Term 2 Week 1

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Lightning Reef Primary School

Term 2, Week 1
27th April, 2011
Dzintra Martin – Interim Principal

Whole School Improvement/Merger Focus

Term 1 : Literacy Term 2 : Numeracy Term 3 : Inquiry Learning Term 4 :
Assessment & Reporting

Monday 25th April PUBLIC HOLIDAY

W Tuesday 26th April PUBLIC HOLIDAY

E Wednesday 27th April 10.45 Nolan St Team : quick mtg Staff Room
1.00 Anzac Day Ceremony Holmes Rd
E 2.00 Anzac Day Ceremony Nolan St
3.30 LRPS Teaching Team/ Mtg Nolan St
K Thursday 28th April 8.00 Ron Lake /Dz Reg Office
2.00 Admin Team Nolan St
Friday 29th April 8.45 Assembly Holmes Rd

Monday 2nd May 8.45 Assembly Nolan St

1.30 Regional Director’s Mtg Reg Off
W 3.30 Merger Teams Holmes Rd
Tuesday 3rd May 7.50 OH&S Team Nolan St
E 3.30 CLC P-2 / Lifting Numeracy Holmes Rd
CLC 3-6 / Lifting Literacy Nolan St
Wednesday 4th May
K Thursday 5th May 3.30 Leadership Team Nolan St

2 Friday 6th May 8.45 Assembly (time TBC) Holmes Rd

Welcome back to everyone – I hope you have all had a terrific break. Isn’t it great having Easter &
the extra day for Anzac Day at the end of the holidays???!!! Once again, another busy term. If we
continue to support each other and let people know how we are travelling, we should have another
successful term.

 Thanks to Mandy C for her persistence and excellent submissions for 2 students for D&I
funding – both have been successful. For one of these students the process was started in
term 3 last year.
 Thank you to everyone for the successful Let’s Celebrate : Making Better Choices day on
the last day of term. With further feedback we will be able to make further improvements –
there were few parts of the process that needs to be re-visited. It’s great to have seen
everyone enjoying the activities.

1. Staff Changes
 Graham Gordon has made a decision to resign – effective Friday 15 th July 2011. Graham will
be taking long service leave till then. I do appreciate his offer to help us out – especially for
the 1st 3 days of this term. I wish him the very best for the future.
 Debbie Payne is the successful applicant at Huntly PS beginning 23/5/2011. I also wish her
the very best for the future.
 I will make announcements shortly re how we manage the above roles ……..
2. Long Service Leave : the following people will be taking leave this term :
Lisa Welch : weeks 1 & 2
Mandi Jennings : weeks 4 to end of week 7
Jann Watson : 2 weeks in May
Kellie Parsons : week 10
Dzintra : week 10
As can be seen, there are many staff taking leave, for this to happen to this degree, it does mean we
all have to support each other to ensure smooth transition. Thank you to all.

Creating & Supporting A Performance & Development Culture

1. Meeting Schedule : this is being emailed as a separate document. There are essentially 4
components to it :
1. LRPS Teaching Team with a professional learning focus – I will share the
framework for this Wednesday. These will mainly take place on a Monday, however,
the reality is that sometimes these need to be changed. Where possible, we will
simply swap the Mon & Tuesday focus around.
2. Combined Learning Community– with an explicit focus on individual student
learning, coaching, professional learning & management. A framework for these will
also be presented Wednesday. Thanks to Kellie for her creative thinking, we will all
need to get used to the following : NLC – Nolan St Learning Community P-2 or 3-6;
HLC – Holmes Rd Learning Community P-2 or 3-6; CLC – Combined Learning
Communities P-2 or 3-6. Most of these will be combined and be held on a Tuesday
where possible.
3. Merger Teams - Lifting Literacy, Lifting Numeracy, Inquiry Learning, Student
Engagement will be held 2 x per term. These will be held on a Monday. Leadership
Teams will meet every 2 weeks…. mostly on a Monday.
4. Consultative Team, OH&S Team, FFS Team, Admin Team – these will be held at
agreed times.
5. The Executive Team – Dz, Mandy C & Graham’s replacement – will meet weekly.
The Admin Team – will meet once every 2 weeks.
The Leadership Team has decided that meetings in most cases will be combined and we will
continue to alternate campuses.
2. Term 2 calendar : thanks to Graham for organising this. Additional events cannot be added
without appropriate consultation and approval by the Leadership Team.
3. Ultranet mini lessons for anyone interested (including ES Team) : thanks to Mel, these will
be on the 1st Thursday of the month.
IT>PM – 3rd Thursday of every month……both @ Nolan St
These are optional – please keep track of what you attend for evidence of prof learning for
the Perf Review process & for VIT registration.
4. Extra hour non face to face : this is a logistic challenge!! I’m optimistic this will sorted out
soon. Thank you to those people who have made suggestions.

Family / Student Engagement

1. Agenda : Monday May 2nd

 Review merger plan term1 & 2, redraft if necessary
 Review data
 Assign tasks to individuals

2. Making Better Choices Focus Term 2 weeks 1-5

“Following a teacher’s instructions” – some discussion needs to occur around language used…ie.
Can it be rephrased to “doing as asked” do we change ‘teacher’ to adults…… we have many adults
working with students who are not teachers……. Discussion at Wednesday’s meeting
3. Term 2 : No hats for students as per Sunsmart policy

Literacy / Merger Plan

1. Agenda : Monday May 2nd

 Review merger plan term1 & 2, redraft if necessary
 Review data
 Assign tasks to individuals

Numeracy / Merger Plan

1. Agenda : Monday May 2nd

 Review merger plan term1 & 2, redraft if necessary
 Review data
 Assign tasks to individuals

Inquiry Learning / Merger Plan

1. Agenda : Monday May 2nd

 Review merger plan term1 & 2, redraft if necessary
 Review data
 Assign tasks to individuals

Assessment & Reporting / Merger Plan

1. 

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