Teknik Pengelasan

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Teknik Pengelasan

Pengelasan adalah suatu proses penyambungan

logam dimana logam menjadi satu akibat panas dengan
atau tanpa pengaruh tekanan. proses las dapat
diklasifikasikan berdasarkan energi yang digunakan
yaitu las listrik dan las las gas atau non listrik. Jenis
pengelasan menggunakan energi listrik diantaranya :
las elektroda terbungkus, las busur gas, las busur tanpa
gas, las busur rendam, las listrik terak, las listrik gas, las
resistansi listrik, pematrian.
Two Categories of Welding Processes
Fusion welding - coalescence is accomplished by
melting the two parts to be joined, in some cases adding
filler metal to the joint
Examples: arc welding, resistance spot welding,
oxyfuel gas welding
Solid state welding - heat and/or pressure are used to
achieve coalescence, but no melting of base metals
occurs and no filler metal is added
Examples: forge welding, diffusion welding, friction
Diversity of welding processes

Solid state welding Fusion welding Soldering and brazing

Resistance welding Soldering

Cold welding Brazing
Friction welding
Electrical energy Chemical energy
Diffusion welding
Flash welding Oxyacetylene welding

Ultrasonic welding Oxyfuel gas welding

Explosion welding
Consumable electrode Non consumable Other processes
Gas metal arc welding Laser beam welding
Gas tungsten arc welding
Shielded metal arc welding Thermit welding
Atomic hydrogen welding
Submerged arc welding Electron beam welding
Plasma arc welding
Flux cored arc welding
Electrogas welding
Electroslag welding
Las Gas
Pengelasan dengan gas dilakukan
dengan membakar bahan bakar gas
dengan O2 sehingga menimbulkan nyala
api dengan suhu yang dapat mencairkan
logam induk dan logam pengisi. Bahan
bakar yang biasa digunakan adalah gas
asetilen , gas propan atau hydrogen, yang
paling banyak digunakan gas asetilen
sehingga sering di sebut las oksi-asetilen
Oxyacetylene Welding (OAW)
Fusion welding performed by a high
temperature flame from combustion of
acetylene and oxygen
Flame is directed by a welding torch
Filler metal is sometimes added
Composition must be similar to base metal
Filler rod often coated with flux to clean
surfaces and prevent oxidation
Oxyacetylene Welding

Figure 31.21 A typical oxyacetylene welding operation (OAW).

Acetylene (C2H2)
Most popular fuel among OFW group
because it is capable of higher temperatures
than any other up to 3480C (6300F)
Two stage chemical reaction of acetylene and
First stage reaction (inner cone of flame):
C2H2 + O2 2CO + H2 + heat
Second stage reaction (outer envelope):
2CO + H2 + 1.5O2 2CO2 + H2O + heat
Nyala hasil pembakaran dapat berubah tergantung
perbandingan antara gas oksigen dan gas asetilen, ada tiga
macam nyala yang dapat terbentuk yaitu :

1. Nyala netral, tejadi bila perbandingan antara oksigen dan

asetilen satu ( nyala terdiri kerucut dalam berwarna
putih bersinar dan kerucut luar warna biru bening
2. Nyala asetilen lebih (nyala karburasi), bila asetilen lebih
banyak dari oksigen ( antara kerucut dalam dan
kerucut luar timbul kerucut baru warna biru,yang
menunjukan kelebihan gas asetilen dimana
menyebabkan karburasi pada logam cair).
3. Nyala oksigen lebih (nyala oksidasi), oksigen melebihi
jumlah yang dibutuhkan ( kerucut jadi pendek warna
jadi ungu)
Oxyacetylene Torch
Maximum temperature reached at tip of inner cone,
while outer envelope spreads out and shields work
surfaces from atmosphere

Figure 31.22 The neutral flame from an oxyacetylene torch

indicating temperatures achieved.
Arc Welding (AW)
A fusion welding process in which
coalescence of the metals is achieved by
the heat from an electric arc between an
electrode and the work
Electric energy from the arc produces
temperatures ~ 10,000 F (5500 C), hot
enough to melt any metal
Most AW processes add filler metal to
increase volume and strength of weld joint
What is an Electric Arc?
An electric arc is a discharge of electric
current across a gap in a circuit
It is sustained by an ionized column of gas
(plasma) through which the current flows
To initiate the arc in AW, electrode is
brought into contact with work and then
quickly separated from it by a short
Arc Welding
A pool of molten metal is formed near electrode
tip, and as electrode is moved along joint,
molten weld pool solidifies in its wake

Figure 31.1 Basic configuration of an arc welding process.

