Cards and Caravans

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Caravan Attitude by Suit

d4 Card Suit Attitude

Whether carrying goods from town to town, escorting nobil-
ity, or hiding dark secrets, caravans offer a unique opportu- 1 Heart Friendly
nity for roleplaying, exploration, and combat opportunities 2 Diamond Neutral
for players on the road to their next destination. The rules
presented below offer a way to generate unlimited caravans 3 Club Neutral
in your campaign to make each highway or dirt road differ- 4 Spade Hostile
ent from the last.


Once you know the lead car and its attitude, generate the
If you wish to use the rules presented here, you will need a
other cars in the caravan train. The types of complementary
deck of 52 typical playing cards. You will use this deck to gen-
cars depend on the nature of the lead car, as shown in the
erate the contents of the caravans that the players encounter
section Caravans by Type below. Like before, draw a card
while traveling through the wilderness. If you don’t have
from the deck (or roll) and reference the caravan’s respective
access to a deck of playing cards, the tables presented in this
table. Continue to draw complementary cards until the card
document offer dice rolls in their stead.
values add up to 21 or more (like in the game blackjack). Jack,
Queens, and Kings equal 10, and Aces are 2 or 11, your choice.
STEP 1. GENERATE THE LEAD CAR Ignore the final card that puts you over 21.
When the characters first encounter a caravan in the wilder- For example, you draw a 10 of spades. The 10 means that
ness as part of a random encounter or because you want to it is a bandit/pirate caravan, and the spade means that the
introduce one, draw a card from the deck and reference the caravan is hostile towards the characters. For your first sec-
table below. This car determines the nature of the caravan ondary card, you draw a 7 of hearts. A 7 is a supply car. Since
and future results, detailed in the Caravans by Type section. the two cards you drew add up to 17, less than 21, you may
draw again. The third card you draw is an ace of diamonds.
Lead Car This card allows you to choose a car and count the ace as a 2
or 11. If you count it as an 11, you must discard the card and
d100 Encounter can no longer draw cards. You make the treasure car your
Card Value
choice and make it count as 2. At 19, you still haven’t busted.
01–07 2 Passengers You draw one more card, a 5 of hearts. The 5 puts you over 21,
08–14 3 Cargo which means you discard the card and are finished. Your final
caravan consists of one bandit/pirate car, one supply car, and
15–21 4 Nomads one treasure car.
22–28 5 Military
29–35 6 Performers CARAVANS BY TYPE
36–42 7 Animals This section lists the caravan types in alphabetical order.

43–49 8 Royalty
50–56 9 Ghost
A caravan with animals may be herders leading animals
57–63 10 Bandits/Pirates across the landscape, a circus moving its best acts, or a col-
64–70 J Merchants lector of exotic beasts. Use the table below to determine the
nature of the animal caravan’s secondary cards.
71–77 Q Monstrous
A n i m a ls S e c o n d C a r s
78–84 K Artificers
85–91 A Treasure d100 Secondary Cart
Card Value
92–00 —
01–07 2 Supplies


08–14 3 Supplies
15–21 4 Supplies
CARAVAN ATTITUDE 22–28 5 Tiny animals
While the card’s value determines the caravan’s nature, the 29–35 6 Small animals
card’s suit—club, diamond, heart, or spade—determines
its starting attitude. Friendly caravans seek to trade or share 36–42 7 Trainers
news. Neutral ones attack if they feel threatened or otherwise 43–49 8 Medium animals
try to avoid contact. Hostile caravans seek to attack and seize
50–56 9 Medium animals
the characters’ possessions.

Secondary Cart
Card Value
Bandit and pirate caravans travel the landscape looking for
57–63 10 Large animals their next target. Their caravan might be a clever ruse to lure
64–70 J Large animals unsuspecting travelers into their clutches. Or it might be
the contents of another caravan that the criminals comman-
71–77 Q Large animals deered.
78–84 K Huge animals Bandits / Pirates Second Cars
85–91 A Miscellaneous
92–00 — Reroll d100 Secondary Cart
Card Value
01–07 2 Bandits/Pirates
ARTIFICERS 08–14 3 Supplies
Artificers are tech-savvy explorers whose caravans incorpo-
15–21 4 Passengers
rate a variety of unique features and specifications. The arti-
ficers might be a friendly group of gnomes who wish to ply 22–28 5 Treasure
their trade as builders. Or it might be a band of evil scientists 29–35 6 Bandits/Pirates
transporting a death ray.
36–42 7 Supplies
Artificers Second Cars
43–49 8 Prisoners
Playing 50–56 9 Private Car
d100 Secondary Cart
Card Value
57–63 10 Bandits/Pirates
01–07 2 Supplies
64–70 J Private Car
08–14 3 Guards
71–77 Q Bandits/Pirates
15–21 4 Supplies
22–28 5 Private Car 78–84 K Treasure

29–35 6 Guards 85–91 A Your Choice

36–42 7 Trainers 92–00 — Reroll

43–49 8 Guards
50–56 9 Private Car
57–63 10 Explosives A cargo caravan transports goods from one destination
to another. The cargo might be mundane goods like grain
64–70 J Library or lumber. Or it might be high-priced goods like spices or
71–77 Q Laboratory valuable ore.
78–84 K High-Tech Device Cargo Second Cars
85–91 A Your Choice Playing
d100 Secondary Cart
92–00 — Reroll Card Value
01–07 2 Supplies
08–14 3 Cargo
15–21 4 Supplies
22–28 5 Cargo
29–35 6 Supplies
36–42 7 Cargo
43–49 8 Guards
50–56 9 Guards
57–63 10 Guards
64–70 J Private Car
71–77 Q Private Car
78–84 K Treasure
85–91 A Your Choice
92–00 — Reroll


The living aren’t the only ones who drive caravans. Some- Merchant caravans move from location to location, plying
times, the undead lead caravans, too. A ghost caravan might their wares to whoever’s got the coin for it. A merchant
be a band of revenants seeking revenge for their untimely de- caravan might have reputable traders at the helm. On the
mise. Or it might be an incorporeal train of ghostly pilgrims, other hand, the caravan might be led by a gang of third-rate
cursed to travel the land for eternity. hucksters hawking their latest snake oil.
To determine the nature of the ghost caravan’s secondary Merchants Second Cars
cars, draw another card to determine the ghost caravan’s
original purpose. If you draw another 9, draw again until you Playing
get a card other than a nine. Once you know the car’s original d100 Secondary Cart
Card Value
purpose, draw for a secondary car as you would for any other
01–07 2 Supplies
caravan. Replace any NPCs listed under the secondary car’s
description with the appropriate undead creature, as shown 08–14 3 Cargo
on the table below. If you draw Prisoners as a secondary car,
15–21 4 Supplies
you may keep the prisoners as humanoids if you wish—they
were captured by the undead. 22–28 5 Merchants
G h o s t C a r a v a n NPC s 29–35 6 Supplies
36–42 7 Cargo
Normal NPC Undead Replacement
43–49 8 Guards
Bandit Zombie
50–56 9 Cargo
Bandit captain Wight
57–63 10 Guards
Gladiator Ghost
64–70 J Merchants
Guard Skeleton
71–77 Q Private Car
Horses (any) Skeletal warhorse
78–84 K Treasure
Knight Ghost
85–91 A Your Choice
Mage Wraith
92–00 — Reroll
Noble Ghost
Spy Specter
Thug Specter
Soldiers comprise the majority of a military caravan’s per-
Veteran Ghost sonnel. The caravan might be returning from a recent battle,
or it might be on its way to join the war efforts in another
part of the kingdom.
Military Second Cars

d100 Secondary Cart
Card Value

01–07 2 Supplies
08–14 3 Guards
15–21 4 Supplies
22–28 5 Guards
29–35 6 Supplies
36–42 7 Guards
43–49 8 Supplies
50–56 9 Guards
57–63 10 Supplies
64–70 J Prisoners
71–77 Q Officers
78–84 K Officers
85–91 A Your Choice
92–00 — Reroll

