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Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48 (2022) 37–44

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Full length article

Distributions of environmental parameters and Plankton’s volume

backscattering strength at Yos Sudarso Bay, Jayapura, Indonesia
Sri Pujiyati a, Baigo Hamuna b, Rohilah a, Muhammad Hisyam c,⇑, Endang S. Srimariana a,
I. Nyoman Metta Natih a
Department of Marine Science and Technology, IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor, 16680 West Java, Indonesia
Department of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, Cenderawasih University, Heram, Jayapura, 99224 Papua, Indonesia
IPB University Graduate School, Institut Pertanian Bogor Sekolah Pascasarjana, IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor, 16680 West Java, Indonesia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present study combined the data of environmental parameters and plankton distribution using
Received 11 May 2021 hydroacoustic technology with the purpose to map the horizontal and vertical distribution of plankton
Revised 5 August 2021 in Yos Sudarso Bay, Jayapura, Indonesia. Hydroacoustic data were processed using a threshold in the
Accepted 9 August 2021
range of 90 dB to 70 dB which was used for plankton detection at a depth range of 5–100 m. The
Available online 6 September 2021
results of the current study showed that the surface temperature changed from 30 °C on the outside
to 18 °C on the inside of the bay. Similarly, the salinity of the surface outside the bay was 36‰ while
it was 18‰ inside the bay. The distribution of chlorophyll had also decreased, where the value outside
Volume backscattering strength (Sv)
the bay was 0.32 mg/m3 and inside the bay was 0.02 mg/m3. The horizontal distribution of the values
Yos Sudarso Bay of plankton’s volume backscattering strength (Sv) had a range of 82 dB to 75 dB with an average of
76.63 dB. When the distribution of plankton’s Sv was detected vertically, it showed that the value of
plankton’s Sv decreased with increasing the water depth.
Ó 2021 National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

Introduction source by small fish species, hence, the relationship between them
is quite significant (Reid et al., 2000; Truong et al., 2017; Greer
Yos Sudarso Bay is distinguished by its unique geographical et al., 2020). Anchovy is an example of small fish species with a
location, as it is situated on the center of Jayapura city and coin- substantial relationship with plankton, anchovy distributed in
cides with the Papua Regional Government Office. This bay is the West Pacific where this bay is located (Fréon et al., 2005;
located 50 km to the west of the border between Indonesia and White et al., 2013).
Papua New Guinea. In addition, the bay provides a variety of tour- Plankton detection using hydroacoustic technology methods
ism activities as the presence of a ferry port increases the activities are widely used. Hydroacoustic technology is a method that uti-
there. Various studies have been carried out in this bay focusing on lizes sound waves propagating in seawater, which is commonly
different oceanographic, environmental factors, but still limited used to detect the presence of both fish and plankton in the water
research has been dealt with its plankton distribution. Besides, this and observe their behaviour, this is known as the active acoustic
research is also the first acoustic research in Yos Sudarso Bay. technique (Bergeon et al., 2013; Lubis, 2017). This method pro-
Plankton is a microorganism whose existence is indispensable duces a volume backscattering strength (Sv) value, which describes
in waters, where plankton has an essential role in the food chain the detected plankton’s patch size and can describe their horizon-
while maintaining the survival of aquatic ecosystems (Sachoemar tal and vertical distribution. Related studies were conducted by
and Hendiarti, 2006). As well, plankton has been used as an ecosys- Rinke et al. (2009) and Greer et al. (2020).
tem approach to study the fish population dynamics (Bergeon In addition to the active acoustic techniques, there are also pas-
et al., 2013). The abundance of plankton can be used as a food sive acoustic techniques commonly used to monitor the vocalizing
fish and mammals (Hossain and Hossen, 2019). This technique
works very well in water because the propagation of sound does
Peer review under responsibility of National Institute of Oceanography and not depend on currents and waves in the water (Mahmuroglu
Fisheries. and Kadir 2018). It is mostly used to monitor certain types of crea-
⇑ Corresponding author.
tures such as bony fish, marine mammals, and crustaceans
E-mail address: muhammadhisyam@apps.ipb.ac.id (M. Hisyam).

