Aqar Report 2018-19 Saurashtra University
Aqar Report 2018-19 Saurashtra University
Aqar Report 2018-19 Saurashtra University
Part A
City/Town RAJKOT
State/UT Gujarat
Pincode 360005
2. Institutional Status
University State
Location Semi-urban
3. Website Address
5. Accrediation Details
Quality initiatives by IQAC during the year for promoting quality culture
Item /Title of the quality initiative by Date & Duration Number of participants/ beneficiaries
Upload the minutes of meeting and action taken report View File
12. Significant contributions made by IQAC during the current year(maximum five bullets)
Organised Staff Training Program (STP) for non teaching staff. A total of 47 non
teaching staff participated actively in the week long training program.
Conducted Academic Audit across all the PG Departments on the University Campus.
Earmarked Rs. 15 lac for filing patents by University Researchers and Faculty
Organised one day workshop on NAAC Assessment and Accreditation for University
Faculty, officers, staff and principals of affiliated Colleges. Total
beneficiaries were numbering 295.
View File
13. Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the academic year towards Quality
Enhancement and outcome achieved by the end of the academic year
Part B
1.1.2 – Programmes/ courses focussed on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development during the Academic
Programme with Programme Date of Introduction Course with Code Date of Introduction
Code Specialization
MCom NIL 01/01/2018 CCT02 01/01/2018
MCom NIL 01/01/2018 CCT-04 01/01/2018
MCom NIL 01/01/2018 CCT-06 01/01/2018
MCom NIL 01/01/2018 CCT-10 01/01/2018
MCom NIL 01/01/2018 CCT-12 01/01/2018
MCom NIL 01/01/2018 ECT-2 01/01/2018
MCom NIL 01/01/2018 ECT-4 01/01/2018
MCom NIL 01/01/2018 ECT-6 01/01/2018
MCom NIL 01/01/2018 ICT-2 01/01/2018
MPhil COMMERCE 01/01/2018 ELEMENTS OF 18/06/2018
MPhil COMMERCE 01/01/2018 PERSPECTIVE 18/06/2018
MSc INFORMATION 01/01/2018 003008 18/06/2018
MA ECONOMICS 01/01/2018 003008 18/06/2018
PhD or DPhil ECONOMICS 01/01/2018 001036 18/06/2018
MSc ECI 01/01/2018 PROJECTS 18/06/2018
MSc ELECTRONICS 01/01/2018 Paper 14: 18/06/2018
using AVR
MSc ELECTRONICS 01/01/2018 PROJECTS 18/06/2018
MPhil ENGLISH 01/01/2018 Applying 18/06/2018
Theories to
Specific Texts/
MPhil ENGLISH 01/01/2018 Cultural Stud 18/06/2018
MPhil ENGLISH 01/01/2018 Research Meth 18/06/2018
MPhil ENGLISH 01/01/2018 Theories of E 18/06/2018
PhD or DPhil HOME SCIENCE 01/01/2018 007006 18/06/2018
PG Diploma P.G. DIPLOMA IN 01/01/2018 1037 18/06/2018
PG Diploma P.G. DIPLOMA IN 01/01/2018 Exim Law16040 18/06/2018
EXPORT - IMPORT 20005010100,
(EXIM) LAWS Project - 16040
(005015) 20005020100
PG Diploma PG DIPLOMA IN 01/01/2018 Banking Law - 18/06/2018
BANKING LAW 160401000501010
(005011) 0 Project - 160
PG Diploma PG DIPLOMA IN 01/01/2018 Forensic 18/06/2018
FOREINSIC Science - 16040
SCIENCE 30005010100
(005012) Project - 16040
MBA NIL 01/01/2018 Business 18/06/2018
ethics and
MSW LABOUR WELFARE 01/01/2018 001006 18/06/2018
MPharm MANAGEMENT 01/01/2018 014003 18/06/2018
MPharm BT 01/01/2018 06006 18/06/2018
MPharm RA 01/01/2018 014110 18/06/2018
MPharm PHARMACOLOGY 01/01/2018 06002 18/06/2018
MPharm PHARMACOGNOSY 01/01/2018 06004 18/06/2018
MSc PHYSICS 01/01/2018 M Sc/003020 18/06/2018
MPhil SANSKRIT 01/01/2018 disseration 18/06/2018
1.2.2 – Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective Course System implemented at the
University level during the Academic year.
