Grymclover Forests

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Grymclover forests are corrupted forests altered by corruptive magic that can mutate plants and animals and sometimes grant sentience. They are dangerous but adventurers can find rewards for braving them.

Grymclover forests are any forested region altered by corruptive magic, causing plants to sprout thorns or grow large. The magic can grant sentience to creatures and objects. They are unforgiving environments that occur in different woodland types.

The grymclover forest is dark, oppressive, and filled with sounds of creatures. The air is heavy with decay and corruption. The magic weighs on souls and minds, slowly corrupting those who enter.

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The manipulative energy that corrupts a forest into a
A grymclover forest is any forested region that becomes grymclover one can linger for centuries, if not longer. Such
altered by the presence of corruptive magic. This force can twisted magic can wrack the minds of travelers with doubts
mutate the forest’s flora and fauna, causing them to sprout and fears. Characters within a forest must succeed on a DC 13
wicked thorns or grow unusually large. Further, such magic Intelligence saving throw whenever they finish a long rest or
has also been known to sometimes bestow a degree of suffer from an effect from the Corruptive Influence table be-
sentience to plants, animals, and objects. These unforgiving low. A character has disadvantage on saving throws against
and ruthless environments can occur in tropical, deciduous, these effects if it is within 3 miles of a gateway to the plane
and coniferous woods alike. Venturing into a grymclover of the Fey or the realm of shadows and dread. A corruptive
forest is considered foolhardy by most, but the most influence lasts until the creature finishes a long rest or is
courageous adventurers can find long-buried secrets and targeted by the greater restoration spell or similar magic.
powerful rewards for their bravery.
Corruptive Influence

AMBIENT MOOD d4 Type of Corruptive Influence

1 Your senses betray you, causing hallucinations to
The murky and bramble-filled depths of a corrupted grym- appear in the trees and shadows. For the dura-
clover forest can wreak havoc on the senses. Thorny plants tion, you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Per-
and fanged beasts lurk and stalk travelers, hidden behind the ception) checks and Intelligence (Investigation)
almost tangible darkness and oppressive weight of the foli- checks.
age, mist, and shadows. The air itself hangs heavy, reeking
of death and decay. Crawling, chittering insects and rustling 2 Your feelings of aggression and mistrust are
leaves creep into the ear like a whispered threat. All around is heightened. For the duration, you gain the fol-
a malevolent, magical energy that weighs down the soul and lowing flaw, “I can only trust myself. If someone
seeds doubt in the mind, slowly corrupting the integrity of crosses me, I will defend myself by whatever
those who dare to tread there. means necessary.”
3 You are overcome with sorrow and grief, threaten-
y In all seasons and climates, a grymclover forest nurtures
ing your hope and sense of self. For the duration,
the most thorny and relentless vines and weeds. Brambles
you have disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom,
and other foliage rustles with hints of movement on the
and Charisma saving throws.
periphery, as monstrous and mutated predatory creatures
prowl about. Shadows cling stubbornly to the trees and 4 You have the overwhelming feeling of being
seemingly devour any light coming from above. Flowing, watched from the shadows at all times, prevent-
waist-deep fog covers the forest floor and makes each ing you from recovering from a short rest. For
step more trepidatious than the last. the duration, whenever you expend a Hit Die to
y Normal forests are full of diverse scents, such as fresh regain hit points, roll the die twice and use the
rain or snow, blooming flowers, or other pleasant and lower result.
natural aromas. These forests, however, take those nat-
ural odors and twist them into something foul. Plantlife
rots and withers, drained of life by parasitic fungi and
suffocating vines or brambles. The dense fog and forest Navigation is difficult within a grymclover forest because of
canopy cause these acrid smells to thicken, becoming the dense fog and bramble thickets. Few settlements, if any,
a humid stench of corruption. Even the wind, which is can be found within a given forest as a result of its corrup-
usually a harbinger of reprieve from such terrible odors, tive influences, and any roads or paths that may have once
only manages to stir and strengthen them. existed there are quickly overgrown and hidden. Even expe-
y Although every corrupted forest is different from the rienced navigators need a healthy measure of luck to traverse
next, each is host to hundreds of varieties of insects and such a forest, and even then, they’re just as likely as the next
parasitic plant life. Due to the ever-present mist and traveler to fall prey to the many horrors lurking within the
muffling undergrowth, the sounds of snapping twigs, shadows and fog.
chittering swarms, and predatory growls are only audible
once it’s too late. As such, the utterly eerie silence of TR AVELING IN A GRYMCLOVER FOREST
these forests is only punctuated by the occasional cry of
pain that fades into silence almost as quickly as it came. Travel within these forests is limited by their numerous
y The most unifying feature of all grymclover forests is dangers and exceptionally dense plant life. Passage is only
their deep connection to corrupted magic. Waves of possible on foot and often requires bushwhacking to pass
twisting energy wash over the woods, driving hope and through the omnipresent brambles. Travel takes twice as
confidence away from even the most stalwart travelers. long, regardless of pace, and a creature traveling at a fast
The sheer presence of the forest’s oppressive fog and pace must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at
magic are stifling and cloying. the end of every 4 hours or gain one level of exhaustion.

