Fotogrametri Udara - 1b. Foto Udara Dijital
Fotogrametri Udara - 1b. Foto Udara Dijital
Fotogrametri Udara - 1b. Foto Udara Dijital
(Genap 2020-2021)
Dipersiapkan Oleh:
Tim Dosen Kelompok Bidang Keahlian Fotogrametri
Foto Udara Dijital (CPL 7 – CPL 19)
Pengenalan skala foto dan resolusi foto dijital terhadap tinggi terbang, pergeseran relief, dan koordinat peta.
1. Skala foto, cakupan foto, variasi perubahan skala, resolusi spasial dan GSD.
2. Perubahan relief dan tinggi obyek, koordinat peta dari foto udara vertikal.
Skala foto, cakupan foto, variasi perubahan skala,
resolusi spasial dan GSD
Konfigurasi Kamera Udara
1. Cameras are framing systems which aquire a
near-instantaneous ”snapshot” of an area (1),
of the surface.
2. Camera systems are passive optical sensors that
use a lens (2) (or system of lenses).
3. They form an image at the focal plane (3), the
plane at which an image is sharply defined.
Konfigurasi Kamera Udara
Basic components of all cameras:
• Lens – to focus light on the film In aerial photography, object distances are
• Film – to record the image normally infinite, therefore most aerial
• Shutter and Aperture – to control the cameras are manufactured with their film
amount of light reaching the film plane precisely located at a fixed distance
• Body – holds the film, lens and shutter in from their lens – ”focal length” or ”camera
their correct positions constant”.
• Focal length = camera constant
• The distance from the centre of the
lens to the image plane.
• The focal length is required
forcalculating the photo scale
The amount of light reaching the film can
be varied by changing the diameter of the
lens opening (aperture), and/or changing
the length of time that the light is allowed
to reach the film.
Basic Elements of a Vertical Aerial Image
Flight direction
Format size x-axis
Fiducial mark
Fiducial center (F.C.)
Principal distance
Principal point (p.p.) = Focal length
Flying height
Perspective center above datum (H)
Tipe Foto Udara
Tipe-tipe foto udara berdasarkan sudut kemiringan (tilt) kamera terhadap arah gravitasi (titik nadir):
Foto udara vertical: arah pemotretan menghadap ke bawah permukaan bumi (nadir) dan sejajar dengan garis gravitasi.
Sudut tilt < 3o.
Foto udara low oblique: foto udara dengan kemiringan: 3o < tilt < 30o (atau garis cakrawala belum nampak pada foto)
Foto udara High oblique: foto udara dengan kemiringan: tilt > 30o (atau garis cakrawala (horizon) nampak pada foto)
Fiducial Marks
9” (23cm) Documentation
Geometri Foto Udara
Sistem Kordinat Foto
Fiducial mark
Fiducial Center
1.Camera Coordinate System
S rata rata f
H hrata rata a
Contoh Soal :
Misalkan titik tertinggi di medan h1,rata-
rata ketinggian medan hr, titik terendah h2 H
dalam gambar, diatas permukaan air laut
rata-rata berturut-turut sebesar 609,6 m;
457,2 m; 304,8 m. Hitunglah besarnya
skala terbesar, skala terkecil dan skala A B
rata-rata apabila tinggi terbang diatas
permukaan air laut rata-rata sebesar 3,048
km dan panjang fokus kamera sebesar
Rata-rata medan h1
152,4mm. hr
Skala dan Area Cakupan
Jawaban :
c 15,24 cm 1
S maks 1:16000
H h1 3048 609,6 m 16000
c 15,24 cm 1
S min 1:18000
H h1 3048 304,8 m 18000
c 15,24 cm 1
S rata rata 1:17000
H h1 3048 457,2 m 17000
Skala dan Area Cakupan
Ada beberapa cara lain yang dapat digunakan dalam menentukan skala foto.
- Jika diketahui jarak mendatar (AB) antara dua buah pusat perpotongan jalan
diukur diatas tanah, serta garis tersebut tampak diatas foto udara tegak (ab).