Students Yes
Teachers Yes
Employers Yes
Alumni Yes
Parents Yes
1.4.2 – How the feedback obtained is being analyzed and utilized for overall development of the institution?
(maximum 500 words)
Feedback Obtained
The Programme feedbacks have been collected from the students regarding course
content and teacher’s quality of teaching. At the end of each semester all the
students give their individual opinion about course content in specific
questionnaires. These questionnaires have been prepared by IQAC of the
University. The feedback given by the students are then analyzed by specific
software and the results are discussed in staff council in each department. The
faculty members give suggestions for the improvement of effective teaching
Number of Number of ICT Toolsand Number of ICT Numberof smart E-resources and
Teachers on Roll teachers using resources enabled classrooms techniques used
ICT (LMS, e- available Classrooms
175 175 10 72 55 5
2.3.2 – Students mentoring system available in the institution? Give details. (maximum 500 words)
Yes, regular students counseling is done by their mentors (faculties) in the first week of each month from all
aspects. Regular career guidance is provided to the students and special guest lectures are arranged regularly
for the benefits of students The students mentoring system is well developed in the University. One faculty
member is allotted as the guidance counselor to a group of students. The counseling meeting of the students
with the mentor is held every month on a pre decided date. The following topics are discussed during the
meetings • Details of the students including their family details and background • Discussion regarding the
problems student faces with respect to their studies. • Social problems if any. • Discussions related to the
hobbies and encouragement for extracurricular activities • Guidance for future planning. After discussion the
counseling file is maintained and updated every month.
Number of students enrolled in the Number of fulltime teachers Mentor : Mentee Ratio
1387 155 1:8.95
No. of sanctioned No. of filled positions Vacant positions Positions filled during No. of faculty with
positions the current year Ph.D
155 101 46 0 98
2.4.2 – Honours and recognition received by teachers (received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National,
International level from Government, recognised bodies during the year )
Year of Award Name of full time teachers Designation Name of the award,
receiving awards from fellowship, received from
state level, national level, Government or recognized
international level bodies
2018 Prof. H.N. Pandya Professor Recognised by NAAC
as a peer team
2018 Dr. R.D. Bhedi Assistant Professor AMBEDKER Chair
2018 Ms. Priya Patel Assistant Professor Idea hunt compition
second prize
received with
Rs.5000/as prise.
2018 Dr. Mukesh Kher Assistant Professor Best Teacher Award
From Department of
2018 Dr. Trupesh Pethani Assistant Professor Best Teacher Award
From Department of
2018 Dr. D. G. Kuberkar Professor • Best Poster
Presentation Award
• National Seminar
on “Advances in
Research” (ANR2018)
• Member DST SERB,
PAC Committee on
Physical Science •
Accelerator User
Committee IUAC,
Delhi • Member,
Board of Studies,
M. S. Univer
2019 Dr. G.C.Bhimani Professor Distinguished
Leader In Science
2.5.2 – Average percentage of Student complaints/grievances about evaluation against total number appeared in
the examinations during the year
Type Name of the teacher Name of the award Date of award Awarding agency
awarded the
International Prof. Dr. Atul Travel Grant 06/05/2018 European Union
M Gonsai
3.1.2 – Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other fellows in the Institution
enrolled during the year
Nature of the Project Duration Name of the funding Total grant Amount received
agency sanctioned during the year
No Data Entered/Not Applicable !!!
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3.3.2 – Awards for Innovation won by Institution/Teachers/Research scholars/Students during the year
Title of the innovation Name of Awardee Awarding Agency Date of award Category
Academic Distinguished HELA 05/01/2019 Teacher
Leadership Leader In
Idea hunt Ms. Priya Patel APTI/NSRT 16/05/2018 Teacher
3.3.3 – No. of Incubation centre created, start-ups incubated on campus during the year
3.4.2 – Research Publications in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year
3.4.3 – Books and Chapters in edited Volumes / Books published, and papers in National/International Conference
Proceedings per Teacher during the year
3.4.5 – Bibliometrics of the publications during the last academic year based on average citation index in Scopus/
Web of Science or PubMed/ Indian Citation Index
Title of the Name of Title of journal Year of Citation Index Institutional Number of
Paper Author publication affiliation as citations
mentioned in excluding self
the publication citation
No Data Entered/Not Applicable !!!