Becoming Lost
Beasts, monstrosities, and even plants that venture into 1 Completely lost, the party gets turned around and
a grymclover forest will sometimes become suffused ends the day at the edge of the forest where they
by the area’s corrupting magic, twisting them with initially entered.
mystifying effects. At your discretion, you can use the
2–7 Confused and wandering, the party ends the day
following table to determine how a creature may have
up to 2d4 miles in a random direction away from
been warped by the corruption.
their intended destination for that day.
Example Corrupted Creatures Table 8 Despite getting lost, the party recovers and ends
the day only 1d4 miles away from their intended
d6 Adventure Hook
destination for that day.
1 The creature can use a bonus action to turn
invisible, as if by the invisibility spell.
2 The creature can use an action to cast a The adverse effects that cause a grymclover forest to emerge
1st-level spell at will, such as bane, entangle, provide additional danger by corrupting sources of clean
inflict wounds, or magic missile. water and food. A foraging character makes a DC 15 Wisdom
3 The creature regains 5 hit points at the start (Survival) check. There’s a 50 percent chance that any food
of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. If the or water found in these forests has been corrupted. A DC 15
creature takes radiant damage, this trait Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check or detect
doesn’t function at the start of its next turn. poison and disease spell reveals if any foraged food or water
4 The creature is covered in dense brambles, has been corrupted. A creature that ingests corrupted food
which grant it a +2 bonus to AC and deals or water in this way must roll on the Corrupted Foraged Food
1d6 piercing damage to any creature that and Drink table.
grapples it or is grappled by it at the start of
each of its turns. Corrupted Foraged Food and Drink
d6 Corruption
5 The creature has telepathy out to 120 feet
and is aware of the presence of creatures 1 The creature is poisoned for 3d4 hours, even if
within that range that have an Intelligence they would normally be immune to the poisoned
score of 4 or higher. It knows the distance condition.
and direction to each creature.
2–5 The creature is poisoned for 1 hour, even if they
6 The creature has increased pain tolerance, would normally be immune to the poisoned
gaining 30 temporary hit points whenever it condition.
finishes a short or long rest. If another crea-
6 The creature gains no beneficial effects from the
ture hits it with a melee attack while it has
food or water but suffers no other ill effects.
these hit points, the attacker takes 5 necrotic
Because grymclover forests can form regardless of climate
NAVIGATION or precipitation, weather patterns vary wildly from forest to
forest. However, they do usually experience harsher weath-
Finding your way through a forest that’s been mutated like er patterns than the surrounding region. They tend to face
this is exceptionally difficult due to the dense brambles, harsher rainfall (or snowfall) than other regions, making
thick canopy, and low visibility. When a character makes a for slick and sticky travel and are universally plagued by
Wisdom (Survival) check to navigate to a specific location climate-defying fog.
within the forest, roll on the Grymclover Navigation DCs ta-
ble. On a failed check, the character becomes lost and suffers
a setback determined by the Becoming Lost table. ENCOUNTERS
Due to its many dangerous effects and denizens, adventur-
G r y m c l o v e r N a v i g a t i o n DC s ing parties traveling through one of these forests roll a d20
DC Location three times per in-game day. An encounter occurs on a roll
of 18 or higher while stationary or traveling at a normal pace.
15 A location on the outskirts of the wood, or near a Traveling at a fast pace triggers a random encounter on a 16
larger settlement or higher, and a slow pace triggers only on a 20.
20 A location near the center of the forest or steeped The outskirts of the forest have a 75% chance of using an
in Corruption, like most dungeons and ruins are encounter table and creatures typical to the surrounding
region, and a 25% chance of using the encounter table and
25 A location that is lost or hidden, such as a portal corrupted creatures found below. Towards the center of
to the Fey or Shadow planes, a secret settlement, the forest, there is a 75% chance to encounter a corrupted
or a magically cloaked dungeon or ruin encounter, and only a 25% chance to encounter normal one