Sehingga skalanya dapat dihitung sebagai berikut :
- Skala foto udara tegak dapat ditentukan juga apabila dapat diperoleh peta
yang meliputi daerah yang sama dengan liputan foto tersebut
Jawab :
c 6 inci 1inci 1
S 1 : 12.000
H 6.000 kaki 1.000 kaki 12.000
2.Image Scale and it’s variations
Aerial Photographic Scale:
2.Image Scale and it’s variations
Scale Variation due to Topography:
2.Image Scale and it’s variations
Scale Variation due to Camera Tilt:
2.Image Scale and it’s variations
Scale Variation due to Camera Tilt:
Photographic Scale (Continued)
Scale implies that one unit of distance on a photograph represents a
specific number of units of actual ground distance.
Example - a scale of 1/25,000 b´ o´ a´
Negative film
(or 1:25,000):
1 mm on photograph
L (Exposure station)
represents 25 m on
ground H
Positive print
1:1,000 is a larger scale (Aircraft H´ a o b
flying height)
than 1:500,000 because it above
shows ground features at terrain)
a larger, more detailed Ground
size. h (Terrain elevation)
Sea level
Photographic Scale (Continued)
b´ o´ a´
Negative film
L (Exposure station)
Example 3.2, page 139: f
Camera equipped with (Aircraft H´ Positive print
a o b
152-mm-focal-length lens (Height
flying height)
to take vertical above
photograph from 2780 m
altitude. A O B
h (Terrain elevation)
Terrain flat at elevation of Sea level
500 m.
What is the photograph f 0.152
scale? Scale
H h 2780 500
Scale or 1 : 15000
Photographic Scale (Concluded)
• Only case an aerial photograph can be treated as a map directly is
the case of a vertical photograph imaging uniformly flat terrain.
– Rarely the case.
– Potential geometric distortions due to tilt, scale variation, and
relief displacement.
• Failure to deal with distortions will lead to a lack of fit among
image derived and non-image derived data sources in a GIS.
• If various factors are properly addressed, extremely reliable
measurements and map products can be derived from aerial
Ground Coverage of Aerial Photographs
• Ground coverage is function of camera format size.
– 230 x 230 mm format (240 mm film) has about 17.5 times
(from (240/70)2) the ground area coverage of an image taken
with a 55 x 55 mm format (70 mm film).
• As with photo scale, ground coverage of photography is a function
of focal length and flying height above ground (H).
• For constant flying height, width of covered ground area varies
inversely with focal length.
• Photos from shorter focal length lenses have larger areas of
coverage (i.e. smaller scales) than those taken with longer focal
length lenses.
• There is a tradeoff between the ground area covered by an image
and the object detail.
Resolusi Spasial dan GSD
Resolusi adalah jumlah piksel yang terdapat pada sensor kamera (CMOS atau CCD). Untuk jumlah piksel yang sama dalam
suatu foto dijital:
• Semakin besar dimensi sensor kamera akan semakin besar ukuran sebuah pikselnya.
• Semakin besar ukuran sebuah piksel semakin besar kemampuannya untuk menangkap foton cahaya lebih banyak.
• Semakin besar ukuran sebuah piksel akan semakin jelas/tajam foto yang dihasilkan.
• Semakin besar dimensi sensor kamera akan semakin mahal kamera tersebut.
• Jumlah resolusi (megapiksel) kamera tidak menentukan ketajaman gambar yang dihasilkan.
• Resolusi kamera hanya ditentukan oleh jumlah piksel dalam fotonya dan dimensi sensor kamera.
• Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) adalah proyeksi dimensi sebuah piksel di sensor kamera pada permukaan
• GSD tergantung dari skala foto.
• Semakin kecil nilai GSD berarti kerapatan spasialnya akan semakin tinggi.
• Semakin kecil nilai GSD akan semakin jelas kenampakan/wujud dari suatu obyek.
Resolusi Geometrik
Resolusi Geometrik= Ukuran Piksel
Building Cylinder
Building Cylinder
Perspective Projection
Orthogonal Projection
Perspective Versus Orthogonal Projection
Displacement of Object Features
Light pole
Relief Displacement is directly proportional to:
Relief Displacement increases with the
Radial distance from the nadir point, and radial distance
Object height above the datum.
Relief Displacement is inversely proportional to:
Flying height above the datum.
Relief displacement causes occlusion.
Relief Displacement
Relief displacement is outward for points
whose elevations are above the datum
(diapositive). Inward displacement Outward displacement
Occluded Area
Relief Displacement & Occlusion
Patch from the left image Patch from the right image
A´ R
A´´ D
Object Height Determination from Relief
Displacement Measurement (Concluded)
Another example: