is identical to GFX, except that the ranges and
increment values are expected in %. N.B. The 2500 and 5000ppm CO2
ranges must be configured as 0.25% and 0.5% but may be changed to ppm
via the LABELS menu using a scale factor of 010000, see Quickstart Manual.

7.3.2 Flow Sensor

This option allows the user to specify whether a flow alarm is fitted to the
analyser. This will enable this fault and enables the flow alarm menus.

7.3.3 Autocal Relays

This option allows the user to specify whether internal or external autocal
relays are fitted to the analyser. This option will enable the internal/external
autocal relays as 0.1 and 0.2 in the autocal relay selection lists.



Section Page

8 Engineering Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3



The following drawings are attached as part of this service manual.

Drawing No. Description Size No. Sheets

4100C/4200C Module Installation / Piping
04100/802M Paramagnetic transducer module installation A1/A2 3
04100/802N Infra red transducer module installation A1/A2 3
04100/802P Zirconia transducer module installation A1/A2 3
04100/802R Gfx transducer module installation A3 3
4900 Module Piping
04900/802G General transducer module installation A1 3
04000/815C Flow Alarm installation A2 1



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