2022 Bonfitto Et Al.
2022 Bonfitto Et Al.
2022 Bonfitto Et Al.
DOI: 10.1002/ar.25084
Department of BIGEA, University of
Bologna, Bologna, Italy Abstract
Comparative Histolab Padova, Bologna, Possible pattern variations of micro-ornamentation in different areas of the
Italy skin in the gecko Lygodactylus have been analyzed by scanning and transmis-
sion electron microscopy. A map of micro-ornamentation present in various
Lorenzo Alibardi, Department of BIGEA, areas of the skin has been obtained. Differences in micro-ornamentation pat-
University of Bologna, Via Selmi 3, 40126 tern and sensory organ distribution were detected. The “spinulated pattern”
Bologna, Italy.
Email: lorenzo.alibardi@unibo.it
consists of shorter spinulae in dorsal versus ventral scales, and spinules are
shorter in inner scale surface and hinge regions with respect to the outer scale
Funding information surface. The spines derive from the accumulation of struts of corneous mate-
Canziani Bequest” fund; A.31.
CANZELSEW; Comparative Histolab rial mainly composed of corneous beta proteins (CBPs, formerly indicated as
Padova beta-keratins) that merge into pointed micro-ornamentation. The 3D-
accumulation of CBPs within Oberhautchen cells can vary in some regions of
different scales during Oberhautchen-beta cell differentiation, perhaps also
under physical tensile forces derived from continuous scale growth. Three
other main patterns of micro-ornamentation were detected and indicated as
“corneous belts,” “corneous dendritic ramification,” and “serpentine-pit and
groove.” These variations from the typical spinulated pattern present in gecko
epidermis are interpreted as transitional regions where the accumulation of
corneous material in Oberhautchen cells that merges with underlying beta-
cells gives rise to nonspinulated surfaces. Spinulated sensory organs with bris-
tles and lenticular-shaped or knob-like tactile corpuscles are more numerous
in ventral scales of the tail tip close to adhesive pads and near the digital pads.
These regions are likely those most involved in the fine control of movements
and response to vibrational stimuli derived from air and objects movements,
including potential preys or predators.
gecko, map, micro-ornamentation, SEM, skin
pads were analyzed for comparison with the digital pads of ethanol and embedded in Bioacryl resin (Scala
the former species (Alibardi & Bonfitto, 2019). This genus et al., 1992). After sectioning under an ultramicrotome
of small geckos not only develops tail pads during embryo- (LKB, Nova), semithin sections (1–3 μm thick) were
genesis and epidermal renewal but can also regenerate collected on glass slides and stained with 0.5% Toluidine
them after tail amputation (Alibardi & Bonfitto, 2019; blue for general histology or prepared for immuno-
Maderson, 1971). The present survey aims to obtain a gen- fluorescence. From areas of interest, semithin sections
eral skin map of the micro-ornamentation present in this of 2–4 μm were attached to glass slides and dried on
species in order to evaluate whether different skin regions a hot plate. The sections were immunolabeled with
have specific roles during the movements of this gecko the pre-core box antibody that reveals Corneous Beta
across forest canopy or more open spaces. Proteins (CBPs), as previously described (Alibardi &
Bonfitto, 2019). The immunolabeling was revealed with
fluoresceine thiocyanate (FITC, green) while nuclei were
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS counterstained using propidium iodide (PI, red) diluted
1:100 in buffer for 10 min in the dark. Also thin sections
2.1 | Material (60–90 nm thick) were collected using an ultramicrotome
on nickel grids, and they underwent immunogold stain-
The present survey has utilized a specimen of the ing for detecting CBPs, as previously reported (Alibardi &
Cameroon dwarf gecko Lygodactylus conraui Tornier, 1902 Bonfitto, 2019). In control sections, the CBPs-antibody
of about 5 cm in total length that was purchased in a pet was omitted in the incubating solution. After labeling the
shop and that accidentally died in captivity. The animal sections were slightly stained in 2% uranyl acetate, dried
was immediately preserved in 80% ethanol until use. In and observed under a Zeiss 10C/CR transmission elec-
order to systematically analyze the epidermal surface in tron microscope operating at 60 kV.
different representative areas of the skin we have utilized
small skin pieces (2–3 4–5 mm) that were sampled from
various dorsal and ventral areas of the head, trunk, limbs, 3 | RESULTS
digits, and tail (mid level and near the apex) that were pre-
pared and analyzed under Scanning Electron Microscopy 3.1 | General shape of scales in different
(SEM; Figure 1). Small pieces of about 2 mm of the termi- skin regions
nal region of the tail were also immediately collected post-
mortem, fixed in formaldehyde and prepared for Light In Figure 1 are indicated the 12 different skin areas, subdi-
(LM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). vided into dorsal and ventral sides, that were examined in
The tail tip of L. capensis (Smith, 1849) was collected the present study. In the surrounding SEM panels of
and prepared in the same way as above, as detailed in a Figure 1, the gross appearance of scales and their sensory
previous study (Alibardi & Bonfitto, 2019). Briefly, the organs are illustrated for each examined area. The same
tail tip (bearing tail setae) was obtained after inducing areas were also observed by scanning the entire surface
autotomy, by pinching the tail (normal or regenerated) from a low magnification to a high and detailed resolution.
that was rapidly released by autotomy (self-amputation In order to obtain a better view of some details, the orien-
of the tail) and immediately fixed. tation of the specimen was varied. For each area (tail tip
ventral, mid-tail ventral and dorsal, limbs dorsal and ven-
tral, digits dorsal and ventral, mid-dorsum, mid-ventral
2.2 | Methods trunk, nape, throat-gular and forehead) we have counted
several details as reported in Table 1, but the study is how-
For scanning electron microcopy (SEM) analysis, the skin ever mainly qualitative. Circular sensory organs, spinu-
samples were dried at room temperature, and then lated or flat, are generally more frequent in the caudal
attached to small metallic stubs (0.5–0.8 cm diameter) than the ventral aspect, and more frequent in the tail and
using double-sticky tape. They were double coated with digits than in the mid trunk and head-gular regions.