instead. Within 3 miles of the forest’s main corruptive source 2d12 Encounter
or dungeon, only corrupted creatures and creatures from the
table below can be encountered. 14 – 15 1d10 bramble creepers (see Grymclover Stat
Blocks) (50%) or 2d8 archer flowers (see Grym-
Example Grymclover Jungle Random Encounter clover Stat Blocks) (50%) patiently waiting in
Table ambush.
2d12 Encounter 16 – 17 3d4 awakened shrubs (40%), 1d10 awakened
trees (30%), or 1d4 shambling mounds (30%)
2 An arch of slowly-shifting brambles that acts as
originally made from the forest’s natural plant
a gateway to the plane of the Fey (50%) or the
life, but now corrupted by the forest’s choking
plane of Shadow (50%) during a waxing cres-
cent moon or new moon, respectively.
18 – 19 2d12 psybirds (see Grymclover Stat Blocks)
3–4 A grymhare (see Grymclover Stat Blocks) inno-
(50%) or 1d4 cloverback toads (see Grymclover
cently lying in a stray sunbeam to lure in unwary
Stat Blocks) (50%) stirring up mist and fog with
their movements.
5–6 A circle of 4d4 druids that are developing a
20 – 21 A grym-mage tyrannosaur (see Grymclover Stat
ritual to channel (75%) or cleanse (25%) the
Blocks) (50%) or 1d8 cyglops (see Grymclover
Grymclover Forest’s corruption.
Stat Blocks) (50%) hunting and scavenging,
7–8 1d10 gray oozes (45%), 1d6 ochre jellies (35%), respectively.
or 1d3 black puddings (20%) milling about
22 – 23 The swirling mists thicken and grow acidic for
the next 1d4 hours. At the end of each hour, a
9 – 10 1d4 corrupted, predatory beasts (60%) native to character must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution
the region, such as bears or wolves, or corrupted saving throw or take 4d8 acid damage unless
dinosaurs (40%) like triceratops or tyrannosau- they are protected by shelters such as a tent,
rus rex (see Corrupted Creatures sidebar above). building, or another fog-proof barrier.
11 – 13 The brambles of the forest encircle the party to 24 An unexpected dungeon or ruin (see Example
impede travel. Each character must succeed on Dungeons Table) that is younger than the forest’s
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 corruption (80%) or is the origin of it (20%).
piercing damage and gain one level of exhaus-
tion from the constricting vegetation.

Example Dungeons Table

d8 Type of Corruptive Influence Example Dungeon Inhabitant
1 A spiraling, spiked tower built by a legendary necroman- Roving bands of mindless undead loosely controlled by
cer, such as Dendallen ( wights, an inexperienced necromancer, or other powerful
len), or an ancient lich. undead.
2 The grove and accompanying settlement of an old druid Acolyte druids follow the footsteps of their spiritual or
circle that worshipped a wrathful, primeval god of nature. literal ancestors, working to summon an avatar of their
deity to the Material Plane.
3 A complex of huts and cottages belonging to a coven One or more young green hags or dryads tapping into the
of green hags that dabbled in magic forbidden even by corruptive enchantment for power and knowledge.
others of their kind.
4 The lair of a powerful ancient green dragon trained in A mixture of kobolds, cultists, and cult fanatics at-
druidic magic. tempting to resurrect a long-dead dragon by any means
5 The ruined capital city of a nation of ambitious elves that Various hostile plant life and even some sentient plant
delved too deeply into the arcane and druidic magic of creatures nourished and empowered by the residual
ecological transmutation. corruption of the forest.
6 A sprawling and decrepit estate manor, where a cruel A group of vampires and their surviving spawn have fled
vampire reigned by blood and terror. from crusaders, plotting and preparing their vengeance.
7 A camp from which a terrifyingly large and vicious gnoll Bandits or other scavengers are using the dungeon as
band terrorized a vast swathe of the surrounding region. their base of operations, but the forest’s magic is causing
them to mutate.
8 Ruins containing a still partly active summoning circle, A jagged tear in reality itself is allowing various fiends
where an infamous diabolist released dozens of devils to cross from the Lower Planes onto the Material Plane,
and demons into the world. potentially heralding a massive invasion on the horizon.