View File
3.4.6 – h-Index of the Institutional Publications during the year. (based on Scopus/ Web of science)
3.5 – Consultancy
3.5.1 – Revenue generated from Consultancy during the year
3.5.2 – Revenue generated from Corporate Training by the institution during the year
Name of the Title of the Agency seeking / Revenue generated Number of trainees
Consultan(s) programme training (amount in rupees)
COE, Chemistry Summer Training MARWADI 60000 8
COE, Chemistry Instrument ATMIYA 35000 7
3.6.2 – Awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government and other recognized bodies
during the year
Name of the scheme Organising unit/Agen Name of the activity Number of teachers Number of students
cy/collaborating participated in such participated in such
agency activites activites
Vysan Mukti Dept. Of Lectures Debate 7 100
Swachh Bharat Saurashtra Swachh Bharat 9 130
Abhiyan University Abhiyan
Youth Ramakrishna Youth 1 12
Convention Ashram Convention
Yuva Shri Krishna Nation Seminar 1 11
Pratiyogita Pranami,
Swachh Bharat Department of Cleanliness by 2 56
Abhiyan Human Rights collecting
plastic etc
Gender Issue Department of Preventing 2 2
Human Rights child labour
Swachh Bharat DEPARTMENT OF Cleanliness 4 30
Plastic Free Department of Plastic Free 5 25
Campus And Economics Campus And
Swachh Bharat Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan Abhiyan
Swachh Bharat Department of Plastic Free 2 75
Abhiyan Law Campus
Swachh Bharat Chem. Deptt. Campus cleaning 6 201
Abhiyan Sau. University plastic free
3.7 – Collaborations
3.7.1 – Number of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange during the year
3.7.2 – Linkages with institutions/industries for internship, on-the- job training, project work, sharing of research
facilities etc. during the year
Nature of linkage Title of the Name of the Duration From Duration To Participant
linkage partnering
/research lab
with contact
Student Industry Oxygen 20/03/2018 26/03/2018 BHoomi
Training institute Healthcare Makwana, Vid
training Research hyaJadvani,
Pvt. Ltd. NeelamLalwan
No file uploaded.
3.7.3 – MoUs signed with institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate
houses etc. during the year
Budget allocated for infrastructure augmentation Budget utilized for infrastructure development
585042472 109972583
4.2.3 – E-content developed by teachers such as: e-PG- Pathshala, CEC (under e-PG- Pathshala CEC (Under
Graduate) SWAYAM other MOOCs platform NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government initiatives & institutional
(Learning Management System (LMS) etc
Name of the Teacher Name of the Module Platformon which module Date of launching e-
is developed content
Dr. B.G. Maniar 1Legal Regulation ebook 04/06/2018
of Foreign Trade
Dr. B.G. Maniar 2Legal Regulation ebook 04/06/2018
of Banking
Dr. B.G. Maniar 3Legal Aspects of ebook 04/06/2018
Hospital Management
Dr. B.G. Maniar 4Law Social ebook 04/06/2018
Transformation in
4.3 – IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 – Technology Upgradation (overall)
Type Total Co Computer Internet Browsing Computer Office Departme Available Others
mputers Lab centers Centers nts Bandwidt
Existin 400 30 300 5 1 65 29 1
Added 310 400
Total 710 30 700 5 1 65 29 1 0
Name of the e-content development facility Provide the link of the videos and media centre and
recording facility
AV Room Video recording Computer center, Journalism department
4.4.2 – Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities - laboratory,
library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. (maximum 500 words) (information to be available in
institutional Website, provide link)
The University has a well organized system for the maintenance and utilization
of physical, academic and support facilities including laboratory, library,
sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. For sake of prompt and correct
action to be initiated starting from the first moment, the maintenance and
utilization systems are kept distinct. The maintenance department comprises of
Estate section and Computer centre. The Estate section looks after the civil,
mechanical and electrical affairs while computer centre looks after the IT
infrastructure including computers, network, internet and intranet, and all
smart devices. Computer Centre: Established Systems forPerforma notes for
financial sanction in case of any type of purchase For repairing / maintaining
computer and peripherals including printers, projector, laptop, desktop,
operating systems, data backup a request slip is to be submitted as per
performa either online or offline. For new Internet connection/internet
reestablishment or any problem with internet another request slip is to be
submitted to the Computer Centre. For new WIFI connection or WIFI connection
reestablishment or any problem with WIFI another request slip is to be
submitted to the Computer Centre. All the forms are already available on the
website of Computer Centre. Also the contact details, in case of request of
service is also available on the same website. Estate Section: The Estate
section has wider responsibility of looking after the civil, mechanical and
electrical affairs on the wide spread campus. The University has practiced