gold using a metalizer device (BIO-RAD SEM Coating
System, SC502), and observed at various magnifications
under a SEM Hitachi S-2400 operating at 18 kV. 3.2 | Micro-ornamentation of the tail tip
For light and transmission electron microscopy (ventral)
(TEM) analysis, small pieces of the terminal region of the
tail were also fixed for about 10 hr in 5% formaldehyde in Scales in the tail (Figure 1a–c), as well as in the other
0.1 M phosphate buffer at neutral pH, dehydrated in skin areas, consist in an external corneous beta-layer that
TABLE 1 Main characteristics of the micro-ornamentation present in the skin of different areas
Scales length Spinulated Spinulated
Area Scale shape (mm2) (μm) sensory organs pattern Interscale
Tail tip (ventral) Rectangular 20 1–4 3–5 Much prevalent Small (overlapped)
Mid tail (dorsal) Ovoidal 17 2 2–4 Much prevalent Scarce (poorly
Mid tail (ventral) Rectangular 4 2 1–2 Less prevalent Scarce (overlapped)
Hindlimb (dorsal– Polygonal 25 1–3 2–3 Less prevalent Large (not overlapped)
ventral) tuberculated
Digit Rhomboidal 15 3 4–5 Less prevalent Small (overlapped)
Back (dorsum) Ovoidal 50 0.5–1 0–1 Less prevalent Large (not overlapped)
Belly (abdomen) Square 20 1–2 3–5 Much prevalent Small (overlapped)
Nape (nuchal) Roundish 50 0.5–1 0–1 Less prevalent Small (not overlapped)
Throat (gular) Ovoidal 20 1–3 1–2 Less prevalent Hidden but large
Forehead Roundish 50 1–3 1 Less prevalent Large (not overlapped)
is immunolabeled with the pre-core box anti-beta anti- dimension, 0.5–4 μm, and few irregular patches of likely
body, and an incomplete alpha-layer (colored inset in corneous material not yet lost after shedding is also
Figure 2a). Transmission electron microscopy shows observed (Figure 2b–d). At low magnification the single
that most immunolabeling is present in the beta-layer spinulae form the classical “spinulated pattern” of geckos
that is merged with the poorly labeled and superficial but the closer observation evidences numerous atypical
Oberhautchen that features the typical spinulae spinulae, a common observation also noted in other skin
(Figure 2a). Denser small bundles of corneous beta mate- areas. These atypical spines actually derive from the con-
rial connect the beta-layer with the base of spinulae fluence of 2–5 corneous struts (roots) 70–90 nm thick
(arrowheads in Figure 2a). Underneath the compact beta- each that merge into a pointed structure forming the
layer no gold particles are seen over the thin mesos- and spine (Figure 2c,d). The observation at various angles of
alpha-cells. The SEM observation (see below) integrates the spines reveals that the thin struts meet in a central
this two-dimensional information from TEM, revealing a axial point that appears as a “star-shaped micro-orna-
more complex picture of the Oberhautchen micro- mentation” when viewed from above (arrowhead in
ornamentation. Figure 2c). The complete transition in shape of these
SEM observation of tail scales of 0.15–0.3 by 0.4 mm atypical spines is seen along different angles but the
or larger on the ventral side of the tail (Figure 1c) shows struts originate from a relatively smooth material that
that they are mainly rectangular or ovoid-like with a likely represents the compact beta-layer merged under-
medium to low density and are relatively rich in sensory neath with the Oberhautchen (Figure 2d and inset).
organs (Table 1). On the outer (dorsal) scale surface of Therefore the variation of shape and length of spinulae
scales, spines form a uniform bed with variable observed under TEM (Figure 2a) reflects this irregular 3D
F I G U R E 1 Schematic summary showing the distribution of all the areas studied on the gecko body. For each dorsal and ventral area, a
low SEM image shows the general scale pattern. (a) See details in Figures 2a–d and 3a–d,h. (b) See details in Figures 3e,f and 4a,b. (c) See
details in Figure 3g,h. (d) See details in Figure 7a–g. (e) Digital dorsal scales. (f) See details in Figures 6e,f,h,i and 10e,g. (g) See details in
Figure 6d,g. (h) See details in Figures 8a–e and 10f. (i) See details in Figures 6a–c and 8f–h. (j) See details in Figure 9a–c. (k) See details in
Figure 9d–f. (l) See details in Figure 10a–d. h, hinge region (inter-scale); o, outer (dorsal) scale surface; se, setae (arrows indicate the outline
of a pad lamella). Bars in all figures indicate 200 μm
microstructure of the “spinulae” and their forming corne- indicated as “corneous belts” (Figures 2c and 3a). These
ous struts. belts are formed by a minimum of three to many fused
Another frequent variation of the “spinulae” in tail spines, giving rise to a “comb-like pattern” with variable
scales (Figure 1a–c), also noted in other areas of the skin, lengths (3–10 or more μm). While in some cases the tips
is that their tips in numerous areas are not separated but of the atypical spinulae appear still connected to corne-
instead appear clumped together forming structures here ous fragments of the likely “unshed clear layer”
(Figures 2c and 3b), in most cases the corneous belt really Oberhautchen-beta-layer, confirming the TEM analysis
forms long micro-ornamentation that does not appear as (Figure 2a, Alibardi, 2003, 2016). Finally, a reduction of
clumping artifacts (Figure 3a,c). The corneous belt or the the spine dimension is usually present in the inner (ven-
classical spinulae disappear in rare spots or bare regions tral) scale surface and in the inter-scale (hinge) regions
of the Oberhautchen, generally localized in the central where spinulae often shows a curved tip (Figures 1c and
and apical part of tail scales, and in continuation with 4a,b). The latter originate from a smooth base
“serpentine microridges” of corneous material of the (Oberhautchen-Beta layer) and appear with a variably
Oberhautchen (Irish et al., 1988; sensu Maderson folded surface that reflects the broad stretching property
et al., 1998; Figure 3c,d). Thin lines forming a tile-like of the hinge region under mechanical pulling actions.