Two Basic Types of AW
Consumable consumed during welding
Source of filler metal in arc welding
Nonconsumable not consumed during
welding process
Filler metal must be added separately
Consumable Electrodes
Forms of consumable electrodes
Welding rods (a.k.a. sticks) are 9 to 18 inches
and 3/8 inch or less in diameter and must be
changed frequently
Weld wire can be continuously fed from spools
with long lengths of wire, avoiding frequent
In both rod and wire forms, electrode is
consumed by arc and added to weld joint as
filler metal
Nonconsumable Electrodes
Made of tungsten which resists melting
Gradually depleted during welding
(vaporization is principal mechanism)
Any filler metal must be supplied by a
separate wire fed into weld pool
Arc Shielding
At high temperatures in AW, metals are
chemically reactive to oxygen, nitrogen, and
hydrogen in air
Mechanical properties of joint can be seriously
degraded by these reactions
To protect operation, arc must be shielded from
surrounding air in AW processes
Arc shielding is accomplished by:
Shielding gases, e.g., argon, helium, CO 2
A substance that prevents formation of
oxides and other contaminants in welding,
or dissolves them and facilitates removal
Provides protective atmosphere for
Stabilizes arc
Reduces spattering
Various Flux Application
Pouring granular flux onto welding
Stick electrode coated with flux material
that melts during welding to cover
Tubular electrodes in which flux is
contained in the core and released as
electrode is consumed
Power Source in Arc Welding
Direct current (DC) vs. Alternating current
AC machines less expensive to purchase
and operate, but generally restricted to
ferrous metals
DC equipment can be used on all metals
and is generally noted for better arc control
Consumable Electrode AW
Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Gas Metal Arc Welding
FluxCored Arc Welding
Electrogas Welding
Submerged Arc Welding
Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Uses a consumable electrode consisting of
a filler metal rod coated with chemicals
that provide flux and shielding
Sometimes called "stick welding"
Power supply, connecting cables, and
electrode holder available for a few
thousand dollars
Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Figure 31.3 Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW).

Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Figure 31.2 Shielded

metal arc welding (stick
welding) performed by a
(human) welder (photo
courtesy of Hobart
Brothers Co.).
SMAW Applications
Used for steels, stainless steels,
cast irons, and certain nonferrous
Not used or rarely used for
aluminum and its alloys, copper
alloys, and titanium
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
Uses a consumable bare metal wire as electrode and
shielding accomplished by flooding arc with a gas
Wire is fed continuously and automatically from a
spool through the welding gun
Shielding gases include inert gases such as argon and
helium for aluminum welding, and active gases such
as CO2 for steel welding
Bare electrode wire plus shielding gases eliminate
slag on weld bead - no need for manual grinding and
cleaning of slag
Gas Metal Arc Welding

Figure 31.4 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW).

GMAW Advantages over SMAW

Better arc time because of continuous wire

Sticks must be periodically changed in SMAW
Better use of electrode filler metal than SMAW
End of stick cannot be used in SMAW
Higher deposition rates
Eliminates problem of slag removal
Can be readily automated
FluxCored Arc Welding (FCAW)
Adaptation of shielded metal arc welding, to overcome
limitations of stick electrodes
Electrode is a continuous consumable tubing (in coils)
containing flux and other ingredients (e.g., alloying
elements) in its core
Two versions:
Selfshielded FCAW - core includes compounds that
produce shielding gases
Gasshielded FCAW - uses externally applied
shielding gases
Flux-Cored Arc Welding

