387 1316 1 PB - Jurnal Kudalaut - Omni AKuatik
387 1316 1 PB - Jurnal Kudalaut - Omni AKuatik
387 1316 1 PB - Jurnal Kudalaut - Omni AKuatik
12* 3 3 3 4
Dony Apdillah , Indra Jaya , Henry Munandar Manik , Totok Hestirianoto , Try Febrianto
Post Graduate School of Marine Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries - Raja Ali Haji Maritime University,
Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
Department of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
Marine and Coastal Resource Research Center, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
Corresponding author : donyapdillah@umrah.ac.id
Received 2 November 2017; Accepted 14 January 2018; Available online 21 May 2018
Identification and estimation of seahorse (Hippocampus sp.) population in the marine environment are
difficult to obtain. Nowadays, the observations use visual techniques, biology and statistics. Bio-statistics
approach has some limitations. An approach was required to provide more accurate information,
comprehensive, and based on telemetry (underwater acoustic). Acoustic reflection is important information
to observe underwater objects that can be used for stock assessment and behavioral studies. This
research is a preliminary observation and measurement of seahorse Target Strength (TS). The results
show that there are differences in TS value of seahorse at the active and passive moving condition. The
fluctuations of TS values in active conditions are higher than those in passive conditions. This study has
also found that the average TS value of seahorse in active moving conditions is -54.49 dB (± 3 dB). It is
greater than the mean TS value in passive moving conditions -59.64 dB (± 3 dB). The approach of
immobile fish (the passive moving condition) is better to increase the correlation value between TS to size.
The relationship between TS and the size of the seahorse are discussed in the results of this study.
Table 1. Settings and specification of the echosounder during target strength (TS) measurement
Type of transducer SIMRAD ES200-7C
Transducer shape Circular
Transmission frequency (kHz) 200
Transmitting power (W) 45
Beam width 26
Pulse length (ms) 0.128
Ping rate (ping s− ) 10
Minimum threshold (dB) −70
38 Omni-Akuatika Vol. 14 No. 1 May 2018 : 36 - 43
Figure 1. Set-up of water tanks for seahorse experiment (downward looking transducers) using SIMRAD
Table 2. Recapitulation of measurements result of length, weight and mean TS value of seahorses
No Total Length (cm) Weigth (gr) Sex N (Ping Number) Mean TS (dB)
Figure 2. Echograms of seahorse sound signal reflection on moving condition of active (a) and
passive (b)
Figure 3. The scatter plot shows the seahorse sound reflection variability
Figure 4. Results of TS relation to the size linear regression on (a) active and passive (b) moving
Figure 5. Boxplot of data distribution of the Seahorse TS value difference to size (on active and passive
Apdillah et al., 2018, Seahorse Acoustic Reflection 41
Generally, the average seahorse TS value moving conditions -59.64 dB (± 3 dB). However,
of the measurement result is -57.07 dB (± 3 dB) the standard deviation value of seahorse active
with a standard deviation of 5.61. The combined moving conditions is larger than the standard
TS distribution (from active and passive moving deviation value in passive moving conditions, it is
seahorse conditions) shows a bi- modal (the two reached 5.59 (Table 3). The results of this
peaks) sound intensity (Figure 6). The results of analysis have reinforced the fact that the
this analysis in detail found the difference in seahorse on active moving conditions will
reflection value of seahorse in active moving increase the fluctuation and variation of the
conditions with values of -54.49 dB (± 3 dB). It is seahorse acoustic reflection value as a result of
greater than the average TS value in passive changes in the orientation direction (Figure 5).
Figure 6. TS Distribution of seahorse (from combination of active and passive moving conditions) based
The Probability Density Function (PDF). Left panel: The Gaussian curve shows a bi- modal TS
distribution. Right panel: Distribution of TS value variation of seahorse in both conditions. Solid line is the
expected normal data distribution.
Table 3. TS average result of multi scatter plot, standard deviation on active and passive moving
Seahorse Condition N Mean (dB) sd p.overall
[ALL] 240 -57.07 5.61
Active 120 -54.49 5.59 0
Passive 120 -59.64 4.31
The results of anova analysis have conditions (active and passive). The result of the
shown the difference of TS mean value to Tukey Test shows that the TS value from the
seahorse size on active and passive moving active moving condition seahorse is very
conditions (p value < 0.001) see Table 4. Based significantly different than the passive moving
on this fact, further test is done to investigating condition, see Figure 7.
the distribution of data groups from both
Table 4. The Anova result of seahorse on active and passive moving conditions
Figure 7. Tukey Test indicate that TS values of seahorse on active and passive moving conditions
significantly different statistically
4. Conclusion
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