superficial pattern likely represent the boundary of single The main detected sensory organs are located along the
Oberhautchen cells (arrowheads in Figure 3d). In few caudal border of scales (see later).
and scattered areas of the outer scale surface, smooth or
naked roundish regions of the Oberhautchen are present,
where the spinulae terminate in forms of “roots” 3.3 | Tail pads in Lygodactylus capensis
(Figure 3e, and inset). The specific areas occupied with
corneous belts, versus areas featuring isolated spinulae, In sparse ventral scales by the tip of the tail, groups of
are variable in diverse scales, from an indicative average setae of 20–30 μm in length and 1–2 μm in diameter are
of 14% (tail scales) to 21% (forehead scales). However, in present and they form adhesive pads similar to those of
some scales the surface mainly appears covered by the digit in L. conrau (Table 1; Figures 1d and 4c). The
corneous-belts and in other mainly by separated setae occupy most of the distal-central area of the modified
spinulae. scales (lamellae) and are surrounded along the scale bor-
The other main variation from the classical “spinu- der with much shorter spinulae with variable length
lated pattern,” also observed in numerous scales of the (Figure 4c,d). The closer analysis of setae shows that their
tail (Figure 1a–c), and also in other regions, is repre- length decreases moving toward the border of the lamella,
sented by the “corneous dendritic pattern” that occupies as in a series of progressively growing elements from the
variable areas of the scales and can also terminate in side to the center. The corneous bundles at the base of
exposed regions in continuation with the “serpentine setae are in continuation with the compact Oberhautchen-
microridges” (Figure 3f–h). This complex morphology beta layer present underneath, and these bundles merge
results from the ramification of corneous dendritic mate- into the main shaft of the setae forming a compact corne-
rial localized at the base of the spinulae. This complex ous rod (Figure 4e). The observation at higher magnifica-
pattern indicates that the corneous meshwork of 200– tion allows detecting the thin corneous filaments forming
300 nm irregular filaments from which spinulae emerge the setal shaft that separate into numerous secondary and
from the Oberhautchen-Beta-layer can take the form of tertiary branches terminating into spatula endings
separate elements of the typical spinulated pattern or (Figure 4f). Aside a shorter length, tail setae in L. capensis
instead can form corneous belts with a “dendritic pat- are very similar to the digital setae in L. conraui.
tern” (see final drawings). The dendritic ramification After immunohistochemistry using the pre-core box
indicates that the superficial spinulae are, at their base, antibody for CBPs, the caudal setae appear immunofluo-
in continuation with corneous material of the merged rescent (inset in Figure 5a). Under TEM-immunogold
F I G U R E 2 TEM ((a) L. capensis) and SEM ((b–d) L. conraui) images of tail scales. (a) Detail of the superficial epidermal Oberhautchen-
beta layer that is exclusively immunolabeled for CBPs (see also the arrowheads on the green immune-fluorescent beta-layer in the upper
inset. Nuclei are red and dashes underline the epidermis, bar, 10 μm). While the beta-layer is highly labeled, the superficial Oberhautchen
and spinulae are low labeled, while the meso-alpha-layers are unlabeled (asterisks indicate artifact layer separation). Arrowheads indicate
compacted bundles of corneous material of merged beta-cells that insert into the spinulae. Bar, 0.25 μm. The lower inset (bar, 1 μm) shows a
SEM view of Oberhautchen spinulae merged with the beta-layer. (b) Uniform spinulated pattern presents in a scale located at the tail tip.
Lines (arrows) indicate cell boundaries of Oberhautchen cells. The arrowhead points a cell fragment, likely derived from the clear layer. Bar,
4 μm. Inset (bar, 3 μm) shows a detail of the spines. (c) Area of outer scale surface showing “composed” spinulae made by aggregated
filaments (roots or thin struts) and clear layer remnants (arrow). The arrowhead indicates a composed spinula observed in dorsal view. Bar,
10 μm. The inset (bar, 2 μm) shows the aggregated roots (arrowhead) forming the composite spinulae. (d) Other region featuring numerous
composite spinulae (arrow) that progressively turn in tiny spines (arrowhead) in the lower area. Bar, 10 μm. The inset (bar, 1 μm) details the
spinulae reduction in size. a, alpha-cells; b, beta-layer; de, dermis; h, hinge region; m, mesos cells; ob, Oberhautchen with spinulae; sp,
labeling the bundles of corneous beta-material accumu- cytoplasm of clear cells is present but this is unlabeled for
lating at the base of the forming setae also appear labeled CBPs (arrows in Figure 5a). Also the mature outer setae
(arrowheads in Figure 5a). These bundles correspond to resting upon the compact Oberhautchen-beta-layer are
the corneous struts observed under SEM that agglutinate immunolabeled, while the thin mesos and alpha layers
and give rise to the spines (Figure 2c,d). Around the located underneath the beta-layer are not labeled
forming setae, denser fibrous material contained in the (Figure 5b).
