International Tuition Fees: Macquarie Business School

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International Tuition Fees

Undergraduate students

Macquarie Business School

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Commencing Indicative
Course code Course name Indicative
type fee per
annual fee
credit point
Continuing and
C000117 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies $495 $39,600
BACTST-T1 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Continuing $495 $39,600
BACTST-T2 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with the
BACSTBSC-T Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with the
BACSTBSC-T1 Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with the
BACSTBSC-T2 Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Advanced Information
Continuing and
D000828 Technology and Bachelor of Professional $495 $39,600
Continuing and
C000017 Bachelor of Applied Finance $495 $39,600
BAPF-T2 Bachelor of Applied Finance Continuing $495 $39,600
C000017-M Bachelor of Applied Finance Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor Continuing and
D000002 $495 $39,600
of Actuarial Studies Commencing
Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor Continuing and
D000732 $495 $39,600
of Marketing and Media Commencing
Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor Continuing and
D000008 $495 $39,600
of Professional Accounting Commencing
Bachelor of Applied Finance with
BAFBCOMPA-T Bachelor of Commerce - Professional Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Applied Finance with
BAFBEC-T2 Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
BAFBACST-T Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
BAFBACST-T1 Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
BAFBACST-T2 Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
BAPFBBUSAN-T Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Business Analytics

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Commencing Indicative
Course code Course name Indicative
type fee per
annual fee
credit point
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
degree of Bachelor of Commerce - Continuing $495 $39,600
Professional Accounting
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
degree of Bachelor of Commerce - Continuing $495 $39,600
Professional Accounting
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
degree of Bachelor of Commerce - Continuing $495 $39,600
Professional Accounting
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
BAFBEC-T Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
BAFBEC-T1 Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Applied Finance with the
BAPFLLB-T Continuing $495 $39,600
degree of Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Archaeology and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000733 $470 $37,600
Marketing and Media Commencing
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Continuing and
D000082 $465 $37,200
Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000086 $465 $37,200
Commerce Commencing
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000587 $465 $37,200
Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000734 $470 $37,600
Marketing and Media Commencing
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000830 $465 $37,200
Professional Accounting Commencing
Bachelor of Arts with the degree of
BABCOM-T1 Continuing $460 $36,800
Bachelor of Commerce
Continuing and
C000019 Bachelor of Business Administration $495 $39,600
BBA-T Bachelor of Business Administration Continuing $495 $39,600
BBA-T1 Bachelor of Business Administration Continuing $495 $39,600
C000019-M Bachelor of Business Administration Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Business Administration and Continuing and
D000377 $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of Business Administration and Continuing and
D000736 $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Marketing and Media Commencing
Bachelor of Business Administration and Continuing and
D000080 $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Professional Accounting Commencing
Bachelor of Business Administration with
BBA BA-PSY-T1 Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
Bachelor of Business Administration with
BBABA-T Continuing $495 $39,600
the degree of Bachelor of Arts

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Commencing Indicative
Course code Course name Indicative
type fee per
annual fee
credit point
Bachelor of Business Administration with
BBA-BA-PSY-T the degree of Bachelor of Arts - Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Business Administration with
the degree of Bachelor of Commerce - Continuing $495 $39,600
Professional Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration with
the degree of Bachelor of Commerce - Continuing $495 $39,600
Professional Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration with
the degree of Bachelor of Commerce - Continuing $495 $39,600
Professional Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration with
the degree of Bachelor of Commerce - Continuing $495 $39,600
Professional Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration with
the degree of Bachelor of Commerce - Continuing $495 $39,600
Professional Accounting
Continuing and
C000016 Bachelor of Business Analytics $495 $39,600
BBUSANA-T1 Bachelor of Business Analytics Continuing $495 $39,600
C000016-M Bachelor of Business Analytics Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Business Analytics and Continuing and
D000005 $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of Business Analytics and Continuing and
D000040 $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Professional Accounting Commencing
Continuing and
C000130 Bachelor of Commerce $495 $39,600
BCOMM-T Bachelor of Commerce Continuing $495 $39,600
BCOMM-T1 Bachelor of Commerce Continuing $495 $39,600
C000130-M Bachelor of Commerce Continuing $495 $39,600
BCOMM-T2 Bachelor of Commerce Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Commerce - Professional
BCOMM-PA-T Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Commerce - Professional
BCOMM-PA-T1 Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Commerce - Professional
BCPABBANA-T Accounting with the degree of Bachelor Continuing $495 $39,600
of Business Analytics
Bachelor of Commerce - Professional
BCPABBANA-T1 Accounting with the degree of Bachelor Continuing $495 $39,600
of Business Analytics
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000380 $495 $39,600
Applied Finance Commencing