executing annual rate contracts of maintenance for overall electrifications ,
Air conditioning facilities ,water supply System , street light System, Ro
plant amp Water cooler System, Infrastructure amp campus Road cleaning, roof
top solar power System cleaning ,inverter System ,lift Maintenance, campus
security , Maintenance of Landscaping , Garden and Nagar Nandanvan forest in
coordination with forest department. All annual maintenance contracts and their
performance are continuously supervise by Estate Section engineers and
employees. Premonsoon programme like cleaning of building terrace, cleaning of
sprout, cleaning of rain water drain line cleaning of culverts has been
executed by this department regularly. Estate department engineers as well as
AMC (Annual maintenance contractor) employees regularly visit various building
to assess the health of R.O. Plant and rectify the problem immediately. Campus
security system is also monitored continuously. Gardening, landscaping and
plantations are maintain regularly by watering them as well as trimming and
cutting them in appropriate manner as required. The procedure here is
comparatively simple one has to just put a request on blank paper mentioning
type of service required. The authorities then assign the task to appropriate
employee or contractor and will follow it up for satisfactory completion. For
checking the satisfactory work is done or not, practice of satisfaction note to
be produced from person/department that generated the request is enforced.
Library: The Library has huge collection of books, journals, magazines, dailies
and ebooks and ejournals. Library adequate staff to look after its maintenance.
The Library collects requisites from every academic department for the
resources to be procured on yearly basis and
5.1.2 – Number of capability enhancement and development schemes such as Soft skill development, Remedial
coaching, Language lab, Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,
5.1.3 – Students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the
institution during the year
5.1.4 – Institutional mechanism for transparency, timely redressal of student grievances, Prevention of sexual
harassment and ragging cases during the year
Total grievances received Number of grievances redressed Avg. number of days for grievance
4 4 16
5.2.3 – Students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations during the year
(eg:NET/SET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CAT/GRE/TOFEL/Civil Services/State Government Services)
5.2.4 – Sports and cultural activities / competitions organised at the institution level during the year
5.3.2 – Activity of Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative bodies/committees of
the institution (maximum 500 words)
6.3.2 – Number of professional development / administrative training programmes organized by the University for
teaching and non teaching staff during the year
Year Title of the Title of the From date To Date Number of Number of
professional administrative participants participants
development training (Teaching (non-teaching
programme programme staff) staff)
organised for organised for
teaching staff non-teaching
2018 FEATURES NIL 14/04/2018 14/04/2018 3 1
2018 Silver NIL 11/07/2018 13/07/2018 25 1
2018 NIL Staff 17/09/2018 22/09/2018 1 47
6.3.3 – No. of teachers attending professional development programmes, viz., Orientation Programme, Refresher
Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programmes during the year
Teaching Non-teaching
Permanent Full Time Permanent Full Time
No Data Entered/Not Applicable !!!
6.4.2 – Funds / Grants received from management, non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropies during the
year(not covered in Criterion III)
6.5.2 – What efforts are made by the University to promote autonomy in the affiliated/constituent colleges? (if
6.5.3 – Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association (at least three)
Percentage of power requirement of the University met by the renewable energy sources
Percentage of power requirement of the University met by the renewable energy
sources Total Requirement 25.28.571 Power generated by Green source9.09.580 by
green source 35
7.1.5 – Human Values and Professional Ethics Code of conduct (handbooks) for various stakeholders
Upload details of two best practices successfully implemented by the institution as per NAAC format in your
institution website, provide the link
The Saurashtra University is situated in the western part of the Gujarat State.
It has its distinctive characteristics in terms of soil, whether and culture.
The Saurashtra region is known for groundnut and cotton crops being cultivated
in the region. The city of Rajkot is situated in the centre of the Saurashtra
region. Moreover, the city of Rajkot is known for diesel engine factories.
Imitation jewelry and silver art work and numbers of small Pharma and Chemical
Industries are popular in this area. Gradually, information technology is
getting momentum in the region. The Saurashtra University is vigil and careful
about its local and distinctive needs in terms of higher education. Hence, the
university keeps revising its syllabus every three years to cater to the needs
of the local region.