The dorsal scales in this region are generally smaller The observation of dorsal and ventral scales in this region
(0.15–0.2 by 0.3–0.35 mm) then those in the ventral posi- shows that they have a small size (0.1–0.15 by 0.2–
tion (0.5 mm or larger), and appear more rectangular 0.25 mm) and irregular disposition, and are generally
than scales located at the tail tip (Table 1; Figures 1a–c polygonal-shaped (Figure 1e–g; Table 1). The inter-scale
and 6a). They feature an alternate disposition and are regions are generally visible more than in other skin
overlapped so that the hinge (inter-scale) regions appear areas, especially in scales of the dorsal side of the leg that
almost absent. Micro-ornamentation resembles those are not overlapped. The numerous folds present in the
described in distal most scales of the tail and rare spots of small micro-ornamentation of the hinge regions indicate
bare areas, real or artifactual (derived from sample prepa- a broad capacity for stretching in these scales. The outer
ration), are seen. The latter probably represents exposed side of leg scales is more or less evenly covered by short
regions of compact corneous material from beta-cells. spinulae while 2–3 large sensory organs (15–20 μm in
The distribution of spinulae, pointed or with a curved tip diameter) are commonly seen located toward the apical
(prongs, Figure 6b) appears relatively uniform with simi- (caudal) border of ventral scales (Table 1; Figure 6d–f).
lar distribution to those forming the corneous belts, as Also small, elevated and bare spots of 5–10 μm by 20–
previously described. Large areas of the outer scale sur- 30 μm are seen toward the anterior border of these scales
face contain a dendritic ramification pattern as previ- and also very close to the spinulated sensory organs
ously described (Figure 6c). These scales often show a (Figure 6f,g). The micro-ornamentation presents isolated
“bare-knob” of 6–8 by 10–15 μm that is centrally local- spines and composed spines that derive from the aggrega-
ized at their caudal tip, possibly corresponding to a tion of corneous struts and sparse corneous belts
reduction of the Oberautchen micro-ornamentation or to (Figure 6h). An elaborated micro-ornamentation forming
a thinning of the epidermis related to some sensorial long or short dendritic ramifications is typically located
function. Some scales in this region possess 2–4 spinu- in these scales, testimonial of a complex basal meshwork
lated sensory organs each, and they are located toward of corneous material in continuation with beta-cells and
the apical side of the scale. from which spinulated protrusions (spines) are originated
On the ventral side of the tail, scales are larger than in the Oberhautchen, as it is visible in other areas of the
on the dorsal side and therefore less numerous per unit scale (Figure 6i, see Section 4).
of area (Figure 1c; Table 1). They are mainly rectangular On the ventral side of the digits is present the adhe-
with the main axis perpendicular to the body axis, vari- sive pad (Figure 1d). This is formed by a number of dis-
ably overlapped and their surface is covered with more or tinctive overlapped lamellae (modified scales) covered
less uniform spinulated beds. Numerous spinulae also with setae of 30–60 μm in length and 1.5–3 μm in diame-
appear as derived from the coalescence of 3–4 thinner ter at their base (Figures 1d and 7a). The apical (distal)
struts of corneous material (100–300 nm diameter), as part of each lamella contains most of the setae and in
previously described. Sensorial organs similar to those of particular the longer ones of 50–60 μm in length. The
the tail tip are less frequent than in the ventral with setae are organized in a palisade at the anterior and lat-
respect to the dorsal side in this skin area. eral borders of the outer lamella surface while on the
F I G U R E 3 SEM images of tail scales in L. conraui. (a) Detail on a small area of a scale that is located near the apex of the tail showing
the corneous belts (arrows) bonded to spinulae tips. Bar, 2 μm. The inset (bar, 2 μm) shows the spinulae merged with the beta-layer.
(b) Detail of other area of tail outer surface with numerous spinulae still inserted with their tips (arrowheads) to fragments of un-detached
clear layer. Bar, 2 μm. The inset (bar, 1 μm) detail on an inserted spinula tip (arrowhead) in a fragment of the clear layer. (c) Apical area of a
mid tail dorsal scale featuring an Oberhautchen dome organ made by “serpentine microridges” (arrowheads). The spinulae turn into a
parallel series of corneous belts (arrows) that are visible on the right. Bar, 5 μm. (d) Broader view of a dorsal scale showing an apical bare
region (arrow) with a spinulated surface. Cell boundaries are visible (arrowheads). Bar, 20 μm. (e) Detail on a smooth area (naked
Oberhautchen) in continuation through roots (arrows) with the surrounding spinulated areas. Bar, 3 μm. The inset (bar, 1 μm) is a close-up
view of the roots. (f) detail on a curved “serpentine microridges” (arrowheads) forming an oval area surrounded with spinulae and
“corneous dendritic ramification” (arrow) of the Oberhautchen. Bar, 4 μm. (g) Dorsal view of an area of very apical tail scale showing an
apparent “corneous dendritic patter” (arrow) mixed with rows of spinulae that are aggregated into “corneous belts” (double arrow). Bar,
4 μm. (h) Detail on a “dendritic pattern” of the Oberhautchen that is likely observed from below (arrowheads point to spinulae). Bar, 1 μm.
b, compact beta-layer; cl, clear layer remnant; ob, Oberhautchen; sp, spinulae
F I G U R E 4 SEM views of mid tail dorsal scales ((a, b) from L. conraui) and pad lamellae with setae from apical tail (from L. capensis (c–
f)). (a) General aspect of outer and inner scale surfaces observed from the side. Arrows indicate oval curved spots of the Oberhautchen.
Numerous epidermal folds covered by a bed of fine spinulae are observed in the hinge region. Bar, 20 μm. (b) Detail of the separated, short
and curved spinulae present in the hinge region. Arrows indicate folds. Bar, 2 μm. (c) Rows of tail setae featuring the spinulated basal part of
the lamellae (arrowheads) and the apical region occupied with setae (arrows). Bar, 100 μm. (d) Detail on groups of setae (arrows on the
apical ends) outlined by spinulae along the lamella border. Bar, 10 μm. (e) Detail of base of the setae formed by the fusion of corneous roots
(arrow). Bar, 2 μm. (f) Apex of some setae showing their branched tips (arrow). Bar, 2 μm. h, hinge region (interscale); i, inner scale/lamella
surface; o, outer scale/lamella surface; se, setae; sp, spinulae
broad) of the continuity of the spinulae that otherwise 3.7 | Micro-ornamentation of the ventral
remain connected by thin corneous struts or roots of 80– trunk (belly/abdomen)
100 nm (Figure 8e). Five to six struts starting at the base
of the spinulae converge at the base of the single spinu- Numerous overlapped scales of medium to small dimen-
lae and appear like a stars-like image when observed sion (0.1–0.2 by 0.2–0.3 mm; Figures 1i and 8f; Table 1)
from above. and ovoidal to rectangular in shape are evenly coated
with isolated spinulae alternated with areas of spinulae tilting the specimen (Figure 9f). The latter shows that
connected at their apex and forming comb-like “corneous numerous scales in this region are almost vertically ori-
belts” of variable length (3–10 μm; Figure 8g; Table 1). ented, but this condition maybe is artifactual, following
The most hidden inner scale surfaces and hinge regions fixation. The inner surface and hinge region appear very
are covered with numerous but very short and separated folded, indicating that gular scales can broadly stretch
spinulae, emerging from a smooth Oberhautchen surface, under mechanic stress. The outer scale surface is covered
and often featuring a bent hook, resembling small prongs by an even stratum of spinulae of 1 μm in length that
(Figure 8h). The number of spinulated sensory organs, reach 3 μm on the dorsal side of these scales, and few
localized by the distal apex of ventral scales, varies on dif- other micro-ornamentation patterns are seen.