RUINS AND DUNGEONS inside. Its eventually discerning features and consciousness
develop over time, but the memories of its previous lives
At the core of a grymclover forest is always some sort of ruin
rarely return. If anything, such memories can burble into
or abandoned crypt that serves as the leeching source of the
the subconscious through perplexing dreams or moments of
area’s corrupting magic. Some forests have been known to
déjà vu.
have multiple sources, as such dangerous magic is infamous
This relationship between ooze and undead is considered
for attracting like-minded practitioners. These dungeons
unique to grymclover forests, although there’s no telling
may still be in use by a powerful foe, although typically the
what manner of experiments might occur in the lairs of cu-
original owner is long gone. Consider rolling twice on the ta-
rious necromancers. The resulting geleton is neither undead
ble below to separately determine the creator of the dungeon
nor ooze, but is, in fact, humanoid. In any case, due to the
and the current inhabitants.
extreme dangers of such places, it’s far more likely that a ge-
When designing a dungeon within one of these forests,
leton will perish as quickly as they are created than it is that
make sure your players are reminded of the oppressive mag-
they escape and find safety.
ical influence of the sickly corruption, and the weather-defi-
ant, ever-swirling fog that obscures their vision. Dungeons
centered on themes of fallen heroes, limitless ambition, and EXAMPLE TREASURE
the ferocity of nature are particularly well-suited to them.
Adventurers in and around a grymclover forest can be
rewarded with plant-based items like the acorn charm, dry-
SETTLEMENTS adleaf, fortune’s flower, grass carpet, homeroot, luckleaf, seed of
rebirth, sovereignseed satchel, spire seed, staff of the four seasons,
The very few settlements that form within a grymclover
tear of gaia, tethervine quiver, or trident of the dryad, ooze-re-
forest are motivated by extremes. Alliances form and shatter
lated items like the Frefil’s jolly oozebean sugarbombs, gelat-
regularly as each individual wages a war within their heart
inous whip, staff of cubic cultivation, and sundersludge net, or
and mind. Such settlements are easily identifiable by their
undead-based items such as the boots of Dendallen, deathly di-
universal atmosphere of suspicion and bated breath. They
adem, eye of Dendallen, flesh of Dendallen, grasping staff, greaves
can also be recognized by their atypical and contradictory
of Dendallen, grip of Dendallen, mask of Dendallen, Ogramau’s
architecture—they have to constantly rebuild and repair
graveyard, shadow weaver’s guise, shaedenstaff, underworld
their structures because construction materials rot and erode
asphodel regalia, and urnblade. Of course, any other cursed or
much faster than normal. As a result, each building looks
corruptive items could also be a perfect fit for adventurers
either brand new or as if it has been neglected for decades.

Individuals that settle in these forests are usually outcasts
from society. They may be ambitious mages or bandits GRYMCLOVER FORESTS
seeking their fortunes, or simple hermits seeking solitude.
Even the wisest, centered creatures, such as elves or druids, STAT BLOCKS
can yield to their more violent instincts under the forest’s in-
fluence. Indeed, trust is as precious as it is dangerous among ARCHER FLOWER
those that scrape together a life here.
While most plants within a grymclover forest can pose an
Because only the most resolute can withstand the forests’
ample threat to the unwary, archer flowers are notorious-
corruptive forces, characters traveling in a grymclover forest
ly dangerous. They grow parasitically on tree roots, with
may occasionally meet other would-be heroes or fledgling
budding flowers aimed at the canopy. Doing so ensures that
adventurers. Realizing their folly, some of these individuals
climbing or flying creatures can be knocked down by their
may attempt to establish a small village or outpost, though
highly caustic spit; landing directly into their flytrap-like
they seldom remain in one place for too long, and often,
despite their best efforts, often crumble to the region’s dark
magic and corruptive influences.
GELETONS In these forests, the sound of rustling underbrush is almost
By the very nature of these forests, oozes that reside there are always a dangerous omen. Bramble creepers take on the cam-
likely to encounter some form of necromantic magic one day. ouflaged appearance of briar clusters and are carnivorous,
When that happens, it’s possible for a skeleton absorbed and ambushing predators. These large plant creatures use their
suspended within the ooze to be subjected to an unexpected thorny vines to pierce and ensnare their prey, piercing and
spark of undeath, which typically turns it into a mindless suffocating them into submission.
thrall bound to servitude. However, when there isn’t a source
to bind such a thrall to, the ooze can spontaneously latch
onto it and form a symbiotic relationship with the undead
instead. The result of this is called a geleton.
When a geleton is born, reborn, or otherwise created
in this way, its gelatinous exterior assumes a featureless,
humanoid form that supports the movements of the skeleton


Archer Flower Bramble Creeper
Medium humanoid (any race), lawful good Large plant, unaligned
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7) Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14)
Speed 0 ft. Speed 5 ft., climb 5 ft.