Monstrous caravans are strange and rare oddities where the Whether by choice or necessity, nomad caravans claim no
drivers—and sometimes even the wagons themselves!—con- one destination home. Instead, they constantly stay on the
sist of unusual, and often dangerous, creatures. move, following the seasons, stars, or other environmental
When you draw a monstrous card, draw additional cards factors.
as if you were pulling for secondary cars. As normal, con- Nomads Second Cars
tinue to draw until you hit or exceed 21. If you go over 21,
remove the last card drawn. Then, instead of translating each Playing
new card into a secondary car, sum the total value of the cars d100 Secondary Cart
Card Value
until you go over. Then, reference the Monstrous Encounters
by Total Card Value table below to determine the nature of 01–07 2 Passengers
the monstrous encounter. 08–14 3 Supplies
Monstrous Encounters by Total Card Value 15–21 4 Passengers

Total Card 22–28 5 Supplies

d100 Monstrous Encounter
Values 29–35 6 Passengers
2 green hags riding a wicked 36–42 7 Supplies
01–10 21
wagon (see the appendix).
43–49 8 Guards
A dryad riding on the back of a
giant elk, accompanied by 1d4 50–56 9 Guards
11–20 20
+ 2 invisible sprites, searching 57–63 10 Guards
for a rare lotus.
64–70 J Small Animals
2d6 harpies flying above or
perched high above looking 71–77 Q Medium Animals
21–30 19
for food, prioritizing Small 78–84 K Large Animals
85–91 A Your Choice
A pair of doppelgangers posing
92–00 — Reroll
as Merchants or Performers
looking for protection. They
31–40 18
use the time spent with the PASSENGERS
characters to learn from them
Passenger caravans transport large throngs of people from
and later impersonate them.
place to place. The passengers might be pilgrims on their
41–50 17 2d4 + 1 gnolls lying in ambush way to a holy site. Or the caravan could be would-be farmers
A group of 1d4 friendly, (25%) hoping to cash in on recently acquired land rights.
neutral (25%), or hostile (50%) P a ss e n g e r s S e c o n d C a r s
51–60 16
werewolves in humanoid form
posing as nomads. Playing
d100 Secondary Cart
Card Value
A war party of 1d2 hobgoblins
with worg mounts and 2d4 01–07 2 Passengers
61–70 15
goblins walking beside them on
08–14 3 Supplies
the hunt for glory.
15–21 4 Passengers
A seemingly discarded
assortment of goods, which 22–28 5 Supplies
is actually a group of 1d3 ani- 29–35 6 Passengers
71–80 14 mated decks of cards (see the
appendix), 1 card shark (see 36–42 7 Supplies
the appendix), and 1 rug of 43–49 8 Passengers
50–56 9 Supplies
A pack of 1d4 + 2 dire wolves
81–90 13 57–63 10 Guards
on the hunt.
91–00 12 A mimic cart (see the appendix) 64–70 J Tiny Animals
71–77 Q Medium Animals
78–84 K Large Animals
85–91 A Your Choice
92–00 — Reroll


Traveling bards, acting troupes, and other entertainers com- Some caravans transport coins, gems, jewelry, or art objects.
prise performer caravans. The caravan might be the spoils of war, recently acquired by
the kingdom’s military. Or the caravan might be transport-
Performers Second Cars
ing a ransom to blood-thirsty marauders so they cease their
Playing unending attacks. Obviously, such caravans are hot targets
d100 Secondary Cart for bandits and raiders. As such, they usually bring plenty of
Card Value
01–07 2 Supplies
08–14 3 Performers Treasure Secondary Cards
15–21 4 Supplies
22–28 5 Supplies d100 Secondary Cart
Card Value
29–35 6 Performers
01–07 2 Guards
36–42 7 Supplies
08–14 3 Guards
43–49 8 Supplies
15–21 4 Guards
50–56 9 Performers
22–28 5 Guards
57–63 10 Guards
29–35 6 Guards
64–70 J Guards
36–42 7 Guards
71–77 Q Guards
43–49 8 Guards
78–84 K Guards
50–56 9 Guards
85–91 A Your Choice
57–63 10 Guards
92–00 — Reroll
64–70 J Your Choice
71–77 Q Treasure
78–84 K Treasure
A caravan transporting royalty might be escorting important
diplomats to a meeting in a distant kingdom. Or it might 85–91 A Treasure
be a king and queen on holiday. No matter what the royalty 92–00 — Reroll
caravan’s purpose may be, such caravans often come with
plenty of defenses.

d100 Secondary Cart
Card Value
01–07 2 Guards
08–14 3 Supplies
15–21 4 Guards
22–28 5 Supplies
29–35 6 Guards
36–42 7 Supplies
43–49 8 Royalty
50–56 9 Supplies
57–63 10 Guards
64–70 J Passengers
71–77 Q Passengers
78–84 K Treasure
85–91 A Your Choice
92–00 — Reroll

