A 2-Year-Old Child With Cough and Respiratory Distress: Family Medicine and Community Health
A 2-Year-Old Child With Cough and Respiratory Distress: Family Medicine and Community Health
A 2-Year-Old Child With Cough and Respiratory Distress: Family Medicine and Community Health
Family Medicine and Community Health
The main indications for special observation and care are demonstrated any significant benefit. However, we do know
as follows: that children with mild croup benefit from being taken out-
• Respiratory distress or stridor at rest doors, especially if the atmosphere is humid, the air is moist, or
• Uncertainty of diagnosis if there is a steamy atmosphere in the home. Parents should not
• Social reasons be discouraged from trying this treatment approach, but must
In the current case, first-line treatment was corticosteroids. be warned of the dangers of burns from steam in the home.
Oral, intravenous, intramuscular, and nebulized corticos-
teroids are all effective options. Oral corticosteroids (pred- Nebulized adrenaline
nisolone [1 mg/kg] or dexamethasone [0.3 mg/kg]) can be Nebulized adrenaline should be used for grade 3 croup, or
administered as a once daily dose for 1 or 2 days. Nebulized grade 2 croup not responding to corticosteroids. The dose
budesonide should be considered for children who have vom- of nebulized adrenaline is 5 mL of 1:1000 adrenaline in the
ited after taking oral steroids. Some children are upset by the nebulizer (run with oxygen at 8 L a minute). This dose can be
nebulization process. repeated if there is an unsatisfactory response after 10–15 min.
Antibiotics and anti-tusssives are not recommended for The fluid from the ampoules of adrenaline is simply emptied
croup. into the nebulizer. Some authorities regard nebulized adrena-
line as first-line therapy
Steam and humidified air
Traditional humidified air or ‘mist’ therapy, such as in a mist Conflict of interest
tent, is no longer recommended as controlled studies have not The author declares no conflict of interest.