1687-4285/Ó 2021 National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. Hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
S. Pujiyati, B. Hamuna, Rohilah et al. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48 (2022) 37–44

(Simmonds and MacLennan, 2005; Favaro et al., 2011; Janik and

Sayigh, 2013; Herzing, 2014; Ladich, 2014).
Environmental parameters (temperature and salinity) are basic
factors that can affect the marine organisms’ survival, as well, they
influence their metabolism, migration, reproduction (Pan et al.,
2020; Sajikumar et al., 2020). Besides, the environmental parame-
ters also influence the acoustic system in detecting abundance
(Egerton et al., 2021). This underlines the need for additional envi-
ronmental parameters in research using hydroacoustic technology.
The current study is the first acoustic research in Yos Sudarso Bay
and it aims to map the horizontal and vertical distribution of
plankton in Yos Sudarso Bay, Jayapura, in relation to environmen-
tal parameters.


Acoustic data from the survey results of the Inter-Higher Educa-

tion Collaboration Research (PEKERTI) were used in the current
study on the same day on 30th April for the consecutive years
2017 and 2018 in Yos Sudarso Bay waters (Fig. 1). Parallel survey
lanes adapted to the presence of small islands in the bay. The
research location is illustrated in Fig. 2.

Materials and tools

Fig. 2. Research Locations in Yos Sudarso Bay, Jayapura.
This study used SIMRAD EK-15 single beam echosounder
instrument (specifications in Table 1). Further, acoustic survey data
accompanied by environmental data averaged in April 2017 as well Table 1
as bathymetry data were used in the current study. SIMRAD EK15 specifications (Pujiyati et al, 2020).

Parameters Description
Transducer type Single beam
Acoustic and environmental data processing
Frequency 200 kHz
Beam width 26°
Plankton data from the survey data in the waters of Yos Sudarso Ping rate >40 Hz
Bay were processed using Echoview 4.8 software with a threshold Pulse duration 0.128 ls
range value between 90 to 70 dB for plankton detection Pulse length 0.16 ms
Frequency 200 kHz
(MacLennan et al., 2002). The Elementary Sampling Distance Unit
Sound speed 1,545.87 m/dt
(ESDU) was set per 100 pings and per depth of 5 m within a depth Absorption coefficient 0.01871 dB/m
range of 5–70 m (Fig. 3). The results obtained from this processing Transducer gain 14.20 dB
were the Sv data of the plankton patches. On the other hand, data Output power 45 W
of environmental parameter; such as temperature, salinity and
chlorophyll-a were downloaded from marine.corpenicus.eu, while
bathymetry data were obtained from ETOPO-NOAA adjusted to the
time of data collection, 30th April 2017. These data were processed Plankton acoustic data analysis
using existing software and were displayed in the form of maps of
temperature distribution, salinity, chlorophyll and bathymetry The Sv value is defined as the ratio between the sound intensity
maps. reflected by multiple targets that instantaneously amplified and

Fig. 1. Data collection during PEKERTI.

S. Pujiyati, B. Hamuna, Rohilah et al. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48 (2022) 37–44

Fig. 3. ESDU position from echogram.

measured at a distance of 1 m from the target to the intensity of

the sound hitting the target (Simmonds and MacLennan, 2005).
The Sv value of plankton is described to provide an overview of
the vertical and horizontal distribution of plankton using following

sv ¼ 10ðSv =10Þ ð1Þ

sv ¼ Rðsv :nÞ=ntotal ð2Þ

Sv ¼ 10logðsv Þ (3) where:

sv = Linear form of Sv
sv = Average of sv
n = Number of individual targets
Sv = Average of Sv