SECONDARY CARS If the card’s suit is a club, diamond, or heart, the caravan
includes 2d10 camels, cows, or horses (your choice) walking
As you generate secondary cars for your caravans, reference alongside the rest of the cars.
this section to learn additional details about the respective If the card’s suit is a spade, the car carries exotic animals.
car. Roll a d8 and reference the table below to determine the
nature of the exotic animals.
Caravan Locks E x o t i c A n i m a ls , L a r g e
Many of the caravan cars listed below possess locks used to
d8 Exotic Animal
protect the passengers or goods within. To prevent redun-
dancy, the content references the three types of common 1 1d2 brown bears
locks found on these cars. 2 1d4 camels
The table below lists three types of locks. The Pick DC
column identifies the DC for Dexterity checks using profi- 3 1d6 constrictor snakes
ciency in thieves’ tools to open the lock. Similarly, the Break 4 1d6 crocodiles
DC column identifies the DC for Strength (Athletics) checks
needed to break the lock. The table also lists a given lock’s AC 5 1d4 giant spiders
and hit points. Unless stated otherwise, all locks are immune 6 1d2 lions
to poison and psychic damage.
7 1d2 rhinoceroses
C aravan L ocks
8 1d2 tigers
Lock Pick Break
AC Hit Points
Simple 10 18 16 2
When medium animals travel with a caravan, they are usual-
Average 15 20 17 5 ly livestock. If this is the case, the caravan may forgo a car for
10 (damage these animals altogether. Instead, the animals walk alongside
Complex 20 22 18 the rest of the cars. If there is a car, it usually measures 15–20
threshold 5)
feet in length but might be shorter or longer depending on
the animals inside. Simple locks on these cars prevent the
ANIMALS (HUGE) animals from escaping.
If the card’s suit is a club, diamond, or heart, the caravan
A car carrying one or more Huge animals is a massive cage
includes 2d8 + 4 goats, pigs, or sheep that might walk along-
or open-air wagon built to withstand the awesome weight of
side the caravan instead of riding in a car.
its bestial passengers. Such carts usually measure 15–20 feet
If the card’s suit is a spade, the car carries exotic animals.
in length and require up to eight draft horses to pull. While
Roll a d6 and reference the table below to determine the
the cart itself might be made of wood, it is reinforced with
nature of the exotic animals.
iron or steel. Simple locks on these cages prevent the animals
from escaping. It’s also possible for the animal to walk along- E x o t i c A n i m a ls , M e d i u m
side the train, removing the need for a car altogether.
To determine the nature of the animals in the car, d6 Exotic Animal
cross-reference the card’s suit with the table below or choose 1 1d4 apes
one that is appropriate to the rest of the caravan.
2 1d6 giant wolf spiders
H u g e A n i m a ls
3 1d6 giant weasels
Suit Animals 4 1d8 hyenas
Club 1d2 elephants 5 1d4 panthers
Diamond 1d2 giant apes 6 1d6 wolves
Heart 1d3 giant constrictor snakes
Spade 1d2 giant crocodiles ANIMALS (SMALL)
Small animals usually don’t move fast enough or possess
ANIMALS (L ARGE) enough stamina to walk alongside the caravan. As such,
these animals are usually placed inside cars designed to pre-
When large animals travel with a caravan, they are usually
vent them from escaping. Such cars are usually 10–15 feet in
livestock. If this is the case, the caravan may forgo a car for
length. Simple locks prevent the animals from escaping.
these animals altogether. Instead, the animals walk alongside
To determine the nature of the animals in the car,
the rest of the cars. If there is a car, it usually measures 15–20
cross-reference the card’s suit with the table below or choose
feet in length but might be shorter or longer depending on
one that is appropriate to the rest of the caravan.
the animals inside. Simple locks on these cages prevent the
animals from escaping.


E x o t i c A n i m a ls , S m a ll took, it explodes. Each creature within 20 feet of the explod-
ing car must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. A creature
Suit Animals takes 35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed saving throw,
Club 1d6 baboons or half as much damage on a successful one.

Diamond 1d6 eagles

Heart 2d4 giant rats
Caravan guards travel alongside caravans to deter bandits
Spade 1d8 dogs (jackals) and other ne’er-do-wells. If the guards are actually in a car,
the car is not that different from a passenger car. More than
ANIMALS (TINY) likely, the guards will travel on riding horses or warhorses
(your choice) alongside the caravan, preferring the mobility
Tiny animals don’t take up a lot of space on the caravan and their mounts offer them.
might even be part of another car. If the animals do have There are 1d4 + 1 guards present led by one of the leaders
their own car, it’s relatively small compared to the rest, on the table below. Choose, roll, or use the card’s suit to
measuring only 6–10 feet in length. Simple locks might be on determine the guards’ leader’s stat block.
these cars to prevent the animals from escaping.
G uard L eaders
If the card’s suit is a club, diamond, or heart, the caravan
includes 1d20 chickens or geese (your choice). d4 Suit Leader
If the card’s suit is a spade, the car carries exotic animals.
Roll a d4 and reference the table below to determine the 1 Club Gladiator
nature of the exotic animals. 2 Diamond Knight
E x o t i c A n i m a ls , T i n y 3 Heart Mage

d4 Animals 4 Spade Veteran

1 1d4 + 1 swarms of bats

2 1d4 + 1 swarms of poisonous snakes
Artificer cars come with high-tech devices, unique to them.
3 1d4 + 1 swarms of rats
These cars tend to be relatively large and heavy, measuring
4 1d4 + 1 swarms of ravens 10–15 feet in length or more and reinforced with steel. Two or
four draft horses pull the cars and 1d2 artificers (commoners
BANDIT/PIR ATES with Intelligence 15 and Arcana +6) attend to the device.
Roll for or choose one of the results on the High-Tech De-
A car containing bandits and pirates probably won’t have vice table below. The description for each device is below the
a lot of features calling out its true nature. Instead, it will table. All effects are considered magical.
resemble a typical passenger caravan, measuring 8–10 feet in
length. Simple locks might protect these cars from theft— d20 High-Tech Device
both from within and without the caravan—but the bandits 1 Antimagic Field Generator
themselves will probably defend it.
A bandit or pirate caravan contains 1d4 + 1 bandits (or 2 Cloning Device
thugs, if you want a more difficult challenge for the party) 3 Death Ray
led by one of the leaders on the table below. Choose or roll a
4 Enlarger/Reducer
d4 to determine the bandit leader’s stat block.
Bandits / Pirates Leaders 5 Ethereal Gateway
6 Fabricator
d4 Suit Leader
7 Gate Generator
1 Club Veteran
8 Illusion Projector
2 Diamond Spy
9 Lightning Thrower
3 Heart Bandit captain or thug (your choice)
10 Mind Control Device
4 Spade No leader
11 Re-Animator

EXPLOSIVES 12 Restorer
13 Scrying Machine
A cart containing explosives resembles an ordinary cargo
cart, albeit one with much more volatile supplies. Such a 14 Time Machine
cart measures 5–10 feet in length and may have simple or 15 Transmutation Machine
average locks to protect the goods. The car has AC 15 (or 17
if it’s reinforced), 100 hit points (damage threshold 10), and 16 Weather Controlling Device
immunity to poison and psychic damage. If the car takes fire 17–20 No Function
damage, there is a chance that it will explode. Roll a d20. If
the result is lower than the amount of fire damage the cart

