(OFW) Oxy-Fuel Welding (Gas WeldingOxy-Acetylene Welding)
(OFW) Oxy-Fuel Welding (Gas WeldingOxy-Acetylene Welding)
(OFW) Oxy-Fuel Welding (Gas WeldingOxy-Acetylene Welding)
Welding/Oxy-Acetylene Welding)
February 5, 2019 Sandeep Anand 1 Comment
Oxy-fuel welding (OFW) is also known as Gas welding or Oxy-fuel gas welding. The term
‘Oxy-fuel’ is used to denote a combination of Oxygen and a Fuel gas, means it’s a process in
which Oxygen and a fuel (combustible gas) both are required. Most commonly used fuel gas
is Acetylene and thus the name Oxy-Acetylene welding (OAW) is also used for this process,
when Acetylene is used as a fuel gas. Apart from Oxy-Acetylene welding, other common
variants of Oxyfuel gas welding are
Air Acetylene welding (AAW)
Oxy Hydrogen welding (OHW)
Pressure gas welding (PGW)
The required heat for welding is generated by a flame caused by the chemical reaction between
oxygen and the fuel gas (Acetylene). Fuel gas and Oxygen are combined in a mixing chamber,
provided in the welding torch itself. Additional filler metal can be used with this process. A flux
may be used to protect the molten weld pool. Flux deoxidizes and cleanses the weld metal. The
flux melts, solidifies, and forms a slag on the weld metal. A typical Oxy-Acetylene welding
(OAW) setup contains the following basic items (Figure – 1):
1. Oxygen Cylinder
2. Acetylene cylinder
3. Hose pipes
4. Gas torch
5. Filler Metal (Optional)
6. Flux (Optional)
7. Safety valves (Flashback arrestor/Non returning valve or Check valve)
Three different types of flames can be obtained (Figure – 2), depending upon the ratio of Oxygen
and Acetylene, these flames are known as;
1. Neutral flame
2. Reducing flame
3. Oxidizing flame
Neutral Flame: When oxygen and Acetylene are mixed in equal proportions, Neutral flame is
obtained. This type of flame is characterized by a short inner cone and a longer outer cone.
In neutral flame combustion takes place in two stages, Primary combustion takes place at the
inner core, when the Oxygen (O2) and Acetylene (C2H2) meets. The heat produced by this
reaction accounts for two thirds of the total heat generated. Following chemical reaction takes
place at this stage:
Secondary combustion takes place at the outer envelope. In secondary combustion CO and H2,
obtained from primary combustion reacts with surrounding air (O2) and forms CO2 and H2O.
One third of total heat is generated during this combustion. Chemical formula for this reaction is
as follows:
CO and H2 present in the Outer envelope consume the additional oxygen coming from
surrounding and hence the molten weld pool remains protected and Oxidation doesn’t take place.
This is why outer envelope is also called as the protection envelop. Neutral flame is used to weld
most of the metals.
Reducing Flame: In Reducing flame, excess acetylene is used. Due to excess amount, the
combustion of acetylene remains incomplete. This flame is characterized by a greenish
Acetylene feather between the inert cone and the outer envelope. This excess Acetylene makes
this flame reducing in nature and it’s suitable for welding aluminium alloys because aluminium
oxidizes easily. It is also good for welding high-carbon steels (also called carburizing flame in
this case) because excess oxygen can oxidize carbon and form CO gas porosity in the weld
Oxidizing Flame: When excess amount of Oxygen is used then this type of flame is occurred.
Due to the presence of unconsumed oxygen, the flame becomes oxidizing. This type of flame is
characterized by a short white inner cone. This flame is suitable for welding brass, because
copper oxide covers the weld pool and thus prevents zinc from evaporating from the weld pool.
Safety Valves: In Oxyfuel welding, chances of reverse flow of flame or gas into supply line (or
even into the cylinder) is very high which may cause a flashback, fire, or explosion in any part of
the apparatus. To prevent such reverse flow of flame a flashback arrestor and Reverse-flow
check valves should be located at the torch inlet. An additional check valve may be used at the
regulator outlet.
The purpose of a check valve is to help prevent the reverse flow of gases into the hose, regulator,
or cylinder. A flashback arrestor at the torch inlet offers additional protection to the welder and
the hosepipe.