ferent scales. In the folded inner scale surface and in hinge regions
the Oberhautchen pattern is altered and spines are
blunted, isolated or forming a “serpentine microridge pat-
3.8 | Micro-ornamentation of the nape tern” (insets in Figure 9f). Here the micro-ornamentation
(nuchal region) pattern transits from single, short and blunted spinulae to
elongated worm-like forms of corneous material that may
This region is composed of small circular to oval scales reflect the orientation that the corneous material takes
(0.08–0.1 by 0.1–0.1 mm) with broad inter-scale areas, during its accumulation in these cells and that facilitate
resembling also in dimension those of the back (Figures 1j stretching. Like or even more frequently than in other skin
and 9a; Table 1). The outer scale surface is covered by regions, small corneous fragments are present, possibly
numerous spinulae beds interrupted in small areas by representing dirt (fragments from preparation) or true
ramified dendritic corneous patterns (arrow in Figure 9b). debris derived from a noncompletely shed clear layer.
The central region toward the distal part of these scales is
occupied by a bare-knob (scale organ like in scales of the
back) while a large sensory organ with 5–6 bristles of 10– 3.10 | Micro-ornamentation of the
20 by 0.5–1.5 μm is present near the caudal border. Like forehead
for other bristles, also in this case they results from the
basal fusion of thinner corneous roots (Figure 9c). The Also here numerous small scales with roundish to oval
remaining outer and inner scale surfaces are evenly coated shape (0.08–0.1 by 0.1–0.5 mm, Table 1) are present, with
with very small spinulae, like in other regions. relatively wide inter-scale areas showing numerous folds
(Figures 1l and 10a). The outer surface of scales is cov-
ered with a prevalent spinulae bed but also sparse areas
3.9 | Micro-ornamentation of the gular occupied by the reticulate dendritic corneous patters are
region (throat) present (Figure 10b). One large spiny sensory organ with
a single long bristle of over 10 μm occupies a more cen-
Numerous small and ovoidal scales (0.08–0.15 by 0.1– tral area of the scale. In addition, a bare-knob with a “ser-
0.2 mm) with irregular caudal border are present and pentine micro-ornamentation” or even a flat and
they appear slightly overlapped (Figures 1k and 9d,e). A lenticular tactile organ of 5–6 by 6–8 μm is centered in
dorsal view of this area shows an apparently reduced the scale near the sensory organ (see later description).
inter-scale region, but both the inner surface and hinge The numerous wrinkles present on the inner scale sur-
regions are better viewed when observed from the side or face but especially inter-scale region also suggest an
F I G U R E 6 SEM view of mid-trunk ventral scales (a–c) and limb scales (d–i) of L. conraui. (a) Low magnification view that shows the
size variations. Bar, 200 μm. (b) High magnification view evidencing the hooked shape (arrows) of numerous spinulae (small prongs). Bar,
2 μm. (c) Area of the outer scale surface occupied by a prevalent “corneous ramificated pattern.” Bar, 4 μm. (d) Oval-shaped scales with
numerous spinulated sensory organs (arrows) close to “naked areas” (arrowheads). The latter possibly represent other sensorial regions. Bar
40 μm. (e) Limb scales seen in frontal view, and evidencing the naked (arrowheads) and spinulated (arrows) sensory organs. Bar, 50 μm. (f)
Dorsal view of limb scale with an irregular naked area (arrowhead) and two large spiny sensory organs (arrow). Bar, 30 μm. (g) Anterior
margin of the outer scale surface of ventral limb scale with a protruding naked organ (arrowhead). Bar, 20 μm. The inset (bar, 4 μm)
indicates the close position between a naked area (arrowhead) and a spinulated sensory organ (arrow). (h) Detail at high magnification on
the Oberhautchen surface showing the stratification and its continuity with the underlying beta-layer. Bar, 4 μm. (i) Detail of the dendritic
ramification pattern in the outer scale surface of a limb area. The dark regions (asterisks) represent the base of the Oberhautchen layer bar,
2 μm. b, pitted beta-layer; h, hinge region; ob, Oberhautchen
F I G U R E 7 SEM images from the digital pads of L. conraui. (a) Overlapped pad lamellae with their apical/distal setae. The arrow
indicates the lateral border of a lamella. Bar, 50 μm. (b) Front view of a lamella with the apical row of setae localized on the outer lamella
surface and the spinulae in the apical inner lamella surface. Bar, 10 μm. (c) Detail of the lateral border of a pad lamella that shows spines
(arrows) with intermediate sizes between spinulae and setae. Bar, 5 μm. (d) Detail on the basal part of some setae that reveals the confluence
of corneous roots/struts (arrowheads) that form the setae. Bar 5 μm. (e) Setae with apical branching (arrows) showing different lengths from
the proximal side of the lamella toward the longer and more apical setae (arrowhead). Bar, 4 μm. (f) Detail on the intricate branching of a
seta where some axial corneous filaments (arrows) are observed in continuation with the basal roots. Bar, 2 μm. (g) High magnification
detail of the apical portion in a seta branching showing the corneous filaments (arrow) and the terminal spatulae (arrowheads). Bar, 1 μm. i,
inner lamella surface; ob, Oberhautchen (marginal/anterior); se, setae; sp, spinulae
ample stretching capability in the head skin. At higher 3.11 | Sensory organs
magnification, the surface of the inter-scale region
appears covered by separated tiny spinulae of 0.2–0.5 μm Most sensory organs of 10–20 μm in diameter are
(Figure 10c). Their shape varies from pointed with a recorded in the distal (caudally directed) and front part
curved tip to a blunt tip that terminated into a flat corne- of scales in every skin areas here examined. They are of
ous material of the Oberhautchen layer. the spinulated type while bouton-like and flat tactile
F I G U R E 8 SEM images from mid-trunk dorsal scales (a–e) and mid-trunk ventral scales (f–h) of L. conraui. (a) Oval scale surrounded
by broad inter-scale (hinge) regions. Arrowheads indicate elevated oval spots of the Oberhautchen in the outer scale surface. The arrow
points to a spinulated sensory organ. Bar, 50 μm. The inset (bar, 1 μm) shows a small area with a dendritic mixed to a spinulated pattern.