15 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 1 (–5) 8 (–1) 1 (–5) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 1 (–5) 6 (–2) 1 (–5)

Damage Vulnerabilities fire, slashing Skills Stealth +3

Damage Resistances acid Damage Vulnerabilities fire, slashing
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
frightened, prone, unconscious frightened, prone, unconscious
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), Senses tremorsense 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
passive Perception 9 passive Perception 8
Languages — Languages —
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 3 (450 XP)

False Appearance. While the flower remains motionless, it Ambusher. The creeper has advantage on attack rolls
is indistinguishable from a normal shrub. against any creature it has surprised.
Rooted. The flower is unaffected by forced movement and False Appearance. While the creeper remains motionless,
can’t be detached while it lives. If the flower is rooted to it is indistinguishable from normal cluster of vines.
a wall or ceiling, it doesn’t need to make ability checks to
Spider Climb. The creeper can climb difficult surfaces,
maintain its grip.
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check.
Thorns. At the start of each of its turns, the creeper deals 7
Flytrap. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one (2d6) piercing damage to any creature grappling it, or that
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target is it has grappled.
grappled (escape DC 12).
Acid Spit. One creature within 60 feet of the flower that ACTIONS
the flower can see must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
Multiattack. The creeper makes two attacks with its stran-
throw. A creature that fails its save takes 4 (1d8) acid
gling bramble. It can’t make both attacks against the same
damage and is knocked prone. If the creature is climbing,
it instead loses its grip and falls. On a successful save, the
creature takes half as much acid damage and suffers no Strangling Bramble. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
other effects. 10 ft., one Large or smaller target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) blud-
geoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC
14). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and
at risk of suffocating. If the creeper is grappling a Large
creature, or two Medium or smaller creatures, it can’t use
this attack against another creature.

Named for the grymclover forests from where they originat-
ed, cloverback toads are unusually large amphibians with an Cloverback Toad
acidic mucus coating on their skin. To make matters worse, Medium beast, unaligned
paralyzing, toxic barbs grow on the tongues of these crea-
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
tures, which they use as debilitating projectiles. For obvious
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
reasons, the cloverback toad’s acidic mucus and toxic barbs
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
are also sought-after ingredients for use in deadly poisons.


CYGLOPS 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 2 (–4) 12 (+1) 3 (–4)
Cyglopes are the result of a destructive mutation of the same
phenomenon that creates geletons. These massive, hulking Skills Stealth +4
oozes take on a giant-like form and lumber through for- Damage Immunities acid
ests, collecting whatever skeletal remains they can find to Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
reinforce their bodies and reanimate as thralls. Concentrated Languages —
necrotic magic resides in the singular eye of a cyglops, which Challenge 2 (450 XP)
can be released as a focused beam of destructive force.
Amphibious. The toad can breathe air and water.
GELETON ADVENTURER Corrosive Mucus. Any creature that touches the toad or hits
it with a melee attack takes 5 (1d10) acid damage.
Hapless adventurers that meet their untimely end in a
corrupted forest sometimes return as a geleton: a symbiot- Standing Leap. The toad’s long jump is up to 20 feet and
ic, collective lifeform between ooze and skeleton. Of such its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running
geletons, most can probably be found in the dungeons and start.
ruins of these forests. As such, a geleton adventurer usually Plant Camouflage. The toad has advantage on Dexterity
develops an almost preternatural ability to detect traps and (Stealth) checks it makes in any terrain with ample
defend themselves. obscuring plant life.
Tongue Barb Regrowth. The toad has eighteen tongue
GRYMHARE barbs. Used barbs regrow when the toad finishes a long
Taking the form of a harmless rabbit or hare, the creature
known as a grymhare is actually a nightmarish aberration ACTIONS
in disguise. Its true form resembles an oily cephalopod,
whose far-reaching tentacle strikes are capable of lashing Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar-
out against numerous targets at once. Although grymhares get. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
take their name from the grymclover forests in which they Tongue Barb. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
frequent, other reports suggest that these creatures are sim- 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage,
ply drawn to the corruptive magic there, rather than being a and the target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
gruesome mutation of it. throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 9 (2d8) poison
damage and is poisoned for 1 minute. On a successful
GRYM-MAGE TYRANNOSAUR save, the target takes half as much poison damage and
isn’t poisoned.
Whereas most creatures mutated by a forest’s corruption are Until this poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The target
more formidable, the grym-mage tyrannosaur is notable for can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
gaining increased awareness, intelligence, and spellcasting ending the poison on itself on a success.
ability. As it turns out, a predatory dinosaur that can blend
into the shadows, harden its skin, teleport, and magically
assault its prey is, in fact, horrifically awe-inspiring.