Results and discussion

Based on the shape of the bathymetry, Yos Sudarso Bay is like a

funnel, and it is deeper in the middle than near the land (Fig. 4),
Further, Dahlan (2014) stated that this bay has a steep bottom.
The detected depth is up to 180 m (dark blue color). When collect-
ing data, the water condition was quite clear and some ecosys-
tems; such as seagrass and coral; were found in the northern
part of the bay although relatively in small area and had low den-
sity. Dahlan (2014) described that the waves from the Pacific Fig. 4. Bathymetry map of Yos Sudarso Bay using data obtained from ETOPO-NOAA.
Ocean had greatly affected the water mass in this bay, and closer
to the shore, the waves get smaller which greatly affected the
existing environmental conditions. conditions can be used to facilitate the management and utiliza-
Temperature and salinity are essential parameters to be mea- tion of fishery resources, particularly as a basis for predicting
sured, as they are important indicators of the metabolism of aqua- potential fishing grounds (Cahya et al., 2016; Hadiman et al., 2017).
tic organisms (Laevastu and Hela, 1981). Chlorophyll-a is a The temperature value in these waters decreased vertically
pigment in phytoplankton organisms used in the photosynthesis (Fig. 5a), where at a depth from 0 to 70 m, the temperature
process where phytoplankton organisms constitute a food source decreased gradually from 29.83°C to 28.47°C. The absence of
for planktivorous fish species. Information of the environmental the thermocline layer was indicated by a temperature change of

S. Pujiyati, B. Hamuna, Rohilah et al. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48 (2022) 37–44

Fig. 5. Average of vertical distribution of (a) temperature (b) salinity and (c) chlorophyll.

 0.05 °C (Sidabutar et al., 2014). The temperature of the waters in in the North Papua region, which is relatively warm. According to
Indonesia is generally influenced by the movement of Armondo Kolibongso (2020), this temperature distribution is greatly influ-
(Indonesian Muson Flow), which carries a water mass with differ- enced by the New Guinea Coastal Current (NGCC), namely the sur-
ent characteristics depending on its direction that can affect the face currents flowing from east to west along the coastline of the
presence of biota in the region (Ridha et al., 2013). This condition island of Papua, carrying water masses from the South Pacific
also coincided with the transitional season I (February-April) Ocean. This water mass has a higher temperature characteristic
according to Surinati and Corvianawatie (2019), the conditions of than the water mass of the North Pacific Ocean (Wattimena
the Western Pacific Ocean in this season affected the temperature et al., 2018).

Fig. 6. Surface horizontal distribution of (a) temperature (b) salinity and (c) chlorophyll.

S. Pujiyati, B. Hamuna, Rohilah et al. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48 (2022) 37–44

Vertically, the salinity values (Fig. 5b) increased gradually in the the bay was 18‰ (Fig. 6b). The distribution of temperature and
depth range of 0 to70 m from 33.33 to 35.24‰. This value showed salinity was reasonable because of the presence of fresh water
that this bay was influenced by water masses from the ocean masses from cooler rivers, which caused the drop in temperature
trapped in the bay, where these values can still be tolerated by and salinity values. This condition also affected the distribution
marine biota. Moreover, these salinity values were also higher than of chlorophyll, where the chlorophyll outside ranged from
the general distribution of salinity in the Indonesian waters, which 0.32 mg/m3 outside the bay to 0.02 mg/m3 inside the bay (Fig. 6c).
is in range of 28‰ to 34‰ (Rustam and Prabawa, 2015). Generally, plankton are tiny organisms that live with the flow
Furthermore, the total value of chlorophyll (Fig. 5c) in these and form patches (clusters). The acoustic backscattering value of
waters had vertically increased in drastic manner from the surface the plankton swarm was indicated by the Sv value. The greater
to a depth range of 11 to 31 m from 0.1535 to 0.3818 mg/m3. In the the Sv value, the larger the plankton swarm will be. The horizontal
32 to 55 m depth range, the value of chlorophyll fluctuated in the distribution of Sv in the study area (Fig. 7) was found to be quite
range of 0.3816 to 0.2911 mg/m3 before experiencing an increase variable, where the distribution of Sv values ranged from
to 0.3038 mg/m3 at 70 m depth. The presence of plankton, espe- 82.48 dB to 75.35 dB and had an average of 76.63 dB. This
cially phytoplankton, can be described by the total value of chloro- indicated that the patchiness was relatively large. According to
phyll in these waters. Chlorophyll has an active role in the MacLennan et al. (2002), the value of the volume backscattering
photosynthesis process that occurs in a certain water area which strength range of plankton ranged from 62.64 dB to 86.50 dB
its total value serves as an indicator to determine the amount of and there was a plankton organism detected in waters ranged from
fish are in the waters (Syetiawan, 2015). Based on Fig. 5c, it is obvi- 5 to 200 m. Horizontal distribution of plankton was more influ-
ous that the distribution of chlorophyll-a outward the bay area was enced by physical and chemical factors in coastal waters, as plank-
influenced by NGCC. Where it carries a large amount of nutrients in ton live in groups with lower salinity levels compared to the
its water mass, which is one of the factors that affects chlorophyll offshore waters to the ocean (Arinardi et al., 1997).
levels in water (Abigail et al., 2015). According to Vollenweider The difference in plankton distribution does not only occur hor-
et al. (1998), chlorophyll-a concentrations in waters that are < izontally but also vertically (Arinardi et al., 1997). The existence of
1 mg/L belong to the oligotrophic water type category, namely planktonic organisms in the waters depended on the temperature,
the trophic status of water is containing low levels of nutrients. salinity and light intensity. The highest Sv values ranged from
Rasyid and Ibrahim (2013) state that chlorophyll concentration is 77.05 dB to 75.35 dB (red color), moderate Sv ranged from
higher in near-surface waters compared to deeper waters due to 79.41 dB to 77.06 dB (orange color) and low Sv ranged from
differences in the level of sunlight intensity. 82.48 dB to 79.42 dB (green color) in Fig. 8. Locations with high
The horizontal distribution of temperature, salinity and chloro- Sv values were close to the mouth of the Anafre River, which car-
phyll on the surface showed that as getting into the bay area, the ried nutrients from the land. It was found that low Sv values were
values of these three parameters had decreased. The surface tem- found in several locations, presumably, these locations being less
perature was 30 °C outside the bay to 18 °C inside the bay fertile. Sulistiowati et al. (2016) explained that this was due to
(Fig. 6a). The surface salinity outside the bay was 36‰ and inside an increase in development and population on the edge of this