Figure 31.6 Fluxcored arc welding. Presence or absence of externally

supplied shielding gas distinguishes the two types: (1) self shielded,
in which core provides ingredients for shielding, and (2) gas shielded,
which uses external shielding gases.
Electrogas Welding (EGW)
Uses a continuous consumable electrode, either
fluxcored wire or bare wire with externally
supplied shielding gases, and molding shoes to
contain molten metal
When fluxcored electrode wire is used and no
external gases are supplied, then special case of
selfshielded FCAW
When a bare electrode wire used with shielding
gases from external source, then special case of
Electrogas Welding

Figure 31.7 Electrogas welding using fluxcored electrode wire:

(a) front view with molding shoe removed for clarity, and (b)
side view showing molding shoes on both sides.
Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
Uses a continuous, consumable bare wire
electrode, with arc shielding provided by a
cover of granular flux
Electrode wire is fed automatically from a
Flux introduced into joint slightly ahead of
arc by gravity from a hopper
Completely submerges operation,
preventing sparks, spatter, and radiation
Submerged Arc Welding

Figure 31.8 Submerged arc welding.

SAW Applications and Products
Steel fabrication of structural shapes (e.g.,
Seams for large diameter pipes, tanks,
and pressure vessels
Welded components for heavy machinery
Most steels (except hi C steel)
Not good for nonferrous metals
Non-consumable Electrode
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Plasma Arc Welding
Carbon Arc Welding
Stud Welding
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode
and an inert gas for arc shielding
Melting point of tungsten = 3410C (6170F)
A.k.a. Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding
In Europe, called "WIG welding"
Used with or without a filler metal
When filler metal used, it is added to
weld pool from separate rod or wire
Applications: aluminum and stainless steel
most common
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

Figure 31.9 Gas tungsten arc welding.

Advantages / Disadvantages of
High quality welds for suitable applications
No spatter because no filler metal through arc
Little or no post-weld cleaning because no flux
Generally slower and more costly than
consumable electrode AW processes
Plasma Arc Welding (PAW)
Special form of GTAW in which a constricted
plasma arc is directed at weld area
Tungsten electrode is contained in a nozzle that
focuses a high velocity stream of inert gas
(argon) into arc region to form a high velocity,
intensely hot plasma arc stream
Temperatures in PAW reach 28,000C
(50,000F), due to constriction of arc, producing
a plasma jet of small diameter and very high
energy density
Plasma Arc Welding

Figure 31.10 Plasma arc welding (PAW).

Advantages / Disadvantages of
Good arc stability
Better penetration control than other AW
High travel speeds
Excellent weld quality
Can be used to weld almost any metals
High equipment cost
Larger torch size than other AW
Tends to restrict access in some joints
Resistance Welding (RW)
A group of fusion welding processes that
use a combination of heat and pressure to
accomplish coalescence
Heat generated by electrical resistance to
current flow at junction to be welded
Principal RW process is resistance spot
welding (RSW)
Resistance Welding

Figure 31.12 Resistance

welding, showing the
components in spot
welding, the main
process in the RW
Components in Resistance Spot
Parts to be welded (usually sheet metal)
Two opposing electrodes
Means of applying pressure to squeeze
parts between electrodes
Power supply from which a controlled
current can be applied for a specified time
Advantages / Drawbacks of RW
No filler metal required
High production rates possible
Lends itself to mechanization and automation
Lower operator skill level than for arc welding
Good repeatability and reliability
High initial equipment cost
Limited to lap joints for most RW processes
Resistance Spot Welding (RSW)
Resistance welding process in which fusion of
faying surfaces of a lap joint is achieved at one
location by opposing electrodes
Used to join sheet metal parts using a series of
spot welds
Widely used in mass production of
automobiles, appliances, metal furniture, and
other products made of sheet metal
Typical car body has ~ 10,000 spot welds
Annual production of automobiles in the
world is measured in tens of millions of units
Spot Welding Cycle

Figure 31.13 (a) Spot welding cycle, (b) plot of squeezing force & current
in cycle (1) parts inserted between electrodes, (2) electrodes close,
force applied, (3) current on, (4) current off, (5) electrodes opened.
Resistance Seam Welding
Uses rotating wheel electrodes to
produce a series of overlapping spot
welds along lap joint
Can produce airtight joints
Gasoline tanks
Automobile mufflers
Various other sheet metal containers
Resistance Seam Welding

Figure 31.15 Resistance seam welding (RSEW).