When a grymclover forest mutates birds, they usually mutate
into psybirds. These avian monstrosities grow remarkable
and varied plumage, which they use to hypnotize their prey
after luring them in with telepathic cries of pain and suffer-
ing. Individual psybirds will sometimes flock together in
small groups (called nightmares), but scholars suspect that
if enough were to ever band together as a larger, permanent
flock, the resulting carnage would be devastating.


Cyglops Geleton Adventurer
Huge ooze (geleton ), neutral evil Medium humanoid (geleton), any alignment
Armor Class 13 (armor scraps) Armor Class 15 (breastplate)
Hit Points 149 (13d12 + 65) Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 30 ft.

19 (+4) 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 7 (–2) 8 (–1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 9 (–1) 12 (+1)

Damage Immunities acid Skills Athletics +5, Investigation +2, Perception +1

Condition Immunities unconscious Damage Resistances acid
Senses blindsight 5 ft., darkvision 30 ft., passive Condition Immunities unconscious
Perception 14 Senses blindsight 5 ft., darkvision 30 ft., passive
Languages Common Perception 11
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Languages Common, any one language
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Ooze Ancestry. The cyglops doesn’t need to breathe. The
cyglops doesn’t require sleep, gaining the benefits of a Dungeon Born. The geleton has advantage on any ability
long rest after spending 4 hours in a trance-like state. The checks it makes to locate or identify hidden features of
cyglops has advantage on saving throws against disease. dungeons, such as traps or secret passageways.
Poor Depth Perception. The cyglops has disadvantage on Ooze Ancestry. The geleton doesn’t need to breathe. The
any attack roll against a target more than 30 feet away. geleton doesn’t require sleep, gaining the benefits of a
long rest after spending 4 hours in a trance-like state. The
ACTIONS geleton has advantage on saving throws against disease.
Multiattack. The cyglops makes two pseudopod attacks
and uses its eye ray, if recharged. The eye ray can be
replaced by its Release Skeletons action. Multiattack. The geleton makes two weapon attacks.
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 15 ft., Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
one target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 11 target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3)
(2d10) acid damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, slashing damage if wielded with two hands.
it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
pushed 5 feet from the cyglops and knocked prone.
ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
Eye Ray (Recharge 4–6). Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, damage.
range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (6d8) necrotic damage.
Release Skeletons. The cyglops ejects 1d3 sets of skeletal
remains from inside itself to an unoccupied space it can
see within 10 feet of it, losing 4 (1d8) hit points for each
one. The remains then animate, each becoming a skel-
eton loyal to the cyglops. Each skeleton remains for up
to 1 hour, or until the cyglops reabsorbs it as an action.
All skeletons created this way share one turn in combat,
which takes place immediately following the cyglops in

Grymhare Grym-Mage Tyrannosaur
Medium aberration, neutral evil Huge monstrosity, neutral evil
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Armor Class 13 (natural armor, 16 with barkskin)
Hit Points 93 (11d8 + 44) Hit Points 147 (14d12 + 56)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 50 ft.

17 (+3) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 7 (–2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 23 (+6) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 6 (–3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +4, Cha +6 Saving Throws Cha +6
Skills Perception +4 Skills Perception +5
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Senses passive Perception 15
from nonmagical attacks Languages —
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, prone Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages — Enraged Casting (Recharge 4–6). While the tyrannosaur
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) has half of its hit points or fewer, it can cast one of its
innate spells as a bonus action, even if the normal casting
Shapechanger. The grymhare can use a bonus action to time for that spell is an action.
polymorph into a Tiny rabbit, or back into its true form,
Magic Resistance. The tyrannosaur has advantage on
which is Medium. Its statistics, other than its size and its
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
available actions, are the same in either form. It reverts to
its true form if it dies. Innate Spellcasting. The tyrannosaur’s innate spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
Grappler. The grymhare has advantage on attack rolls
attacks). The tyrannosaur can innately cast the following
against any creature grappled by it.
spells, requiring only somatic components:
Keen Hearing and Smell. The grymhare has advantage on
At will: barkskin* (self only), eldritch blast, false life
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
2/day each: hellish rebuke, inflict wounds, misty step, pass
Magic Resistance. The grymhare has advantage on saving without trace, spike growth
throws against spells and other magical effects.
*The tyrannosaur casts barksin before combat
Surprise Attack. If the grymhare surprises a creature and
hits it with a beak attack during the first round of combat, ACTIONS
the target takes an extra 14 (4d6) damage from the attack.
Multiattack. The tyrannosaur makes two attacks: one with
its bite and one with its tail. It can’t make both attacks
against the same target.
Multiattack. The grymhare makes one attack with its ten-
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
tacles against each creature of its choice within its reach
target. Hit: 32 (4d12 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is
simultaneously. It then makes one beak attack.
a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC
Beak (True Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 16). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. the tyrannosaur can’t bite another target.
Bite (Rabbit Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Tentacle (True Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning
damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled
(escape DC 14) and the grymhare pulls it up to 5 feet
straight toward it.


