Teknik Pengelasan
Teknik Pengelasan
Teknik Pengelasan
Explosion welding
Consumable electrode Non consumable Other processes
Gas metal arc welding Laser beam welding
Gas tungsten arc welding
Shielded metal arc welding Thermit welding
Atomic hydrogen welding
Submerged arc welding Electron beam welding
Plasma arc welding
Flux cored arc welding
Electrogas welding
Electroslag welding
Las Gas
Pengelasan dengan gas dilakukan
dengan membakar bahan bakar gas
dengan O2 sehingga menimbulkan nyala
api dengan suhu yang dapat mencairkan
logam induk dan logam pengisi. Bahan
bakar yang biasa digunakan adalah gas
asetilen , gas propan atau hydrogen, yang
paling banyak digunakan gas asetilen
sehingga sering di sebut las oksi-asetilen
Oxyacetylene Welding (OAW)
Fusion welding performed by a high
temperature flame from combustion of
acetylene and oxygen
Flame is directed by a welding torch
Filler metal is sometimes added
Composition must be similar to base metal
Filler rod often coated with flux to clean
surfaces and prevent oxidation
Oxyacetylene Welding
Figure 31.13 (a) Spot welding cycle, (b) plot of squeezing force & current
in cycle (1) parts inserted between electrodes, (2) electrodes close,
force applied, (3) current on, (4) current off, (5) electrodes opened.
Resistance Seam Welding
Uses rotating wheel electrodes to
produce a series of overlapping spot
welds along lap joint
Can produce airtight joints
Gasoline tanks
Automobile mufflers
Various other sheet metal containers
Resistance Seam Welding
Figure 31.28 Friction welding (FRW): (1) rotating part, no contact; (2)
parts brought into contact to generate friction heat; (3) rotation
stopped and axial pressure applied; and (4) weld created.
Applications / Limitations of
Shafts and tubular parts
Industries: automotive, aircraft, farm equipment,
petroleum and natural gas
At least one of the parts must be rotational
Flash must usually be removed
Upsetting reduces the part lengths (which must be taken
into consideration in product design)
Ultrasonic Welding (USW)
Two components are held together, oscillatory shear
stresses of ultrasonic frequency are applied to interface
to cause coalescence
Oscillatory motion breaks down any surface films to allow
intimate contact and strong metallurgical bonding
between surfaces
Although heating of surfaces occurs, temperatures are
well below Tm
No filler metals, fluxes, or shielding gases
Generally limited to lap joints on soft materials such as
aluminum and copper
Ultrasonic Welding
= o + k / d1/2
3. Konsentrasi tegangan
4. Prosedur Pengelasan
a. Kemampuan Prosedur
Dalam produksi dikenal istilah 5 M ( manusia, mesin, material, metode, manajemen
b. Hal-hal yg harus diperhatikan dalam prosedur pengelasan
- posisi elektroda harus pada tempat yg semestinya
- juru las harus mdapat melihat busur listrik yg terjadi
-Harus diusahakan pengelasan dilakukan pada posisi alamiah
c. menghindari retak las
- pemilihan bahan
- dlm perencanaan penghalangdan penahan dibuat seminimal mungkin
- harus dihindari konstruksi yg memperbesar celah akar
- pemilihan geometri sambungan yg tepat
d. Pemilihan betuk alurdan sambungan yg tepat
5. Biaya