Resistance Projection Welding
A resistance welding process in which
coalescence occurs at one or more small
contact points on parts
Contact points determined by design of
parts to be joined
May consist of projections, embossments, or
localized intersections of parts
Resistance Projection Welding

Figure 31.17 Resistance projection welding (RPW): (1) start of operation,

contact between parts is at projections; (2) when current is applied,
weld nuggets similar to spot welding are formed at the projections.
Other Fusion Welding
FW processes that cannot be classified as arc, resistance,
or oxyfuel welding
Use unique technologies to develop heat for melting
Applications are typically unique
Processes include:
Electron beam welding
Laser beam welding
Electroslag welding
Thermit welding
Electron Beam Welding (EBW)
Fusion welding process in which heat for welding is
provided by a highlyfocused, highintensity stream of
electrons striking work surface
Electron beam gun operates at:
High voltage (e.g., 10 to 150 kV typical) to accelerate
Beam currents are low (measured in milliamps)
Power in EBW not exceptional, but power density is
EBW Advantages / Disadvantages
Highquality welds, deep and narrow profiles
Limited heat affected zone, low thermal distortion
High welding speeds
No flux or shielding gases needed
High equipment cost
Precise joint preparation & alignment required
Vacuum chamber required
Safety concern: EBW generates xrays
Comparison: LBW vs. EBW
No vacuum chamber required for LBW
No xrays emitted in LBW
Laser beams can be focused and directed
by optical lenses and mirrors
LBW not capable of the deep welds and
high depthtowidth ratios of EBW
Maximum LBW depth = ~ 19 mm (3/4 in),
whereas EBW depths = 50 mm (2 in)
Thermit Welding (TW)
FW process in which heat for coalescence is
produced by superheated molten metal from the
chemical reaction of thermite
Thermite = mixture of Al and Fe3O4 fine powders
that produce an exothermic reaction when ignited
Also used for incendiary bombs
Filler metal obtained from liquid metal
Process used for joining, but has more in common
with casting than welding
Thermit Welding

Figure 31.25 Thermit welding: (1) Thermit ignited; (2) crucible

tapped, superheated metal flows into mold; (3) metal solidifies
to produce weld joint.
TW Applications
Joining of railroad rails
Repair of cracks in large steel castings
and forgings
Weld surface is often smooth enough that
no finishing is required
Solid State Welding (SSW)
Coalescence of part surfaces is achieved by:
Pressure alone, or
Heat and pressure
If both heat and pressure are used, heat is not
enough to melt work surfaces
For some SSW processes, time is also a factor
No filler metal is added
Each SSW process has its own way of creating a bond
at the faying surfaces
SSW Advantages over FW
If no melting, then no heat affected zone, so
metal around joint retains original properties
Many SSW processes produce welded joints
that bond the entire contact interface between
two parts rather than at distinct spots or seams
Some SSW processes can be used to bond
dissimilar metals, without concerns about
relative melting points, thermal expansions, and
other problems that arise in FW
Solid State Welding Processes
Forge welding
Cold welding
Roll welding
Hot pressure welding
Diffusion welding
Explosion welding
Friction welding
Ultrasonic welding
Forge Welding
Welding process in which components to be joined are
heated to hot working temperature range and then
forged together by hammering or similar means
Historic significance in development of manufacturing
Process dates from about 1000 B.C., when
blacksmiths learned to weld two pieces of metal
Of minor commercial importance today except for its
Roll Welding (ROW)
SSW process in which pressure sufficient to
cause coalescence is applied by means of
rolls, either with or without external heat
Variation of either forge welding or cold
welding, depending on whether heating of
workparts is done prior to process
If no external heat, called cold roll welding
If heat is supplied, hot roll welding
Roll Welding

Figure 31.26 Roll welding (ROW).