Psybird Hypnotizing Plumage (Recharge 6). The psybird attempts
to vex nearby creatures with its psionic calls and dazzling
Small monstrosity, unaligned plumage. Each creature within 30 feet of the psybird that can
Armor Class 12 see or hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw
Hit Points 31 (7d8) or become charmed by the psybird for 10 minutes.
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. When a creature becomes charmed by this effect, apply
one of the effects below at random for as long as the creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA remains charmed.

6 (–2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 4 (–3) 16 (+3) 8 (–1) 1. Hazy Sight. The creature is unable to see with any defini-
tion further than 10 feet from itself. The affected creature
Damage Resistances psychic is considered to be blinded to any creature or object
Condition Immunities charmed further than 10 feet from itself, as they appear to it only
Senses passive Perception 13 as blurry, amorphous blobs of color.
Languages telepathy 60 ft.
2. Confusion. The creature suffers the effects of the confu-
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
sion spell, though the psybird doesn’t need to maintain
concentration on it. The affected creature can repeat its
Flyby. The psybird doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when
save at the end of each of its turns, ending the charm on
it flies out of an enemy’s reach.
itself on a success.
Limited Telepathy. The psybird doesn’t understand any
languages, but can communicate telepathically with 3. Stupefaction. The creature suffers disadvantage on all
other creatures it chooses within its telepathy range. This attack rolls and ability checks it makes that use either
telepathy can convey emotions or fleeting sensory memories, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The creature also
such as faint echoes of sounds it has heard, or flashes of temporarily forgets any languages it knows except for the
images it has seen. one it has known the longest.

ACTIONS 4. Dizziness. Any turn in combat during which the crea-

ture uses more than half of its movement speed, it must
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. Each time this happens, the creature can repeat its save,
ending the effect on a success.


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For now, the only thing that mattered was sitting still, resting,
and staying safe. Terrible, hungering things crept in the shadows
outside, and this life grew more and more precious to them with
each passing day.
So until they needed to move again, it was best to enjoy the com-
forts of home and hold their book. The faded echoes of lost memories
touched Jayess’ mind as they caressed the book’s cover, and as they
thought of everything its pages might have once said, they began to
imagine the future that they could write in it instead.

Geletons are the living, symbiotic fusion of two semi-

conscious life forms: oozes and reanimated skeletons. When
a skeleton suspended in an ooze is subjected to necromancy
that would normally transform it into a mindless thrall, it’s
possible for the ooze to magically connect to the reanimated
body, and its departed life, instead. This event is called
Synthesis, and it’s through this process that the fragments
of life held by ooze and skeleton can come together to form
a complete whole. Occasionally called Symblexes for their
parallels to other intelligent oozes, geletons are given a rare
second chance at life—one that they are as moldable to as

GELETON their gelatinous forms themselves.

The dark of the ruin was comforting, despite the occasional

creaks and distant howls. It was, after all, the only home they’d At the start of their new lives, geletons are featureless,
ever known. ooze-covered humanoids with only a spark of traditional
Sitting next to them on the stone floor lay the remnants of consciousness. Over time, usually about a month, this small
long-disused weaponry and rusted chainmail. A little book, long consciousness grows into a fully sentient being just like
since faded and mildewed, was clutched in their translucent hands. any other. During this period, a geleton’s appearance also
They didn’t know what it used to say, only that it felt like it mat- becomes more discernable, and eventually grows into a
tered. The leather binding was both curious and familiar, much like humanoid form that feels natural to its budding sense of self.
the strewn equipment beside them. A pair of letters, J and S, were The memories from any of their previous lives are lost in this
sewn into the armor’s cracking leather. process, but can resurface in pieces through hazy dreams or
And so, Jayess was the name they’d given to themselves. Whether waves of déjà vu.
the armor was theirs or not was a mystery, but it was nice to have Without a unified culture or history, each geleton’s story
an identity to cling to. Of course, it didn’t seem like anyone else was is unique. Most geletons adopt attitudes similar to the ones
around for them to tell, but in case they came across someone on of people close to them early on in their lives, but others
one of the slow and quiet foraging trips they took, it would be nice develop strong personalities entirely on their own.
to brandish “Jayess” like a badge of honor.