Activation Costs Death Ray. A death ray is a dangerous magical device ca-
pable of mass destruction. Before the death ray can be used,
Many of the devices mentioned above duplicate the effects a creature must spend 10 minutes operating the device and
of high-level spells. As such, most of them come with steep then allow the device 1 hour to warm up. At the end of the
component costs. These costs represent special crystals, rare warm-up period, the device consumes 200,000 gp worth of
parts, and other vital elements without which the device components. If the device takes damage or is deactivated be-
won’t function. The component cost for each device is listed fore it warms up, the operator must restart the process. Once
on the table. Assume that the artificers traveling with the the device warms up, the device’s operator may use its action
high-tech device have at least enough components for one to emit a devastating blast of negative energy in a 300-foot
use of the device. A creature that doesn’t know how to acti- line that is 10-feet wide. Each creature in the line must make
vate a high-tech device can deduce how to use it by succeed- a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 10d10 necrot-
ing on a DC 15 Intelligence check. ic damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage
on a successful one. The death ray then has a random chance
Damaging and Repairing High-Tech Devices of recharging during each subsequent round of combat. On
Regardless of its function, a high-tech device is a Large initiative count 20, roll a d6. If the roll is a 6, the ray recharg-
object with AC 15, 50 hit points (damage threshold 5), and es. If the roll is a 1, the device loses power and its operator
immunity to poison and psychic damage. If the high-tech must restart the warm-up process to use it again.
device takes 10 or more damage from a single attack or spell, Gate Generator. A creature that spends 10 minutes operat-
it cannot use its functions until it is repaired. A device that ing this device may use the device to conjure a portal linking
drops to 0 hit points cannot be repaired and is permanently an arch built into the gate to a precise location on a different
destroyed. plane of existence. This magical gate remains for 1 hour or
If the high-tech device has taken damage but has at least 1 until the generator is deactivated, damaged, or destroyed.
hit point, a creature can spend 1 hour or more trying to make Other than its duration, this function works exactly like the
repairs. The creature must be within reach of the damaged gate spell. One use of the generator consumes 200,000 gp
device and must have the right tools for the job (smith’s tools worth of components.
or tinker’s tools, for example). The device must be station- Enlarger/Reducer. An enlarger/reducer machine allows a
ary, and the creature must have the spare parts to make the creature or object within its containment field to grow larger
necessary repairs. Assume that spare parts cost 10 gp per hit or smaller for up to 1 hour. This effect works similarly to the
point being repaired in this manner. After 1 hour of repair enlarge/reduce spell. One use of the machine consumes 500 gp
work, the creature makes a DC 15 Intelligence check, add- worth of components.
ing its proficiency bonus to the check if it’s proficient with Ethereal Gateway. An ethereal gateway is a large tank that
the tools used to make repairs. If the check succeeds, the allows up to six creatures to travel to the ethereal plane. A
device regains 2d4 + 2 hit points. If the check fails, the device creature must spend 10 minutes operating the machine to
regains no hit points, but the repair can be attempted again use it. At the end of the duration, any creatures or objects
inside the tank enter the border regions of the Ethereal Plane
using the same replacement parts. in the area where it overlaps with the device. This effect
otherwise works the same as the etherealness spell. One use of
High-Tech Device Descriptions this device consumes 50,000 gp worth of components.
Fabricator. A fabricator allows the user to convert raw ma-
The high-tech devices and their functions are listed in alpha-
terials into products of the same material. To use the device,
betical order. If a device requires a saving throw, the DC for
a creature must place raw materials into the device’s storage
the saving throw is 15 unless stated otherwise in the text.
area. Then, the creature must spend 10 minutes operating
Antimagic Field Generator. A creature that spends 10
the machine. At the end of the duration, the device converts
minutes operating this device may create a field of antimagic
the goods into the desired products. This effect functions the
that extends from the car up to 100 feet in all directions. The
same as the fabricate spell. One use of this device consumes
field lasts for 1 hour, or until the machine is destroyed. Other
500 gp worth of components.
than the area it covers, the effect otherwise works like the an-
Illusion Projector. An illusion projector makes terrain
timagic field spell. One use of the generator consumes 50,000
in an area up to 1 mile square look, sound, smell, and even
gp worth of components.
feel like some other sort of terrain. A creature must spend
Clone Chamber. This device requires at least two different
8 hours operating the machine to use it, programming the
creatures to use: one to operate the machine and another as
terrain that they wish to generate. The terrain lasts for 10
the target for the device. The operator must spend at least
days or until the machine is deactivated or destroyed. This
1 hour operating the machine before the target enters it.
effect works the same as the mirage arcane spell. One use of
Once the target is inside, it must spend 8 hours inside the
this device consumes 50,000 gp worth of components.
machine. During this time, the target is prone, can’t move,
Lightning Thrower. A lightning thrower is a deadly weap-
and can’t take actions other than talking. If the target moves
on that generates powerful arcs of magical energy. Before
or performs a disruptive activity, the target must restart the
the lightning thrower can be used, a creature must spend 10
process. At the end of the duration, the device grows an inert
minutes operating the device and then allow the device an
duplicate of the target as a safeguard against death. Other
additional 10 minutes to warm up. At the end of the warm-up
than the aforementioned conditions, this effect is the same
period, the device consumes 5,000 gp worth of components.
as the clone spell. One use of the machine consumes 50,000
If the device takes damage or is deactivated before it warms
gp worth of components, even if the cloning process fails.
up, the operator must restart the process. Once the device


warms up, the device’s operator may use its action to emit a T i m e T r a v e l A cc u r a c y
devastating blast of lightning in a 100-foot line that is 5-feet
wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 15 Dexterity Time Off- Adjust- On
saving throw. A creature takes 27 (5d10) lightning damage on Traveled Target ment Target
a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a success- Up to 1 minute — — — 01–100
ful one. The lightning thrower then has a random chance
1d4 min-
of recharging during each subsequent round of combat. 1 to 10 minutes — 01–09 10–100
On initiative count 20, roll a d6. If the roll is a 5 or 6, the ray
recharges. If the roll is a 1, the device loses power and its 10 minutes to 1d100
01–05 06–24 25–100
operator must restart the warm-up process to use it again. 1 hour minutes
Mind Control Device. A mind-control device resembles a 1d4
small room with a chair at its center. The chair is hooked to 1 to 8 hours 01–33 34–53 54–100
a variety of glowing electrodes. To use this device, a target
must be placed into the device’s chair and remain for the du- 2d6
8 to 24 hours 01–43 44–73 73–100
ration. Then, a creature must spend 1 minute operating the hours
device. At the end of the operating period, the target in the 1d4
1 to 7 days 01–50 51–79 80–100
chair must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed days
saving throw, the target is charmed by the operator for 24
hours. The charmed target obeys the operator's commands 7 to 30 days 01–50 51–84 85–100
and can’t take reactions. Whenever the charmed target takes
damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on 30 days to 1 1d12
01–60 61–89 90–100
itself with a success. One use of this device consumes 50,000 year months
gp of components. 1d10
No Function. A device with no function is either a hoax or 1 to 10 years 01–70 71–94 95–100
a broken machine. In the latter case, roll again on the table
More than 10 1d100
to determine the machine’s original function, rerolling any 01–80 81–98 99–100
years years
results of 17–20.
Re-Animator. A re-animator device allows its users to
bring the dead back to life—sort of. To use the device, a crea- Time Traveled. This is the total distance in time that the
ture must place the corpse of a Small or Medium humanoid time travelers travel backward or forwards in time.
into the reanimation chamber. Then, the user must spend 10 On Target. The time travelers appear at the desired mo-
minutes operating the device. At the end of the duration, the ment in time.
device imbues the corpse with a foul mimicry of life, raising Off Target. The time machine shunts the travelers a
it as a zombie. This effect works like the animate dead spell random distance in time away from their target time period.
except the creature is not under the user’s control. One use of The distance off-target is different for each increment of
the re-animator device consumes 500 gp worth of compo- time traveled, as shown on the Adjustment column of the
nents. Time Travel Accuracy table. An even roll means that the time
Restorer. The restorer consists of a small chamber with travelers traveled off target forward in time while an odd roll
controls allowing the user to operate it from inside. A crea- means that the time travelers traveled off target backward in
ture may use its action to activate the machine. The machine time. Note that traveling too far forward or backward may
bombards the creature inside its chamber with positive send the traveler in the opposite direction or result in no
energy to undo a debilitating effect, the same as the greater time travel at all. For example, a time traveler wishes to go
restoration spell. One use of the restorer consumes 5,000 gp back 2 years into the past. The GM rolls the d100 for accuracy
worth of components. and gets an 88, which sends the traveler off target. The GM
Scrying Machine. A scrying machine allows the user to rolls 1d10 and gets a 4. This means that the time traveler ac-
spy on targets from a great distance and communicate with tually went forward 2 years into the future instead of 2 years
them telepathically. The machine works the exact same way in the past.
as a crystal ball of telepathy, except that one use of the ma- Mishap. The machine’s unpredictable magic results in a
chine consumes 50,000 gp worth of components. taxing journey. The time travelers take 3d10 force damage.
Time Machine. Time machines are exceedingly rare Reroll on the table to see where the targets end up (multiple
machines that alter and pervert the flow of time. When a mishaps can occur, dealing damage each time).
creature uses a time machine, he or she must decide wheth- Transmutation Machine. This machine possesses the
er or not they wish to go backward or forward in time. The ability to transform a creature or object into a different
machine instantly transports the user and up to 4 other creature or object. Before the machine may be used, a crea-
creatures to a different time period in the same location they ture must spend 10 minutes preparing the machine. Once
were in before they traveled through time. Each use of a time prepared, the operator must target a creature or nonmagical
machine consumes 500,000 gp worth of components. The object within 30 feet of the device. The machine then trans-
accuracy of the jump depends on the distance in time trav- forms the creature into a different creature, the creature into
eled. Roll a d100 and consult the table. an object, or the object into a creature (the object must be
neither worn nor carried by another creature). The transfor-
mation is permanent.