Roll Welding Applications
Cladding stainless steel to mild or low
alloy steel for corrosion resistance
Bimetallic strips for measuring
"Sandwich" coins for U.S mint
Diffusion Welding (DFW)
SSW process uses heat and pressure, usually in a
controlled atmosphere, with sufficient time for
diffusion and coalescence to occur
Temperatures 0.5 Tm
Plastic deformation at surfaces is minimal
Primary coalescence mechanism is solid state
Limitation: time required for diffusion can range
from seconds to hours
DFW Applications
Joining of highstrength and refractory
metals in aerospace and nuclear
Can be used to join either similar and
dissimilar metals
For joining dissimilar metals, a filler layer
of different metal is often sandwiched
between base metals to promote diffusion
Explosion Welding (EXW)
SSW process in which rapid coalescence of two
metallic surfaces is caused by the energy of a
detonated explosive
No filler metal used
No external heat applied
No diffusion occurs - time is too short
Bonding is metallurgical, combined with
mechanical interlocking that results from a
rippled or wavy interface between the metals
Explosive Welding
Commonly used to bond two dissimilar metals,
in particular to clad one metal on top of a
base metal over large areas

Figure 31.27 Explosive welding (EXW): (1) setup in the

parallel configuration, and (2) during detonation of the
explosive charge.
Friction Welding (FRW)
SSW process in which coalescence is achieved by
frictional heat combined with pressure
When properly carried out, no melting occurs at
faying surfaces
No filler metal, flux, or shielding gases normally
Process yields a narrow HAZ
Can be used to join dissimilar metals
Widely used commercial process, amenable to
automation and mass production
Friction Welding

Figure 31.28 Friction welding (FRW): (1) rotating part, no contact; (2)
parts brought into contact to generate friction heat; (3) rotation
stopped and axial pressure applied; and (4) weld created.
Applications / Limitations of
Shafts and tubular parts
Industries: automotive, aircraft, farm equipment,
petroleum and natural gas
At least one of the parts must be rotational
Flash must usually be removed
Upsetting reduces the part lengths (which must be taken
into consideration in product design)
Ultrasonic Welding (USW)
Two components are held together, oscillatory shear
stresses of ultrasonic frequency are applied to interface
to cause coalescence
Oscillatory motion breaks down any surface films to allow
intimate contact and strong metallurgical bonding
between surfaces
Although heating of surfaces occurs, temperatures are
well below Tm
No filler metals, fluxes, or shielding gases
Generally limited to lap joints on soft materials such as
aluminum and copper
Ultrasonic Welding

Figure 31.29 Ultrasonic welding (USW): (a) general

setup for a lap joint; and (b) closeup of weld area .
USW Applications
Wire terminations and splicing in electrical
and electronics industry
Eliminates need for soldering
Assembly of aluminum sheet metal panels
Welding of tubes to sheets in solar panels
Assembly of small parts in automotive
Capacity of a metal or combination of metals to be
welded into a suitably designed structure, and for
the resulting weld joint(s) to possess the required
metallurgical properties to perform satisfactorily in
intended service
Good weldability characterized by:
Ease with which welding process is accomplished
Absence of weld defects
Acceptable strength, ductility, and toughness in
welded joint
Dari diagram TTT terlihat bahwa kecepatan transformasi
tergantung pada suhu dan bisa dinyatakan dengan
persamaan Avrami sbb:
f = 1 exp(-ktn)
dimana f adalah jumlah fraksi masa baru yang terbentuk,
k dan n merupakan konstanta dengan nilai n berkisar
antar 1-4.
Tetapi proses pendinginan pada las berlansung secara
kontinyu yaitu proses penurunan suhu berlangsung
secara gradual tanpa adanya penurunan suhu secara
mendadak sehingga lebih tepat analisa struktur
berdasarkan diagram CCT (continuous cooling
transformation) dimana untuk baja austenit bisa berubah
menjadi berbagai fasa tergantung pada kecepatan
Struktur mikto yang terjadi mungkin mengandung campuran dari
fasa-fasa berikut :

1. Ferit proeutectoid ( terdiri dari ferit batas butir dan ferit

polygonal), terbentuk pada suhu 1000-650oC

2. Ferit widmanstatten (ferrite with aligned second phase) terbentuk

pada suhu 750 650oC

3. Ferit acicular(tumbuh dalam butir austenit) terbentuk pada suhu

dibawah 650oC

4. Bainit, terbentuk pada suhu 400 500oC

5. Martensit, terjadi jika kecepatan pendinginan sangat cepat

Struktur mikro logam las ditentukan pada saat proses pembekuan dan
transformasi austenite ke ferrite, yang dipengaruhi oleh :