(b) Lateral view of dorsal scales that evidences the dome-like shape of their outer surface where a spinulated sensillo (arrow) and an apical
“naked region” (arrowheads) are present. Bar, 50 μm. The inset (bar, 1 μm) depicts the small spinulae covering the inner scale surface and
extremely folded hinge regions. (c) Detail on an oval elevation of the Oberhautchen surface where also a dendritic pattern (arrow) is present.
Bar, 4 μm. (d) Detail of a dorsal scale that shows a smooth area (arrowhead) that is enlarged in the inset. Bar 20 μm. The inset at higher
magnification shows that the smooth organ features a typical “serpentine microridge pattern” (arrow). Bar, 2 μm. (e) High magnification
view along a cell boundary (arrows) where numerous “roots” representing cell junctions or corneous filaments are present. Bar, 2 μm. (f)
Overlapped mid-trunk ventral scales with an apical sense organ (arrow). Bar, 50 μm. (g) Detail of a mainly spinulated Oberhautchen surface.
Bar, 4 μm. (h) Separated, small and curved spinulae detected in the inner scale surface. Bar, 4 μm. h, hinge (inter-scale) region; I, inner scale
surface; o, outer scale surface
(Figure 11d,e). These struts or roots of corneous mate- Figure 8c,e). This corneous material eventually merges
rial at the base of spinulae are also visible in other stud- with the more compact material of beta-cells so that the
ies (Ruibal, 1968, Figures 1a,d and 2a; Stuart & Daniel, two layers become continuous at maturation (Figure 2a
1972, Figure 4; Hiller, 1977, Figures 6 and 7; Harvey & lower inset, Figure 3a inset, Figure 11c–e). The micro-
Gutberlet, 1995, Figure 10e,f; Irish et al., 1988, ornamentation pattern on the epidermal surface is
generally devoid of fragments of the clear layer but in that spinulae observed in TEM preparation (Figure 2a)
some areas this is not the case, indicating that molt frag- represent the classical spinulated pattern generated
ments may result from the process, especially in lizards from isolated spinulae. However, the present SEM study
(Figure 11f). has revealed that the spinulated surface detected
Under TEM observation the spinulated pattern by TEM may also represent areas occupied by “corneous
appears as pointed or rounded spinulae but the SEM belts” that have been sectioned and appear as spinulae
observations indicate that this pattern may be diversified (Figure 12). Also, the dendritic ramification and the
in at least two or three others patterns here indicates as “serpentine-pit and groove” pattern, after sectioning,
“corneous belts,” “corneous dendritic ramifications” and appear as an irregular spinulated pattern. The fusion
“serpentine-microridges” (Figure 12a–c). Corneous belts of few spinulae to form “corneous belts” may derive
appear slightly more common in the anterior scales from an artifactual sticking induced from SEM prepara-
(gular-forehead and nape) than in the remaining body tion or from an incomplete detachment of the spinulae
areas. Variations of the “dendritic pattern” are seen tips from the clear layer after shedding (Figure 3b;
in few areas of the Oberhautchen in form of a “ser- Alibardi & Bonfitto, 2019, Figure 5b,c). The numerous
pentine microridge pattern” (see Fig. 13 in Maderson small or larger fragments of clear layer from the
et al., 1998), also indicated by other authors as “pit and outer epidermal generation still penetrated by the
groove” pattern (Fig. 5F in Peterson, 1984). This aspect of Oberhautchen spinulae (arrowheads in Figure 3b and
the Oberhautchen likely represents areas of reduction in inset, and Figure 11f) indicate that shedding is not com-
the deposition of corneous beta-material that gives rise to pleted over the entire skin surface. However, the fusion
naked or smooth surface regions (“sensu” Maderson of numerous spinulae into long struts of corneous
et al., 1998). We have here observed this pattern mainly beta-material appears as a true pattern of micro-
in the hinge region of the gular scales (Figure 9f). The ornamentation (Figures 3a,c, 8g and 12b).