This machine has no effect on a shapechanger or a creature umn. For example, a merchant carrying a weapon inventory
with 0 hit points. An unwilling creature can make a DC 15 with a 10 gp limit will have at least one battleaxe for sale but
Wisdom saving throw, and if it succeeds, it isn’t affected by not longswords.
the machine. The price at which a merchant sells their goods depends on
This effect otherwise works similar to the true polymorph the merchant’s attitude. A neutral merchant sells their goods
spell. One use of this machine consumes 200,000 gp worth for the typical price listed in the Fifth Edition core manuals.
of components. A friendly merchant may offer a discount of up to 10% with a
Weather Controlling Device. This device allows its user to successful DC 10 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check
take control of the weather within 5 miles of the device. The (the character’s choice). And a hostile merchant sells their
device must be outdoors. Before the machine takes effect, a goods for 10% more than the listed price.
creature must spend 10 minutes programming the machine. M erchant I nventory
At the end of the 10 minutes, the user changes the current
weather conditions, which lasts for up to 8 hours, as spec- d100 Merchant Inventory Limit
ified by the user at the time of operation. Such conditions
take 1d4 × 10 minutes to take effect. Once it does so, the user 01–16 Adventuring gear and tools 15 gp
can use its action to change the conditions again. When the 17–22 Adventuring gear and tools 100 gp
effect ends, the weather gradually returns to normal. Oth- 23–28 Armor and shields 100 gp
erwise, this effect functions the same as the control weather
spell. One use of this device consumes 50,000 gp worth of 29–32 Armor and shields 1,500 gp
components. 33–44 Trade goods 5 gp

L ABOR ATORY 45–50 Trade goods 15 gp

51–53 Trade goods 500 gp
Some artificers travel with mobile laboratories to assist
them in their studies. A laboratory car measures 10–15 feet 54–59 Weapons 10 gp
in length. Two to four draft horses pull the car. Because the 60–61 Weapons 75 gp
contents of the car are expensive and often volatile, its doors
come equipped with simple or average locks. Checks made 62–69 1d6 common magic items —
using proficiency in alchemist’s supplies or tinker’s tools 70–74 1d4 uncommon magic items —
within the laboratory car are made with advantage.
75–77 1 rare magic item —
LIBR ARY 78–79 1 very rare magic item —

A library car contains a wide array of books on different 80 1 legendary magic item —
topics. These cars are 10–15 long and relatively heavy. Such 81–00 Roll twice —
cars require four draft horses to pull them. The main topic
of the library’s collection depends on the card’s suit or a roll
of a d4, as shown on the table below. A creature with access
to the books makes Intelligence checks related to the library’s Military caravans often include officers who serve as the sol-
topic with advantage. diers’ point of command. These cars are similar to passenger
cars in size and design and come equipped with at least sim-
Library Topic ple locks. An officer car includes 1d2 officers (veterans).

d4 Suit Topics PASSENGERS

1 Club Arcana A passenger car is a simple car measuring 10–15 feet in
length, pulled by one or two draft horses. The car carries 1d4
2 Diamond History adults (commoners) and 1d4 − 1 noncombatant children. The
3 Heart Nature passengers carry their personal belongings with them, usu-
ally the contents of an explorer’s pack for each adult present.
4 Spade Religion
These cars may have simple locks.

A merchant car is home to 1d2 merchants (commoners with A performer's car is similar to a passenger car in size and
Charisma 15, +4 Deception or Persuasion). The car is similar design. The car includes 1d2 performers (commoners with
in size to a passenger car, except the car also includes some Charisma 15, Performance +4). If a creature friendly to the
of the merchant’s salable goods. The car is always protected performers regains hit points at the end of a horse rest by
by at least an average lock. spending one or more Hit Dice, each of those creatures re-
To determine the nature of the merchant car’s inventory, gains an extra 1d6 hit points.
roll d100 and reference the table below. Assume the mer-
chant carries a minimum of one of each item so long as the
item does not exceed the limit listed on the table’s Limit col-


A car carrying prisoners is a cage or steel-reinforced car A car with animal trainers consists of 1d4 commoners with
measuring 10–15 feet in length and equipped with average expertise in Animal Handling and Athletics (+4 to ability
or complex locks. The nature of the prisoners depends on checks made with either skill) and use a whip instead of a
the suit of the card or a roll of the d4 as shown on the table club (+2 to hit, reach 10 ft., 1d4 slashing damage). The interior
below. It’s possible that the prisoners act friendly to the char- of an animal trainer’s car includes the trainers’ personal
acters when the rest of the caravan is hostile and vice versa. belongings, usually the contents of an explorer’s pack for
Prisoners are always unarmed. Spellcasting prisoners each trainer present. One or two draft horses pull these
are bound, gagged, and have their spell components or foci cars. However, some trainers may forgo a car altogether and
confiscated. instead ride a riding horse alongside the rest of the caravan.
P risoners
d4 Suit Prisoners
A car carrying treasure carries certain valuables that the
1 Club 1d4 bandits caravan’s drivers and guards wish to protect. Such cars are
heavier than normal cars, measuring 10–15 in length and
2 Diamond 1d6 commoners
equipped with average or complex locks. One or two draft
3 Heart 1d3 thugs horses pull these cars and 1d4 + 1 guards ride inside the car
or alongside the caravan on riding horses. The contents of
4 Spade 1 gladiator or 1 mage (your choice) the treasure depend on the card’s suit or a roll of the d4, as
shown on the table below.