By their very nature, almost all geletons come to life in Your geleton character has a variety of unusual traits that it
dangerous places. For however many there are in the world, shares with other geletons.
there are countless more that inevitably perished shortly Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
after their creation. Some unscrupulous figures—typically by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by
necromancers or mad scientists—try to use the process 1—potentially something indicative of your previous life’s
of Synthesis for personal gain, but are for the most part capabilities.
stopped whenever they’re discovered. Geletons created and Age. Geletons come to life fully matured but may resemble
held captive in such harrowing conditions for a long time a younger or older creature. Their full life span is unknown,
often carry a deep-seated fear or resentment for necromancy, but in general they live for about a century.
if not all magic, for the remainder of their lives. Other Alignment. Geletons are as likely to be good as they are
geletons created in such conditions recover faster, especially to be evil. Their personality is molded by the company they
if they are found and rescued shortly after their Synthesis. keep and the environment around them, especially during
Regardless, the origins of virtually all geletons are rife with the formative months following their Synthesis. Many gele-
danger, and those that are brought into safety early in their tons end up at least partly neutral.
lives are counted among the most lucky. Size. A geleton’s size depends on the skeleton inside of
it. You can choose to be either Medium or Small when you
UNUSUAL APPEARANCE select this race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
By far, gelatinous cubes are the most common subject of Darkvision. Your eyes were magically formed from ooze
Synthesis. These clear oozes are known to carry skeletal through the process of your creation, granting you a degree
remains longer than others, and in doing so have a higher of vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim
chance of becoming a geleton. As a result, most geletons’ light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
bodies are similarly translucent. When other oozes like black darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in
puddings or ochre jellies undergo Synthesis, the resulting darkness, only shades of gray.
geleton’s appearance is typically more opaque. Limited Blindsight. You still retain a small portion of
Regardless of the ooze, a geleton’s form always reflects sightless awareness from your ooze heritage. You have blind-
their desired features. Most eventually resemble humans or sight out to a range of 5 feet.
elves, but when a dragonborn or tiefling skeleton is used in Symbiotic Fortitude. You don’t need to breathe. In
Synthesis, their appearance will often reflect that ancestry addition, you have resistance to acid damage and are
in some capacity. Similarly, all geletons have a viscous sheen immune to disease.
to their bodies, and though they may have the appearance of Wakeful. Geletons only need to sleep for a short time each
hair or eyes, they are still fully gelatinous in nature. day. Even while sleeping, you remain aware of your imme-
diate surroundings thanks to your limited blindsight. After
sleeping for 4 hours, you gain the same benefit that a human
A SUM OF DANGEROUS PARTS. does from 8 hours of sleep.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Depending on the nature of your campaign, it’s safe to one extra language of your choice. This extra language may
assume that most common folk have never seen a gele- be one you remember from a previous life.
ton before. This is rarely an issue in cosmopolitan cities
where even the most unusual races are hardly given a
second look, but superstitious villagers and rural towns-
folk may see a geleton as a creature of mere ooze and
bone rather than as a complete person. This can cause
friction in some cases, and outright panic in others.
Geletons that travel to these places with other creatures, CREATING YOUR GELETON.
especially those that resemble more traditional human- When creating your geleton character, use these traits as
oids, can usually avoid any confrontation or issue if at a guide, rather than a rule. Geletons are naturally resil-
least one of their companions is with them. ient thanks to their ooze heritage, which is reflected in
the Ability Score Increase and Symbiotic Fortitude traits,
but yours may have different strengths. In this case, in-
GELETON NAMES crease one ability score of your choice by 2, and another
by 1. Alternatively, you can choose three different ability
Geletons tend to choose names that are important to them scores to increase by 1.
and are independent of the gender that they eventually If you feel that 5 feet of blindsight is too powerful
choose to assume, if any. These names may be based on items for your game, consider instead granting your player’s
that were nearby when they gained sentience, or could even geleton a skill and tool proficiency of their choice. As
be based on names they dimly remember. Geletons that are mentioned in the Ability Score Increase trait, this profi-
rescued or become part of an adventuring party early in their ciency could be related to what your geleton did or knew
lives may choose to adopt or modify a name given to them by in a previous life.
an ally, rather than create one from scratch.


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