observed variations, from a smooth Oberhautchen sur- The complex “corneous dendritic ramification pat-
face, to the corneous belts or to the corneous dendritic tern” (Figure 12c) is the more difficult pattern to explain,
ramification or the serpentine microridges, derive from but similar aspects of the Oberhautchen surface have
the different pattern of accumulation of corneous beta been observed also in previous SEM studies (Stuart &
material (formerly indicated as beta-keratin) in the Daniels, 1972, Figure 5; Peterson, 1984, Figure 4d;
Oberhautchen during scale growth. The spines forming Harvey & Gutberlet, 1995, Figure 10a,b; Figure 1b panel
the classical spinulated pattern of geckos and iguanid liz- right in Griffing et al., 2022; Alibardi & Bonfitto, 2019,
ards, isolated or derived from the clumping of corneous Figure 5e). The ramifications represent irregular struts or
struts (Figure 2b–d), represent the prevalent micro- bundles of beta-corneous material joining Oberhautchen
ornamentation variation observed in most scales. cells with the underlying and compact beta-layer, from
The thickness of the mature Oberhautchen at the which blunted or pointed spinulae emerge in some areas
base of the spinulae is very thin, in the range of 0.2– (Figure 12c). Finally, a possible tensile modification of
0.5 μm, and it is merged with the beta-layer located the spinulated surface into a ramification-dendritic shape
underneath (Figures 2a and 11b–d). The accumulation of the corneous material under stretching conditions,
of bundles of beta-corneous material at the interface maintained during fixation, may also account for this
between the Oberhautchen and the beta-layer can pro- unusual pattern, as it is often observed in stretched inter-
duce a rich variation in form of micro-ornamentation scale epidermis. In fact, the Oberhautchen spinulae may
observed under SEM, from a typical spinulated pattern initially be pliable and during scale growth they become
to the “corneous belt,” “dendritic ramification,” or the harder only after fusion and complete hardening with the
“serpentine-pit and groove” (Figure 12a–c). It is believed beta-layer (Maderson et al., 1998).
F I G U R E 9 SEM images of nuchal (a–c) and gular (d–f) scales of L. conraui. (a) On the outer scale a naked roundish organ (arrowhead)
and spinulated sensory organ (arrow) are located. Bar, 50 μm. (b) A small area of the Oberhautchen shows a dendritic pattern among the
otherwise spinulated surface. Bar, 5 μm. (c) A circular groove (arrows) apparently separates the spinulated sensillo from the remaining
Oberhautchen. Sensitive setae appear to derive from a basal aggregation of corneous struts or roots (arrowheads). Bar, 5 μm. (d) Lateral view
of upward-oriented scales in the gular region. Bar 50 μm. (e) Dorsal view of gular scales featuring spinulated sensory organs (arrows)
positioned in the front part (directed caudally). Bar, 40 μm. The inset (bar, 4 μm) details on the spinulated surface. (f) Gular scale showing
the very folded inner surface and the apical sensillo (arrow). Bar, 30 μm. The upper inset (bar, 1 μm) shows the small and blunted spinulae
of the inner scale surface. The lower inset (bar, 4 μm) instead shows a transitional area between spinulated and dendritic pattern
(arrowheads) present in the inner scale surface. h, hinge region; i, inner scale surface; o, outer scale surface; se, sensillo setae; sp, spinulae
F I G U R E 1 0 SEM view of fore-head scales (a–c) and spinulated sensilli (d–g) of L. conraui. (a) Large sensory organ (arrow) and close
naked area (arrowhead) on the distal outer side of head scales. Bar, 50 μm. (b) Close-up to outer surface area with spinulae, a tissue remnant
(arrow) and corneous dendritic figures (arrowheads). Bar, 4 μm. (c) Detail of blunted spinulae present in a fold (arrow) of the hinge region.
Bar, 2 μm. (d) Close-up view on a spinulated sensillo (arrow) and a lamellar and naked roundish area (arrowhead). Bar, 10 μm. (e) Limb
sensillo with long merged spinulae (arrowhead). Bar, 5 μm. (f) Another limb sensillo with peripheral corneous roots (arrow) and central
setae with attached roots (arrowheads). Bar, 5 μm. (g) Mid-trunk sensillo with a prevalent long seta featuring roots at its base (arrowheads).
Numerous corneous roots of the Oberhautchen (arrow) are visible in the outer ring. Bar, 5 μm. h, hinge regions; o, outer scale surface; se,
sensorial setae; sp, spinulae
4.2 | Sensory organ distribution and that some types of sensory organs may have other sen-
types sory capabilities than mechanoreception, such as sensing
humidity conditions and local temperatures. Unfortu-
Different types of sensory organs (sensilli) have been nately, no physiological studies are available on the dif-
described in reptiles (Dujsebayeva, 1995; Ananjeva ferent sensitivity of otherwise similar spinulated sensory
et al., 1991; Von During & Miller, 1979), and they are organs among lizards, and only specific experimental
generally more numerous in active body regions which studies may explain in future whether these receptors
movements are very precisely regulated such as the digit can sense different stimuli.
extensions connected to adhesive pads contacts and
detachment with the substrate (Russell et al., 2021) or on
the head (Harvey & Gutberlet, 1995; Jackson, 1977; 4.3 | Hypotheses on the biological roles
Lang, 1989; Matveyeva & Ananjeva, 1995; Povel & Van of micro-ornamentation in L. conraui
Der Kooij, 1997; Riedel & Schwarzkopf, 2022). The latter
study also showed a broad variation in the distribution of The numerous studies carried out on micro-
sensory organs among species and that the sensilli of ornamentation of lepidosaurians using SEM have sug-
terrestrial geckos were smaller but with more bristles gested several roles for these microstructures in different
than those of the arboreal species (Riedel et al., 2019). In species related to ecological adaptation and evolutionary
the terrestrial gecko Teratoscincus scincus ventral diversification (Arnold, 2002; Gower, 2003; Price, 1982;
and dorsal sensilli are about the same (Matveyeva & Riedel et al., 2019). The corneous ridges forming micro-
Ananjeva, 1995). The significance of these differences for ornamentation may extend resistance to abrasion, reduc-
the ecology of geckos however remains poorly known tion of sunlight and UV penetration, reflection or irides-
and mainly speculative. cence, shining and camouflage, reduction of water
Three main types of sensilli are described in reptiles, permeability, favor locomotion, kill bacteria and proto-
a “spinulated sensory organs with 1–5 single or branched zoans (Arnold, 2002; Gower, 2003; Ruibal, 1968). In gen-
bristles,” a flat and “smooth bouton-like tactile organ,” eral, the reduction of micro-ornamentation and friction
and a “knob-like scale organ”. Sensory organ with a appears related to burrowing habits and occupancy of
round shape and covered by flat thin beta- or alpha- crevices in lizards and snakes. While a smooth surface
layers (“lenticular touch organs”) or “knob-like scale allows for a better shedding, the increase in minute orna-
organs” or “scale organs,” are derived from the local mentation density such as spines enhances shining and
thinning of corneous layers that allow sensory nerves to iridescence as these microstructures are allocated at regu-
reach almost the skin surface (Sherbrooke & Nagle, 1996; lar distances similar or shorter of some light wavelengths,
Von During & Miller, 1979). The naked bumps here and can disperse/scatter the light into color components.