PRIVATE CAR T reasure C ontents

A private car is larger and more luxurious than a passenger d4 Suit Treasure
car, carrying 1d3 nobles and 1d3 − 1 noncombatant children. A treasure chest containing 6d6 ×
These cars always have 1d2 guards who ride inside the car or 1 Club
100 gp
alongside it on a riding horse. A private car measures 15–20
feet in length and comes equipped with average locks. Two 2d4 art objects, each one worth
2 Diamond
or four draft horses pull the car. Each private car passenger 1d10 × 10 gp
carries the contents of a diplomat’s or scholar’s pack (your 2d4 art objects, each one worth
choice). 3 Heart
1d10 × 100 gp
A treasure chest containing 4d6 ×
ROYALT Y 4 Spade
1,000 gp
A car with royalty is similar in size and design to a private
car, except it carries only 1 noble inside and has 1d4 + 1 pro- YOUR CHOICE
tectors. Roll a d4 and reference the table below to determine
the protector’s nature. A member of royalty usually wears Usually, an ace allows you to choose the type of car you wish
2d4 pieces of jewelry, each piece worth 1d6 × 10 gp. to add to the caravan, choosing from the previous entries.
The numerical value of the card is 2 or 11, your choice when
you draw it.
Royalty Protectors
1 2d4 guards You can find anything out on the open road. However, items
that aid in travel may make the journey more enjoyable.
2 1d4 knights Items like the bellhop topper, hoarder’s haul, horn of the
3 1d4 + 1 thugs wild hunt, ironshod trotters, jotun’s johdpurs, rod of the
magicycle, staff of the mustang, or stalwart staff would make
4 1d4 veterans
traveling, and moving your hard-earned treasure, simpler
and more enjoyable.
A supply car carries food (for people and animals), water,
building supplies, and other basic necessities for the cara-
van. Such cars are usually 10–15 feet in length pulled by one
or two draft horses. These cars might have simple locks on
them to prevent theft.

When off the road, these carts can become walking cabins
that stand and stomp about on chicken-like legs and serve


as a perfect lair for covens. In fact, because of the extreme
symbiosis between hags and wicked wagons, a wicked wagon
can take the place of a hag for the sake of forming a coven:
making the process of forming a powerful coven all the more
ANIMATED DECK OF CARDS easy for the entreprenurial hag.
Like other animated constructs, the animated deck of cards
exists seemingly only to surprise unknowing creatures.
Swirling around a central deck of cards, these sharp, flying
cards fling themselves haphazardly toward targets to inflict
wicked paper cuts and ruin game nights. Animated Deck of Cards
Tiny construct, unaligned
CARD SHARK Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
When animated decks of cards collect in large enough Hit Points 10 (4d4)
groups, they sometimes form an even larger, shark-like form. Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
These cards fly in tandem and work together under a shared
consciousness like a school of fish. In this form, the card
shark can fling cards like a normal animated deck, but also
bite down and viciously slice its prey with its hundreds of 5 (–2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 3 (–4) 5 (–3) 1 (–5)
blade-like cards.
Saving Throws Dex +5
GAMES MASTER Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
Creatures that spend enough time playing games eventually exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
come to understand them in strange and powerful ways, Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
seeing them in a way unlike their fellow players. These mas- passive Perception 7
ters can easily win at cards, chess, or dice because of their Languages —
staggering experience and uncanny luck, but can also bring Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
out the bizarre magical powers hidden within such trinkets.
Antimagic Susceptibility. The deck of cards is incapacitated
MIMIC CART while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel
magic, the deck of cards must succeed on a Constitution
Mimics that venture outside of their normal dungeon homes saving throw against the caster’s spell save DC or fall
sometimes take on the form of abandoned carts, having unconscious for 1 minute.
found that travelers often investigate such objects in search
of wealth or, less frequently, to see if someone inside needs False Appearance. While the deck of cards remains motion-
help. These mimics employ similar tactics as their dun- less and isn’t flying, it is indistinguishable from a normal
geon-dwelling relatives, but tend to encounter (and devour) deck of cards.
more helpless folk than the average mimic as a result of their
size and feeding grounds. ACTIONS
Fling Card. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/120
SWARM OF ANIMATED DRAGONCHESS ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing damage.

Dragonchess pieces that have been enchanted by beguiling
wizards, artificers, and game masters sometimes become
fully autonomous, much like their deck of card counter-
parts. These pieces rattle about and take turns enlarging and
attacking, behaving like a legion of humanoids and beasts Animated Deck of Cards
working together in deadly partnership.

A favored and bewitched ally of hags, wicked wagons are
animated carts with sickly demiplanes inside that hold cap-
tured souls. These souls can then be used by its hag allies to
transform their appearances, taking on the forms and basic
knowledge of the souls captured within.


Card Shark

Card Shark False Appearance. While the card shark remains motionless
and isn’t flying, it is indistinguishable from a normal pile of
Medium swarm of tiny constructs, unaligned scattered playing cards.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Swarm. The card shark can occupy another creature’s space
Hit Points 31 (7d8)
and vice versa, and the card shark can move through any
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
opening large enough for a Tiny playing card. The card shark
can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
9 (–1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 3 (–4) 10 (+0) 1 (–5) ACTIONS
Multiattack. The card shark makes four fling card attacks. If it
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing has half of its hit points or fewer, it instead makes two fling
Damage Immunities poison, psychic card attacks.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned Hit: 27 (6d8) piercing damage, or 13 (3d8) piercing damage
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive if the card shark has half of its hit points or fewer.
Perception 10 Fling Card. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/120 ft.,
Languages — one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing damage.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Card Volley (1/Day). The card shark hurls a flurry of cards in
Antimagic Susceptibility. The card shark is incapacitated a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line
while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10)
magic, the card shark must succeed on a Constitution saving slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
throw against the caster’s spell save DC or fall unconscious a successful one. If the card shark has half its hit points or
for 1 minute. fewer, each creature instead takes 11 (2d10) slashing damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Games Master or fall prone and take 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Wildcard. When the master makes an attack roll, if the d20
roll is a 7, the attack hits regardless of any modifiers or the
Armor Class 15 (leather)
target’s AC, and the attack is a critical hit.
Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The master makes three fling card attacks.
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) Fling Card. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 30/120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing damage.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +6 Dragonchess Summon (1/Day). The master throws a drag-
Skills Deception +5, Insight +5, Perception +5, Sleight of onchess piece into an unoccupied space the master can see
Hand +7 within 30 feet of it, magically summoning the creature repre-
Senses passive Perception 15 sented by the piece. The creature disappears when it drops to
Languages Common, Thieves’ Cant 0 hit points or after 10 minutes.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) The creature is friendly to the master and its companions
for the duration. Roll initiative for the creature, which has
Ace in the Hole (1/Day). When the master makes an ability its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that the master
check, attack roll, or saving throw and rolls a 1 on the d20, it issues to it (no action required by the master). If the master
can choose to treat the roll as a 20 instead. doesn’t issue any commands to the creature, it defends itself
Gaming Adept. The master has advantage on any ability check from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions.
it makes that involves a gaming set. Roll a d6 to determine the creature the master summons.