1. Proses pengelasan ( mempengaruhi bentuk dan ukuran weld

pool )

2. Komposisi akhir logam las yang dipengaruhi oleh logam pengisi

(filler), logam induk, fluks, gas, kandungan uap air diudara ,dll

3. Kecepatan pengelasan( mempengaruhi kecepatan pembekuan,

bentuk kristal dan segregation)

4. Siklus termal ( mempengaruhi jenis dan ukuran struktur mikro akhir

saat pendinginan dari 800 ke 500oC
Sifat sifat mekanis logam las baja karbon dan baja C-Mn
dipengaruhi oleh beberapa factor diantarnya ukuran butir ( grain size).
Hubungan antara tegangan luluh dan ukuran butir bisa dinyatakan
dengan persamaan Hall-Petch :

= o + k / d1/2

dimana : tegangan luluh bahan, o : tegangan gesekan (friction

stress), k : koefisien gesekan dan d : ukuran/diameter butir. Selain itu
kekuatan tarik logam las dapat juga disebabkan oleh adanya kerapatan
dilokasi yang tinggi pada struktur mikro. Keuletan dan ketangguhan
logam las biasanya diukur dengan melakukan uji kejut (impact test)
pada suhu bervariasi.
Keuletan dan ketangguhan logam las dipengaruhi oleh
banyak factor seperti komposisi, struktur mikro, ukuran
butir dan inklusi. Keuletan dan ketangguhan logam las
akan meningkat jika struktur mikro berupa ferit acicular ,
penurunan ketangguhan terjadi jika pada logam las
terbentuk martensit atau feritwidmanstatten. Hal ini
disebabkan struktur mikro widmanstatten berbentuk
plat-plat sejajardengan lapisan karbida diantara plat-plat
tersebut sehingg retak mudah merambat sejajar dengan
plat. Peningkatan kandungan unsure-unsur paduan
terutsma; C Umumnya meningkatkan kekuatan dan
kekerasan logam.
Hal hal yg perlu diperhatikan dalam
perencanaan sambungan las
1. Pemilihan bahan
Bahan induk
Bahan las
2. Tegangan sisa
Tegangan sisa pada proses pengelasan dapat terjadi oleh sebab 2 hal yaitu
tegangan sisa yang diakibatkan oleh penahan dalam krn pemanasan dan
pendinginan setempat dan tegangan sisa yg disebabkan olehpenahan luar
Tegangan sisa menyebabkan 2 hal yaitu terjadinya patah getas dan terjadinya
perubahan bentuk.
a. cara menghindari patah getas :
- memilih bahan dengan ketangguhan yg tinggi
- menghindari sambungan yg terlalu dengan antara satu danl lainnya
- menghindari perencanaan sambungan las dengan penahan yg banyak
- menentukan urutan pengelasan yg tepat
- bila perlu dilakukan penurunan tegangan secara termal atau mekanik
B. cara menghindari perubahan bentuk:
Rencanakan pengelasan dgn penggunaan logam las sesedikit mungkin
Mengurangi jumlah lapisan las
Dalam hal las alursebaiknya gunakan alur ganda
Mengunakan cara pengelasan yg efektif dan sesuai dengan sifat bahan
Perubahan bentuk dikurangi secara termal maupun mekanik

3. Konsentrasi tegangan
4. Prosedur Pengelasan
a. Kemampuan Prosedur
Dalam produksi dikenal istilah 5 M ( manusia, mesin, material, metode, manajemen
b. Hal-hal yg harus diperhatikan dalam prosedur pengelasan
- posisi elektroda harus pada tempat yg semestinya
- juru las harus mdapat melihat busur listrik yg terjadi
-Harus diusahakan pengelasan dilakukan pada posisi alamiah
c. menghindari retak las
- pemilihan bahan
- dlm perencanaan penghalangdan penahan dibuat seminimal mungkin
- harus dihindari konstruksi yg memperbesar celah akar
- pemilihan geometri sambungan yg tepat
d. Pemilihan betuk alurdan sambungan yg tepat
5. Biaya

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