noted (Figures 3d, 6g, 8a,d, 9a and 10a,d) resemble sen- Conversely, increase in micro-ornamentation complexity,
sory areas, like the scale organs described in cordylid and also observed in the flat lamellate-spinulated Ober-
gerrosaur lizards (Harvey & Gutberlet, 1995) or the hautchen of numerous snakes is related to improving
“spiked scale organs” described in xenosaurid lizards movement on the substrate (Klein et al., 2010). For two
(Harvey, 1993). However typical bouton-like or lenticular large families of Australian geckos, it was found that
“touch sensory organs” were not observed in these spe- terrestrial-adapted geckos possess a higher density and
cies of gecko. length of spinules than arboreal geckos, likely in relation
Like other geckos, also in L. conraui a slightly higher to efficient self-cleaning and bactericide properties
number of spinulated sensory organs, like those indicates (Riedel et al., 2019).
as “setae-bearing sensilla” in the gecko Tarentola mauri- A strong friction that eventually becomes adhesion is
tanica (Hiller, 1977), have been detected by the apex of obtained by increasing the length and orientation of
the tail close to caudal setal pads as well as in the digits micro-ornamentation, in particular in the spiny pattern
(Table 1). In these regions a fine control of tail-digital of anoline lizards and geckos that produces curved
movements occurs. The low number of spinulated sen- spinules of 2–3 μm, then prongs of 4–7 μm, and eventu-
sory organs present in gular, nape and forehead areas ally setae of 15–100 μm (Alibardi, 1999, 2020; Alibardi &
here analyzed indicates that these regions in Lygodactylus Bonfitto, 2019; Bauer, 1998; Griffing et al., 2021;
are less involved in detection and response to mechanical Hiller, 1972; Maderson, 1966, 1970; Peterson &
stimuli. A recent study on various Australian geckos Williams, 1981; Russell et al., 2021). Bizarre micro-
however found a lower density of sensilli in limbs scales ornamentation in some ventral palmar and digit
in comparison to those present in the head and tail tip areas observed in spherodactyline geckos of the French
(Riedel & Schwarzkopf, 2022). These authors indicated Guyane take the shape of spines in some areas,
F I G U R E 1 1 Schematic and self-explanatory drawing illustrating the formation of the spinulae in scales (a–c) their mature structure (d,
e) and the clear layer fragments present in sparse areas of the epidermis (f). (b) shows a detail of the epidermis of the outer scale surface
(a) while c illustrates, from left to right, the progressive formation of spinulae by the accumulation of beta-packets containing mainly
corneous beta proteins. Spinulae grow inside the above clear layer and later the corneous material becomes compacted into struts (d) that
take a pentagonal-hexagonal disposition when observed from above (e). (f) Shows a specific area of the epidermis where large clear-layer
fragments still remain attached to the spines in few areas of the skin
“bouchets” (star-like) in others, and finally setae at the outer scale surface in comparison to the inner and inter-
very tip (Gasc et al., 1982; Gasc & Renous, 1980). These scale regions determine a higher friction with the sub-
different morphologies have been associated with the strate, especially in ventral mid-trunk and tail areas
modality of gait and walking of these small geckos on the (Table 1). Longer spinules (2–4 μm in ventral scales
fallen leaves layers of the forest where they live. vs. 0.5–1 μm in dorsal scales and in hinge regions) are
The above information suggests a functional interpre- present in ventral scales of the tail, abdomen, and gular
tation of the differences detected among the skin areas of areas where they likely increase friction and attachment
L. conraui, an arboreal-adapted and diurnal gecko. From to the substrate, and limit slippery on trunks, barks,
grasping steadily and moving swiftly through the canopy, twigs, and smooth walls. This is also present in the ven-
to lower levels of trees or to vertical walls (Amadi tral scales of the limb that, in addition, present numerous
et al., 2017; Manners & Georgen, 2015), some advantages sensory organs that monitor the progression of the gecko
can be useful if the skin surface presents modification in movements among the canopy, branches and twigs. After
the general spinulated pattern typical of geckos. In the lifting the body over the surface using their legs and,
inner scale surface and hinge region the spinulated pat- therefore, erasing the frictional effect, the small gecko
tern is very reduced and can transit into a “serpentine or can swiftly jump from branches to branches. The higher
pit-groove pattern” that determines lower friction and number of sense organs present in the ventral trunk and
facilitate extension and stretching of the skin in these mid tail in comparison to the corresponding dorsal areas
areas. As opposed, the longer spinulae present in the (Table 1) indicates that this part of the body in contact
F I G U R E 1 2 Schematic reconstruction of the three patterns observed in our SEM study (a–c, left) and their different images (profiles)
visible under TEM view (a–c, right). The struts are joined to the compact beta-layer at the base of spinulae (the smooth grey surface). The
drawing shows the different image resulting from a SEM landscape of a “classical spinulated pattern” (a) versus that derived sectioning at
random the surface for preparing TEM sections along the sectioning plane. (b, c) are interpretative models of SEM views and their TEM
images relative to the “Corneous belts pattern” (b) and the “Corneous dendritic ramification pattern” (c). See text for further explanation.
with different substrates is mainly involved in sensory movement of insects or their larvae that direct the small
stimulations. The presence of numerous sensory organs geckos to move toward them for feeding, a hypothesis
on the ventral side in this arboreal gecko may even allow that however remains to be tested by specific studies.
for detecting vibrational stimuli derived from the This condition is apparently different from that of a
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