Scatter Dice. As a bonus action, the master spreads a flurry 1. Griffon

of dice on the ground in a 15-foot cone. The area becomes 2. Basilisk
difficult terrain until cleared, with each 5-foot-square portion 3. Red dragon wyrmling
requiring at least 1 minute to clear by hand. When a creature 4. Unicorn
moves into the area and each time it moves 5 feet within the 5. Earth elemental
area, it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check 6. Mammoth


Mimic Cart
Huge monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 93 (11d12 + 22)
Speed 25 ft.


21 (+5) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 5 (–3) 13 (+1) 8 (–1)

Skills Stealth +6
Damage Immunities acid
Condition Immunities prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages —
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Shapechanger. The mimic can use its action to polymorph

into an object or back into its true, amorphous form. Its
statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is
wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true
form if it dies.
Adhesive (Object Form Only). The mimic adheres to any-
thing that touches it. A creature adhered to the mimic is
also grappled by it (escape DC 15). Ability checks made to
escape this grapple have disadvantage.
False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the mimic re-
mains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary
Grappler. The mimic has advantage on attack rolls against
any creature grappled by it.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar-
get. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) piercing damage plus 6 (1d12) acid
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the mim-
ic is in object form, the target is subjected to its Adhesive

Mimic Cart

Swarm of Animated The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice
versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large
Dragonchess Pieces enough for a Tiny dragonchess piece. The swarm can’t regain
Medium swarm of tiny constructs, unaligned hit points or gain temporary hit points.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 77 (14d8 + 14) ACTIONS
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Multiattack. The swarm makes three attacks: one with its
bite, one with its crush, and one with its sword; it can cast
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a spell in place of one attack. If the swarm has half of its hit
points or fewer, it instead makes two attacks: one with its
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 4 (–3) 14 (+2) 1 (–5)
bite and one with its sword.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing Bite (Basilisk/Griffon). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Damage Immunities poison, psychic 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Crush (Dwarf/Oliphant). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Sword (Hero/Warrior). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
Perception 12 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.
Languages Common
Fire Breath (Dragon; Recharge 6). The dragon piece exhales
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) fire damage on
Antimagic Susceptibility. The swarm is incapacitated while in
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the
swarm must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against Healing Touch (Unicorn; 2/Day). The unicorn piece touches
the caster’s spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. another creature with its horn. The target magically regains
11 (2d8 + 2) hit points. In addition, the touch removes all
Innate Spellcasting (Cleric/Mage/Paladin). The swarm’s innate
diseases and neutralizes all poisons afflicting the target.
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit
with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells,
requiring no material components:
Fiery Retaliation (Elemental). When a creature touches the
At will: prestidigitation, sacred flame
swarm or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of
1/day each: branding smite, guiding bolt, magic missile
it, the elemental piece deals 5 (1d10) fire damage to that
Superior Invisibility (Sylph; 1/Day). As a bonus action, the creature.
sylph piece can cast greater invisibility on the swarm.
Overrule (King; 1/Day). When the swarm misses with an
Swarm. When one of the dragonchess pieces acts, it momen- attack, the king piece orders it to reroll the attack roll, and it
tarily increases to Medium size in the swarm’s space before must use the new roll.
reverting to its normal Tiny form. If the swarm has half of its
Uncanny Dodge (Thief). The thief piece halves the damage
hit points or fewer, it can’t cast spells, and it can’t use its
that the swarm takes from an attack that hits it. The swarm
Fire Breath or Uncanny Dodge options.
must be able to see the attacker.


Wicked Wagon While a creature’s soul is trapped in the demiplane, a hag
riding in the wagon can use an action to magically transform,
Huge construct, neutral evil assuming that creature’s appearance. While transformed, the
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) hag gains access to enough information that it can reliably
Hit Points 104 (11d12 + 33) pass itself off as that creature to a casual acquaintance of the
Speed 40 ft. creature.
A creature can discern the hag’s true nature by succeeding
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA on a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by the hag’s Charisma
(Deception) check. The hag reverts to its normal form if it is
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 5 (–3) 13 (+1) 7 (–2) ever more than 1 mile away from the wagon.

Saving Throws Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +1 Witch’s Spire. The wagon can use a bonus action to assume
Skills Deception +1, Perception +4, Stealth +4 its Gargantuan spire form, standing on chicken-like legs and
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from raising the wagon 30 feet into the air. It stays in this form
nonmagical attacks until it uses a bonus action to revert to its wagon form. Its
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
poisoned ACTIONS
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Multiattack. The wagon makes two snatch attacks.
Perception 14
Languages understands Common but can’t speak Snatch (Spire Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d12 + 5) bludgeoning dam-
age. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is grappled
Coven Cart. The wagon counts as a hag for the purpose of (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the target is re-
forming a coven with two other hags. strained. The wagon has two arms, each of which can grapple
only one target. A humanoid reduced to 0 hit points while
Magic Resistance. The wagon has advantage on saving throws grappled in this way dies and is subjected to the wagon’s
against spells and other magical effects. Soul Capture trait.
Soul Capture. If the wagon or one of its allies riding in it kills Overrun. The wagon moves up to its speed in a straight line.
a humanoid, that creature’s soul becomes trapped in the During this movement, it can move through the space of any
demiplane inside the wagon. A trapped soul remains in the creature or object that is Large or smaller, and it doesn’t pro-
demiplane until the wagon is destroyed, or until it is targeted voke opportunity attacks. Each target in its path must make a
by a dispel evil and good spell or similar magic, releasing all DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes
trapped souls. 19 (3d12) bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a
successful save, a target takes half as much damage and isn’t
knocked prone.