Fig. 7. Horizontal distribution map of Plankton’s Sv values.

S. Pujiyati, B. Hamuna, Rohilah et al. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48 (2022) 37–44

Fig. 8. Horizontal distribution of (a) temperature (b) salinity (c) chlorophyll and (d) plankton’s SV at depths of 5, 10, 15, and 20 m (left to right).

bay causing a lot of pollutants to enter these waters due to waste Similar to the temperature distribution, salinity distribution
disposal. Based on the types of species observed in this bay, Sari had also a change in the contour value that was not obvious
(2016) explained, that in these waters, plankton were dominated because of the limited sample points. The distribution of salinity
by Microcystis sp. Differences between the horizontal distributions (Fig. 8b) was found to be evenly distributed with higher salinity
of plankton detected by acoustics with the distribution of chloro- (> 30‰) that spread out in the area near the open water, while
phyll showed different results. This happened because the acoustic the waters with lower salinity scattered closer to the land. With
detection results provide information in a smaller coverage area, increasing depth, the distribution of waters with higher salinity
thus providing information for each ESDU point. values would get closer to the land.
The distribution of temperature, salinity and chlorophyll was On the other hand, the chlorophyll distribution (Fig. 8c) with
investigated at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20 m (Fig. 8). Spatially, the tem- higher chlorophyll values (> 0.18 mg/m3) was scattered in areas
perature distributions (Fig. 8a) didn’t have a significant change close to the open water. Along with increasing depth, it can be seen
when investigated from the change in color contours. This is due that the distribution of chlorophyll decreased to 0.05 mg/m3 as clo-
to the limitation of sample points from the satellite, as it has only ser to the land. Overall, the distribution of temperature, salinity
one point in the bay. The cooler temperatures (< 30 °C) were found and chlorophyll values were increased as getting into the bay
in areas close to the land while warmer temperatures were and closer to land. This was illustrated by Dahlan (2014); where
detected near the open water. As depth increases, warmer waters the mass of ocean water greatly affected the water mass in this
would further advance toward the open waters. bay. The distribution of Sv plankton at a depth from 5 to 20 m

S. Pujiyati, B. Hamuna, Rohilah et al. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48 (2022) 37–44

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