The Stamp Technique For Direct Composite Restorations
The Stamp Technique For Direct Composite Restorations
The Stamp Technique For Direct Composite Restorations
9(10), 703-706
Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/13598
Fatima Zahra Amessegher1, Abderrahmane Andoh2, Said Dhaimy3 and Hafsa EL Merini4
1. Resident in the Conjoint Prosthodontics and Occclusodontics Department, School of Dentistry, Hassan II
University of Casablanca- Morocco.
2. Head of the Department of Conjoint Prosthetics and Occlusodontics, School of Dentistry, Hassan II University
of Casablanca- Morocco.
3. University Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Hassan II
University of Casablanca- Morocco.
4. Head of the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Hassan II University
of Casablanca- Morocco.
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History Intoduction: A high level of aestheticscanonlybeachieved by
Received: 28 August 2021 refiningold techniques and introducing new ones. One of the
Final Accepted: 30 September 2021 mostrecent techniques is the "stamptechnique".Thisis a relatively new
Published: October 2021 methodthat manages to restore the occlusal anatomyalmostperfectly.
Althoughitispractical, it has been adopted by only a smallpercentage of
Key words:-
Stamptechnique ,Esthetic Direct practitioners.
Composite, Case Report Methods:This technique wasused on two patients with occlusal caries
of differentseverity, whichallowed for an estheticfillingwith a close
approximation of the natural dental anatomy.
Results:An estheticrestorationwithoutretouching
andwithoutoverbiteallowing a hormonal integration in the occlusion.
Discussion:This isbecausemanualrestoration in esthetic direct
composite is a technique thatrequiresskill and finesse and
finishingthatis essential for the longevity of the restoration. With the
buffer technique the overall time isreduced and the degree of porosity
in the restorationisconsiderablyreduced. The purpose of this article is to
clarifythis technique, to discussits limitations and indications as to
illustrateitsprotocolthrough a clinical case.
For the abovereasonswhy not consider the development of a new method of restauration, whichcouldallowan exact
rehabilitationidentical to the initial dental structure?
This is the principle of the « Stamp Technique »whichsucceeds in restoring the occlusal anatomyalmostperfectly;
this technique consists of making an impression of the decayed occlusal surface, whichisthenapplied to the final
restoration composite beforeitis light-cured to impose the original shape of the tooth.
Infact, the manualrestoration in direct aesthetic composite is a technique thatrequiresskills, finesse and a
finishingtouchthatare essential for the longevity of the restoration. With the stamp technique the overall time
isreduced and the degree of porosity in the restorationisconsiderablyreduced.
However,theonly scenario in which the stamp technique is possibleiswhen the tooth has intact
anatomicalcharacteristics and an occlusal surfacethatis not damageddespite the presence of a cariouslesion.
This implies surprise caries withclinically imperceptible cavitation. The technique itselfconsists of an impression of
the occlusal surface in the form of an isomouldbeforeanypreparation, sothatthis impression canbeusedlater on to
sculpt the future restoration.
This technique presentsomebenefitssuch asavoiding the risks and consequences of a posteriorrestorationthatdoes not
meet the physiologicalcriteria of occlusion.
The purpose of this article is to describe the method andpresent thematerialnecessary for the implementation of
arestorationusingthe stamptechniquethrough 2 clinical cases.
Case Reports
Case n°1
A 25 yearoldfemale patient showcased an occlusal and mesial caries on the 37 (Site 1 stage 2 and Site 2 stage 2
according to the Si/Sta classification and class I and II according to Black's classification withpreservation of the
marginal ridge).
The removal of teethdecaysiscarried out in a non invasive way in order to save the none decayed tissues. (figure4)
The usualsteps of a composite reconstruction are realised, the composite resinisappliedlayer by layer. (figure5)
During the last application and before the light-curing, thereadystampisrepositioned on the occlusal surface,
interposing a tape of Teflon in order to avoid the adhesion of the composite of the isomoulding to the composite of
reconstitution (figure6) then a light-curingafterdelicatewithdrawal of the Teflonsheet (figure7). Pictureafterfinishing.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 703-706
Case n°2
A 21 yearoldfemale patient showcased an occlusal cariouslesion on the 26 (Site 1.Stage 2according to Si/Sta’s
classification and (Class I) according to Black'sClassifications) (Figure 9). To impress the occlusal anatomy a heavy
C-silicone key wasrebasedwithits light silicone to reproduce the relief of the occlusal surface via the good
fluidityoffered by thismaterial (Figure 11). After isolation of the tooth and removal of decayed dental tissues, the
restorationwith composite layer by layer wasmade (Figure 12). During the last application of the composite and
before the final light curing, the silicone impression isrepositioned on the occlusal surface with digital pressure and
then gently removed. (Figure13and 14). Picture of the restorationjustafter the light curing and (Figure15) a
The "stamp technique" canbeused in multiple cases. It isuseful in the case of sulcus caries or hidden caries called
surprise and even for proximal cavitieswhere the occlusal anatomyispreserved. (1)
Inmatter of fact, the preservation of the initial morphology of the original occlusal anatomyis the major asset of this
technique (2). Moreover, thismethodis time saving, once the technique isacquired, since the stampallows to
reproduce the occlusion in one gesture. And with the removal of the Teflonsheet or the key, only the excess
composite that has blown off isremoved. Alsoamong the advantageswe have minimal requirement of finishing and
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 703-706
This technique alsoavoidsoverbite and thusprevents occlusal trauma. (2) In addition, the pressure exerted by the
stampreduces the formation of oxygenbubbleswithin the composite(4).
The stamp techniquedoes not requireanyspecific instruments for itsrealization. A microbrush, aflowable composite
and a Teflon tape are the minimum required for itsrealisation. It shouldbenotedthat the flowable composite used for
the realization of the stampcanbereplaced by liquid dyke, or acrylic/calcinable resin or even silicones and the
Teflontapecanbereplaced by stretchable transparent film.
However, the major disadvantage of this technique isitsindication, whichremainsverylimited. Inactualfact, it must
beused on an intact occlusal surface or at least partiallyintact surface withmicroscopicaltissue lost, i.e. class 1, 2, 3
and 4 of the ICDAS classification (5).
Also, thistechnique requiressomelearning time. The development of the stamp and its use are
twostepsthatcanbedelicate and requirea certain dexterityfrom the operator.
Furthermore, beforeadding the Teflon tape, itisnecessary to know how to manage the quantity of composite to
polymerize, withoutdisturbing the insertion of the stamp. The last layer of composite must be as thin as possible
(about 1mm) in order to limit the shrinkage stress as much as possible. (6)
The impression of a decayed but morphologically intact occlusal surface prior to a restorationoffers the ability to
achieve a treatmentthatperfectlymeets occlusal expectations. The establishment of thismethod and the
accuratemorphological reproduction itoffersmakesit one of the conservative dentistrytechniques to joindaily practice
of dentistswhen all the conditions for itsoperation are met.
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