When you join the College of Four Suits at 3rd level, you
find a way to twist your bardic magic in new ways using the
magic of chance. You gain proficiency with playing card sets,
if you don’t already have it, and you can use playing card sets
as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells. Your proficiency
bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses
playing card sets, such as Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or
Charisma (Performance) checks made to either cheat or
perform card tricks, respectively.
In addition, you can transform a mundane playing card set
into a magic one, called an arcane deck, using a special ritual
while holding the cards. The ritual takes 1 hour, which can be
done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the deck (no
action required), shunting it into an extradimensional space.
The deck also disappears if it’s more than 120 feet away from
you for 1 minute or more, or if you die. You can summon the
arcane deck to an empty hand using a bonus action, and can
use it as a normal playing card set. You can replace your ar-
cane deck by performing the 1-hour ritual on another playing
card set. When you do, the previous arcane deck becomes a
nonmagical playing card set again. The deck appears at your
feet if it is in the extradimensional space when this happens.
You use this arcane deck for your College of Four Suits
features, drawing and playing cards as described in them and
using the following rules:

y The arcane deck uses a standard deck of 52 cards, remov-

ing any jokers from the deck. You can use a deck of play-
ing cards at your table for these features or use a digital
College of Four Suits tool instead.
y An ace counts as 1, and a jack, queen, or king counts as a


y At 3rd level, your maximum hand size is 3. Your maxi-
mum hand size increases when you reach certain levels
in this class, becoming 4 cards at 6th level, and 5 cards at
A good musician may be inspirational, but not the degree
that a true bard can muster. Using sheer control over the
y Played and discarded cards disappear and are placed in
simple magic of everyday comforts like music, song, and
a discard pile to the side of the deck. When you finish
welcome conversation, bards are capable of twisting the
a long rest, shuffle the discard pile back into the deck.
world, and the people within it, to their liking. Bards are
Discarded cards are unavailable to your arcane deck while
well-learned by trade, and as a result are capable of almost
you’re in combat, but can otherwise be used as normal
anything through gathered knowledge and uncanny apti-
when using the deck as a playing card set.
tude. Often lauded as much as they are reviled by those they
encounter, these practicioners of clever enchantments and
illusions do their best work from the sidelines of combat and HAND OF FATE
the heads of powerful tables. At 3rd level, you draw a hand of cards whenever you roll for
initiative, up to your maximum hand size, called a hand of
COLLEGE OF FOUR SUITS fate. You keep these cards until they’re played or until the
combat resolves, at which time any remaining cards in your
Bards of the College of Four Suits see games of chance as hand are discarded. When you draw these cards, your arcane
challenging questions of fate and predetermination. These deck and drawn cards magically appear and float in the air
charismatic players can see the threads of fate hard at work within easy reach for the duration. While the arcane deck
with every roll of the dice and card draw, providing timeless is summoned in this way, you don’t need to be holding it in
material for their magic and musings. By bearing witness to order to use it as a spellcasting focus.
this magic firsthand, bards of this college believe that the You can play multiple cards at a time and combine their
future is something that can be directed, if not controlled. values provided that they’re all from the same suit. Regard-
As such, these magicians, tricksters, and fortune tellers play less of what your cards’ combined value is, it can’t exceed
along in a never-ending game against their future selves, your bard spell save DC. After a card is played and its effect
strategically twisting luck in their ever-growing favor to resolves, it disappears from your hand and is placed in your
force the hand of fate itself. discard pile.


You can play cards from your hand of fate in a variety of ROYAL FLUSH
ways as described below.
Starting at 6th level, you’ve learned how to draw more magic
y Fate Change. You can choose to forgo rolling a d20 for an from your arcane deck and influence those around you. You
attack roll or ability check to play one or more cards from can use an action to play a jack, queen, or king card from
your hand (no action required), using their combined your hand of fate or hole cards to cast the command spell
value to determine the roll instead. You can wait until from it at 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level, respectively, using your bard
after you roll the d20 before deciding to use this feature, spell save DC and without expending a spell slot. Once you
but must decide before the GM says whether the roll play a card in this way, you can’t do so again with that card
succeeds or fails. Once you use this ability, you can’t do so from any other suit until you finish a long rest.
again until you roll initiative again and draw a new hand. In addition, the range of your Trick feature increases to 60
If you can eventually replace a d20 roll with a combined feet, instead of 30.
card value of 20 or more, it doesn’t count as a critical hit
or success on the roll you replace it with. ACE
y Trick. You can use an action to send one or more cards
from your hand hurtling at a creature that you can see By 14th level, you’re an expert at using cards to influence
within 30 feet of you (other than yourself ). your fortune and succeed. Your feature becomes more power-
Clubs or Spades. If the cards’ suit is a club or spade, ful in the following ways:
make a ranged spell attack against the target, using
y An ace counts as a 10 for you, instead of a 1.
your spell attack bonus. On a hit, the target takes force
y You can choose to combine cards of the same value,
damage equal to the cards’ combined value.
rather than suit, when playing them as part of your Fate
Diamonds or Hearts. If the cards’ suit is a diamond
Change or Trick features. When played as part of a Trick
or heart, the target gains a number of temporary hit
in this way, you choose which suit to use between all the
points equal to the cards’ combined value, which last
ones played when determining the kind of Trick it is.
for 1 minute or until you use this Trick again.
y If you hit a target with a Club or Spade Trick, you can add
Whenever you expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration, your Charisma modifier to the total of the damage dealt
you can draw 2 cards from the deck and choose 1 of them to by the attack. The Trick’s total damage dealt still can’t
add to your hand, placing the second card on the bottom of exceed your bard save DC.
the deck. If your hand is full when you add a new card in this y You can use your Fate Change feature twice during com-
way, you can choose to either discard a card from your hand bat, instead of once.
and replace it with the new one or simply place it on the bot- y If you have an ace in your hand of fate or as a hole card,
tom of the deck without replacing any cards in your hand. you can use your reaction to play it when you see a crea-
When you reach 6th level in this class, the number of cards ture within 60 feet of you make an attack roll or ability
you draw and keep whenever you expend a use of your Bardic check, expending a use of your Fate Change feature if
Inspiration increases by 1. At 14th level, you can choose to you’re in combat and replacing the target’s d20 roll with
place the leftover card back on top of the deck, rather than either a 1 or 10 (your choice). You can choose to use this
the bottom. reaction after the creature makes its roll, but before the
GM determines whether the attack roll or ability check
HOLE CARDS succeeds or fails. If the creature is unwilling, it can make
a Charisma saving throw against your bard save DC, ig-
Also at 3rd level, when you finish a long rest, you can draw up noring the effect and using the original roll on a success.
to your maximum hand size from your arcane deck. Choose 1
of those cards and shuffle the remainder back into the deck.
This card is called your hole card, and remains separate from
your arcane deck and hand of fate.
The number of hole cards you keep when you finish a long
rest increases when you reach certain levels in this class,
becoming 2 cards at 6th level, and 3 cards at 14th.
When you roll a d20 to make an attack roll or ability check,
you can choose to play a hole card and add its value to the
total of the roll. You make this decision after you roll the
d20, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or
fails. Regardless of the value of the card, it can’t exceed the
maximum value of your Bardic Inspiration die. For example,
if your Bardic Inspiration die is a d6, a 7 card or higher would
be treated as a 6.
While in combat, you can choose to play hole cards as
though they were a card from your hand of fate.

This monthly content takes multiple artists, designers, writers, and editors to make each month. Your extraordinary pledge
helps sustain this monthly effort, and earns you a special place here in this document. Thank you so much for your continued
enthusiasm and support: it truly makes a difference to not only me, but to the creators who help produce this content and to
everyone around the world who gets to enjoy it. You are truly the legendary heroes among us.

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