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Commencing Indicative
Course code Course name Indicative
type fee per
annual fee
credit point
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000455 $495 $39,600
Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000481 $495 $39,600
Business Analytics Commencing
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000588 $495 $39,600
Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000740 $495 $39,600
Marketing and Media Commencing
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000831 $495 $39,600
Professional Accounting Commencing
Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of
BCOMBA-PSY-T Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
BCOMBA-PSY- Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of
Continuing $495 $39,600
T1 Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of
BCOMBLAWS-T Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of
BCOMBSC-T Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of
BCOMBSC-T2 Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Commerce with the degree of
BCOMBSC-T1 Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Cyber Security and Bachelor Continuing and
D000070 $495 $39,600
of Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of Cyber Security and Bachelor Continuing and
D000482 $495 $39,600
of Business Analytics Commencing
Bachelor of Cyber Security and Bachelor Continuing and
D000563 $495 $39,600
of Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Cyber Security and Bachelor Continuing and
D000577 $495 $39,600
of Professional Accounting Commencing
Continuing and
C000119 Bachelor of Economics $495 $39,600
BECON-T Bachelor of Economics Continuing $495 $39,600
BECON-T1 Bachelor of Economics Continuing $495 $39,600
C000119-M Bachelor of Economics Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000004 $495 $39,600
Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000457 $495 $39,600
Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000071 $495 $39,600
Business Analytics Commencing
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000742 $495 $39,600
Marketing and Media Commencing

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Commencing Indicative
Course code Course name Indicative
type fee per
annual fee
credit point
Bachelor of Economics with the degree of
BECBBANA-T Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Business Analytics
Bachelor of Environment and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000012 $490 $39,200
Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Environment and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000484 $490 $39,200
Business Analytics Commencing
Bachelor of Environment and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000068 $490 $39,200
Economics Commencing
BGLOBALBUS-T Bachelor of Global Business Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Human Sciences and Bachelor Continuing and
D000014 $490 $39,200
of Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Human Sciences and Bachelor Continuing and
D000061 $490 $39,200
of Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Human Sciences and Bachelor Continuing and
D000746 $490 $39,200
of Marketing and Media Commencing
Bachelor of Information Technology and Continuing and
D000127 $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Commencing
Bachelor of International Studies and Continuing and
D000385 $480 $38,400
Bachelor of Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of International Studies and Continuing and
D000013 $480 $38,400
Bachelor of Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of International Studies and Continuing and
D000748 $480 $38,400
Bachelor of Marketing and Media Commencing
Bachelor of Linguistics and Language
Continuing and
D000028 Sciences and Bachelor of Marketing and $460 $36,800
Continuing and
C000021 Bachelor of Marketing and Media $495 $39,600
BMKTGMEDIA-T Bachelor of Marketing and Media Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Marketing and Media Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Marketing and Media Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Marketing and Media Continuing $495 $39,600
C000021-M Bachelor of Marketing and Media Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences and Continuing and
D000001 $490 $39,200
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Commencing
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences and Continuing and
D000389 $490 $39,200
Bachelor of Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences and Continuing and
D000595 $490 $39,200
Bachelor of Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Media and Communications Continuing and
D000464 $465 $37,200
and Bachelor of Business Administration Commencing

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Commencing Indicative
Course code Course name Indicative
type fee per
annual fee
credit point
Bachelor of Media and Communications Continuing and
D000081 $465 $37,200
and Bachelor of Commerce Commencing
Bachelor of Media and Communications Continuing and
D000596 $465 $37,200
and Bachelor of Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Media and Communications Continuing and
D000752 $470 $37,600
and Bachelor of Marketing and Media Commencing
Bachelor of Medical Sciences and Continuing and
D000391 $490 $39,200
Bachelor of Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of Medical Sciences and Continuing and
D000465 $490 $39,200
Bachelor of Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Medical Sciences and Continuing and
D000494 $490 $39,200
Bachelor of Business Analytics Commencing
Bachelor of Medical Sciences and Continuing and
D000030 $490 $39,200
Bachelor of Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000466 $465 $37,200
Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000754 $470 $37,600
Marketing and Media Commencing
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000843 $465 $37,200
Professional Accounting Commencing
Continuing and
C000014 Bachelor of Professional Accounting $495 $39,600
C000014-M Bachelor of Professional Accounting Continuing $495 $39,600
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D006279 $490 $39,200
Actuarial Studies Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000396 $490 $39,200
Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D006268 $490 $39,200
Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000469 $490 $39,200
Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D006275 $490 $39,200
Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000022 $490 $39,200
Business Analytics Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D006308 $490 $39,200
Business Analytics Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D006292 $490 $39,200
Commerce Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D000021 $490 $39,200
Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D006281 $490 $39,200
Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D006276 $490 $39,200
Marketing and Media Commencing
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Commencing Indicative
Course code Course name Indicative
type fee per
annual fee
credit point
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Continuing and
D006300 $490 $39,200
Professional Accounting Commencing
Bachelor of Security Studies and Bachelor Continuing and
D000009 $490 $39,200
of Applied Finance Commencing
Bachelor of Security Studies and Bachelor Continuing and
D000470 $490 $39,200
of Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Security Studies and Bachelor Continuing and
D000016 $490 $39,200
of Business Analytics Commencing
Bachelor of Security Studies and Bachelor Continuing and
D000602 $490 $39,200
of Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor Continuing and
D000471 $480 $38,400
of Business Administration Commencing
Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor Continuing and
D000559 $480 $38,400
of Commerce Commencing
Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor Continuing and
D000603 $480 $38,400
of Economics Commencing
Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor Continuing and
D006333 $480 $38,400
of Professional Accounting Commencing
Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences Continuing and
D000762 $510 $40,800
and Bachelor of Marketing and Media Commencing

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